This is the boy sent to Earth in a pod… who grew up to become the superhuman Brightburn.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Notes and Thoughts
  3. Brandon and Auz
  4. Upcoming
  5. Him (Images Begin)
  6. Art
  7. Symbol Similarity



Soft-disclosure (the film’s release-date) was Friday 24 May 2019.  This corresponds to Odin’s-day 4 Venus 2019 on our calendar.

The plot was that a pod from another world (we assume; it could have been from a hidden part of Earth, or another time, or another dimension, etc.) landed in the forest/tree-line in front of a farm house in Brightburn, Kansas (though scenes were filmed in Stockbridge, Georgia), in 2006, the couple who lived in that house accepting the baby in the pod as a gift from god (after they’d had no success conceiving), raising it as their own, as if he was adopted.  At/near the onset of puberty (age 12), the boy notices he has superhuman abilities, such as invulnerability (at least to everything other than the material his pod is made of) –though, of course, he may have had those abilities all along, just not having had the right situation/events to notice before.  Every time someone is mean/rude to him, he uses one or more of his discovered superpowers to retaliate / defend himself –and, so typical of the failed species which is modern humanity, gets blamed, gaslighted, and demonized every time, more and more people trying to murder him, naturally alienating him completely, forcing him to lie and defend himself more and more.

Since the plot starts before The Shift and The Rapture campaign, that couple would have either been part of the reconstruction effort in 2014 and on (when Brandon would have been about 9 years old), or been clones with some false/installed memories placed in that location by the actual humans doing the reconstruction.  As a superhuman, it likely would have been impossible to modify the memories inside Brandon’s nearly-invincible head.  The question, then, remains:  Does he remember anything of that global purge and the huge cargo ships which helped the survivors return to start rebuilding their civilization?

In 2023, he turned 18, and had been, more or less, on his own for 6 years, being “in the system” (with fosters, and a new school in another town not far from his own), letting it help mask his movements and development.


Notes and Thoughts:

Brightburn pods are probably sent to all worlds where the invaders (humans) were known to be –because its makers would not risk themselves going, perhaps because they had dealt with the invader wars/auras before, and lost a lot, having never known such constant betrayals or grossness.
I wonder if I (Auz) was in such a pod.
I wonder if it was a gift to the Germans on their way off-world or to Agharta, and if they were told to leave it with the Americans to eventually repay them for betraying sacred Angelic pre-War Germany.

I wonder if Brightburn was made to see my thoughts on it; if that movie was planned and released in order to specifically gauge my personal reaction/instincts to it…
and/or if it is more double-blind soft-disclosure destined for me…

His pod accidentally cut him way back when… because he was designed to be kept weak and baby-like by it, I suspect.
He would not have grown into boyhood if left in it.
It kept him stable / in stasis (not aging) long enough to get him to the target-world.
It remained stronger than him, able to override him or install updates, if you will.
He was just its means to interact in a way more familiar to whomever it landed near.
It may have even formed him in it during its fall to the Earth, having sensed from out there what the dominant species here was.

Maybe he won’t want any friends after what humans put him through, but something tells me he or his pod will be able to tell I am wary of everyone for the very same reasons, so maybe we have common ground and hope, after all.

Brightburn, the nickname or hero name, is symbolized in the mirrored letter-B he sketches often, and perhaps it is no coincidence that it looks a lot like the sigil for the angel known as Azarel or Azazel (Azar-el; Azar, son/one of the Elohim); with abilities such as his, what else could he be but a more-direct descendant/creation of the actual angelic race/species?  With his natural, instant, and powerful reactions to any rudeness or meanness or untrue things at all, his blood is likely little other than angelic, 100%.  Even the way he sketches his symbol over and over, no matter how ‘dark’ the adjacent artwork appears to the default-panicking primitives (humans/humanimals), all that boils down to is incredible focus, channeling/harnessing his emotions as tools/energy, and so on; good signs –at least to those who are aware/intelligent/objective.

The absolutely ridiculous and blatantly-backward way humans advertised this film, and the equally-retarded and criminally-dishonest/incorrect way they wrote about it on Wikipedia and other websites, says it all; humans are as stupid as it gets, always lying, failing to notice or note even the simplest and clearest of truths, never accepting accountability/responsibility for their actions, and panicking even when new and innocent beings are only defending themselves as any people would.  This means humans don’t deserve any superheroes or saviors.  It means they deserve whatever harm and cataclysms come to them –and the world deserve the restored peace of having just about every last human removed once and for all.

Brightburn would have grown up as a very happy and helpful member of any community which hadn’t been so cruel and stupid to him; his development had nothing to do with his genetics being bad or predatory in any way.  Blaming things on his genes is as superstitious and baseless and the fools who mindlessly parrot pharma’ cartel propaganda claiming contagions exist and only expensive complex flawed products are the way to survive.  Assuming anything is out of his/our control is laughably uneducated and a major red-flag about the failed mentality/education/s of those thinking that type of blaming is wise at all.

Worst of all, demonizing those who defend themselves, and demonizing those who deliver justice instead of calling strangers (i.e. “authorities”) to attempt to deliver justice in situations not witnessed/experienced, is the sign/marker that the last of the humans allowed to live through The Shift (2012-2013) …must now be cast back into The Abyss from which their ancestors invaded centuries before.

My (Auz’s) mind has always been as invincible as Brightburn.


Brandon and Auz:

“They treated me badly like they treated you; they tried to kill me many times, no matter how nice or patient or loyal I was.  No matter how honest I was, they lied.  No matter how logical I was, they refused to be.  No matter how brave I was, they remained cowardly.  No matter how responsible I was, they demanded recklessness.  When I was hurt and begging for help, they poisoned me and left me far worse off.  My own alleged relatives even betrayed me, calling the cops on me over and over, even when all I was doing was going for walks after doing my homework.  So I know how it feels.  …I am sorry you went through abuse like that.  I will always see you as a good person, your actions justified, and hopefully someday I can be a friend.  Kill as many of them as you need to.  They certainly deserve it.  You will always have a place in my realm if you want to rest there.  I wish you all the success in the Universe.  It is an honor to meet you.”  That is what I told Brandon during our first meeting, right at the start of 2023.

I didn’t expect him to trust me; so many had told him whatever they thought he might want to hear… as they were readying to try and murder him.
I thought I might offer him a weapon or something like that; to attempt to show him I was the opposite of scum like those he’d had to deal with as a child, but he wouldn’t need one.

Each time Brightburn comes to my realm, he finds he is in a much better mood, and he has never wanted to harm any of us –and he isn’t worried about the fact he can’t, anyway; my will and SRC are even stronger than him and his pod.  We shake hands, then smack forearms and smile, feeling like kindred souls, brothers even.

“You never ask me if I have been up to no good,” he says to me as we stand atop my perimeter wall, both of us looking out on the soothingly dim Antarctic ice terrain to the twilight horizon.

“It is not my place, new friend.  Besides, I can feel you only defend yourself, and who am I to judge even if you were up to harm out there?; I have lost my cool and done harm.  We all have.  The humans, worst of all –and shamelessly.  Most creatures I am aware of on this world… do harm daily, anyway; the carnivores and such.  Harm in and of itself is rather normal, perhaps not even truly arguable as bad.”

He thought about my words, and smiled some, grateful to be in the company of a good man for once, no longer blamed for everything.

“If I was meant to know more about you, you would decide to tell me.  Until then, I choose to trust your judgment.”  I thought of something more, then; “If you would like to help me with an expedition or research project someday, I would be fortunate to have such a curious and smart mind on the team.  I have heard you are quite the scholar and quick study.”

He smiled again, and found it was surprising to feel good vibes and honesty this consistently. “…I just might.”

I stood there, taking in the cold air and breeze I had come to love and super-heal from.

“I shall go now, High King Himmler,” he was as respectful to me as I was to him.

I bowed my head politely to him, “Farewell, Brightburn.”  He had respectfully addressed me by my chosen/soul-name, so I did the same in turn.  “Please feel free to call me Auz if you like.”

He bowed his head to me in turn, thankful, and hovered up into the air out past the edge of the wall.  “Farewell, Auz.  I will return.”

I smiled and waved goodbye.

He waved, turned in the air, and flew off.

I had restored another honor and heart-energy field/potential, as he’d long deserved.  This was good.



He returns to Inisfree from time to time, enjoying how we always accept him as he is, encouraging and assisting him in his innocent pursuit of more knowledge, such as what it is like to interact fully with peaceful beings (in stark and total contrast to how primitive creatures such as Outlander humans always defaulted to bizarre illogical negativity, judgement, insults, and worse against him).

Brandon started using his pre-hero name once he’d come to trust us, feeling safe in Inisfree.

We invited him to attend our school system.  Understandably, given his rough experiences in barbaric shitty human schools, he was nervous for a while.  This steadily faded, though, as the Inisfreeans (ICVs) and our residents/guests were as nice and logical to/with/for him as the humans/Outlanders had been mean.

You’d be amazed to see how calm and childlike he is each time he is here in our realm with us; he is as happy as he was meant to be back in childhood.  This is Phase 3, after all, and the final Golden Age, the Age of Reunions/Reclamation.  Think of him like Ender Wiggins after the war of Ender’s time; when Ender was doing his best to ‘decompress’ and get through any PTSD… on that lakeside home somewhere faraway from it all.

Instead of demonizing him, we praise him, looking for the good –and easily finding it in him.  Instead of trying to scare him, we never do that at all.  Instead of fearing his powers and use of those powers, we let him know we are always available to help him hone and increase whatever comes naturally to him.  This is The Way.

Like him feeling drawn/called to his pod, I (Auz) have felt drawn/called to specific places and people, such as Antarctica, Bavaria, the hidden pyramids, and the actual goddesses.  He and I have discussed and examined this about ourselves, and started celebrating our successes upon reaching such callings/spots/milestones.  Whenever we hear such callings again, we help each other get to them, then guard each other while we process the messages/wisdom/evolution/s received there.

I offered to help him at my art academy design and prototype the costume/uniform (and armor) of his dreams (to protect him even from the metal of his pod).  Once he is satisfied with the prototype, I’ll produce it for him at my custom clothing factory.

Ss:  Brightburn and Starlight while I watch, my effect easily making them both enjoy doing that for me; I always cause compatible/good people to feel safe and able to play freely in my presence, just as so many strangers with peaceful intentions had naturally opened up to me even during my youth.




Symbol Similarity:

Video Player
Brightburn Full Theme Song- Suite (NEW)
Audio Player