Since 2007 when I exited the military, I’ve been arranging and polishing my creations, ideas, and pitch deck.  That was more than a decade ago now, and after evolving through and shedding several websites, online communities, and startups, I can finally see that it is the right time to ‘go viral’.  What does that mean exactly?

Going viral is just what it sounds like; the item or concept in question becomes so stirring and popular that it is shared like wildfire, driving incredible amounts of traffic through your ‘Internet funnel’ right to where you have monetized your magnum opus.  In Hollywood, the first time an actor or actress goes viral, they call it his or her ‘breakthrough performance’.  That’s what launches them fully into stardom and a wave of the best possible deals.  How is this achieved, though?

The way you get your content spreading that quickly and automatically is simple; many studies have confirmed that the best equation and strategy to achieve the positive viral status is:  [creating content with ethos (an appealing ethical side) + pathos (stirring emotions, such as awe and humor) + logos (something logical, practical) + links to recognized experts without asking for anything in return + ending each post with a call-to-action which triggers responses from your viewers].  Do this, and your creativity, positivity, reverence, and hard work will start to be reciprocated.  For years, I was ‘down periscope’ on purpose; my R+D and trails-&-errors needed to be completed in a controlled environment with few distractions from the outside world, but now all that work has come together, crystallized, and gone online, fully public, and you know what that means.

So here goes; this article is my first practice run while operating within that recommended formula.  What is that recipe for success one more time?

  1. Ethos:  I have chosen to adhere to the standards I have found to be the most ethical; I have devoted my life to completing the design, construction, and management of the world’s first truly pollution-free and endlessly-sustainable community, which I and my friends have named Inisfree.
  2. Pathos:  My emotions run naturally and high, and I have found many ways of turning them into effective tools and fuel, rather than attempting to repress or reprogram them.  I am in love with this Inisfree project of ours, and have enjoyed a steadily growing passion for it over the many years (going on two decades now) I have been at its helm.  When you look through our webpages here, I know you will feel strong emotions for it, too.
  3. Logos:  Regardless of how accurate you feel climate-change science and claims are, it is logical to build Inisfree as a demonstration of just how easily a zero-pollution city can be built.  The logic of backing and benefiting from such a project is self-explanatory.  People will keep spreading, so it only makes sense to set the right standard and on the largest of scales, making humanity’s ongoing expansion stable and once again harmonious with the rest of nature –not to mention more inspirational, healing, and impressive than ever before!
  4. Shout Out:  There are so many brilliant wonderful people I have been thanking, want to thank, and will continue to make the time to thank in my upcoming posts and uploads.  You may have seen me post waves of thank-yous to dozens of them at once on Facebook and other sites, and you’ll see even more mentioned by name in my books.  In Inisfree, there will be hundreds of plaques and statues honoring them all.  Check out this website’s Statue Park page for more details!
  5. Call to Action:  So where do YOU come in?  Even with all I have researched, tested, and figured out, I can’t build Inisfree on my own, and have been pitching its proposed physical creation to investors for the last few years.  I am asking YOU to help me get the word out about this, and to introduce me to anyone you know who may be able to, and interested in, helping.  I need your help networking and securing support!  Who can you email, text, and call today who can then get in touch with me?  I am ready to talk with them and you right now!

They say ‘everything happens for a reason’, and ‘all things happen in perfect time’, and you know something?  While that frustrated me before, I am inclined to believe it wholeheartedly now; things didn’t seem to be working out before, but they were all along, giving me a taste of everything without steering me away from my ultimate purpose and goal.  All those times I nearly died or got teamed up on, and wondered how I would ever go on, were sturdier and worthier stepping stones than I could have ever planned and arranged for myself.  Looking back, I am very grateful for them all.

The time is near for Inisfree and this new and final website I have built to at last go viral, reaching everyone around the world.  It is up to you to share this article and get that momentum going.  Do you want to see a zero-pollution city full of wonders and technology coexisting perfectly with the Earth?  Then contact me now and let’s meet to plan and progress further!  Inisfree needs you.  This great campaign needs you.  I need you.

Together we can make the last decade of work and more come to fruition for us all.



I’ll close with giving some specific credit where credit is due; what you’ve just read was inspired by another writer and researcher who I just learned about.  Here is the great article that details his theory, conclusion, and recommendation much more:  How to Create Viral Content that Will Drive 2,500 Visitors per  Day    Neil Patel, thank you!



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