This ancient pre-Night Elf goddess is still among the most powerful of elves and royalty in the world.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. Details
  4. Notes & Trivia
  5. Azshara in the Modern Age
  6. Az’ & Auz’
  7. 2022 Update
  8. 2023 Update:  Her Race’s Ancient Population Estimate
  9. 2023 Update 2:  WoW Lore Corrections
  10. Azshara (Images Begin)
  11. Earth Map during Her Time
  12. Her People
  13. The Sundering
  14. Meeting a God
  15. Temporary Aquatic Form
  16. Our Growing Full-bodied Love for Each Other
  17. How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree



She started life during the Age when the worlds and first beings were still changing their forms more than in modern times; shape-shifting, and being shape-shifted (such as happened to her once), was not that uncommon back then.  Since things were overall stabilizing, settling down, and compartmentalizing (on a Cosmic scale; everywhere), getting “stuck” in one form or another was also not uncommon.  Thus, she lost her (most/original) beautiful Elf form for quite a long while… until now.



Title Queen,
see more below
Gender Female
Race(s) Naga (formerly night elf)
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) Nazjatar Empire, Old Gods’ forces, Azshara’s Royal Guard
Former affiliation(s) Kaldorei Empire,[2]Queen’s Royal Guard, Highborne, Burning Legion
Occupation Empress of the Nazjatar Empire and queen of the naga
Former occupation(s) Ruler of the Kaldorei Empire and queen of the night elves
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Lady Vashj (former handmaiden)


She stands 5’7″, is 124 lbs., and has perky C-cup breasts.



*Disclaimer:  All of the following WoW lore was exposed as twisted/lies and is here (near the bottom of this webpage) corrected.

Azshara is the queen of the naga, ruling from the underwater city of Nazjatar. Once the beloved ruler of the Kaldorei Empire over ten thousand years ago, she was entrancingly beautiful and beloved by her people. When her Highborne made contact with the Dark Titan Sargeras and his Burning Legion, she accepted his offer to cleanse her world of the impure, of the inferior races. The Highborne and the demons worked together to summon the full might of the Legion and their master on Azeroth through the Well of Eternity, but the Kaldorei Resistance thwarted their efforts.

The Well of Eternity was destabilized, and collapsed, swallowing immense swathes of land with it in an event known as the Great Sundering. Azshara and many of her Highborne followers fell into the depths of the newly created Great Sea, and would have drowned if not for the intervention of the Old Gods. They forged a pact and saved the Highborne by transforming them into the serpentine naga, a price they would pay by becoming their servants.


Queen Azshara

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara was born with golden eyes, which were quite rare in night elves before the Great Sundering. Thus, golden eyes were commonly regarded as a sign of future greatness. Indeed, she was widely considered the most beautiful of night elves and swiftly became the most beloved monarch in night elf history. Strong-willed, manipulative, and incomparably beautiful, Azshara possessed far more magical talent than almost any other night elf. As one of the Highborne and sole heir to the throne, she had long been fascinated with the Well of Eternity.

Azshara’s coronation ceremony lasted days. Each night, the Highborne nobility lavished precious gifts on Azshara to curry her favor, but there was one she cherished more than all the others. A night elf named Lord Xavius presented the queen with a jeweled scepter, etched with delicate magical sigils. He promised Azshara that so long as she kept it close, it would bring her prosperity and great power. Azshara held the scepter aloft, and the jewels shimmered in the light of the moons like brilliant stars. The sight of the queen and her gift was so beautiful that it brought many of the attendant Highborne to tears. One of the first things Azshara did with the scepter was to use its power to enhance her legendary beauty. As the years wore on, the queen seemed to grow younger and more mesmerizing. A brilliant aura enveloped Azshara, enthralling those who looked upon her. The Highborne marveled at this strange phenomenon. A few even took it as a sign of divinity.[4]

After her coronation, she indulged her interests to the fullest. Soon she ordered the construction of a lavishly bejeweled palace on one of the Well’s shores. Seeking to please the queen, the nobles proposed that the night elf capital city be renamed in her honor. Azshara graciously accepted, and after a much-heated debate, the city’s name was changed to Zin-Azshari, or “glory of Azshara”. Night elves everywhere celebrated the city’s new name, for they loved their queen as much as they distrusted the decadent Highborne or the quel’dorei. Such was her charm that her people did not truly consider her one of the Highborne. Azshara was adored by all kaldorei, but she reserved her love only for her Highborne, the corrupt noble elite, who were hated among the jealous masses, for amongst the Highborne were some of the most powerful practitioners of magic. Azshara and her court took up residence in the new palace as soon as it was complete.

Azshara ordered her Highborne to join the night elf priests in trying to uncover the secrets of the Well. In their quest to learn its secrets, the night elves discovered that they could manipulate the cosmic energies flowing from the Well.[5] Perhaps no one was more suited to this task than Azshara. She was one of the greatest magic users who had ever lived. As she honed her command over the lake’s energies, she infused a drop of its living waters into her bejeweled scepter. Queen Azshara’s enchanted scepter afforded her great power. Imbued with the Well of Eternity’s potent waters, it held sway over the rivers and the seas, aquatic creatures of all kinds, and the life energies that stirred within Azshara herself. She granted it a new name, one befitting its remarkable properties:  [Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides].[4] Many of the Highborne living in the palace devoted themselves to constant study of the Well. As their obsession grew, these Highborne drew magic from the Well’s depths at reckless speed and channeled the chaotic energies into ever-greater spells. The Well was thrown into constant turmoil. Dark storms broke out over its surface, and its waters darkened until they became utterly black.[6]

At Azshara’s behest, expeditionary forces were sent out to explore the world and expand the fledgling kaldorei empire‘s borders, founding the outposts of Shandaral, Then’Ralore and Eldre’Thalas. Azshara herself oversaw the construction of Lathar’Lazal, a temple of Elune built on the western edges of Kalimdor.[7] As masons constructed the temple, Azshara shaped the waters around it with  [Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides]. She spoke the names of the rivers and the seas, and they moved at her command. Salt water from the roaring ocean and fresh water from the mountain streams trickled to Azshara’s side. With the flick of her wrist, the queen partitioned them into great lakes that hugged Lathar’Lazal’s sturdy foundation. Creatures of all kinds populated these waters, and they were at Azshara’s beck and call. Whenever she walked the bridges of Lathar’Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar’Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits.[4]

There was, however, one location that the queen sought to avoid: Mount Hyjal, the sacred mountain refuge of the elusive Wild Gods. Unsettled by the Wild Gods and their wild, untamable homeland, the queen publicly prohibited any attempts to expand into Hyjal under the pretense that she wanted to respect the night elves’ kinship with the forests, even though in truth Azshara actually despised the mountain and the harmony it represented.[7]

Azshara also struck an accord with the Zandalar tribe of trolls, who held considerable influence over the rest of their race. Uninterested in conquering the trolls, which the queen saw as a minor nuisance at best, she allowed the Zandalari to keep their sacred Zandalar Mountains in exchange for ending troll incursions into kaldorei territory.[8]

War of the Ancients

One day, the queen was approached by her most trusted advisor, Counselor Xavius, with an idea of using the power of the Well of Eternity to cleanse the world, and make it perfect in her eyes. Their meddling with immense magic, however, drew the eye of an interested observer: Sargeras. Seeking to unleash his Burning Legion upon Azeroth, the Dark Titan entranced Xavius, pulling him under his power, following quickly with most of the Highborne and eventually Azshara herself. Xavius helped the queen communicate with Sargeras, whom she told of her desire to cleanse the world of the lesser races. Sargeras tricked the queen into making a portal from which was launched the first invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion, an event which is now known as the War of the Ancients.

The Burning Legion’s first attack on the world of Azeroth was located at Zin-Azshari, the capital city of the ancient night elf civilization. The Burning Legion, spearheaded by Hakkar and Mannoroth, quickly decimated Zin-Azshari with no mercy, killing all that stood in their path. The second most powerful and populated city in the night elf empire, Suramar, was next in line to taste the fires of the Burning Legion. Thousands of night elves were slaughtered as the dark Highborne stood safely atop their walls and Azshara laughed at the deaths of her kind. “Azshara help us!” “For Azshara!” “Run Azshara!” were among the few battle roars emanating from the chaos, but Azshara just looked away and knew that her peoples’ deaths were necessary so she could be the matriarch of a new perfect world that would be shaped after her own vision.

Eventually, a resistance was formed, but Azshara paid no attention to their efforts. Sargeras dispatched three of his most dangerous minions to do his bidding: Hakkar the Houndmaster, Mannoroth the Destructor and finally Archimonde the Defiler. All three commanded and watched over the Legion and would have prevailed had it not been for the efforts of three night elves: Malfurion Stormrage the druid, Illidan Stormrage the sorcerer (twin to Malfurion), and Tyrande Whisperwind the priestess (beloved of both brothers), and three heroes from far into the future: A dragonmage in a high elf form known in humanoid shape as Krasus and as a dragon Korialstrasz, a skilled human wizard named Rhonin, and a seasoned orc warrior named Broxigar.

Battle for Azeroth concept art

Some leagues away from Zin-Azshari, in the region of Azsuna, the Highborne Prince Farondis was far enough that he did not fall under the demons’ sway. Farondis decided that the only course of action for him to take was to destroy the Well of Eternity using the  [Tidestone of Golganneth], one of the Pillars of Creation. Vandros, a noble in Farondis’ court, caught wind of the plan and reported it to the queen. Azshara wasted no time in punishing Farondis and his people. In a frightening display of arcane energy, she destroyed the Tidestone of Golganneth and unleashed a wave of dark magic across Azsuna and its inhabitants. The land was sundered and the resident elves now wander Azsuna eternally as spirits.[9]

When the portal to the other realm was almost open, the combined force of the night elves and their allies from the future (see War of the Ancients) charged in to destroy it. Irritated by the lack of order, Azshara approached Mannoroth and demanded an explanation. Enraged by both his own failure and the questions asked by the Queen, he wanted to rip her head off, but quickly saw the error of his ways when he realized that Azshara was “a force against which only his lord and Archimonde would prove superior”. Azshara forgave him that mistake and urged him on to allow Sargeras entrance to Kalimdor.

At some point around this moment, Azshara was herself assaulted by a small band of night elves, in actuality adventurers from the future. She used her Keepers of Eternity essentially as living shields to fight for her while using a mystical shield to prevent any wounds to her. She escaped after this skirmish.



Birth of the naga

Azshara on the Gamescom 2018 key art

Not much later, the portal was destroyed and the Sundering was upon Kalimdor. Realizing that Sargeras would not be coming, she decided not to tell her handmaidens and most loyal followers. As the ocean roared in to fill the void left by the destroyed Well of Eternity, Azshara raised Sharas’dal high. She wove a magical shield around herself and the Highborne, saving them from being crushed by the colossal waves. But it was only a momentary reprieve. The howling ocean soon swallowed the queen, Sharas’dal, and her followers. Their lungs burned for air, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to let them breathe the water, but it did not. The scepter could not save them. Oblivion spread its arms and beckoned the desperate Highborne. As the ocean crushed the life from their bodies, ancient creatures stirred in the darkness. Their whispers flowed through the currents. Their powers wrapped tight around the queen and her servants. The Highborne became something new. Something more.

A fleece of scales shimmered over their skin. Tails thrashed against the currents. The unknown entities made the queen and her followers one with the sea, they made them into the naga. Though Azshara’s old empire was in ruins, she crafted a new one far from the light of the sun. The queen and her naga servants created a capital, Nazjatar, at the bottom of the sea. With patience and cunning, they expanded their dominion over the oceans. It is even said that Azshara nurtured an alliance with the mysterious and powerful entities who had transformed them into naga.

As the years wore on, Azshara relied on Sharas’dal less and less. She still treasured the scepter, but she found it was more useful in the hands of her fearsome sea witches. These loyal servants wielded Sharas’dal as a weapon to spread the naga’s domain and crush all who opposed them. It was not long before the naga sea witches learned to harness Sharas’dal as Azshara had. With a swipe of the scepter, they drove thousands of aquatic predators into a frenzy and unleashed them against troublesome sea giants. With a whispered incantation, they boiled Kvaldir raiders from the inside out and scattered their remains to the currents.

When the sea witches were not wielding Sharas’dal, Azshara would often carry it at her side and reminisce about times long past. She still remembered Lord Xavius’s promise: so long as she kept the scepter close, it would bring her prosperity and great power. The queen had lost much, but she was not dead. Far from it. In her heart, she knew that one day her empire under the sea would eclipse even that of the ancient night elves. One day, the world would be hers again, and she would not let it slip through her fingers a second time.[4]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Queen Azshara in Darkshore

While Azshara does not appear herself, statues depicting her appear frequently throughout Azeroth and Outland, usually in ruins inhabited by the naga.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Queen Azshara in Azsuna

Azshara plays in a minor role at Nazj’vel in southern Darkshore opposite Malfurion Stormrage. It is revealed that Queen Azshara is primarily responsible for the troubles in Darkshore, as she attempts to divert Malfurion Stormrage’s attention from Hyjal. Both Alliance and Horde players can trigger her appearance at will by killing the four Darkscale Priestesses surrounding the  [Horn of the Ancients]. Her appearance here serves more as a preview of things to come than a major part of the storyline, as evidenced by the fact that she uses the Lady Vashj model.

It is later revealed that Queen Azshara would like nothing more than the total destruction of the Elemental Lord Neptulon, because that would leave her free to rule over the oceans in his stead.[10] This was a command by Azshara’s master N’Zoth, both for revenge against Neptulon for defying him and so that they could splinter the world’s nations into isolated enclaves by halting sea travel.[11] To that end, Azshara personally charged the priestess Valishj and her Slitherblade naga with scouring the coast of Desolace for the  [Ancient Engravings of Neptulon], which would grant Azshara entrance into the Abyssal Maw.[12] However, Valishj’s efforts were thwarted by the combined efforts of the water revenant Lord Hydronis and an adventurer.[13]

Her past self and her royal guard also appear as a boss when visiting the Well of Eternity in the Caverns of Time.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Queen Azshara has sent a force led by Tidemistress Athissa to Azsuna on the Broken Isles to retrieve the  [Tidestone of Golganneth]. Azshara herself appears before Prince Farondis when Farondis tries to save an adventurer captured by the naga and attempts to convince him to kneel before her, but Farondis fights Azshara off. Before leaving, Azshara tells Farondis that her “wrath” is coming.[14] Azshara’s naga form is marked as a ‘vision’ while her night elf form is labeled as the queen herself. What was and was not an illusion is unknown.

The naga at the Eye of Azshara summon a creature known as the Wrath of Azshara after retrieving the Tidestone of Golganneth. When the Tidestone is taken back by adventurers, Azshara sends Mistress Sassz’ine to get it again.[15]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Queen Azshara corrupted Lord Stormsong and most of the Tidesages of Kul Tiras. She sought to gain control of the kingdom’s legendary fleet. In the Shrine of the Storm, she tells Lord Stormsong to deal with the intruders. She also had naga attack the western coast and summoned the Pride of Azshara to attempt to destroy Fort Daelin.

Azshara struck an accord with Zul of the Zandalari, who is scheming to free G’huun.[16] She sent naga to Darkwood Shoal in Vol’dun to find the  [Ring of Tides], vital to her plans.[17]

Rise of Azshara

A statue of Queen Azshara in Nazjatar.

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.
Following the Battle of Dazar’alor, the naga attack both the Alliance and Horde on shores across the Great Sea. They drag prisoners to Nazjatar and the Alliance and Horde follow, befriending slave races such as gilblins, makrura, and sea giants as they battle the naga in their home territory. Queen Azshara serves as the final boss of the Eternal Palace raid.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
A [20] The Offering to Azshara ?? 20,481
Queen Azshara (tactics) ?? 4,294,600
N [100 – 110] Save Yourself ?? 19,018,000
Shrine of the Storm ??
5 27,590,250
5H 35,697,000
5M 44,150,250

In the RPG

The RPG Icon 16x36.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Azshara as a naga in the non-canon RPG

Azshara is often thought to be the greatest mortal mage ever to live – although she may no longer be mortal.[18]Azshara was considered to be one of the greatest sorcerers as she was gifted with knowledge about magic without studying any treatises. As such, she was crowned the Sorceress-Queen of Kalimdor.[19]

Azshara has become an Ancient and lurks beneath the waves, biding her time to reclaim her worldly power.[20]Queen Azshara was not drowned, but transformed into a hideous aquatic thing who will someday lead her accursed followers to retake the surface world.[21] Queen Azshara, her handmaidens, and many Highborne sunk into the sea. The Old Gods chose Azshara as another useful tool and transformed her, her Highborne, and her Handmaidens into Naga. The mighty Queen Azshara still lives and rules the naga. Once she awoke at the bottom of the sea, she ordered a palace built to rival her home in Azshara.[22]

Queen Azshara lives still, in the vast city of Nazjatar at the bottom of a deep ocean trench. She has embraced the power of the naga, grown in size, and possesses many tentacles bedecked in jewels and items of power. She plots her revenge on the treacherous Night Elves, biding her time until the growing might of the naga can be brought to bear.[23] Living under the sea, she has become queen of the naga.[24] The naga serve Azshara without question. Most naga live in Nazjatar, their capital city. This city is built into a massive abyssal sea trench in the ocean floor, and houses Azshara’s imperial palace.[25]

The creature moves on five slithering, octopus-like tentacles, its massive round and bulbous body shifting constantly. A humanoid torso covered in thick scales rises from the body, the creature reaching at least 20 feet in height. Four arms extend from the torso, with two hands holding javelins of dark polished wood and gold-leafed tips. Despite the monstrosity of its body, the creature’s face still possesses an otherworldly, feminine, almost elven beauty. Snakes writhe about her head, serving as her hair and as further eyes. A cruel smile plays across her lips, as though she is deciding whether to play with her enemies a moment longer or simply destroy them now.[26] Shadows & Light suggests that Azshara’s altered body is with octopus-like tentacles quite different from those of ordinary naga.

When Azshara finally decided to make the naga’s existence known, she sent Lady Vashj to establish contact with the surface dwellers.[27] She yet seeks revenge against the night elves who defeated her, slowly readying her naga subjects in Nazjatar to show their might to all of Azeroth.[24] The world grows wary of what the changed Queen Azshara may attempt in the coming future.[28]

She imbued Frostfathom with its icy burst quality, making it even deadlier for her favored agent to wield.[29]

Javelins of Suramar

Javelins of Suramar were wielded by Azshara in the Eternal Palace, and she wields them still in Nazjatar as queen of the naga.[30]

Potential fate

In a desperate gamble, the Alliance was planning to outfit hundreds of their best and brightest with the magic and technological items necessary to survive underwater. With the help of some allied makrura, they planned to stage an attack on Nazjatar. However, the attack would simply be a distraction in order to allow a small group of adventurers to enter the city, steal into the palace, overcome Queen Azshara’s defenses, capture her, and return her to the surface. The Alliance plans to either siphon the captured queen’s arcane powers or use her to enlist the help of the naga against the Scourge.[31]

Personality and powers

Charismatic and beautiful, Azshara outwardly portrayed herself as a kind, generous, loving monarch who adored her people and her empire with all her heart. In truth, however, she was a vain, cruel, power-hungry narcissist who cared for herself above all else. An intensely manipulative individual, she fostered her own benevolent image solely so she could take complete advantage of it. Although she did hold favor for her Highborne and handmaidens, it was not out of love, respect, or any form of benevolence. It was purely out of how useful they were to her. She never hesitated to throw their lives away if it suited her, and such was her power and charms that they would do so for her gladly, completely unaware of her indifference. She held very little loyalty either, as she freely gave her allegiance to the Old Gods so she could survive the Sundering, when she had been one of the most devout servants of Sargeras mere moments before (and whom she considered to be the only worthy potential mate). Of particular note, however, is despite her cruel and dominating personality, she rarely ever raised her voice when angry or made direct insults of her minions.

Perhaps Azshara’s greatest ability was her immense charisma and stunning beauty, the latter of which she augmented further through mystical means. Such was her physical and mental appeal that none ever noticed her true personality, no matter how cruel or destructive her commands might be. The vast majority of her servitors were willing to go to any means to elevate themselves in her eyes, even at the cost of their own lives. Demons who were around her long enough fell prey to her wiles and would kill their own kin under her command.[32] Xavius, who considered himself above her charms, was, in fact, completely enamored.[citation needed]

However, Azshara was much, much more than a pretty face. She was one of the most powerful mages to ever walk the face of Azeroth, wielding the arcane with such skill that she is known to have even been able to suppress her magical glow, as proved when Illidan noticed her intensifying it after receiving his new eyes.[33] With barely an effort she shielded her palace from the Sundering, and alter her own body to increase her beauty. So great was her power that when Mannoroth, once growing enraged at her questioning him, attempted to kill her he realized, to his chagrin, that Azshara was far more powerful than he, and that only Archimonde, Kil’jaeden, and Sargeras would prove superior.[34] This power seemingly indicates that she was on a level roughly similar to the Guardians of Tirisfal, and achieved this state on her own.


As a night elf

Queen Azshara was tall – even taller than many men, and she moved with a grace that even a cat would envy her, with great pride and grace. She spoke with a voice so enchanting it could send any man running into his certain death. Her skin was a deep violet, and her long, luscious hair cascaded as silver down her shoulders and back.[35] Her eyes were golden and, as with other night elves, without pupils in them.[36]

This description did not, however, fit how she was modelled in the previews of her appearance in the Well of Eternity instance in Patch 4.3.0, where she was displayed with dark blue hair, rather than moonlight silver, blue eyes, rather than golden, and a skin tone that’s almost gray, rather than deep violet. Nor was her hair cascading, as Richard Knaak describes her several times in The Well of Eternity book, but rather appeared tied up in an elaborate knot. It appeared to be based on a popular piece of fan art, seen below. This however was later changed and Azshara got a brand new texture fitting the description of the novel.

As a naga

When Maiev Shadowsong found the statue of Azshara in the Tomb of Sargeras, she noticed that the queen resembled a night elf but with a snake-like tail.[37] Not mentioned, it also had an extra set of arms. During flashbacks in the mission, statues like this appear more night elven, and gold in color, and morph during scene transitions.

In World of Warcraft, statues of the queen depict her as a normal female naga.

When Tyrande attempted to rescue Malfurion during the War Against the Nightmare, the Emerald Nightmare produced a hallucination of Azshara (playing on Tyrande’s fears of becoming like the evil queen):

A monstrous, blue-green face leered at her. It was elven, yet almost akin to some monstrous fish. Finlike projections extended not only from the head, but coursed down the scaled back. Indeed, scales covered the face and the curved chest as well. The hands were webbed and clawed, more like those of some ocean predator. They, though, were still more akin to a night elf’s form than the lower part of the things body. Rather than legs, it moved upon what appeared some combination of a snake’s and an eel’s slippery torso. It was, in fact, the spiny tail of that torso which sought to strangle Tyrande. … It was and was not the queen. There was just enough of Azshara’s features in the scaled face, though the eyes were fiery red orbs that sought to burn into the high priestess’s mind.[38]

In Darkshore and Azsuna, Azshara is seen projecting a sort of avatar or image herself to oversee her plans in the regions. This image resembles her handmaidens, and in the latter zone she alters its appearance to resemble her original night elf form.

She finally appears in her true form in official art surrounding Battle for Azeroth and as a hologram speaking to Lord Stormsong in the Shrine of the Storm. Here she resembles the description given in the pen and paper RPG; a monstrous creature melding a naga torso with the tentacles of a squid (or possibly a kraken) from the waist down, multiple arms, one wielding a spear. She also possesses three eyes, and her “hair” resembles tendrils of water or magic, rather than snakes.

Titles and epithets

As a naga
  • Queen of the Naga[39]
  • Empress of Nazjatar[39]
  • The Light Beneath the Tides[40]
  • Our Queen Beneath the Tides[41]
  • Her Radiance[42]
As a night elf

Memorable quotes


  • “There has only ever been, only ever will be… one Azshara.”
  • “To fully prepare for a world of perfection, all the imperfect must be swept away.”
  • “Sacrifices are always required in the name of glorious pursuits.”
  • “What is Elune to the great Sargeras?”
  • “Dear Kur’talos… I always thought him my most cherished servant, and this is how he rewards me. I’ve decided that Lord Ravencrest has displeased me, Varo’then. Can you remedy that?”
  • “I’ve been most impressed by you, Illidan Stormrage! So very clever, so very powerful! Even our Lord Sargeras sees that or else why would he grant you such a precious gift? Such a shame to lose the beautiful amber eyes, though…I know it hurts much…”
  • “Please! For you, I’m merely Azshara…such a handsome face! So strong, too…and with the mark of the Great One there as well!”
  • “Lord Mannoroth. I find myself disappointed with the lack of order taking place before the arrival of Sargeras.”[48]
  • “For the sake of our Lord Sargeras I shall forgive your outburst…this time.”[49]


A statue of Queen Azshara is located in the Quel’Dormir Gardens of the Shimmering Expanse.

Details here.

The realm named for her:  Azshara; a region of the surface of the Earth hundreds of millions of years ago.

Level: 10 – 60
Battle Pet Level: 3 – 6
Azshara Highway.jpg
Major settlements
Minor settlements

Southeastern Northern Kalimdor

PvP status

Azshara is located in northeastern Kalimdor, east of Ashenvale, south of Winterspring, and north of Durotar. It is a beautiful coastal area cloaked in eternal autumn.[citation needed]  The trees and other flora are tinged in brilliant oranges and reds, and nearer the coast, great cliffs and sandy beaches line the ocean. The region’s hostile inhabitants, which include enraged ghosts, vicious satyr, stalking naga and ferocious wildlife, have been mostly quelled by the arrival of the Bilgewater Cartel Goblins. During the Azshara storyline, the goblins defeat the Spitelash naga and the encroaching night elf forces seeking to stop the goblins exploitation of nature. Following the Siege of Orgrimmar, Tyrande Whisperwind claimed the night elves will allow the goblins to keep Azshara as part of the tentative peace between the Horde and Alliance.

Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix makes his home at the Gallywix Pleasure Palace, while Bilgewater Harbor is considered the capital city of the Horde goblins.


War of the Ancients

During a battle in Azshara, Cenarius granted his blessing to Huln Highmountain so that his people would forever have his favor. This transformed Huln and his people’s horns into the Horns of Eche’ro: their moose-like antlers.[1]Huln went on to battle Tichondrius, who was leading the Legion’s forces in Azshara.[2]

The Highborne of Mennar Academy used a  [Sarcen Stone] to draw arcane energy away from the Legion’s portal at the Well of Eternity, buying time for the rest of the world to fight back. This act cost them their lives when the demons came down on them, and history would not record these unsung heroes.[3]

Third War

When the Burning Legion launched their invasion on Kalimdor during the Third War, the demons arrived to Azshara and continued to Ashenvale.[4]

Right after the Third War, Illidan Stormrage and his naga passed through the area, assaulting the local night elven villages and wreaking havoc among the forest creatures, including the furbolgs and wildkin. Maiev Shadowsong and the Watchers followed Illidan’s trail through the area, putting the creatures out of their misery. Illidan’s goal was to wreck the night elven harbors on the coast so no one could follow him to the Tomb of Sargeras.[5]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Prior to the Cataclysm, neither the Horde or Alliance sought to use Azshara for much despite it’s proximity to Durotar and Ashenvale. The Horde scout, Ag’tor Bloodfist, helped Horde adventurers down the traitorous Magus Rimtori during the Betrayed quest line. The sea giant Demigod Arkkoroc and his sons sought help against the Hydra queen Hetaera. Lastly, the Demon hunter Loramus Thalipedes aided adventurers in battling the Dreadlord Razelikh the Defiler by forging Azsharite weapons.

The area was home to rare  [Enchanted Coral], which the Spitelash were drawn to.[6]

Elementals invaded the area only to be fought by the adventurers of the Alliance and Horde.

Prior to the start of the invasion of Outland, Azshara was invaded by a group of Burning Legion demons led by Highlord Kruul.[7]

The area was also invaded twice by the Scourge in the years leading to the war against the Lich King.[8]

Pearl of Pandaria

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Li Li Stormstout, Strongbo and her uncle Chen Stormstout fought against Zhahara Darksquall and Rahjak on an isle in Azshara.[9]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The Shattering radically changed the balance of power in Azshara. The Bilgewater Cartel goblins, the Horde’s newest ally, have made their home here, building a city into the cliff side, and destroying the Azshara Crater to make way for a large quarry. To show their loyalty to the Horde, the goblins have reshaped Azshara into a giant Horde symbol.

Having recently gained the mantle of warchief, Garrosh Hellscream is preparing for war to claim all of Kalimdor for the Horde. The goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel, headquartered in Bilgewater Harbor, are playing their part by building war machines, constructing weapons, and establishing a massive naval harbor within sight of Orgrimmar. Meanwhile, the night elves aren’t content to sit idly by; they fully intend to challenge this unwelcome occupation in Azshara and hopefully stymie a conflict that would otherwise be carried deep into their forests. Amid all this tension, the Bilgewater Cartel is also out to make a name for itself in true goblin fashion. What is the best way to show solidarity? Reshape the Bay of Storms into a giant Horde symbol! From there, a secret lab, an extensive rocketway, and a “pleasure palace” with its own golf course are just natural leaps in goblin logic. Azshara is now the largest terraforming project on Azeroth – whether it’s sculpting the terrain to promote Horde propaganda, moving an entire mountain to pillage the minerals underneath, or slapping the face of the trade prince on a nearby crag, there’s no question who wears the pants in Azshara these days.[10]

Kalec is rounding up all of the blue dragonflight, as he fears the death of Malygos will be a sign of weakness and Deathwing will send out agents to assassinate the remaining dragons within the flight. This holds true as the black dragonflight has invaded Azshara to hunt down Azuregos. Kalec and Azuregos help low level Horde players to repel the invasion.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Burning Legion targeted Azshara as one of their invasion points, especially targeting the rear gates of Orgrimmar.[11] It was successfully defended by the Alliance, Horde and Illidari.

Getting There

From Forest Song in Ashenvale, follow the road east into Azshara. The Alliance outpost Talrendis Point is just over the river.
From Orgrimmar, go northeast through the Orgrimmar Rear Gate. Alternatively, from Splintertree Post in Ashenvale, travel along the road east into Azshara. The Horde encampment Valormok is against the mountains, north of ruined Haldarr Encampment.


Azshara is located in Northern Kalimdor. It contains the rocketway, a free five station elevated transport which runs round the bay. Rocketway stations are:

There are no instances or battlegrounds in this zone.

Maps and sub-regions

Map of Azshara (note the shape: the emblem of the Horde).

Map of Azshara prior to Cataclysm.

The Rocketway

Undisplayed locations

Lore locations

WC3RoC-logo.png Warcraft III

The RPG Icon 16x36.png Warcraft RPG

Topographic map of Azshara

Travel hubs

In addition to the below flight paths, there is a Rocketway present in the zone that will transport you to another station for free.

Horde Flight paths from the Southern Rocketway Terminus

Horde Flight paths from Bilgewater Harbor

Horde Flight paths from the Northern Rocketway Terminus

Horde Flight paths from Valormok

Regions adjacent to Azshara

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Durotar Horde 1 – 20 South By swimming Southfury River south, then going ashore east
Orgrimmar Horde N/A South By going through the Orgrimmar Rear Gate southwest
Northern Barrens Horde 10 – 60 South By swimming Southfury River south, then going ashore west, or by flightpath to Ratchet
Ashenvale HordeAlliance 20 – 60 West By foot, or by flightpath from Valormok to Splintertree Post, or by flightpath from Talendris Point to Astranaar

Notable characters

Main article: Azshara NPCs

Azshara is home to several characters of note. Kalec relocated to Azshara, fearing that Deathwing would send agents to assassinate rest of the flight. This held true, as the black dragonflight invaded Azshara to hunt down Azuregos. Kalec can be found in Bilgewater Harbor, where he and Azuregos help low level Horde players to repel the invasion. At the Arcane Pinnacle, Archmage Xylem‘s apprentices try to pass his trials. Ogtinc assists experienced hunters and priests.


Main article: Azshara storyline

When first arriving in Azshara, you may want to take the Rocketway and tour the zone first. In addition to earning the Horde  [Joy Ride] achievement along the way, you will gain a good chunk of free discovery experience, be able to pick up the flight paths, and get to see some magnificent scenery. Of course, goblin technology has been known to break down from time to time…


Dig sites


Ruins of Arkkoran @ 71,33
Ruins of Eldarath @ 33,51

Azshara has two dig sites:

  1. Ruins of Arkkoran; contains Night Elf Archaeology Fragments.
  2. Ruins of Eldarath; contains Night Elf Archaeology Fragments.

Wild creatures

In the RPG

The RPG Icon 16x36.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


A shattered stretch of coastline on Kalimdor’s northeast, Azshara was once the greatest night elf metropolis. The city fell millennia ago in the War of the Ancients, but a few ragged buildings perch on the cliffs overlooking similar ruins among the coral.[13] Much of the city of Azshara fell into the ocean.[14]

Before the Great Sundering, this shattered stretch of coast along Kalimdor‘s northern border was once a part of the night elven capital of Zin-Azshari; then came the demons‘ expulsion from the world. The land was rent asunder and the sea thundered in, making the region a watery grave and leaving nothing but ruins of the once great city. The night elves who survived named this region — once glorious, now nothing but a shattered relic — Azshara, after their queen who was driven mad by demonic influence. Since that time, this place of rocky islands, jagged cliffs, and coral-choked seas has given birth to many tales.

Some night elves suggest that not all of the demons were banished, still lurking beneath the glittering waters of the Coral Sea and waiting to strike back. Others claim that Queen Azshara was not drowned, but transformed into a hideous aquatic thing who will someday lead her accursed followers to retake the surface world. A few whisper that the Dark Portal that first brought the demons to Azeroth remains and rests under the sea waiting for someone to reopen it. Still others assert that the ancient Sundering awakened something that dwelled in the deepest part of the ocean, something that will eventually burst forth in a tidal wave of destruction. Whatever the truth, night elves agree that the region is cursed.[15]


A river separates the primordial wood from what land there is. The terrain beyond the river is little more than a strip of green above fragmented cliffs that rise high over a stretch of ivory beach. The waves of the shallow Coral Sea sweep against this beach, and islands — little more than spires of jagged rock — jut from the water. A twisted expanse of reef creates a labyrinth of coral beneath the ocean surface, making sea travel here virtually impossible.

The night elves consider the place cursed, and most other races find the constant storms unpleasant. There is but a single habitation in Azshara, the orc trading village of Grim Ulang, its residents telling of creatures flitting about the ruins of Zin-Azshari further along the cliffs, and murlocs and naga swimming in the Coral Sea. Bands of undead have appeared along the beach and at the fringes of the Ashenvale Forest. As well, the dark chants of demon cultists have echoed along the cliffs in counterpoint to the thunder of storms. Steady rumors and sightings have led to frequent night elf patrols and an increased martial presence in Grim Ulang.[15]

Notes and trivia

  • Something from Azshara is called “Azsharan”.[16]
  • When Masqueraded in Suramar City, several hostile nightborne guards, including Duskwatch Subjugators and Duskwatch Scions will mention that they could have been posted here before the Sundering if clicked on enough.
  • Before patch 4.0.3a, Azshara was one of the most common spots for gold farmers, who feasted upon the large collection of thorium veins in the zone.
  • Azshara is well-known for its beautiful fall-like vegetation. In a game without much in the way of weather and seasons, Azshara is a gorgeous and very unique departure from the WoW-norm.


Details here.


Azshara in the Modern Age:

It didn’t work out for her and the big demon with the fire-beard, so she waited, noticing the ‘schedule’ and ‘flow’ of things, which the Mayans later wrote about.  When she sensed my coming, she made sure the oceans she now controlled… were gentle for me; so that I, not accustomed to them, would always have safe passage across.  Anytime I learned of mermaids or naga, and felt called to them, she protected them and me, as well as the meeting itself –though I did not even know she existed… until I was nigh 30 years old.

She no longer seeks to open portals for aliens or demons to help her purify the world; she tried that once, and it didn’t work out like she’d hoped and planned.  Besides that, she now has me, along with millennia of patience finally mastered.  She has seen how things work themselves out, even when entire worlds get overrun.

Intervention from the old gods allowed her to survive underwater, but she will be most powerful when returned to her original form; it is more familiar to her, and not a distraction nor upsetting reminder.


Az’ & Auz’:

Now that Inisfree is made, she makes herself known to me, and together… we are able to restore her original form.  She tells me of how she helped even Thetis and other now-deities rise up to help her keep things pure and good, the way all good beings had always sensed they were meant to be.  She loves how she and I both seek to cleanse the world of impurities, and when she witnessed me doing precisely that to 2% of the surface land via the Rapture, wiping away all the impurities called pollution, she knew I was the destined mate she was meant to have.

She then works with me on a Rapture project for the ocean depths, not just the pollution on their surface, because the monsters of the deep… are like the gross fat people of the surface human realms; they must be removed, for there was a time when they weren’t there, and it was good.  Laziness, excuses, unhealthiness, and grossness in any form, must not be tolerated, lest it spread, dominate, and ruin all, spirits and wisdom included.

Azshara also helps me and my expedition teams of Inisfreeans zero in on ocean-floor ruins so ancient they are hardly recognizable, even with the finest modern tech’.

I practice my ancient Mer & Elven dialects when we are together.

The continent she lived on is called Pangaea by modern people, and it broke apart ~175 million years ago (which is when the World of Warcraft timeline has been pinpointed).  This was not due to mere natural and inevitable ‘continental drift’, but what people of her time called The Sundering.  Continents have shifted, risen, and fallen ever since, more than naturally, due to the changes that worldwide event caused.

Her nickname from me is Az, and pairs with my nickname well.

Some of the content in the World of Warcraft game series is just made up to fill in the gaps, or to appeal to certain large groups of subscribers in order to keep them paying; World of Warcraft is only partially accurate to the events hundreds of millions of years ago.  “Az” helps me fill in the real gaps with the real events –though, of course, this is still just a tiny fraction of the unknowably-detailed history of our planet.

Her people were sexed-down in modern tellings of them and their times; it was just more ‘gray washing’ done by religious fanatics who’d somehow gotten in charge of the books, games, and shows about them.

Together, we return to where the Sun Well once was; its ruins are on the eastern edge of the Bermuda Triangle, and that explains a lot of the legends and dread about that vast area of the Atlantic Ocean.  She also helps me get to, learn about, and fully understand these other ancient, megalithic, heavily-eroded sites:

  1. Atlit-Yam, Israel
  2. Baltic Sea Anomaly, Sweden
  3. Bimini Road and Numerous Ruins, Bahamas
  4. Bimini-style Platform Ruins, Israel
  5. Brighton Beach megalithic blocks, United States
  6. Cape Stolbchaty, Oblast, Russia
  7. Castles of Egil, Turkey
  8. Corinth Canal, Greece
  9. Delavan Lake giant burials, United States
  10. Dwarka, India
  11. Elphinstone Reef “sarcophagus”, Egypt
  12. Enfeh Moat, Lebanon
  13. Frisland, United Kingdom
  14. Giant’s Causeway, Ireland
  15. Grotta di Nettuno, Italy
  16. Grotte di Polignano, Italy
  17. Heracleion, Egypt
  18. Huaca Pucllana, Peru
  19. Jernokleev Site, Turkey
  20. Kekova, Turkey
  21. Lake Shira and Lake Itkul ruins, Russia
  22. Lake Titicaca underwater ruins, Bolivia
  23. Lion City (Shi Cheng) of Qingdao Lake, China
  24. Nan Madol, Micronesia
  25. Network of Tunnels Below Montreal, Canada
  26. Norsun Tepe, Turkey
  27. Nuraghes of Sardinia, Italy
  28. Osirion Abidos, Egypt
  29. Pavlopetri, Greece
  30. Pemuteran underwater garden, Indonesia
  31. Pheia, Greece
  32. Pura Batu Bolong, Indonesia
  33. Pura Tanah Lot, Indonesia
  34. Samabaj, Guatemala
  35. Shushtar Watermills, Iran
  36. Sicilian Monolith, Italy
  37. Stone Spheres, Costa Rica
  38. Stone Spheres (and ancient inland wall), New Zealand
  39. Stradello delle Ripe di Gallina, Italy
  40. ‘The Eye’ Rotating Island, Argentina
  41. Underwater Complex with Pyramids, Cuba
  42. Vehicle Tracks (petrified), Malta
  43. Ventotene Island, Italy
  44. Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland
  45. Xcaret Park, Cancun, Mexico
  46. Yonaguni, Japan
  47. Zubala Well, Saudi Arabia

Further details here.  Some of those sites, even Lara Croft didn’t know much about (and Lara, of course, joins us to most of these).


She loved meeting Tempest Thema, and sometimes reverts to her naga form when that woman is around; she likes to show her respect and understanding that way.

2022 Update:

She has become fast friends and fuck-buddies with Felanelle, who shares her skin color.


2023 Update:  Her Race’s Ancient Population Estimate

We can start with some lore (a.k.a. soft-disclosure), giving us a ballpark and baseline from which we can extrapolate.

According to the World of Warcraft RPG, Darnassus (the capital city in/on Teldrassil, one of their world-trees) had a population of 15,000, most of which were Night Elves.  Teldrassil had a population of 23,000 (including the 15,000 in its capital).  20,400 of those were Night Elves.

Since the plan was to hold on the world-tree like a redoubt, we can presume that only a handful of occupants fled elsewhere (during its siege and burning) while the bulk of the Sentinel guard were either watching the walls or fighting on Darkshore or at Rut’theran village (population 300).  Sylvanas (during this siege; during her corrupted/”undead” time/chapter) killed around 15–20,000 Night Elves plus around 500–700 humans and a couple of High Elves.

Evacuating large numbers of people with portals does happen but most of the time more traditional methods are used, and this is one of those times where thousands were not rescued by portals.  There are always survivors in even the worst disasters, but it is possible the majority of Night Elves at and around Teldrassil perished during this siege/burning.

Tens of thousands lived there, and thousands more nearby, until they were slain in combat/warfare.  23,000 – 20,000 = ~3,000 left to pick up the pieces after Sylvanas and her army left the rest of that world-tree to finish burning (which may have taken a few years).  Those survivors were probably too exhausted and traumatized to repair and repopulate.  Many of them probably chose to put the remains of their living home in a coma-like stasis, as well as a form of camouflage to keep it looking like a lone mountain or butte; so it would not seem resource-rich or worth attacking (or able to be burned/destroyed) ever again.

In short, tens of thousands of Night Elves could/did live in/on each world-tree, and several such trees were named in World of Warcraft, thus the sum of the Night Elves populations of those trees alone could have been ~100,000.  There were towns and villages of Night Elves miles away from those trees, too, so add thousands more to that estimate.  Around the world during this time, perhaps there were hundreds of thousands of their kind, if not 1,000,000.

Nazjatar is the Night Elves city which sank ~10,000 years before the events of World of Warcraft (as players play it).  Azshara ruled/rules from that city, as part of the Kaldorei (Night Elves) Empire which got splintered into oblivion during the cataclysm of its era.  Her people there and elsewhere did not become extinct or even endangered, though; they succeeded in adapting to life underwater (as they, coming from farther back in the past, were more powerful, adaptable, almost invincible, etc.); Nazjatar, like Atlantis, was destined to live on, arguably as the only surviving significant piece of their once continent-spanning empire/civilization.

Nazjatar and cities like it during its time before the sinking enjoyed the comfort and sustenance of the living conscious-deity pre-petrification Earth, especially benefitting from its thicker atmosphere way back then, more-abundant giant and shade-providing mega-flora.  In other words, Night Elves were not clinging to several remaining world-trees for the environment/atmosphere/mana they had spent millennia accustomed to before the ancient cataclysm.  This means that their cities could easily support even more than the cataclysm-surviving (and newly-planted/grown/enchanted) world-trees later did.

We’ll estimate that tens of thousands lived/live in Nazjatar.

The only known map of her empire pre-cataclysm showed but five cities, and Nazjatar was not one of them; there were bigger civilization-centers than it, even to the point of it being too negligible to mark on that map at the time.  Let’s estimate some ~30,000 Night Elves per major city back then.  Our extrapolation now estimates ~150,000 Night Elves across that pre-fragmented continent.

When the cataclysm split their continent, those ~150,000 largely migrated to the surviving and new world-trees, with some ~30,000 able to survive under the demi-deity-level forcefield powerful Azshara was able to maintain for a time around her sinking palace/area.  This probably made them feel like making additional members of their species, perhaps in part to help protect against possible endangerment or extinction, and perhaps in part because it was their nature to increase their numbers to a certain region-specific amount (whatever they sensed their location/area could support/sustain).  Thus, their population ~held steady during cataclysm/s, and increased after –at least before/between wars that were actually able to kill any of them.

Azshara was >4,000 years old before The Sundering that split the supercontinent of her empire’s time and ended/fragmented that civilization.  That makes her >14,000 years old during the events players of World of Warcraft go through.  Since Elves can live forever, remove three decimal-places from any multi-millennial Elf’s age to get a better idea of how their own kind might regard each other; Azshara was a preteen during her empire’s cataclysm, and still just a teenager in their eyes 10 millennia later.

She was a child when she saw her ‘whole world’ falling apart, tens of thousands of her people scattered around the planet indefinitely, many probably losing contact with one another –even telepathically; due to the terror and fatigue, among other things.  She was comparable to a teenager, in a way, when her long-hidden and long-adapted/changed locals/closest literally resurfaced to dare to re-explore and reconnect with what had become of their dramatically-changed world.  Today, she is millions of years old, thus well into her adult-equivalent age-bracket, and may have mixed feelings about seeing her race now numbering beyond a million; they once had no need or want for so many, and so many may always feel like overly-fragmented supercontinent pieces/landmasses destined to reconnect/reunite.

Lucky for her, this is the Age of Reunions, with the deity known as Auz on the scene, able to facilitate such long-craved wonders and healing in mutually-agreeable ways.  The Night Elves’ population may change one more time.  With the world-trees un-petrifying and re-growing/appearing better than ever, the oceans becoming shallower like they used to be, forests blanketing larger and larger portions of the lands, and even the worlds themselves moving back closer like they were in the First Time, their energies/powers synergizing and co-stabilizing all over again, once and for all, at the very least… her long-stabilized and more-vigilant people will spread back out, patrolling and assisting entire regions like they used to for so long.



2023 Update 2:  WoW Lore Corrections

Not all Naga are shapeshifted Night Elves; other Naga descend from dragons.

The Highborne were not corrupt; the lesser newer Elves who had started feeling the new energy/emotion, jealousy, were.

The Dark Titan and Burning Legion did end many Night Elves, and Azshara did let them, but those they ended were indeed lesser, having lost themselves to negative assumptions and emotions, thus that legion was purifying her world as best it could.

Azshara does not look like a Cecaelia now; she looks like a beautiful mermaid who can, like many Naga, shapeshift into legged form. She is called Naga, not mermaid, because her skin color is cool tones, where as most mermaids have warm humanoid skin tones.

Far from the Well, one Highborne had also become corrupted, no longer understanding Azshara’s wisdom or the Legion’s heroic goodness. The Highborne got the karmic echo of darkness he deserved, having sought to harm the Well. His region was sundered because of it, his followers’ bodies confiscated; only their spirits were allowed to remain, as that meant they could no longer wield magic or harm other innocents.

Azshara did make a magic sphere around her loyal Highborne to buy them more time for their final spellcasting and transition into being able to shapeshift. The ocean did not press and suffocate them, though; it was very much alive, conscious, and aligned with them back then. The tentacle creatures that swarmed around them at thos point were not monsters, but other underwater people rallying to their aid, helping manage and resettle the swirling energies the corrupt (non-Highborne) Night Elves had ignorantly triggered as ripple echoes of their negative thoughts.

She is depicted as javing scales, extra appendages, ans extra eyes at this point, but the reality is that she did not gain extra, her scales were additional natural armor during shapeshifting, and only her forms of senspry perception got added to, helping her and her still-pure/focused/unified kind perceive excellently deep underwater.

Her empire did become more vast than its predecessor had on the now-fragmented supercontinent. The ocean was bigger than that land had been, after all. The corruption/degeneration only seemed to be happening out of the shielding water, too; those on the land kept fragmenting into smaller groups much like how the supercontinent now was.

She did start helping distract the corrupt away from Mt. Hyjal, and she does seek more control over the water element, as it helps her wield waves and such even more.

Atlantis II and Neptune Temple in Inisfree is where she prefers to reside while visiting that realm. Her own new underwater palace and cities are far bigger and grander, but Auz’s great efforts to honor her and other amphibious worthies are deeply appreciated by her and them.

The Mariana Trench is the modern/latest name of (the main/initial part of) their territory.

Medusa-like snakes-hair is just another primitive and blatant lie or gross misinterpretation of the fact that even her hair is powerfully sensitive/aware.

Claiming she moves on five tentacles is also a gross mistranslation of the reality that she is now skilled at gracefully and dynamically wielding all major elements, not just water.

Night Elves never defeated her; they stayed foolhardy, weak, and divided, while she gained powers and re-expanded her pure/empire.

She truly always has loved her people, and is no narcissist or cruel. Only fools and losers demonize the healthy natural wise focus on self, thus stability, which the chaos-/fragmentation-based corrupt have always mindlessly had verbal diarrhea against.
The only reason she was said to be manipulative is because she was giving the manipulative a taste of their own medicine.
She never threw any lives away; those who stopped holding the healthy stable vision with her threw their own lives away.
She has total loyalty (just to what is good/right/stable, not to the corrupt/masses), evident in her honorable consistency through all her millennia.

Any good being like her would have been right to laugh, as she did, at the plight/ends of those who strayed from pure goodness/stability.  Good beings see/find/cause the positive in all things.  Good beings naturally/instinctively celebrate the fall/end of the bad/fake.

On land, her hair was/is moonlight-silver, her eyes glowing golden and never having had the kind of pupils humans have, and her skin was a featureless silky purple. Underwater, her hair is a rich dark blue, her eyes sometimes glowing blue, and her skin a camouflaging scaly gray. She usually has an angelic glowy aura, but she can magically conceal this to blend in and avoid detection.

Her hair is always cascading, except when intricately braided by her handmaidens. The hairstyle symbolizes and helps wield the magic of water. When cascading/down, her hair flows as if underwater and etherial, which was sometimes misinterpreted as it being actual little snakes.

Land scum have more than a few times tried to spread disgusting misinformation about her in a hope/effort to rally those who gravitate to unsubstantiated negativity, but such weakminded corrupt surface dwellers/intruders/meddlers always get easily calmed down and mind-overrided the closer they dare approach her always-pure and superpowerful aura / mind-field.

“Driven mad by demonic influence” in actuality means she was appropriately angered by the demonic corrupt; those lessers of her race who became distracted, misguided, and pointlessly rebellious had earned her righteous wrath.

The region wasn’t just named for her; she is its humanoid form/incarnation. The city that took her name wasn’t just renamed in her honor, either; her purity was so good that the city became an extension of her, not unlike how Auz’s city was of him.

Perhaps Teldrassil ended up getting besieged and razed because those Night Elves, decent though they were in maintaining that tree, were still technically an unauthorized offshoot / breakaway civilization from Kaldorei, empire of Azshara; perhaps they had had that coming. Perhaps even massive tree beings like Teldrassil were eventually susceptible to the chaos/fragmenting force/s outside the shielding waters.

We drew our soul-names in a cursive infinity knot/weave style; “Az’ ” & “Auz” in a overlapping in a fancy love-heart outline.
We smile as we joke with each other how the “u” in “Auz” can represent my hanging penis, while “Az’ ” acknowledges her feminine features; tits and ass –which she enjoys/lets me affectionately call her at times; “Tits and Az’ “.

She never needed my help to shapeshift back into her original Night Elf body, but for millennia the Old Gods had known the wisdom/value in having her usually stay in her Naga form, as that kept her focused on mastering the water element, rather than just living on the land. The way I helped her regain her form is more accurately described as being such a force of purification and reunification on the land that my presence on the region which bears her name no longer needs beasts and storms to keep the corrupt primitive humans and others at bay, thus she is once again easily able to stay in her Night Elf form, luxuriating in it, not having to be in armored/scaly water-wielding battle-form.

When the final pole-shift was set in motion, she with Thetis, Atlanna, Triton Sirena, and many other merfolk -as well as my son, Ethan– were instrumental in magically ensuring those fast and towering waves generated did zero harm to the good beings in the oceans at that time. They also helped steer the tidal waves even at incredible speeds, having them hit and wash away only the megacities, not the healthy forests.
(*and during this time shortly after the 2313 deportation of the last of the corrupt humans, Ambi sat close at my side, holding my hand tightly, adoringly clinging to me, she never having felt safe during storms, she being of calm shadow, not chaotic change –and, now that I think of this, she may have been checking via RP/alignment/calibration/soft-disclosure to ensure I would stop any storm/chaos, even one a loved one such as her or other hotties might seemingly try to stir up, which I did)

Nickname I affectionately call her sometimes:  Elf Barbie (even though she was never blonde)

Scarlette is a descendant of Night Elves; due to off-world expansion millions of years ago.
Same with the pink-skinned race soft-disclosed in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Millions and billions of years ahead:
Together with me and my many wives and fuckbuddies (Vril-amplifiers), we will re-stabilize the Sun Well, helping it tidally lock one of the re-approaching planets, eventually reconnecting that world to ours, starting the reformation of Yggdrasil. This will take a lot of her water-mastery and a lot of us cumming together at the Sun Well’s edge, made possible and safe, thanks to me Inisfreean ships, paired with her now able to calm and redirect even the Sun Well’s swirling currents.



Earth Maps during Her Time:

Her People:

The Sundering:

Meeting a God:

Temporary Aquatic Form:

Our Growing Full-bodied Love for Each Other:

My wives Freyja and Azshara love playing with (being extra sexy for) me, always giving me their most beautiful poses and techniques.

How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree: