In The New Horizon‘s holographic Omni-max map room, you will find all the known systems information about the Verse.


Table of Contents:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Dimensions
  3. Features
  4. Access
  5. Frequency of Use
  6. Database’s Encyclopedic Details About Worlds and Major Vessels
  7. Database’s Catalog of Solar Systems
  8. When Only 2D is Shown Here
  9. History
  10. Conceptual Images



  1. 1964:  X-Men’s Cerebro
  2. 1974:  Starfleet holo-deck room/s:  ~the size of a large living room with a high (for a house) ceiling –and no seats
  3. 1991:  “OMNIMAX” theater/s:  72-80′ diameter, 5-story internal height, 100-400 seats (enough for a military Company)
    –an evolution from IMAX theaters, which just had a flat screen, but one up to several stories tall (much taller than the common one in most movie theaters)
  4. 2023:  Las Vegas “Sphere” (dome theater/venue):  516′ diameter, 366′ tall, 18,600 seats (enough/room for more than a military Division)
    (1 Division has 7,000-22,000 troops.)



  • diameter:  similar to that of the Vegas “sphere” (dome)
  • height:  similar to that of the Vegas “sphere” (dome)
  • seats:  like the “nice airplane” armchairs in Gold Class Cinemas movie theaters; not tiny, spartan, and shoulder-to-shoulder like the cheapest-possible fold-down chairs in some sports stadiums
    –total:  14,000; enough chairs for an entire military Division –and for the expected total of non-ICV people stationed in this ship at any given time (so almost always room for as many contractors/others as are authorized to join/view here)



  • only dome-screen in TNH
  • largest hologram table for ~2D (non-immersive) maps/presentations/videos in TNH
  • most seating in a single room in TNH
  • forcefield-based “hard-light” option; feel-able/touchable holograms (useful when demonstrating a lifelike example/depiction of local wildlife, such as how big and powerful a bison or anything else is)
  • Replicator* able to create more-permanent (non-holographic) examples of things likely to be encountered/needed during/for the presented/upcoming mission

Not included:

  • air jets, speakers, tilters, or vibrators under every/any seat, as this room is NOT for entertainment

Not allowed/possible:

  • having the replicator make a living organism; even centuries after this tech’ was mass-produced and perfected by Starfleet, resolution still kept too low to replicate/print living tissue, especially a brain with preset memories/personality
    –reiteration:  touchable holograms simulating lifeforms such as wild animals and human settlers/colonists, and replicator sometimes used for making inanimate objects the audience can pass around (objects being searched for, parts of vehicles, tools, etc.)



Access to the main map room aboard The New Horizon is restricted to authorized personnel. 

To obtain access without escort by an authorized crew member, speak to the Chief Duty Officer (CDO) or Officer of the Day (OOD) about temporary authorization.  (Typically that means using your chain of command; very few have reason to speak directly to such a high-ranking crew-member, and certainly never for personal requests such as to use this room just to watch a movie.)

Teams standing up to dispatch and/or deploy from The New Horizon will often have their mission briefings and After Action Reviews (AAR; a.k.a. “debriefing”) around the concave, deck-level, rotating, projector display in this room (serving as the ship’s main map table), which also extends up and around the indention, across an overhead, angled-dome ceiling.
*That’s often, not always; there is no reason to use this room when the given team has already used it to get introduced to what they will likely see when moving from orbit to planet-surface, or what they will likely see once on that surface.  This means that even active-duty military personnel going on orbit-to-world missions are not always granted access to this room.

When a large-enough team or entire military unit needs to be briefed all at once, and smaller rooms in TNH won’t fit them all, and/or when a vast flat map needs to be displayed (and is too big for hologram-tables in smaller rooms), even if they don’t need to use the dome-screen, they will muster in other rooms and then file in here.

Every ICV in TNH is always free to come here, but they almost never do, as none of them have reason to; all ICVs are always automatically updated, not needing rooms such as this to best-picture/-visualize what will help them with their upcoming missions/tasks.


Frequency of Use:

Even though ~32,000 people are normally aboard TNH, with a total capacity for twice that many, the majority of them do not have MOSs/jobs necessitating them being briefed in a mega-projector room such as this one.

Of the ~2,000 contractors, most do not deploy from TNH, and their tasking would not be helped by gigantic immersive visual aids; most of them can just be daily verbally briefed and debriefed.

All 16 ODST stationed in TNH can usually benefit from using this room, but they rarely deploy via their/TNH’s drop-pods; most of the time, they remain on standby, or deploy with regular dropships.

While it might sound like Navigation department sailors could really use this room, they only need a much smaller screen to show them the information used in setting the course of TNH.

Even though flag-officers and their support-staff members could make good use of this room, they do most of their business in the Bridge.

  • The ~1,200 Marines in the Detachment stationed in TNH don’t always leave TNH (as some assist with security, and the brig, etc.), but most of them DO regularly deploy via dropship, sometimes daily planet-side when TNH is orbiting a world (as opposed to “polite”-speed ‘slow’-‘jumping’ from world to world), so dozens to hundreds of Marines are in here roughly for half an hour almost every such morning and evening.
  • The 105 in the Fighter-jets Wing are also in here roughly that often, since they deploy every day, no matter what, to help patrol around TNH and its escort craft, excepting only when TNH is ‘jumping’.
  • Some of the 42-126 Science department personnel will have reason to use this room from time to time, such as when explaining exactly what they need the Marines or ODST to help them safely find once planet-side or at a derelict adrift in Space.


Database’s Encyclopedic Details About Worlds and Major Vessels:

The planet’s photo, description, spec’s and stat’s, as well as its human (and non-human) population, and whether or not all present sentient races are aware of one another (and to what extent) are among the common data presented when any given planet is requested.  It is important to note that many of the planets, moons, and stars are hollow, and contain thriving communities and unbelievably massive ruins within; not just on the surface, or in minor frequency within cave networks close to the surface.

Microwave, resonance, and other harmonic imaging is used to update this database in real-time, upon coming within range of any cosmic body.  This allows for immediate display of the current subterranean complexes networking, as well as impending tectonic and other area-effect events.

There is also a new wealth of information on the newly noticed disc-worlds forming near the surfaces of stars both young, old, dying, and recently dead (the brown dwarfs).

Evidence can also be recalled of ancient wars and buried super-ships, such as those similar in size/power to Star Destroyers and Death Star-class ships anchored deep inside the atmospheric levels of gas giants, and ships even found anchored inside active stars.

2024 August 27 Tuesday notes:

  • There is NOT so much information stored here that it is a risk for critical infrastructure of any colonies outside 34 Tauri.
  • No information about allies or protectorates of Inisfree is here.
  • Worlds forming in, and exiting, stars became known-about centuries ago when multiple SSPs‘ terraformer and settler ships/convoys began detecting such during their first R+D of helioforming tech’.
  • Inhabited hollow-world cores were known/rediscovered since the 1930s, and respected and kept classified due to the superhuman abilities of their indigenous, the Maiar/Aghartans/giants, etc.. Only terse mentions of the polar openings as no-fly zones are included in the information stored in this room.
  • Alien worlds are not included in this data, as TNH’s purpose is to provide a stable controlled environment in 34 Tauri from which to conduct High King Auz’s social experiment between his people and those of this multi-system, NOT to go out looking for / battling aliens.


Database’s Catalog of Solar Systems:

This set of data is not as detailed as its data about colonized worlds, of course, but it still includes all information useful to ships such as TNH and those of its escort-fleet; safest and contested routes in/out of every solar system it will/might have reason to go to, etc..

All of the star, multi-star, and proto-star systems of the colonized Verse are available for projection within this main map room.  Solar systems slated for reconnaissance, terraforming, and colonization are also available for viewing, provided there is sufficient or active probe data.

The projections include data on all incidents in Deep Space and within the boundaries of each solar system which warrant further exploration, review, or inquiry, such as UFO-sightings, paranormal activity, Space-time fluctuations, gravity-rivers and gravity-undertows, etc.

That’s hundreds of (human) colonized worlds/systems (during the era of TNH), thousands of systems chosen for upcoming terraforming, and at least tens of thousands of classified incidents which the UAP leadership feels the leaders assigned to TNH have reason to stay informed about.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), of course, dictates that the shipboard A.I. immediately wipe the entirety of this database (all its info about solar systems, including its more-detailed info about colonized worlds) at least 16 times during a ship-E.L.E. or ship-compromise event.
*In the decades ahead (2531 A.D., to be precise), this policy will become UNSC standard, and will include the just-as-thorough deleting of all navigation data (specifically, how to ‘jump’ back to the most-colonized of worlds, such as ETW) anytime a ship is at risk of being boarded or captured by a hostile alien force. The UNSC will name this proactive safety measure The Cole Protocol.


When Only 2D is Shown Here:

For simpler studies and presentations, a 2D flat-screen holograph set-up can be immediately emplaced.  This is predominantly utilized for the dispersal and review of encyclopedic text-, photographic-, and video-based data on singular cosmic bodies, such as planets, pending our approach and operational exposure.  In other words, if a content from a book page or flat map section is all the personnel need to see, the whole screen (projector dome) of this room will not be powered on.



This room came online shortly after TNH was 3D-printed; in 2508 A.D..

It wasn’t used much until its first ‘float’, as the ICVs never had use for it during its R-CAX / commissioning.

So far, its capacity (all 14,000 seats) have not been reserved/used at the same time.  (The most people ever in here was a couple thousand; when nearly all the Marines in TNH, plus the contractors and sailors about to deploy with them for a big mission, were told to meet here for the briefing for that.)


Video Player
“New Worlds” Mass Effect 2 [Explicit] Jack Wall
Audio Player