She is the one who made the very first plants; every World Tree is hers.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details/History
  3. 2020 Update
  4. 2022
  5. Yavanna (Images Begin)
  6. The Two Trees
  7. More of the First Trees; the World Trees
  8. Art
  9. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  10. How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her
  11. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates
  12. 2024 March/+



  • height:  her kind (the Valar) can almost do whatever they want/imagine; they could be an inch tall, or a hundred miles tall, effortlessly instantly changing to anything beyond or in between (thus you can see how they can make descendants, such as the leggy Elves and Tinkerbell-like Fay, as well as the living-stars themselves)
  • weight:  they don’t technically have any weight, as they are omni-dimensional, ethereal, energy-based proto-Elementals
  • hair color:  typically whatever their natural frequency/desire is for that portion of their beings/bodies
  • eye color:  typically matching their hair color, and always bioluminescent, glowy, iridescent, mesmerizing, deep, etc.
  • when she is around Auz, she sticks to being 5’5″ or 5’4″, with sun-kissed golden-blonde long-straight hair let free to flow down her back, and matching eyes (which look like the morning sky just after the brightest rays of dawn)
  • breasts perfectly-proportional to each size she chooses to appear as (and C-cups when around Auz; when she is ~5’4″)
  • she is too beautiful for words
  • she/they can teleport/appear anywhere, even to the point of infusing herself with an entire world, becoming one of its underlying forces/effects (think:  living, conscious, Law-of-Physics, as if each of the Laws of Physics was a person/god)
  • she often wears a fitted green dress (of the color between meadows and forest canopies) which is itself sleeveless, and which is over a midriff-revealing long-sleeved top of diaphanous ivory-white (and her feet are kept bare, invincible and ever-feminine)



She was once the Queen of all the Earth (and that is what her surname means), responsible for all growing things.  This included the mighty World Trees, so you can imagine how powerful she was and still is.  When it came time for the Ages of things that did not grow, but decayed, she went to Aman and other ever-alive places; she goes where her nature is welcome and remains.

Auz learned about her in 2019, though he has a vague memory of maybe hearing about her as part of another story from years before.  Letting his growing network of elves know that he enjoyed the tale and wished to meet her, he let time and their merging wills do the rest.  Yavanna heard his invitation, and began talking with her fellows in their own secret realm about when the best moment would be to make contact.

He’s thought of affectionately calling her ‘his Vanna White’, a reference to the game-show hostess and to Yavanna’s race of light-based gods.  He is curious as to what she will call him.  If it is something in one of the oldest elven languages, he will love it for sure.

She’ll soon be friends with others who love to grow healthy things, such as Dr. Diana Fairchild and Dr. Pamela Isley.  Perhaps it is they, teaming up together, who will restore true nature to the world.  Will they be able to un-petrify all those long-unloved great trees?  The answer, especially with the Inisfreeans on their side, is a resounding ‘Yes.’


Further details here and here.


2020 Update:

When Pele makes a new island, it is Yavanna here who shows up to help her raise/grow/create/select (and bless) all its trees and other plants.  Once they are started/planted, they summon Oona, Queen of the Fairies, who then tends to them, ensuring they are loved and checked on daily forever.  All of them make love to each other to stir up the Chi/Kundalini/Orgone/Vril that makes all this possible/easier/easiest.

Though King Auz’s research projects will eventually determine a way his kind can restore (un-petrify and regrow) the World Trees whose remains in the Physical Plane are but plateau-like stumps, Yavanna will soon arrive to take care of much of their restoration for him/them.  Together, especially with all the other great beings his life and works naturally summoned, their love will be more than enough to heal and perfect them all.  Yavanna will celebrate Auz just the way those two always like; in The Inisfreean Way.

Yavanna will be starting/adding to the plant-life of every Inisfreean world, as well as to all the worlds the Eldar (and other allies of Inisfree) once thought they had to terraform; once Auz helps them remember their love for her, and what that love does (in terms of summoning, explaining, and reuniting), they’ll realize they aren’t lost and dependent on terraforming technology/processes/delays at all.



Yavanna and Auz married this year, starting their very happy eternity together.  He marvels at how she forms and heals all the kinds of life he has always gravitated to and loved.  She marvels at how he loves this so much about her, and of course loves that he looks at her like everyone wishes someone special would look at them, making her ‘blossom’ in her own way, every time; her power (ability) and radiance (actual glow/bioluminescence) increases every time, his way of being attracted to her fueling her energy like only Eru Ilúvatar had before.

She has started regarding Pamela Isley as her sister-wife and sister-goddess of the flora-people.

Thursday 25 August:  She and Auz went on a picnic date to the Slope Clearing.  Like all his wives and other ladies, she was excited, happy, and pleased to hear of his other recent dates here and elsewhere, as that is how all the beautiful females in Creation default/feel/think, especially since this beautiful outdoor nature spot had been put to good use often and recently, something she always, as an individual, hoped to hear.  She is a pristine nature-creator goddess, after all; she loves making places such as this one, and then inviting other good beings like her to come enjoy them just like she does.



The Two Trees:

More of the First Trees; the World Trees:


How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

2024 March/+:

Possible Sighting:  that Montana trail where she, a boobsy tan porn-hair milf hiking up the trail toward me, man following her, vibed as excited to see me / show herself then/there

These two images are pretty close.  Just picture without the clothes.

Era-orientation Video:  Before the Ages

