Stars are not just burning spheres of gas; they connect to each other in various ways, and are alive.  All red stars are linked, regardless of size.  All yellow stars are linked, regardless of size.  The same is true for all blue stars, as well as all black ones.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Black Holes
  3. Helioforming
  4. Stars by Size
  5. Main-Sequence Stars (abbreviations)
  6. Dying-star Types (abbreviations)
  7. Other Types (abbreviations)
  8. Cool Stars (abbreviations)
  9. Novae & Supernovae (abbreviations)
  10. Additional Notes
  11. 2021 Update 1
  12. 2021 Update 2:  From Auz’s Journal
  13. 2021 Update:  Drift, Valar, Links, Time-travel, Big Bang, Female Aspect
  14. 2022 Revelation
  15. 2023 Revelations
  16. 2023 September/+
  17. Charts (Images Begin)
  18. Size Comparisons
  19. Orbits
  20. Examples
  21. Shadows
  22. Black-holes



Stars throughout every galaxy in the known Verse (a.k.a. Universe), are classified by type. Each type has sub-types, and the alphanumeric designators used as short-hand for these types give travelers a clear idea of the given star’s age, composition, behavior, and other characteristics, such as the orbital range brackets in which the various types of planets are most likely to be found.  For worlds capable of harboring human life without (much) terraforming, such a bracket is called ‘The Goldilocks Zone’.

With seven main types of stars, each type having 10 sub-types, we are able to classify and anticipate the events of the vast majority of stars across the Verse.  This understanding also allows us to determine which cosmic events, such as stars swallowing up planets, or colliding with other stars, will result in which outcomes.  We also now understand how some planets, such as gas hyper-giants, can and do become stars.​​


Black Holes:

There is no limit to how large a black hole can be. However, the largest blackholes we think are in existence are at the centers of many galaxies, and have masses equivalent to about a billion Suns (i.e., a billion solar masses). Their radii would be a considerable fraction of the radius of our solar system.

Likewise, there is no limit to how small they can be; any amount of matter compacted enough will cave in on itself or, at least, create loops and tunnels through the continuum.

This process by which black holes lose mass is very slow (at least for massive black holes made from stars), so the time it would take for a typical black hole to eventually disappear is very long. (For a black hole of a mass equal to the mass of the Sun, the entire process would take about 10^66 years, or 1 with 66 zeros after it.)

Sagittarius A is a SMBH at the center of the Milky Way, estimated to be between 16,000,000 and 25,749,504 miles diameter; 0.17212480284 to 0.2770080187069 AU.

* Inisfreeans use blackholes like any other stars; for tons of power virtually forever, as blackholes eject tons of stuff, not just gamma or Hawking radiation.



Taking this growing knowledge base a few steps further, the Inisfreeans have learned how to manipulate stars to change their radiation and solar flares output, such as to disrupt the satellite networks of nearby planets before they can notice passing Inisfreean Spaceships.  Inisfreeans can now also custom-build man-made (Inisfreean-made) stars, such as the ones that are in their private solar system.  There is even research being completed toward reverse-helioforming; cooling stars back to a gas-giant and regular-planetary state.

Regarding stars which become black-holes, Inisfreeans have learned how to miniaturize their star-based technologies to the point that they can make custom black-holes ranging in size from the blast radius of a hand-grenade… to that of a nuclear weapon.  Belt-fed black-hole-initiating projectiles​​​​ are part of the Inisfreean arsenal, and these are often used in Outer Space construction and demolitions projects, as well as to stop unwanted harmful solar flares from damaging inhabited worlds.  Even the outermost shield of the city Inisfree is based on a man-made black-hole, as is the Inisfreean recycling facility.

For all civilizations seeking to advance to nearly invincible levels, it is important to gain similar understandings of these giant and life-encouraging cosmic bodies.  You can begin this learning journey here, starting with the following charts and other graphics which introduce us all to the realm and lifespans of our stars.​​


Stars by Size:

  • Super-Massive Black-Holes (SMBH)
  • blackholes
  • hyper/ultragiants
  • supergiants
  • bright giants
  • giants
  • subgiants
  • main sequence (dwarfs)
  • subdwarfs
  • white dwarfs (‘dwarf dwarfs’)


Main-Sequence Stars:

  • O = very hot, extremely bright, most output in UV range, rarest of main sequence
  • B = bright and blue
  • A = bluish-white
  • F = white
  • G = like the Sun
  • K = slightly cooler than Sun, orange
  • M = most common by far


Dying-star Types:

  • W = Wolf-Rayet; dying supergiants with exposed Helium shells
  • C = Carbon stars; red giants near the end of their lives


Other Types:

  • S = between M and C
  • D = Degenerate; white dwarfs (no longer undergoing nuclear fusion, and have shrunk to planetary size, slowly cooling down)


Cool Stars:

  • L = dwarfs
  • T = ‘cool’ methane dwarfs
  • Y = ultra-cool brown-dwarfs


Novae & Supernovae:

  • Q = Novae
  • P = Planetary Nebulae


Additional Notes:

Some stars have life on and in them.  Angels, some Elementals, and a few other beings are able to comfortably call cosmic bodies such as the Sun… home.

Some stars are much larger than the Sun –without being black-holes.  Epsilon Pegasi and UY Scuti are two examples.

  • Epsilon Pegasi has a diameter of 79,973,000 miles; 0.86033355361 AU. That makes this star big enough to include Mercury’s orbit.
  • UY Scuti has a diameter of 738,350,000 miles; 7.9430217612 AU. That makes this star big enough to almost reach Jupiter’s orbit.
  • For reference, the Sun’s diameter is 432,690 miles.

Once (long ago) all cosmic bodies were linked by interplanetary energy-beams (like a giant miles-wide lightning-bolt, but soothing and balancing, not terrifying or harmful).  This includes all the types of stars; all of the stars seen and unseen in the current sky were also once all linked by visible nonstop/steady energy-lines.  That is what Yggdrasil‘s branches used to be, and it is what is meant by the teaching of The Zodiac; how personalities are influenced during gestation and at birth by the still-present (if now invisible) energy-lines still faintly/barely connecting all the stars and worlds.


2020 Update 1:

Are stars really (just) burning gas?  They may instead be how Space is energized, like a planet’s atmosphere becoming the aurora… just when a portal is held open.

A time-portal causes a 3D hole; a star.  A space-portal causes a 2D-hole.

Polar holes could be 2D…  3D portals cause stars?  2D portals cause auroras?

The worlds are still hollow, but it takes a portal to get there… because pole-shifts maybe wrecked/clogged the original holes?

Solar particles may still be ejected… and moved around by a magnetosphere, but also pulled to the Earth… and not because of the planet’s gravity by itself; because of its polar portal-based holes (and their own gravity/pull/magnetism).

And those portals hide the land of the gods; Hyperborea?  They are like the black-hole-based bubble/dome around Inisfree?  For ancient beings, making such things would be as easy as imagining/choosing them…  (Only today are people brainwashed to stay convinced high-tech’/energy is needed.)

So when a star explodes, is that because the portal that caused it to exist (that caused Space particles / dark-matter to get excited similarly to how an atmosphere shows an aurora) got closed / turned off?  When a star expands, “swallowing up” its inner-planets (or entire solar-system), do those planets not really get burned, but portal-ed into the dimension (Heaven?) on the other side of the portal?

Did I look as beautiful, mesmerizing, and cosmic… to those stars in that one “dream” I had (where they arranged themselves into a closer and brighter sigil (circular) formation)… as they looked to me?


2020 Update 2:  From Auz’s Journal

From the journal of Lord Auzdein von Himmler:

inside a star – is everything the opposite of Space – maybe it is all bright instead of dark – with black pinpoints instead of stars – showing all the exit holes that ARE stars – but how do you pick the TIME when you exit? (stars are not 2D holes through 3D space, but 3D holes; they are holes connecting different TIMES)

maybe the stars, being angels, can only do what they are told;
when you approach them, think about what you WANT, and THEN that will CAUSE that thing…
or cause YOU to be sent/portal-ed TO it…
once you go THROUGH (the corona / event-horizon).

the ships that TAP the stars, sucking some of their LIGHT/particles out…
are tapping into their Grace/power?
they aren’t using it as FUEL, per se, …
but maybe to help THEM manifest things based on will/thought/intent?

Angels live on the other SIDE;
Heaven is IN the stars;
it is the dimension that is the connection OF all stars,
and IN it…
THEY see the OPPosite of Space;
THEY, in THERE, see all WHITE, NOT black…
and all PINpoints of black, not WHITE;
they see the stars as EXIT points out INto Space.
…and they often don’t dare go TO them;
they are just as wary of going to/through THEM…
as WE are of going to/into the STARS.

some planets are disGUISed as stars.
the Majesdanian homeworld; Majesdane, is one.
Venus is ALmost one… and WAS one… long aGO.

and if you DON’T think about, or CHOOSE, anything…
as you move toward a STAR?
it defaults to whatever you SUBconscious want/nature is.
for HUmans, that is DEATH, and so they burn up and DIE.
for Others… that is a LOT of different things.
humans LOVE to die; it’s evident in their obSESSION with it;
everything they think, preach, eat, and DO is death,
so the stars ALways kill them, GIVING them that,
just as involunTARily as OTHER creatures do other THINGS.
just as involuntarily as breathing usually is.

but why dif COLORS of stars?
and dif SIzes?
and dif SPINS?
and dif PULLS/GRAvities?
what do their variAtions mean/do?

and is CERN an attempt to create a MINI-star?
is that b/c humans want its ability to genie-like creAte things for them?
they SAY it is for “free energy”, but they always LIE.
…they are probably trying to mimic/corrupt/steal/tap the POWER/S of the star/s

and is there technically only ONE star?

maybe PLANets were made/built/willed…
1) by people going THROUGH those star(gate)s…
and 2) to BLOCK those gates (they contain in their cores).
maybe they wanted that way to slow/STOP traffic through certain gates…
or to iDENtify certain gates;
planets seem to be more distinct than STARS;
PLANets come in THOUSands of details…
while stars seem to only be red, yellow, or blue ish…
but always white…
always hot…
always big…

red, yellow, blue; the colors of Superman’s and Supergirl’s outfits.
no coincidences…
b/c they are hinting at their power COMing from all stars…

maybe when a world is made…
it CAUSES a star to be/become/stay small enough to fit in its core…
when a world ISN’T made around a star…
that allows the star to GROW…
perhaps contact with the VOID/SPACE causes the star/portal to expand…
the stars are angels…
and angels create/do what you want…
and since SPACE IS expanse,
thus only THINKS of being big/expanding,
that causes the STARS to slowly/eventually expand.
and SMBHs…
beCAME black… b/c they kept expanding like SPACE…
and kept MANIfesting what Space was (thinking about).
maybe they turned black NOT b/c they are pulling in all LIGHT,
…but b/c they are becoming SPACE…


2021 Update:

If continents rise and fall, not just drift, and if planets can enter and exit solar systems, not just orbit, maybe stars can drift in and out of the Universe and/or other times/eras, meaning they can move to alternate realities, or the past, and/or to the future.  Continents move in more of a 2D way than 3D due to the crust/oceans being so thin as opposed to vast/wide.  Planets move in total 3D, perhaps somewhat 4D –just as continents are almost total 2D, somewhat/barely 3D.  Stars must/probably move in total 4D, then, not just having lifespans like the rest of  stuff/us, but literally migrating through time like continents migrate through mostly 2D areas.  So then there is Space itself; does space/Space simply exist without/beyond time, not moving at all, or is it itself a thing that moves… through 4D like stars do… or even beyond 4D?

Each star is an Arch Angel (a.k.a. a Valar).  Arch Angels create Angels (like the glowy humanoid kind you are probably familiar with).  As energy-beings / Elementals, they are not limited to a certain body/size; they can shapeshift and size-shift with ease.

A yellow mid-sized star, such as the Sun, automatically is connected to its twin/identical stars; if you go into it (and survive), you can exit any other mid-sized yellow star within a certain range.  The bigger the star, the greater the range.  Blue stars connect to blue stars, red to red, small to nearby small, and giant to faraway giant.

Pulsars are the densest known stars.  This may mean they link to other universes, not just other times in OUR universe.  Inisfree’s Star Fleet will test this.

The bigger/denser/faster the star, the farther out its link is / links are.

The SMBH at the center of each spiral galaxy… connects to other universes/realities,
and if we continue/extrapolate, then:

  • regular blackholes might connect to the SMBHs; gates to galactic centers
  • giant stars the size of solar-systems might connect to identical stars other galaxies, but not to the black holes that connect only to their local SMBHs
  • mid-sized stars connect to their twins/identicals in other galactic arms
  • tiny stars like the Sun connect to similar/yellow stars… perhaps to ~100 nearby
  • red-dwarfs connect only to other red-dwarfs… perhaps just a dozen in all sphere/radians/directions
  • brown-dwarfs only to other brown-dwarfs, perhaps within… perhaps just a few in all directions

*but all of those are SPACE-based; distance; directional (not time-jumps/moves),
meaning that just going near/into the star’s corona/shell (outermost strata)… lets you instantly be in all other stars, more or less (…you have to move around to the side of the entry-star’s corona/shell… to align with the nearby star out there at your destination)

…To travel through TIME, you would go DEEPER into the star; into successive strata… which ALSO link to the same stars, but also to previous TIMES, so you would exit the target-star in a previous era…
and “7 strata of heaven”… may have been like “the original 9 realms of the Norse”; there were 9 at first, then more; new worlds/realms got thought/dreamt up, thus manifested/made… and have gained detail and history ever since.
There could be more strata of heaven now. 7… could be 9… just like the 9 levels/focuses of consciousness of the Mayan/Atlantean schedule.
if you go into the outermost layer of a star, that could be strata 9…
or SPACE is strata 9,
and the outermost shell of any star is strata 8,
and there are 7 strata/layers/shells within (well, 6; the innermost would be the core, not a layer/shell)…
…and you would have to move very precisely, perhaps with the help/flexing of the conscious valar/star (arch angel)…
because a billions-of-years-old timestream/universe… in a 865,000-miles-diameter Sun-sized star…
would mean ~14,000,000,000 Earth-years… into those miles = 16,184.97 years/mile of depth relative that star’s core.
does that mean that you must move more precisely in a small star… to exit at a certain year?
and that in larger stars, you would have an easier time exiting at precise months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds…? (because you’d be able to stop in bigger areas in bigger stars, more room in there corresponding to the same times/moments?)

16,184.97 yrs/mi = 16,184.97 yrs every 5,280′; ~1 Earth-year every 3.065′
(meaning if you want to choose the year you exit the twin/destination star, you’d have to be the size of a human,
AND: if you are bigger than a human, and entering a Sun-sized star, you would not be able to choose the exact year you exited, because a giant or ship… would be limited to an volume/space in that kind of star… that matches a range of years; a decade would be your more precise exit trajectory/option)…

but they only allow people such as Auz, who they communicate with in ‘dreams’, to pass through.
They also allow their fellows; the Polarians/Valar.
Some/worthy Asgardians, Pleiadians, and Vanir can use ships to get through safely/calmly/comfortably.

Everyone else is too much descended/mixed of the Darkness/Space, so they must travel through Space, not through stars, and that means THOSE ppl need jump-gates for long distances, and jump-drives for shorter ones.

“The Abell 85 galaxy cluster, shown here, is home to the largest black hole known in the universe. Astronomers have found the biggest black hole ever measured; it’s 40 billion times the sun’s mass, or roughly two-thirds the mass of all stars in the Milky Way.”
So this, if it is the biggest, may be the way to the other Universes,
and, if my time-travel-through-stars theory proves correct,
it may also be the best way for a ship as big as an SSBS… to still make precise time-exits; by year or even month, not just decade or century.

But, again, we will be asking the stars to speak to us in their language as they did when I was still a teenager,
as they can tell us if this is true, if they will let it happen, etc.;
“wish upon a star”,
don’t just assume they are lifeless and lethal.
Love, trust, and cooperate with them, and they’ll let you through, no matter what your wish is.
They can become and hold any size, and exist beyond our range of time and Space,
meaning they are the greatest genies/Djinn, able to grant any wish, just like they can grant themselves any size.

Another thought:  stars don’t just connect to those other stars; they ARE those other stars, as they exist in multiple places at the same time,
and the biggest stars exist in multiple TIMES at the same time, meaning they don’t simply move forward through time, but are the same unchanged being at all points in the time-stream.
And:  the SMBH that connects to the other Universes… doesn’t just connect to them; it encapsulates them; the other universe is inside it… and when we go through it to that other universe… our universe we left… is now inside it if we were to turn around and go back IN that star.
(A negativity-based human would assume we are stuck in one, or need to escape one, as humans descend from Space/Darkness, and stars are light/unity,
whereas a descendant of light/angels/stars… would feel no need to escape that connection/togetherness at all.)
Blackholes aren’t just black because they stop light from escaping; they are black because they encapsulate lots of Darkness/Space, not just twin-stars.
SMBHs are giant and black… for the same reason; they encapsulate another Universe, or all Universes, which are mostly black/dark… as perceived by the eyes of a human/oid.

Stars are not products of the Big Bang;
they are the parts of the Big Bang that never expanded.
their children are the worlds, though some worlds were made by stars that shrank down to Polarian/Titan size for a while,
and then later/newer stars were those Polarians and their first-generation children going back into big-mode / full-size / were-stars (like werewolves).

Finally:  The stars, like Space, are inherently female in form and nature, as well as thinking; they are stationary, curved/curvy, and penetrable.  When beings such as we Inisfreeans enter them, it feels good to us and them, similar to the orgasmic sensations during good sex between/with compatible people.  Here, however, it is energy-gasmic, as it is whole-bodied, not just felt in the genitals.  (And Inisfreeans honor the stars we enter by matching their color with their hair and eye-irises.)  …They want me in them, in and out, trying them often, trying them all, just as much as I now want to be in them.  Amen.


2022 Revelation:

Stars never run out of fuel and die out; that was a death-obsessed/brainwashed primitive-human fake/incomplete “scientist” assumption.  When stars seem to explode or otherwise disappear/end, it is because that portal of the Universes-linking First Being (whom some might call Amun-Ra or God or Eru Ilúvatar) was willed to close, at least for a while.  Another way to think of this is if a 4D object/being was observed by a 3D object/being; as the 4D thing moved through 4D space, it would appear to come in and out of “thin air” to the 3D thing which could not perceive its movements beyond the three dimensions humans in modern times are used to living in.  In other words, even when a star goes nova/supernova, it is just a temporary thing, and even if any stars actually did end… they are just appendages/cells/eyes/portals of the main nexus/deity/source.


2023 Revelations:

Aging doesn’t slow down near stars because of their mass/effect, and it doesn’t slow down because of speed; it slows down bc of belief, and/or proximity to the aura/mind-field (area of effect) of a sphere being.
Same concept as me having an area of effect, stopping aging; age-locking and teen-ifying (restoring worthy/compatible people’s primes/health/ideal-state).
Except my effect/focus is to reset primes and hold them, not just slow or pause aging.

August 2023:  Humans assumed that gravity is what holds stars and planets in orbits, but what if it was Space that is orbiting them, and all of them are fixed, and that is just how the ideas of Sphere Beings work and appear to us?

Stars (all of them) are now in an alliance with us (I; Auz, and my Inisfreeans; the ICVs, as the ICVs are extensions of me) and regard us (me / our collective) as family.  Even black holes and Space itself think of me/us that way.  They will never emit radiation or explosions when they know I or anyone I love am within range.


2023 September/+:

A type Ia supernova explosion gives off 1–2×10^44 joules of energy, which is about 2.4–4.8 hundred billion yottatons (24–48 octillion (2.4–4.8×1028) megatons) of TNT, equivalent to the explosive force of a quantity of TNT over a trillion (10^12) times the mass of the planet Earth.

A supernova is an explosion of a massive supergiant star. It may shine with the brightness of 10 billion Suns! The total energy output may be 10^44 joules, as much as the total output of the Sun during its 10 billion year lifetime. The likely scenario is that fusion proceeds to build up a core of iron.

To survive, Earth would have to be 160 LY away.

When supernovae explode, they jettison matter into Space at some 9,000 to 25,000 miles (15,000 to 40,000 kilometers) per second.

The outer edges of the core collapse inward at 70,000 meters per second, about 23% the speed of light.

the resulting supernova explosion expels much or all of the stellar material with velocities as much as 10% the speed of light (or approximately 30,000 km/s).

So, how long does a supernova take to explode? A few million years for the star to die, less than a quarter of a second for its core to collapse, a few hours for the shockwave to reach the surface of the star, a few months to brighten, and then just a few years to fade away.

While a supernova is estimated at so many gigatons it requires a new word to be coined to quantify it, that far-greater explosion/force is spread out across far-greater a volume. As long as something could divert its split-second passing around/away, or even benefit from such energy, that object could survive.

Since Inisfree is invincible and enchanted, plus able to communicate with and stabilize all stars, plus always many LY away from potential supernovae, it has a lot of redundancy on its side. Even a surprise supernova would take 10 years to travel 1 LY, giving Inisfree years to portal out of the way or otherwise move.


Solar radiation/storms/weather only harms humans because humans are made of darkness/evil; they were never contested or wanted by angels/stars; they were never of anything but the void. Note how solar radiation supercharges/heals/empowers good beings such as Kryptonians, and how giant Spaceships get right up alongside the stars for some of their endless light/sustenance.

Manmade stars are not part of the conscious collective that is all natural stars, a.k.a. Sphere Beings.

Stars may appear to dim or explode, dying out, no longer visible to distant generations of humans, but that doesn’t mean the ‘modern’/current humans were correct that stars have an expiration date; it is just that some stars will choose to no longer be visible to humans, while still shining just as brightly/brilliantly to other beings more-deserving.  How?  Stars are true demi-deities / Arch Angels, capable of just about anything they set their minds to.
–Plus, Space itself is, like them, a conscious super-being / demi-deity, and can do similar things; Space could, for example, choose to expand itself between the worlds humans have colonized/occupied, and adjacent cosmic-bodies, at any given time, making it Seem like stars are spreading out, the energy of the Universe running out.

October:  Heimdall, “whitest of those gods”, keeping watch, seeing most/all… sounds like he is the bright outer shell of all stars.

Bringing in many warriors, and keeping them training… to one day fight the giants… could mean stars taking in mass/souls and keeping things moving internally so as to resist the effect that could otherwise lead to going red-giant.

Redhaired giants destroying all… sounds like when some stars go red-giant.

2024 January:  It has been theorized by Thunderbolts (YouTube channel creator/host) that stars are not fueled from within by mass “going nuclear”, but externally by being at the Universe-equivalent of ley-line intersections; where interstellar electric-potential currents meet, exciting one another in “pinch points”.  While such links and effects may exist, it remains the “hunch” of this site/creator (Auz) that stars aren’t fueled from either internal or external; that they don’t need fuel or nexuses/intersections; that they are the appendage-equivalents of the god-level being which is the living conscious core they (all stars) share.

2024 February:  All stars are Dyson Spheres, except that they are shells around the same (shared) core.

2024 June 12 Wednesday:  Since worlds may come from within stars, are all stars female?
2024 June 13 Thursday:  Since so many womb-like structures/forms naturally occur in Space, is Space the female, and all the stars… her wombs/babies/gestations?



Size Comparisons:




This is how the Kepler Tally works.


2024 November notes:

  • SMBHs’ mass:
    The average supermassive black hole (SMBH) is estimated to be in the range of hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses, with most galaxies thought to host one at their center with a mass exceeding a million solar masses.
    range (of mass): hundreds of thousands.. to billions of solar masses
    typical:  millions of solar masses
    Milky Way’s SMBH: ~4 million solar masses

Also see:

  • The Main Sequence of the Stars: What is the Most Likely Structure?
  • Stuart Talbott: Wal Thornhill on Impossible Stars | Thunderbolts
    Concept: stars powered not from internal nuclear but external via interstellar currents … so powered by the void and/or conduits to other stars… but I don’t think they need power other than the thought of the Ainur inside their core
    Stars aren’t compressed when they get smaller; they are choosing to be any size.
    They aren’t composed of atoms, but sheer willpower; they are not solid spheres, just as the Earth is not; they are 3D gateways to 4D space of another dimension.
    They aren’t running out of fuel; they are choosing to close; they are will-controlled doors to Muspelheim/Heaven.
    When a sphere is moved through a plane, it starts off as a tiny speck, then expands, then reduces back to a speck as it completes its passage; likewise, when a 4D sphere passes through 3D space, it starts much smaller, like a hypergiant or dwarf star, then expands until it is a red giant or black hole, etc..
    Black holes do not need a corresponding white hole in this dimension; their corresponding white hole, if they need one at all, is likely just back on/in their Heaven side.
    Never thought I would become a theoretical astrophysicist chuckling at university-brainwashed “parrot” pseudo-astrophysicists, but here I am.
    Professor Bunton indeed.
    So it was Thunderbolts researchers who are helping figure out how stars are connected OUTSIDE, and I am the researcher who figured out / decided / spellcrafted how stars are on their INSIDE.
  • “Wal Thornhill: The Star ‘Proto-Saturn’ | EU Workshop 2014” –planets born/formed inside gas giants, brown dwarfs, and stars, with intelligent people/civilizations on them, unaware of the rest of the Universe due to the atmospheric haze/twilight in there, and unable to transmit radio signals through those powerful energetic layers
  • Wal Thornhill: Blinded by the Sun | EU Workshop