There is an invisible ‘bubble’ zone around Inisfree, hiding it from view, even from satellites.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Introduction
  3. Weather Conditions
  4. Ancient, Repeating History
  5. Restricted Land and Aerospace
  6. Allowed Lifeforms
  7. Basis
  8. 2023/+ Updates
  9. Maps & Overall (Images Begin)
  10. Concept
  11. Terrain
  12. Sky
  13. 2022 Update:  Views from the Scale-model in Minecraft



  1. extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
    “her ethereal beauty”
    Similar:  airy, beautiful, delicate, diaphanous, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, light, lovely, subtle
    • heavenly or spiritual.
      “ethereal, otherworldly visions”
      Similar:  celestial, divine, Elysian, heavenly, holy, otherworldly, paradisiacal, spiritual, sublime, unearthly
    (of a solution) having diethyl ether as a solvent.
    “sodium is dissolved in ethereal solutions of aromatic ketones”
early 16th century: via Latin from Greek aitherios (from aithēr ‘ether’) + -al.



This is the name given by the Inisfreeans to define the immediately adjacent outer sphere that buffers their Perimeter Wall and home-city. The “Outer Spheres” include many layers of the orbs of Earth and the Cosmos, as well as the spheres of consciousness and reality. The Perimeter Orb is the one ‘outer sphere’ which includes a few more miles (in all directions) of Antarctica (Antarktis in German), some of the hidden, natural passages to many of the continent’s warm, subterranean river cavern-tubes beneath the 2 miles of the vertical ice sheet, and its aurora-laced aerospace, as well as all of Inisfree’s Sentry Towers. A lethal, frozen realm, it serves as a natural barrier against all those the Inisfreeans call ‘zombie Outlanders’.

To reiterate some of what is elaborated upon on the webpages detailing this and its adjacent realms, Inisfreeans call everything beyond Antarktis and the Southern Ocean ‘the Extreme Exterior’, while Antarktis and the Southern Ocean they call ‘Outside the Orb’; a reference to the orb or sphere which encases their home-realm and all Inisfreean forces when they are not deployed. The closest one can get to the city, Inisfree, without actually entering its border (the Perimeter Wall) is known as being in Inisfree’s Perimeter Orb, meaning that one is between the two layers of its spherical energy shield, invisibility cloak, and semi-permeable smart-membrane; within the realm designated as Inisfree’s perimeter, which happens to be a relatively thin outer layer of a sphere.

But why not call the harsh, frigid environment of Antarktis extreme? Why is only the Rest of Earth in the realm Inisfreeans designate as ‘the Extreme Exterior’? The answer is that Inisfreeans do not consider Antarktis to be extreme, and are perfectly capable of roaming around carefree, barefoot and even nude, even in its long winter and dark months, hurricane-force blizzards, and the stunning, gleaming glare of the sunlight it reflects off its ice domes in the Summer. ‘Extreme’ to the Inisfreeans is how the humans, who largely dominate(d) that beyond-Antarctica realm, behave.​​


Weather Conditions:

Weather in this ‘buffer zone’ around the perimeter of our city is not regulated by our technology or willpower/focus.  It will generally be exactly like the weather farther out (outside this zone/orb), just with the optical-illusion effect we’ve set up; even if there is no blizzard when you are here, you will only be able to see the perimeter-wall of our city, not anything inside, and the farther away from that wall you move… the more atmospheric-haze begins to make it fade out of view as if there was a blizzard all around it.  Even in clear-skies weather and bright direct-sunlight, nothing inside that wall will be visible to anyone outside it; they’ll only see what appears to be a blurry white haze, as if there is only more blank/untouched Antarctic terrain within/between its four straight sides.

The same system for categorizing outings-affecting weather brackets used by the Outlanders’ research-stations is used by Inisfree.  Basically, there are three main categories, 3 being the mildest weather, and 1 being weather which shuts down almost all outdoor operations other than critical/emergency ones.

  1. Condition 1 weather:  severe weather such as high winds (hurricane-force) and blizzards / whiteout, i.e. almost no visibility and no chance of completing even the simplest tasks without supervision and extra safety measures/gear
  2. Condition 2 weather:  concerning/worsening weather, intermediate/transitional, limiting longer-range and longer-duration missions, most convoys and flights requested to return to base so their personnel can stay inside, not having to set up tents / camps
  3. Condition 3 weather:  relatively mild; still very cold for most people unacclimated to polar climate-zones, but high visibility, low wind, and an easy-enough time getting round and completing most/all tasks

Details are here.


​​Ancient, Repeating History:

Antarktis is thought to have once been at least a big part of the empire called Atlantis; when it was younger and farther north, when Pangaea had just started to split and spread out.  Today, it houses Rainbow City.  As changing ocean levels -and other factors- resulted in the legend of that whole realm sinking, so it seems that realm will again; the thawing ice has significantly contributed to ocean levels rising, and much of Antarktis may one day be island chains void of any signs of the ice which once shrouded the entire continent and much of its surrounding ocean.


Restricted Land and Aerospace:

Although the Dry Valley and several new large swaths of fertile soil and vegetation make this isolated and pristine environment ideal for colonization, NAZI Germany’s 4th Reich prevented anything other than tiny, defenseless research camps from ever being established here.  With Repulsines, laser and maser weapons, and wooden stealth fighter-interceptors, as well as flying saucers and clone armies, the NAZIs preserved Antarctica until the events of 2012 and 2013, at which point FOB 1, Inisfree, took the reins, and continued their preservation efforts for the next 500 years (and counting).


Allowed Lifeforms:

Seals along the continent’s coast (hundreds of miles away), penguins a mile inland, and rare birds and Yetis are the only indigenous peoples, with the exception, of course, of the Inisfreeans of FOB 1, near the South Polar Hole and its Aurora Australis-generating vortex.  Only the Inisfreeans ever end up this close to Inisfree; within this orb/zone.  Never has any other lifeform wandered this close, and only the ignorant and innocent (i.e. passing birds, etc.) would ever be allowed (other than for, of course, invited guests and residents).

If you take one step into this orb/zone/buffer of ours, you’d better have an invitation from High King Auz himself.



Inisfree is not visible until you get within the sky-dome –because its sky-dome bends Antarctic light/whiteness around from the other side, no matter which way you are facing/looking at it.

2023 November note:  Light itself, and air, and time-space, you name it, all does the will of the High King, God of Gods, Auz now –and wants and loves to.  This is part of the actual Laws of Nature/Physics.


2023/+ Updates


The sky-dome is barely around the outer corners of the perimeter wall,
and the wall is 11.5 miles along its outer sides,
and the hypotenuse of 11.5 and 11.5 is 16.26,
so the radius of the sky-dome is at least 8.13 miles.
To ensure even the top vertices of the outside of the perimeter wall are all inside the sky-dome’s cloaking-effect, we’ll set the sky-dome’s radius at 8.25 miles, making the sky-dome’s diameter 17 miles.



Some of the most powerful magic/spellcasting in all the worlds/realms is here; this ‘buffer’ around the holiest of cities, Inisfree, is so magically reinforced by the best wizards, sorceresses, and deities, that it automatically reveals all cloaked things entering it, their intentions and essences and all, undoing whatever inappropriate plans they may have had, aligning them to the will of the High King (me; Auz), and so on.

Projectiles, beams, and anything else (even spells) sent into this ‘buffer’ automatically calm down and fall from the sky, never hitting their marks, rendered inert, unable to explode even upon sudden impact with Antarctic ice or rock.

There is nothing that can penetrate this ‘buffer’ without the High King’s (my) consent/agreement, not even determination or stubbornness in beings who had previously known no one capable of changing their minds/hearts.

  • Synth’-cum (artificial cum arguably better than the original/natural stuff in many ways) disappears upon exiting my realm; for example, any female who had some of it stuck on her or her outfit will find that it is no longer there once exiting my realm through this barrier/region.  The cum inside her (pussy or wherever), however, of course is allowed to remain; that is pleasurable to her, and resonating agreeable with me, meaning I like when females who are compatible with me are enjoying the sensations of cum being inside them.  This means that something made in my realm is able to exit my realm, but studying it would prove difficult, as it is based on SRC, thus beyond the ability of Outlander-tech’ to peer into or alter.
  • Food being digested / poop not yet pooped… makes it through, though.  Someone therefore could induce vomiting after exiting my realm, then study it at an Outlands lab, but all they’d find is that it is the healthiest food possible; there would be no traces of even microscopic contaminants such as herbicides or pesticides.

All who enter here should do so knowing that they will instantly and seamlessly become allied with me as my eternal willing subordinates.
(Healing and forming friendships with guests/locals here takes time, of course, but alignment for those pre-screened and accepting the invitation to enter is automatic and very pleasurable.)

The entire is city is above/beyond Star Trek/Fleet-level shielded; it is antimatter-proof.
Nuclear-weapon detonations would be like cork-gun hits/taps to it.  (Starfleet vessels were designed to easily withstand endless and barrages of impacts from particle collisions during warp-speed/travel, so you get the idea.)
The wall by itself can withstand such things, and even solar events.
Paired with its shield, not to mention the enchantments/spells, it is triply invincible.


Just like a clean window allows for a lifelike direct view of what is on its other side, the sky-dome over Inisfree’s upper-half affords a natural-/unobstructed-looking view of the sky. This is because it lets in harmless things I want, such as gentle moon- and star-light, and always keeps out anything that I wouldn’t want in my realm.


Maps & Overall:




2022 Update:  Views from the Scale-model in Minecraft

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