We’ve been listening to your input over the years, and are happy to announce this latest full-site-and-company overhaul!  Here are some of the many items we resolved and upgraded since the previous Inisfree website a couple years ago:

  1. all previous websites combined
  2. easier fonts and color scheme contrasts to read
  3. polished menu bar & other navigation
  4. all data amassed over the past decade reorganized and staged for uploading
  5. site is now mobile-friendly
  6. also tablet-friendly
  7. songs grouped into playlists
  8. thousands of songs instead of just dozens
  9. all images uniformly organized and presented
  10. hundreds of videos
  11. new content added daily
  12. blog and vlog added
  13. comments option now available
  14. multiple ways to contact our staff posted
  15. infinite space to expand indefinitely
  16. all Inisfree areas, buildings, schedules, and processes completed
  17. Inisfree’s extensive restaurants and clubs lists and details completed
  18. new 3D-printing factory added just for furnishings
  19. site aspects consolidated
  20. longer contract secured
  21. webpage names adjusted to be easier to understand and remember
  22. automated newsletter, subscription, and un-subscribe options
  23. all expeditions and upcoming itineraries posted
  24. monetized
  25. books published and linked
  26. books listed on Goodreads
  27. consulting options listed
  28. more donation options
  29. special content unlocked for donors
  30. vouching comments posted
  31. news page reflects all modern breakthroughs
  32. new galaxies and colonies info starting to be added
  33. hundreds more of the ‘form-sakes’ for the Inisfreean girls listed and explained
  34. redundant information and pages from previous sites resolved
  35. 100% of the technology making Inisfree possible now explained in text, picture, and video format
  36. disclaimer revised
  37. edgy content moved to fewer pages, such as for the military-humor magazine issues
  38. all previous interface and programming bugs worked out
  39. all desired cosmetic changes applied
  40. hundreds of new characters from the novels series are now listed with growing dossiers
  41. new Companies We Support page in the works

Got anything more we should touch up?  Let us know!  Inisfree is what we make it.

Categories: All My Blog Articles