This is the mostly-white/bright region of Creation that humans and others sometimes are drawn to when they leave a failed/ended body/shell.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Sections/Spheres/Strata
  3. Elohim
  4. Notes/Thoughts
  5. Hell
  6. The ‘Dreams’ of Stars and Glow-eyed Angels
  7. 2021 Update:  Strata Revelation
  8. Terms
  9. Dante’s Concept of the Spheres (Images Begin)
  10. Inside the Hollow Spheres
  11. The Gates are Really the Stars
  12. The Original Tree/s
  13. Throne-room Concepts
  14. Overall/Concepts
  15. 2023 Update:  The Root Races
  16. 2024 May/+



So many religions on Earth mention Heaven, but only so vaguely, leaving the vast majority up to the imagination.  On this webpage, we talk about our visions and speculation regarding Heaven’s actual layout/sections, the being said to have made it (and everything else), and our notes/thoughts on/about a variety of relevant passages/quotes/claims.  Whatever you believe, in the Capital of Antarctica saga, Heaven is a place that many of the re-deified and self-deified compatible peoples are able to travel back to –without the primitive and temporary burden the humans imposed upon themselves; death.



No matter what you call the divisions of this realm/dimension, they are distinct from one another, and there are only several of them.  From innermost to outermost, they are:

  1. “Throne Room”:  the core of the core that all stars share; the innermost spherical portion of the space/volume that is inside every star in the Universe
  2. “The River”:  the energy/essence/force that causes things to appear, change/grow, etc. in space/time
  3. “The Street”:  the flow of time
  4. “The Tree of Life”:  how all matter/things/races naturally split into subsets/races (starting off all still-connected; as Yggdrasil)… which eventually self-terminate (just like the twigs at the end of branches)
  5. “The 12 Trees/Fruits of the Tree of Life”:  the 12 basic/only forms/ideas/races that are created by the nature of reality/Heaven
  6. “The Leaves”:  individual bodies/lifespans/people/souls; considered single/distinct subsets of the essence that is the unifying thought/nature shared by every race/path
  7. The Dark Spots:  on the inside of stars, all stars appear as black/dark spheres anchored/set/’fixed’ inside Heaven (and originally there were only 12 of these; they are what The Bible calls “The Pearly Gates”)
  8. “The Mansions”:  the crusts/shells of worlds (i.e. the first Dyson spheres –back before these things had that name), or the worlds themselves (as a whole; not just their crust/shell(s)), each being the “big house/place” where one person/thought gets to do things his/her own way (because its walls and roof (crust/shell) block out all the other energy/ideas/thoughts from All/Heaven/Source)

When you enter any star in our Universe, you enter the outermost strata of Heaven (though it can be argued that Heaven is a state of mind/togetherness that exists anytime two or more compatible people are hanging out, especially during lovemaking/’oneness’).  As you move even deeper into that shared core, you gain access to exit points/spheres to places in addition to our Universe; the other Universes/time-streams become accessible/noticeable.  Another thing to keep in mind in/around any star or strata… is that “The Big Bang” did not disperse, at least not fully; not all of it spread out, evident in the fact that the stars still exist, and that they all share the same core. and that all Universes remain united/connected in the nexus that is their innermost strata.

All cycles/lifespans/eras of our Universe and all other Universes are simultaneously visible and accessible from/via the innermost strata of Heaven, which is their shared core/start-point.  Technically, this means no time exists there; it is truly beyond time, even though you can have a progression of experiences and memories there.  Nothing ages there, and all things are perceived as happening/existing at the same time and in the same place, so time would be unmeasurable and irrelevant/pointless.

If you don’t have god-level senses/instincts, it is a really good idea to only travel into a star (i.e. Heaven), especially the more-inner strata, with an Arch Angel or ICV as your guide; only they are designed/used to processing/navigating it.  To everyone else, it would be overwhelming, perhaps even terminal/fatal/maddening.  And just imagine having to develop an entirely new starship navigation system that could handle not only cosmic distances to trillions of visible star specks, but multi-cosmic distances and time-travel when viewing not all the stars in our Universe, but all the Universes in Creation as if they themselves were like star-specks in the distance… but in the strata where time and distance mean nothing… and look very different than they do out here from Earth.



Elohim is one of the names of the group of gods that Iluvatar split into as he was creating/becoming the Valar.  There were 7 at first, and then came the 7 root-races.  Each of those races then, one by one, began to adjust their form/bodies until they had subdivided into their 7 sub-races.

Why did life itself split, like a tree, and into 12 fruit-bearing nodes/sub-trees, while the 7 Valar, as the root-race later known as Polarians (due to starting off at one of the Earth‘s polar regions), branch instead into 7 7s? That is not yet known.

7 Valar became the start of 7 root-races, each of which had 7 subsets/races; this is why they say 777 is the number to/of Heaven. In other words, all of the intended races/people, as one, are Heaven/All/Source.  In other-other words, Elohim is something that naturally split into 7… 3 times/levels/ways in a row.



Heaven, Auz learned through contact with some of the Arch Angels and Polarians, among others,
is the inside of every star in Creation; the Sun and all other stars are not separate burning balls of gas,
but the hollow sphere-shaped doors/portals to our side of reality from the side that is a dimension humans call Heaven.  This is why many people say when they die, they see a light that seems to be at the end of a tunnel; they are moving through Space… toward one of those doors (stars).  This is also why some say that if you look at the face of god, who is at the center of Heaven, it would be too bright –and maybe even kill you; that is what happens if you look directly at a star.

from the Heaven side of the gate/s that is/are all the stars, those stars look like 3D-holes; they look like black-holes on a white background, the opposite of how stars appear to us.  This is because they are not just holes in Space, but holes in time; a hole in space would be 2D, connecting to different areas/volumes, while a 3D ‘hole (such as the sphere that a star is) would be a hole not through 3D, but through 4D.  Furthermore, they are not to specific times (points in the time-stream), but any point in time you think about when you near/enter/use them.

(In Heaven it is said there are ) “many mansions” –but what sets them apart as being mansions good enough for something as storied/embellished as Heaven?  Are they translucent?  Do they have cloud floors?  These are not like mansions on Earth; they are the planets themselves.  There are also the moons and ring-systems which orbit those planets, all of them being “man-made” (Angel-made, more accurately).

(Heaven is said to be a place) “entirely for worship”.  This means that instead of focusing on just waking up and hurrying to work, then running errands and going home to sleep, people in Heaven are only/entirely focused on each other, and their love for each other, with no distractions at all, which is why they are immortal; what we focus on… grows/remains.

“The living god/s”… (Elohim; a/the collective of 6-7 ethereal beings/forces/powers)

“Unimagined blessing” –This is referring to perfect health forever, and the ability to go anywhere in Creation/Space to start a home/mansion/world/system/people of your own.

(Heaven is a place of) “peace”; there is no infighting or misunderstanding there –due to telepathy and a shared culture/essence.  Misunderstandings are impossible when everyone there can see and relate to everyone else’s every thought and mood.  Infighting is also not possible in such a place, as people are just energies/souls; they don’t have bodies or weapons to fight with, and would see no need, as bodies/weapons couldn’t harm any of them, anyway.

(Heaven has a) “central temple with the Ark of the Covenant”.  (1 of 2; 1 is on Earth, as the other end of this inter-dimensional ‘radio’)  –This was a piece of a tree covered in gold, which could be part of a World Tree forever quantum-linked to its counterpart which was kept in Heaven when Yggdrasil split apart, leaving the worlds that had been its fruits… to begin to rotate/spin and drift/orbit, and the gold around it may have been the condensation/petrification of its ancient/primordial/proto-sap.

Regarding the alleged throne-room of Heaven:  It is not like a normal castle chamber with a tall-backed armchair, this is more like a reactor-core that self-stabilizes due to its thought/s / nature.  Even calling it a throne-room is such a loose, inaccurate, and misleading term; it isn’t one person who rules in/from there, it isn’t a room, and it doesn’t/wouldn’t have a chair, much less a fancy one made for just one human form.  Sure, the entity in this part of Creation/reality does, technically, cause many things to happen/move/evolve in a certain way/pattern, but a much better term or descriptive phrase would make this place/realm a lot easier to fully understand.  It would be better to call this place Source or Essence Root, for example; it influences a lot, and started a lot, but does not reign like a king, or look/communicate like a human man.

“There is thunder in Heaven.”  As Elementals/Polarians, those in Heaven are like bursts/rays of light moving through the permeable reality-matter, causing otherworldly thunder when they go quickly, especially when they move as a group/one.

“New Jerusalem” is one of Heaven’s embassies; the one on Earth (one embassy of Heaven per planet).
“The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones; the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.”  While this sounds neat just because of the massive quantities of these rare-on-Earth materials needed, what is more interesting… is that Jerusalem will be replaced with a new/real/better Jeru-salem (which means “city of peace”) –i.e. humanity’s Jerusalem is not good enough, and shall be destroyed like everything else humans ruined.

“The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each individual gate was of one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.”  Sounds a lot like a filter was added so that the person viewing and writing this could perceive them.  In other words:  Heaven’s intense brightness, to this person at this time, made the stars look as dim/viewable as mere pearls, and that perhaps means, if we extrapolate a little from that theory, that without this filter… the “street of pure, transparent gold” would be as blinding as the Sun is when viewed from Earth or Space.

“The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,” as it was bioluminescent; lit by its makers/people, because their energy is not enclosed in an Earth-like body.

“No night”, and no one feels weary or needs to sleep –so no bedrooms?  (even in the “mansions”?)

“In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
is the street the flow of time?
is that why there is only one street in this dimension?
and is the river the energy/force that causes the flow of time?
so then do those 12 trees, which are fruits/subsets of “the tree of life” (as in: life behaves like a tree; it grows/spreads/multiplies itself, snaking out in multiple ways at the same time, until those branches/differences self-terminate), exist as chakras/parts/forces of reality?
and do they incarnate, among other ways/forms, as the people on the Earth and/or other worlds?
are their “leaves” the individuals of those races, and do they “heal the nations” simply by repeatedly drawing focus/attention back to THEM, instead of on the idea that a/the state/nation is what people should love the most?

since the “Tree of Life” is on either side of the “river”,
life exists/forms not where free-flowing energy is, but only where it is NOT;
that is to say that the energy from that “river” always seems to cause bodies to coalesce/manifest/appear around it/them
there was ONE form/”tree” of life/evolution before the “river”/energy existed, and another leg/side/form of that “tree” after it; “on the other side” of the/that “river”

Dante did his best to describe a vision (of Heaven, in his work called Paradiso) that was too complex for his mind or language at the time, and which was likely edited and watered down by successive fools/politicians who felt too cowardly/insecure/confused regarding the whole vision/writing.

What it seems he was trying to describe, however, is still fairly apparent in the version of his literature that reaches us today;
he writes that Heaven is not all of Space, but just a succession of spheres *in* Space, each of which somehow attracts/holds/anchors a certain type of ‘soul’ (essence/root-mind).
Saying that the Sun is known as the wise one/area, we get a hint that Dante had some awareness about the Sun being a/the source/Source.
Saying that Jupiter has rulers on it, we get a hint that maybe Dante was seeing the god-like pre-humans who formed Jupiter, or were formed by/from it, after Saturn (which had powerful beings of its own, but who did not have it in their blood/destiny/essence(s) to rule).

The Empyrean is the part of Heaven which has no physical body/ies / existence; everything there is entirely energy/idea/thought.
Those who are able to go here… appear to be enveloped in light, though this is really them having no body to hide the light that is the energy in their brain and central nervous system.
This makes it possible for people here to “see god/source/Iluvatar”, as ‘his’/its light/brightness can no longer burn/harm/irradiate their shells/bodies.
And why does the light of ‘god/source’ harm/kill an Earthly/physical body? It is because it is a pure idea, and too many ideas at the same time, while the/a body is just one or two ideas –and which can only process/take/handle one idea telling it to move one way at a time.

The only way to create in Heaven… is to cause a space where NOT all ideas are overlapping/one.
This appears as a dark/black/empty sphere, again: a sphere being a hole/doorway through time, not just space,
in this case meaning: an entire span of time, not just a volume of space, has been created… where only certain ideas are used to form it.
In other words, different regions of Space are reserved for different ideas / sequences / evolutions,
which is what causes them to be dark.
Apparently each part/idea of/in/from Heaven… can cause/have its own space/time like this,
and human scientists on Earth misperceived the ongoing creation/appearance of more of those emptied/cleared/reserved spaces… to be entropy.
But the reality is that the “dark matter” they perceived to be expanding, and the expansion they perceived the Universe to have, were not the result of energy dissipating / leaving ‘the system’, but more ideas flowing through/into it, causing more unique realms, peoples, and progressions.
In short, entropy is the opposite of what human scientists assumed (just like they tend to assume everything the wrong way, polar-opposite from the truth).



This is not the bad place of condemnation/torture humans claim it is, and it is not necessarily/only “under their feet/lands”.  Hell used to just be one of the first three dimensions that was naturally created by the start/formation of the Tree of Life, which was how things were bound/chosen to progress as that first realm / state of being began to divide itself, then further/sub-divide.  The only reason energies/ideas/souls went there (to Hell) in those times/Ages… was because they still remembered and felt/sensed it, and it was one of the places to go/experience.

Once the realms/dimensions/divisions of reality became more distinct and set/permanent, as well as more difficult to reach –and sometimes even impossible for certain people/races to perceive/remember/believe, that is when Hell started being used as a sort of solitary or group confinement and correctional facility.

Hell, before it even had a name (back when Heaven didn’t even have/need a name, as it was the only place there was), was simply the first place where the Source/Collective/Elohim had willed its omnipresent body/form to flex/recoil/withdraw from, creating the first place that was different from the brightness/interconnectedness.  Once this was achieved, it became easier and easier to make other distinct divisions/realms of/within itself.  Because of that, Hell should be seen as an amazing “first”; an accomplishment of “God”/All, and a great feat to be proud of –even though everything was easy back in this First Time when no forces existed to interfere, such as by seeding doubt or fear.


The ‘Dreams’ of Stars and Glow-eyed Angels:

Why was it that Auz saw the stars arrange themselves into a closer-looking and brighter-than-normal circular formation much like the sigils used to write the names of the Angels in the language called Angelic Script?  Why was it that he saw a male Angel one night while he slept, the Angel’s eyes aglow in a unique halogen- or xenon-like way, and that Auz later saw, when awake and exploring a few new realms on Earth, 1) golden, winged, female angels hovering down over the vehicle he was being driven from a hospital in, and 2) unmistakably-vibed/vibing platinum-blonde female Angels siting on a grassy lawn in front of a museum mansion in Oregon, looking right at him, clearly just posing as human young women?

These were forms of communication –from Heaven itself, i.e. the Elohim… via its divisions/descendants, who take on human/oid form from time to time.  Like in his ‘dream’ with the stars moving closer and arranging themselves right in front of him, the same was true for how the human/oid manifestations/incarnations of those celestial bodies / Angels (as stars are Arch Angels, in a way) chose to communicate; it was nonverbal; they simply appeared right where they knew Auz would see them, glowed brightly and sweetly to him, radiating their beautiful perfection, and that was that; the communication was brief, and over, leaving him pleased by it.. but/and wanting more.  That is how they let you know who they are; you know them by their works, such as their vibes, and one of the works that sets them apart from all others… is that they communicate through colors, brightness/intensity, and slow, steady, purposeful, graceful, stunning motion.

Humans always said/claimed/assumed the polar-opposite of the truth; many humans got mad at Auz because they thought he was just walking by these/those powerful people who had clearly made an appearance/effort just for him, …but Auz was instinctively communicating right back and instantly with those beings who came to Earth to be there in front of him… and doing so exactly how they did/were, thus mimicking/mirroring and honoring them, practicing their language, conversing in a way humans just hadn’t ever thought of, and couldn’t remember or understand.  Even though it seemed like he was shy, nervous, or rude to the default-negativity humans, he was actually showing an incredibly amount of self-control, awareness, respect, and compatibility –not with the humans, of course, but with “those who from Heaven to Earth came”.  That was all that needed to be done in that round of “first contact” between him and then; the awareness and respectful, clever, compatible acknowledgement had been shown, and now both were ready for much more.

Sure as ever, years later, the ICGM‘s 2nd basement was envisioned/transmitted, and then, years later still, …its portal back to Heaven… and even, now explained/pictured here, the reasoning and method behind it.  So it has been written, so it shall come to pass.  Amen.

An introduction to the Dreams Dimension is here.


2021 Update:  Strata Revelation

Imagine all the stars in the Universe as sharing a core, and the bigger the star, the more layers it has access to in that shared core (which is a.k.a. Heaven or Source).  Those layers are called strata (though sometimes also referred to as sephora/s*, among other terms).  Dwarf stars may only have access to one of the strata of Heaven, while Super-Massive Black-Holes (SMBH) have access to all seven.

  1. The shared core/center/heart of all SMBHs (and each SMBH is the link/portal to the other Universes/realities/dimensions) is where all Universes in the Omniverse meet/combine/anchor.
  2. The shared core of all regular Black Holes (BH) is accessible in the next level out from the core of the SMBHs (and each BH links to the other BHs in nearby galaxies; hundreds of billions to trillions of solar-systems).
  3. Hyper/ultra-giants share the 3rd strata/layer/shell; the 2nd level wrapping around the SMBH shared-core (and these giant-giants link to fellow hyper/ultra-giants in nearby galactic-arms; they go to billions of solar-systems).
  4. Giants include red-giants; the 3rd level (a.k.a. 4th strata) wrapped around the core only accessible in SMBHs (and these connect to nearby giant-stars in regions their own galactic-arm; millions of solar-systems).
  5. Sub-giants are the 4th level (a.k.a. 5th strata) around the core only in SMBHs (and sub-giants connect to the sub-giants within sub-region clusters of solar-systems; thousands of adjacent systems).
  6. Main Sequence stars are a.k.a. dwarfs, and the Sun is one kind of them (with each color/subtype linking only to its twins in nearby solar-systems, perhaps hundreds of them).
  7. Sub-dwarfs include ‘dead’/dim stars, and can be considered part of the outermost strata of Heaven/Creation; Space itself, amongst the Dyson Spheres that are the planets and moons.

In other words:  The deepest you can go in a dwarf-star (such as those inside the cores of hollow worlds) is to other/identical dwarf stars (so you could exit from an identical star in another hollow world), as dwarf-stars have access to only the outermost level/strata of the shared core of all stars, but if you then warp over to that world’s main/parent-star, if it is bigger than a dwarf-star, you will have access to two levels/strata once inside it, and that deeper/innermost level/strata will allow you to instantly be in, and exit from, other nearby stars just like it, and a bit farther out than the range of the dwarf-stars.  You can use this to get closer to an even bigger class of stars; the sub-giants, and they have an additional level/strata in them, as they have more room/density sufficient for that.  Then you can go to a giant star and enter its center to access yet another level/strata, linking you to all of its nearby identical stars.  Keep doing this until you are entering the biggest stars of all; SMBHs, and you’ll have access to the deepest level/strata, which connects all Universes and all times, not just nearby stars in the current time.

How do you pick which star you exit?  Inside the star you enter, Space is arranged the same way, but what looked like white dots in black Space from the outside… will now look like black dots/holes/portals surrounded by white.  Point yourself in the same direction you would have been traveling if just flying through Space back outside, and that is the dot/hole you’ll be moving to and exiting from.

Stars are fixed in time, not just Space.  This is a way of saying that they perceive all the time they are in, not just the present moment like humans and other modern animals on Earth do.  It also means that you can travel not just to other linked stars instantly across any cosmic distance… by entering the connected star/s, …but also travel through time by simply wishing/asking/choosing to exit the destination/target star in a different era/Age.  Enter the star that links to the star you want to exit, use your words and/or thoughts to tell that star you entered (which is technically one and the same conscious person/being/Arch Angel with the connected/linked exit/destination-star) not only where you want to go, but when, and now back up / fly right back out… and you’re there (and then; you’re there and then; you just time-traveled).

Humans say that Heaven is unknowable, but that only means their nature is to deny themselves that knowledge.  That also means they are rejecting the simple truth that Heaven is ‘out here’ in the outermost strata (a.k.a. Space/Universe), too.  To those who calm themselves, distance from the human nonsense being repeated, and listen, …the stars will eventually tell you the truth about Heaven –as well as how to get there without dying like humans do (which is another thing their nature/thoughts manifest).

The 7 strata are also the 7 Ages, which you can read more about on our Omni-timeline.

  1. “Original Oneness”  (meaning that the biggest stars can link you to all the years; any time in any time-stream in any Universe)
  2. “The First Division” (meaning that the bigger stars can only link you to billions of other years)
  3. “Dusk of the Worlds Tree” (meaning that the big stars can only link you to millions of other years)
  4. “Years of the Trees” (meaning that the medium-sized stars can only link you to other millennia)
  5. “Age of Lamps” (meaning that the small stars can only link you to other centuries)
  6. “The Global Floods” (meaning that the smaller stars can only link you to other decades)
  7. “Reunion” (meaning that the tiniest stars can only link you to near-Shift years)

Just keep in mind that different Ages will have different numbers and sizes of stars; you won’t always have the same route options once you exit in another time-period.  That is why it is important to have the ability to teleport yourself, or at least to be flying in a starship that can go to warp-‘speed’.  Otherwise, you’ll be limited to ‘local’ distances/travel much closer to your exit star/time.

In short, Heaven is everywhere (and everything and every-when), and the stars are what link the farthest-separated areas (and times) of Heaven.

The stars are also “ideas held” —living ideas.  They are ideas before being manifested out beyond themselves.  A human pictures an idea in his/her “mind’s eye”, and to a star… a pictured idea looks like the black circle looking out onto a solar-system that idea is creating / has created –but stars don’t just picture an idea as a moment in time, or as something happening over the span of seconds to minutes; stars picture an idea in its entirety, seeing its whole lifespan/evolution at the same time, i.e. seeing in 4D, not just 3D.  (3D beings see/imagine in 3D, and 4D beings such as stars see/imagine –and manifest– in 4D… which means that you can memorize how a 3D object changed over time, but only a 4D being can see all of its changes at the same time, perceiving all of that time the same way we perceive a whole 3D object.)

Heaven is where all 4D ideas are perceived in all directions at the same time.  Picture standing in a spherical room, like Professor Xavier’s Cerebro, and being able to see not just people or thoughts all around the world… but their entire lifespans and mental development and solar-systems’ histories the same way Professor Xavier can picture all those 3D people around him when in that mind-enhancing machine/chamber.  Now you have an idea of what God/Iluvatar sees from “the throne-room” (center; innermost strata) of Heaven (the shared core of all stars).

The current Space/Universe we live in is the 7th Age and the 7th strata.
Or 9th, or “post Shift” (era/period), if you use the Mayan/Atlantean schedule/scale.
It is likely that Heaven is only divided into 7 strata… because the Mayan’s 8th and 9th consciousness-focuses were based on upsettingly/unpleasantly chaotic evolutions that spanned not even years, but mere months… and then an almost-instant, a.k.a. The Shift (the reversal back in the other ‘direction’, relative how things had been going for billions of years before The Shift, i.e. things post-Shift started slowing back down, becoming less chaotic/unpleasant).

The stars seem stationary and lifeless because humans do not worship or love or command them, and because humans project their own essence/actions onto those around them (such as when they accuse others of what only they themselves are guilty of).  Humans are stationary and arguably mindless/lifeless, thus nothing in Space responds to them or otherwise interacts normally; all things just sit out there, behaving as indifferently and distantly to humans as humans do to those around them. The stars await the command/s of the god-blooded, as those are the people who are closely-tied enough to them to understand and speak with them, loving them, even; the stars await the command/s of High King Auz.

It is not a coincidence he envisioned direct access to the throne-room of heaven (innermost strata of all stars) stably from his own basement (the Magics Chambers); Auz is destined to go there in his body, already one with them/it, already god reincarnated.  Amen.

Heaven would look confusing to anyone who didn’t realize what he/she was seeing once in there

Just as sunlight can burn some vampires, Heaven can burn/destroy most humans; vampires are used to a lot less light, and humans are so full of darkness, in so many ways, that the nexus/brightness of the start of all energy, ideas, and lives… would instantly destroy them.  Humans require separation, darkness, and compartmentalization in order to be able to trick some people with their lies, and there is not much separation at all, and no darkness of any kind (other than specks that are the inside views of stars looking out on the solar-systems around them), in Heaven.  Perhaps that is why they keep mindlessly repeating/claiming that they only get to go to a ‘heaven’ where there are gates and clouds, but not the innermost area where the Arch Angels surround God.

What you would see when inside each spherical strata of Heaven:

  1. surrounded by black dots, each dot being the entire history of one Universe/reality/dimension, as viewed from its biggest SMBH
  2. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one galaxy, as viewed from a BH in that galaxy
  3. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one galactic-arm, as viewed from hyper/ultra-giant
  4. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one region of a galactic-arm, as viewed from one giant star in that region
  5. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one cluster of solar systems, as viewed from a sub-giant in that cluster
  6. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one solar system, as viewed from its Main Sequence (dwarf) star
  7. surrounded by black dots, each being the entire history of one world, as viewed from the sub-dwarf star inside its hollow core

Again, use smaller stars to get close enough to warp to/into bigger ones, and once you are in the biggest, look in the direction of the solar system or galaxy (or Universe) you want to exit out into, then move toward it.  Ask the star/strata/Arch Angel you are in to help you exit at the time you intend to exit into.  In order to tell what type/color star you are exiting, 1) remember what type/color star you entered, as they are the ones that are linked, and 2) (when in deeper strata, thus connected to farther-flung stars, and perhaps additional types/colors at the same time) look for the outline around the black dot/hole/speck, as the color of a star you see from Space/worlds… will be the reverse/opposite inside Heaven (i.e. a colored outline/circle around a black circle/hole, as opposed to the blackness of Space around a colored circle/hole).

Now you know what Heaven is –and how to navigate it.



*Sephora(s):  The name is a combination of the Greek word sephos, meaning beauty, and the name Zipporah, the exceptionally beautiful wife of Moses, mentioned in the book/chapter called Exodus.


Dante’s Concept of the Spheres:

The sky, including Space, has long been referred to as “The Heavens”.  This does not mean that the sky/Space itself is Heaven, or that the stars and planets are “Heavenly/cosmic bodies”; it can just as easily mean that the objects visible in that Abyss (which humans see as ‘up’, and Inisfreeans see as ‘down’ –though not in any negative way, mind you)… are “The Heavens”.  In other words, the planets and stars encircle (en-sphere, rather) some of the heavenly/idea/unified places, i.e. the core-stars, and the shared-core of the/those stars.

Inside the Hollow Spheres:

Picture being in Agharta; imagine the view you would have if inside the hollow Earth, standing on its surface, seeing not a horizon, but the land all around you evenly curving up far in the distance, then high overhead, looping back over on itself, like a giant 3D (not the normal 2D) arch, the ‘dome’-sky effect/view.  Now just picture being in the same kind of giant hollow sphere… but it is brighter, and there is no land, nor any normal way to mark the passage of time, other than by your own memory/awareness/thoughts/movements.  This is what it is like, in a very simplified description, to be in Heaven (the stars).

The Gates are Really the Stars:

The only gate that looks like a pearl in a vision?  …is a star.  Claiming there were only 12 of these pearly gates seen… does not mean there are only 12 gates; it only means that the viewer at that time was only shown (or able to perceive) 12 of however many there were/are in total.  (It could also mean that there are 12 Universes/realities/time-streams, or that the gates are in sequence for some reason; perhaps some beings can only pass through them in a certain order, at certain times, with certain permissions or evolutions.)  Proceed accordingly.

The Original Tree/s:

Throne-room Concepts:


2023 Update:  The Root Races

This is where the first root-race of what became modern humankind began –though it is more accurate to say that it never began, as it is timeless; it has no beginning or end, and exists in a place beyond the 3D-space modern-humans are used to perceiving so locally.  For details on all seven destined root-races, see this webpage.

March Update:  As of this time, only those Auz approves of being in Heaven can be; only the Angels and others who are fully compatible with him can ever again get to this realm.  In other words, humans don’t automatically get to go here when they die, regardless of how they thought they were conducting themselves before.  Heaven is not a place for the dead, but for those who chose to remain alive and well, getting along in the appropriate way; his (Auz’s) way.  Amen.  (Those who keep funding, causing, and consuming death, and dying themselves, merely get recycled via reincarnation or other means outside the core all stars share.)


2024 May/+:

Anyone trying to tell me how to get into heaven… is a fool;
I am the way into heaven, for I am me.
Only I can know how to get me/myself to heaven.

Apparently, due to how completely most others I saw had destroyed their own lives/chances, I am also the only one who knows how others get to heaven, too.  Interesting.  I guess that makes me a/the savior returned, after all –at least able to save myself, plus (if) anyone who will listen to me.


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“STEPS Light Up the World [7th Heaven Club Mix] 2012 HQ” STEPS Light Up the World [7th Heaven Club Mix] 2012 HQ
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