This will be a short post; all I want to show you is the new video introducing people to the highlights of what the city called Inisfree has become. It includes images and videos of hundreds of spots across that new realm, with one of my favorite playlist tracks overlaid, and wraps up with a high-speed video of the possible future, and our Store webpage’s cover of how the completed hard-copy novels in our series about Inisfree look. I am very pleased to be presenting it to you now.
The ideas for Inisfree were once scattered far across Space and time. It took decades to receive and piece them all together. I cannot tell you what a relief and joy it is to be at the completion of that very long process.
What is Inisfree? It is my dream-home and community, my invention and my calling, my business and literal Heaven on Earth. Those who love how things are on this website of mine, if they are truly compatible with me, …may one day get to help build and enjoy it with me where it rests… near the South Pole.