Everyone gets someplace nice to stay in Inisfree.  Even visitors are treated like the royalty we count them as for having earned their right to be here.  If you decide you wish to stay, or even just return from time to time, you’ll feel and be treated like the god/dess you are, and your residence here will reflect that.



The places you can call your vacation home inside Inisfree depend upon your level bracket;

  1. 0; on your way to Inisfree for the first time, you don’t get a residence; you are transported (either in an MPHA to a WS if you were captured/kidnapped to be a kajira candidate –or if you volunteered, OR: in a commercial jet or repulsine/saucer to the Welcoming Square (since the CIV Aero is used only for reTURNING guests/residents)
  2. 1-9: choose one from any of the apartments (even in the Borg Cube apartments-building)
  3. 10s: choose one from any of the Earthships
  4. 20s: 3-Slopes Houses
  5. 30s: Cabins / Treehouse Mansions / Ryokans
  6. 40s: Mansions (in cliffs or wherever)
  7. 50s: Sotu hanging-ball mansions
  8. 60s: Sotu penthouses
  9. 70s: Castles / Chateaux / Schlosser
  10. 80s: Palaces / Shrine-mansions
  11. 90s: Cloud City II homes (not just suites; homes have multiple wings, each wing with multiple suites)
  12. 100-110: Ceiling Mansions (only major NPCs can stay in the guest suites of the King’s private mansion)



There are three places where you can keep the items you amass:

  1. a limited number of clothes, armor, and other items on your person, such as worn and/or in bags/pouches (if you are a free-person; ICVs don’t keep things like that, and kajirae aren’t allowed to have property of any kind)
  2. a limited number of pieces of furniture, art, etc., based on the available space in the residence you live in while in Inisfree (nothing can leave Inisfree, so all items in this game stay in the areas/maps which allow them; a chair, for ex., cannot be abandoned in a silos network tunnel, as ICVs would teleport it back out to its previous location)
  3. a virtually UN-limited number of ANY items in the ONE silo reserved as the main storage facility for YOUR particular residence (since only vehicles are allowed to be kept in garages, as no tools are needed to work on them, and as garages double as personal car-washes, so you can’t keep boxes in there, etc.)