Several times this year I have been asked that question; some people see my website, they read through some of its content, and they begin to wonder if any of it is true. This is, of course, a little amusing to the people who have spent decades achieving breakthroughs and wonders; the content on this website is second-nature to us, easily recalled and explained, and backed up by endless evidence. A lot of it is old news, too; nothing on my website is classified or cutting-edge, and you could prototype probably all of it in your garage with the right amount of tinkering and devotion.
I’ll go over each category of my content, though, for those who genuinely want to know. You might be surprised just how much on this website is factual.
- the features on our News page… real
- all the trips/expeditions listed… real
- the whole city design for Inisfree, and the fact that it is zero-pollution… real
- projected and forecast construction schedules… real
- where we have chosen to build that zero-pollution city… real
- the Capital of Antarctica book series… real
- our online magazine called MKM… real
- my journal entries… real
- my resume and curriculum vitae… real
- observations about the three distinct phases of life in this era… real
- computer/video-game development for an MMORPG based on the Inisfree city design… real
- our omni-calendar… real; it all really does line up nicely, and numerous witnesses have reported even its parts about the SSP, and many popular games, are part of the modern disclosure campaign
- the Mayan’s triple-calendar, and how it accurately plots major evolutions for humanity and the world across millennia… real
- university degrees earned by the protagonist… in progress, several already complete
- Inisfree’s Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and laws… real
- the protagonist’s abilities… most have been observed, and all have been taking shape
- our own office and system of copyrights, patents, and trademarks… real
- climate-change tips… real
- dieting tips… real
- general health tips… real
Okay, if all of that is real, is there anything on this website that isn’t?
- book character dossiers content; you can find these in our Writing Universe page, then Main Character Groups, and they are representations or likenesses of people who have lived, developed skills beyond the norm, and assisted Inisfree in some way, so they are fictions based on what is real
- avatars for personnel who have chosen to remain anonymous
- image albums; all of the pictures we have organized into webpage albums are close approximations of what has been designed and will be built
- Messages from the CEO is one of our webpages which has links to some more semi-fictional book and ‘universe’ content; company-wide blogs and other letters prepared by the founder of Inisfree and its biggest corporation address its near-future population based on predicted business decisions in their community
So now you know; 99% of the content here is the real deal, and the 1% that is not yet real is openly labeled as fiction, hopes, and goals. In time, that last 1% will be made real just like all the rest.
Why aren’t more people aware of all these impressive facts, then? You tell me. Maybe they are just busy or paying attention to other things. Maybe the information presented on this website just isn’t reaching them or their communities yet. It’s posted here, though, so you can direct them to our webpages if they would like to learn. From here, we can further direct them to innumerable additional sources around the world.
In short, what here is real? Just about all of it. More real content to come.
If you’d like a more personalized response than this, you are welcome to sign up for one of my seminars or in-person consultations. I’ll travel to you, go over your questions and/or design/s, and help you make your dream as wildly successful as the world-trip and city-design projects have become. You know how to reach me.