These are the lovely attentive ladies always on-call for those who wish to spice up their outings.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Criteria
  3. Their Daily Standard
  4. His Escorts Over the Years
  5. Protecting Them
  6. Examples (Images Begin)
  7. How These and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Their Tongues, Especially While Others Watch
  8. 2024 May:  Mindset



Every escort, pornstar, and poly(amorous) hottie in every city and plane whom Auz ever saw and wanted… are now his on-call tour guides (whenever he visits their cities/realms) and fuckbuddies (whenever he visits them, and whenever they visit him, even if it is just for a business meeting).  While not all of them are “form-sakes” (an Inisfreean term meaning “perfect enough to have a batch of ICVs made in their perfect/ed likeness”), their facial features and physiques fall perfectly within the parameters/standards of him and his community, thus they are age-locked to always appear in their youthful primes, and are immortalized and deified by their worthiness and connection to, and interaction with, him and his people.  Even if they don’t call themselves escorts, that is how they are referred to and categorized here.



Their heights range from 4’9″ to 5’6″, always with perky B- or C-cup tits (no underboob/sag line/crease/curve), perfectly fit bodies (naturally, not needing exercise to maintain this), perfectly sexy feminine facial structures, long luxurious hair, no muscle lines, no veins visible/showing/bulging (even on the backs of their hands), tight bald pussies with no clitoral hoods visible (i.e. just a smooth slit, not something with additional curves/lines/parts), smoke free, booze (and wine) free, STD/I free (which is automatic with the mindset Auz both teaches and wills into place), no piercings, flawless skin (no freckles, etc.), and initiate via sexts (texting sexual images/messages/requests) and calls to him often.  They are the sexiest women alive (excepting his ICVs and the sex-goddesses / nymphs, of course).  If a girl is perfect, basically, she’s “in” (noticed/detected by the ICVs, made an offer to, then cared/provided for, etc.), able to live life as a beloved, pampered, and frequently called-upon escort.


Their Daily Standard:

Every day of his travels and life, they offer him free viewing and participation in their sexual encounters, including incest and beastiality (whenever they are indulging, though that is not the thing most of them do most of the time). This gets him into all the best sex dungeons and porn shoots around the world for free. These girls also pay him for his time, 500/hr, just like his consulting rate (though this is sometimes as a trade; sometimes they just don’t charge him their basic hourly rate, as it matches his and most lawyers’).

He never has to ask or search for them, either; they find him, and introduce all their sexy female friends, family, and coworkers to him, and are always talent scouting to help him meet more. All these hot girls are his ‘wingmen’ now (wing-girls, rather), and he has dozens of them in every city and town on every populated world (which means, yes, trillions of them; there are a lot of populated worlds out there).  This makes the “Phase 3” of his life truly ideal, divine, and effortless, just as it should be and was always destined to be.  Amen; so be it.


His Escorts Over the Years:

The first sex-workers Auz ever tried were paid for by one of his Recon buddies out in California.  That was in 2010.  Ever since, he has made contact with, respected, and uplifted more and more of them, and now every single woman who comes to him and his city, Inisfree, have discovered they really love doing/continuing that line of work for him and his colleagues/family there.

Here are the numbers:

  1. 2010s:  just the first few, with dozens more initiated (just contact/texting) with
  2. 2020s:  ~900,000; every female who went to Inisfree started doing ‘escort’ work for fun while there, whether she’d already done that work outside/before Inisfree/Auz or not.
  3. 2100:  ~4,500,000; 90% of the guest/resident population of Inisfree (all of the female guests/residents), all of them, again, enjoying getting into (new/more) ‘escort’ work, at least while visiting/living there.
  4. 24,000:  ~1,800,000,000; 90% of Inisfree’s guest/resident population (all the females who visited/moved there, as always; all of them really like this kind of work once they try it out there, or once they find that it is honored there, allowing them to indulge/continue).

This isn’t counting the sexy escorts who hadn’t yet visited/toured Inisfree during those years, nor does it count the ICVs doing work in Inisfree and beyond as escorts or as ‘mock’ kajirae.

Year by year, averaged out, this is an increase in Inisfree of ~81,855 escorts; every year, give or take, more than 81,000 escorts/sluts/poly hotties visited or moved to Inisfree, always making themselves fully available to King Auz and his people there (for free, since 1) they were all given free houses and invincibility for life/ever, plus everything from his city’s mall, grocery stores, and vehicles factory for free anytime they wanted/needed anything there, and because 2) being fully compatible with him is the most-basic and universally-required prerequisite for even being considered for the pre-screening process).  That’s another ~224 per day!  That comes out to ~14 new ones per hour, all of which showed off what they could do in person for/with King Auz, almost all of them returning regularly to/for him, and all of them returning to/for him at least whenever they could (if not regularly; yearly, etc.).

From time to time, a few specifics/highlights will be added to this list:

  • Fri10dec2021:  Lena Monroe; boobsy, dark-skinned, Hispanic-Chinese fusion, at one of our Shibuyas today
  • Spring2022:  all his favorite escorts around the Great Lakes
  • Summer2022:  all his favorite escorts in the Outlands city he did a lot of spellcrafting in/near


Protecting Them:

These girls are not mentioned/featured in the Capital of Antarctica series of novels about this place.  Their real names will not be listed here (naturally), nor will any of their images –not even likenesses.  This is to protect newcomers, those who don’t have superpowers, and those who might still feel reasonably/understandably nervous about having anything sexual/loving/free associated with them.

Even though they are invincible now, thanks to sharing love/focus/compatibility with King Auz and his kind and other people, they still deserve and get this level of total discretion, privacy, and compartmentalization.

Anyone in human ‘law enforcement’ (which Inisfreeans consider to be immoral vigilante operations and terrorism) will learn an extremely unpleasant lesson if ever they choose to try and intimidate, fine, or jail –or add any negative marks to the permanent/criminal records– of any escort/s Auz loves.  The Inisfreean military descends swiftly upon such bullies and monsters –and clandestinely, typically tricking them into turning on their own, never able to even detect, let alone deduce and trace, that which was actually set into motion.  This is Inisfree; we protect our loved ones, and we alone are the real and eternal law.



How These and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Their Tongues, Especially While Others Watch:

2024 May:  Mindset


