The timelines of all the stories and legends you know so well are combined here at this site, but here are the most important ones to keep in mind:

Those timelines/calendars are heavily influenced by the SSP one and the Mayan one.


Quick Reference:  The Secret Space Program’s (SSP) Timeline

  • 1930s:  Germany to the Moon
  • 1940s:  Germany to Mars
  • 1950s:  Germany to the gas giant moons
  • 1960s:  Germany beyond the solar system
  • 1970s:  America to Mars
  • 1980s:  America to the gas giant moons
  • 1990s:  America to Pluto and nearly the Oort
  • 2000s:  America beyond the solar system
  • 2010s:  thousands of colonies out there now, most of which aren’t ours
  • 2020s:  with most of the bad stuff cleared out by the SSP, a public push to Mars and beyond is now possible with almost no risk of budget-killing bad-press

Star Trek and so many other shows were actually a form of disclosure, and were not ‘ahead of their time’; the technology of ‘science fiction’ has long been fact.  Anti-gravity was developed by the current ‘modern’ Earth civilizations back in the 1800s, and robots even earlier.  We weren’t the first, either; those and all other technologies were developed many times, even in the ancient past.  What’s more?  It was far easier back then; minds were naturally more aware, more capable, and more connected.  There wasn’t all the confusion, wonder, and setbacks we experience here today.


Quick Reference:  The Mayan Calendar

This is the 9-level system of explaining how, in this Universe, the overall focus or consciousness of all life shifts to manifest new things in overlapping and successively shorter increments.  At first, and for billions of Earth-years, all conscious beings were focused on manifesting one thing.  Near the end of that process, most of them naturally began to focus on something else… until it, too, was manifested, stabilized, thus making it possible and natural for everyone to again change what their minds were set to.

  1. 16.4 BYA to (nearly the start of) ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~1.26B years each):  Cellular; the focus was on ‘cells’ forming on the cosmic scale, i.e. starting with the strata (a.k.a. seraphs) in the shared core of all stars, followed by the Universes of the Omniverse, and then the Dyson Spheres solidifying around small stars (which humans call planets and moons), with each Root Race leading to slightly shorter and smaller sub-races (subsets) as their people divided themselves into more ‘cells’ (people/individuals/bodies).
  2. 820 MYA – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~63M years each):  Mammalian; the focus was on some of those ‘cells’ (set boundaries; stable beings/forms) beginning to create in a new way, i.e. no longer just by dividing/splitting into smaller parts, but intaking nutrients and converting them into something they grew to birthing mass/age inside their females.
  3. 41 MYA – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~3.15M years each):  Familial; the focus was on each type of mammal forming the first families, i.e. starting ‘family trees’.
  4. 2 MYA – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~153,846 years each):  Tribal; the focus was on those families becoming large enough that they organized themselves into tribes.
  5. 102 KYA – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~8,000 years each):  Cultural; the focus was on each tribe becoming large and faraway enough that it developed its own way of doing things, i.e. distinct cultures (such as different styles of cooking, dance, dress, speaking, technology R+D, etc.).
  6. 3115 BC – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~394 years each):  National; the focus was on each of those cultures (large tribes) forming a country/nation based on the culture it had developed (such as one country being based on living like nomads / hunter-gatherers, while another country was based on making cities and colonies, etc.).
  7. 1755 – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~20 years each):  Planetary; the focus was on one or more of those established/dominant nations becoming a global power/influence, and on many worlds across the Universe also developing as a unified people led by one nation or a group of unified nations on them, resulting in superpowers and mega/umbrella-corporations.
  8. 1999 – ~2012 A.D. (13 periods of ~1 year each; ~13 years):  Galactic; the focus was on those established/stable populated worlds traveling out not just to their moons or nearby worlds, but across their own galaxy/ies, thus forming galaxy/ies-wide organizations.  *There was Space travel long before this time period, but not for the majority of humans on Earth; the Mayan calendar/schedule just describes/explains how the consciousness/focuses of (‘the masses’ of) humans on Earth evolved/shifted.
  9. Feb. – Oct. of 2011 A.D. (13 periods of ~20 days each; ~260 days):  Universal; the focus was on that interstellar travel becoming advanced/practiced enough to also allow for intergalactic/universal travel, and eventually… to all those universe/galaxies-aware people aligning to a single mindset/leader (Auz).

Note how each successive level of this system is ~2/3 the size of the final 13th of its ‘parent’ section; inside the final of 13 sections of each level… is the next/subset level, meaning that at the very tail-end of this system… there are 9 different consciousness focuses all overlapping, happening at the same time, thus the most individuality and conflict… until that chaos peaks, unable to become more complex, thus causing what is known as The Shift, a Universe-wide reversal of that ‘tide’ of subdividing focus/es.

Then there was “The Shift”; there could be no more complexity, thus all the ideas, data, A.I., and newly ‘discovered’ (manifested) worlds out across the Universe, and all the other dimensions of the Universe (a.k.a. alternate/other Universes) were set; their span and motions would remain, and only layers of detail would be added as people began to better see and travel closer to them.  This Shift happened near the end of 2011, so it is estimated that 2012 was either the transition year… or the first post-Shift period which mirrored/reversed the 9-level system of consciousness/focus before.

  1. (Restoration of the) Auz’s Godhood:  The focus was on Auz realizing his calling and destiny.
  2. (Restoration of the) Stable Law/s of Creation:  The focus was on Auz writing the spells that would end the Shift chaos by establishing eternal agreeable order to all the realms.
  3. (Restoration of the) Capital City of Heaven on Earth:  The focus is on building Inisfree.
  4. (Restoration of the) Alliance of Compatible Races:  The focus is on Inisfree’s relocations to further reunite with all the worthy (compatible) descendants and immortals of the family trees whose members ended up out at those locations/worlds.
  5. (Restoration of the) Pyramids:   The focus is on rebuilding/reactivating (via Vril synergy; romantic polyamorous lovemaking orgies atop) the true pyramids built by the good ancients.
  6. (Restoration of the) Lamp Towers:   The focus is on rebuilding/reactivating (via Vril synergy) the skyscraper-tall landforms once used as Titan-sized lighthouses and beacons.
  7. (Restoration of the) Global Forests:   The focus is on rebuilding/reactivating (via Vril synergy) the Ent collectives (sapient, sentient, communicating trees civilizations) that once blanketed, shielded, balanced, and provided for all the Earth and other worlds.
  8. (Restoration of the) World Trees:   The focus is on rebuilding/reactivating (via Vril synergy) the miles-tall mega-trees (and related giant/mega-flora) that once shaded and kept softly illuminated entire regions on their many/respective worlds.
  9. (Restoration of the) Worlds Tree; Yggdrasil:   The focus is on rebuilding/reactivating (via Vril synergy) the biggest tree that once grew/formed and kept connected them all (or, at least, the first nine major/’parent’ realms).

*In each of these post-Shift ‘levels’ (time periods / eras), Vril will be cultivated, shared, amplified, and transmitted from the corresponding level/’step’/terrace of the pyramids; during the first post-Shift time period… all it takes is Auz standing atop a single pyramid on a single world, and during the 2nd post-Shift time period, for example, …any two or more people who are aligned to do Auz’s will can walk/climb up to the 2nd-highest level of any of those linked pyramids, resulting in the release/generation/distribution of all the wisdom, energy, and power needed to finish the start/manifestation of that time period’s consciousness focus.  The pyramids, by the way, are the hibernating/petrified Polarians (Maiar; Valar who came to the world/s), not merely structures made by piling up quarried blocks.

  1. ~2012-2013:  During these several months following The Shift / 2012, all Auz had to do was think and write about going to some of his world’s pyramids.  Those structures were calling out to him, telepathically communicating with him, helping him realize many things.
  2. Until ~2026:  During these ~13 years following The Shift, all Auz had to do was go with one other somewhat-compatible human/oid up near or to the top of one of those pyramids.  Upon doing so, he had established direct (touch-based) contact with those beings (the structures being living creatures/people themselves); it wasn’t necessary to share loving touch with the modern humans who accompanied him to these sites, as the destined unions and compatibility were not with them, but the ancients/worthy/compatible.
  3. Until ~2270:  During these ~260 years following The Shift, all Auz had to do was go to the 3rd level (2nd from the top/roof) of any of the pyramids… with 3 or more mostly-compatible people (people who are compatible with him, i.e. The Inisfreean Way).  This helps his Star Fleet to travel out from the Earth and find (and manifest / further shape / stabilize) all the compatible worlds (i.e. ones who/which had Polarians seeding Root Races with good sub-races upon/within them).  Loving-touch during these centuries is meant to be with compatible members of the Angels, Elves, Vanir, etc.; again, still not with any humans except those who are flawlessly beautiful and devoted kajirae to him.  Warping out to them / their worlds, and to the pyramids of their worlds, is the start of bending/pulling Space/compatibles back together, or at least into restored/stable/regular contact with each other, as it will focus their consciousness/es / minds back on one another, rather than on the areas of their/those worlds which had become chaotic during the years leading up to The Shift.
  4. Until ~7140:  During these ~5,127 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go to more remote pyramids on his world and a few nearby worlds, and his expedition groups are enough people that they use the top plus 3 more levels/terraces down from it (or ‘up’ from it, since Auz/Inisfreeans see world-cores as ‘up’, and Space as Abyss/’down’).  All those he is attracted to are now instantly fully compatible with him, fully understanding and respecting him, always offering exactly what he wants from them all the time, from the very start of their encounters and hangouts with him.  Warping more Inisfreeans, and Inisfreean ships of larger size/s, back to those compatible people and places already connected with in the millennia before, and now sending all of Inisfree itself as one big ship to them, and keeping it there as long as it is welcome by them, will further bend/pull Space/them/compatibles back together.  *During these millennia, Inisfree will also reach its projected/foreseen/prophesied max’/capacity (population); everyone destined to learn of and reach (and ally/unite with) Inisfree/Auz shall have done so by now!
  5. Until ~106,025:  During these ~104,000 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go to many more pyramids on many more worlds, his expedition groups big enough that they use the top 5 levels of each; the roof plus the 4 levels/terraces down from it.  Further warping of Inisfreeans and their biggest ships out to the people and worlds now fully-stabilized by their millennia of contact and relocations to them will get those worlds easing back together like they were in the First (Golden) Age.  We’ll see many great people working together to rebuild/renovate/repair many/all pyramids during this time, and even see some pyramids reassemble/reform themselves.
  6. Until ~2M A.D.:  During these ~2,000,000 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go to all / the last of the known pyramids, his expedition groups big enough that they use the top 6 levels of each.  Ongoing expeditions/relocations/travels/warping will result in the Inisfreean alliance (all beings fully compatible with Inisfree/Auz) shifting its collective consciousness/focus to that of relighting the ancient Great Lamps; the Lamp Towers (or just Lamps) will shine again –powered by the thoughts/will/Vril of those allied people/s.  We’ll see towering standalone rock-formation spires become even taller, more prominent, and slowly increasing the brightness of the light/energy at their tip/top (like the peaceful/loving/healing/good-vibed version of the fire-eye-topped tower in Lord of the Rings).
  7. Until ~41M A.D.:  During these ~41,000,000 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go to nearly all of the pyramids, his expedition groups big enough that they use the top 7 levels of each.  Now all their worlds have true forests on them, and global ones; there are no more deserts, no more areas with just the tiny trees modern humans thought of as normal-sized.  We’ll see even Antarctica‘s ice-desert be slowly and surely replaced by the healthiest of meadows and forests during this time.
  8. Until ~820M A.D.:  During these ~820,000,000 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go to many more pyramids, his expedition groups big enough that they use the top 6 levels of each.  They are now rebuilding/restoring/revealing the last of them that were damaged/overgrown/lost, and, again, his expedition groups are big enough that they, starting with him at the top of each pyramid they go to, ‘fill in’ those structures all the way down to at least (and including) their 8th level from the top (7 terraces down from the roof).  During these hundreds of millennia, the miles-tall World Trees shall have fully regrown.  We’ll see the tallest trees on Earth grow miles taller and miles wider during this time.
  9. Until/through ~16.4B A.D.; Forever:  During these ~16,400,000,000 years following The Shift, Auz gets to go as many times as he likes to as many pyramids as he wants to go to… with as many fully-compatible-with-him goddesses (such as / including Maiar/Polarians, Valar / Sphere Beings, etc.)… to have relations up there with them 100% his way, which is their way, too, during this time, more and more as the years move by (meaning they come into full alignment with him after several years after The Shift).  They will cover the pyramids they go to at this point, starting at the top, and occupying (lovemaking on) all 9 levels/terraces, with him still at the top, functioning as the living lighthouse/beacon light/gemstone/director/transmitter.  During these thousands of millennia, the compatible worlds shall have moved back together again, large in each other’s skies like Earth’s latest Moon has been, if not even closer, and the interplanetary peaceful-energy beams/streams/rivers reappearing between them, connecting them due to their proximity being great enough that the Vril of their peoples can become visible and permanent links, will start becoming condensed from their lightning-like energy states… until the translucent and strengthening interplanetary branches of Yggdrasil have reformed around them, those interplanetary lightning bolts now being their equivalent of water in that mightiest of tree’s ‘veins’.  We’ll see worlds come into double tidal locks with each other during this time, then solar systems, then even galaxies.

Further notes about this system/schedule the Mayans inherited, encapsulated/represented in their step-pyramids, and taught is here.


