This was a planet once between Mars and Jupiter.  That should go without saying, given the entire asteroid-belt worth of debris still there.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. History
  4. Speculation
  5. Conceptual Images



I (High King Auz), was told of this world during my first trip/deployment to the heart of the Middle East; Iraq (formerly Uruk).  The person who told me about it seemed surprised when I mentioned it by name one night during our walks and talks.  He told me… he was an Asteronian; he was one of the people who had lived on that world.



  • terrestrial
  • habitable
  • stable orbit
  • unknown satellites/moons
  • intelligent inhabitants and civilization
  • damaged/corrupted at some point
  • more TBA…


Some details and speculation are here and here.



For untold millions, perhaps billions, of Earth-years, Asteron was a pleasant place to live –like all the worlds that were originally created; all of them came into being in the first Golden Age, where everything was in a breathable, comfortable atmosphere, the Habitable/Goldilocks Zone being all of Creation (not the current brief bands/areas/volumes around only certain stars).  Many different types of bodies existed on this world, also like on so many others.  Some of them were very humanoid, and would today still pass for normal humans, if perhaps a bit shorter than the unnaturally-overgrown/oversized humans in some places on Earth.

Many thousands, perhaps millions, of Earth-years ago, this world fragmented apart.  It is believed to have been used as a high-tech’ lure/temptation for the Chaos Incarnate beings/”people” who were foreseen to be coming into existence, threatening all of existence/Creation… if something wasn’t done to trap and stop them.  The trick/trap worked; they flocked to Asteron en-masse, overwhelmed and occupied it, focused entirely on the high-technology there, and ultimately, due to that, brought about its –and their own– destruction (with only a very small number of their bad/foolish/unstable kind managing to escape its fragmentation, at which point those survivors ended up on Earth).

It has not yet been decided whether Inisfree’s Star Fleet will use its Life Beam technology to reform the asteroids of the Inner Asteroid Belt, like 3D puzzle-pieces, into what Asteron would have remained, had it not been destroyed.



2024 May:  Maybe the Anunnaki developed on Asteron, destroyed it on purpose to stop other powerful humanoids from developing on it, then realized Earth was drifting to Asteron’s orbital range, thus they made Greys to stay behind and mine the Earth such that it would stop being gold-pushed to Asteron range,
and they keep humans on a self-destructive development path, via relig’, gov’t, media-flooding, transgender, etc., …so that the only species likely to evolve into powerful Anunnaki-like ppl when Earth drifts farther… will be too vestigial and controlled to.

Maybe they destroyed Asteron just to see if it would stimulate/trigger the solar system to shift another world into that orbit/zone sooner, thereby accelerating the development/change of one species or a whole planet’s worth of species, etc..

