Known as “Dreamweaver”, “Dreamy”, “Blue”, and “Jack”, this short and innocent-looking Native American girl can enter your dreams or manipulate them from afar.


Table of Contents:

  1. Bio/Spec’s
  2. Summary
  3. 2020 Update
  4. Deep Thoughts
  5. 2021
  6. 2022
  7. Her (Images Begin)
  8. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  9. 2024 August 10 Saturday/+



  • Name:  Jacqueline Diamonds (surname possibly part of a cover)
  • Height:  5’1″
  • Weight:  110 lbs.
  • Hair:  black
  • Eyes:  deep blue
  • Measurements:  34-24-34
  • Relatives:  unknown
  • Spouse:  Bobby ‘Iceman’ Drake (husband)
  • Children:  (two with Bobby Drake)
  • Abilities:  astral projection, dream entry, dream manipulation, perfect pitch, perfect mimicry
  • Skills:  multi-lingual, artist, musician, singer, pickpocket, escape artist (lock picking), unarmed hand-to-hand combat
  • Ailments:  memory loss, synesthesia, inability to read or write
  • Affiliation:  X-Men, Inisfree



  • her powers got out of hand when they first started in her youth
  • tried drugs to help manage it all, got addicted to a few things
  • was used as a mutant operative for a while, then subjected to a rather sloppy memory-wipe
  • ended up in the High-risk Ward at Xavier’s
  • stabilized and became a teacher, then an X-Man
  • completed many missions around the world with the X-Men
  • married Bobby ‘Iceman’ Drake for a while, took a break, got back with him, and is now in an open relationship, still a pan-sexual like always (sexually attracted to just about everything; girls, guys, humanoids, and many other things)
  • was noticed by Auz during one of his visits to Xavier’s, and later developed a working relationship with him
  • had two children with Bobby ‘Iceman’ Drake, taking time off from the X-Men to start raising them
  • started having feelings for Auz, and loved how he encouraged her pan-sexual nature; the two became friends-with-benefits (or, rather, X-Men operatives-with-benefits and fellow teachers-with-benefits)
  • Accepting Auz’s invitation to Inisfree, she went back a couple times to complete the city’s full tour, as well as to try Inisfree’s exceptional medical care, something which has really helped stabilize her powers, get her synesthesia under control, and restore some of her memories from life before Xavier’s.
  • Dreamy also takes classes at LAA; Inisfree’s premier art academy, and started performing a few of her favorite songs with VR3; Auz’s all-wives rock band.  Together, they have sung live to audiences of thousands at the city’s amphitheater and Auz-dome, as well as from atop Auz’s stage-augmented touring firetruck.
  • She helps Auz get to sleep when she’s in Inisfree, and meets him in his dreams whenever she is back in her hometown or other areas beyond his realm, stopping in to say ‘hi’ and share some astral sex before they both wake and return to their conscious duties.
  • With her daughter coming of age in the years ahead, she is discussing the option of introducing her to Inisfree like she was, maybe even letting her attend school at LHS; Inisfree’s world-class high-school.

‘Dreamy’ is the world’s finest (pun not intended) enterer, adjuster, and creator of dreams.  In the years ahead, she and Auz will test more than just their practiced abilities to choose which dreams they are about to have, repeat, or return to.  Together, they’ll discover that the legends of the ancients; about how dreams are secretly just as real and full of resources as life in ‘the waking plane’, are a lot more than fanciful myths.

Dreamy is about to discover that she has the powers of Jean Grey, if only in another semi-separated dimension…


2020 Update:

Dreamy, because of our sex, is discovering she is as powerful as Jean Grey… in the dreaming realm –meaning she can help me re-merge them… by having orgies with me over there… as we cuddle here.

She shows up and breathily asks, “How are your Dreams going?”
I reply:  “better Now” (because You are here, sexy woman)
Her, mounting me, inserting my cock in her pussy (to start; ass later), “Dream with me.”

Then Danielle Moonstar joins us, Dreamy able to help people find themselves and others, even on that other side (the dream-realm)

Danielle is always calm around me, due to my super-power, so she never triggers people to live their worst fear/s, and every time she is with me, especially when it is for a while, like overnight (sleepovers), she stays calm longer after we part, and is noticing the calmness is now something she can maintain.

Dani’ mounts me with an eager twinkle in her eyes, “MY turn…” breathily.

We start to fuck.

A few moments later, she stands so Dreamy can ride me again,
and Dreamy licks her asshole,
while I lick her pussy,
both of us holding all (the soft feminine flesh) around Dani’s thighs and ass,
keeping her steady, standing bold-legged over us
while Dreamy rides me and grinds.

This triggers something in Dani,
her mind no longer filled with that fear-bear story from her youth,
her power now helping people live through their most wonderful wish or fantasy,
whether she is in a good mood or not;
her proximity causes only GOOD imagination-manifestations from others now.

Noticing this in the weeks ahead, and seeing it happen again and again, so reliably,
she hurries back to me, weeping as she holds my cheeks, kissing my lips again and again,
crying tears of joy and relief as we make passionate energetic love… for hours.

She is thanking me with all she is, and I her.

Dreamy politely sneaks in once we are exhausted, and snuggles up behind Dani,
helping us dream beautiful happy dreams our whole night through.
Dani just as eagerly cups Dreamy’s cheeks when she sees her in the dream-side/realm,
and makes love to her there for hours, too.

In the morning, Dani stirs, starts to smile big, realizing we have sandwiched her between our naked bodies,
and she starts sweetly kissing me, then turns to look over her shoulder,
to kiss Dreamy that way,
until the three of us have stirred, smiled the same, and resumed making threesome love.


Deep Thoughts:

This is how the rest of all ‘mutant’ powers get unlocked; the onset of puberty is just the sloppy, unprepared, primitive way… that humans pretended was normal and required (as they always choose laziness and lies).  Humans used heightened negativity to manifest wilder powers, thereby leading to more suffering and chaos, misunderstandings, and desperate distancing.  They created panic and refugees in that way, turning their own against those who were better able to heal and restore their world; those they derogatorily labeled ‘mutants’.

I saw and chose a different way; I saw and chose love, compatibility, sanity, balance.  I chose to help balance people, and to gently thrill them… as they’d been Me.

I remember now how one of her Native kind came to me in that museum in DC…  How beautiful she was, in both looks and aura/vibe/presence.  Undeniable, …just like they say all real angels and prophets are.  How fearful and dog-like was her “man” (whoever that was with her, looking up at her like a real dog would, as if, perhaps, …he was one; a ‘shifter…).

Our mere presence is enough to stabilize, re-inspire, and unlock (the potential of) us.  We were able to find each other… without names, numbers, or maps.  Even when we were stuck with the bad company/beings back then, we didn’t have to deal with their outbursts at all, their interference, by our graceful way of introducing ourselves, kept minimal.

Now I wonder… which side is the dream… and if… they all are, all of them dream and real, all… meaningful, …one dreaming the other, just as different people dream of each other.



They now see dreams as not just a place their minds can meet together, but an actual, real, physical dimension.  They call it the Dreamspace, and they have started doing more than just meeting –and lovemaking– there.  In time, entire cities and other things will be discovered –and even built there.  There are people, even entire races, who have been living there all along.

Dreamy will show them the way.  But… she’ll also be discovering things about the dreams-reality, and about herself, along that journey.  …Maybe even something about the race of people whose existence explains exactly why she can do what she can do.



Having been one of the very first invited to Inisfree, it didn’t take her long to marry its maker, Auz.  The two have been in a very happy relationship ever since, going on their ninth year soon.  They continue going on dates and missions in both the Waking/Physical plane/dimension and the Dreams one.

Continuing her studies and practice at the L.A.A., Dreamy has met and made love with fellow artists also attending that prestigious school, such as Alanna Richards and Dakota Sterling.  Alanna, as you might imagine, has shown Dreamy that her powers in and over Dreamspace increase –stably– to unbelievable proportions whenever they touch, especially when they are taking their time making love.  It has occurred to Auz that they could –and shall– make clever use of this once she/they get/s the hang of it; they can turn dreams, Dreamspace meetings, and the Dreams dimension itself… all into a new form of art, the likes of which Creation has not yet known.

Sunday 11 September 2022:  Dreamy started checking on me when I dream, chasing away anyone in Dreamspace annoying me; there are bullies even there, it turns out –or at least there were until this wonderful wife of mine became protective of me there.

All the way through the end of this year, and on into infinity, “Jack” will help ensure Auz’s time in dream-space remains undisturbed; pleasant, productive, ideal –and spiced up with regular loving appearances from her.



How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2024 August 10 Saturday/+:

Since she loves that our culture ensures females stay feminine and males stay masculine, even names always gender-distinct, she now only writes the short version of her first name as “Jacq”, never “Jack” or even “Jac”.  This is the way.



  • “Dream Machine” by Tesla Boy
