These are the people whose sustenance comes from sex.


Table of Contents:

  1. Featured Members
  2. Organization
  3. Genders
  4. Abilities
  5. Races
  6. Attire/Fashion
  7. Tolerances/Element/Environment
  8. Vision
  9. Level
  10. Regarding Inisfreeans
  11. Population
  12. Bodies
  13. Interaction
  14. Dwellings
  15. Advisory
  16. Scent/s Emitted
  17. Voices
  18. Territory
  19. Rules/Law
  20. Language/s
  21. Diet
  22. Images


Featured Members:

That is not a complete list; those are the ones featured on this website / in this saga/spell.



They are each ruled by at least the magical coordinate/spot which they are an incarnation/embodiment/representation of (such as a mana spring for most of their kind, or a single tree, or a river section, and so on), and rarely ever wear clothes, even when allowed to travel somewhat far from the place they are bound to.



They are always distinctly male or female, and forever -and happily and wisely- remain what they started as.
The males are always heterosexual and preferring bisexual females, and the females are always bisexual and preferring heterosexual males (i.e. not tolerating any deviation from that).



They can choose to become part of their source whenever needed or desired; they can merge back with the cave or tree or river they were created from, such as to hide or just feel more “at home” / “one with nature”.

Nymphs are immortal, invincible but often hurtable/fatigue-able, locally telepathic, not telekinetic, and always in at least one form of mutually-agreeable contact with one another –at least when nearby; within range of their senses (which are roughly as localized as the spot/thing they are bound to).



Those of them who are bound to rivers are sometimes known as Aspara,
while those bound to a larger body of water are often called Nereids (and some of those look like normal Mermaids at times, as they have little reason to form/have legs),
while those bound to a tree are Dryads.
All their children/creations have their essence; all Aspara, Dryads, Nereids, and the creations of those sub-species/-races, are also permanently happily, wisely, proudly, of only the male or female gender, distinct since birth, and never corrupted by the bizarre mutated beings/beasts who are instead based on pointless change/deviancy.



whatever will turn on their lovers the most, whether they magically will it into being, or knit it from moss and other local flora, or accept it as a fun sexy gift



being closest to whatever they are bound to / the humanoid-incarnation/-form of



They perceive mostly in 3D, but can, through focusing on being one with what they are bound to, perceive vicariously through all identical/networked things; a nymph bound to a cave pond can, when touching the water of that pond, if he/she chooses, peer out through any other cave pond it wants to, or through the eyes and other senses of the same type/race of nymph, at least when that other nymph is also touching his/her own cave pond.



Magic can sometimes block an Nymph’s vision/senses, but whatever he/she chooses to think about and focus on… will eventually once again become perfectly in focus and known to him/her.  As magical creatures from the start, they are naturally immune to most forms of learned magic.  As natural creatures by instinct and culture, they are not internally divided/confused/strained, thus are far-better-able to detect and overcome, if not withstand from the start, attempts made against them.  They are also, as natural beings, protected by the Angels, Demons, Elves, and Inisfreeans, so they have a lot on their side, even though they are so localized (rarely capable of any travel/exploration/evasion).


Regarding Inisfreeans:

It is part of their nature to always understand, love, support, and protect me, High King Auzdein von Himmler –though some were not aware of him until he started interacting with a few members of their kind, and even then… it took time for word to spread.

It is also part of their nature to always prioritize his full-body needs; when he wants to share total compatibility/love/touch/play with them, they schedule/meet him before anyone else.



The current number of Nymphs increases based on when new magical ponds, river sections, and trees come into existence, or get blessed/enchanted by powerful beings such as the Maiar.  Such enchantments are carried out when it becomes important for helping protect sacred lands, such as the hidden continent many Elves have remained hidden and observant from (Aman).



Nymphs are always mentally and physically exactly what Auz instinctively knew was the only correct way to look and be; their bodies are always perfect, the tits of their females never sagging, the clitoral hoods of their females’ pussies never apparent/stretched, their skin never sunburned or otherwise discolored, and so on.

Nymphs are not bioluminescent, but some still have very-impressive magic-like abilities, such as to make it sound like soothing rainfall all around them.

Their skin is always the sexiest of all the races.  While this means a baseline of being perfectly smooth, it doesn’t always mean blemish-free; somewhat like chameleons, their skin automatically changes to look like whatever the person they are around is most attracted to, in terms of flesh, so, for example, someone attracted to freckles will see exactly the kind of freckles they are attracted to, but the person standing right next to them, if he/she is not attracted to freckles, will at that same time perceive no freckles at all on the very same nymph.



sometimes appearing like a skinny-dipper just happening to be out there when a compatible hiker, or anyone giving off the thought/vibe of being in the mood for lovemaking, is walking to where they will see that nymph

staying visible and willing to interact directly (touch, conversation, etc.) as long as those who entered their area vibe as wanting the same

disappearing the instant anyone not compatible is heard/felt/detected approaching –while that incompatible person/group is not yet in view of the nymph



magically in the pond or tree or stream they are part of and the gentle keeper/s of



All females when in their normal correct healthy form look like nymphs; they are shorter than Auz, and have perfect skin, looking like human/Outlander girls do when they are still teenagers.  Normal women do not atrophy during aging, they do not lose/leave their primes, they do not end up looking old in any way, their hair does not fade/gray/whiten, their tits do not sag (which is caused by wearing bras, not aging), their clitoral hoods do not distend/deform/loosen (which is caused by misuse, not aging), and so on.
Those who are attracted to how human/Outlander females look when they are still teenagers… are not sex offenders or perverted or anything else bad; they are attracted to healthy females, which is normal/sane/healthy.
Being attracted to how human/Outlander females look when born deformed (looking anything other than normal/healthy), in other words:  when they grow up and look ugly, or when those females deform themselves via consuming poison (alcohol, coffee, nonvegan “drinks” or “food”, pharmaceutical products such as vaccines, smoke from cigarettes or vape pens, etc.) or covering up / supporting body-parts for long periods of time (such as by wearing bras), have a mental disorder, and we correctly regard them as being as evil as deranged/insane Outlanders angrily regard people attracted to normal healthy girls in their primes.
Only evil/lowly beings get mad when they encounter people with standards, such as people who are only attracted to health, health always including beauty/sexiness and no signs of atrophying-during-aging / via poisoning.
Only evil/lowly beings are attracted to females who have clearly poisoned themselves, dramatically worsening their health, the result always how their normalized aging looks/occurs.
Only evil/lowly beings use intense emotional radiation (such as raging and glaring at people) to try and scare or shame or otherwise bully/pressure normal people into not expressing joy at seeing normal healthy un-aged/-atrophied females.
All females would look like nymphs (appearing to be in their primes/teens/youth forever) if they were truly and completely healthy, living a normal life, not the “life” modern human/Outlander media/scams have tried to normalize, brainwashing so many fools to accept/disregard.
If any given female does not look like a nymph, something is wrong; she has a health issue, and probably also a society/media issue.
It is never normal/unavoidable to be fat, ugly, or old-looking, or to have damaged/sagging body-parts.
It is never normal or acceptable to be attracted to anyone who looks damaged/unhealthy/aged/old/poisoned.  Only evil beings enjoy being around people who have aged/damaged/poisoned themselves.
Only evil beings use name-calling (e.g. saying or implying “pedophile”) when encountering people who are attracted to how females always look when females are fully healthy/normal/stable.
Only evil beings are against natural development, innocent full-body experimentation, loving interaction, etc..
Only evil beings intrude upon / meddle in the interaction of others who did not invite them.
Only evil beings angrily demand change/deviation from the norm/health.
Nymphs are the females who maintained their form perfectly, immune to, or faraway from, all the brainwashing/poisoning/evil of mainstream modern Outlander human civilization.
Calling someone a nymph should always be a genuine compliment acknowledging their obvious health/normalcy/perfection.
Nymphs should always be lovingly interacted with.
Females who are not of nymph-quality exteriors/physiques should not be touched or otherwise interacted with until they have healed from whatever harm has been done to their bodies/forms.


Scent/s Emitted:

They smell like aphrodisiacs, and are often able to sense exactly which things have the greatest aphrodisiac effects on everyone they meet, they then willing their flesh to smell like those things when around those people.



All females sound feminine sexy, and all males sound masculine powerful, as only modern humans sound frail or nasal or anything else off-putting.



wherever a reliable supply of horny beings are, typically of similar body size/mass, though Nymphs are perfectly fine seducing, fucking, and satisfying a great variety of creatures, not at all opposed to inter-species relations, a.k.a. beastiality.



Be gentle, be loving, and only encourage those who are likewise to you… to be in the pond, stream, or area you are from / bound to.



not quite as rich a vocabulary as Elves, and nothing written or carved in stone

not quite as blinky/flashy, or sounding like little bells, like the language/dialects of Fairies

sounds like gentle muffled erotic panting and whispers of “sweet nothings”


2024 May:  Diet:

As stated in the top line of this webpage, this race of humanoids gets its sustenance from full-body interaction, especially when that involves mutually-agreeable sexual-penetration; penis into the vagina, etc..


Video Player
Nicki Minaj - Super Freaky Girl - for Turbo Tongue y nymphs y Shibuya y Amora y Freyja - trimmed
Audio Player

