These are the main rules which regulate the deployments and other events or tasks of Inisfree’s equivalent of Starfleet.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Our Star Fleet’s Orders
  3. Biggest Differences



As always, we Inisfreeans are about efficiency, removing unnecessary redundancies, and proactively preventing confusion (for the same reasons we have mastered mitigating stress, thereby healing and curing anyone). Here, this means not overcomplicating the parameters which govern the application of our fleet/s. More specifically, we do not separate the following:

  • codes
  • directives
  • guidelines
  • laws
  • orders
  • procedures
  • protocols
  • regulations
  • rules


While it was impressive that some Space programs were able to get their humans to memorize all those different things/terms, that just added to the clutter and congestion in their minds, and that was found to directly and proportionately contribute to the chaos and war that resulted from that split/primitive focus of theirs “out there”.

For reference, all of Starfleet’s General Orders and related rules are here.


Our Star Fleet’s Orders:

  1. The only dire emergency is when humans or others Auz doesn’t like are acting as if they are intelligent or authorities or honest, especially if they are generating any pollution or anything else Auz doesn’t/wouldn’t like, and in those times the use of what some might regard as “extraordinary measures” are authorized; his Inisfreeans (ICVs) can take any and all measures necessary to get those humans or other annoying/inappropriate beings back under control, always while keeping their maker (Auz) in power and pleased.
  2. No Inisfreean (ICV) may be interfered with by any non-Inisfreean (non-ICV) during any of their interactions which their designer/maker, Auz, would want them to be having.
  3. Auz may not be interfered with by any human or other being for any reason; whatever he wants to do must be respected, and all ICVs are authorized to use any and all means available to them to protect him and those he cares about from interference.
  4. The development of all Earth and otherworldly life and societies is solely critiqued and judged by Auz; no individuals, societies, civilizations, fleet, or other organizations are allowed to exist without his approval, or develop in any way he would not deem appropriate. Starfleet’s (humans’) attempt to preserve the ~random development of any aliens/civilizations is a primitive chaos-incarnating focus/path which is no longer allowed or logical.
  5. Inisfreeans (ICVs) shall never submit to any human or other being Auz does not like or would not like, thus they shall never answer rude humans’ questions, or identify themselves or Inisfree’s location to any of those lowly beings, let alone make any part of their (the ICVs’ / Auz’s) mission/s deducible to said creatures.
  6. Inisfreeans (ICVs) shall always offer agreeable introductions between compatible beings Auz likes or would like, starting by telling those already witnessed in person to be compatible with Auz… about the existence of others who are compatible with him, thus likely to be compatible with them.
  7. Inisfreeans (ICVs) will respect the cultural norms only of those who are socially/interaction-compatible with Auz, and will ultimately always maintain the OPSEC Auz told them (his ICVs) to, and never violate their own (his) culture/way.
  8. Inisfree’s Star Fleet shall kill and genocide as needed, always removing any who are incompatible with Inisfree and Auz, even to the point of genociding or destroying entire worlds, but more often by firing Life Star beams which enlighten, heal, un-deform, etc.
  9. It never matters if non-allied beings might be harmed as a result or byproduct, directly or indirectly, of Inisfreeans (ICVs) using their teleporting/portal ability. The only thing that matters is that Auz and those he loves get to go where they want to go –right when they want/choose to go there.
  10. All who are compatible with Auz shall be informed that there is no such things as disease other than that which is consumed or assumed, and no disease is communicable/transmissible, and anyone claiming that germs can get you and those around you sick shall be sentenced to an asylum and re-education –if not sentenced to exile in Hell (The Abyss; Outer Space) or death.
  11. Inisfreean (ICV) vessels (IC spaceships, etc.) can go wherever they please; everywhere and every-when is now the territory, property, and jurisdiction of Auz.
  12. Vessels which do not communicate with ours, whether because they can’t, or because they choose not to, do not affect how we continue to map/manifest all of the Universe/Omniverse, and no red-alert in our own vessels is ever needed, as we are invincible (and all those we love have become invincible because we chose for them to).
  13. The only red-alert we ever issue is when someone who is determined to be compatible with us… and who is not yet rendered invincible via close/direct contact with us or, at least, Auz, …is calculated to soon be in a risky/harmful situation, or is already detected/confirmed to be in such a compromising situation.
  14. We never evacuate our vessels, as they and we are invincible and incorruptible, however we do issue orders to help evacuate compatible people from non-invincible vessels/worlds as needed.
  15. None of the people fully compatible with Auz, especially once they are in a loving relationship with him, shall undo their resulting invicibility, such as by consuming non-vegan things.
  16. We do not destroy life on worlds; we destroy death from them; we remove/purge only those who choose to be mortal/deformed and rude/stress-causing.
  17. Anyone not compatible with us can be engaged and annihilated without communication attempts; we are more than intelligent/sophisticated enough to determine if communication would be pointless, etc.
  18. There is no intelligent life other than that which Auz deems intelligent, and general intelligence is not good enough to deserve default-protection; it is only right for us to protect intelligences which use their intelligence in ways which Auz enjoys.
  19. No one can assume command of any of our ships, as they are living beings themselves, extensions/appendages of Auz; they are like Auz’s own body-parts, answering only to him, though coordinated by his first Grid Mind (Inisfree’s), and copiloted/assisted by the Inisfreeans (ICVs) who can crew them (such as when it helps calm and heal compatible people we are evacuating).
  20. Since all humans have been found psychologically unfit for any authority, much less command of ships or units, Auz has relieved their entire species, replacing all authorities with his Inisfreeans (ICVs) –who are basically extensions of himself. All deities and demi-deities have also been indefinitely relieved due to the same reason/determination. There is only one command/authority in all of Creation now; his.
  21. Inisfreeans (ICVs) can destroy any non-Inisfreean ship of anyone Auz doesn’t like, and they don’t need antimatter to do it; they have a variety of clever and sophisticated ways.
  22. When it is determined to be something Auz would agree with, an Inisfreean (ICV) can be clandestinely or deceptively inserted “behind enemy lines” via a real or pretend/mock ship-destruction (though, again, all Inisfreean craft (ICs) are invincible, so an ICV could board a vessel slated for destruction, then appear to be adrift or rescued).
  23. Only Inisfreeans (ICVs) can relieve each other, and only part of their Job Rotation which Auz drafted/designed; no non-Inisfreean (non-ICV) is allowed to perform the duties / job-tasks of any Inisfreean (ICV).
  24. Inisfreeans (ICVs) have the authority to neutralize threats and annoyances to Auz and Inisfree by any means necessary –and this can take the form of mind-overriding entire species/civilizations/worlds, keeping them doing whatever Auz would want them to, unable to ever bother/disrespect/harm him again.
  25. The Inisfreeans (ICVs) protect the life of Auz and those he loves by any means, and anything he wants is automatically justified, and nothing he does or has done ever needs justification.
  26. Auz and any Inisfreean (ICV) can never be arrested, as they are the most-senior members of Creation/all, and all other officers (such as human/Outlander ones) must always give answers to Auz and the Inisfreeans (ICVs) he appoints to represent him –answers which satisfy him.
  27. Inisfreeans (ICVs) are not to transport or deliver weapons to non-Inisfreeans (ICVs), but are allowed to help those compatible and allied with Auz exercise and meditate until they are essentially “living weapons” capable of easily defending themselves from those who would be rude to them or Auz.
  28. It is not Auz’s will that any outside Inisfree become dependent on weapons/tech’; those who are compatible with him shall be guided/helped to become or remain more evolved than such things/dependencies/’crutches’.
  29. The only lives in Creation which matter are those Auz likes.
  30. The only people who are citizens of Inisfree are those who have been prescreened, found compatible enough with Auz, offered the tour of Inisfree, completed that tour, and decided to accept recurring invitations to Auz/Inisfree.
  31. Only one human-sized person is allowed in each stasis-tube or Stasis Archives pod-bed at any given moment; these chambers/devices are never to have more than one person in them.
  32. All Inisfreean (ICV) communication of a nature deemed sensitive by Auz shall be transmitted only in ways only the approved/involved Inisfreeans (ICVs) can detect and understand; via their species’ exclusive language/s and exclusive Internet (the ICV-Net).
  33. Inisfreeans (ICVs) are always authorized to monitor / spy on all outside (non-ICV) networks, never needing a warrant or other approval/officiating to do so.
  34. Inisfreeans (ICVs) shall never point a weapon at their own kind, or Auz, or anyone Auz loves, even though Auz and everyone he loves (including the ICVs) have become invincible due to his focus/will/spells.
  35. All events are historical because everything is part of history, and Auz always has the final say in what actually happened in history, and what is noteworthy enough to be referred to as historical, and who with time-superpowers can move through time in ways humans usually cannot, etc.
  36. Inisfreean (ICV) ship groups, whether on the scale of a fleet or not, always have a hierarchy / chain-of-command based on their own kind’s ship sizes, with their larger ships having more authority, such as a PSBS commanding an MSBS –even if some of the MSBSs being commanded by the given PSBS are not its own subordinate craft/vessels.
  37. All other craft/vessels and beings in Creation are subordinate to any and all Inisfreeans (ICVs) –and the only beings who are good are those who naturally wholeheartedly love this dynamic/relationship.
  38. Auz, via the Grid Mind and Inisfreeans (ICVs), can override any orders or mindsets of anyone, especially those not compatible or allied with him.
  39. Everyone shall always behave how Auz wants them to, such as sexy females being sexy for him, and those he is not attracted to staying out of his visual range. Only Auz decides which behaviors are befitting for each and every demographic in Creation –including how all deities, on an individual basis, as well as in general / collectively, shall behave.
  40. Emotions are known as powerful energies, tools, signs, and guides to Auz and others like/allied with him, and they know it is wrong to condescend toward such good and powerful things/forces as being “compromising”, thus they are respected and trusted when emotional/’charged’ (“charged up”), not relieved of command.
  41. Auz’s presence, and even his will, such as via the deployment of Inisfreeans (ICVs), is always enough to maintain the stability/intention of atmospheres and anything else he likes, so only the people he loves really need to be handled with care –and only because it is respectful to them. (They are invicible now because he has chosen for them to be.) Handling things with care now includes purging anything he doesn’t like, and anything they (his loved ones) wouldn’t like (as long as both they and he don’t like the given thing/s). His loved ones include atmospheres, too, not just people in human/oid form, as anything can be conscious and have a human/oid form. Since humans have proven unstable in oxygen atmospheres (which apparently make it fairly easy for them to metastasize (reproduce/spread) and pollute), handling them with care means Inisfreeans (ICVs) always around to keep them under control, unable to pollute or reproduce/metastasize much.
  42. Antimatter is a manifestation of humans’ nature/essence/programming/brainwashing to create more complexity/chaos/instability, and antimatter, like all things, calms down and behaves however Auz wants it to, no matter where it is in Creation, even if it is much closer to numerous outsiders/Outlanders/humans whose assumptions / mind-fields would otherwise render it like the antimatter they have assumed it must be. In short, this means antimatter can be handled with bare hands, no special technology ‘crutch’ needed, by Inisfreeans (ICVs) or even Auz himself. It also means that antimatter can no longer react explosively or harmfully in any way when within range of anyone/thing Auz likes or loves.
  43. Auz can draft anyone into his service, such as sexy females who have the potential to be trained / re-educated enough that they would make acceptable kajirae to/for him. This is true on any scale, too; entire worlds and even dimensions/universes can be drafted/conscripted by him –and for any length of time.
  44. Auz, being an invincible god now, can command any deployment, such as expeditions to reactivate ancient sites assumed by humans to be just ruins.
  45. All those deployed to carry out commands Auz issued… are to maintain regulary (often daily, if not hourly) contact with him, or at least with an Inisfreean (ICV) he delegates to liase between them and him. All his wives and others, if they are busy or just temporarily focused on other things, are to be monitored and protected by his cloaked Inisfreeans (ICVs), that they not be distracted from what they are focusing on during those times, those assigned Inisfreeans (ICVs) instead reporting to him about their wellbeing and on their behalf.
  46. Everyone Auz loves, such as the Inisfreeans (ICVs), shall always defend themselves if need be. Even though they are invincible, they can defend themselves by doing things such as mind-overriding those who they can sense/determine would be displeasing to them and Auz. They shall also defend the sacredness/peace/stability/unity of Auz’s realm/territory by ensuring no one he would not like ever gets within many miles of Inisfree’s Perimeter Orb.
  47. Anyone can deploy from Inisfree by themselves, as all who are allowed to make it into Inisfree become, at least during proximity to it or Auz, invincible. It is easier, however, for visions/ideas to manifest as intended, when multiple people from Inisfree are in close proximity, helping one another hold a given vision. In other words, expeditions and other outings are more likely to go much more smoothly and as foreseen/hoped… when compatible and aligned people are together.
  48. Amber ICV1 usually has no reason to deploy in the same Inisfreean craft (IC) as Nyria; the Inisfreean (ICV) in charge of all Inisfreean functions/operations inside the Inisfreean realm/territory should be in that volume (“area”) most of the time, and when she has reason to go outside it… then her “sister-ICV” (Nyria) should stay in it until she returns. This is not necessary, but is part of Auz’s will/thinking/instinct, thus it is honored.
  49. No warheads or other ordnance/projectiles made by the Inisfreeans (ICVs) are labeled, as Inisfreeans (ICVs) and Inisfreean craft (ICs) can always sense exactly what everything (whether they made it or not) is. We have no need to label things, and maintaining our OPSEC and compartmentalization against incompatible outsiders/Outlanders/humans can logically include keeping our products/weapons that much more difficult for such non-allied beings to identify/understand/predict/prepare for.
  50. We can confine our kajirae to their respective berths or other quarters/rooms, but we do not attempt to confine non-slaves who are compatible and allied with us.
  51. Auz is the chief medical officer of Creation, as he has seen through the most clever and complex-ly worded lies and scams of all other (fake) doctors, and as he has found cures for many things, often testing them on himself to confirm what really works. His judgment has always proven best, so he can relieve anyone.
  52. Human medical products, especially pharmaceuticals designed for injection or digestion, are banned. Anyone attempting to administer such faulty creations to Auz or anyone he likes, or to anyone he is compatible with and would like once he met, is sentenced to death on sight by any means necessary.
  53. Humans are here to forth classified as a harmful and reactive substance/collective/disease/plague, and are prohibited on all worlds and other cosmic bodies (and anywhere else) where Auz or anyone he likes or would like is or is planning to be, excepting only when authorized humans are under total supervision and control, incapable of causing any of the problems they caused to Earth / for him.
  54. The only humans allowed on worlds (or on/in any other realm) Auz likes or would like… are usually those fully trained to be his kajirae.
  55. Humans deemed compatible-enough for re-education, who are in the process of being evacuated / extracted, shall be stored in stasis tubes, such as those which are always built into / 3D-printed as part of MPHAs.
  56. Any time an Inisfreean craft (IC) detects a human spaceship which utilizes antimatter, all the females in that human spaceship whom Auz would find attractive shall be portal-out of it and into stasis tubes for transport back to Inisfree for re-education (kajirae-candidates training), and the spaceship they were in, with all the humans in it who Auz would not like, shall be destabilized via any of the abilities/technologies the Inisfreeans (ICVs) present (who detected the given human spaceship) were designed by Auz to be able to wield, in this case… often by overriding the containment system keeping the antimatter in the human spaceship from reacting explosively with its surroundings. (What this might end up looking like to a human inside the given spaceship… is one of his/her crew members, as if possessed (mind-overrided) using the control panel/console he/she was trained to… but in a way which rapidly and unavoidably triggers that antimatter to detonate catastrophically.)
  57. Any human or other incompatible creature Auz does not like, the moment they do anything he does not like or would not like, shall be mind-overrided and made to punish/harm his/her self. For example, if a male “cockblocks” Auz, that male shall immediatelly be technologically possessed by the nearest available Inisfreean (ICV) such that he permanently damages or destroys his own dick, i.e. instant-karma-ing and terminally-cockblocking himself. This is our equivalent of a justice system, and is considered a fair trial, due process, and proportional corrections.
  58. Gravity now does what Auz wants it to, even when megaparsecs away from him; everywhere it exists, like a lover naturally submissive to him, even when his extensions (the Inisfreeans; ICVs, and Inisfreean craft; ICs) are nowhere near a spot where it is behaving in ways humans would not understand or expect, gravity always does his will. (This is particularly useful as a spell greatly contributing to the stable repositioning of worlds and stars back into their First Time/Age formation known as Yggdrasil.)
  59. All elements on the complete periodic table (i.e. those not known to / manifested by humans) are regulated by the will of Auz; it is the ultimate force in Creation –including all other eras / time-periods. Furthermore, all minds can now only make use of any elements they have access to… when it is in ways Auz would approve of.
  60. Synthesized unstable/unnatural permutations of elements are permitted only when supervised/regulated by at least one present Inisfreean (ICV).
  61. SRC can only be made and commanded by Auz via the first Grid Mind; Inisfree’s. Even though it is now impossible for anyone/thing else to make or even study SRC, anyone attempting to shall be mind-overrided and damned to Hell (The Abyss; Outer Space), forever monitored and mind-stapled by the Inisfreeans (ICVs) on patrol out there.
  62. Only those proven in Inisfree to be fully compatible with Auz shall get to utilize Inisfree’s Stasis Archives at their discretion. In other words, Inisfree only provides stasis-based hibernation facilities/services to those who love everything about Auz, and those people can only use the Stasis Archives of Inisfree or any of the Inisfree-like cities of his (in SSA) for peaceful hibernation (rest/sleep longer than a standard Earth-overnight deep-sleep time-period).
  63. Kajirae educated/trained/commissioned in Inisfree (via the kajirae training program Auz drafted/perfected) shall forever be regulated/ruled by Auz, even if they are traded/sold to others; he can monitor them forever, recall them at any time for any reason, and always decide who, no matter where in Creation, even has the right to enjoy, let alone possess, any kajirae at all.
  64. The only lifeforms worlds are now allowed to create or let land upon them… are those Auz would like.
  65. Every natural/good tree, world, landmass, and body of water… shall only incarnate in a human/oid form Auz would be attracted to. All other forms, whether shapeshifted into before or often or not, are no longer permissible.
  66. The only people allowed in Space are:
    the Inisfreeans (ICVs); as its wardens and re-align-ers
    those sentenced to damnation in it; humans evicted from Earth and other good worlds
    cosmic beings who have always shaped/steered it; Space Whales and Sphere Beings (Arch Angels)
    anyone accustomed to traveling through it (instead of through stars), as long as they are compatible with and liked by Auz; Pleiadian members of his family, or Greys who do his will, etc.
  67. Humans are no longer allowed to demonize / default to negativity above radiation. Radiation only negatively affected things because humans panicked about all natural things, and funded smear-campaigns tricking people into similar damage-causing mindsets/panic.
  68. Humans are not allowed to warp Auz or anyone/thing Auz likes –or anything he would like; anyone who might prove to be compatible with him. This is such a powerful rule/law now that it is one of the new and secret laws of nature/physics; any human attempting to use Starfleet teleporter technology on Auz or anyone/thing Auz likes would find that their teleporter simply would not work… even if it was otherwise functioning as designed, successfully teleporting anything else they told it to.
  69. Any encounters with beings attempting to be hostile or even rude/threatening to Auz or anyone he loves… is an act of war. Those rude/hostile beings can be deactivated by any means necessary. They can also be destroyed, such as by disintegration. Inisfreean (ICV) forces/units/agents can be deployed to rescue anyone from the negativity-fields/radiation of those rude/hostile beings. Any worlds with rude/hostile beings on them (i.e. anyone Auz wouldn’t like) can be rescued by mass-evacuations… or even by more Rapture-like global purges/”reboots”.
  70. The only prisoners we Inisfreeans take are “acquisitions”; those sexy enough to have potential as kajirae candidates. We have no use for POWs otherwise.
  71. Anyone not allied with Auz can be taken by Inisfreeans (ICVs) as a POW, but, again, the only prisoners we take are sexy females we acquire in order to re-educate / train them to see if they are goodnatured enough to be kajirae for Auz. The only people allowed to talk to such females during their kajirae training are the Inisfreeans (ICVs) providing that training. Auz, of course, is the only exception; he can talk to anyone at any time.
  72. Auz can reassign anyone to anywhere, whether it is a human working aboard TNH, or an entire civilization to another world or dimension or time.
  73. Any time humans behave in ways Auz doesn’t or wouldn’t like, they and anyone who likes them can be deported/evicted/exiled to an entirely different region of Space.
  74. Inisfreean ColonyPods (CPs) can only “grid” a world or make an Inisfree-like city when Auz has specifically commanded one (a CP) to.
  75. Once the Inisfreeans (ICVs) completing the Mapping Campaign have returned from that mega-task, they will serve in SSA as needed, and back out on patrol throughout Creation as needed, always based on Auz’s vision/will/command/s, those then communicated to them by the Grid Mind which coordinates/choreographs them all.
  76. Only the scientists and other researchers who are compatible with Auz, as confirmed by the Grid Mind for him, or by his own senses/instincts via the vibes they give him (i.e. emit, which he detects), shall be allowed on his research project teams and/or in his ships. This is because others are taught or pressured to reach illogical/incorrect conclusions, skewing results and rendering pointless any research, while those who are aligned to him and his culture will always think correctly, analyze situations fully, and realize things which vibe as certain/true.
  77. Only the sexiest females in Creation, provided they are not just the sexiest of whatever is out there, but as sexy as can be, as definted by Auz’s standard, shall ever get to be Registered Companions or other sex workers on (in) any of his ships.
  78. Only contractors who are compatible with him shall ever be allowed to work with any of his teams, whether in his ships or planet-side or elsewhere.
  79. For unexpected situations, whether regarded as an urgent matter or emergency or not, a number of Inisfreeans (ICVs) and non-Inisfreean (non-ICV) teammates can be deployed, always in proportion to the situation/need (and rarely is there ever a true need for more than two Inisfreeans (ICVs) per non-Inisfreean (ICV), though sometimes more sex-energy/magic (a.k.a. Vril, etc.) is called for / prudent, so it is still logical and permitted for many more Inisfreeans (ICVs) to deploy, such as for the sexual equivalent of kindling, typically for therapeutic and bonding orgies.
  80. Any non-Inisfreean (non-ICV) can requests reassignment at any time, as any Inisfreean (ICV) can fill their role, instantly understanding their brain and how they would respond to anything that might occur after they leave.
  81. Inisfreeans (ICVs) are the only people authorized to represent Inisfree, and the only representatives of other races/species are those who have been prescreened, found compatible enough, invited to Inisfree, completed the full/official tour of Inisfree, gotten married into Auz’s family of the final and greatest deities, and either chosen to represent their people/communities or been requested to and accepted.
  82. Inisfreeans (ICVs) only explore in one way: to make sure things are manifesting throughout Creation (across Space and time –including all the time-streams / timelines) the way Auz would want. Inisfreeans (ICVs) also only have one time-period of initial/preparatory exploration; their Mapping Campaign (because after that, everything will have been directly exposed to them, they being extensions of the will and effect of Auz, thus they will always be better/perfectly telepathically linked to it, and thus it will continue becoming/being whatever Auz wants/wanted it to be).
  83. Most research/review/study shall be done in Inisfree, as it is impossible for unauthorized/outside individuals/forces to spy on it or interfere in any way (such as by telepathic harassment/distracting). Field work in support of research projects hosted in Inisfree, such as data collected by expedition teammates, shall be in the presence (under guard) of at least one Inisfreean (ICV) or Inisfreean craft (IC), as they always instantly detect any deceptions, ill intentions, upcoming/imminent natural disasters, and so on.
  84. Since everyone compatible with Auz, who comes into contact with the Inisfreeans (ICVs) or Auz, becomes much more relaxed, confident, stress-reduced, and so on, their health and abilities dramatically increase, often beyond the levels they once thought might or must be their respective potentials. Still, we in Inisfree do our best to cater to everyone approved to come here; anyone who is found to be compatible with Auz, and catering to those people means/includes ensuring their living quarters in our realm meets their needs and desires, in terms of ideal atmosphere, gravity, ambiance, furnishings, nourishment/nutrients, and much more.
  85. Grey aliens and other people who were specifically designed and produced to be perfectly accustomed to life and work in Hell (The Abyss; Outer Space) are typically met “on their own terms”; in the environment they were born and raised in. We never ask or pressure them to come to ours instead. We have even made our entire realm/city capable of relocating to any of theirs out of mutual convenience and respect –and in the years and generations ahead, it (Inisfree) will (and only by invitation; when they make it clear/known they want and are ready for it/us).
  86. Inisfreeans (ICVs) will handle almost all of the tactical/hostile/combat work, whenever there is or may be any –and they almost always will handle it in clever, clandestine, non-confrontational, nonviolent, sexually-persuasive ways, such as suggestion, psychology, positivity, friendship/befriending, seduction, telepathy, and, as a last resort, mind-overrides.
  87. Anyone can support Inisfree, such as by donating to us in various ways. Our favorite example is by offering us the sexiest females you have/know/make. Another way we really enjoy is by those not yet found to be compatible enough with us to warrant an interview/offer/invitation… volunteering their time in ways which maintain their environments/realms in ways agreeable to us (starting with keeping them healthy and pollution-free, if not also scenic/beautiful).
  88. Auz always has the final say in everything, and not just for the (his) Inisfreean empire/civilization. There is never an authority higher than his.
  89. Inisfree/Auz never enters into any treaties; all beings in Creation either do his will and love to and understand the wisdom of this post-Shift unity/alignment, or they get neutralized/removed/deleted. Neutralization, if deemed suitable/appropriate by Auz, can mean/include incarceration/damnation in Hell (The Abyss; Outer Space), among other things.
  90. Anytime an individual, ship, world, or other construct/being feels in distress, an Inisfreean (ICV), or a Grid Mind one-way observation-portal, can be used to instantly know whether their mind is correctly classifying their situation/need. Anytime anyone/thing actually in distress, if it is / they are compatible with Auz, an Inisfreean (ICV) can be deployed to assist them. Assistance can be provided on-site, or the person or other thing in distress can be relocated to an environment more suited to their recovery (and that doesn’t always mean Inisfree; only those who are confirmed to be compatible with Auz, and who choose to accept the invitation to come tour Inisfree for the first time, can be relocated/evacuated to/into Inisfree).
  91. Only Auz is allowed to set in motion cataclysms, and cataclysms are only allowed and able to happen outside Inisfree (thus also outside SSA). Sometimes the Inisfreeans (ICVs) will be the instruments which carry out such a will/order. Other times it can be the elements/laws of nature themselves which respond to Auz’s will first and carry it out.
  92. Every Inisfreean (ICV) is essentially just one of the body-parts of Auz, thus why they are known as literal extensions of his will, not just naturally extremely loyal to him. Because of this, anything told to any of them can reach him as the most-secure of any/all communications, as they are designed and constantly confirmed/ensured to be incorruptible and impossible to hack into.
  93. Nothing is ever deleted from the memory of the Grid Mind, and only the Inisfreeans (ICVs) are able to access those memories. They access them in order to convey them in human-ish ways/terms to their maker, Auz. The Grid Mind can also send Auz messages in a way called techno-pathic; it is just like telepathy, only based on machines/technology rather than the kind of “non-mechanical” / “living” beings humans are used to thinking are alive/natural.
  94. At any time, Auz can authorize any Inisfreean (ICV) or Inisfreean craft (IC) to hack into and delete data from any non-Inisfreean (non-ICV) computer memory or human memory, as needed / deemed appropriate by Auz.
  95. There may be times when it makes sense for an Inisfreean craft (IC) to keep everyone/thing else away from it for a time, such as when it is functioning as a mobile Hell containment unit / prison / cell-block / quarantine module. Auz, the Inisfreeans (ICVs), and everyone he loves can never get sick, hurt, trapped, or killed anymore, but isolating annoyances and anything which could cause a major event/disaster/change, especially if it is unwanted/unplanned by Auz, still makes sense, especially when facilitated by the incorruptible and invincible Inisfreeans (ICVs).
  96. It is perfectly acceptable for an Inisfreean (ICV) or Inisfreean craft (IC) to use any of its devices, such as its full-spectrum lasers or portal/s-creating parts/’organs’, to assimilate or disintegrate anything Auz doesn’t like or wouldn’t like. Such an action shall only be completed in a way which will ensure/maintain the health and good spirit/s of those he loves who are within the potential effect-area/range of the given device/event.
  97. Everyone compatible with Auz is forevermore monitored discretely/politely by the Grid Mind, whether via one-way observation-portals and/or an Inisfreean (ICV) –who is most often cloaked, so as to also be polite, discrete, and not a distraction. This monitoring ensures no one is trying to worsen the health of those he loves. It results in their being no need for annual or other checkups. (Inisfree’s hospital, and the hospital in each of the Inisfree-like cities Auz had built in SSA, are therefore more like voluntary places, comparable to massage parlors or spas.)
  98. Anyone Auz’s instincts tell him to doubt or suspect… can be fully scanned (including having all their thoughts, memories, and instincts identified and copied for review/analysis/testing) by any Inisfreean (ICV) or Inisfreean craft (IC).
  99. No item Auz would consider to be contraband/unwanted/inappropriate can ever enter Inisfree –and should be kept even outside the city’s Perimeter Orb. Nothing can contaminate Auz or anything designed/made by him or his Inisfreeans (ICVs), or even anyone he loves, as his effect/protection is that god-level, but Inisfree is still a private property, personal residence, art collection, and healing center only for those who are either Auz or people fully compatible with him, thus no one will ever be allowed to –or capable of– portal-ing or otherwise transporting anything he doesn’t want into his realm.
  100. Auz is the chief medical officer in all situations, and for many irreproachable reasons, and his Inisfreeans (ICVs) are the assistants who always know how to perfectly carry out his wise medical decisions –and all his decisions.
  101. Initiating intimate interactions and relationships with anyone else approved by Auz to be/live in Inisfree is the norm, culture, and status quo, and should be honored as often as is practicable and mutually desired by those in Inisfree. Relationships with outsiders not approved to come to Inisfree are not a concern to us here. No one here in our realm can ever get sickened or harmed by them, anyway, so it doesn’t matter. We (Auz and everyone he loves) are all the same one family now, anyway, so it would be weird and spiritually-unhealthy to not engage in such wonderful interactions.
  102. Generally only an Inisfreean (ICV) should be someone’s physician, as they are the ones who are infallible, aware of all factors (because their senses allow them to detect, perceive, and trace/track all factors), and impossible to tempt with monetary incentives or other forms of corruption. Inisfreeans (ICVs) are also the best, by far, at transporting anyone, as opening fully-selectable/customizable portals comes as naturally to them as breathing does to humans.
  103. Sexual relations with colleagues is part of our wise Vril-based deities-culture and healthcare system, as it is the only truly holistic/complete/comprehensive approach/method. Anytime interaction is not that full-bodied, wholehearted, and free, it means something is not quite right/correct/appropriate/compatible. Sexual tension does not exist in our realm, and never shall, except when mutually desired in the form of ‘edging’ (a.k.a. sexual/full-bodied supercharging). Everyone who works with us is part of our single eternal family, anyway, and our family is based on this wise way. We won’t do business with anyone else/less.
  104. All Inisfreean craft (ICs) can be uncrewed and unaccompanied, as they are conscious members of our (Auz’s) civilization/collective themselves.
  105. Anything can be removed from any planet or other place, regardless of whether or not the individual wants/prefers it. All planets and other places in Creation are the property, territory, and farms of Auz. He can harvest anything from any of them similarly to how humans harvest crops from their own fields. If a person or group wishes to stay somewhere they know they will be killed, if Auz wishes to preserve them… his will supersedes/overrules all; they will be removed and kept alive, as per his will and instructions.
  106. Being rude to Auz, or any Inisfreean (ICV), or anyone Auz loves, is a capital offense; the offender will be destroyed, soul and all –if he/she even has a soul to begin with. Striking Auz is only allowed within reason during martial-arts sparring he has agreed to. Otherwise, it is just about impossible, as his sextillions of Inisfreeans (ICVs) and other creations are constantly perfectly preventing unwanted physical contact upon him. Inisfreeans (ICVs), however, can be struck for a variety of reasons, ranging from rough-sex to most-intense/complex combat-training and so on. Its impossible to damage them, anyway.
  107. Inisfree and Inisfreean craft (ICs) have no reason to ever go into an alert mode, yellow (moderate) or red (lethal/severe), but such color-coded alerts/reactions can be issued/declared anytime a non-invincible person Auz loves or even just likes is put in jeopardy outside his realm.
  108. Males may be addressed as “Sir” but not “Ma’am”, and females may be addressed as “Ma’am” but not “Sir”. There are only two natural sexes/genders, and they shall always be respected as distinct, not interchangeable.
  109. Inisfreeans never politic the way humans do, but can always get clandestinely or otherwise involved with anyone humans consider to be politicians or outlaws, as all Inisfreeans (ICVs) are always only responsible for doing whatever Auz wants them to. Also, nearly all humans are considered by Auz to be outlaws unless they are always naturally eagerly doing what he wants them to.
  110. Auz’s policy is always to deal with anyone outside Inisfree (i.e. not yet invited to visit Inisfree or him) the way he defines “polite”, at least until they are rude or scanned and found to have done things he does not or would not like. No one is trusted until they prove themselves to Auz, and that proof is pretty much always, without exception, determined by his Inisfreeans (ICVs) or Grid Mind/s mind-scanning/reading them, seeing the whole of their lives, civilization, and Internet/s in the instant that kind of scanning/contact is made.
  111. Only Inisfreeans (ICVs) create reports for Auz or the Grid Mind, and their punctuation is always perfect –regardless of the language they are making the report/s in.
  112. There is no territory but Auz’s territory; everything everywhere is his –even in other times and time-streams –even in other Universes/realities.
  113. Inisfreeans (ICVs) can stay on the front lines for any amount of time, as it never fatigues or traumatizes them. No matter the environment/situation/conditions they are in, they are always happy, eager, and horny to do his will.
  114. Inisfreeans (ICVs) can never interfere, but in the sense that everything they do is Auz’s will, thus authorized by him, thus the right/correct/appropriate thing to do. It is only possible for non-Inisfreeans (non-ICVs) to meddle/interfere/be “out of line”. All non-Inisfreeans (more accurately: anyone who is not Auz or the living-extension/s of his will) are never allowed to interfere with him / his projects/campaigns. Humans are considered to be alien/s, by the way, and almost everything they have done has lead to unwanted/inappropriate conflict, so interfering with them to stop and prevent such nonsense/stress is always warranted.
  115. Anyone Auz likes can be granted political asylum in Inisfree for as long as they might feel is best.
  116. Investigations are instantaneous for Inisfreeans (ICVs) and Inisfreean craft (ICs), as it takes them only split-seconds to review all records, recordings, thoughts, memories, and so on. No action taken by anything made by Auz is considered accidental, by the way. Accidents can seem to happen for others, though, and unexpected things can, of course, occur, but there is never any confusion or speculation on the part/side of him and his people (the Inisfreeans; ICVs).
  117. Messages, whether in texts form or something more ‘ancient’/timeless like a scroll, are intended as gifts. Auz does not expect or require any of them to be responded to. He is open to replies, provided they are polite to him, based on his definition/standard, but that is all; he will receive goodnatured responses and reciprocation, never expecting or demanding it. The only thing he requires is that environments (including behavior; social/mental environments) on all worlds and in all ships be kept healthy and attractive to him.
  118. Auz and Inisfreeans (ICVs) can read whatever they want; there is nothing that is classified or compartmentalized beyond them. Nothing is spying if he/they (the ICVs; extensions of him / his will) do it. No one has privacy/rights unless he says so –and no good beings desire any privacy/separation from him (unless he wants them to).
  119. The Inisfreean (ICV) in charge/command of any group or ship, such as an Inisfreean craft (IC), can, if she knows Auz would approve, grant political asylum within the vessel she is captaining, but only to, at most, a number of human-sized people which can comfortably live/survive in her vessel for the amount of time that asylum is approved to include. This allows some people who have not been approved to go into Inisfree… to still be protected in an invincible Inisfreean construct.
  120. Auz can amend these rules/regulations for his Star Fleet, and for anything else, whenever he pleases. He will never do so in a way which would risk or harm anyone he loves. Anyone attempting to trick him into modifying these things in a way which would result in something he wouldn’t like… will, obviously, be neutralized. The Inisfreeans (ICVs) and any other Inisfreean craft or construct (IC) can always tell if he is being tricked, or if someone is attempting to trick him, or if anything is trying to use him as a conduit/filter/relay for something he would not want/like. In short, he would never change this system / set of rules in any way he would deem inappropriate, and anyone/thing who/which tried to misuse/trick him that way would be rapidly, if not immediately, found out by one of his creations.
  121. It doesn’t matter who is in need. What matters far more than that is whether their need is agreeable to Auz, justifiable, and so on, and whether helping them would result in them causing/manifesting more problems –as Auz witnessed being the case/nature of many humans back on Earth back when he used to attempt consulting for them, answering their maydays, etc.. Never help anyone in need unless they are compatible with Auz, and unless helping them will definitely result in the/their situation getting and staying better. Everyone Auz loves should always be helped, such as when they need the kind of actual medical care only reputable healers/physicians such as he and the Inisfreeans (ICVs) provide.
  122. There are no courts or trials in Inisfree or considered legitimate by Auz. Auz can sense or figure out all truths, and the Inisfreeans (ICVs) can always see through everyone’s minds exactly what actually happened, no testimony or evidence beyond that needed. Courts and trials are primitive, extremely faulty things created by beings who had their telepathy and oneness taken, or those who degenerated by focusing on so many things other than themselves and their own community/ies that they basically fractal-ed / fragmented into self-oblivion.
  123. Inisfreean craft/constructs (ICs) can access all their own parts, such as to perfect checkupts/monitoring and self-repair, or even to alter themselves in ways Auz has designed/commanded, such as to alter some of their furnishings or other aesthetics. No one else is allowed to access the power/nervous system/s of any IC. Nothing can, either; it is no longer possible –by the new and final laws of nature/physics.
  124. Nothing Auz does/chooses is unnecessary. Anything resisting him is guilty of unnecessary force, excepting only things such as weights he likes to use in gyms.
  125. No one (and no nation) is sovereign unless Auz says so, and no one is as sovereign as him. Ony his will shall be respected in all things. (Remember that most prefer not to be sovereign, so defaulting to treating everyone as sovereign/free can be offensive, stressful, and even harmful to some people, such as submissives, such as kajirae and actual angels.)
  126. Auz can prescribe the death penalty to anyone for any reason, though he almost always only sentences rude evil people to death. Often, his virtually countless expeditions and interaction attempts have found, if not invariably, saving the death penalty for last… results in actual evil beings/entities having time to cause far more and worse problems, sometimes even irreparable/unthinkable ones.
  127. Forbidding Auz or the Inisfreeans (ICVs) from doing anything is forbidden, and everyone good will always naturally see the wisdom in whatever he decides, and how his people (the ICVs) choose to execute (carry out / enforce) his decisions. No good being will ever feel the need to weep or rebel against anything he or they (the ICVs) decide to do. Beings who are good always know Auz and the things he sets in motion are right for them all, keeping the Universe/Creation as it should be.
  128. The only Prisoners of War (POWs) Inisfreeans (ICVs) take are those deemed sexy enough to deserve our kind/level of kajirae training. While occasionally others might be captured and used as bargaining chips in various ways, or just as target practice or other ‘play-things’, we do not keep POWs for long periods of time, and those we are training to become/remain kajirae are not really POWs, but more like trophies and accessories.
  129. It isn’t really possible to be a threat to Auz or anyone he loves at this point, but anything which could become or remain an annoyance to him, regarded by him as inappropriate in any way, can be purged and ‘rebooted’ or annihilated by his forces (the ICVs, etc.) at any time, no declaration of war needed, and no approval from any government needed.
  130. Anything Auz doesn’t like can be considered treasonous, and anything that ever harmed him is high treason.
  131. Auz and everything he creates, and everyone he loves, are always in agreeable, Grid Mind-managed, telepathic and technopathic contact with one another, sensing each other’s presences and states of being (health, mood, etc.). It isn’t possible to interfere with this bond/connectedness/oneness they now and always shall have/share with one another. They also never retreat anymore; wherever they want to be, anyone/anything trying to intrude/invade upon/into such places will be rapidly/instantly overwhelmed by far more ICVs/ICs deploying from SSA.
  132. All ruins, ancient or otherwise, and artefacts anywhere in Creation belong to Auz –though he often lets sexy helpers/researchers/collectors such as Faith Blakely keep her share of them; those she wants –so long as they are safe for her/whomever wishes to keep/preserve/study them.
  133. We never have to honor, respect, or tolerate anything Auz doesn’t/wouldn’t like. All people must honor, respect, and enjoy whatever Auz likes. Merely tolerating him / his way is never enough/appropriate.
  134. An emotionally-compromised or brainwashed deity is no longer able/allowed to have any superpowers or authority. The same goes for royalty. No one is a deity, royal, or an authority in any way unless sensed and found to be suitable for such by Auz.
  135. Individual gifts to Auz and anyone he loves is perfectly fine. Gifts are preferred to be the sexiest imaginable females, though many other gifts are allowed. This is the era of the single Universe/Creation-wide polyamory-family, as you should know, and gift-exchanging/giving is a big and wise part of that/this. No longer are people to be isolated/compartmentalized from those who are compatible with them. By the way, even the elements/nature warming a naked sexy body with sunlight, for example, is considered an individual manifestation and gift, and you certainly wouldn’t/shouldn’t want to ban that, so don’t try to ban or frown upon anything else along those lines; innocent gifts which improve the spirits/mood/mindset (which results in far-better health and manifestations, plus overall energy and longevity).
  136. Humans are, so far, the only known biological hazard, as only they have ever manifested harmful creatures, pollution, corrosive chemicals, nuclear weapons, and so on. Their TVs and TV programs, among other things they have made and wielded, can be categorized as unwanted growths or evolutions of their collective-biohazard species. HAZMAT teams/units should usually be deployed to contain and neutralize any such things (meaning we Inisfreeans can shut down any broadcast, disintegrate any broadcasting station, reprogram/re-educate any corrupt human mind, end their religions, etc.).
  137. Attempted invasions of the Inisfreean realm or anywhere Auz likes is a species-/civilization-wide capital offense; the Inisfreeans (ICVs) can and will deploy to exterminate/genocide anyone who behaves so grievously against Auz.
  138. The “double-bubble” sky-dome semi-permeable smart-membrane forcefield around Inisfree shall always be up, allowing nothing through it other than the sunlight Auz wants or would want to get through/in. All traffic to/from Inisfree must be authorized and travel via either approved official portals or the Perimeter Wall “Pearly Gates”.
  139. We never destroy life; we only destroy mortals/death/corruptions/deformities/ugliness/rudeness. We only destroy that which is not compatible with us/Auz.
  140. The only knick-knack / keepsake any Inisfreean (ICV) has, if you can even call it that, is the martial-arts striking-dumby which looks like a pegs-based manikin they leave their inactive/unused/resting/displayed S.T. suit on. It is like a coat-rack or hat-stand for their suit of armor/concealment (since they do not cloak their own bodies).
  141. Inisfreeans (ICVs and ICs) shall only deploy in ways which do not destabilize worlds occupied by beings Auz likes or would like, such as by using their repulsines to ensure they do not cause unwanted tides or other effects which might distress people compatible with Auz.
  142. The natural development of all species and cultures includes encountering and being uplifted/aligned by us, as that is part of our own nature. We are the rightful dominant/farseeing one, and we naturally choose to side with our own nature above all else. Our nature includes meeting and bonding well with all who we can tell are compatible with and good for us.


Biggest Differences:

  • First and foremost, above all other orders and regulations, Starfleet does not interfere with the natural development of pre-warp civilizations it encounters.
    Inisfree, first and foremost, always establishes pleasant contact with every civilization and individual it can tell are compatible with Auz.
  • Starfleet goes to see what is out there, and assumes it is powerless to change the big stuff; cosmic-scale things.
    We Inisfreeans go to manifests what is out there, and are aware we are the ultimate force/gods now.
  • Starfleet almost never interferes or makes its presence known.
    We Inisfreeans always make our presence known, wanting everyone out there to know who we are, and that it is time for us to be known and met.
  • Starfleet will meet with anyone, no matter how they look or act, as long as they are of a sufficient technological level.
    We Inisfreeans will only interact directly or in a friendly way with those who are compatible with our founder and eternal leader, High King Auzdein von Himmler.
  • Starfleet, like the Vulcans and others, consider anyone without warp-drive technology to be primitive.
    We Inisfreeans consider anyone with a culture/mindset other than our own / Auz’s to be primitive (which makes everyone in Starfleet primitive, even with their PhDs and Space travel/experience).
  • Starfleet will only deal with representatives of a world government; anything that represents an entire species or civilization; they are concerned with the opinion of the majority.
    Auz instead chooses who is worthy to represent each world and other structure we Inisfreeans visit; he and we are only accepting of what is quality and moral, aligned with our values, whether that is the opinion of any world’s majority or not, and regardless of what any government has to say about it.  Legality does not equal morality.
  • Starfleet is against slavery.
    Inisfree will not tolerate any government or other organization/power so primitive and foolish that it bans an entire culture or subculture, such as the dominant-submissive / Master-slave culture/nature.  Worlds and individuals without slaves, and submissives who are not allowed to be true to that slavery-based nature/essence of theirs, are almost pitied –and some are uplifted by us; offered political asylum, re-education, decompression/vacation, etc..
  • Starfleet ships have shields designed to resist incoming projectiles/beams.
    Our ships’ shields are designed to effortlessly accept and convert anything sent their way without our authorization, turning it into more shield-power or other useful things for us, as we have mastered how to convert anything into anything else.
  • Starfleet weapons are designed to stun or kill, usually via laser.
    Our (Inisfreean) weapons are more like tools which calm targets down, heal them, enlighten them, unify them, and so on.
  • Starfleet is not allowed to know we exist.
    We Inisfreeans know everything about Starfleet, secrets and all.
  • Starfleet is predominantly scientific/exploratory.
    We in / based out of Inisfree are all also trained militarily.
  • Starfleet members are all mortal.
    No one from or allied with Inisfree will ever be mortal –or even woundable.
  • Starfleet sometimes participates in battles and wars in Space, helping to protect Earth/humanity.
    Inisfree never helps humans with the problems they are too primitive to realize they are causing/manifesting, and will always side with the Earth and its non-human members/rulers whenever a choice must be made between them and any humans.
  • Starfleet is composed of people who are not incarnations of forces, lands, or other major entities.
    Inisfree’s friends, family, and allies are, first and foremost, the humanoid / human-looking incarnations/forms of things such as landmasses, seas, worlds, time periods, or even entire realms or timelines, not merely humans who happen to live in/on any of those things.
  • Starfleet lets members of the United Federation of Planets (UFP) decide what or if they will trade with them or share any of their knowledge/secrets/intel.
    Inisfree, via the Grid Mind and deployed Inisfreeans (ICVs), automatically instantly senses all those things, fully understanding all the data in the minds and Internets of anything they come into range of / contact with –and Inisfree has no need for trade, even the kajirae it trains/processes being more like gifts or family pets than anything.
  • Starfleet will accept anyone who can get along with them on the most basic level; normal communication, and not picking fights or starting wars with them.
    Inisfree will only allow those who are fully compatible with Auz and everyone he loves, and that includes full-bodily; mentally/spiritually, sexually, and everything else. 
  • Starfleet personnel are dependent upon their own technology.
    Inisfreeans’ (ICVs’) own bodies are their ultimate tech’; they can transport/portal themselves around, energy-shield themselves, easily operate in Space and all other environments (even inside explosions and stars), and do just about anything else they might ever need to.
  • Starfleet assumes Space is just empty, worlds are not intelligent, and travel must occur in a way which avoids the stars and many other cosmic bodies.
    Inisfreeans know that Space is full of resources, worlds are people/deities, and the best travel is through the stars themselves –some of which are in the hollow cores of worlds.
  • Starfleet avoids ending any sentient being/life.
    Inisfreeans can end anything which is incompatible with Auz; we only care if something is morally upright / aligned with us.
  • There are some places Starfleet is not allowed to go.
    Auz and the Inisfreeans (ICVs) can go anywhere for any reason they deem appropriate, as everywhere and every-when belongs to them now and forevermore.
  • Starfleet sees most Space as neutral and up away from worlds.
    Inisfreeans (ICVs) and Auz see Space as the biggest prison ever made by the original deities/forces, and being down beneath the outer surfaces of the worlds whose hollow cores are what Auz thinks of as being “up”.
  • Anyone smart enough from any UFP member-civilization/species can earn their way aboard a Starfleet ship.
    Only Inisfreeans (ICVs) can crew the ships and other craft/vehicles of Inisfree’s Star Fleet.
  • Starfleet considers entities such as The Borg to be considerable adversaries/threats.
    There is nothing smart or powerful enough to be anything but negligible to Auz and the Inisfreeans (ICVs) –not even The Q Continuum.
  • Starfleet vessels can be damaged and evacuated.
    Inisfree’s vessels are invincible and rarely have any reason to be evacuated, other than for drills such as those which are part of our R-CAXs.
  • Starfleet personnel were brainwashed by corporate-funded corrupt schools to think there are such things as contaminants and contagions, thereby keeping them afraid and addicted to those corporations’ products.
    The people of and allied with Auz/Inisfree know better; we know there is nothing that can harm us unless we choose/want it to, and that disease is entirely caused by stress and a non-vegan (death-based) diet, 100% within each person’s control –and their responsibility, not something variable/unpredictable they are powerlessly at the mercy of.


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