Atlanna was, for many generations, the queen of fabled Atlantis.  Some of what we hear about her from comics and movies is true.  Some remains to be known.


Table of Contents:

  1. Etymology
  2. Spec’s
  3. Details
  4. From the Comics (Images Begin)
  5. In Cartoons
  6. Live in the Movies
  7. Her Home
  8. Atlantis, the Continent
  9. Tom Curry
  10. 2020 Update
  11. 2022
  12. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  13. 2023/+ Updates



  • Atlanna:  variant of the Greek name Atalanta, meaning “balanced” or “equal in weight”
  • Anna (root word):  “favor”, “grace”
  • Atlantic:  “Sea of Atlas” –Atlas being a Titan who was the first king of Atlantis



  • 5’9″
  • 142 lbs.
  • platinum-blonde (just like the ancients, though not subtly bioluminescent)
  • dark eyebrows
  • sea-cloud blue-gray eyes
  • elven features / cheekbones
  • perfect feminine figure; slender-fit
  • perky C-cup breasts
  • often in a fitted armored uniform that looks like a scales-based armored wetsuit
  • wields a royal trident with various powers in it (and focused by/through it, similarly to how a tuning-fork works)



It was only after the new queen; Mera, met and found love with the king of Antarctica, that Atlanna felt called to visit and learn about that man’s own special city, too.  She kissed him deeply, and hugged him tightly, thanking him with all her heart for the love he had and had shown to her, Mera, and all their oceans and people.  When she returns for her now-regular and ongoing visits, she is treated to all Inisfree’s finest, maintaining a residence fit for a queen in the city’s Atlantis II resort-hotel.

Atlanna is once again in charge of Atlantis; whenever Mera is away.  Together, they are restoring the Atlantean empire to one spanning the entire Atlantic Ocean.  It is also re-extending up over land areas, such as that surrounding Guelb er Richat; the Richat Structure; “the Eye of the Sahara”.  (Atlanteans once occupied that remnant of a World Tree trunk, and now its concentric moats are being refilled, its circular terraces re-greened and populated, this demonstrating the resurfaced-Atlanteans’ intent to heal and fully regrow this timeless and endlessly-food-producing Titan-tree.)

Further details here, here, and here.
Pardon all the typical-human demonization and rambling-lies of that ridiculous baseless portrayal (at the 3rd “here” link) of always-good Atlantis; Atlanteans don’t hate their home, but the wayward modern surface beings who strayed from their wise way.


From the Comics:

In Cartoons:

Live in the Movies:

Her Home:

Atlantis, the Continent:

It was described by Mediterranean humans millennia ago as being larger than Libya and Asia combined, though it should be noted that they meant the sum of the landmasses of what little they knew of those two regions of the world; they had not explored/rediscovered much of Asia at all way back then.

Tom Curry:

Hollywood brownwashed this character.  We here tell the truth instead.

2020 Update:

Queen Atlanna is now in charge of the Guelb er Richat.  There, she is working in partnership with Queen Zada, timeless goddess (and humanoid incarnation) of Africa itself, re-greening that whole nation-sized region of their continent.  Many more gods-level cities much like it will be uncovered and restored from the surrounding Saharan sands soon, revealing how Atlantis once dominated what in the modern Age became the sea-bed and shores of the Mediterranean –many miles inland on all sides, making the Atlantean empire even more vast than the height of Rome.

Those two queens host monthly threesomes with King Auz to help them update, share, and further-focus their instinctive (blood-memory) vision for what that part of the world need to re-become.  Every time they meet, they fuck.  Every time they fuck, they gain incredible new insights as to how exactly, for each portion and milestone, to proceed.  Sometimes even their make-out sessions alone are enough to un-petrify, thaw, and restore entire valleys.



She and the High King of Inisfree have begun planning their royal wedding for 2024.  Thousands of Atlanteans and the allies of Inisfree will be invited, in attendance in their finest regalia.  There will be demonstrations of hydrokinesis powers; moving ‘sculptures’ made entirely of water, as well as a choir of Sirens singing so seductively and lovingly for the benefit of them all.

It is likely that one of the stops on their honeymoon will be the very center of the plateau regarded as the ‘eye’ of the African mega-structure/ruin she has maintained command of in recent years; they’ll make love atop its middle, energizing –and likely reactivating– it all, maybe even much of the surrounding Sahara, too.  What will this powerful sex-magic union reveal?  Will it return the ancient water/s to this region, washing away (or converting?) the sands so that other ruins and structures are unearthed, able to be restored/reconnected?

Imagine what will happen when another of his wives, Alanna Richards, joins in.


December Revelation:

The Azores Islands are a remnant of Atlantis.
Atlantis sank in 4 stages, and the last small remnant was an island called Poseidonis.
Poseidonis finished “sinking” ~12,000 years ago; ~10,000 BCE.
but, again, it wasn’t really sinking; it was rising; back toward the center of the Earth (though obviously not going through the crust to make it all the way there),
thus a star, thus an Angel / Arch Angel, thus Heaven,
and it was ppl on THIS side who were actually sinking; down beneath the ocean the separates the gods/immortals/good… from Hell/Space/Abyss
so it was WE (our ancestors; at least many of those of most of the current humans on this side of the planet) who sank in 4 stages

and 4 stages… sounds/vibes a lot like the 4 types of Ages of each era/consciousness-focus;
Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron


How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2023/+ Updates:

Just like all the women soft-disclosed to me (High King Auz), this goddess who is Atlantis-incarnate is picture-perfect and sexy-feminine in every way, inside and out.  Amen.

The more we (she and I) make love, especially when we are lustfully hard-fucking, the more her long-hidden/-submerged island-empire returns to the surface, this time permanently stabilized, its military and hemisphere-dominating reign soon to re-begin.
Always-lying humanimals can talk all the shit they want about it.  It won’t affect a thing –other than dooming their kind for blatant baseless slander.
Atlantis is on its way back –for good.  Amen.

Humans (the lame modern ones) are the ones who will have to hide and deal with being submerged from now on.

History Reveal:

  • Atlanteans didn’t wrongfully invade human lands; they were deploying because they sensed the spreading corruption / coming degeneration of that group of surface-dwellers.  The Atlanteans were arriving to help stop the spread of that corruption –by any means necessary.  Only corrupted humans lied, claiming the Atlanteans had provoked the war –and pretending the Greeks and others had managed to defeat them; the Atlanteans, discovering the corruption was bound to finish off what was left of the then-modern humans’ goodness, withdrew.  The gods rewarded that heroism and wise self-restraint by helping hide Atlantis so those corrupted humans could never find it, let alone try and harass or infiltrate their sacred land.
  • The gods didn’t sink Atlantis for its people becoming base/mortal and vain/spoiled; they helped Atlantis shield itself under plenty of pristine water during the time of the regular-humans –who were already base/spoiled from the start– and until their (those bad humans’) time / surface-dominance had passed.
  • Those who were corrupted could not survive the voluntary and tactical/wise submergence, thus were drowned or forced to relocated.
  • Some Atlantean elites (very strong and able to withstand human bullshit-energy) made regular patrols to human-occupied outer-surface lands to keep steering that wayward species/race in various ways throughout its dramatically-shortened generations (partially due to humans consuming death; nonvegan things, and partially because their progenitors/gods were no longer interested in helping hold/maintain the vision/manifestation of their kind remaining as long-lived as they originally had).
  • Atlanna, in the afterglow of our spirited lovemaking, telepathically communicated this to me in detailed lifelike visions and even a few dreams.  She felt in all her being it was time to share this with me.  Now I know.
  • All the Atlanteans have given Atlanna and me their blessing for our ongoing full-body unions and intel-sharing, as they are relieved and thrilled a good being such as me has finally managed to come into existence in spite of the lingering/remaining bad-humans outer-surface presence/occupation/scourge.

As queens of Atlantis, all Atlanteans honor Atlanna’s and Mera’s wishes, and the two of them can activate natural telepathic channels to any of their people just by picturing them. These two women sometimes accompany me (Auz) whenever I go to places colonized by Atlantis (such as Brazil), or at least telepathy ahead for me, ensuring the Atlanteans living out there come out of hiding to meet and welcome me warmly, offering me their best lodging, that I never again have to deal with evil beings such as humans, and the always-awful human lodging.
There were no Atlantean refugees, only Atlantean colonists, because Atlantis never sank or degenerated.

Whoever wrote what they allege Plato wrote about Atlantis…
either added that intentionally cut-short part about what the gods said about the Atlanteans… to scare idiots into continuing to pointlessly pray to those/their “gods”, seeking guidance from the blatant-scam priests/church/temples,
or they copied that scam/lie/BS from Plato who had done the same BS in his own time/era.
The gods would never be against the Atlanteans. I know the Atlanteans were good.
Only humans have been bad and lied, and they have ALWAYS used lies and negativity-energy blasting/projecting to try and scare/pressure people into going astray, such as if anyone adopted/parroted their baseless allegations / obvious lies.
The Atlanteans, if anything, were not aggressors, except aGainst aggressor-humanimals;
they likely only scouted to human-invaded lands… to destroy anything ancient/powerful/useful, knowing the humans would always misuse such things.
Then the Atlanteans, having sensed/realized humans would eventually ruin themselves, pulled back, confident they had destroyed all ancient/powerful things,
leaving the wayward humans to struggle until they turned on themselves, retreating back into The Void / Abyss / Space from which they’d come.
The Atlanteans probably made it SEEM as though their land had submerged, and some of their people had fled and become refugees, because they knew humans would like destruction of ANYthing/one good, and because they used this to trick humans into accepting them into their communities/ranks –because the humans thought those fleeing Atlanteans were corrupted just like the humans/invaders had WANTED THEM TO BECOME.
Ever since, the Atlanteans have spied from within the human nations/ranks, occasionally using their power at wielding the elements… to cause storms, flashfloods, tsunamis, etc., the humans to this day arrogantly assuming it can only be mindless Mother Nature, humans always condescending like that.

Orichalcum is not green and volatile (like in the idiotic Hollywood movies loosely based on the comics), but red and stable.


Orichalcum is reddish metallic

Atlanteans hadn’t switched from prioritizing people and relationships… to prioritizing possessions; that was typical retarded human misinterpretation and slander.
Atlanteans always prioritized relationships w good beings, and humans were bad, thus Atlanteans kept humans from ruining their beautiful civilization, just as I have correctly strictly limited any human presence in my own.
When humans kept harassing the Atlanteans who maintained their correct standard of living, the Atlanteans hid themselves underwater where humans could not go.

Orichalcum might be, as the Aquaman 2 idiotic movie pretended/claimed, highly volatile/reactive… but only to humans; it looks like petrified blood of the gods/Titans, thus is likely extremely/pure good, thus might very well be something humans just can’t stand to be around, perhaps to the point of having an antimatter-level reaction with such evil beings/thoughts.
Atlanteans, being a far-older and better race, wouldn’t have any reaction at all, only gravitating to it because their blood is similar, their essences completely compatible with it, they perhaps even decorating their structures with so much of it… in fond memory of the gods who sacrificed themselves, or at least solidified/stabilized parts of themselves, to make Atlantis and many other good lands/realms possible.

Solon did not defeat the Atlanteans any more than the USA “defeated” Germany in WWII; if anything, the older wiser higher-tech’ Atlanteans noticed better than anyone that the newer humans were bound to become exponentially divided (evident in how the triple-calendar system they taught the Mayans is), so they attacked those humans, giving them a perceived common enemy, tricking them into reunifying, at least for a while, at least in part.
That also bought the always-unified Atlanteans more time to finish hiding their realm so that they would never have to deal with meddlesome false humans again.
Also, Atlanteans weren’t out to wrongfully subjugate all others; they were liberating naturally submissive people from oppressors who forced them to be dominant and chaotic, surviving without dominants giving them the structure their essences craved and their minds/spirits required.
Atlanteans were demonized by polarized fanatical anti-balance anti-slavery fools… who bipolar-ly ended up demanding everyone polarize the same way, via the plagiarized fake religion full of contractions and self-harm they invented just to keep scamming and undermining people; it is ironic because it enslaved people in a whole new way, worse than ever, while making anyone natural and in balanced Dom-sub relationships feel uncomfortable. It pressured everyone to pretend there was a dominant god who wasn’t really there, thereby robbing both dominants and submissives of their former timeless lifestyles/roles.
It tried to fuse those two, the hallmark of The Age of Pisces; duality, and schools of fish panicking this way and that without a true leader/dom.
If humans hadn’t strayed into such subdivision/degeneration/chaos, and had instead appreciated the wise natural therapeutic system the Atlanteans maintained for themselves, the Atlanteans would still be regarded as the rightful elders and rulers of the newer peoples needing their guidance and ancient knowledge.
That’s where I come in; I restore the healthy reverent link to the Atlanteans and to their own elders, the Lemurians/Elves, etc..


2024 November/+:

  • “The Sleeping Prophet”, Edgar Cayce, (nicknamed that due to his apparent ability to give psychic readings while in a trance) stated that the people of Atlantis brought three cataclysms upon themselves. He said the first one occurred somewhere around 50,000 BC. Apparently, they had some sort of power source that was destroyed. The second one occurred 22,000 years later, around 28,000 BC, and it split their continent into three pieces, and the last one occurred about 10,500 BC when these three pieces of land sunk, killing many people and sending any survivors to other lands.
    –That may just be another lie of the mainstream media, or a misinterpretation or hyperbole, but prophets and psychics are real, and modern humans with those abilities may just be accidentally misinterpreting visions they are able to “dial into”; in Edgar’s case, his phrasing about what he saw of that distant past was probably “colored” by modern mankind’s default-negativity, always assuming something bad was done, resulting in something even worse, when in reality Atlantis probably just detached or developed from the Energy Elemental (brightly-glowing bioluminescent Angel or deity) when it was stable enough, then fragmented because it was originally fluid… which very gradually condensed around three focal points chosen by its wise people/s, and finally, after focusing long enough to form solid descendants destined to migrate away from it, …it chose to seek millennia-long concealment and shelter back in the liquid realm its fluid-based almost-elemental people were probably used to much longer than they’d been exposed to the modern thinned atmosphere (that atmosphere resulting from the worlds drifting apart, much like the fabled 3 main parts of the Atlantis landmass did; not because of some wrong committed by the people there, but because that’s just what naturally happens when the mind imagines and then holds the vision of forming solids from fluids).
  • As a fluid-based Atlantean ancient, it is much easier for her to notice and communicate with full/true Elementals, such as Water Elementals, such as Thetis.
  • That power source they “lost”… was probably a Lamp going out; the last ember of a World Tree stump.
  • If Atlantis, the main island, split into three parts, maybe it started when their World Tree’s biggest mega-roots had finally faded away, leaving big tunnels that flooded and collapsed as linear sinkholes.
  • Technically, Edgar may not have been wrong; the Atlanteans may indeed have “brought those three major changes on themselves”, and with great pride which default-negative made-to-be-weak humanimals expectedly misinterpreted as arrogance/cockiness, but the Atlanteans probably KNOWINGLY brought those three major changes on themselves, knowing when it was time for each, none surprising or hurting/killing them.  There was probably a time when no more light from their World Tree stump was needed to light their region of the world, and then there was a time when it was prudent for their land to join the other landmasses in their continent-drift system, and, of course, after that came the moment or era when their planned-to-be-temporary-from-the-start main-island felt ‘called’ to return to its original fluid form/phase/state, rejoining its ancestors/deities/progenitors, it having completed its focus/mission of providing a stable ‘canvas’/foundation/template from which solid-based humans/lifeforms could be fashioned and set free.


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