This is the slave-girl given by the vampire Ambrosia as a gift to Auz in 2019.  Ariel is a short, submissive, redhead Caucasian girl.  Auz has been taking her to Inisfree with him each weekday; so she can study with the other kajirae and kajirae-candidates there while he is at his office downtown.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details
  3. Sightings/Manifested
  4. 2021 Update
  5. 2022
  6. 2023
  7. 2023 September:  Orienting Annabella
  8. 2070s
  9. Art Likenesses (Images Begin)
  10. Hairstyle and Some Outfits
  11. Similar Models
  12. Like Rogue
  13. Her
  14. How She Likes to Dress on Command for Ambi & Auz
  15. Her Favorite Fun
  16. 2022:  The Year She Helped Me
  17. Proto-manifestations
  18. 2023 August+ Outfits for Fuck-dates with Me
  19. She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum
  20. Latest Slave to Help Her
  21. How She Loves Sitting Missionary for Me
  22. 2024/+:  More of Her Perfection



  • 5’5″
  • 115 lbs.
  • wheat-auburn hair-color, hair kept long and naturally slightly wavy, un-styled (though sometimes the Inisfreeans braid it for her/Auz)
  • slightly-darker auburn eyebrows
  • perfect feminine figure; petite, smooth, fit without any muscle definition/lines
  • soft blue-gray eyes
  • perfect face and jawline
  • DSL, and pink lips needing no coloring
  • C-cups, perky
  • slightly-tanned Caucasian complexion, creamy/glowy skin (not luminous)
  • alto or soprano voice (though she isn’t a singer)
  • acquired by High Queen Ambrosia from a brothel
  • given as a gift to High King Auz, “raw” (untrained)
  • has an illusions superpower she is just starting to hone (though she is quite comfortable/practiced with its basics)
  • loves to cook traditional American cuisine for High King Auz
  • is a living reminder to High King Auz to give even the “lowliest” members of society a chance at showing the impressive things they can do (though he, of course, never thought of sex-workers as “lowest”, and has himself been impoverished and homeless, etc.)
  • markings/scars:  branded “AA” for “Ambi & Auz’s property” ~2021 (if not before)



First Girl Sarah Conrad; the top-performing kajira in Inisfree since The Rapture, has been helping show Ariel around, taking her to the city’s mall to find the sexiest outfits made just for her figure.  Auz enjoys having the two of them fuck each other while he watches before joining in.  He also has them shower, bathe, dress, and undress each other.

At home in his cabin outside Inisfree, he uses Ariel in a variety of ways, including sexually when his wife there isn’t home.  (Whenever Ambi is home, his focus is all on her and their family, as he is naturally polyamorous, but she comes first.)  Once she’s cleaned up, Ariel is often tasked with babysitting their children.  She’ll earn other responsibilities in the years ahead.

Ariel seems to have the gift of illusion; she has started creating nature-scene visions for her Master, Auz, when she dances for and has sex with him.  This has made him wonder if she is related to Lillian Didina‘s race of water-nymphs, or has some of the same genetic code as the illusion-creator Jessamine Roux.  He has granted her a ‘full ride’ (paid/free college time) at Inisfree’s architectural copy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, knowing she may have sorceress or Fairy blood in her veins –and knowing she is a wonderful woman who deserves this educational opportunity to discover more about it and herself.

In short?  Ariel is a former prostitute with magical powers, turned slave and nanny, now living with Faith in the servants’ quarters wing of Auz-&-Ambi’s Outlands cabin mansion in the northern Rockies.  Auz adores her, and she him, both of them now going on date-like adventure-trips around the world, into the heart of polar Inisfree, and soon… beyond.

Ariel may end up meeting fellow illusions-creators Alison, Jessamine, and Emma, among others, now that they all have a haven and home in Inisfree.  She (and they) may also end up honing their illusion abilities so much… that they find themselves in situations where they can protect entire homes, convoys, or even more with that ability of theirs, just like camouflaging or cloaking something, just like in the legends of olde.  Time will tell.

She loves cooking for her Master, High King Auz, and is getting quite good at it.



  1. ~2014 or 2015 at the Rio hotel event/afterparty; the spankings girl (100% hot enough)
  2. >2019 at the Bozeman food-pantry/bank (100% hot enough)
  3. 2019 (though this now seems to be time-travel to 2023) at City Brew (main/best) in Bozeman (proto; not good enough in the face)
  4. 2021 at the vegan restaurant “Enjoy Pure Food + Drink” on the Kansas side of Kansas City
  5. 2023 at City Brew (main/best) in Bozeman (proto; not good enough in the face)
  6. proto manifestation?  Sat12aug2023 at 7:58pm mst.  In front of BASE.  orange hair, scruffy back bun, black ballcap, skintight black yoga pants, pale gray hoody, mild-tan hottie walking toward my suv on sidewalk from concert stage direction.  But she needs featureless skin, not freckles on her neck, and she needs more thigh-gap, and maybe less height.  Good almost, though.


2021 Update:

She has been invited –by High Queen Ambi, no less!– to permanently share her bed with her husband, High King Auz.  This thrilled her beyond words.  She is in love with them both now, not just happy to serve them in all ways.

Ariel is now called “my sweet poppet whore in heat” by Ambi.  She actually likes this arousing pet-name.  It has helped her in her ‘training sessions’ with the talented High Queen, and even been used during her recovery/aftercare.

She wants children with High King Auz, even though she understands that probably can never be.  This is fine, though; it means she will do anything for him, letting him use her fully every time, no hesitations or second thoughts.  If ever she was allowed or told, she would accept his seed and conceive; she adores him that completely.



Sat1jan2022:  Starting today, every time they flew to Inisfree together, they made love the whole way, cumming together once or twice before arriving.  She also started riding him on his master suite bed until he came in her before flying home.  Then she had a 4-some with him, one of his K.P. ICVs, and his sister, Katara, all 3 of those sexy redheads helping to 69 and swap with each other.

March:  Auz goes home for lunch one day in the middle of this month, and Ariel greets him with a loving kiss and hug and doe eyes, “I made you some lunch.”  The two make love as she hand feeds him what she prepared for his lunch.  When it is time to go, they hug and kiss some more, both loving it. “I’ll see you after work,” Auz grins lovingly and hornily to her.  “…I’ll wear ‘something’ for you,” she smirks and blushes, starting to plan another of the sluttiest and sexiest outfits imaginable.  He and she love each other very much.  Amen.

Ariel will, in April this year, start being paired and threesome-ed up with other favorite redheads of his, such as Rogue, Katara, and Eleanor –and eventually them all, even in an all-his-favorite-redheads orgy at some point.

Fri27May:  She was standing in the Himmlers’ kitchen, quietly cleaning up in the natural light from the window after having prepared High King Auz’s latest lunch, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling when he walked in.  He walked up and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips, which she reciprocated immediately and fully, waiting for further instructions.  Just smiling as he enjoyed looking at her lips a moment, then into her eyes, he softly rumbled, “I need you.”  Ariel blushed and smiled bigger, always ready and eager for him using her, forever thrilled at how her beauty always aroused him, and she nodded once, knowingly, then playfully asked, “In my room?”  “Yes,” he grinned; “go to your bedroom.”  “Okay…” she softly almost purred, grinning, too, already dripping for what was coming.  Strutting away to show off her assets and further turn him on, knowing from experience that would get her fucked extra passionately and hard, she left the kitchen, her heart pounding, biting her lower lip, looking over her shoulder once to see that –yes– he was watching.  They made several happy memories on her bed and in her tub that afternoon, both their hearts pounding with love.

Sat28May:  Tonight I (Auz) had napped in the evening, thus I was awake before midnight, and I went to our kitchen to make myself a peanut butter sandwich and glass of almond milk. Ariel apparently was still up, too, and walked out of her bedroom down the hall to see who was in the kitchen. When she saw me getting out the stuff for my midnight snack, she softly asked, “Can I make it For you?” I smiled and nodded, then started to silently cry, and she walked up and hugged me warmly, lightly scratching the back of my head through my hair as more tears pattered down my face. It was so amazing to have help and such beauty after decades without it. She sat with me as I ate and drank, unable to stop my relieved and happy tears. We hugged so tightly before parting ways again, I heading back to my bedroom, and she to hers. Ambi, loving and understanding wife she had always been to me, softly said when I returned to her side on our bed, “Ariel can come snuggle, too.” She knew exactly what I needed this night. That got me silently crying all over again, and I hugged my wife as tightly as I’d hugged Ariel out there. Then Ariel politely knocked on our door and stepped in, letting her nightgown fall to the floor; Ambi had telepathically summoned her and told her to do that for me. These two women sandwiched and rocked me to sleep, PB sandwich pun not intended. Amen.

Ariel will soon have completed all the kajira classes/studies we offer at Inisfree, and will be an expert at cooking all of Auz’s favorite vegan meals, always happy to veganize for him all the recipes she already knew.

She has come to enjoy and even love sleeping at the feet of her owners, Ambi & Auz, as it means she gets to be on their bed, close with them, and that they are attracted to her being on their bed like that.  It doesn’t make her feel ‘less than them’ at all.  Sometimes she even finds herself craving to sleep at their feet –and Ambi always hears those thoughts of hers, along with the rest of her thoughts, and invites her back.

6:00 AM: wake
6:30: hygiene
7:00: make breakfast for everyone
7:30: clean up the kitchen
8:00: go with Auz in an MPHA to Inisfree
9:00-12:00: kajirae or magic training/practice (as of 2023, now including professional vegan chef/cooking/culinary classes)
12:00 noon: lunch wherever she likes in Inisfree
1:00-4:00 PM: optional more kajirae or magic training/practice, and she is free to instead just relax or exercise anywhere in Inisfree
4:00: rejoin Auz to fly back to their family cabin in Montana
5:00: hygiene
6:00: make dinner for his family at the cabin
7:00: serve dinner
7:30: clean up after dinner
8:00: make sure all bedrooms in the cabin are tidy and have clean sheets
9:00: go to her bedroom to relax for sleep
10:00 PM to 6:00 AM: beauty sleep

6:00 AM: wake
6:30: hygiene
7:00: make breakfast for everyone
7:30: clean up the kitchen
8:00-11:00: chores (laundry, changing sheets and towels, dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc.) and managing servants throughout the cabin, and sometimes an errand into the nearby town (gas, groceries, other shopping, etc.)
11:00: make lunch for everyone
11:30: serve lunch
12:30 PM: clean up after lunch
1:00-6:00 PM: chores and grounds-keeping (pruning, raking, leaf-blowing, composting, checking lantern light bulbs, sweeping the porch, front patio, and outdoor balconies, checking vehicles in the garage, etc.)
6:00: make dinner
7:00: serve dinner
7:30: clean up after dinner
8:00: make sure all bedrooms in the cabin are tidy and have clean sheets
9:00: go to her bedroom to relax for sleep
10:00 PM to 6:00 AM: beauty sleep

6:00 AM: wake
6:30: hygiene
7:00: make breakfast for herself and the other servants, or take the servants to breakfast if Ambi wants the cabin/kitchen to herself plus her husband and their four kids
7:30: clean up the kitchen
8:00-11:00: chores (laundry, changing sheets and towels, dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc.) and managing servants throughout the cabin, and sometimes an errand into the nearby town (gas, groceries, other shopping, etc.)
11:00: make lunch for herself and the other servants or take them to lunch if Ambi wants the kitchen
11:30: serve lunch
12:30 PM: clean up after lunch
1:00-6:00 pm: chores and grounds-keeping (pruning, raking, leaf-blowing, composting, checking lantern light bulbs, sweeping the porch, front patio, and outdoor balconies, checking vehicles in the garage, etc.)
6:00: make dinner for herself and the other servants or take them to dinner if Ambi wants the kitchen
7:00: serve dinner
7:30: clean up after dinner
8:00: make sure all bedrooms in the cabin are tidy and have clean sheets
9:00: go to her bedroom to relax for sleep
10:00 PM to 6:00 AM: beauty sleep

As of July this year, she got her own vehicle (which she picked out, Auz paying for everything / 3D-printing it, flown in one of his flying saucers to their cabin) and keeps it in the garage beside the Himmler family suburban. She and Auz ‘christened’ it in its front and back seats several times. This was her way of fully thanking him for it, and his way of fully thanking her for years of jobs well-done.

Auz got the perfect Rubicon remake of his first (Wrangler X) Jeep (now with the windshield lights rectangle, gypsy rack, front and back winches, big jack, tire pressure controls, 5-point seat harnesses instead of seatbelts, etc.) and keeps it parked on the driveway outside. Ariel asked politely if she could help him ‘christen’ it, too, so they did, front and back seats and all. Then he told Angelike to do the same with him in it, since Angels prefer commands, not requests, and Angelike was thrilled, Ariel happily joining in after, and Angelike so turned on to have her.

Sometimes Auz stops her in the garage before she gets in her car to run an errand, and they are all smiles as they kiss goodbye, hug each other tight, and then have a quicky so she is in the best mood and mindset, though living with and working for him and his wife always has her in a great mood and mindset. She often hurries after him when he goes to the garage, always to offer the same; loving erotic kisses and soft moaning, tight hugs, and a blowjob if not a quicky right at the side of his Jeep. She does the same to bid Ambi a heartfelt farewell every time Ambi takes the suburban somewhere; the two have fucked and made love alongside and inside that suburban many times now.

Since the cabin was made brand new for their family and is in great shape, and with Ambi & Auz’s four kids growing up and spending more time in mountaintop homes of their own, and of course with the help of Angelike and other servants, Ariel rarely needs the 3 weekend morning chores hours (8-11 AM) and 5 weekend afternoon chores hours (1-6 PM) to get everything done there. On Saturdays, those time blocks are often filled by anyone in the cabin using her for sex. On Sundays; when Ambi only allows Auz and their four kids to be together, Ariel often gets those hours as free time to hike the mountain, hangout with her fellow servants, and have sex with whomever she wants.

At all times, she is on-call for full-use by Ambi, Auz, and/or any of their four kids. She loves this, as she enjoyed her previous job of being a prostitute, now getting to be a “kept” (“stay at home”) prostitute with far better living conditions, safety, treatment, compensation, and actual love, still with all the usual steamy surprises of daily unexpected/unplanned clients/users. She never hesitates, encouraging all the males (Auz, Auz II, Ethan, the male servants, and the male guards) to cum inside her as much as they want, and Ambi is extremely pleased with her for this, as it is what Ariel was first and foremost hired and kept for.

When Ambi is at work, Ariel knows to hurry straight to Ambi’s husband to keep him company. She always makes sure to wear suggestive clothing, get naked in sexy ways for him, and snuggle naked at his side while jacking him off or casually sucking his cock while they watch something on the TV downstairs in the cabin home-theater room. She and Auz have gone on many in-home dates together like that, always ending up with her pussy fully refilled by him, and the two of them napping on her bed when they are through.

Angelike is always invited (kindly told) to join them, and Ariel always kisses her as if she is making love to her mouth, nipples, and pussy. Each time Auz cums in Ariel, Angelike knows to make a sexy show of fingering and licking it back out. Each time he cums in Angelike, Ariel knows to do the same, these two girls always cum-kissing and drool-swapping it back and forth before pouring it onto their cupped hands to slurp it up from each other’s hands before a final showing and gulping it all down.

Wednesday 3 August:  Ariel and Auz decide to take the day off when they fly to Inisfree this time, so they went on a movie-date that morning; to the Dropship Theater.  They held hands most of the time, and she sucked him off a couple times during the show, riding him to mutual orgasm before it was through.  Then they reserved one of the private box-seats for even more steamy fun before calling their date a big success, flying from Inisfree’s airport back home to their family cabin after, snuggling and kissing the whole way, arriving back in Montana just in time to get dinner started.

Tue 23 Aug 2022:  Lunch picnic with her at the Slope Clearing today at noon after my work wrapped up downtown (where, of course, we handfed each other before she smiled and mounted me out there in the sunlight), followed by lovemaking back on one of the wraparound-porch swings of my private mansion.

Mon 12 Sep 2022:  I (Auz) was unloading a couple grocery bags in our kitchen at the cabin, opened the ‘fridge to see if we had enough almond milk, and remembered I hadn’t gotten any at the store because they were out of the kind I preferred.  Ariel was walking into the kitchen to help out when I thought out loud about it, saying something like, “Oh well.”  She lovingly approached me, barefoot as I’d told her I preferred her to be at home, and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips.  I put my left arm around the small of her back to give her a little side-hug, and she did the same for me, basking in our closeness just like she always does.  “Want me to go to the store to get some more for you?” she purred, eyeing my facial features which she also loved.  I smiled and nodded, so she did, too, and raised her chin again to give me a slightly longer kiss on my lips.  “Okay,” she softly acknowledged my style of command.  Turning to leave, she reluctantly let her arm slip away from my back, and looked over her shoulder because she knew she’d see me checking her ass out as she walked, just like I always do.  Then she smirked and added, pausing so as not to take one more step without a signal from me to do so, “Want to meet me in the garage; to let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you before I go?”  That was her standard seductive invitation; playful and entertainingly-worded.  I grinned and nodded; “I’ll see you there in a minute.”  I had to finish putting the last of the groceries I’d gotten away.  She beamed and blushed, resuming her confident and taking-my-sweet-time-for-you walk, winking at me before she was out of our kitchen and out of view.  I banged her up against the side of the family suburban in our garage until we came together, and then she took her time peppering my face with kisses until every last drop was in her, staying perfectly still until she was sure I was done with her and ready to slip out.  She made sure none fell out as she put her panties back on, and then drove to the store, shopping with my full load inside her pussy the whole time.  When she returned with exactly what she knew I preferred, we made love standing up in the kitchen, and then I took her hand and walked her into her bedroom where we made love even more, making each other cum a couple times before we drifted into a nap together.  My wife sure did know how to pick these beautiful, smart, loving whores/pets for me.  Ariel was her ‘candy’, too, but still.

In December of this year, she started dressing up as a sexy slutty midriff-showing stewardess for many of our flights to Inisfree.



Things she loves saying to her Master, High King Auz:

  • “Are we still going to fuck on the plane?” she purrs to me (Auz).
    “I am always going to fuck you on the plane,” I smoothly inform her, which reassures and thrills her to no end.
    “Good,” she said with total sincerity and presence.
    “I am going to fuck you every time I see you, Ariel.”
    She couldn’t stop smiling ear to ear about that.
  • “Did you let my sons fuck you yesterday?” I ask her.
    She smiles with her DSL and beautiful eyes, “Yes.” She always says it truthfully and confidently.
    “And where did they cum?”
    “Inside me, like always.”
    “Good girl.”  I loved how calling her that made her precum every time.
    “Thank you, Master!” she softly exclaims, horny from it. Even saying those words to me makes her wet.
  • “Promise me something?” she softly begs while we are still fucking, in the afterglow. “Never wear a condom with me, and never pull out?”
    “You know I will never wear a condom with you,” I tell her sincerely, “and I will always cum in you.”
    She beamed ear to ear, “Thank you.”
  • “You are my stay-at-home prostitute,” I tell her what I love to call her, which is also what ‘gets her off’.
    “You are my fuck toy. My sex object. My cum bucket.”
    “Yes,” she almost drools, quietly panting, “that is exactly what I am, and I am all those things for you… always and forever.”
    “Yes,” I say definitely.
    It makes her cum again, and she clings to me until she is through, her eyes rolling back as her lower lip and thighs quiver.
  • “I could have been anything, you know,” she breathily confides in me while we are still fucking, I on top of her, in the dark of predawn in the cabin’s master bedroom.
    “Yes; you are a smart woman.”
    “I chose to be a prostitute. I want to be a whore –Your whore, Master.”
    I grinned, loving her sex appetite.
  • “I always want you to fuck me. Always. No matter what mood I am in, I want to be fucked, and I am always in the best mood during and right after. Always.”
  • While I am still casually fucking her, I on top, she purrs, “Fuck me some more, please?”
    I resume more-energetic and focused pumping until I cum in her once again.
    She smiles so brightly because of it, routinely helping me hold her ass-cheeks to shift her down on our bed so I can thrust harder up into her, which scoots her, thrust by thrust, back up toward the headboard/wall.
  • “Fuck me every day except Saturday?
    And cum in me every time you fuck me?”

She also now, by default, uses her illusion ability/superpower to magic into existence all around us exactly what she has learned will turn me on the most; people politely watching us make out and fuck, the most beautiful/scenic nature horizons, other sexy/flawless girls, etc..  She also uses this special ability of hers to help hide and otherwise protect us –my whole family, not just me; she camouflages/cloaks us anytime we are out in public, for example, if ever she is told to or senses there may be a spy/threat.  She is that devoted to me and mine –and always shall be.  Amen.

June 5 (Inisfree’s Hot-air Balloons holiday/festival):  We (she and I; Auz) took one up to make love in, remembering the first time I took her on a date in one years ago.

~Saturday 22 July:  Ambi got her a new collar; Ariel’s slave-collar is now a silver one with her name etched on it.  Ariel is extremely happy and proud about this, as it makes her the only other girl who goes to Inisfree and has a custom collar.

Friday 28 July 2023:  This is the 2nd time Ambi has let any of us see one of her feedings; during sex/play with this pet of hers (Ariel), she bit her neck, using her vampire superpower to supercharge the girl’s (Ariel’s) orgasm/s, licking her wound clean/away/healed right after.  Ambi went completely into focused lust-mode because of it, and has never felt such powerful and back-to-back orgasms.  Even more-so than before, she is completely in love with, and addicted to, her High Queen.

Saturday 12 August 2023 (time of RP):  Bitten twice for the first time; once on her neck, then on her thigh near her pussy/femoral, by invitation, I (Auz) having wanted Ambi to feel comfortable/trusted drinking from all of us she’d gathered for this night’s orgy in our cabin’s master bedroom.

“Ariel,” he (Auz; me) said to their top redhead, “once Ambi mounts me, lick her asshole really aggressively so it causes her pussy to spasm around my cock.”
Ariel was very eager to do this for them –and for herself!  She’d rub her clit and finger her pussy while she did, loving every second of it, high on life, thanks to them / their love-triangle.  She loved being their ‘unicorn’.


2023 September:  Orienting Annabella

“Five or so days a week, for ten to twelve hours a day,” Ariel told Annabella while they, naked except for their collars, made their way through every room and all the chores, “the queen is off to work. She returns every afternoon for dinner with her family, and stays most nights, though she sometimes goes to the temple complex the king had built for her; she is still supervising the furnishing, decorating, and upgrades to it.”

She showed Annabella how everyone liked their clothes and bedsheets and bath towels washed and folded.

“So the majority of the time, if you are here during the day, it will just be you and me, and maybe one or two other helpers. Everyone else goes to work or school or whatever else they have going on.”

She also showed Annabella how to sweep the garage, check for any fallen branches outside, and where the two stairs to the upper basement were; one was outside, and one was below the stairs that went up to the kids’ bunkroom and guest bedroom.

“The queen is, as you noticed, a vampire, so she does drink blood every now and then, but she has always been very polite about it; she has only drunk from people here who consented. It is only the rude or adversarial outsiders who get drunk from at will. You’ll be fine.”

They eventually got done with the dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and laundry, so Ariel showed her how to do some food prep’.

“Sometimes they pick up their own groceries on the way home, but most of the time I or another servant go get those things, and we always stage it here in the kitchen. The king’s Secret Service always scan what is about to be brought into this cabin, so we know it is safe. If you don’t see those women around, just know that they are here somewhere, often out of sight.” She had Annabella do some mixing, baking, and packaging of to-go breakfasts and lunches, and gave her a peck on her lips for following slave law by not touching any of the knives unless specifically told she could use them to cut ingredients like carrots.

“I was the first girl the queen brought home here, so I have been with the family the longest of all the women who now sleep with the royal couple. I have my own room down that hall,” she pointed to the door on the outside of the kitchen-bar, which went from the dining side of the living room to the hall for her room and one other servant room. “I sleep in there when I am not summoned to join the king and queen.”

When the meal prep’ for that morning was done, she went over some other things with Annabella, starting with the nonsexual. “Some weekdays, I fly to Inisfree with the king, and take classes there before doing some sunning or shopping. He always has me back here with plenty of time to get dinner started for everyone. On weekends, usually only he goes to Inisfree, and only on some Saturdays, as he has alliance-building events then. So while he is there and the queen is at work or her temple, I do things here like raking, pruning, watering their daughter’s flowers patch, and other light yardwork.

On Sundays, I am always here, but those days are reserved for just family time, so we stay out of sight so the royal family can be together without anyone else. On Sundays, we only cook for ourselves, or go out to eat; the queen cooks for her husband and children that day.”

Now she walked Annabella down to the movie room that dominated the upper basement, and showed her its mini bar, wine cellar, and the stairs down to the lower basement. It was time to tell the new girl of the sexual things. “Down there is the lower of their two basements. That’s where the sex dungeon is. It has a central platform bed, loveseats for observers, a water-bondage dunk-tank, a pillory, an X-frame, a Sybian, and all the toys you can think of, probably every toy you ever trained with in kajirae training back in Inisfree. The queen has 3 pets that sometimes get walked in to join; her dog named Brutus Shadow, her bull named Bama, and her dragon named Apophis. Beastiality is something they enjoy directing, but it won’t happen to you for a while; you’ll have time to get used to regular sex with them first. Just be sure you clean and doublecheck every sex toy and restraint after use; it is our job to clean up everything, not just sweep upstairs during normal chores and all that.”

They headed back upstairs. “Don’t go in the study or the master suite that is through it unless they tell you to. I can go in there anytime to change their sheets and whatnot, but other than that you will need their permission on a day to day basis.”

Ariel checked the living room fireplace flu and soot level after that, and showed Annabella how to scoop soot out without it billowing and making a mess. “Everything that needs cleaning is on us. Security checks and patrols are what the king’s Secret Service and the queen’s royal guards handle.”

She invited Annabella to sit on the couch with her to wrap up and recap, making sure the new girl was starting to memorize all that. “Oh, and every time you have sex, since you are a slave, it will be recorded by one of the Inisfreean girls who usually stay out of sight; the king likes to watch those things when he has time, as it relaxes him, gives him ideas, and helps him see your progress and anything needing critiquing. Every time you see him, you should offer to rub his bulge and suck him off. He wants sexy females to be direct, as he is very busy and rarely has time to figure out subtle hints or games. When you want sex, turn your palms upward atop your thighs while you are seated, or outward if you are standing, or just request permission to speak, and then tell him.”

Annabella gave Ariel her full attention that whole morning as all this was taught to her. She was very attentive, present, and polite, absorbing it like a sponge, eager for every bit, thrilled she had been chosen and let to stay a while.

“Your life is based on being Red’s pet and helper, so most of the time you will be in her cottage in Inisfree, but the king really likes you, so you will probably be summoned here, or to him when he is at work in Inisfree, once a week, give or take. Does all that make sense to you? Do you need any of it repeated? Do you have any questions?”

Annabella was bubbly and engaging and eloquent, and chirped off several questions to get to know Ariel personally, asking what she liked and disliked about her work and life there in their home, and where all she had traveled, and if this rumor and that legend about the king and queen were really true.

Ariel smiled and answered them all, then hugged and kissed Annabella to end their morning orientation.

“Was it difficult to sleep last night with those vibrators left in you?” she asked the last question that came to mind.

“The first time it kind of was, but I am so happy to now be allowed to spend almost every night on the same bed as the man and woman I am in love with… that it has gotten a lot easier. It just gives me wet dreams all night now,” she smiled, feeling wet again just at the memories of that.

“Thank you, Ariel,” Annabella’s eyes were becoming watery; she was so thrilled to have such kind people showing her so many fun ropes all of a sudden.

Ariel brought the girl in for a standing hug now that they had left the living-room couch.

“Don’t worry about any crying or screaming, by the way; you saw last night it is all just part of them decompressing after long hours at work, and that there is always great aftercare. If ever they scare or hurt you, it won’t last too long, and they’ll make you feel better than ever before by the time that play is through.”

Annabella took a moment to look around at their big fancy living-room, marveling. She couldn’t tell which was more impressive; the sturdy and luxurious mansion of a cabin, or the mountaintop views outside its wide and tall windows. “Wow…” she whispered, almost as star-struck by their home as she had been by getting to have sex with them.



High King Auz eventually offered Ariel her freedom, and she wept, terrified of the idea of no longer living with him and serving his family.  She said, “Then as a free woman, I choose to stay!”  They hugged tightly a long while after that, both determined to continue staying together forever, just like Ambi had told both him and, later, her they would.


Art Likenesses:

Hairstyle and Some Outfits:

Similar Models:

Like Rogue:


How She Likes to Dress on Command for Ambi & Auz:

Her Favorite Fun:

Ariel loves nothing more than to be fully (sexually) used by her owners, Ambi and Auz.  She loves doing anything for them, but definitely this above all else.  She is horny and ‘melty’ for it every time, deeply satisfied even when they don’t let her orgasm for a day or two; whatever it takes to be enjoyed by either of them, especially if both at the same time are enjoying her.  Such is a true/good woman’s heart and soul.

2022:  The Year She Helped Me

This was the time when my top-wife’s dark side nearly got the best of her.  Ambi wasn’t around for more than a year, centered on this year, more or less.  Ariel made sure I was always made love to and comforted/soothed until Ambi finished stabilizing and returned to us.


The height, hairstyle, skin tone, ass curves, and fashion are perfect.  She also lingered, posed, walked around, and kept looking my way, all of which are examples of good behavior, except for her failure to politely introduce herself like a lady, although it could be argued that she was being ladylike and introducing herself by simply being in my field of view while dressed well enough for an Outlander bound to primitive human laws.  Once her face is as flawless as the one in the Bozeman foodbank, and the one at the hotel orgy who liked public spankings, she will be accepted and kept in my family forever.

It was also 100% good enough to be the real her in that Bozeman foodbank, whenever I was there between 2015 and 2019, inclusive.

2023 August+ Outfits for Fuck-dates with Me:

Sexy messages I text her / commands I say to/for her:

  • “You’re fucking everyone tonight.  Be ready.”
  • “Make sure your throat is up for some abuse today.”
  • “The hellhound is fucking you this evening.”
  • “Is your latest sex-show choreography on point?”


She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum:

especially when it is the cum of her family; me, my sons, and any cum from my top-wife and 2 daughters from her

Latest Slave to Help Her:

Ambi got this girl at auction on Wednesday 11 October 2023.  She named her Astoria.

How She Loves Sitting Missionary for Me:

2024/+:  More of Her Perfection

one of the most beautiful women in the entire Universe

wearing fishnet fusion outfits for me:

general body and pose, mod this face to be like the perfect large image before the previous one:

mastering deepthroating while tonguing and cupping the balls while massaging that special orgasm-trigger up behind them
