Though there are different types of ascension, these are some who have unlocked their full destined potential.

  • Amberle Elessedil: forest Elf ~5,000 AD on Earth (Shannara Chronicles)
  • Auzdein von Himmler: 1st in command, and Founder of dozens of businesses overseen by the corporation WGI
  • Enoch: an ancestor of Noah
  • Ixchel Xoc: an ascended master, queen of the still-hidden pre-flood Mayans
  • Jean Grey: “Phoenix” (PB Sophie Turner), numerous mental powers
  • Lilith: one of the first Earth-human females and proto-vampires
  • Noah: the one and only
  • Rasputin: a special healer who gained favor amongst Russian royalty
  • Sarah Conrad: kajira and First Girl of Inisfree, now representing all kajirae
  • Solomon: “Jedidiah”, wealthy king of Israel, son of King David, who knew the sigils and processes for employing angels and other powerful beings
  • the Master Females


There are different ways to ascend, and different ‘directions’; some feel ‘called’ to develop/evolve/learn in different ways.  Once they achieve their loftiest goal, they are said to have ascended.  For some, that meant gaining a superpower such as shapeshifting or planes-walking (being trans-dimensional; able to choose to move not just in 3D/normal space in their own/starter dimension/reality/universe, but in others, as well, and back and forth between them), while for others it just meant finding a way off-grid and into self-sovereignty.

Most humans are scammers who pretended that whatever their cult/scam was based on… was the only way to ascend / achieve enlightenment / be good enough to get approved by God to enter Heaven.
In reality, however, no one is a master of anything until he or she has mastered himself or herself, and self-mastery always requires, among other things, the prerequisite of ending one’s own ails, including the unnatural ailment of atrophy/dying/getting sick.
Everyone who consumes parts of dead/killed things, especially if those things suffered, will likewise begin to suffer, no matter how great they (those doing the consuming/eating/ingesting in this context) are at focusing and manifesting long lifespans for themselves.

Anyone can ascend / become a master at any age; it just takes a little destiny/’calling, focus, practice, and so on.  You might meet some of the ascended masters who, like that young boy in The Matrix, are still preteens.  It has been done.

2024 May:  Diet

not always vegan at first, but has to at least become vegan in order to finish fully ascending/mastering


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