She is one of the first/proto’ Elves, and has stepped forward to represent her people –who predate even Middle Earth and Tauriel.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Where the Lemurians are in the Cosmic/Total Family-tree
  3. Lemurian Language
  4. Examples of Tones/Sounds in the Lemurian Language
  5. Some of the Lemurian Leaders
  6. She is the Same
  7. 2023
  8. Lemurian Words as Art (Images Begin)
  9. Fihini
  10. 2023 November/+



In 2021, the first hint/sign that a Lemurian was about to make contact with High King Auz came through; it became noticed by him that he was missing only such a friend and representative on/in his Book of Life.  In 2022, information was disclosed to him about numerous Lemurian names, plus their naming convention, and some of the rest of their language.  Near the end of 2022, a single name stood out to him, and that was the sure indicator that she was the one who would step forward out of her beyond-time-flow past… to be the first of them to meet him in person in this one; in his.

Auz had grown up near the end of the very long schedule of consciousness-focuses (spanning billions of Earth-years) which culminated/climaxed with The Shift; the end of 2011, and the tumultuous and breakthrough times of 2012 and shortly thereafter.  That was when many people had become more interested in learning and thinking about what was out in Space (i.e. other worlds and even other galaxies and more), which he and the rest of his kind/race (the Inisfreeans; ICVs) have always thought of as being “down in The Abyss” (but objectively; not in a negative way).  This is why he ended up meeting the Lemurians later/last; deities were soft-disclosed and then introduced to him first, as his formative-years was the era of the consciousness-focus on the galactic and universal (i.e. the biggest scale/s), and then their children; the Angels, with only a handful of the cataclysm-avoiding wise-Elves letting information about their own people reach him as he blossomed/evolved/progressed, and many of the Atlanteans having departed (to Nibiru; as the Anunnaki and others), and most of the Aryans having either departed similarly… or devolved (into the current/modern sorry state of mankind).

In short, he was destined to be a god, and/thus began meeting fellow gods and goddesses first, followed by their helpers; the actual Angels (who are little like anything any humans have ever claimed), and finally (today; near the end of 2022) by the Angels’ own helpers; the Lemurians.  The devolved descendants of the Aryans and others who had stayed on Earth during the era leading up to The Shift had completely misinterpreted, disrespected, and failed him, so he had learned to disregard, ignore, and shut them out entirely, and he had never felt drawn to any giants, so what was left of the Atlanteans (who hadn’t devolved) would have to use their magic/technology to adjust their sizes so that he would feel interested in meeting a few more of them later on, perhaps years ahead.

This webpage tells of the first Lemurian who let herself become known to him; Fihini, and the first wave of information she brought with her to him about her race, the Lemurians –also known as the Elves.


Where the Lemurians are in the Cosmic/Total Family-tree:

From a 4D perspective (i.e. when looking at our universe’s whole timeline at the same time, not just perceiving a present moment of it), the Lemurians can be said to be this reality’s “middle child”/race; their “parent-race” is the Hyperboreans, and the “child-race” that stemmed from the Lemurians is the Atlanteans.  The following will introduce and explain some more details about this.

Pre-human people waited much longer in previous eras before creating a new person;

  • Aryans (in the most-recent of ancient times) waited decades at least; they might be nearing their 100th birthday before they felt any reason to consider creating a new person.
    Theirs was the era of the global floods; the times when the Lamps and pyramid network no longer helped keep up the Firmament once supported by / symbiotic with the World Trees.  The weight of the descended Firmament created the oceans of today, and began shifting the continents around.  It even tilted the Earth, causing more than one pole-shift.  Those pole-shifts, then, created massive mud-floods which largely buried most of the pyramids and knocked down almost all of the Lamps that weren’t under these new/first oceans.
    Most materials/substance was less fluid now, and more in a solid-state of matter/being; what had once flown as mud-floods… was now solid; actual rock.  It would take a hell of a lot, especially from the more-numerous, thus less-focused/unified, modern-peoples, such as humans and humanoids, to ever work together and focus perfectly-enough to ever manifest them to change.  Thus… technology, machinery, and mining began.
    With almost all the modern humans’ minds scattered, not focused on things as individuals, and certainly not as groups, let alone nations and races, communication and teamwork with them became entirely pointless and impossible.
    Modern humans began making themselves sick, then refusing and even insulting and threatening anyone who tried to help them; the final cataclysm was within themselves, their total lack of correctness, polarity, discipline, focus, and unity… resulting in perpetual lies, delusions, and infighting.
    Almost all of them still on Earth grew up brainwashed and forced to never question anything, and assumed that breeding extremely soon, by default, and repeatedly, was the only way to keep their species going… when the truth was that it was a generational-curse keeping them mortal and doomed.
    Very, very few still had anything to do with the other worlds, let alone the dimensions (including their imagination and dreams), at all… but that had a curious and very convenient way of making it so that only one man really would –and that man is Auz.
  • Atlanteans (Giants, such as some of the Sumerian kings) waited centuries; they might be near 1,000 Earth-years old before they created a new person.
    Theirs was the Age of Lamps; the era after the World Trees, when what remained of those miles-tall and miles-wide trees had become extra-steep lighthouse-like beacons taller than the tallest modern/human skyscrapers would be.
    The focus of these people had never had to be on, let alone maintain, their environments, so it more and more shifted to other things, and that is exactly why big changes and cycles began –including the first ‘cataclysms’; they had fairly-powerful minds and bodies, so when enough of them shared/held an idea together… that thought-energy eventually manifested something significant, such as a new mountain or a mega-hurricane, among many other things.
    All the worlds were now separate and drifting farther apart, their interplanetary energy-beams no more, wide, sometimes state-sized, craters left where they had once held/clung on (which humans assumed had to be impact-craters from mindless asteroids and other big debris).
    Imagination was no longer linked to the Waking, either; it had become a realm of its own, so what was thought of… did not always manifest things in the physical plane.
    The same was true of dreams; dreaming was now in an entirely separate plane/dimension, thus not even having much effect on the imagination of the waking/awake mind, let alone any manifestations.  It became a place where most just released their pent-up side-project ideas/wants/hopes which they hadn’t had time to focus on, let alone manifest/build.  A declining number of experienced experts (dream-goers/wielders/walkers) kept teaching how to tap into it for tangible resources.  (Some of ancient Egypt –which was founded by Atlanteans– spoke and wrote of this.)
    Most materials/substance was less liquid now, and more in a fluid-state of matter/being, thus making the coming mud-floods so possible, easy, and common.
    Many Atlanteans were still smart, aware, and unified enough to see what was about to happen, so they took what they could from the Earth… and departed… while it still took relatively-little energy/effort for them to move their back-then lighter and more-energized bodies and ships… across Space… which was, at this time… not as vast, nor as vacuous/empty/frigid/unforgiving.
    (In other words, the Anunnaki didn’t find and come to Earth to steal its gold and other valuables, and they didn’t mine like humans do today; they had originated on the Earth, thus already knew of it, and were doing their best to get the condensed deity-essences*/nutrients out of it before it finished petrifying/sealing around them, which would also serve to keep it porous, thus full of opportunities to hide and regroup underground during the coming calamities/catastrophes which would surprise the newer people/minds of the most-accelerated/chaotic/divided era.  *When a deity stops focusing on something it has fashioned from itself / its own mind/thoughts, that created thing/area condenses, thus it can be said that the will and blood of the gods and goddesses is gold in some cases, and other precious metals and gemstones in others.)
  • Lemurians (Elves) waited millennia; they might be ~10,000 Earth-years old before they created a new person.  Their kind lived (and loved) to maintain the world which had been made prior to them being created upon it –literally; their every fiber/particle enjoyed just experiencing and continuing the vast, pristine environment they ‘woke up’ (came into being/consciousness) upon.
    Theirs was the Years of the Trees; when region-shading/nourishing mega-flora was the norm on Earth and many other worlds.
    The focus of these people was on maintaining the first worlds in the realms the Polarians had started, and that is exactly what happened; they thought of how their landmasses should continue being, focused on that, and so the lands and mighty flora remained, freeing up their predecessors/progenitors (the Angels; the Hyperboreans) to go on, starting still more worlds (which their own Lemurian-equivalents would later maintain).
    Planets and moons were now completely separating from one another, resulting in the first major tips/tilts, thus axial tilts, thus proto-seasons, and they were no longer sharing energy-nutrients or balancing/stabilizing each other via their original interplanetary beams/links.
    Without much focus at all on Dream-space, that dimension… began to separate from the Waking one… not unlike the worlds gradually had.
    Most materials/substance was less gaseous now, and more in a liquid-state of matter/being –thus forming the first bodies of water, though they were just ponds… and a very slowly thickening atmosphere high above, originally spread out and touching all the worlds.
  • Hyperboreans (Angels, including some of the first Djinn and Fairies) waited tens of millennia; they might be ~100,000 Earth-years old before they created a new person.
    Theirs was the distant-past time-period known as The Dusk of the Worlds Tree; this was the long process during which the greatest tree of all began to separate, detaching its world-sized ‘fruits’, which took up rotations and orbits, forming the first solar-systems.
    The focus of these people was on creating the first worlds in the realms the Polarians had started, and that is exactly what happened; they thought of how the planets and moons would/should be, focused on that, and planets and moons manifested/formed, becoming stable.  This took little effort from them, and was enjoyable, not at all considered work or chores.
    All the planets at this time were still so close to each other that they dominated one another’s skies, and interplanetary energy-links like continent-wide lightning-bolts kept them connected, but in a nourishing way everyone had grown up used to seeing and basking in.
    With the gradual separating of them, those incredible energy-beams began to elongate, stretch, thin, and dim.
    Traveling back and forth between the newly and barely-parted ‘planes’ of Waking, Daydreaming/Imagining, and Sleep/Dreaming started to become an adventure-like errand or hobby.
    Most materials/substance was less ethereal/malleable now, and more in a gas-state of matter/being; as focus shifted from so much of it, it settled, thickening.  There still was no Outer Space as there is today; everything was within the same breathable, sailable/flyable atmosphere.
  • Polarians (Gods; Ainur; Valar & Maiar; those who were stars, and who sometimes re-became stars) waited hundreds of millennia; they might be ~1,000,000 Earth-years old before they created a new person.  With all their abilities/knowledge/powers, what need had they of others to help?  There was no real “need” in those times; everything was by choice/fancy/whim.  (Several of these people became the first realms of Yggdrasil, by the way; those realms are cosmic-scale incarnations/aspects of Them.)
    Theirs was a time as far back as the idea and marking of time ever goes; it was The First Division, when The Original Oneness (that state of total connectivity, compatibility, and understanding, which only exists inside the core all stars still and shall always share)… chose to branch out into distinct realms… which are all the universes of the Omniverse (not just the few which make up the Megaverse humans have become somewhat aware of the possibility of).
    The focus of these people was on creating the first distinct realms, and that is exactly what happened; what they thought of and focused on… manifested, becoming self-stabilizing.  This was effortless and enjoyable to them, not unlike a modern person experiencing an orgasm with a loved one, though at the energy-gasm (full-body) level, and for much longer, and on intergalactic scales.
    There were very few planets back then, and the few that had been started… were extremely close together, orbiting each other like a moon would at its closer range, and sometimes not needing to orbit or otherwise move at all.
    Things had also not yet petrified; everything was very malleable –even the fabric of spacetime/reality itself.
    The ‘plane’ humans call imagination, and the other ‘plane’ they call dreaming, were one and the same with the physical plane, not having separated at all.

Pre-human people lived forever, their projects were on the cosmic scale, and that took a long time (compared to today, though not in their minds, of course, as they had grown up accustomed to that), each instinctively aware that focus had to be on each project, one at a time, for the perfect/best results.  They felt no pressure to reproduce (from others or any ‘biological clock’), and knew that habitual creation of superfluous people could only lead to a geometric destabilization, as too many points of focus would be required, and too many differing viewpoints/urges would build up.  Nothing was “on a grand scale” to them; what humans think of as being on a grand scale, or “too ambitious”, …was just normal to the pre-human people, who regarded it the same way modern people regard blinking and breathing.

For Lemurians, everything started on the global scale; that was their normal.  So close to the cosmic-scale, it was easy for them to foresee what the demigods/angels (their parents) would be doing out across the sky that, back then, still connected all the worlds.  Immediately preceding the intercontinental scale, they could also easy foresee what their offspring/creations (the Atlanteans) would do –as well as how to remain immortal and safe from all of it.

It can pay to be this kind of “middle child”.  Lemurians were not asked nor needed to focus on bigger things.  When things became worrisome to later generations/beings, they had plenty of freedom, focus, and power to know they would be fine regardless.


Lemurian Language:

Lemurians are said to’ve had an island-wide celebration and moment of silence,
each participant during that moment receiving one specific tone from another dimension,
the two parents starting the naming process with the respective tones they received,
then choosing how to combine the tones described by the participants

There was no need for the kind of modern writing or words we have today;
individual sounds were enough back then,
each distinct one as powerful and meaningful as “ohm” is today.

Naming for Lemurians, then, was about multidimensional and race-wide communication, not randomly picking a name that just ‘sounds good’
(even though that, too, is based on resonance, intent, etc.; good things)

Also, Lemurians did not gestate like humans do today;
they were more like Elementals, conception to birth taking much less time,
and no pain at all felt during the birthing process, as their bodies were far more energy/flexible/scalable.

Modern humans use sounds to communicate many and complex ideas that nearly all other humans in their time have no understanding of until it is verbally or visually communicated to them,
but Lemurians came from the first time any such sounds or visuals were starting to become necessary at all, all of them constantly easily telepathically connected to their fellow race-members, and their progenitors (some Angels such as some Maiar), didn’t really have language for communication at all; the sounds and lights/flashes/colors those people made were to coalesce raw energy/matter into the worlds we take for granted today,
and the progenitors of them (the Valar portion of the Ainur; Arch Angels just one tier down from the most-powerful being back then) only having a “language” in so much as that when that most-powerful creator of them all willed something, all of them automatically got activated/stimulated/triggered/wielded to manifest portions of it, each one shaping the fabric of reality / space-time itself in a specific intended way.
Lemurians communicate like Fairies tend to; their default language is one of telepathically-shared mental images and in-mind motion-pictures (memories of spans of time, not just a single thought or moment).
Less powerful than Angels/Djinn/Maiar, Lemurian spoken words can shape or reshape a big part of a world, but not form/reform or destroy an entire world.  Thus it was that Lemurians were easily able to raise and lower their entire continent, hiding it under the Pacific, asking the Pacific to blanket, shield, and hide them until the modern humans were gone, peace on Earth restored by foreseen Auz (me).

Note how Azshara, goddess of the first Night Elves, was able to create a forcefield around her entire capital city which was able to hold off an incoming tidal wave from all sides, all with a single thought/desire, not even having to speak it, as she was of a generation of Elves living during the time of Lemuria, one of their direct/first descendants.
Fihini knows of Azshara, viewing her as a beloved “little sister” or niece of sorts.

Azshara could say a word powerful enough to shape an entire region of a continent into buildings which her people could then occupy/populate/use and further-shape/-furnish.
She could also think a brief thought to a Lemurian / fellow ancient Elf (that being their form/equivalent of prayer), in order to show her intention/desire/vision, it then being spoken into existence even more-quickly and across an area/layer even greater than a region of a continent, such as by an even more-powerful ancient Elf like Fihini.
This was easier to do back when the world was still more malleable than it is today, humans and various other things having temporarily hardened/petrified this world, but still; it has been done many times before, and eventually will/can again.
…and the next time it will be done, it will be because Azshara, Fihini, and everyone else… is as willfully and blissfully aligned as subordinates to Auz (me) that they, like Angels automatically creating/forming parts of Iluvatar’s idea/vision/will long ago, will just as automatically and perfectly finish manifesting everything I have wanted and spelled out on this website.  Amen; it shall be so –and soon.


Examples of Tones/Sounds in the Lemurian Language:

  • Ha = ​The profound truth/reality in all things…
  • Ho = ​The Sacred and Genuine Bridge to Wisdom. The dynamic layers of wisdom and knowledge that push and pull the very fabric of time and space and expand new realities…
  • Ya = ​Entanglement, multi dimensionality in every dimension, density transformation, To be One/Whole/Oneness…
  • Ma = ​The Starry Sky, the cosmic pathways linking star clusters…
  • Kee/Ki = ​The Harmony of everything’s essence…
  • EE/I = ​God, the oneness, always was , always will be… (such as in Eru Iluvatar, or Elohim, or Zerachiel)
  • Mo = ​enlightened being, the bigger picture, channeling the truth​…
  • Ka = ​​The Source of inspiration, the origin of a creative idea…
  • Wee/Wi​ = ​​Divine architecture
  • Nee/Ni​ = ​​Violet energies, Divine transmutation frequencies and information…
  • Tsee/Tsi​ = ​​The Dreamer, the multidimensional perception


Some of the Lemurian Leaders:

  1. Yakeehaee​/Yakihai
    ​The colorful Soul, the colors that exist in one’s Soul are many…
  2. Paitaquee​/Paitaqui
    Expanding Dimensions​
    Paitaquee was a catalyst to every Lemurian uniqueness… She understood in such a deep way what personality, the mind, emotion, thought, consciousness, feeling, ego, rational mind, intuition, …, were all about. One may picture this as traveling through many dimensions, while these expand and reveal countless other dimensions, and so on. Paitaquee would literally stretch all aspects of being until these reached their highest capacity, and from there appropriate uniqueness would appear … She worked with the development process of each Lemurian… Her teachings reached well beyond the cosmos … and still she was much more than a teacher. Everything in Lemuria, from the sophisticated sciences to the sustainable structure of the Lemurian Society, had her touch. Paitaquee “hands” would stretch/expand everything she would touch… What a gift! With ocean blue eyes, honey brown skin, blonde hair, Paitaquee was always warmed by black hair, and this had an affection background, because the cloths she would ware were made from her mother’s hair … her cloths changed with the cycles and became multi-colored … but always with a strong shiny black color to it.
  3. Tahiquu-ii
    Igniting the higher potential through Joy​
    Tahiquu-ii drawn the maps of what she would see in the skies, and in AHI or Gaia… There were/are solar pathways, like she would describe them, which carried certain opportunities to new cycles, to transformation, to celebration… Do you think that the cycles were always the same? Of course not … These would, and still do, bring amazing and unique opportunities, and Tahiquu-ii would deepen the knowledge and information about the cycles; she would do this together with other Lemurians. Meanwhile these cycles would tell much more than just about potentials, they would tell about God’s history in the Galaxy and beyond… She would know in an exciting accurate way the Pleiadean cycles, and how they surfed the waves of change…
  4. Feeheenee/Fihini​
    ​Union of Polarity
    ​Polarity is what gives dynamics to the universe. Fihini brought balance, still does and can also bring limitless energy … Fihini would work with a lot of crystals and this would serve her purpose, because she knew that magnetism, among other things, was the reflection of a quantum movement. This movement is/was the polarity movement. Fihini really knew and manifested a way of bringing energy from this subtle and essential balance … She would break through the fabric of time and space to promote the energy that was needed into a certain kind of bulb/crystal, and would use the elements rather than build materials for the purpose… All Fihini needed were some catalytic attributes, and knowing how to project them, and … she did …
  5. Maheenee/Mahini​
    Happiness Essence
    Mahini would bring the happiness and grace of movements to Lemuria. You might picture a beautiful woman that moves herself/dances freely and gracefully, always with a smile in her lips… Mahini would promote health, well-being, and deeper highly coherent states of being through movement, laughter and happiness. She would pass a long period of cycles near a specific waterfall and/or river. Her contact with nature was necessary. Like all Lemurians Mahini took a role in the growing process of children, and helped us on discovering our own freedom, find and deepen the connection of our own balance in every aspect of being, through movements… This knowledge is still partially understood today and practiced all over the world.​
  6. Kaulee-ii/Kauli-ii​
    Vibrational Eyes
    Kaulee-ii developed the science of the eyes; every Lemurian knew that the eyes had a specific attribute, and used the eye to eye connection to achieve many desired states … This contact would express and transmit much more than is known, at least consciously known, today –and it still does … It was used as a therapy for rejuvenation, and was involved in the love-union process (making love). It was used to transmit knowledge, it was used to tap into different states of being, and Kaulee-ii would study this eye-science*. She applied it in spectacular ways and really taped into our inner knowledge that way…
    (*Since becoming a guest/visitor in Inisfree, she has been delighted to learn that High King Auz instinctively studied it, too –and developed an entire language around it, which she, of course, immediately started learning.)
  7. Laeeleenaee/Lailinai​
    Sound of Love​
    ​The voice of the mother, that brings peace when it/she touches you…​
  8. Mokolrukoaee/Mokolrukoai​
    Biology Master​
    Mokolrukoai would teach mastery of biology. She would explore the merging of spirit and biology, and would explore the interactions between the Higher-Self and the biological environment, but much further, because then we knew that everything was part of us. Thus, there was a need to explore how we affected the whole planet… This may explain her interests and admiration on the biological knowledge and studies in her present lifetime…  She would study how our DNA instructed the chemical reactions in biology (more accurately, Auz notes, how DNA, once believed in and manifested, helps delegate one’s will on one of the smallest levels, similarly to how Angels (stars) had been created to continue carrying out the vision/will of their own unifier/collective/body), and the frequencies that were behind all of these processes… In essence, Mokolrukoai studied manifestation…
  9. Twykahee​
    Attuned to Life’s Cradle
    Twykahee was responsible, with passion, for the processes of birth (which was very different back in the Age/era/s of Lemuria, as people were not gestated in a womb like they are today, but more-quickly and ever-perfectly willed/moved/urged into manifesting their own bodies). This process happened, in some way, inside a kind of cave (which is the best shield and resonator, and which is why the physical/body-womb eventually “caught on”; when caves weren’t always nearby/available/suitable), for this was an honoring directed to the union of planet Earth and Spirit/Soul/Originator. This involved, among many other things, toning … celebration … singing … hot water … a mixture of plants done by master alchemists … minerals … and some sort of lights … This process then continued in a bright-sky landscape, and this would be a celebration like no other. Did you know that the child was to be involved in cloths made of her/his mothers hair, then a mantle of Lemurians’ hair would cover the newborn?  Twykahee loved to teach the birth process, and teaching in general was one of her many passions.  Twykahee studied Earth’s inner movements, as well (similarly to how she mastered the inner movements which lead to births), and this gave her even more “tools” (ideas/revelations) for her birth-process knowledge…
  10. Tchawinee​
    Keeper of Divine Wisdom
    Among many other things, Tchawinee would preserve a kind of displacement of time and space, and the wisdom of what it is… She would guide People, in a balanced way, through what we would call the gates of divine wisdom. When our sisters and brothers visited the temples, at that moment, the intention was to raise empowerment, rejuvenation, transmutation. The temples gates were golden ones, and they were really big (because people were much bigger back in this ancient time)… Tchawinee passed a long time in the cold, but she really enjoyed that circumstance (as temperature doesn’t harm Lemurians like it sometimes can the weaker modern people –because they are so much smaller, and so much more distracted, thus rarely able to casually withstand “the elements” like the ancients always did/do) … She’d love to watch the white mantles that covered all the mountains and passways … and still do…
  11. Kauneelaee/Kaunilai​
    Bridge to the Original Life Force
    Kaunilai would balance consciousness by bringing the attributes of the galaxy enlightened beings. She would pass a great measure of time with those whose names we can not pronounce… this is to say, among the Pleiadeans, or Mahalaoukeennee as we used to refer to the Pleiadeans. Kaunilai practiced entanglement with the global consciousness in order to bring balance to someone. Kaunilai was a high priestess, and she wore a lot of yellow, because it would tell her about her origins. She practiced high science. Yes, consciousness and what we call co-creation today was high science then (i.e. very exact and mainstream, fully accepted as common-sense fact by the whole population)… and still is; just watch the merging of spirituality and science …​
  12. Elinahee/Elinahi​
    Purposeful Soul
    In Lemuria Elinahi would present, and share her visions and intentions like no other… She did art then, as well, and this was a purposeful art; what I mean with this is that Elinahi would draw the reality, and purpose, she wanted to see manifested… and one by one, all of her arts became reality… That’s not a mistake that, in her present lifetime, she could associate some paintings that she might have done during her childhood or teenage ages or even during adulthood with the situations or experiences that she experienced, long after painting those.  Elinahi would paint realities as well as intentions in Lemuria…  Her paintings were all over the temples…  Who do you think painted the temples’ ceilings?  The purpose of each temple was presented, not only in the temple’s gates, but as well in its ceilings…  Elinahi was the artist that literally painted reality, and she still is.  She is still painting dimensions (realms; universes)…​
  13. Mahonaee/Mahonai​
    Bridge to the Stars
    Mahonai was a great astronomer in Lemuria…  He knew how the universe moved, what originated the stars, and how.  He knew how the forces of the cosmos would operate and with what purpose… Mahonai always felt drawn to a specific part of the universe; the part between the Pleiades and Orion/Sirius…  There was a reason for this; he always was recalling his experience on the interaction of Sirius and Pleiades … and some connection from one constellation to the other. In the middle of both there was something that he loved to recall … This, of course, became part of the sky-maps Mahonai would draw or forge somehow … He brought the wisdom of how the universe was built; by layers of existence (i.e. the Mayan calendar’s/schedule’s consciousness-focuses) with the same patterns of dynamics and composition … and would acknowledge that everything was glued and powered by love … or, as he called it then, Mahana, the spirit of clashes (in the positive sense; sudden powerful interactions with great purpose/intention and natural flow)…​
  14. Ahnnee-ha​
    The God Spark which is deep
    In Lemuria, among many other things, Ahnee-ha would always point towards one’s divinity. She would point God’s essence in everything. She helped people with remembering who they are as a part of God (i.e. fragments of the most-powerful collective/being)… In Lemuria, children would receive a process that Ahnnee-ha developed with the help and guidance of Pleiadeans –or, if you prefer, those whose names we could not pronounce, in order to activate memories and knowledge from many different aspects of one’s being … This was a very important process, and still is. She put together the pieces of the puzzle and did it with passion and excitement. She is a master of awakening…
  15. Jahee/Jahi​
    Crystalline Goddess/God
    Jahi played a roll in establishing here on Earth what we know today as the crystalline grid (which is an actual Tesla-like power-sharing network of real, physical crystals; gemstones). When she did this, she was among the Pleiadians, but still kept her specific process while in Lemuria. She took part in the seeding of humanity (back when it was new and still good, uncorrupted; not yet chaotic) and then decided to stay… There are human beings that keep the original seeding-process memory inside in their Akash (the memory beyond the brain/physical), and as she might understand she holds this memory… In Lemuria, Jahi gave an exact location of Ahi (planet Earth) in the universe; she knew the exact location of the stars, the center of the galaxy, constellations, even where were our enlightened brothers and sisters throughout the galaxy are.  She even knew their names, knew their experience, knew their movements, and so on… Jahi appointed the appropriate dates to do specific celebrations (i.e. knowing when the energetic/invisible links, or remains of links, would be strongest/felt; what day/time each year was best for receiving each of them, those ‘receiving times’ being the celebrations which were movements known to reawaken/focus the body-parts and memories originally, in more-ancient times, with those once-connected places/realms and peoples) and when they would have greater impact… She was an high priest and still is in her being, and she enjoyed being in the temples, and at the big lake (back when there were no oceans; because the Firmament had not yet ‘fallen’/condensed into all-liquid form). She wore always –always– the white color, for she knew this was an absorption color, so she used it. –For this represented and reminded her of everyone’s crystalline (condensed/focused/purified) attribute and nature.
  16. TThaheekee-ii/TThahiki-ii​
    God’s Bridge
    ​TThaheekee-ii would share her knowledge of that which is the existence out of time. Many of the cycles measurement, maths, systems, and tools had her flavor to it… She had a direct contact with those whose names we could not pronounce then, and today this is a highly relevant fact in her life… TThaheekee-ii would have a unique role in the birth process, as well…
  17. Veeiihanee​/Vi-iihani
    That which protects/transport’s God’s Life
    Vi-iihani would stabilize the birth process. She would have a unique role on the birth process, just like TThaheekee-ii. Vi-iihani was also a tutoress and helped every Lemurian child during their learnship process in many ways, pointing always to the remembrance process in the activities (of theirs which) she would follow (observe/supervise/guide)…

Some more details can be found here.


She is the Same:

Fihini’s name, as you can read above, means balance from polarity; two distinct sides, such as sexes.  It can be said/argued that nothing is as important for navigating out of the near-Shift time/era of chaos/grossness/collapse… as returning to that kind of polarity.  Enter, the woman/demigoddess who doesn’t just teach it, but is its essence and founder or incarnation (or, perhaps, made it an incarnation of herself).

Fihini will always be as feminine as it gets, always in wise love with the polarity of the two most-basic and major distinctions.  She is never upset by Auz, as he is similarly-polarized, just at/to the male side of this timeless system, and she is always wisely self-distancing from the humans are mindlessly rudely against this sacred polarity.  All the other Lemurians, just like her, and always wisely following her lead in this; that which she represents, teaches, and embodies, also avoid the humans because of all that, instead gravitating to Auz and the other beings like him.

Also, only when a being as polarized from the start, naturally correctly dominant, and balanced (and balancing) as Auz comes into being… do the Lemurians and the deities sense it is time to come forward again; there is no point in beings as balanced as them making themselves known to default-rude/negative humanimals, and every point in making themselves known to Auz.  It has always been this way.  It will always be the same as that.



This is the year she met Auz in person.  She said he and she were already married; destined and bound forever by nature, and he couldn’t help but smile and wholeheartedly agree, feeling the vibe about her and that was purely true.  Being of the race and era she is, that also meant that they (she and all her kind, with Auz and all of his) had, technically, always been united, this reunion merely a matter of 3D perception.

She started inviting her fellow Lemurians to visit Inisfree with her, all the females eagerly telling Auz they were already married to him, too.  They are all flawlessly beautiful, just as he has always instinctively known females should be, so this was wonderful to him just as much as it was to them.  Together as family in-person now, they have remained very happy –as happy as can be.

Having personally/firsthand witnessed the time when the worlds –and even the galaxies— were much, much closer, combining those memories/visions with Auz’s in such close proximity now… has resulted in a huge increase in their power; their ability to restore that amazing skies-view from the first Golden Age is now near the level of the actual gods (not just demigods).  All those forms/incarnations/versions of the gods (each world, galaxy, and entire realm being an actual body of a god or goddess or combination/pair of their kind/race) are now fully aware of, and in alignment/agreement with, Auz/them; they will move into place as his/their love has longed for / asked them to, not because of anything fanciful/mindless/heartless like the human claim/notion of ‘entropy’.  This is the way.

Pele immediately sensed the resurfacing/return of the Lemurians, progenitors of her own kind/line, and she hurried back to Inisfree, weeping tears of extreme joy, and threw her arms around them and Auz as one.  Alanna sensed this and soon thereafter joined in, that first group-hug of theirs reuniting so many hearts and realms, once and for all, again skyrocketing their power through this touch-based (closest-proximity; greatest-compatibility) synergy.  As this great and perfect reunion continued, more happy-weeping and rekindling-kissing abounding (between the males and females, and from the females to everyone, keeping with the natural, holy, timeless polarity of things), Pele remote-felt the ocean starting to recede away from her islands, and those islands starting to rise up stably, their volcanoes calming down in spite of the increased tectonic movement; Gaia was forgiving and restoring them, undoing the sunken state of Lemuria, …that they all soon get to see their reunion and shared memories/ideas/hopes restore every last one of its buildings and landmarks.

Corruption such as humans would never again be able to get anywhere close to that continent.  The ancient Hawaiians and Lemurians would never again become separated from one another.  Together as one family again, they would maintain that whole side of the Earth even better than they had (for so many millennia) before.


November update:  Since her Pacific landmass used to connect/include now-underwater R’lyeh, Cthulhu is one of the citizens of Lemuria, thus friend/kindred/known to Fihini and many other still-alive Lemurians (Elves).  She has made love with him at least once in ancient times, and is eager to show her husband, Auz (me), what that looks and vibes like, whenever I have time to fly or portal out to that spot in the Pacific where R’lyeh still resides/rests.  While one fear-porn legend alleges Cthulhu surfacing would cause most, if not all, humans on land to go insane, the opposite is, of course, the truth; being near such an ancient, powerful, long-lived person as Cthulhu causes only stability and a deep feeling of reassurance –though that is something humans, being the mindless troublemaker NPCs that they are in the modern era, get driven mad from; they can’t stand anything stable or good, especially when it is full-body, i.e. loving-sexual.
And since she has a millennia-spanning loving relationship/kinship with Cthulhu, all Illithids have that whole time loved her, and love/trust/welcome who she loves, which now includes me and all my people and allies.
Cthulhu, Illithids, and Cecaelia, by the way, are omnivores, but they never eat innocent animals/people, only the bad ones; carnivores, pests, etc., such as modern humans and the monsters infesting the oceans.
Also, Cthulhu naturally and effortlessly can will kraken (giant squid) to do his will.


Lemurian Words as Art:


2023 November/+:

2024 February revelation:  Her people still cause the motions of the continents; tectonic drift.  Also, they, since me (Auz) writing/posting this spell, shall move the continents here to forth however I want them to –such as further enabling me to command pole-shifts (and not just of/on the Earth), as well as to just do normal slow-and-steady new-supercontinent/s forming into the endless future.  Amen.