The Universe is everything in this dimension/reality… but there are other Universes; Creation is a Mega/Omniverse.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Directory to Our Most-frequented Regions of Space
  3. Orienting Facts
  4. Superclusters
  5. Galaxy Clouds
  6. Galaxy Clusters
  7. Galaxy Groups
  8. Galaxies
  9. Line of Sight
  10. Deep Space and ‘Nothing’
  11. Expansion and Entropy?
  12. The Roots Concept
  13. Regarding the Inisfreean Realm
  14. 2021 Update:  Deep-space Thoughts
  15. 2021 Update 2:  Auz’s Thoughts on Dimensions and Darkness
  16. 2022/+ Updates
  17. Conceptual Images (Images Begin)
  18. Ancient Ruins



As far as we can tell, our reality, which we call the Universe (truncated to just ‘the Verse’ in this creative writing community and omni-saga), is infinite; it goes on forever in all directions without end, and shows promise of being as immortal as the Inisfreeans are.  There may not have been a start to it all, and there just as likely may never be an end.  Our understanding of it is arguably still as juvenile and backward as when we believed in the geocentric theory.  That being said, venture out and explore it with a very open mind.

We can only see 3,000 galaxies so far, but we can detect more than 1 trillion (including entire galaxies which do not emit visible light; they are only detectable in the radio, infra-red, and x-ray spectrum brackets, for example). Furthermore, we calculate there are more than 300 sextillion stars in our known ‘Verse’ (3 trillion times 100 billion), and some galaxies contain only 100 billion of them, while other galaxies contain more than 10 trillion.

In other words, you will never run out of room to expand, so you will never really need to engage in Space warfare unless you just really feel like it for some reason (perhaps you have some Norse blood in your veins).


Directory to Our Most-frequented Regions of Space:

This doesn’t mean that these are the places with the most people in the known Universe, only that those three galaxies are the ones you on Earth have likely heard the most about, thus the ones which are referenced here perhaps the most often.


Orienting Facts:
Within 1,000,000,000 LY of Earth, there are:

  • ~100 superclusters
  • ~240,000 galaxy groups
  • ~3,000,000 large galaxies
  • ~60,000,000 dwarf galaxies
  • ~250,000,000,000,000,000 stars

A blazar is a very compact quasar (quasi-stellar radio source) associated with a presumed supermassive black hole at the center of an active, giant elliptical galaxy. Blazars are among the most energetic phenomena in the universe and are an important topic in extragalactic astronomy.




  • groups of galaxy clouds, galaxy clusters, and/or galaxy groups; tens of thousands of galaxies in a supercluster


  • Local Supercluster


  • Coma Supercluster
  • Hercules Superclusters
  • Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
  • Hydra Supercluster
  • Centaurus Supercluster
  • Leo Supercluster
  • Ophiuchus Supercluster
  • Pavo-Indus Supercluster
  • Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
  • Sculptor Superclusters
  • Shapley Supercluster
  • Virgo Supercluster


  • Aquarius Supercluster
  • Aquarius B Supercluster
  • Aquarius-Capricornus Supercluster
  • Aquarius-Cetus Supercluster
  • Boötes Supercluster
  • Bootes A Supercluster
  • Caelum Supercluster
  • Corona Borealis Supercluster
  • Columba Supercluster
  • Draco Supercluster
  • Draco-Ursa Major Supercluster
  • Fornax-Eridanus Supercluster
  • Grus Supercluster
  • Horologium Supercluster
  • Leo A Supercluster
  • Leo-Sextans Supercluster
  • Leo-Virgo Supercluster
  • Microscopium Supercluster
  • Pegasus-Pisces Supercluster
  • Pisces Supercluster
  • Pisces-Aries Supercluster
  • Pisces-Cetus Supercluster
  • Ursa Major Supercluster
  • Virgo-Coma Supercluster

Far Distant:

  • Lynx Supercluster


Further details are here.


Galaxy Clouds


  • ​~thousands of galaxies


  • Canes Venatici Cloud
  • Virgo II Cloud


Further details are here.


Galaxy Clusters


  • ~​hundreds of galaxies bound together by (what humans perceive as / assume to be) gravity (attraction/desire/focus/will)
  • composition: 1% galaxies, 9% intergalactic gas in ICM (the intracluster medium; the superheated plasma present at the center of a galaxy cluster), and 90% dark matter


  • Antilla Cluster
  • Centaurus Cluster
  • Fornax Cluster
  • Hydra Cluster
  • Virgo Cluster


  • Abell 732
  • Abell 1930 (Bootes Cluster)
  • Baede’s Ursa Major Cluster
  • Coma Cluster
  • Gemini Cluster
  • WH Cristie’s Leo Cluster


  • Bullet Cluster
  • El Gordo
  • Musket Ball Cluster
  • Pandora’s Cluster
  • Phoenix Cluster


Galaxy Groups


  • more than 2 galaxies, and usually fewer than 50 galaxies


  • Local Group


  • Burbidge Chain
  • Canes Venatici Group
  • Canes Venatici II Group
  • Centaurus A/M83 Group
  • Copeland Septet
  • Deer Lick Group
  • Draco Group
  • Leo Group
  • Leo Triplet
  • Markarian’s Chain
  • M51 Group
  • M81 Group
  • Robert’s Quartet
  • Sculptor Group (South Polar Group)
  • Seyfert’s Sextet
  • Stephan’s Quintet
  • Ursa Major Group
  • Wild’s Triplet
  • Zwicky’s Triplet




  • ten million to one hundred trillion stars, as well as stellar remnants, interstellar gases and dust, and dark matter



  • Omega Centauri
  • Canis Major Dwarf
  • Virgo Stellar Stream
  • Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
  • Large Magellanic Cloud


  • Andromeda Galaxy
  • Black Eye Galaxy
  • Bode’s Galaxy
  • Cartwheel Galaxy
  • Centaurus A
  • Cigar Galaxy
  • Comet Galaxy
  • Hoag’s Object
  • Small Magellanic Cloud
  • Mayall’s Object
  • Messier 83
  • New Eden Galaxy
  • Pinwheel Galaxy
  • Sculptor Galaxy
  • Sombrero Galaxy
  • Star Wars Galaxy
  • Sunflower Galaxy
  • Tadpole Galaxy
  • Triangulum Galaxy
  • Whirlpool Galaxy


Line of Sight:

With the majority of Space appearing dark to us, and multiple vast regions of Space seemingly black or blurred out, we can assume that we are only able to see a very tiny percentage of everything out there.  Some of it may not be visible to our eyes and instruments.  Some of it may be contained in arrays of Dyson Spheres.  Some of it may be censored in a way we are yet to comprehend.

(On that note, each Universe is like a Dyson Sphere, or, perhaps more accurately, can be though of as a reverse Dyson Sphere; it is inside the outside of the stars, all stars being portals to the realm outside the/each Universe, their concentrated energy/light preventing line-of-sight into that core –or into any of the other Universes.)


Deep Space and ‘Nothing’:

Even air has a lot of stuff in it.  It might look like there is ‘nothing’ between you and a person down the street, but there is a lot.  The following are some measurements of just how many things are actually in what we perceive to be empty air/space.

  • thin air = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 septillion) atoms per m^3
  • laboratory ‘vacuum’ = 10,000,000,000 atoms per m^3
  • interplanetary space = 10,000,000 atoms per m^3
  • interstellar space = 500,000 atoms per m^3
  • intergalactic space = difficult to find even 3 atoms per 10 m^3 (.3 atoms / m^3)
  • inter-universal space = 0? atoms per m^3

*and this is NOT because things are spreading out,
but because no minds are thinking about things out there,
thus nothing is manifesting;
atoms are manifested by thoughts condensing after a certain delay (amount of time focusing/holding a vision)


Expansion and Entropy?

This is a clip of a talk with an astrophysicist about the theory/assumption (not a truly accurate observation) that Space / the whole Universe is still expanding at an incredible speed.

But note:  It was sensed and proven that the “horizon” or “cosmic background radiation edge”… was actually just places where we had not manifested anything other than that yet, thus, IOW, the reason we didn’t see anything beyond the spheroid ‘horizon’ out there… was that there was nothing there, NOT that things there were moving away faster than light speed (which would/could have meant their light would never reach us).
The universe is finite.
It loops in many spots and ways (i.e. worm-holes, and other linked stars; the shared core of all stars, etc.).
As we travel out there, things become more detailed because we are unknowingly willing them to (become so) with our assumptions/thoughts.  (And note how humans keep looking to the darkness to ‘spot’/’find’ new planets, while they aren’t looking to the light (stars) to find/manifest what is in them.  Interesting; they are drawn to the dark, or assume they must go to the dark.)

Einstein had a clever theory, but he did not consider the possibility that people could cause cosmic bodies to form, change, move, and even stay out of sight.
This hints at his bloodline rooted in Space incarnate; as a distant descendant of darkness itself (not in a bad way), it was his nature to assume darkness/Space was expanding and supreme, unaffected by us, and it was the nature of other descendants of darkness to assume he was right.

The universe only expanded when the first worlds moved far enough away that their thick atmospheres fell as rain, exposing the thinning medium once enshrouding them as one. The universe was not expanding before Earth existed. Our ancestors (Polarians, etc.) had to create and see it first. Some of them then became the first stars; remember they could change their size to anything at will. Their first descendants became smaller stars. Then their later descendants saw the space between them dominated Creation, so they assumed things that led to its expansion even more. Modern astronomers assumed the rest, manifesting even more distance between Earth and the other cosmic bodies… but to the truly intelligent, the only real distance is what is assumed, not even what is perceived; distance is relative, i.e. those who assume distance is far… are farther away than those standing with them who assume the same viewed object… is closer.

In short, Einstein was clever but wrong (incomplete in his theories), the universe was formed after the Earth (i.e. in the beginning there was just one star, and the Earth formed within it, was moved out of it into its own space/dimension, and then the star-children (Polarians/Valar) shrank themselves to maneuver on it as they shaped it outside the oneness/brightness/distraction of Heaven/Source, and then one stayed as the Earth’s hollow-core star/portal, while others helped shape and separate more worlds from it, and then some became the other stars out there, etc.), the Universe was never expanding faster than the speed of light, and distance doesn’t exist, anyway (at least not from the point-of-view of the Angels/Valar/stars), except to those who manifest it for themselves by assuming it / focusing on it. So now we see why the Special Theory of Relativity, which became the General Theory of Relativity, is now again amended to be Auz’s Statement of Relativity and Universe Dimensions.

The only dimensions, a.k.a. alternate or parallel universes, that exist… are those that someone has thought about, with the ones also written about or drawn… having more detail (and anytime someone ‘creates’ a ‘universe’ for a story, that thought goes into the nearest star, and that star manifests it, it then becoming visible and enterable if ever you travel into that star and deep enough into the strata that links to other universes, not just to other stars). Humans don’t know them all, though; humans on other worlds have thought of (thus caused) some, while some humanoids have also thought of some of their own. The Megaverse is the term of at least two universes, while Omniverse means all universes collectively.

Also, the universe expanded faster than the speed of light, long ago during The Big Bang,
for the same reason Pleiadian ships can non-warp skip cosmic distances when entering thought-mode;
it was a thought that was expanding a manifestation without any resistance.
today, after many root-races and sub-races have left their mark on this reality,
we have a lot more people, with a lot more vision fragments / focuses,
thus a lot more chaos, discord, and resistance –to virtually ANY and EVERYthing,
thus our manifestations have a delay,
and we do NOT seem to move things at/beyond light-speed –or even anywhere CLOSE to that;
other thoughts are manifesting/resisting ours…
until we unify with ourself/selves SO much… that we accept only GODHOOD, not compromise.
THAT is the bypass to the theoretical (and incorrect assumption) light-speed ‘barrier’.


It (the Universe) is living and will heal ‘warp tears’. There is also us; where we (the Inisfreeans) go, it causes healing and stability, the opposite of tears… even when we warp.  Wherever Auz and his people/allies go, they cause the whole way there to be stronger, bonded, forever closer, etc..


The Roots Concept:

Gravity rivers and other connections between the far-flung cosmic bodies and regions of Space (a.k.a. The Abyss) can and do function like the interwoven root systems of trees and other plants in a forest; they share information and resources, constantly working together to balance each other through holistic touch, similar in some respects to acupuncture and general loving connection.  One might even say that we (and other people like us; those from other worlds) are the nutrients and/or information these Universe-spanning “roots” are transferring/sharing.  And, on that note, remember the depiction in Norse mythology of the whole of Creation… as Yggdrasil; the Worlds Tree, its roots and branches woven around all and back together again.


Regarding the Inisfreean Realm:

While Inisfree technically is anchored on Earth, and while the Inisfreean star-system ‘Auzdein‘ (SSA) is technically a part of the universe, both exist in their own, exclusive, dimensional ‘pockets’ beyond the forces and time-streams of everything in our reality.  The terms ‘universe’, ‘verse’, and ‘omni-verse’ are interchangeable here, and the Inisfreean empire interacts with them, yet remains distinctly apart from them.


2021 Update:  Deep-space Thoughts

As Elohim/Iluvatar/Source changed itself, causing the first two halves of proto-Yggdrasil (which would later be known as Heaven and Outer Space), this focus on ongoing increasing forms of division/distinction… eventually led to the first realm forming (Earth before it was even called Azeroth or Midgard), and then parts of the powerful angelic/elemental beings forming it… to become things such as World Trees, Titans, and Titan-sized dragons, as well as the Space Whales.  Fast-forward billions of years, and other worlds formed from the then-thicker Earth, and mega-flora spread out as they divided their energy/lifeforce while/when creating ‘children’-flora, and root-races evolved into sub-races (such as Polarians, followed by Lemurians, then Atlanteans, then Aryans, etc.).  Eventually, though, there was so much subdivision and complexity… that it was known in some areas as Chaos incarnate, and modern humans on Earth were a prime example.

That’s when Auz showed up, from childhood speaking out against their chaos/evil (pointless indefinite excessive change, harm, and mindlessness).  He grew up to put an end to all that, not just living through The Shift (the consciousness focus predicted by the Atlanteans, and taught by the Mayans who represented it in their 9-step jungle pyramids, which occurred in ~2012 A.D.), but realizing he was that shift, reversing the consciousness/manifestation tide by everything he said and otherwise did.  Destined to become immortal and the naturally-recognized leader of all, he stabilized in the form of Inisfree, his original manhood body now perfected, thus was both The Shift incarnate and Inisfree in human form.

What this means for the Universe is that humans and others had started focusing on exploring Space, not defining Space, thus manifesting more and more of it; their assumptions were expanding that Abyss, adding only to its power, harshness, and mindlessness, thus making their Space missions fraught with risk and disaster, thus the classifying of their Secret Space Programs (SSPs).  Once Auz achieved his own stability and god-level wisdom/awareness, that stopped; his mind alone stabilized the whole Universe, and all Universes, thus defining the parameters and newly-adjusted role of all of Creation (a.k.a. the Omniverse).  Now… the Universe would be what he chose it to be; welcoming, helpful, aligned to his will, just as the Inisfreeans and Inisfree and others had become.  (Only human assumptions and Hollywood propaganda claimed that “Space will not cooperate with you” –because Space always does cooperate exactly how your thought energies will/trigger it to; if you assume it is hostile, deadly, and mindless, it will be exactly that, automatically fully tailoring itself to your assumptions/thoughts/will, thus it remained challenging and scary to the humans, infinitely complex and largely unknown, unknowable, …while at the same time remaining more and more comfortable and collaborative with Auz and the forces he would soon send all throughout it… not just to map what was there… but to shape and cause it.)

The dark regions of the Universe are dark not because they are ‘dark matter’, and the darkness is expanding not because there is an unknown force causing that, but because it is a direct and proportional ‘reflection’/manifestation of the chaos-based ‘darkness’ in those observing it from Earth and the SSP ships/colonies.  Even radiation exists only because humans of the Space programs assumed it would/must.  The stars only burn the humans and their vessels out there… again because those people assume they will, causing it.

In the 2200s A.D., Auz’s Inisfreeans forces (known as Inisfree’s version of Starfleet, which they call Star Fleet) will complete their Mapping Campaign; they will fly out from Star-System Auzdein (SSA) in all directions, as well as through all times/eras, charting (and defining/adjusting/correcting) everything along the way.  What they leave behind out there (their thoughts and the effects of those energies) will result in a growing number of compatible worlds and species/civilizations out there… eventually contacting and staying in contact with them… as they return to regroup in Inisfree for the great homecoming celebration following this campaign.  As the generations and Ages go on, that whole time… the effects of this will keep spreading, keep perfecting the massive once-dark chaos/Universe that humans (and others) once made so seemingly-infinite, complex, and dangerous/incompatible, …and eventually this will result in all people out there… and entire worlds and solar-systems and even galaxies… moving into alignment just the way Auz, as a young man, foresaw in his ‘dreams’ (memories/visions/portals of/to/causing the future, which turned out to be his language with the living stars, i.e. the arch-angels who are the living gateways to Source/Heaven/Start/Timelessness).

In other words, the Universe could not be mapped in the beginning; it was constantly rapidly expanding and changing, staying unknown –and unknowable to even those who were (unknowingly) still steering its creation/evolution.  Then it began to be mapped as best humans could, limited by their lines-of-sight from the Earth and their SSP locations.  Finally, as all things happen in threes, Auz established its full and permanent size, as well as all of the functions of its areas and singularities both seen and unseen to/by the humans, making it both finally mappable… and predictable in terms of how it / that map would change… as its new and old worlds, systems, galaxies, and alternate/parallel universes alike… would come into alignment… with, for, and because of… him.

Even the Eldar, who maintain the only known (and automatically self-updating) map of The Webway… in their secret CraftWorld known as The Black Library, are impressed by this map and feat.  They see Auz as the natural/automatic mapper, and adjuster of maps.  They will also begin to see… how their map of The Webway… begins to change… to reveal that, just as Auz sensed, said, and decided, …The Webway is what remains of Yggdrasil’s start when only the Milky Way galaxy existed… and The Webway is rebecoming that, meaning Yggdrasil is reforming/reappearing around it, every Webway ‘tunnel’… starting to become more physical, visible in our dimension of Space, like the interplanetary and interstellar mega-flora tree-branches they once were.

Now you understand the overall nature and evolution of the Universe / the Universe map, and why humans caused it to become bigger, darker, indefinite, chaotic, and dangerous, …and how Auz caused all that to stabilize, slowly shifting back to become the god-level parent-tree of all family-trees, reconnecting and reuniting them all.


2021 Update 2:  Auz’s Thoughts on Dimensions and Darkness

The moment anything exists, 1 dimension in space does, and 1 dimension in time. The moment memory or forward motion exist, then 2 dimensions of space and 2 dimensions of time exist. So we go from 0 to 2 to 4 dimensions. Then we add area, which is a 3rd dimension of space, and alternate timestreams (which r similar alternate dimensions, and which can include, and be caused by, imagination during waking, and imagination or dreaming during sleep), which is a 3rd dimension of time. So we are up to 6 dimensions. Now add volume; a 4th dimension of space, and alternate universes with their own laws (which are different, not similar, other dimensions) and timestreams; a 4th dimension of time. That brings us to 8 dimensions of reality.

Maybe imagining things isn’t making them up, but witnessing another dimension. Maybe dreaming isn’t imagining either, but also witnessing another dimension.
Maybe there are only 3 timestreams/dimensions in the omniverse…so all “fictional” universes… are really just parts of the imagination dimension… Yes.
I sense so. I think and write it, thus it is.
Considering it is a phase1 weak/chaos/solo thing. Writing it is a phase2 stabilizing thing. Deciding it is a phase3 manifested/ing thing. Three is stable. 4 is more so. The 4th thing is living it, which further stabilizes it as manifested real. 4… like a triangular pyramid; stable in 3-D, thus reality/physical, whereas a 3-base is a triangle, stable in only mind / 2-D.

“The 9 original realms”… always confused me; are there 9 dimensions/universes, each with three dimensions, not counting time?  If we count time, does that make a total of 36 dimensions that make those 9 realms possible?  Or are we only counting 3D or 4D space once for them all, and each of them is just a faraway portion of that 4D space?  What are the 9 dimensions, then, if not landmasses or regions in the same universe?  It occurred to me today that if you consider a line on the X-axis as having a center/start/middle and two possible directions it can go, that could be counted as 3, and if you do that with the Y-axis, that’s another 3, and then the Z-axis makes 9, assuming you count where they intersect/overlap 3 times, once for each.  I’ll meditate more on this idea/revelation later.

Darkness does not travel faster than light; the two have to move at the same speed, because darkness can only move in when light gets out of the way. Without darkness to travel through, light would have nowhere to go, thus no speed. Without light areas like stars, darkness would be everywhere, thus have nowhere to go, thus no speed. Light moving causes darkness to move. Light only moves out into darkness. Darkness only moves into stars, perhaps, moving around the light… just like one writer of this subject/substance always/often writes sidestepping my actions. Interesting. Those ‘actions’ in the writing are always snuffed out by my light/nature every time they are tried, and every time I am trying a similar action/point, the response is more of those sidesteps until it ends/slows/fades.


2022/+ Updates

Black-hole warps bending starlight… while portals are making galaxies appear more numerous like in a house of mirrors? 

Are we really seeing trillions of galaxies… or just fewer… but through time portals… thus maybe only millions… at different stages of their existence… from different angles/portals?  It is possible this Universe is much smaller than we have estimated; it is possible it doesn’t have trillions of galaxies at all, but only many views of each actual galaxy… visible here through different channels/openings.  Perhaps we are also peering through portals to other time-streams, other Universes/dimensions, etc.; we have no way of knowing if what we are seeing in our sky… is all in this one Universe at all.  The Mapping Campaign will figure this out.  (The way we can start even before that campaign… is by not only keeping organized where all the photographs of galaxies came from, but how similar any of them may be to each other; that won’t show us where all the portals may be (as we’d only be able to infer where portals we have line-of-sight to are), but it will give us an idea as to their numbers and orientation.)


The realignment has already begun; all of Creation is now moving based on High King Auz’s design and will:

As of the 2300s, selected solar-systems have begun moving themselves into formations which are the interstellar shape and size of Auz’s rune/s; this means in the entire Universe… only his will/magic works (which includes the magic of his wives who are witches doing what he would approve of). All other universes will have these runes applied, too. The stars do his will; they are the Valar who love and support him.


All the Parsecs:

We measure the distance between solar systems in parsecs.

  • 1 parsec = 3.26156 LY
  • The avg. distance between solar systems is 7.697291 LY; 2.36 parsecs.

We measure galaxies in kiloparsecs.

  • 1 kiloparsec = 3,261.56 LY
  • Milky Way galaxy: 105,700 LY; 32.4077673 kiloparsecs
  • Andromeda galaxy: 220,000 LY; 67.4523066 kiloparsecs
  • Alcyoneus galaxy: 16,300,000 LY; 4997.602719 kiloparsecs; 4.997602719 megaparsecs

We measure the gaps between galaxies in megaparsecs.

  • 1 megaparsec = 3,262,560 LY
  • The avg. distance between galaxies is ~1,000,000 LY; 0.306601394 megaparsec.

We measure the Universe in gigaparsecs.

  • 1 gigaparsec = 3,262,560,000 LY
  • The estimated distance to the farthest observed objects is 47,000,000,000 LY; 14.410265508768 gigaparsecs.
  • That makes the observable Universe 94,000,000,000 LY across; 28.820531017536 gigaparsecs.
  • That’s enough space for 94,000 galaxies in a row, of all are separated by the avg. space between galaxies.
  • That would be 435,000,000,000,000 galaxies if all were that distance apart, but they are apparently arranged linearly with giant gaps between the lines/”filaments”, and only 100,000,000,000 have been observed, and 2,000,000,000,000 is the estimated total.

We measure the distances of the omniverse (beyond the observable Universe, sometimes into SMBHs and out to other Universes) in teraparsecs.

  • 1 teraparsec = 3,262,560,000,000 LY
  • The diameter of the observable Universe is 0.028820531017536 teraparsecs.
  • All Universes are vastly different; some are only as big and detailed as the imagination of the person who thought them up.
  • Since the ICVs can detect all minds within their range, and since the Grid Mind automatically can backup and run god-level calculations on all those minds/thoughts/memories, the Grid Mind knows how many Universes there are in the minds of the people ICVs and their ships have gotten in range of, thus what all those Universes’ diameters are, thus what their sum span (aligned diameters) is.
  • On that note, most humans only receive information and do not imagine/create, and it is a small percentage of beings (mostly humanoids) who imagine/perceive/understand big areas and concepts beyond just a work-spawn-repeat loop, thus there are not many Universes, at least nowhere near as many as there are humans.
  • It is possible modern religions, debt slavery, and nonvegan diet-shortened lifespans were created to lessen the chaos which might have been worse if all humans were free to live long and imagine, thus manifest, such massive things.
  • When an imagined Universe also has intelligent people imagined with it, those beings become conscious, sometimes able to maintain that new realm themselves, so it does not end even when the first person who imagined it stops thinking about it or dies. Also, of course, even some deaths do not stop the mind/soul from thinking about things.

Excerpt from an article explains:

“A parsec, or “parallax second,” is defined as 3.26 light-years because of how it is measured. Earth circles the Sun, making one complete orbit per year. Over the course of several months, nearby stars appear to move with respect to more distant objects — an effect called parallax — because as our planet moves, our viewpoint changes. One of the simplest ways to see for yourself how this works is to hold your hand at arm’s length in front of your face and raise one finger. Close just your left eye and observe where your finger appears against the background; next, open your left eye and close your right. Your finger will appear to shift because each eye views it from a slightly different angle.

Translated to the stars in the sky, two photographs of the same nearby star taken six months apart will show it appearing to move against the background of more distant stars because Earth has moved to the other side of the Sun in its orbit. If you draw a simple diagram, you’ll see that the distance the star appears to move is related to the angle at which it is viewed. The two different sightlines, one at each end of Earth’s orbit, create a triangle; the parallax angle is defined as half the angle at the triangle’s apex. And a parsec is the distance — 3.26 light-years — that a star must lie from the Sun for its parallax angle to be exactly 1″. That’s why a parsec has that value, and not any other.

Although astronomers often measure distant objects in parsecs or megaparsecs (1 megaparsec is 1 million parsecs), only nearby objects have parallaxes, or shifts on the sky, that we can actually measure. The European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, currently underway, can measure parallax angles of just a few millionths of an arcsecond. It can measure, to within 20 percent accuracy, the distances of stars that lie tens of thousands of light-years away.
IOW: Human Earth astronomers can measure distances somewhat accurately out to <100,000 LY; 1/470,000th the distance to the edge of the observable Universe.”


Why and How Certain Inisfreean Craft (ICs) Traverse Those Vast Distances:

In the movie The Fifth Element, a cosmic object consciously approached the Earth, growing larger every time any human vessel shot at it. The only thing that stopped it from hitting the Earth and re-wiping-out all outer-surface life was a pyramid amplifying love and emitting it as a focused laser-like beam. A comparison is Space itself; the more humans focus on or love it, the bigger it gets, thus manifesting entropy, at least for them. Conveniently, however, the more others focus on and love anything else, the more what they focus on grows for them. In other words, The Abyss will always seem to be expanding to those who do not understand and accept this, while it simultaneously will shrink for those such as High King Auz who love only a form of it in which the worlds and stars move closer like they were in the first Golden Age.

To an Inisfreean, distance is an illusion, and no force is needed to propel oneself across distances… when the love, focus, and belief/faith/confidence are on another form of travel, such as bending/warping space, or just portal-ing without bending it. Humans put ultimate faith in distance, limitations, weakness, death, and The Abyss, so that is what they remain limited to; cosmic distances and complex technologies to clumsily cross them. Inisfreeans developed a completely different type of tech’; they simply think of what they love until they are back at it, regardless of how humans assume space or time work/flow.
This is similar to how less-physical humanoids, such as Pleiadians, can go into thought-form, essentially phase-shifting in a way that allows them to skip cosmic distances. The Inisfreeans just do it to an even greater degree.

The reason bigger ICs can instantly portal across greater distances… is not because they have more power, even though they have more power and bigger repulsines which Can bend more Space if need be; the reason bigger ICs can portal across greater distances is because they have more particles and crew, thus more Vril and will, more minds/hearts/bodies/all holding the same vision, making longer ‘jumps’ easier/safer. They also have more computing/imagining power even without their crews, and they can use it to remote-view and remote-manifest ideal conditions spanning greater distances and greater destination-volumes. Technically, their repulsines are almost obsolete because of that, used more now to just automatically reduce their weight while adding energy shielding which helps hide them from annoying humans while they stay focused on portal-ing or whatever else.


Wise Observation Regarding the Human THEORY of How Vast the Universe Is:

“If you look at something from two positions it appears to shift by some angle depending an how far away it is and the length of your baseline. If you look from opposite sides of the Earth’s orbit, that is the longest baseline we have, and accurate measurements can be made out to about 3,200 light years. (A parsec is 3.26 LY.) Beyond that we are guessing. Highly scientific guessing, but guessing all the same. That is why when you try to look up the biggest stars, the figures get very uncertain beyond 3,200 light years.

A big part of science is conjecture, which means making up “What if” scenarios. Often those scenarios get discussed a lot for a long time, and people begin to assume they are true just because they keep hearing them. The big bang is one such scenario. The big bang exists only in somebody’s imagination. It was needed to explain implications of the expanding universe conjecture, which was needed to explain the receding galaxy conjecture, which was based on the observed red shift in light from galaxies and the assumption that the red shift is caused by the Doppler effect. If that assumption is wrong then the entire collection of conjectures is without support. There are other possible causes of red shift.

Science is supposed to be based on observations, tests, and proofs. There is a strong tendency to accept conjectures, math models, and consensus of opinions instead. You need to be careful about accepting things that have not actually been observed. Distances beyond 3,200 LY have not been observed.”


Year’s-end Revelations:

Things seem (to humans/Outlanders) to be expanding… because humans looking out there are willing it by wanting to see farther and around things; their wills are causing that realm to appear to spread out for them.  It is not because of “dark matter” or “dark energy”.  It is perception caused by willpower, even if from those ignorant of their ability to manifest things that way.

Also, “entropy” is the stabilization/stabilizing of the Universe, not its doomsday running-out of energy/momentum.  Things spread out to their ideal/wanted spacing, entirely conscious –and in control– of that.  Then they experience moments of localized “expansion” based on who goes to them and focuses on which parts.

“How far does Space go?” boils down to, and manifests, “Space does go far.”
“Is anything out there?” boils down to, and manifests, “Anything is out there.”;
both are chaos spells; they cause expansion, entropy, powerlessness, infinity, random creatures, etc..
Thankfully I realized I can just Ask Space to incarnate…and shrink…and let Yggdrasil reform.
Xephia is Space itself in humanoid form, just as I’d asked.
And that horned-bull shapeshifter in DreamSpace during Iraq deployment 2?  That wasn’t it being demonic or trying to intimidate me; it was something to do with beasts acknowledging and teaming up with me, and something maybe with the Age of Taurus, or the Taurus constellation civilization/s… which is where 34 Tauri and the Pleiadians are.


2023 October:  Revelation about the Dark Patches

You may have heard that some supernovae appear more than once, in different locations, due to gravity lensing around galaxies and such.  This may be why there seem to be some vast dark/empty regions in Space; light that comes from them may be pulled/bent away by the time it reaches us.  In other words, they aren’t really there; what we perceive as their empty spots/regions are just an illusion.


2024 February 1:  Helping Visualize Volume (Spaces Occupied)

Cube roots of the following tallies/estimates of stars per galaxy size:
2T galaxies = ~12,599^3 (12,599 x 12,599 x 12,599)
<100M stars in a dwarf galaxy = ~464^3 (464 x 464 x 464)
1B small = 1,000^3
10B smaller than avg. = ~2,154^3
100B stars in our (avg.) galaxy = ~4,642^3
1T large = 10,000^3
10T giant = ~21,544^3
100T stars in a supergiant galaxy = ~46,416^3


2024 March:

Humans keep discovering stars and galaxies that do not make sense in the standard model (Big Bang, star formation, galaxy ages for development, red-shift indicators, etc.) because they are stimulating the ether (Space/void) without decision, only “let’s see what else might be there” which always boils down to “create more random things”.
They fail to come up with a model that explains all they are seeing out there… because they have not yet factored in the possibility that their thoughts and vibes are stimulating that medium/realm… regardless of the assumed cosmic distances between them and those objects.


2024 July 22 Monday:

  • 1 light-year (LY) = ~63,241.1 Astronomical Units (AU; the avg. distance from Earth to the Sun)
  • 2,300 LY^3 = 13.2000612 LY (or ~834,786.39035532x the Earth-Sun dispersion) along each edge of a cube volume of Space
  • If there is an avg. of 1 star / solar-system per 2,300 LY^3 in the MWG, then the avg. distance between stars/systems in the MWG is ~13.2 LY.
  • The closest star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, 4.24 LY away.  It is much closer than 13.2 LY because we are in a “galactic arm”; one of the curving clusters/lines of stars, not the more-sparse spaces between such “structures”/groupings.


2024 October/+:

  • Maybe the stars are not moving, nor any planets orbiting; maybe it is just Space itself that flexes and contracts around them, moving them closer and farther from each other, conscious and knowing/feeling/sensing from them when they need to be a little closer, then a little farther from one another.  Picture a cosmic-sized being dwarfing all the Titans.  Now picture that entity not being visible to human eyes, appearing black/blank/invisible, and always slowly steadily surely changing, thus the understandable misperception that the stars and planets are orbiting each other due to their own gravity… even though they might all be fixed on coordinates/points/spots, similar in concept to how the most-advanced travel isn’t based on movement/propulsion, but at least bending Space, and ideally just opening portals that don’t even need to bend Space.
  • 2024nov24sun:  According to current estimates, the average galaxy has a mass between 100 billion and 1 trillion solar masses, with the Milky Way considered to be ~1.5 trillion solar masses, which is considered fairly typical for a galaxy of its brightness.
    range of mass:  The lightest galaxies might be ~1 billion solar masses, while the heaviest can reach up to 30 trillion solar masses.
  • There is only one solar system… because, while there are many star systems in the universe, including those of at least 200 billion other stars in the MWG, Earth’s star, the Sun, is the only one officially called “Sol”.  Many people are accustomed to colloquially referring to all star systems as solar systems, but if you really want to be precise/technical, the correct term is always star-system when referring to ones other than Earth’s.


Conceptual Images:

Ancient Ruins:

You’ll find them pretty much everywhere, since everything was built.  Sometimes they will be too damaged/eroded to notice, but they are there.  Sometimes they won’t look like anything your own kind ever built, because those who built them were not like your kind, but they are still 100% built structures.

Also see: