You’ve probably seen my long list of completed trips, expeditions, and other outings.  If not, scroll up on the Home page to the Expeditions link and go check them out. That’s just the ‘tell’, though; I am about to give you the description behind that tell.  In other words, I want to share with you here how my approach to planning and executing my many and ongoing adventures has been revised.

                I used to want to help the whole world, and I grew up thinking I’d been born onto‘the right side’; we were the goodguys, and eventually we’d be able to set everything the way it should be, such as via foreign aid… and sometimes war.  The more I learned, interacted, and traveled, though, the more I realized there was no ‘right side’, and that things were on a schedule –including how the minds of the vast majority of creatures on this world were able to work.  No matter how far out I went, everyone everywhere always thought, behaved, and reacted the same way to the same things, their collective mentality and approach only changing very slowly… as the years –and that schedule– ticked on. There was something more at play than what I’d been led to believe about countries, individuals, and time.

                Learning about modern history and some of the ‘ancient’ sites came first, but then I learned about other sites so much more ancient that it made all the rest look modern and puny.  The way the oldest, biggest sites had been put together stupefied some of the best minds and construction companies of our technologically ‘advanced’ time, so I started making a point to see them all,one after the other, no matter how much it cost me to get to them, learning as much as I could from them, drawing my own conclusions based on my own field research, and even if I had to travel alone. That was lonely, frustrating, and depressing at first, sometimes even very scary, but it was a massive blessing in disguise, and one I am still grateful for to this very day and minute, and I’ll tell you why.

                Along the way, I started noticing how much more focused, balanced, and productive I became –and remained– while doing that; whenever I accepted solo trips, everything skyrocketed in the best of ways.  I cannot begin to tell you how many dollars, hours, and other things it saved.  I went from barely being able to pull off and survive one or two adventures per year… to hundreds.  The results were beyond exponential.  It reminded me of how all the stories of the prophets and others ‘greats’ throughout history and ‘mythology’ always went off on their own, up to the tops of mountains, and deep into private hidden caves, meditating for ages until they came up with new ways of doing things, all their own.

                My flights and road-trips used to be all about trying to meet and connect with people I thought were my type.  My nature is to be a social creature, sharing ideas and love with those and all who are drawn to the same vibes.  I had no guidance in steering from this for a time, or why, and having to do so was a bumpy ride for the first decade or two.  Rather suddenly one year, …I couldn’t help but focus more –or entirely– on the vibes, subtleties,and apparent intentions people all around me were giving off.  I could no longer just push through all those‘signs’ and indulge in skimming the surface.  Not at all.  I was a changed man; I could finally really see.

                People would walk by, or up to me, sometimes many times, or just keep looking my way, and I would patiently and politely sit there, only reflecting what they were sending to me, no longer (like I always had before) being the one to try to bridge those gaps right away.  I gave these more-recent people seeking my attention plenty of opportunities to approach the rest of the way, offer a handshake, and say hi.  A few of them did, and I returned the pleasant greeting, but my expanded new nature was to observe and sense deeply into our entire environment, including all around us, not just them one at a time.  I picked up immediately on those who had come with them, what they seemed to bethinking and feeling, and how I would best proceed. 

                Sometimes I still kick myself for having made this change; there were many dozens I enjoyed interacting with before it, and many interesting experiences around the world that would likely not have happened otherwise, but I have had many more instances of a new class of experience since separating myself from that previous way.  The outcome of making that change has been far more travel, ideas, and progress with my life’s work, not less.  I have realized that, no matter what I went through, some things seem destined to have happened; I might have lived in a much more relaxed state this whole time, had I known or sensed that, and just let go, letting them.  Perhaps all those people I tried so hard to get to or with… were never necessary at all.

                I’d always been told that I had to do things in a certain way; in a certain order, at a certain time, while looking and speaking a certain way, believing certain things, etc. etc.  Everyone I met, observed, and heard from who was doing things that certain way, however, was always in a bad way; they were always ‘down’, always complaining, always ‘broke’, always suffering from many and worsening health conditions.  I would be mad to accept and adopt what they all kept preaching without factoring this foreboding and undeniable fact in.  ..Had they all actually been holding me and themselves back,while I spent all that time confusing their potential and thinking it absolutely necessary to stay with and around them?  Their ‘certain’ way was only certainly wrong, as was my former certainty about thinking I needed them.

                The more I thought and meditated on these considerations and possibilities, the more at peace I found I was when all alone.  My breathing changed, my heart rate changed, …everything changed; my tension slipped away and I got in better shape than I’d ever been in before –physically and mentally, including emotionally and more.  I grew my hair out and felt more ‘one’ and alive.  I began to walk barefoot, and started deeply enjoying the cold.  People started seeing me in a very different light, and that helped me to, as well.

                The focal point in my life and all my travels had shifted from other people, …to just me, my studies, and my immediate environment, …to all there is, all at once, as if it was just one thing appearing in different ways at different times around me.  And the more I noticed how much clearer this vantage point makes things, the clearer my own awareness of self became; I was no longer distracted by focusing entirely on so many others, and so I suddenly gained great insight into what I’d needed to all along.  Even those from very faraway places no longer captured my attention like before, nor did anyone claiming to have known or still kept in touch with them.

                This really frustrated some people who were expecting me to submit in some way, adopting or re-adopting their systems under different figureheads and names, but I had learned to let go and walk away, letting them be the ones to chase and follow me.  How much more this would continue and work, I would not… for a while… know.  It would turn out to be the whole world, and everything beyond.

                Having no more cares for the people (at least as they were while their minds were still stuck in that expectant and entitled state), I was able to read, learn,understand, and build upon more than I had ever done in college.  I read, tested, and proved that the information even college students were being presented about history, diet, physics, and so many other disciplines was entirely wrong; it was just made-up nonsense that people had been told to repeat, lest they lose their practicing licenses and be assumed crazy.  Even the calendar we’d used all our lives was woefully messed up, the one represented in some of those biggest and most ancient sites I mentioned earlier having the answers.

                Enter the Mayans, and how they taught an incredible science almost lost to the ages; their pyramids had been built in very specific and clever ways, such as with steps representing the sections of their special type of calendar, and the locations their pyramids pinpointed marking naturally energetic areas on the surface of the Earth which connected to vortexes, grids, and much more than just places of convenience of plate tectonics. But the Mayans weren’t all…

                Time-tested peoples and organizations from around the world contributed to my growing understanding of how things actually work, why I should really keep traveling, and how much more there is to pursue and know. I looked for, tested, and accepted the wisdom of different Native American groups, independent European researchers, and those daring to present evidence of some of the greatest clandestine projects of our century.  Knowledge about universal healing techniques, gemstone applications, aromatherapy, earthquake-proof construction techniques, harmonics, soil science, special aerospace engineering tricks, and on and on… found its way to me, and I worked it in.

That underlying ‘schedule’ of all people, the world, and all things… had gotten to a distinctly new phase; I no longer needed to battle or seek things out, for they all were flowing to me like a mighty river now turned to my favor.  I had stood up to and filtered out all the incompatible, and all that remained was coming right my way, unopposed.   I could even see ahead through the time-stream now, and saw how that ‘river’ and schedule would continue to flow as the coming changes took to bloom.

                So now, having learned and checked all this, I go out on each adventure by myself, happy to be by myself, no longer troubled if the people out there are too shy or entitled to finish greeting and opening up to me, and having already seen how they will start returning, sometimes many times in a row, repeatedly seeking me out… even when I do not think very highly of how I am presenting myself.  Their minds are locked into the overall flow, and that flow is ever rising into the positive and most agreeable form.  …In time, I’ll see them returning and approaching the right way, once and for all.

                I keep getting donations,offers, and time off when I need it (as opposed to the exact opposite in years long in my past).  Trips farther and farther out keep happening (the last two each spanning nearly 10,000 miles in a matter of weeks, and taking me to special sites across dozens of provinces,states, and nations).  I have so many people rogering up to help that I can hardly remember them all; others have started coming to me, a complete reversal from the harrowing times before.  What used to be false offers to slay my hopes and drive… have transformed into honored offerings which keep me going strong.

                Half the most major areas of unlocking natures have been reached.  Half the legends and ancient peoples are confirmed. Initial representatives from the remaining half on this world have come forth, meeting me at special gatherings such as at the top universities and similar centers.  One quarter of the countries known to this planet are now ones I’ve been through and over, many of them many times.  The rest will happen even if I try to stop it; such as is the powerful calling and flow of things in these amazingly refreshing times.  I will see all 204 nations and then some, and the individual encounters will achieve all I have set out to.

                Why have I disabled comments on these blog articles of mine, when the topics are so stirring and relatable?  Because the time for talk is over –especially online; I will only converse from time to time about key matters with those who actually show up, helping while giving off the unmistakable vibe of shared interests.  All others will just have to find their own way, gravitate back to what they truly want, or muster up the stuff deep within themselves to see more about mine.

                If you are one of those people who feels the same call I do; that same pull to the oldest and most telling sites of ruins and other structures around the world, then I will see you there, and at many of the storied places in between.  You can get an idea for where I will be going now… based on the images in the album at the bottom of this article; they are the vortexes and other points of subtle timeless interest all around the world,making the remainder of my ‘Round The World’ (RTW) venture all about learning the final ‘pieces of this puzzle’ not from human interaction, …but something far more revealing and reliable, a language and science all its own.

                Stopping to chat, live, and work with others didn’t produce the results I thought it would or intended to.  It couldn’t –at least not before.  Going out on my own always did.  When all I intend begins to happen either way, we’ll all know we’re in what I’m calling Phase 3. 

                I look forward to those I’ll see there –for in those days, …not only will we not be seeking out others or our inner selves, nor even just going it alone for long spells; in those days… the sites and other things we once sought will be seeking us, …and will come right to us, we not even having to leave.  The energies will have changed; we will be the new vortexes and points of interest, …and healing, …and more.  That is how my travels have changed.  The final half of the current ancient sites (energy centers) have paved the way.

Will you be there with my new team when the final ancient sites in and around Moscow light back up?


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