There are thousands of colonies on hundreds of worlds.  Are they just rumors and fanciful works of fiction… or something more?  Come take a look for yourself.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary/Sequence
  2. Why Colonize?
  3. Colonization Timeline
  4. Colonies by Era
  5. Current Milky Way Planets Ripe for Colonial Efforts
  6. 3rd Mortgage, Refinancing, Foreclosure, and Filing for Bankruptcy
  7. Sing Along to the Tune of “A Whole New World” from Aladdin
  8. If You Are Interested in Colonization
  9. Colony Views/Images/Examples



  1. Scouts go to determine if a world can be terraformed/inhabited, or at least mined.
  2. Terraformers go second.
  3. Colonists go to start a colony/civilization.
  4. Settlers go to expand that civilization.
  5. The military usually only shows up when needed, and sometimes they don’t even patrol certain regions –of worlds or Space. Militaries historically rarely make up more than 1% of a population, so they remain “stretched thin”.


Why Colonize?

To some, the idea of daring across the vacuum of vast Outer Space… to attempt to live on a world with conditions never experienced before… is understandably daunting, even considered impossible.  Many times, however, conditions out there are found to be far more favorable than conventional modern human thinking tends to assume.  There are those who even love this thrilling type of life, not just going out to help colonize one world, …but continuing from world to world and system to system, helping prepare (i.e. scout, tame, and terraform) many more.

Here are some of the many perks of being a colonist:

  • paid to develop land –instead of having to pay to live on it
  • the thrill of exploration/pioneering; going where no one has gone
  • freedom to explore wherever you want; almost no property markers or territories set yet
  • choosing how a community or culture starts, or how you wish to modify/upgrade/fix your own
  • seeing entirely new and different skies
  • feeling different gravity and atmospheric pressure
  • seeding crops/life; greening / re-greening the Universe
  • spreading the economy/influence/power of your nation/empire/corporation/family
  • knowing you are as brave and self-reliant/sustaining as they come
  • inspiring others to follow your lead ‘across the stars’
  • finding valuable resources that are entirely yours to tap into and benefit/profit from
  • being regarded as the interesting/sexy foreigner/alien/astronaut –no matter how normal/average you were back on your homeworld
  • escape from persecution/criminalization; unless you are a famous war criminal, almost no one will ever be able to justify the expense of going to another world to retrieve/extradite you –or be able to come up with that kind of money in the first place

Unless you are successful, rich, living exactly where and how you want, and enjoying the luxury of many great friends and family, there is probably not much that could persuade you to stay where you are… when so much more opportunity awaits… out there.


Colonization Timeline:

Contrary to the U.S. propaganda, others were first to the Moon and beyond.  Colonization out there also began more than a few decades before the U.S. said they got there.  Most places today… actually are already fully colonized, not even allowing humans (Americans or otherwise) to get anywhere close.

  • 1930s:  Germany to the Moon
  • 1940s:  Germany to Mars
  • 1950s:  Germany to the gas giant moons
  • 1960s:  Germany beyond the solar system
  • 1970s:  America to Mars
  • 1980s:  America to the gas giant moons
  • 2000s:  America beyond the solar system

As you can infer, there was more than one Space program, and at least one of them was kept secret.

The Secret Space Program (SSP) was kept from the mainstream in order to ensure that any possible disasters went unreported, thereby never affecting funding.  Additionally, funds were siphoned through ‘Black Projects’ and other means into a separate economy until there was enough transferred to allow it to function all on its own.  Whenever surges of extra funding was needed for various exploration, colonization, or Deep Space defense campaigns, those losses were blamed on the Earth‘s ‘bank bailouts’ and wars, cleverly keeping public outrage directed ‘next door’, and to institutions that could never really be harmed by any negative responses.  (When, really, wars were kept very cheap, and banks never needed help at all.)

Once many of the worlds within humanity’s interstellar reach had been secretly charted and cleared of all hazards by the SSP (decades after their start), with only the successes of such ventures ever revealed, the public would have a much better feeling about becoming the next wave of colonists and pioneers out there, and would be much more likely to volunteer (thinking themselves alone, no significant intelligences/threats found to contend with).  They’d also be stabilized by the sense of pride that comes from thinking they are the brave firsts.

In short, the military goes first, and without telling a soul; the civilians come next, and are allowed and encouraged to believe whatever pleases them and spurs them ever onward in support of the secret spearhead.  Perhaps this was how it was when the Americas and all other places in history were discovered.  (And even some of the nations still on Earth, fancying themselves superpowers, are really just designed to believe that because it keeps them more productive… as unaware servants of those who came and went before.)

And, of course, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to colonizing worlds other than Earth; it has been going on long before the SSP started doing it, and will continue long after –possibly forever.


Colonies by Era:

Prehistoric Times

  1. ? – worlds and stars were much closer back in the First Age/Time, and people were demi-gods, able to understand, sense, and do far more, making colonization much easier; it might not be correct to call the manifestations and settlements of those places colonies, due to how connected they started as (physically, telepathically, etc.)
  2. worlds colonized (and even formed, not just terraformed) by the Ainur (mostly the Valar in the void, then the Maiar on/in the surface/s)
  3. Gor
  4. worlds colonized by the Anunnaki
  5. worlds colonized by the Forerunners (Halo)
  6. worlds colonized by the Reptilians/Draco
  7. (more TBA)

Ancient Times

  1. Draenor (World of WarCraft)
  2. the many worlds of the Star Wars galaxy
  3. worlds colonized by the Elves (later known as Eldar)
  4. worlds colonized by the Kryptonians
  5. worlds colonized by the Mala’kak “Space Jockeys” (Alien/s)
  6. worlds colonized by the people/”Ancients” of (Stargate)
  7. worlds colonized by the people of The League of 20,000 Planets (Lexx)
  8. worlds the Burning Legion (Elementals/Demons in World of WarCraft) established footholds on
  9. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by NYMZA
  2. (more TBA)


  1. Moon
  2. Mars
  3. moons of Jupiter
  4. moons of Saturn
  5. moons of Uranus
  6. moons of Neptune
  7. Pluto
  8. worlds colonized by the 4th Reich (before it named/officiated Dark Fleet)
  9. worlds in the local solar neighborhood (colonized by various groups/civilizations)
  10. (more TBA)


  1. the worlds colonized by humans and others before and during The Forever War
  2. (more TBA)


  1. Aurora (one of the planets colonized by the German SSP; by Dark Fleet)
  2. worlds colonized by Dark Fleet (SSP)
  3. worlds colonized by Solar Warden (SSP)
  4. worlds colonized by the people of (Robotech)
  5. worlds colonized due to findings of the Kepler Tally
  6. worlds made by the Inisfreeans (ICVs) in Star-system Auzdein (SSA)
  7. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by aliens Starfleet knew of
  2. worlds colonized by Starfleet / the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
  3. worlds colonized by the Systems Alliance (in Mass Effect)
  4. worlds terraformed/colonized by the Weyland-Yutani corporation (Alien/s)
  5. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by the settlers/prisoners sent on the super-carriers to the Koprulu sector of the Milky Way galaxy
  2. worlds colonized by the United Earth Directorate (UED)
  3. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by the migrants from Earth to all the systems along the way to 34 Tauri (Firefly)
  2. worlds colonized by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC; in Halo)
  3. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by the people of (BattleMech / BattleSpace / BattleTech / MechWarrior)
  2. (more TBA)


  1. colonies lost during the Human-Covenant War (Halo)
  2. worlds colonized by the people of (Pitch Black, and The Chronicles of Riddick)
  3. (more TBA)


  1. 5 worlds in the New Eden cluster of another galaxy (EVE Online)
  2. hundreds of worlds spread out across dozens of regions of that cluster of that galaxy
  3. (more TBA)


  1. tens of thousands of worlds colonized by the people of New Eden (EVE Online) during their Age of Expansion
  2. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by the people of (Dune), in and beyond the Milky Way galaxy
  2. (more TBA)


  1. worlds colonized by the people of (Warhammer 40,000)
  2. (more TBA)

Near/Unspecified Future

  1. worlds colonized/ruled by the Terran Hanseatic League (a.k.a. “Hansa”, in The Saga of Seven Suns), spanning much of one spiral-arm of the Milky Way galaxy
  2. (more TBA)

Distant Future

  1. worlds colonized by The Core and The Arm (Total Annihilation); more than 1,000,000 destroyed/ruined by the war between them, and totaling billions (because, as it is said, most of the Milky Way galaxy was colonized)
  2. worlds colonized by the evolved people of The Human Empire (Aorlie)
  3. Ideal World (of Inisfree)
  4. (more TBA)

Current Milky Way Planets Ripe for Colonial Efforts:

The following are some of the many planets introduced in Mass Effect, said to’ve been discovered in the 2100s, and which remained undeveloped in the aftermath of the Reaper(s) War.  There are other colony-worlds out there, of course, and some which are too classified to list here.  In the future, more worlds will be added below; some are not yet approved of as places humans will be welcome to set up a colony.



  • Outward Aesthetic:  sea-green
  • Investment Point:  Silica, carbonaceous mat’s, and equatorial sites with millions of elaborate crypts (of the Zeioph; a long-extinct Space-faring species) a few meters below the surface.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  purple
  • Investment Point:  Core contains many radioactives and other heavy elements, and there is volcanism (bringing valuable mat’s to the surface) with no plate tectonics (no earthquakes).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  sporadic mini-continents of beaches
  • Investment Point:  Carbon dioxide and ethane frozen to the ground (easy to collect dense shipments already cooled for maximum shipment packing).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  Amazon and Congo rain-forests with scattered Great Lakes
  • Investment Point:  High pressure and ammonia.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  teal rocky, with pink-gray desert strip above the equator
  • Investment Point:  Equatorial remains of a primate-like Space-faring civilization; some creatures still wearing suits for extravehicular activity.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  crimson and salmon-colored craters
  • Investment Point:  1) High density & active plate tectonics = >normal concentration of heavy elements & radioactives; mineral richness, and possibility for subterranean development, 2) atmosphere = smog of methane, ammonia, & water vapor; “primordial soup” ~ early Earth, 3) dextro-amino acids.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  forests and prairies, dark purple seas
  • Investment Point:  1) Surface is ethane-soaked mush, 2) supports a diverse, simple, & slow-moving carbon-based ecology, 3) atmosphere = molecular nitrogen & carbon monoxide.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  pewter, gray dust, and clouds
  • Investment Point:  1) Habitable, 2) averages below-freezing temp’s; equatorial climate tolerable for agriculture, 3) junk left behind by the Quarians fleeing impending orbital bombardment due to an eviction notice for illegal premature colonization clogs up portions of the landscape; excellent salvage opportunities.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  golden fields and plateaus, Aegean lake spatterings
  • Investment Point:  1) Super-terrestrial world; 1/3 > Earth, “post-garden” state, now waterless (no floods risk), 2) most of the atmosphere lost (no re-entry burn-up risk), 3) few relics found suggest an advanced Space-faring culture thrived on the world from ~20-40 MYA.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  yellow and pale brown crags and mammoth dunes
  • Investment Point:  Untouched.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  forests, jungles and swamps, snow-free Himalayas
  • Investment Point:  Frozen rock, 1) life-bearing; small equatorial farm belt, well-insulated marine life in its seas, 2) vast underground Krogan bunkers, 3) home to corporate ecoengineering efforts trying to implement sustainable agri- & aqua-culture practices after some overfishing and pollution.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  green tornado haze over chocolate with a gold ribbon
  • Investment Point:  1) Temperate zones, atmosphere is primarily nitrogen & oxygen, dextro-amino-acid-based life, supports life easily, 2) deserts with a minimal number of pest species, 3) tropical belt largely unexplored, 4) surface crust has high concentrations of alumina & silver.​



  • Outward Aesthetic:  soft, light-brown dusting around radiant, lush, Irish forests & meadows
  • Investment Point:  Rock & ice, atmosphere of chlorine & argon, frozen toxic surface mainly composed of potassium with iron deposits, decades of heavy excavations (easy to establish uncontested bunker complexes shielded from radiation and bombardments).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  pink, purple, lavender, and forest-green
  • Investment Point:  Arid terrestrial, slightly > Earth, wide deserts of dust-fine sand that are easily stirred by the wind, lower density reflects its relative lack of heavier elements, 1) crust composed of tin & aluminum (easily mined), 2) most striking feature is the Great Rift valley that stretches across the southern hemisphere, appearing to be made by a “glancing blow” from a mass accelerator round of unimaginable destructive power (occurring ~37 MYA).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  red, brown, and cream; the rich coffee gas-giant
  • Investment Point:  Hydrogen-helium gas giant, faint ring system, 1) good helium-3 fuel & recycled waste products source, 2) “rust belt” of decrepit refueling stations & abandoned habitats on its moons (good for hiding and the slave trade).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  moon-dust and pale-lavender salt-flats and sink-holes
  • Investment Point:  Earth-sized, exploration by robo-miners has recovered iridium from the crust.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  dirty-blonde mane with a snow-capped gray mountain belt
  • Investment Point:  Tidally locked Venusian hot-house, surface perpetually obscured by clouds of sulfur & carbon dioxide, and littered with crushed, corroded remains of ships of Krogan who attempted to land and exit naked to prove their strength (excellent salvage opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  dusty, gray-brown, with dark-gray sea strips
  • Investment Point:  1) Almost habitable temperature & abundant water, 2) no signs of life (open for all types of colonization & industry), 3) regular supervolcanic eruptions (getting valuable minerals to the surface) in the southern hemisphere have shrouded the sun & led to that region’s indefinite winter (perfect for cold weather equipment R+D).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  soft melon blue, yellow, and orange
  • Investment Point:  1) Standard hydrogen-helium gas giant (familiar and easy to work with), 2) many strange disturbances once reported in the cloud bands, suggesting many remarkably large solid objects were present beneath the cloud tops. As the investigating ship approached, however, they subsided one by one, and have not been reported since (possible alien air-whales, ships, or appendages of a living planet; a first-contact opportunity).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  oceans, reefs, and sandy island chains
  • Investment Point:  1) An extremely rare example of a habitable world circling a red dwarf star (tourism opportunities; sight-seeing), it is low-density, 2) composed of rock, light metals, and a water-based crust (easily mined), tidally locked to Fathar with a sunward “hot pole” and shadowed “cold pole”. Water on the sunward side evaporates quickly, traveling over the islands of the 3) habitable terminator zone (surface colonization opportunities) in the form of 4) massive fast-moving thunderstorms (opportunities for wind farms for indefinite free ‘green’ (clean) energy) and finally 5) settling as snow on the frozen dark side (skiing and snowboarding resort opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  vibrant, radiant purple sheen with sand traps
  • Investment Point:  Dense rock, thick methane-ammonia atmosphere, large university, some kidnapping and slave trading.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  gas-giant; blue and gray latitudinal bands
  • Investment Point:  Hydrogen-methane gas giant with rumored lost massive stockpiles of Element Zero somewhere amongst its moons or the other worlds of this system (treasure opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  hazy gray-lavender prairies, and deep-blue-green forests
  • Investment Point:  Large rock world, unusually thin atmosphere of hydrogen & carbon monoxide, 1) frigid crust contains extensive deposits of uranium, & occasional lodes of naturally occurring plutonium, 2) total mass >4x Earth’s = it should have a significantly thicker atmosphere; this unusual feature has flagged it as worthy of scientific investigation (*expensive amounts of radiation shielding required).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  shadowy sapphire plains, and snow-capped mountains
  • Investment Point:  The 2nd of the Macedon system’s giant terrestrial planets, and by far the more interesting; most of the surface covered by a vast sea of liquid ammonia, in which a unique aquatic ammonia-based biosphere has developed. While the frozen continents are largely bereft of life, a rich bounty of complex organisms — many larger than a human — flourish in the chilly, toxic seas.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  dusty ruby and lavender
  • Investment Point:  1) A combination of features that make terraforming a possibility; comfortable temperatures & a mild atmosphere of mostly nitrogen & argon mean it could be habitable with the addition of oxygen-producing cyanobacteria. 2) Its crust is high in silicates & carbon, allowing for easy fabrication of construction materials. 3) Smugglers, pirates, and other unregistered starships sometimes touch down here to lay low or make repairs (business, trade, and alliances opportunities).

Preying Mouth:

  • Outward Aesthetic:  radiant brown and cinnamon bands with purple haze rings
  • Investment Point:  Hydrogen-helium gas giant, a ship-killing enigma; the Bermuda Triangle of the Terminus Systems. Too many ships have been lost here for it to be happenstance. Theories as to why ships never return from here include undetectable space debris such as old disruptor torpedoes and magnetic mines from a long-forgotten war, or even miniature black holes (good opportunity for daring reconnaissance and planetology). Due to the large number of ships lost when attempting to discharge their drive cores in Preying Mouth, the Relic system highly recommends using First Land’s complimentary discharge stations instead.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  shadowy shades of blue, teal, and marble
  • Investment Point:  1) Frozen surface rich with heavy metals, 2) higher than average density suggests further mineral richness in the depths, atmosphere composed of nitrogen & carbon monoxide, 3) remains of a well-developed Prothean mining infrastructure dot the planet; abandoned mines connected to dead cities by collapsed maglev lines, all these ruins still reasonably intact, which allowed looters to strip the silent necropolis of anything valuable (mapping, retrofitting, and minor salvage and reverse engineering opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  forests, jungles and swamps, snow-free Himalayas
  • Investment Point:  Once a large ice dwarf, it was shattered into a field of debris (thousands of tiny moonlets rotating around one another, colliding and ricocheting) by what is assumed to have been the test of an exotic weapons system. Ships that have traveled to the edge of the event’s light cone observed a moment of extreme gravitational lensing around Rothla immediately before its break up, but no other clues (good opportunity for daring reconnaissance).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  Irish-light-green mountain caps, dark, snaking rivers, and a light-teal desert
  • Investment Point:  Large Venusian hot-house, rough weather (wind farms opportunities) & active magnetosphere (suggesting an iron-rich core) has a reputation for confounding or destroying Space probes launched to investigate it, dense atmosphere is largely carbon dioxide & sodium, surface is lime, heavy gravity.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  gray-blue and -green, with a moon-dust band above the equator
  • Investment Point:  Freezing ice storms cover the poles and temperate zones, narrow habitable equatorial strip is dry & windy with minimal terrestrial plant life, no land-based animals, invertebrates grow quite large in its pelagic seas, mining common everywhere for the rich platinum & palladium deposits as well as boron, which is locally used in semiconductor doping.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  rich, Jello-blue
  • Investment Point:  Standard Neptune-type gas giant, hydrogen-helium atmosphere (familiar and easy to collect), upper cloud decks tinted a dramatic blue by traces of methane (tourism; sight-seeing opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  crimson and burgundy splotch minglings
  • Investment Point:  Orbiting closest to the F-class star Amada, this is a blistering, sun-blasted hell. Neither its carbon dioxide nor its weak magnetic field provides any protection from the star’s harsh radiation (excellent for radiation shielding and power conversion R+D). Notable for an unusual purple desert in the southern hemisphere, thought to be the result of eroded spessartite (possible tourism; sight-seeing opportunity).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  baby-blue islands, dusty blue marshes and wetlands, and dark blue lakes
  • Investment Point:  Remote and largely unexplored, carbon dioxide atmosphere has long since frozen into fields of dry ice.


  • Outward Aesthetic:  gas-giant; brown, rust, and pale-green latitudinals
  • Investment Point:  Hydrogen-helium gas giant with a helium-3 collection and the refueling facility nearest to the Nubian Expanse’s mass relay, making it a major gateway to the Verge and Terminus Systems, & famous for its hospitality industry. Tefnut’s motto is known throughout the galaxy: “Like home, only better.” Visitors here can stay at expansive resort stations, watch locally produced entertainment, buy mind-affecting substances not welcome in Citadel space, and rent companionship (such as Registered Companions). Resources are shipped in from Yamm at substantial discounts, allowing the small Space-stations to have surprising luxuries, such as edible arthropods and large amounts of fresh water.

Terra Nova:

  • Outward Aesthetic:  ETW-like
  • Investment Point:  Banded by a harsh equatorial desert, 1) areas closer to the poles are temperate, 2) extensive deposits of platinum (required in the clean-burning hydrogen cells that power private vehicles) attracted a ‘platinum rush’ of immigrants and investment from throughout Alliance Space, 3) has one of the first human extra-solar colonies, & once had the highest population of any Alliance colony (until threats of attack in recent years triggered a mass emigration), 4) a light Reapers force landed but was soon remotely deactivated (phenomenal reverse engineering, salvage, and colony (and mining facilities) reconstruction opportunities).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  gray seas and lavender islands
  • Investment Point:  Frozen, 1) in a backwater solar system (untouched and uncontested), 2) crust has significant amounts of tin, fractional atmosphere with trace amounts of carbon dioxide & carbon monoxide, strange radiation emissions have been charted coming off of Thegan but it is unknown if these are from radioactive elements or merely a star’s radiation reflected by a high-albedo surface (good planetology opportunity).


  • Outward Aesthetic:  Indonesian-like island chains
  • Investment Point:  Punished with (life-killing) UV and Gamma radiation from the F-class star it orbits, nitrogen-rich oxygen-poor atmosphere, covered in seawater (a few proteins have managed to form in the ocean depths), hydrosphere & O-zone layer ~ to Earth’s, 1) served as a way-station for slaves escaping their Batarian masters, what little land it has is 2) tectonically stable, 3) considerable radiation belt & electrical storms grant cover from many common types of sensors.

Millennia from now, mainstream Space humans will also be able to colonize worlds beyond the Milky Way.  A handful of their kind have already pioneered out there, millions of light-years away.  Once big-enough portals / worm-holes are opened to those more-distant regions of Space, thousands more will start to follow.  (Prime example of this:  the coming colonization of New Eden)


3rd Mortgage, Refinancing, Foreclosure, and Filing for Bankruptcy…

…got you down?  Pick out a new home somewhere far away, ignore your severe debts and negative credit score, disregard all laws and morality, and settle in on a new colony planet where no one will find you… until, perhaps, Interpol-of-the-Future notices you by pure chance and slams your sorry ass in a “triple-max” cryo-prison on another world no one has ever heard of.  Think unregistered C.I.A. “black list” prisons are bad?  Try living in purgatory in an indefinite freezer coffin buried 50 miles beneath the surface of a semi-molten rogue world.  Now that’s a vacation!

The list of worlds above is not necessarily of the safest or most lucrative choices, but they are pretty, and pretty is pretty good.  So what if that sounds completely superficial, shallow-minded, and morally void?  Pack your space-bags and mosey on down to the local Virgin Galactic spaceport.


Sing Along to the Tune of “A Whole New World” from Aladdin:

We can show you the worlds, shining, shimmering, splendid.  Tell us, hapless-prospect, now when did you last let your heart decide?  We can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder, over, sideways and under, on a magic spaceship ride.  A whole new world; a new fantastic point of view.  No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we’re only dreaming.  A whole new world, a dazzling place you never knew, but when we’re way up here, it’s crystal clear, that now we’re in a whole new world with you.

Unbelievable sights, indescribable feelings, soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky.  A whole new world!  Don’t you dare close your eyes.  A hundred thousand things to see.  Hold your breath; it gets better! You’re like a shooting star, you’ve come so far, you can’t go back to where you used to be…

A whole new world; every turn a surprise, with new horizons to pursue; every moment red-letter.  We’ll chase them anywhere.  There’s time to spare.  Let us share these whole new worlds with you.

A whole new world…
That’s where we’ll be…
A thrilling chase…
A wondrous place……
For you… and… billions of other Earth-evacuating humans below the poverty line.


If You Are Interested in Colonization:

There are millions of people out there –actually billions, maybe even more now.  Colonizing other worlds as far out as they can get their ships to go, and supply lines to stretch, continues to be a major interest and industry for them.  If you think you might like to be part of this campaign, take a moment to consider the different career paths available in it.


Please proceed based on your classification;

  1. Explorers:  register your expedition plan with each solar system’s governing authority, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to the intended world/s.  If no official Space lanes for non-military traffic exist for your intended world/s, indicate your indented route/s when registering your expedition plan.
  2. ​Terraformers:  register your terraforming plan with each solar system’s governing authority, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to the intended world/s.  *The U.A.P. and similar governing authorities will only approve terraforming efforts if the targeted worlds are void of recognized sapient life and civilizations. Unauthorized removal of such life and/or constructs is regarded as an act of war.
  3. Colony Builders​:  register your construction plan with each solar system’s governing authority, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to the intended world/s.  *The U.A.P. and similar governing authorities strongly discourage construction above, on, or near fault lines, swamps, and/or shifting soil, as well as below sea level, in ‘tornado alleys’, and/or in seasonal hurricane and/or flash-flood paths, as recurring relief missions and reconstruction efforts will not always be financially possible.
  4. ​Pioneers:  register your travel plan with each solar system’s governing authority, receive the relevant inoculations and travel advisories, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to the intended world/s.
  5. Colonists:  register your migration plan with each solar system’s governing authority, file for or update your passport or visa, receive the relevant inoculations and travel advisories, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to the intended world/s.
  6. Traders:  ​​register your business or trade plan with each solar system’s governing authority, then proceed with your ship/s along the approved Space lanes to and from the intended world/s.


For mass migrations (fleets of dozens of starships or more, or individual starships coincidentally massing in groups of dozens or more, please coordinate with local authorities who can provide convoy escorts in the form of security or military starships.

For starships intending to enter orbit/s, please coordinate with local Space traffic control for current information about satellite trajectories in order to avoid collisions.

If you encounter any drifting Spacecraft, please fill out the necessary derelict forms online via the appropriate authority’s Cortex website.​​


Example Images:

Also see: