First of all, for those who don’t yet know that abbreviation, MMORPG stands for Massively-Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.  That’s a mouthful.  It basically means a video or computer game connected to the Internet, where players not only play the game, but get to interact with other real players along the way, and not just one or two like in most multiplayer areas of other games, but millions.  MMORPGs are vast digital worlds with lifelike environments to explore and quest through, those quests often requiring the work of teams formed by other interested players.


After 2012 when Inisfree came online and my work in Montana had resulted in things such as Inisfree’s central municipal computer design, it occurred to me that having more than just my series of novels to introduce outsiders to life in Inisfree would be a good idea.  For those who liked games more than books, or just wanted to use a character to play through much more eye-opening scenes showcasing life in the big Antarctic city, our very own MMORPG was designed.  The books stirred their imaginations, the website covered many of the other details, and this new game would let them feel like they were actually getting to walk inside.  The central computer I’d also designed would help make it happen.

Largely inspired by arguably the best MMORPG of all time; World of Warcraft (as well as StarCraft, Minecraft, and a few others), ours was originally titled World of Inisfree.  In our game, players get to create their own character(s), starting with the gender, race, and class, and then even getting to fine-tune things such as height, hair color, and facial features.  Once that is done, they begin a journey as the newly created character arriving in Inisfree, and get to experience every step of the journey there from newcomer to one of the most well-known and trusted of the realm.

Players decide what the nature, talents, and developed skills of their characters are.  They get to decide where to explore first, and which quests to accept.  They can work with NPCs, other players, or both.  The options are so numerous that there probably isn’t even a name for the total possible number of them.  Our MMORPG is a very dynamic and open-ended world.

If you want to roleplay life as a powerful man or woman coming to Inisfree, you can.  If you want to roleplay as a kajira, you can.  Even if you want to roleplay as one of the girls born from Inisfree itself, you can; yes, even the legendary ICVs, as they are called, are one of the character types you can create just before the start of gameplay.  All of them are worth experiencing, and will reveal to you some of the many and endless wonders that are the daily norm in our home.

For the last several years, this game has gone from fanciful idea, to scribbles and notes, to typed Word file, to dozens of files and supporting images, to certain key areas and functions being built in other games to test out their game engines, and finally to its Players Manual made available for free here on this very website.  As more parts of the game get built in simulators, the rest of the game logic and programming will be tested and debugged, …until eventually, of course, the first version ready for beta-testing and then release to the public will become.

So when will ‘World of Inisfree’ be released?  When is the beta and debut?  Is there an early-launch or midnight selling?  That information and those dates will be posted here, and through the game’s own website once it, too, gets put online.  If you’d like to donate your funds or game-developer skills to this endeavor, contact us through the channels made available at the bottom of our Home page.  In the meantime, you can learn all there is to know about this MMORPG by navigating to its webpages through those for the facility we’ll be hosting it from; WMKM Studios.


Timeline of Our Very Own MMORPG

  • 2009        inspiration for Inisfree and its MMORPG is collected during ongoing world travels and sampling successful MMORPGs
  • 2010        sketches of layout considerations for Inisfree’s main and signature structures are made on paper
  • 2011        the 5-page first-website to organize all of the Inisfree inspiration and ideas is launched, then the scale-model of Inisfree built
  • 2012        departure from Texas to the secret office in Montana
  • 2013        the final schedule for Inisfree is confirmed
  • 2014        Inisfree’s MMORPG is typed into a single Word file
  • 2015        novel 1 about Inisfree is ready, and the Inisfree MMORPG is discussed with other artists & gamers
  • 2016        novel 2 about Inisfree is ready, and the first of the MMORPG areas are test-built in various other games
  • 2017        novel 3 about Inisfree is ready, and the new business/Inisfree website is built, all information copied and revised from the old one
  • 2018        novel 4 about Inisfree is ready, and dozens of webpages to explain every part of the Inisfree MMORPG are built and published
  • 2019        TBA; the finalized MMORPG design will be put into computer language and tested in an offline environment, with the final 6 novels in the series in editing (from which several expansions to our MMORPG will be based)

More to come.

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