After decades of travel all around the world, including out onto the high seas and down into deep caves, I am taking a nice break until the signs show up that it is time for me to travel again.  What all did I find out there?  I sensed and documented many things that have given me reason to go on; to continue my quests out to all nations and remote regions, still searching for the people who think, eat, and interact like me.

The book series I started will be released from within the community I designed, after that community is built and operational, just as I decided all those years ago.  It isn’t meant to make profits or earn bestseller awards; it’s just one more way to introduce outsiders to all I’ve been working on and where it is meant to lead.  Its a lot like a journal, memoir, or chronicle, not as much as science fiction as it is labeled or may seem.

In case you are new to all this and feeling a little overwhelmed, this website keeps organized nearly two decades of solo and joint writing projects; creative writing, design brainstorming, and flights of artistic fancy.  Think of it like one big vision board, or everything I couldn’t fit onto my business cards.  And, yes, there is some mature and controversial content mixed in –as there should be.

Consulting has become something of a hobby of mine, and I’m still, as always, open to teaming up with interested people to help go over and refine their going-off-grid designs.  I’m also still available to travel anywhere on Earth within 24 hours; to help out with actual construction and upgrades in person (provided, of course, that there are no inappropriate government restrictions to deal with).  Let me know if you’d like my expertise on a sustainability project of your own.

Those I met out there and liked, you’re welcome to return to tell me more about yourselves now.  I’m sure you know where to find me.  Let me know you’re serious when it is time to team up.

I haven’t found a place I can tell I am meant to call home and “put down roots in” (though I did find a few really beautiful mountains, homes, and other things).  Maybe I will during the travels ahead.  That will all depend on how well I click with the people out there this website makes it clear I have been hoping to meet and unite with all along.

For now, there is just a lot of fine vegan dining, self care, and waiting for the destined team.

That’s all for now.


Categories: All My Blog Articles