All buses in Inisfree for school students and public use are these.  We have no Greyhounds or yellow high-school types.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Capacity
  4. Features
  5. Special Features
  6. Routes
  7. Optional Stations
  8. Rules/Manners
  9. Staff
  10. History
  11. Exteriors (Images Begin)
  12. Interiors
  13. Party-bus Features/Inspiration



Inisfree is known for luxury, so it should come as no surprise that the buses used for school student and public transportation are luxurious, too.  Based on the finest motor-coaches, these vehicles come standard with all the bells and whistles.  Whether commuting to work or one of the educational institutions, passengers will enjoy reclining leather armchairs, jacuzzis, beds, showers, kitchenettes, and more.


Dimensions & Layout:

Like most luxury motor-coaches, ours are ~45′ deep, ~8.5′ wide, and ~10′ tall (the same as many school buses in the Outlands).  Ours, however, are not just full of two-person benches or side-by-side partially-reclining seats; our buses also have a kitchenette, a bed (if not a bedroom behind a door or diaphanous curtain), and a bathroom with a shower and small jacuzzi –which is for our students wishing to clean up after (on the way back from) sports games at our Flower Towers.  These motor-coaches of ours do not have extending sides or upper levels; they are all one story tall.

  • driver’s seat at front-left
  • loading/unloading staircase at front-right
  • seats and sofas in the middle
  • shower-stall near the back
  • bed/bedroom at the back
  • extra luggage-compartments between the underside of the cab and the underbelly of the whole bus



Each of our motor-coaches comfortably seats ~50, though many more can pile in, especially if having fun on the bed or in the bathroom.  For safety and ease, we allow a maximum of 70, always based on how many want to be close to the others.  Typically, we transport ~40-45 passengers/students in each during each trip.

  • ~1 driver (ICV) up front)
  • ~2 kajirae seated wherever there is a demand/request
  • ~20 on the left side of the cab/middle (passengers section)
  • ~20 on the right side of the cab/middle (passengers section)
  • ~5 on the bed at the back



  • 1 wide-screen TV
  • cabinets and shelves
  • countertops
  • desks (1 or 2)
  • fine carpeting (except in the middle; the aisle is not carpeted)
  • normal aisle surface; easily cleaned middle walkway from stairs/front to back
  • small cooking area (intended for snacks/refreshments (which our staff-kajira/e can prepare for you), not full meals)
  • waterproof seats
  • windows are double-pane (2-layer), thus far-better at noise cancellation (soundproofing)
    –Sounds outside don’t disturb.  We don’t have noisy crickets in our realm, but we always build top-quality with restful-sleep in mind.
    –People watching TV or fucking loudly inside aren’t heard outside.


Special Features:

Equipped with our Repulsine technology, standard, these buses handle driving much more smoothly.  They are also amphibious; no roadway flooding will ever block their path.  Even if the passengers wish to head right out into one of Inisfree’s lakes, these buses can take them well beyond the streets along the shore.



These vehicles only operate on our city’s highway system (“the GAH”); they do not go onto non-highway paved areas, such as residential streets.

Coordinated by the Grid Mind, they go wherever (along our highway system) there is a demand/need/request.

A typical route for one of these buses is from one of our neighborhoods with the most students living in it… to the school they attend in our realm… and back, twice a day; once to get them to school, then that 2nd time to get them back to their homes.

It is perfectly fine to reserve one or more of these buses for a sightseeing route around our entire city via its highway system.

They do not stop in/on the street (along the curb/sidewalk); they always pull off into a bus station to un/load.


Optional Stations:

While there are formal bus stations for these vehicles, 1) the weather is always perfect in Inisfree, 2) people in Inisfree love most forms of weather, and 3) these vehicles can sense your location and slow down to pick you up anyway along the GAH; you don’t need to find or wait at a station when you need to use one of our buses.  The Inisfreean girls will sense when you want to take a bus ride, where you are, and the best way to get to you.  Relax… and let us come to you!



  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding or stepping off.
  • no outside food or drinks, other than a small bottle of water or tea
  • Check your feet/footwear before boarding; do not bring in dirt/mud.
  • Sit on an empty unassigned seat / a seat assigned to you.
  • Keep conversation to a respectfully quiet tone unless the entire bus is your group/party and all of you are celebrating.
  • Only relieve yourself on (into) the toilet.
  • The only pets allowed onboard are kajirae, and this is one of the only places in our realm where they should not default to sitting on the floor by your feet; put them on a seat just as you would any human/oid passenger, in the interests of safety.  (You may take off your kajira’s leash while she is in the bus and seated next to you, but her collar should usually be kept on.)
  • You may not store your kajira/e in one of the bus’s undercarriage luggage compartments –even if she has recently misbehaved.
  • Never distract the driver (even though this wouldn’t/couldn’t affect anything, due to how capable our drivers and these vehicles are, plus how aware and coordinated all other drivers and vehicles are in our realm).
  • Leave nothing on the bus; make sure you take with you everything you brought onboard.
  • Take all trash/waste with you.



There is always 1 ICV per bus, handling the driving and management, as well as any tour-guide monologue.  There is always at least 1 kajira per bus, handling the cooking, cleaning, bedsheet changing, waitressing, etc..

  • 1 ICV as the driver (though these vehicles are Inisfreean Constructs (ICs), thus they can drive themselves)
  • 1 or 2 kajirae as assistants/helpers/cuddlers
  • total:  2 or 3 Inisfreean females (females in/of our city)

Passengers are responsible for loading and unloading their own luggage, though the ICV (driver) will be available to assist every now and then, if desired/needed.



Like most places in the Outlands, ~25% of the residents population of our city attends some classes at our school buildings (LHS, LAA, TNA, Xavier’s II, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry II, etc.).  There have always been some of them who chose to use our buses system.

Since usually only our ICVs (assigned to act/function as students at those places; not all ICVs need to take our classes, as the moment any ICV completes one, all ICVs understand it, as they exist as a shared-consciousness collective/race) take all the classes we offer at those schools, and since they are tireless and prefer to walk to and from there, and since most of our non-ICV students drive their own vehicles to/from campus, we end up needing very few of these buses, at least for our students there.

*Just FYI, NYC has more than 4,000 buses, not including those used just for young students.

  1. 2013:  ~300,000 residents and guests; ~23,000/month ; ~5,800 attending at least one class at one of our schools, ~90% driving themselves; ~577 needing/wanting bus transportation; ~12 luxury-buses 3D-printed to accommodate those who wished to use our mass-transit instead of personal vehicles to those classes/places
  2. 2014:  ~600,000; ~46,000/month; ~11,500 attending our schools, ~1,150 using/needing a bus; ~23 luxury-buses
  3. 2015:  ~1,000,000; ~76,923/month; ~19,230 attending our schools, ~2,000 using/needing a bus; ~39 luxury-buses
  4. 2100:  ~5,000,000; ~385,000/month; ~96,000 attending our schools, ~9,600 using/needing a bus; ~192 luxury-buses (which all still fit in our first luxury-bus motor-pool / station)
  5. 3000:  ~90,000,000; ~6,900,000/month; ~1,700,000 attending our schools, ~173,000 using/needing a bus; ~3,462 luxury-buses (so it took ~1,000 Earth-years before Inisfree had as many buses as NYC had back in the early 2010s/2020s) –meaning we now have multiple bus stations for these things
  6. 23000:  ~2,000,000,000; ~154,000,000/month; ~38,500,000 attending our schools, ~3,850,000 using/needing a bus; ~76,923 luxury-buses (& ~770 stations / motor-pools for them, almost all of them underground, tastefully out of sight)

Thus, Inisfree 3D-printed another 3 or 4 of these buses every 1 of those Earth-years; ~1 more bus each season.


High King Auz has ‘christened’ each of these buses at least once, always with a big group of his favorite female students –and sometimes with many of their friends joining in.




Party-bus Features/Inspiration:

Video Player
“Rosa Parks” Aquemini Outkast
Audio Player