There is a Cliff’s Notes webpage about my realistic science fiction story.  This blog is my Cliff’s Notes about my website and self in general.  I am writing/typing and posting it here because a surprising number of people have apparently read my works, yet still missed many of these key concepts somewhere along the way, assuming/concluding something very inaccurate about me or the saga I have started.

  1. I wrote down all my ideas and returned to them only when I had another idea form from them. I did not burn out by trying to force any one of them to completion too soon. I did try to make Inisfree the old fashioned way for a while until I learned a better way, but I always took breaks and regrouped when needed.
  2. I wrote down a detailed future of all things that make me feel my best, much like a vision board but for longer than the norm. I like what I like. I notice what heals me and keeps me healthy. I do not question or doubt what works. I trust results. One of the most effective ways to get better -and the best- results… is to be clear and consistent about what you love and want, especially over -and for- long periods of time.
  3. I calculated how it is possible to greatly increase a lot of positives in my life. I didn’t just let my imagination run wild. Quantifying potentials helps me determine geometric and chronological limits, which then helps me ask for the maximum possible goodness in all fields. I now know exactly how many people I can meet and work with each day, how many businesses I can run, and so on, and it is more than you might think… without doing that math.
  4. I took thinking and speaking of myself and others to a level beyond even positivity and compliments. Ever get a handmade scroll from me? You may have noticed how I research for and restore amazing ancestral honors.
  5. I go based on vibes; I make decisions based on far more than words, because some people lie from time to time, so more must be factored in than just what they say. If I volunteered to help somewhere, and the vibes became dark, I left. Vibes tell everything, and I pay attention to them.
  6. Anyone that isn’t compatible or making improvements, I move on from. It doesn’t matter if they have money or looks; if they don’t understand how to team up and be respectful, they likely will remain that way, as that likely just is how they are. I only keep in contact when it is ‘a two-way street’ and the right feel, mutually beneficial.
  7. All of those things have helped manifest more realizations, health, and travels for me than many believe is even possible, so I keep doing work here at this site… because it worked. My health, workstation, vehicles, and encounters have all improved by leaps and bounds. No matter how new or controversial some of my posts or uploads may seem, all they are to me is a reliably successful method for getting what I need, deserve, and seek.
  8. I don’t just memorize homework or claims in schools; I examine the entire school itself, why each thing is taught, who confirmed any of it, if any, how it was ‘confirmed’ (as there are often errors in logic, even amongst scientists), where the funding leads, what the underlying bias is, and more. This means I don’t just understand concepts they want us to understand, I understand concepts such as how the different schools of thought and learning institutions became what they are today, and how to right or improve them.
  9. Some try to cram too much into too few years, such as by breeding before they know how to form healthy offspring. I instead plan things to last many multiples of their average lifetime, thus setting far better things in motion, such as a more logical and reasonable pace. I do things when it is the right time to, not when I am pressured to by people moving too fast and living too briefly.
  10. No matter how much content or complexity there is on this site, my life’s work boils down to: me being me, me being transparent about it, using this transparency to reveal to me who is smart enough to understand (in other words, I do not filter myself here, and that filters out any ‘haters’ and fools by triggering them, even when they are trying to pretend to be nice; vibes never lie), and growing my own food on my own land for my own kind of family and culture. Sure, there are theories and itineraries and timelines posted here, as well as dossiers for hundreds of people, but all of it is about holding, sharing, and completing the vision and writing/spell for what my blood and heart and gut, and all the signs I have ever seen, tell me is the only way for me. Sure, I mention engineering and ruins and tons of music and venue designs, but again… all of it is about one thing, and one thing only, and that thing is me deciding, declaring, and creating the life that is right for me.
  11. Things don’t stabilize or even really exist until we decide they do, giving them structure via our beliefs a.k.a. faith in them. Instead of theorizing, testing, and debating, I simply decide and declare. This has always calmed down the chaos elements. It will continue to shape, stabilize, and unify things for years to come.
  12. I have a lot of energy, bravery, and determination. I know how to balance those things. I’m not perfect, i.e. fully self-balancing, so I call on others I trust to work with me as a symbiotic and synergistic team. Some say I have a dominant aura. Some have witnessed me standing up and speaking out even to -or against- the supposed gods. That is my high energy, bravery, and determination. They know no bounds, and that is as they should be. That is how pioneering works are accomplished. It takes that level of strength and drive, and even defiance at times, bucking off and away all that does not serve, no matter what.
  13. It was never about just writing and dreaming stuff up; I wrote and roleplayed what captured my fascination, and used penpal writing to help me brainstorm and refine my ideas. My saga is a forecast, schedule, and spell, if you can believe that. Call it what you will. It is more than mere books.
  14. I will never try to be P-C. Catering to the masses never fully pleases anyone, thus it leads to more stress, not less, thus does more harm than good. I and my site aren’t for everyone, nor should we ever be. I am me, not some version of me that others might ask or press me to be.
  15. Yes, for years I worked multiple jobs, went back to school, and locked myself away so I could live like a monk and get far more designing and revising completed. Yes, I have worked through holidays, birthdays, you name it. I will continue to, and happily, until the desired result is achieved.
  16. I used to date and socialize a lot… until I realized that what I sought would not be found by playing the numbers game; I noticed incremental calibrations and alignments happened over longer periods of time, so I began waiting longer between giving interest parties a chance. This has worked, too. The more I step back and don’t pursue, the more they show up and strive to show me their best.
  17. I felt far lonelier and more stressed when I wasn’t this focused on my dream/calling. No matter what, my choice to commit to all the work I have been doing these years has been worth it, leaving me feeling clever and proud. I don’t know anyone who has done what I’ve done –and at such a young age.
  18. We don’t get mad at the weights at our gym for always pushing back, always resisting us; we go to them eagerly and get results. Everything that has been against me has indirectly contributed to advancing my childhood daydreaming of a normal house and job… to what you see here today. I also keep getting to see gigantic surges in karma; justice, so I now kind of smirk and lean into each experience, knowing more advancements for me, and payback for the rest, is sure to come.
  19. Most of what we were taught… is actually mythology, pseudo science, and delusion. Thankfully, what actually happened, what actually works, and who is actually out there… keep becoming known to me. This is no coincidence, and a very good sign.
  20. While I still have many encounters and levels I look forward to and pray about, or wish upon the stars for, I am still very relieved, grateful, and impressed at the ones who chose to make themselves known to me, even if all we did so far was be in the same place for a moment, looking at one another, vibing that we are here. I am sure the ones I adore can sense that vibe. To them I say… walk up to me and read my vibe, too, showing me you can feel it and care.
  21. I cannot deny the numbers and the facts; I can no longer do what didn’t work, so all of you interested out there will just have to show me we share the same vision and calling. Me going out there was only good for orienting and finding -and manifesting- some ruins and restaurants, among other things. It is now your turn to come to me –and I know which of you can and did, so do it again, this time in the way I communicated is right for us. Let’s align.
  22. There is tons of perfection out there. I found more of it than I can count. More is coming, already in formation.
  23. I will never blog or YouTube or ‘tweet’ regularly. I am not a content creator, as they say. I only post when the spirit moves me.
  24. I’ve done the bad teams thing, and the no teams thing, so that leaves only one thing, and I am smiling about that fact. There are always lulls, pauses, rests, breathers between each one, and I have done the breather after that latest round. The best for me is yet to come… and is nearly here.
  25. Instead of just reading tons of books, taking up my time picturing others’ ideas, I wrote my own.
  26. Instead of copying the same one culture and lifestyle so overplayed and defaulted mindlessly to by most others, I came up with my own.
  27. Instead of writing things based on endless division, separation, and increasing complexity a.k.a. chaos, I wrote one original thing based on unity, reunions, and removing chaos.
  28. Instead of shying away from healthy sex, or banning and shaming it like immature sites did, I made sure to include this normal grownup fundamental balancing aspect to each webpage and chapter.
  29. Instead of allowing illogical negative labeling of my powerful ability to daydream, imagine, design, and create, I embraced it fully, ‘spacing out’ anytime my body sensed it was time to receive and share the next wave of ideas.
  30. Instead of drafting a simple, small, typical “ask”, I drafted one that took decades to think up and specify, thus ensuring a much greater and lasting “granting” when the “ask” is finally complete, no longer being added to.
  31. Instead of just novels, I focused on writing and publishing all my ideas, starting with those of my books, here; this site better conveys all of what I receive and think up, not limiting that sharing to books which can no longer be added to once made and sent.
  32. A vision board is a nice start. A rune has some power. Extrapolating from that, a vision board full of runes, letters, other symbols, image albums, videos, playlists, and more… works exponentially better.
  33. Anytime someone claims I am rude for not doing things their way, they are simultaneously saying they themselves are rude for not doing things my way. It only makes sense if either both were rude by their standard, or if they simply were childish in how they interpreted and reacted to how I always politely pass through, waiting for decisions and signs from others.
  34. Anytime something doesn’t sound quite right, or if I don’t yet understand it, very simply I just start reading and researching about it, asking people about it, and meditating on it until I do understand it.  I don’t just assume that what others tell me is accurate, even if they have convinced themselves their conclusions are correct.  I never just assume that what’s on TV and the radio is anything other than biased paid advertisements masquerading as factual content.  I ‘do my homework’, and you should, too, especially here, and it is easy to; I have made it as easy as possible, posting everything in a very organized and accessible manner here.  Enjoy.
  35. I appreciate those who have accidentally, or even lazily or rudely, misunderstood me in years past; that lead me to spelling everything out here, making this website instead of just waiting or expecting people to ‘get’ and vibe with me.  Every time something didn’t work out, I made another effort here to make things clearer, better defined, all the math and other supporting work included.  In other words, those who didn’t ‘get’ it… motivated me to make all this, which, I hope, has made it much easier for anyone else who comes along… to ‘catch up’ / orient / ally.

For those who haven’t understood my diet, manner of dining, culture, orientation, sense of humor, writing style, farm design, life’s work, hairstyle, footwear preference, or anything else, do yourself the favor of taking the time to actually understand the motivation, context, and aim of my work.  Don’t just glance over some of my writing here and connect proverbial dots that aren’t there.  Learn to ask good questions, or, even better, do enough of this ‘homework’ that you don’t have to ask me any clarifying questions at all.

This stuff is very easy to understand if you just take the time, and most of it doesn’t need any time to be understood at all; it is self-explanatory, self-evident.  My life trajectory reflects that; I’ve grasped and lived by these key concepts for decades now, leading a studious, brave, and charitable existence that I honestly thought would be much easier for most, if not everyone, to fully understand and relate to.  I have done my best to be quiet, aware, observant, patient, tolerant, understanding, and polite everywhere I have gone, giving constant subtle signs along the way, always communicating my intent in how I conduct myself.

Everything I do is about living my own life in peace, not harming any animals in the process, keeping the Earth clean, respecting the new races / types of people, building an inspiring home and community, traveling where and how I want to, ensuring I am around compatible people who uplift my nature and help me maintain the health I have hard-won, etc.; these are very normal, civilized, easily understandable things.  No matter what you may read here, or assume ‘out there’, this is my underlying motivation and essence.  This is me and who I am meant to be.

Since I don’t always have time to explain simple concepts and go over elementary stuff again, I am spelling all this out for everyone right here.  I am very busy, but today this blog felt right to take the time to make and share.  The bottom line is that you simply must be able to recognize, grasp, and trust these key concepts about me… before any business or expeditions can begin –or even before any conversing can/should begin; it would be rather pointless to spend our time on any of that if you didn’t understand or feel right about anything you found here or upon encountering me.

To all those who did understand and have continued to, thank you so much for taking the time to realize these key concepts, or, if you already knew them, for coexisting with me most agreeably.  Those whose aim was not to pressure me, but to understand and cooperate with me, you have made all the difference in the world.  My hat is off to you, and I greatly look forward to your returns.  You make me very happy.



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