These are obviously people who are amphibious.

  • Queen Atlanna: former leader of the ocean-faring and underwater nation Atlantis
  • Fihini: leader of the Lemurians
  • Inara Thain: bi mermaid (Hermione v; PB)
  • Mara: mermaid met on the coast of Italy, turbo-swimming
  • Queen Mera: leader of the Atlanteans and other Mer-people, hydrokinesis, turbo-swimming
  • Mira Kan: hippie Cecaelia; kind sea-witch
  • Nadia: siren, vocal/hypnotic powers, turbo-swimming (PB Palicki ‘Siren’ from TV’s Aquaman)
  • Sirena of Mako: an Australian mermaid, vocal/hypnotic powers, learning minor weather manipulation
  • Triton Sirena: selkie pan-sexual (Gal Gadot teen v)


Think of them as Elves of the seas; they are always fit, always maintaining healthy environments where they swim/reside, always able to sense how their ‘element’ (bodies of water / ocean ecosystems) are feeling/doing, and have the most healing and other powers when IN those places.

They prefer to stay in bodies of water big enough to swim around in, and are not at all afraid of the deep ones such as the oceans.

They don’t have gills, as their breathing is more magical / thought-based than anything, and their lungs are far-superior to those of mortal land creatures such as modern humans.

They don’t have webbed digits (fingers or toes), as their swimming is based half on their big tails/fins, and half on magic/focus.

They can withstand any pressure (and cold) at any depth, as they were never bred nor brainwashed to assume they couldn’t.

They use telepathy and other ESP, not echo-location, to navigate in the dark depths.

They have varying levels of atmokinesis and hydrokinesis; they can affect the waves and weather, etc..

They aren’t bioluminescent, but they can easily call for help from bioluminescent sea creatures –who always answer their calls.

They can outswim torpedoes, though not all of them are as fast, even underwater, as Aquaman.  Just like many other sea creatures, they know how to make use of underwater currents like aircraft use the jet-stream/s; even though they can swim at incredible speeds, this still helps.

Taking them out of water doesn’t automatically cause them to shapeshift to look human (two legs instead of a big tail), but they are likely to choose to shapeshift that way, if it helps them get around.

When they get back into water, or just touch water, likewise that does not cause automatic shapeshifting (back into their tail form), but they are almost always going to choose that form, as it works far better in bodies of water.

They can instantly detect and disintegrate any pollution that reaches their underwater territories, and they are incapable of getting sick from pollution or anything else.

While not invincible, they are immortal, and they are almost always protected by extremely powerful ancient magic when daring to venture onto land –or anywhere humans/ships may be.

Their voices are perfect, designed to work well even underwater, thus they sound so sexy to such degenerates/mutants as modern surface humans, but they don’t always use their voices like hypnotic weapons.  Even the subset of mermaids, Sirens, don’t always use their voices that way –even though they, more than all others, are known for their perfect and hypnotizing voices.

Males and females are always distinct, knowing the power of the two natural genders/sexes, just like all good races/beings do.  Males are always bigger than females.  Both keep their hair long, but males have earth-tones hair, while females have colorful/vibrant (not earth-tones) hair.

Females don’t wear seashell bras, and have no desire to cover up any parts of their bodies; they are not brainwashed lame surface-humans.

Sonar might be able to briefly detect them, but they know its distinct sound/s, and can always outswim it.  As loud as the sonar pings of some ships and submarines are, being nearly invincible, especially underwater, it can never hurt their ears –though it sometimes does resonate in them like how a vibrator feels on a human’s flesh, or how a human at a loud concert might feel the base reverberating inside their guts/bones.  Also, mer-folk who have practiced and honed/strengthened their naturally-superpowered voices can cancel-out sonar-pings if they aim and ‘yell’ underwater precisely-enough.

They are not monogamous, and have no religion, though their cultural norm is to care for each other and their environment above all else.

Like anyone who knows how to utilize/wield their full body/being, they use sex much more to cultivate and synergize Vril, almost never to reproduce/spawn.

They have a language and dialects all their own, completely unknown to the surface ‘world’/people, but they will sometimes learn and speak in surface languages when interacting with trusted surface-dwellers.  They tend to only allow telepathy with their fellow/allied mer-folk.

Their entire population adores High King Auzdein von Himmler because he, long before even knowing that they existed, had the same powerful instinct they all have; to protect and clean up all the oceans, rivers, and more, and because once he learned of them… he fell immediately in love, …and because he married some of them –some of their leaders (top females), no less.

Even in the destined future, when the oceans are once-again shallow like in the first times/Ages, they will be fine; they don’t need deep water to thrive, just clean water enough to swim and play in.


2024 May:  Diet

vegan, thought they Can eat other seafood and landfood in a pinch (and the idiotic human-made TV-shows that have actresses pretending to be mermaids while acting like they love seafood?  standard psychotic/barbaric/heartless nonvegan propaganda based on zero real-life / evidence; mer-people know that sea-creatures have important functions, thus are not supposed to get eaten by them)