You’ll find many millions of this type of servant all across Inisfree now.


Table of Contents:

  1. Explanation
  2. Kajirae Training (Updated)
  3. Making an Entrance
  4. Inspiration Details
  5. Permutations (of Making an Entrance)
  6. From book 5; Assassins of Gor
  7. Kajirae Holiday
  8. 2022 Update:  Population and Training Over Time
  9. 2023 Update:  Usual Reaction
  10. 2023 Update 2:  What Girls Say
  11. 2023 Update 3:  Notable Kajirae Trained Here
  12. Kajirae Examples & Attire (Images Begin)
  13. Movie Scene with Green Slave-silk
  14. Art from Second Life
  15. Gorean Lounges in Which Kajirae are Plenty
  16. Concepts
  17. How Kajirae Love Hugging Their Masters
  18. How Kajirae are Taught to Run Sexily/Cutely
  19. The Brand for kajira
  20. 2024 June/+



‘Kajira’ is a term often found in John Norman’s series of novels about the master-slave / dominant-submissive culture on planet Gor, the world on the opposite side of the Sun from us, thus also known as the counter-Earth.  A kajira is a female slave, with only the most beautiful of all human females being accepted for such a special role.  Kajirae is the plural form, and many kajirae eventually become ‘exquisitely-trained pleasure-slaves’.

Virtually all beautiful women long, at least secretly, to be found so desirable that the best of men cannot resist but to hunt, capture, train, keep, command, and control them.  It is a female’s natural wiring, structure, and essence to want to be taken, pinned down, and to be forced to take cocks and cum.  In primitive realms, such as most of the modern nations of Earth, there are few such real men, and so the women often use clever tricks to keep all men competing against one another, thereby revealing who the best are, even if those men don’t know it, and even if that still leaves so much to be desired.  In such barbaric societies and non-civilizations, both sexes are left frustrated, overworked, and only partially satisfied, if ever satisfied.  On Gor and in Inisfree, that is not the case.

Girls with the potential to become kajirae are clandestinely scouted for outside of Inisfree, and this scouting is conducted in a variety of ways; one-way portals may be used in place of spy satellites, but agents and other operatives are maintained in all populated areas known to produce attractive females.  Blending in to local society, long-term agents function as ‘plants’ or ‘moles’, even ‘sleeper cells’.  Short-term agents are deployed via portals and/or cloaked spaceships.  Together, these methods and means harvest the finest ‘kajirae candidates’ without disrupting the overall families and systems of the worlds and other realms they are harvested from.  When the spaceships are sent out to pick up groups of the herded and acquired candidates, their sailing missions are called ‘The Voyages of Acquisition’ (just as they are known to the Goreans who conduct their own).

Keeping slaves like this is not at all the same as when the ‘South’ of the United States once forced Africans to work without pay, respect, or love.  Kajirae are highly prized possessions, and are deeply loved.  They are never overworked, nor underfed, and their bodies are guarded more than most men guard their own bodies or children.  Masters (owners of kajirae) enjoy lengthy intelligent conversations with their kajirae, and consider their valid ideas and suggestions.  While sold like any other slaves, the price of kajirae is often high, and many Masters choose to keep their favorite kajirae forever.  Kajirae who perform well, and from the heart, can find themselves living better than some princesses in reward and deep thanks.  Sometimes they are even offered their freedom, though virtually all of them desire and choose to remain a beloved slave girl, removing their collars even more rarely than married couples take off their wedding rings.  Kajirae are regarded far better by Masters and the rest of society than common slaves in any realm ever were.

* “Kajirae” is only capitalized at the front/start of a sentence.  At all other times, it is written in all lowercase.  Even a kajira, if permitted to know writing and write her name (given/birth-name or pet/new-name) will write her name this way; she will either speak and think of herself as “girl” or “kajira”, or spell out her name by starting it with a lowercase letter, even though it is a proper noun.  This is because she is trained to be petite, feminine, submissive, and “smaller than” in almost every imaginable way, as it increases her desirability, trainability, and value.


Kajirae Training:

Kajirae candidates are immediately collared, often branded (a small marking made quickly, expertly, and with no damage to the girl as a whole), and then kept like any other animals; they are housed in groups in cages, fed and watered only as needed, and monitored round-the-clock to ensure their safety, health, and the impossibility of escape.  Once they are whipped and/or goaded a few times (a goad being a handheld device similar to a cattle prod), their focus is total, and they begin to learn quickly, memorizing all that is expected of them.  They often begin to admire their branding marks, and especially their collars, for both indicate special favor, rare educations, and genetic superiority.

The basics are taught and tested first; obedience, awareness, memorization, timeliness, posture, submissiveness, cooking, cleaning, mending, picking berries, etc.  Each kajira candidate must have extreme and flawless beauty, but even perfect beauty is never enough; she must also be able to help with a variety of simple tasks.  When all of those basics are taught and nearly mastered, she will then get (and be expected and required) to progress with further and advanced training.

Kajirae do not end up being trained the same way, overall, that Registered Companions are.  For example, a kajira is not expected to know how to ballroom dance, screen clients, or keep up with major current events in the news.  Kajirae also do not fence, or have possession of weapons of any kind, and so cannot defend themselves like Companions can.  Registered Companions, furthermore, register themselves with the local ‘state’, and transport themselves to state-maintained clinics for annual check-ups and re-certifications.  The records of kajirae, on the other hand, are kept only by their Masters, and by the auction houses and girl kennels they have been through.  Kajirae cannot transport themselves, and must be escorted by freemen at all times, just as a dog must be kept on a leash, even if it is well-behaved and mild-mannered, lest some other free-person chase it down and turn it over to the proper authorities just to be safe.  Kajirae are also inspected daily, if not more often, and by any free-person who wishes to, without notice or reason; far more often than annual voluntary checkups.

Still, each kajira often spends months in basic training, and years upon years in all successive and supplemental training.  Each Master makes sure that his kajirae know all he likes, loves, and expects, and that includes any quirks that Master may have.  It is common for some kajirae to actually have many more years of training in pleasing people than the finest Registered Companions have.  This is true even for those who began their formal Registered Companion training during their preteen years; many potential kajirae are noticed and acquired during that time, and train –and are re-trained– for much longer, almost always having their lifespans and youth both dramatically extended in the process.  Too, some kajirae are bred for their looks, thus begin their kajirae training from the very start.

And while a Registered Companion can conclude any interaction whenever she wishes, and even ban clients from seeing her again, or even other Registered Companions in some extreme cases of client-misconduct, a kajirae must do whatever her Master or Masters desire, and has no say in the matter.  In that sense, her training is more intense, more demanding, and more elite.  She must be much braver and stronger, emotionally, than any Registered Companion.

Here are the major distinctions between the education/training of kajirae compared to those of the major free-person categories:

  1. Guests of Inisfree:  whichever parts of Inisfree’s school system they wish to learn, the end goal being whatever each guest wants for him/herself
  2. Inisfreean-born Girls:  all dances, the end goal being to manage all operations of their city, while simultaneously being as pleasing as possible to all those deemed worthy of admittance into the Inisfreean realm (because they must always be fully pleasing to the maker of Inisfree; Auz, and that might not always mean being fully pleasing to all others who visit that place)
  3. Kajirae:  only the most arousing of dances, the end goal being to sexually please owners
  4. Outlanders:  sometimes no dances at all, the end goal usually being to receive basic grooming as a corporate slave capable of working in any primitive city
  5. Registered Companions:  only the graceful dances of ‘high society’, the end goal being to entertain wealthy clients at both private functions and galas/balls

Here are many examples of kajirae-training classes/subjects:

  • acceptable forms of refined passive & submissive communication (such as stretching slowly and alertly as a request to touch the toes before kissing them, placing the side of the head on her master’s foot or boot, how to request permission to ask a question or otherwise speak, etc.)
  • arousal techniques; playful gestures and other motions (such as facial expressions, hair tossing, teasing types and durations, kegeling, splaying, arching, etc.)
  • attractive hair lengths and styling
  • attractive dancing (dozens of dances in numerous styles)
  • attractive ways to kiss and be kissed (dozens, far beyond just French), and to hug and walk; gait & poise
  • best places to find attractive girls, and best practices for monitoring, isolating, herding, persuading, acquiring, relaxing, reviving, inspecting, training, and documenting them (such as for the Voyages of Acquisition, kajirae duties, and so forth)
  • ​​body hardening for warriors vs. body hardening for kajirae; warriors spar, while kajirae are slapped, ‘clipped’ (or goaded), and whipped, etc. (and both warriors and kajirae receive ample exposure to nature and the elements, keeping them strong, healthy, and lively)
  • competing for the position of ‘First Girl on the Chain’; conduct & sportsmanship amongst kajirae which preserves all of their health and beauty
  • discipline of a kajira (beyond self-discipline); escalation of force, non-corporal punishments (such as diet* fluctuations, liberty restrictions, exclusion, and re-kenneling), and maintaining a comfortably full docket
    *diet:  as healthy as their Masters know how to feed them, though they accept whatever they are offered/told to eat
  • discipline of self; emotional self-control, meditation, mindfulness, proportional dacryphilia, responsible dieting, etc.
  • entrances (there were once 105 ways for a girl to correctly enter a room, and only a few of them demonstrated; we at Inisfree have expanded this list to include detailed descriptions of more than 200)
  • erogenous zones, and how to properly gauge and stimulate them (such as by the Slaver’s Caress; a method of touching, without warning, a kajira who is being sold, in order to exhibit her ‘slave heat’ for potential buyers; also known as the Whip Caress, as it is commonly done using a coiled whip)
  • etiquette; manners specific to certain castes of society (such as hand-washing masters’ and guests’ feet in the foyer upon entry, keeping one’s eyes cast in certain places, using various greetings based on the situation, etc.), countenance, greeting different ranks and titles (such as how to correctly request a master to select the kajira for sampling, usage, or acquisition), different attire for different occasions, table settings, etc.
  • etiquette in the bedchambers; bed-base collar rings, design elements, soothing lighting, subtle incense application, etc.
  • health benefits of being a kajira; stronger feet, sharper senses, moderate exposure to direct sunlight, maintaining stamina and metabolism, the thrill of bare feet on different terrains and indoor textures, mental focus from total vulnerability, more specific sense of purpose, belonging, and direction, etc.
  • hygiene; the types of baths and how to prepare and take them (cleaning first, then removing loose cells, then soaking, then oiling, then toweling, etc.)
  • how to wear kajira attire (quick-release cords, form-accentuating methods, tasteful garment tears, avoidance of piercings and cosmetics, and staying barefoot and short, etc.)
  • ​kajirae kennels; their importance, positive and critical psychological effects (same application and result as military training requiring participants to socialize and use hourly teamwork), cleaning, maintenance, rotating the kajirae, etc.
  • manners; politeness (averting eyes, heeling, always being ready and eager for any commands and tasks, etc.), as well as the manner (ideal method and sequence) in which things are to be completed; prioritizing based on the master’s preferences
  • ​methods for keeping your kajirae vital and effervescent; taking them to watch major sports games and races, days for adding a coin-box to their rope-belt, etc.
  • poses (including how to gracefully kneel and rise while balancing a serving tray)
  • posture; the positions of attention modified for kajirae, from prone to sitting, kneeling, and standing
  • proper heeling; dispersion, angle, noise discipline, matching the master’s pace, etc.
  • psychology of proper kajirae (the joy of being desired, hunted, captured, collared, and trained, and of being found useful, trusted, worthy of intimacy; the joy of being mastered by a true man), of Goreans (why females always carry loads, open doors, and do the chores; cleaning, cooking, mending, etc.), and the ‘Dom/sub’ culture (regarding why equality is unhealthy, unnatural, imbalanced, and not present throughout the Universe)
  • release-enhancing techniques (far beyond the techniques of the Kama Sutra, and even of acupressure and various styles of massage)
  • subtle arousing movements while seated; virtually imperceptible shifting perceived subconsciously
  • time management (such as timing different dishes so that meal components are ready at the same time, and timing laundry and other chores so multi-tasking often or always occurs, thus saving time and freeing it up for other things)
  • waitressing by kajirae; etiquette for serving masters, not just basic males or people in general (such as when to kiss goblets, which order to place dishes from tray to table, etc.)
  • and kajirae law; they may have no property, must not accost others, must not touch items which can function as weapons, and must submit to the branding standard (one kajira symbol, and no more than four; second is the house sigil, third is for a moderate punishment, and the fourth for a major punishment), with severe punishments (such as ‘the girl box’) being applied only in rare situations and briefly, etc.

For those wishing to learn all there is to know about kajirae and their lifestyle:

  1. John Norman’s series of novels on this subject can be found here.
  2. Actual real-life real-time one-on-one and classroom-setting kajirae training is provided daily through numerous Second Life ‘sims’.  Inquire within.


2022 Update:  Daily Schedule and Graduations

Every day of the week, those classes/subjects are taught from 810-1210 then 1500-1900; daily class time totals 8 hours for these girls.

30 classes (subjects) per day = each class is 15 minutes long, with 1 minute to move to each next class.

  1. 810-825:  Manners (general; etiquette being specific)
  2. 826-841:  Posture
  3. 842-857:  Kajirae Hairstyles
  4. 858-913:  Poses (in general, as well as during/for auctions)
  5. 914-929:  Heeling
  6. 930-945:  Kajirae Psychology
  7. 946-1001:  How Kajirae Should Communicate
  8. 1002-1017:  Subtle Movements While Seated
  9. 1018-1033:  Health Benefits of Being a Kajira
  10. 1034-1049:  Ways Kajirae Should Practice Self-discipline
  11. 1050-1105:  Ways to Discipline Kajirae
  12. 1106-1121:  Kajirae Law
  13. 1122-1137:  Girl Kennels; the Importance and Positive Aspects
  14. 1138-1153:  Hygiene
  15. 1154-1209:  Kajirae Attire/Fashion
  16. 1500-1515:  Time Management
  17. 1516-1531:  Keeping Vital
  18. 1532-1547:  Sportsmanlike Conduct When Competing for the Position/Honor of Being First Girl
  19. 1548-1603:  Entrances (~200)
  20. 1604-:1620  Waitressing by Kajirae
  21. 1621-1636:  Erogenous Zones
  22. 1637-1652:  Arousal Techniques
  23. 1653-1708:  Release-enhancing (Orgasm) Techniques
  24. 1709-1724:  Sexy Kissing and Kiss-receiving
  25. 1725-1740:  Slave Dances
  26. 1741-1756:  Body Conditioning for Kajirae Activities (preparation for BDSM, orgies, etc.)
  27. 1757-1812:  Sex Positions and Processes; Kama Sutra + Tantric
  28. 1813-1828:  Etiquette in the Bedchamber
  29. 1829-1844:  Etiquette of Different Castes
  30. 1845-1900:  Locating Kajirae Candidates

That becomes ~8.5 hours when including three 10-minute meal breaks; before, in the middle of, and after the 8 hours of classes.  Meal breaks can be longer, though, as these girls are usually required to learn cooking and make many of their own –something their Masters will expect them to be perfect at by the time they graduate and get released/sold/traded.

There is no set graduation day, as kajirae can enter our program at any time, train any amount, their Masters deciding when they are worthy to serve; these girls get to leave this facility/program of ours when either 1) we, or 2) their owner/Master/s feel they are trained well enough.  Generally, we keep our kajirae candidates in training for one year, sending them back for refresher courses as needed.



Making an Entrance:

Being sexy and arousing is very important to maintaining one’s naturally ideal sexual appetite and libido.  In the series of novels by John Norman, one of the obvious first opportunities to be sexy is when entering a room.  Expanding on the few entrances described in Norman’s books, we have created this list, and now teach it since the first grade of Inisfree:


Inspiration Details:

In John Norman’s fifth novel of the 33-book Gorean saga, he mentions that one of the slave-training houses on planet Gor teaches its pleasure slave girls 105 ways to walk through a doorway and enter a room, but only briefly describes two of them, merely saying that a third of these ways was demonstrated, never detailing how.  Inspired by his wisdom of what actually makes girls attractive and worthy of use, I have made an actual list of those 105 ways, as well as many more, explaining each of them in the simplest of terms and with the fewest possible words.  Some of my 105+ ways are very ‘short and simple’, though any intelligent girl will immediately see how sexy even the simplest of them can be when performed correctly by a girl whose heart is that of a true pleasure slave.



If you count combinations of these 105+ ways for a girl to sexily pass through a doorway and enter a room, there are actually so many ways that there is not yet a word for the number of them; calculate the factorial of 105, expressed as 105!, resulting in:

  • 1,081,396,758,240,290,900,504,101,305,800,329,649,720,646,107,774,902,579,144,176,636,573,226,531,909,905,153,326,984,536,526,808,240,339,776,398,934,872,029,657,993,872,907,813,436,816,097,280,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways (and, yes, that is the actual number solution of the mathematical expression ‘105!’ which you can calculate at multiple sites online).
  • That’s a 1 with 56 groups of 3 digits; a 1 with 168 numbers following it before the decimal.
  • This can be expressed with scientific notation as:  [1.081396758… x 10^168]
  • And in case you aren’t familiar with factorials, here is a simple example:  5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1, which equals:  120
  • Now that I’ve reached 115, the number of possible combinations of any two of the following ways is actually 115!, which is:
  • 292,509,369,349,301,569,068,815,180,481,773,552,003,419,272,043,053,514,672,100,535,242,441,942,363,589,054,622,883,930,786,268,803,187,059,211,939,585,703,515,345,785,120,071,002,251,720,730,101,703,194,015,956,992,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
  • This can be expressed with scientific notation as:  [2.925093693… x 10^188]

If you count all possible combinations (which would be impossible, as you can have any number of the following ways combined into long sequences of dozens of them), the result is literally infinite ways for a girl to sexily enter a room.

  1. head down, eyes down
  2. head down, eyes up
  3. chin up, eyes down
  4. chin up, eyes up
  5. hair toss
  6. strut
  7. strut with hips swaying
  8. wrists at sides
  9. wrists crossed in front
  10. (this is #10 as described in the book) start “with the girl’s back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature”
  11. wrists crossed in back
  12. wrists crossed behind head; elbows up (*In Assassin/s of Gor, Normal mentions this (#12) exists, and that a character demonstrates it, but never says what it is.)
  13. wrists crossed high overhead
  14. one hand on hip, other hand behind neck
  15. both hands on hips
  16. one hand cupping one breast, one hand rubbing clit
  17. both hands cupping breasts
  18. both hands cupping breasts while girl licks or suckles on one
  19. both hands on ass-cheeks
  20. twirl
  21. pause to slide cleavage down several inches of the door-frame
  22. pause to lean back on door-frame, hands hanging at sides
  23. pause to lean back on door-frame, hands tracing door-frame up from thighs to hips level
  24. pause to lean back on door-frame, hands tracing door-frame above head
  25. while belly-dancing
  26. while sighing arousingly
  27. biting lower lip
  28. standing splits along door-frame
  29. standing splits without touching anything but the floor; one foot on the floor, one foot above the head
  30. while removing the ribbon to let her hair fall down
  31. while putting up her hair with a smirk or grin
  32. while beckoning with her pointer finger
  33. while beckoning with her middle finger
  34. while sucking on her thumb
  35. while sucking on her middle finger
  36. sucking on her middle finger while rubbing her clit
  37. while doing a slow, graceful, sexy back-walkover (the gymnastics move; bend over backward, hands to the floor, raise one leg up, then bring its toes over and toward the floor, following with the other leg in the same fashion) –best if done naked
  38. curtsy
  39. carrying a tray with one hand near her shoulder, her other hand on her hip
  40. wrists crossed in front of neck, arms straight (as if presenting them, while walking, for binding)
  41. sexy girly pouting
  42. silently crying; watery eyes (many Masters have natural dacryphilia)
  43. carrying an item out in front of her
  44. carrying an item with wrists crossed in front of it over her belly (like how girls tend to carry a notebook or binder)
  45. carrying an item held between her teeth (such as a whip or dog bowl)
  46. closing the door after entry
  47. closing the door most of the way after entry
  48. closing the door after entry, then holding up her pointer finger to her lips and making the ‘shh’ expression
  49. closing the door most of the way after entry, then holding up her pointer finger to her lips and making the ‘shh’ expression
  50. closing the door and pressing her ass, her fingertips, and the back of her head back against it, mouth open, eyes down toward her Master, back arched, one knee forward or up, beckoning him by slowly opening and closing her raised leg
  51. licking her lips
  52. twirling a lock of her hair around her finger
  53. blowing a lock of her hair away from her face (especially sexy when her toes are pointed inward)
  54. looking up and to the side girlishly
  55. holding hands with another kajira
  56. arm around the waist of another kajira
  57. skipping
  58. strolling
  59. blowing a kiss
  60. starting backward, looking over her shoulder to the Master in the room, then pivoting to face him and enter
  61. winking
  62. feigning surprise by raising a hand to cover her mouth, raising her eyebrows, eyes widening a bit
  63. blowing a kiss over her shoulder
  64. raising a hand to cover her mouth while looking over her shoulder
  65. raising her eyebrows once or twice
  66. blushing
  67. saying “meow” in a long, drawn-out, girly way
  68. pointing at her Master in a happy, identifying, arousing way
  69. tracing her fingertip down her throat, between her cleavage, all the way past her bellybutton to flow away at her pussy
  70. stretching her arms up into the air above her head with a big smile
  71. gasping
  72. easing down into a sexy crawl on all hands and knees (“walking on all fours”)
  73. letting her slave-silk (or other outfit) fall to her ankles as she walks in, stepping it out of it without breaking stride
  74. letting just one side of her top fall to her hip, exposing one of her breasts as she continues in
  75. holding up the fabric covering her pussy so her Master can see it for just one second, as if she was straightening her outfit out
  76. holding up the fabric covering her pussy so her Master can see it indefinitely
  77. sucking on a banana, popsicle, or straw
  78. licking slowly and provocatively around an ice-cream cone’s scoop of ice-cream
  79. tilting her head back and forth from one shoulder to the other as she half-bounces during swaying and strutting in
  80. hopping up into the air once; girlish excitement at spotting her Master in the room
  81. kneeling on shins with knees wide open and hands resting over the knees, palms up, sweetly begging for permission to enter, then, upon being granted permission, rises to standing by raising her ass first, then arching her torso up to accentuate her breasts, then bringing her ass in with a motion moving her pussy toward her master *but never linger, loiter, or otherwise block a doorway or other passageway; even a warrior would be punched or thrown aside for this, and any girl guilty of this absentmindedness might be fed alive to wild animals
  82. with the greeting of the time of day, such as hornily saying through a sexy grin “Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, Master(s).”
  83. dancing (other than just belly-dancing)
  84. pointing to her lips
  85. tapping her lips
  86. pointing to her pussy
  87. tapping her pussy with one finger
  88. patting her pussy with one hand
  89. making her ponytail hairstyle swish from side to side
  90. playing a musical instrument, such as the flute or kalika
  91. marching like a prancing show-pony; high knees (to waist level), toes pointed down while above the floor, kicking forward before making each step, then placing the foot down gracefully and evenly on the floor, etc.
  92. pretend-snubbing by seeing the Master/s and saying “hmf!” (a good way to get grabbed by the hair or wrist or both and thrown to the love furs for deep disciplining and other corrective measures, though a girl should be careful to use her body language to indicate very clearly that she is not actually snubbing her Master, lest she be slapped so hard she throws up or loses consciousness)
  93. rolling her eyes (also to incite an aggressive response from her Master/s)
  94. hooded (as in the game called Girl Catch)
  95. escorting another kajira by holding a fistful of her hair and keeping the other girl bent over and heeling at her side; happily fetching Master another treat (like how a loyal dog brings in the rolled-up newspaper)
  96. humming
  97. singing
  98. dressing
  99. undressing
  100. unbuttoning her button-down dress shirt (and walking around so her collarbone, cleavage, belly, midriff, and ‘Y’ are always showing to entice her Master to soon and roughly use her
  101. sliding her panties down (halfway down her ass-cheeks so the top of her pussy shows, or down to her knees, or all the way to the floor –though this can count as a few ways, as listed below)
  102. twirling her panties around her finger (sometimes even smelling them before this is a major turn-on)
  103. whistling two notes to get attention; “whoo-whooooo :D” (as if whistling about herself or how sexy she finds her Master to be when she sees him upon walking in for him)
  104. vertical spread-eagle; feet and hands to the four corners of the doorway (also called The ‘X’ Stance)
  105. (this is #105 from the book) normal walking; just walking straight through
  106. walking backward to show off the back of her hourglass figure
  107. pausing in the doorway to rise up on tiptoes with hands at her hips, palms parallel with the floor
  108. easing down into the forward splits (incredibly arousing when the girl begins to smoothly rise up and down a few inches from this positions, as if bouncing on a cock)
  109. easing down into the splits with legs out to her sides (incredibly arousing when done with wrists crossed above her head or hands placed on the floor behind her to help accentuate her ‘Y’, belly, and breasts)
  110. raising a leg up and slowly grinding on the door-frame as if it was a lover
  111. easing down into the crab position and grinding on the floor as if it was a lover
  112. holding one leg up over her head, then inserting the other hand’s middle finger into her pussy, then sucking on it to the hilt (where it meets her hand) just one time, then using it, still glistening with her pussy dew and saliva, to beckon
  113. all oiled up and glistening from neck to ankles; a treat slippery not only on the inside but also the outside
  114. rubbing and spanking her own ass (loud smacks only; no weak, quiet ones which are often turn-offs)
  115. holding each of her pigtails in one of her hands and rhythmically tugging on them one at a time, back and forth
  116. slowly turn grin toward one raising shoulder
  117. turn to the side and raise breasts up a few times, bringing groin forward each time they lower
  118. sweep hand from side to side, shoulder level, across field of view, making fingers move as if closing around a rope to pull it closer
  119. almost limply, raise arms above head and cross wrists up there while lowering down, knees together, until rapidly moving the knees far apart to expose the entire groin
  120. rapidly lean forward to throw hair up over back of head to hang in front of knees, then immediately raise head, whipping hair right back over head to hang over her back
  121. karate ‘knife hands’; one close to bellybutton while other is just below chin, moving one below chin forward from pout as if a kiss was blown and is being offered
  122. flare one hip, opposite leg bent with its knee forward to the side, holding a fistful of her own hair up above her head
  123. hands balled into lightly closed fists, pivoting to one side while arcing arms over head at the same time but with one many degrees ahead of the other, bouncing down to half-bent legs once they are in front of her (she facing to the side at that point), then bounce back up to proud posture with cute big eyes forward for approval, then pivoting back to other side while arcing both fists back that way in the same manner
  124. pivot around so her backside faces into the room, both hands smacking down evenly around her ass-cheeks and remaining there, squeezing them, then slowly easing both ass-cheeks apart to expose her flawless ass-crack
  125. one hand wipes the sweat off her brow while the other hand lightly pats over her heart
  126. one hand wipes the sweat off her brow while the other hand lightly rubs her lower belly
  127. one hand lightly pats over her heart while the other hand lightly pats over her belly
  128. pose in doorway and raise one knee a bit, touching the tiptoes of that leg’s foot down on the floor twice before switching to have the other leg’s toes do the same two-tap motion, repeating several times like a stationary dance
  129. bold-legged stance, drop down to rest palms on the floor, tapping ass to the floor a few times before rising, ass first, then arching up so that belly and breasts are flared and moving in a girly curve with the ass, repeating after pivoting to one side to give the side view to the Master/s
  130. lean over backward and make arms move like snakes rising over her chest
  131. pivot so backside is toward the Master, lean over backward so her cleavage appears above her from his vantage, then move arms like snakes rising over her chest, eye-locking with him from her inverted face’s position
  132. arms up, wrists crossed over her head, slowly moving her hips as if she is hoolah-hooping in slow motion
  133. one hand near her face as if just about to caress her own cheek, her other arm moving up and unbending to extend her hand on a turning forearm and wrist out to her Master as if to reach for his hand
  134. pivot around, hop so that feet move out to land in the boldest of wide stances, then shake her ass around while slowly easing down into a squatting position and back up
  135. strut slowly forward by slowing down between each step, rotating hips almost sideways with each pivot, speeding up this strut in its intervals by kicking each foot forward and across the rear leg’s position to slowly ease its toes and ball down on the floor, as this helps move the breasts from side to side during walking
  136. while slowly gyrating, move her palms down from the sides of her breasts to just above her hips, fingers always side-by-side and pointing down, thumbs alongside her hands too, then bringing her palms around and over her lower belly as they remain flat on her flesh, moving toward her pussy as her knees just as slowly and smoothly open
  137. quickly and briefly raising her chin as if to nod ‘what’s up?’ in silent recognition of her Master
  138. one arm up, its hand high over head, while other arm is bent, its hand limply sliding down the first arm’s forearm in a wanton caress
  139. one hand forward, fingers and thumbs apart, rising up at a medium to quick pace to hide her face for a moment until it is above her head
  140. one hand forward, fingers and thumbs apart, rising up at a medium to quick pace to hide her face for a moment until it is above her head, all the while her other hand’s pointer finger subtly taps her clit
  141. one hand forward, fingers and thumbs apart, rising up at a medium to quick pace to hide her face for a moment until it is above her head, all the while her other hand takes a fistful of her hair
  142. keeping her eyes on her Master and her head forward, rotate her body from the neck down by smoothly pivoting on her feet as she rises to her tiptoes, making one fluid motion of this partial sideways turn during her one shoulder raising as it flows forward (the shoulder closest to her Master), keeping her far hand’s fingertips lightly hooked around her lower lip, keeping her close hand sliding down the front of her close leg’s top toward her groin, until she is all the way up on her tiptoes, her mouth opening in a horny expression, her eyes rolling up, and her head finally turning to join her body; all of her now sideways
  143. placing one hand high on the door-frame to her side, rising up on her tiptoes while bending back to fully display her belly as the focal point, letting her head roll back to arch her neck and expose the underside of her chin and jaw at the same time
  144. doing one jumping jack but landing with her hands forward and lightly balled into fists, then moving her shoulders up and down (alternating which is up), whipping her hair out as she turns her head to the side, bouncing down halfway toward a squatting position, as if riding a horse or motorcycle over speed-bumps
  145. handspring
  146. back-handspring
  147. cartwheel
  148. somersault
  149. rubbing/massaging her breasts
  150. sticking her tongue down to tease one of her nipples
  151. pinching her nipples
  152. tasting her pussy juice
  153. cupping one hand under her pussy to indicate fresh usage and her desire to hold in what she earned
  154. belly-dancing
  155. drinking milk normally
  156. drinking something while looking up over the rim of the cup she cutely holds with both hands to her lips
  157. sliding her hands into her bra
  158. sliding her hands up under her shirt
  159. sliding her hands down into the front of her shorts/pants
  160. sliding her hands down into the back of her shorts/pants
  161. sliding her middle finger down into the front of her shorts/pants
  162. dressing (sliding a top down over her nude torso)
  163. zipping up her shorts
  164. rolling her yoga pants’ waistband down a few times
  165. smirking/grinning while kissing her middle finger
  166. tapping her middle finger on the side of her mouth/smile
  167. while doing any of the 50 other dance styles taught in Inisfree’s schools and nightclubs (this can count as 50 or more ways to enter a doorway; all the styles and the moves within each of those styles)
  168. spanking herself (ass-cheek/s)
  169. choking herself lightly
  170. giving all of her hair a fun tug with one hand
  171. holding all of her hair in her fist so that it is easier for her Master to take hold of it for himself
  172. donning a ball-gag
  173. carrying a vase or similar item up on one shoulder
  174. unzipping the back of her dress
  175. sliding down her skirt just enough to show her pussy
  176. sliding down her panties just enough to show her pussy
  177. sliding down her panties to her knees
  178. while using a dildo on herself (though each hole of use can count as a way to enter)
  179. with wet hair from a fresh bath or shower
  180. tying the soft belt around her bathrobe
  181. slowly undying the belt of her bathrobe
  182. turning her hat (ball-cap) to the side or back (a dance move in hip-hop)
  183. sucking on the tip of a pen while eye-locking
  184. sucking on the tip of a pen while looking over (or pretending to look over) a notepad
  185. softly/musically/sweetly laughing
  186. moaning/purring
  187. showing her tongue in a U-shape
  188. sliding her middle finger in and out of her mouth atop her tongue in a U-shape
  189. making her needy-eyes o-face
  190. spreading her feet and hands out to reach for and touch the corners of the door-frame; spread-eagle
  191. slapping her own cheek
  192. slapping her tit/s
  193. pausing to raise one knee and then beckon with it by moving it side to side to open and close her legs
  194. while performing the ‘heated serve’
  195. with a ‘tail’ (based on anal beads) hanging out
  196. dressed in various go-go or role-playing outfits, such as the Playboy Bunny hostess/waitress uniform (and all these outfits can count as thousands of ways to enter a doorway)
  197. blindfolded
  198. blindfolding herself
  199. wearing a leash
  200. attaching a leash to her collar

* Notice how none of the ways in that list involve a girl being awkward, manly, out of shape, or not confident.  Clothes can be worn during these entrances, but should always be couture, as few as possible, and as diaphanous as are available.  (And, of course, a girl should always enter with at least one or two of her hottest girlfriends, indicating teamwork (as opposed to competition), polyamory, and all the other heavenly qualities that go with them.)  With this formula, any appropriately-formed and attired girl can make the right and best ‘first impressions’, and those, as they say, are the lasting ones.


From book 5; Assassins of Gor:

One thing of that sort I recall is a trick where the gift/girl feeds the master a grape held between her teeth. She may or may not have her wrists braceleted behind her back for this particular feat. One leg is folded beneath her and the other is extended behind her, toes pointed, and then she lifts the grape delicately to your mouth. Elizabeth and I used to laugh heartily over this one, but I think it was effective, as I seldom got beyond the third grape.

“Observe,” once had said Elizabeth to me, to my amusement, in the secrecy of our compartment, “the twelfth way to enter a room.”

I had observed. It was not bad. But I think I preferred the tenth, that with the girl’s back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature.

“How many ways are there,” I asked, sitting cross-legged in the center of the compartment, on the stone couch, “to enter a room?”

“It depends on the city,” said Elizabeth. “In Ar we are the best; we have the most ways to enter a room; one hundred and four.”

I whistled.

“What about,” I asked, “just walking straight through?”

She looked at me. “Ah,” said she, “one hundred and five!”


Kajirae Holiday:

Expected to feel submissive and eager for any commands year-’round, any girl who graduates, earning the right to be called and used as a kajira, won’t ever have a set day off; she’ll always be completely at the discretion and mercy of her Master/owner.  That being said, kajirae are still prized possessions who are often kept ‘lively’ by giving them errands, challenges, and time to observe exciting sporting events (or even participate in them, such as during games of Girl Catch).  There is also one day each Inisfreean year in which kajirae are the center of attention.

Month 1: Janus (Beginnings)
Week 2
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jan. 14: Dress-up-your-pet (kajira)


2022 Update:  Population and Training Over Time

~260,000 are the pets/property (love/sex slaves) of High King Auz.  During the ~21,000 Earth-years Inisfree’s population increased to its foreseen capacity, that turned out to be ~12 more girls (kajirae) per year.  This does not include all the girls he owns and has had his ICVs train (which totals ~333,300; 260,000 love slaves + the other girls for general labor/use, though they, too, are well-trained to be sexually arousing and satisfying).

In 2013, High King Auz had his first 13; 12 + Sarah Conrad, all kajirae-candidates until the end of their year-long training.  In 2022, he had ~97 kajirae (fully trained) and the next ~12 kajirae candidates (starting / in training).  By 2500, when he was preparing to conduct Black Operations in 34 Tauri for a while, he had ~5,833 (with the latest ~12 in training).

There were 0 kajirae in Inisfree in 2012, and then the first 129,600 (90% of the 144,000 humans ‘raptured’ here) in 2013; all humans raptured to Inisfree started this way (in acclimation and training in this school/facility), though the males (raptured human Outlander men) were just shown how to train females and obey Inisfreeans, not branded or enslaved themselves.

The grand total of girls trained in Inisfree to be kajirae is ~3,329,280 at capacity (by ~23,000 to 24,000 A.D.).  That’s ~158 more per year for the ~21,000 years since 2013.  This city has the room to train as many as ~6,658,560 if all the annexes/cells/rooms of its Kajirae Training Facility are used.

Training was loose and based on tips in the Gor novels in 2013, improved by the ICVs, then finalized by High King Auz this year; in 2022.  This year, High King Auz decided to have all kajirae in Inisfree return to the Kajirae Training Facility for a week-long refresher course once every month or two, based on the performance of each girl.  At capacity, alternating groups of Inisfree’s kajirae so that an even portion of them come every month, that means ~256,098 of them during each of Inisfree’s 13 months –though those are further separated into overlapping groups kept in separate silos of that facility, resulting in ~64,024 girls being there each week (for the rest of time).

Branding of these girls happens often and is common, but it is not a required part of training or graduation; it is up to each Master/owner whether his girl/s shall receive such a mark.  We do not brand all girls who graduate.  Default branding is a Gorean practice.  Here, again, it is up to the (their) Masters –or, when a free female volunteers to sample life as a kajira in our city, up to herself.

Being branded a kajira on Gor means the girl is a kajira unless a Master frees her.

Being branded a kajira in Inisfree means she has completed the toughest kajirae training, but she can still choose to live as a free woman again if she belongs to a Master, such as High King Auz, who usually prefers voluntary kajirae.

Whenever a girl has a collar on, it means she is a kajira, not just trained as one; the collar means she is not free, and that she enjoys beings a female pleasure slave.

Ownership is indicated by the Master’s name or sigil on her collar.

Only the worst offenders receive a branding in addition to the tiny cursive Gorean “k” for “kajira”; some offensive girls might also, in extreme cases, be branded with a “t” for thief or traitor, or something to that effect.

*Since nearly all attractive females in the Outlands were 1) in the unhealthiest places, and 2) behaving rudely, uneducatedly, and unfemininely, this program is absolutely critical to saving human femininity and restoring value to that wayward species so desperately in need of these corrections –and of permanent/eternal guidance from us.  High King Auz’s Kajirae Training Program has been the saving grace of both their sex (gender) and their species; they had lost their femininity without/before it.  Even the sexiest females in the Outlands seemed to have no idea how to be truly/fully feminine/sexy until he launched and proved this portion of Inisfree’s educational system.


2023 Update:  Usual Reaction

What girls captured/liberated and trained by us here almost always say/realize/report:
“He slaved me out before I was even a teenager.  Do you know what that does to a girl that young?  It’s a miracle.  It was the best thing that ever happened to me; perfect structure, agreeable supervision, encouragement to be what I am, daily orgasms, sometimes orgasms that are out of this world, help screening every sex partner, guaranteed meals and safety, no working-class grind…  I could never fully express my gratitude or repay him.  My stress is as low as it’s ever been, and my health, mood, and outlook are all sky-high.”

You can’t rape the willing.

Sexy/’real’ females always want to be seen, used, and treasured as the sex-objects they were born/destined to be.

Only confused/defective ones ever long to be something unfeminine/combative/melodramatic.


2023 Update 2:  What Girls Say

  • Clary and my other kajirae have been taught to say to me, “Use me to cum, please.” and all of the following:
  • “Use me like the slutty little plaything I am.”
  • “I need your erect penis inside me right now.”
  • “So, Auz, my god, sir, please accept this humble offering that I give willingly, freely, desperately.”
  • “I love being naked on my knees in front of you.”
  • “I love your cock at all times.”
  • “I love that your cock gets so hard for me.”
  • “I want to please your body with mine.”
  • “I want to be an object of your desire. That is how I want to honor you. That is how I want to thank you for all you do for me.”
  • “I want to praise you. I want to thank you and serve you.”
  • “I want to make you feel good.”
  • “May I, sir?”
  • They sit on their shins naked, perfect posture, in the middle of the living room, and blush as they bid me, “Welcome home, Master!”
  • They hold still while I tie them to the breakfast table chair naked so I can feed them as we chat about how our day will be.
    Then I have other kajirae eat their pussies while I handfeed or spoonfeed them.
    I tell them if they finish everything on their plate, I will fuck and cum in them before setting them free for the day.
  • “Sir, please fuck my holes.”
  • “Sir, this girl’s holes need attention. Please use this girl, sir.”
  • “Sir, this girl requests permission to speak.”
  • “Sir, this girl requests permission to cum.”
  • “Sir, this girl requests permission to be fucked by your / her Master’s cock.”
  • “This girl’s pussy is thirsty, Master.”
  • “This girl’s holes crave usage, Master.”
  • “It is an honor to be used by you, Master.”
  • “Thank you for giving this girl purpose today, Master.”
  • “May this girl please kiss the tip of her Master’s cock in deep gratitude for it cumming inside her?”

All my non-slave wives, girlfriends, and other fuck-buddies love speaking this way to/for me, as well.  This is Inisfree.  Amen.


2023 Update 3:  Notable Kajirae Trained Here

  • Sarah and the first human females allowed in Inisfree:  2013 A.D.; Raptured girls, some preteen, some teen, some still looking teen/prime n their 20s (basically anyone who was ready/worthy, based not on their age, but on their natural sexual maturity and mental capacity, etc.; only and all those who were destined/”called”)
  • Ariel:  ~2020
  • Melissa:  2021
  • Clary:  2022
  • Ashtanna:  2023 August
  • Talena:  late 2030s
  • and other gifts from planet Gor
  • girls from my own Voyages of Acquisition, such as those picked up by Persephone
  • eventually all my (Auz’s) wives and other fuckbuddies –including all of my daughters

100% of females in Inisfree have eventually and at least once volunteered for this program, as it is in their nature and they enjoy it.

*With only ~6.6 million ( 6,658,560 ) spots in the facility, and some 3M kajirae (and/or kajirae-candidates normally here, 1.8B/3M = 600 month-long or year-long time-periods needed; 50-600 years, spread out based in when all those 1.8B females ended up having time to commit to that many weeks or months of daily and nightly training.  In other words, until ~24,000 A.D. when Inisfree reaches its foreseen/destined capacity, there is plenty of time to fully train -as a top-notch kajira here- every last/single female allowed in Inisfree.


2023 Update 4:  The Correct Mentality of a kajira

“I am an animal and the property of my Master. My purpose in life is to be pleasurable to my Master. My collar and brand are great honors I must daily live up to. I am eager to obey my Master at all times. I depend on my Master for everything. I will always fuck exactly how my Master prefers me to. I love all fellow kajirae and will always help them as best I am permitted by my Master. If it seems like my Master is neglecting or denying or starving me, I shall redouble my efforts to re-earn my Master’s attraction. Mere excellence at my job may be tolerated, but perfection at submissive service to all is the goal.”

Kajirae Examples & Attire:

Movie Scene with Green Slave-silk:

Art from Second Life:

Gorean Lounges in Which Kajirae are Plenty:


It is extremely unnatural and disrespectful to nature, the gods (and goddesses), and the female gender/sex in general, to set up a civilization/society in which any females at all are not able to live as complete submissives / play-things / “accessories”; real/normal females desire this, are attractive enough to merit/warrant such training and lifestyle, and always greatly benefit from it in a variety of ways, as do all who behold such appropriately-educated/-trained females.
While not all females in our civilization/realm are always kajirae, all of them are sexy enough, and aligned enough with the High King (Auz; me), to always have the option of, at least some of the time, from time to time, living as these best-trained full-use (sex) slave-girls.
That is why all normal/healthy/sane females feel safest, healthiest, most natural, most respected, freest (to be themselves; what their feminine nature longs for), and completely loved/desired/wanted in our realm, especially around its founder (Auz).

2024 June 20 Thursday:  “Yes, cum in me!  Cum in your little pet!” she begs or at least thinks.  (original caption of this GIF)


How Kajirae Love Hugging Their Masters:

How Kajirae are Taught to Run Sexily/Cutely:

The Brand for kajira:

2024 June/+:

Every time someone requests we get them girls, we read their minds, see all the people they have met or talked with online, then know all the info about those people, thus which ones want the girls, plus what they intend to do with those girls. This way, evil anti-nature feds can’t pretend to be clients, and honest clients can’t get tricked by such feds attempting to use them as middlemen to re-kidnap/-enslave (the bad way; via fake debt, etc.) girls we liberated into kajira-lives (which all sexy girls want and confirm to us). Any feds who attempt to trick us, we liberate the females in their families next, then frame those feds for the losses; it is most unwise to fuck with us, especially when it comes to these perfect feminine wonders who deserve the best lives of their wildest instincts/dreams.

I (Auz) am not vague when training my kajirae candidates; I would not say something like, “Your cooking better get better.” I would instead say something like, “I like these things [which I would at this point name/explain] about what you just cooked, and if you adjust the ingredients or method in these ways [elaboration here]… I will like it even more.”
Good girls (whether my kajirae or not; all females who have correct instincts/natures/mindsets) are always thrilled with that specificity; they then know exactly how to improve and stay in my good graces.
More accurately, my ICVs train my kajirae candidates, and then I further advise/guide those trained girls once they are (graduated) kajirae who have already memorized the basics of how to be good to me.

A good way for a kajira to answer the question, “What is your name?” is:
“Master, this girl’s name is [her given name here], if it pleases Master.”  This means she is open to being named/called whatever her owner/s think is a good/sexy name for her.  Good girls don’t care what people call them, so long as they are pleasing to the people who keep/own/rule them.

To the evil fools trying to make all people unnatural/queers, specifically those lippy scumbags who, instead of complimenting females who made sure they look their best, insulted them And me by condescendingly saying, “Other than being pretty, what does she do?”, you retards seem to not grasp the obvious fact that a wrench is not a pair of scissors, and a pair of scissors should likewise not be misused as if it was a wrench; let pretty sex objects be what they are, what they are Meant to be, and what they naturally Love to be. Also, you obviously are too uncivilized and uneducated to know that pretty girls are talented at far more things than you peasant laborers who are barely trained to do a single specialization. I bet None of you shit-talkers can cook healthily, dance amazingly, play musical instruments well, mend all clothing, sing with voices on par with the Angels and Mermaids, and guarantee not just orgasms but energy-gasms.  When normal (healthy, sexy, etc.) females are allowed to be what they naturally are, all those things come easily for them –and the training just perfects all those many priceless abilities/talents.
Besides, a pretty girl does not need to be anything other than pretty; being pretty is more than enough, as that is what refocuses the eyes and mind, and soothes the body and spirit.  Duh, you moody homosexual jackasses.


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Also see:

“Slaves To Rome” Gladiator
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