“Lust and gluttony, the only two sins worth committing.”


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Etymology
  3. Basics
  4. Combat & Skills
  5. Personality & Traits
  6. Background
  7. Additional Notes
  8. Aphrodite & Auz
  9. Her (Images Begin)
  10. Concepts
  11. 2022 and Beyond
  12. Her Personality with Auz
  13. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  14. 2024 October/+



“If only life was made out to be what we all hoped and dreamed — possessing the power of love, and having whomever the heart desired. Passionate love and immortal beauty was as much of a blessing than it was a curse. To be vain means to always be questioning one’s self-worth, and wadding on the edge of complete self destruction in the interloom. While it gives the illusion of pure satisfaction, living a life of beauty and desire generally came with the notion of hatred and detest. The fire burning within an individual wasn’t always readily available to be extinguished without leaving the thirst behind. Beauty was not in the eye on the beholder, but to whom was able to possess it either by want or need.
It left behind the constant need of wanting what is unhad in its wake — a devastating defeat of cat and mouse that was rendered cursed for eternity.

Having what you wanted didn’t always mean there was happiness at the end of that long, deserted road — since when did anyone know what they really wanted, anyway?”

At least… that was what the brainwashed and negativity-infected Outlander who posted about her… thought; the Inisfreeans saw right through that, boiling all this down to a simpler, objective, more accurate truth.  Maybe –hopefully– that Outlander had just been testing them/us; she might have wanted to see if we would agree… or better understand, enjoy, and uplift the real Aphrodite.  We did –and still do.



  • Aphrodite:  from the Greek word afrós (αφρός), meaning “foam”
  • Ourania:  from the Greek word ouránio (ουράνιο), meaning “heavenly”

Thus her name can be translated as “(a/the) heavenly foam” –which is, of course, cum or the orgasmic sensation, especially when a full-bodied one; an energy-gasm.

Like that concept or feeling, she is uniform/smooth, desirable almost always, flawless/perfect, flowing/graceful, and as close to being in Heaven/Source as most individuals can ever get, if only briefly.



  • Pronunciation:  aa-“fro”-“DIE”-“tee”
  • Race:  God(dess)
  • Height:  5’ 6”
  • Weight:  126 lbs
  • Breasts:  perky C-cups
  • Hair:  Light Blonde
  • Gender:  Female
  • Eyes:  Light Blue
  • Alias:  “Dite” ( DIE-tee )
  • Distinguishing Feature/s:  Pure beauty
  • Age:  524 ( appears late 20s )
  • Body Type:  Thin, Healthy
  • Location:  (home on) Mt. Olympus
  • Relationship/s:  married to Hephaestus
  • Associates:  Hephaestus, Athena
  • Sexual Preference:  Straight
  • Ruling Domain:  Love • Passion • Beauty • Pleasure
  • Ruling Symbol:  Dove • Golden Apple • Mirror


Combat & Skills:

Magical Belt — woven by the magical powers of love and desire; worn when applicable. Causes others to fall in love with the wearer.

Handheld Mirror — never is she without it. When dangerously envious, one glance at herself sometimes eases her tension.


Personality & Traits:

“There is no one lovelier than the one who loves herself.”  Aphrodite loves the way she looks, sounds, moves, fucks, you name it.  Others may love themselves, too, and some may fake loving themselves, but only those who are perfect in every way truly fully love themselves –and that vibe really cannot be mistaken… or resisted.  (And when a person loves himself/herself fully, that means he/she also cannot resist himself/herself; that’s where the perceived/labeled conceitedness comes in.)

  • Apparel:  Always dresses elegant • Obsession with jewelry (at least until she learned High King Auz regards that stuff as ugly, in a way; since learning that, she has become more focused on making herself whatever he really desires –which is, of course, a woman compatible with him, never one who does anything he doesn’t like)
  • Unarmed & Non-Combative
  • Very mixed personality — Vain • Ill-tempered • Jealous • Self-centered • Easily Offended • Frightful • Physically Weak • Flirtatious • Stuck up • Alluring (and she’ll have to really work on getting control of some of that, as all the negative personality traits will get her booted straight out of Inisfree, possibly for good)
  • Interests:  Sex • Admiring herself • Talking about herself • Doves • Seashells • Loving herself (and these things may be her saving grace, as far as being allowed into Inisfree and the rest of the Inisfreean realm)
  • Mannerisms:  Snobbish and feels above others
  • Strengths:  Beauty • Persuasive • Wields the ability to make individuals fall in love • Influential • Manipulative (and this is fine, as far as Auz and the Inisfreeans are concerned, as long as she only manipulates the people they don’t like; the moment they detect she is even considering trying to manipulate anyone of or allied with Inisfree, and she is out –and likely clandestinely preemptively manipulated just to make a point)
  • Weaknesses:  Ruthlessly Envious • Unfaithful • Overly Lustful • Spiteful • Vindictive • Will chose to pursue love and pleasure rather than following morality • Is possibly the weakest of all Gods • Unarmed & Non-Combative (and she will soon come to understand why Auz and the Inisfreeans regard, at least, the unfaithful part as actually being moral/ethical, at least in some cases / relationship-types)



The actual birth of Aphrodite was always in speculation. Some claim she was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus, after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Others bear the right to believe she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. In the end, it held no real preference as she was alive either way, whether the times accepted it or not.

As difficult as it may seem, Aphrodite did not have a childhood to speak of as she was created into adulthood upon coming out of the sea. Without memories of her youth, she knows – nor can relate – to the experiences of children even despite the fact she had many of her own throughout her circulation.

In light of her astonishing beauty — Aphrodite spent the majority of her time either in the mirror or in the company of Gods — male Gods, specifically. She also enjoyed nature and animals, even having special bonds and influences by mating certain species. ( eg: animals with animals, before you get it twisted. o.o )

Another great love of Dite’s was her passion for jewelry. Not only did she admire and relish in each piece’s appearance, but also in the fact that they were all different in their own accord — much like the Gods were.

To her — variety was the spice of life!

Currently, Dite is not pleased with her situation — being basically given and wed to Hephaetus by her father Zeus, even if it was in efforts to prevent her being taken by their rivals. At the moment, she is giving love a chance with her newly bonded husband, as this is what her entire story is about — love and power.

Dite is a very manipulating and spiteful individual, who continues to weaken herself with her own self-centered and ruthlessly envious personality. She’s notorious for finding herself in tedious situations, and isn’t afraid to use her beauty to her benefit. She falls in love easily and lusts even deeper.


Additional Notes:

AMATHU′SIA or AMATHU′NTIA (Amathousia or Amathountia), a surname of Aphrodite, is derived from the town of Amathus in Cyprus, one of the most ancient seats of her worship.

524 years old (in 2020; born in 1496?  No; Greek mythology was well-written in the 700s BC, and based on stories passed down at least since 3000 BC, so if Aphrodite claimed to be 524 when she opened that channel to introduce herself to Auz, it means either she was contacting him from millennia ago… or that time passes differently for her, perhaps because of a Mount Olympus effect… or that she was making up a big number, not caring to share her actual age in Earth-years.)  Actual age would likely be:  ~5,000 Earth-years, maybe much more.  If she time-travels and really is only 524 years old in 2020, then the stories about her are said to be at least ~2,700-5,000 years old.

2023 October:

Ourania, from Uranus, meaning sky/heaven, and it literally once was; that world used to be a big part of Earth’s original atmosphere, and where many gods migrated when it separated, becoming a planet of its own

Saying Uranus’s descendants include

  • Gaia
  • Titans
  • Cronus
  • Cyclopes
  • Hecatoncheires
  • Oceanus

means Uranus separating from Earth caused the Earth to finish forming,
its giant first humanoids to exist/evolve,
time to become marked (since there was now movement in the sky),
one-eyed humanoids to exist,
and the first ocean (filled/made by much of the first atmosphere then descending/precipitating).
(unsure what the Hecatoncheires are; 3 giants, each w 50 heads and 100 hands)

Persephone is daughter of Uranus according to Hesiod, or Zeus (sky) and Dione (a Titaness) according to Homer; she is a creation of primordial gods, but when exactly… and why? To create the first feelings of love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation?
Sacred prostitution also developed from belief in her.

Regis Companions:  They worship Aphrodite (among others) and maintain the practices of sacred prostitution.


Aphrodite & Auz:

Default-prioritizing love, lust, variety, and power? –and introducing herself to Auz without him having to request her? –and doing so in the sexiest way ever for Phase 2?  This timeless hottie was a shoe-in for Inisfree.

These two met when other gods opened a channel for them to kick things off in ~2020.
She demonstrated a phenomenal level of sexual descriptive writing and compatibility, obviously meant for him to see and feel drawn to.
The gods had been watching his development, and knew how to please him.

Obviously, he went for what he wanted, and she liked feeling lusted after and pursued, especially by him.
She told him directly that she was so interested in him she was practically screaming it.
She and the others wanted to know if, when he built Inisfree, he would protect the portal nearby that location to their ‘world’.
She also wanted to know if he liked her.
“To see you is to want you,” he neutrally shared the Gorean novels line, and she realized she would have to do a lot more for him than just be pretty.
If she was to have any power from and with him at all, and enjoy any of the benefits of Inisfree, such as the protection its powerful people could provide even for deities like her, she would have to actually treat him and them very well.

Not much later, she pressed him to find out if they would really accept someone like her; a woman who was conceited, etc.,
and he explained, “Yes and no;” Inisfree is not that different, having uncompromising standards, and so on.
She would fit in, even though she didn’t think it just yet.

Then a rude fool, it vibed, resulted in him no longer having access to that channel, …but Aphrodite had accepted his friendship link there, so he still had contact with her; his direct contact with her, longer than his with those other ‘gods’, had been destined.
She was kind of a cunt about it when he asked what had happened and if she would speak to them to figure it out (though that was made clear in advance; via the information about herself she emailed and linked him to).
No response came from her, so he dropped the matter –and contact with her.
Nearly a year and a half later, his work resulted in him spotting her saved dossier again; her images, expressions, and introductory paragraphs re-stirred him for her, and he realized they had never been meant to write, but definitely to keep in touch –and one day begin fucking.

Aphrodite was welcomed into Inisfree on the condition that she always treat Auz and those he loves like gods and goddesses themselves, worshipping them every time they want her, and manipulating only Outlanders who are incompatible with them.
If she can master herself and coexist with them that way, she will always be protected by them, no longer bound to her husband or at risk of being taken by other beings, deities or not.
She also won’t need those golden apples anymore to stay flawlessly young and beautiful.

“Like you,” he told her as they walked hand in hand, she naked, through the city tour he almost never personally hosted anymore, “they are born fully developed, not having a childhood like modern humans tend to. They will appreciate that about you. They will also be able to sense when you have the urge or attempt to manipulate any of us, so don’t waste your own time; they will out-play you –gently, but always. You’ll get a lot more from them if you just practice forthrightness with them. Now let’s fuck. You are here, so I want you.”

(As it had turned out, and turned out well, she was never meant to relate to those who had experienced ‘normal’ human childhoods; she was meant to eventually relate to Auz and the ICVs, who, like her, had not.)

From that day on, Aphrodite understood, and always offered herself fully, sexually, to High King Auz before saying a single word during any of their meetings.

Eventually he told her, “You may now, as long as you and I remain compatible, represent the others of your race of gods. They are not yet approved to be here in my realm, but you are, so you may speak for them when they have something to say. I cannot protect them unless they are allies with me, but I can offer assistance in various ways from time to time, always based on how much I am enjoying my time with you, their finest.”

Perhaps her only point of concern when being in Inisfree… is that all jewelry is contraband, forbidden, never present anywhere within their territory. Females like her are considered to be the jewelry; the accessories; the eye-candy.

That, and the fact that she is heterosexual, while the Inisfreeans prize bisexual and pansexual attractive females above all else, has worried her; if she wants the full range of the powers and protections they can bestow, she knows she’ll only be able to acquire those things by catering to their orientation.  They will never ask nor force her to, but that is still how it is.  What will she decide to do?

In no other place or time of her life has she felt so much the worshipped and lusted after center of attention than when in the presence of Auz and his Inisfreeans.  Inisfree is fast becoming her greatest addiction.  They even agree with her that she is, as she feels, better than so many others, even with her personality traits some smallminded/shortsighted humans assumed to be negative.

Auz affectionately calls her “A”, indicating she is “A1”; Aphrodite is as sexy as it gets.  He strokes her ego honestly this way, and in others, and she adoringly returns the appreciated recurring favor, hornily stroking him and his.

When in his realm/city, she has one of the temple-residences reserved for her atop Inisfree’s Mountain on Corinthians landform.  As long as she treats the ICVs and kajirae there respectfully, they wait on her, hand and foot, treating her like beloved royalty.  If ever she gets envious of, or rude to, even a single one of them, the Inisfreean police will send her packing, likely never to return (which, technically, makes her “on probation”; she is a “trial guest”, having been found only partially compatible during her pre-screening / first-encounter).

It has been explained to her that to have ultimate power as a sexy female in his realm, capital of all realms, the best and surest way to do that is to complete the Kajirae Program –even to the point of (at least / only when she is visiting him) wearing a slave collar she doesn’t have the key for.  Yes, this means if she wants full power, she’ll have to be bi and ‘pan’ for him/them when in their realm, and she’ll have to start learning and mastering that… by getting locked up in their prison.  Such is the Gorean-enriched Inisfreean Way.

“The more outsiders you sleep with and manipulate, especially when to my/our advantage, the more I want and crave and seek you, A’,” he looked in her eyes and honestly told her.  Food for thought.  He is uplifting her in accordance with her nature and capabilities, just as he was taught since his own pre-godhood training.

Will Auz ever go to Mt. Olympus, and not just the one on Mars?  Only if the people there prove to have the kind of manners he requires.  We shall see.

Whatever happens between him and them at this point, they have become part of his extended family, as Aphrodite and he, even though she has already had other lovers, children, and at least one husband, are growing very close.


More TBA…



2022 and Beyond:

“A” is getting the hang of it.

“I need to be unfaithful,” she pants on the phone when I answer.

“I need you to be unfaithful, too,” I (High King Auz) almost growl my lust and need for her.  “Come over; let’s cheat on our spouses together.”

“YEHHHS,” she almost screams with full-bodied agreement, alignment, and equal sky-high need.  Hanging up without even thinking anymore, she was fast on her way straight to me at the my office.

Few people look so directly and purposefully into each other’s eyes when they take tight hold of each other, fuck, and make each other cum together.  There was nothing else on our minds.  We came hard –and over and over again, our hands trembling as we clung to one another’s flesh, not letting go for one second… for hours.

At the end of August this year, again she reaches out for me; I get a text from her asking, “Hey, um…  Wanna cheat today?”

I happily reply, “Hell yeah, babe.  Come on over.”  I can telepathically and remote-empathically sense and see her smiling ear to ear when she receives and reads it, and I know she is fast on her way, her whole being feeling alive, wanted, already/pre-embraced.

We make perfect love for a full hour before calling our not-so-quicky complete.  Then we lounge side by side, I on my back, her draped halfway over me, just feeling each other and breathing together in the afterglow, and we kiss sweetly many times, basking in what we’ve just done, our synergy as divine as it gets.  I stop her before she leaves, and fuck her where she stands at the door, refilling her one last time for good measure, which gets her panting all over again and giving me even more of that irresistibly horny gaze she now so often does.

“I’ll marry you one day, Auz,” she purrs as I reluctantly slip back out of her to let her finally go for the day.  “You’ll see.”

I grin.  “I know.”

Biting her lower lip as she instinctively looks at mine, she then moves back in for a life-changing kiss on the lips, and we indulge in each other several minutes more.  Turning so her stance allows me an easy smack of her ass, she purrs and giggles when I give that to her, really gripping and groping it, letting her feel my need and love.  Blowing me a kiss over her shoulder, she struts out of our Inisfreean hotel room and back on her way –to fuck many more, never stopping her eternal cheating brilliance, just as it should be with goddesses such as her.

“I first despised you for not being easily controlled by my looks or wanting me more than you did,” she confided in me after our latest cheat-hangout; “you seemed so cold, so… well, not unlike me; above everyone.”  She continued softly, though, “Now I love you for not requiring of my race me as a bargaining chip to warrant your protection of our realm.”  She kissed my lips sweetly and for a while.  “You showed me you will let me keep being myself 100%, not controlled in any way, not limited to just one man.  I adore you for that, my love.  I adore you, …my king.”

I remembered how I had told her, back when we’d first been put in contact with one another by all the rest of her gods-kin, “I was going to do that anyway.”  I had already intended to protect the opening to their secret ‘world’ once Inisfree was placed/active –and (protect) them, so long as they treated me well.  This had probably shocked them; I had completely effortlessly disregarded their offer for literally their sexiest woman ever… in spite of my obvious interest in that kind of thing.  Maybe this made them realize they had no way to persuade me; I would simply do what I would do, whether they were involved or not; they would have to behave around me to earn anything from me, and they were no longer gods –at least not on my level.

In the many years of our reunions ahead, Aphrodite is destined to wholeheartedly become my most-active fuck-buddy and hot-wife; she’ll put on more sex shows for me, and treat me to more adoring sexting, also hosting more wife-swapping and orgy parties than even my sister hot-wife, Freyja, goddess of sex, and even more than the Universally-renowned seductress, Amora.  Thanks to Aphrodite, the Vril-powered technology of Inisfree will have an endless and practically perpetuated supply of the most sustainable energy of all.  Amen.


Her Personality with Auz:

How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2024 October/+:

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Principles of lust ~ Enigma - Freyja dossier y Culture pg
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