You aren’t just imagining or ‘processing’ things when you dream.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Some of Auz’s Dreams
  3. Dated Dream-log Entries
  4. Talented Dreamnauts
  5. The Dreamspace Campaign
  6. Additional Ideas/Theories
  7. Conceptual Images (Images Begin)
  8. That Minotaur Angel Seen in One
  9. When Ambi Showed Me Her Fire-eyes



Humans, being descendants of Darkness/Abyss, have it in their nature to always create more darkness/division.  One example or subset of this… is their lies; they tell the opposite of the truth… because it is what stirs up the energy we inherited from our star-ancestors (literally; our distant ancestors are the stars), and the humans can then feed on that.  One of the lies humans like to tell… is that dreams are meaningless, or “randomizations of what happened during your day”.

Dreams are actual life in an actual place.  Our minds simultaneously exist in more than one dimension, just like the stars are anchored in such a way that makes them natural and permanent nexuses between different points/areas of/in space… and of/in time.  Stars are older and more powerful, thus they exist in, and link to (and dream in/of) more dimensions than we do (i.e. the other realities/Universes), but the ones we were destined to experience and learn about… are The Waking, The Imagination, and Dreamspace –that last one remembered as ‘dreams’ when we wake up each day.

The Egyptians (the real ones, descended directly from some of the Atlanteans) spoke and wrote of dreams as being so real… you could actually get useful, tangible resources out of them.  They had knowledge, or at least records and lessons/teachings about/of, the time before their era/reign… in which the realms/dimensions… were not as separated/compartmentalized/downplayed as they are today.  Mummification and pyramid light-shafts hinted at the fact that the Egyptians still had a very scientific and precise understanding of how to remain connected with, and sometimes travel to/between, at least those two realms/dimensions.

  • Ask a modern person what dreams are, and they will just shrug and say, “I don’t know.”  That’s what they were taught to say.  They were taught (brainwashed) to ignore their own logic and instincts.  They are chaos incarnate, dying out because of this growing inability to trust, believe, and choose.
  • Ask an Atlantean what dreams are, and they will tell you that is just normal life in one of the dimensions/realms.  Atlanteans could access it without dying.  Only later/some of the Egyptians apparently had to start leaving their bodies to get and stay there a while (perhaps because their bodies were deformed/degenerate/polluted/unworthy, unlike their pure/uncorrupted progenitors?).
  • Ask a Lemurian, progenitor of the Atlanteans, thus alive many millennia before Atlantis, what dreams are, and they might look at you funny; to them, dreams were not separate from the rest of reality, and they could walk in and out of them, as that was just how things were back then.
  • Now ask a Hyperborean what dreams are.  Hyperboreans were among those who shaped the realms, including the one later called “dreams”.  A Hyperborean person will tell you that what they imagine and work with their voices and hands… is just the land; the fabric and substance of reality/focus.  What they focus on… takes shape –even to the point of creating and changing entire landscapes and skies.
  • Go even farther back in time, and talk to a Polarian.  Ask a Polarian what dreams are.  Polarians never even saw or understood distinctions, like the different dimensions/divisions of reality we think regularly about today.  A Polarian might not understand that things can be separate/distinct like that at all, and communicate more in telepathic images/feelings, not struggling to understand your much-later words-based language, but certainly finding it extremely focused/polarized.
  • Before the Polarians came to the proto-realms/worlds, everyone was of/in the stars, and there were fewer stars back then, as things had yet to spread out into the divisions of reality we know today.  From their perspective, everything could be the dream; their ideas were what they focused on, and all of what we live in is what became (of that; of those/their ‘dreams’).  Now fast-forward back to us/today; if we exist because of their dreams, and we believe/feel we are real, isn’t it also true, or at least possible, that they (and many other people/things/worlds, even universes) exist… because of our ‘dreams’?

The next time you wake and remember a vivid, life-like dream, …consider the very real possibility that it wasn’t just life-like; it could have been a real experience lived in one of the other dimensions/universes of our reality.

And:  How do we know dreams aren’t real, and ‘waking’ is the dream?


Some of Auz’s Dreams:

The King and maker of Inisfree and so many other things has obviously had a lot of dreams.  They all started, as far as he can remember, with ones of the clear blue sky… and a very specific and unquestionable, unmovable symbol… which he would later learn the name of, and start to adopt, working/weaving it into his waking life and designs… just like the other clever and powerful weaves he would learn it represented and is related to.  That symbol –from his first known/remembered dream– is the triquetra, which shows the way things naturally subdivide into balanced and evenly-spaced primes, first in two dimensions, and then into three and maybe more.

  1. triquetra
  2. climbing a stack of mattresses up through an octagonal ceiling extension… all the way to the Moon
  3. the Moon itself somehow communicating with/to me
  4. “Slimer” UFO
  5. drowning in a pool a few times?
  6. the shadow person running up the Marblewood stairs to my loft bedroom… and my own shadow-tentacles appearing/darting out of me, striking it back (and how interesting that “the typist” often RPs having exactly that/this power; was it HER defending me?)
  7. hiding from the roach-headed/colored mech slowly walking into the abandoned/empty street lined by townhouses that night
  8. crawling in the mud square at night
  9. the short mech
  10. telekinesis in a garage that resulted in his pull-thought pushing objects away instead
  11. playing that 3D dark-terrain yellow-level-icons version of Super Mario World
  12. touching objects and flying (such as a piece of paper in the Marblewood kitchen, which resulted in a flight into the breakfast room, etc.)
  13. out-of-body experience in the Marblewood upstairs middle bedroom; floated up out of self, looked around and almost everything had a gentle light/pastel-blue coloring/tint to it, saw the red time numbers on the black plastic flat-ish alarm-clock on the nightstand, reached the ceiling and gently bumped back down a few inches from it as if I was a balloon, turned over and saw myself sleeping on the bed below me, saw my eyes open, felt startled or a rush of energy, fell back down into myself
  14. countless dreams I would later be told are likely returning / half-buried SSP memories/events; entering that low complex of buildings like a campus of bunkers in a woodland, entering that dark brown brick building and going up its central lobby staircase to the area with operating tables and then the wing off to the right side with the patient rooms lit only by dark blue light, deploying as an escort/consultant/expert with black-fatigues teams of young men, sometimes also with young women, and going into an abandoned mall, floating out by shipping containers on dark blue water near a city being invaded/bombarded, being on the sleek and empty white-and-brown curving-interiors ships, and on and on
  15. wearing a red cape and flying around like Thor, including into a big white cubical modern-museum-looking/like building
  16. the blue-speckles terrain… and the cave with the dragon-like creature in it whose skin matched the terrain
  17. racing ‘games’/’dreams’
  18. turning into a blurry gray cloud form and racing around, feeling all emotion/s, no more body
  19. being around beautiful young women in buildings and on other worlds
  20. seeing the Moon much bigger/closer, and red city light dots all over its full-moon surface
  21. many stars moving closer as they formed a bright circular sigil of golden-white stars radiating pure love in themselves and for/with him
  22. classrooms, schools, and research buildings/campuses
  23. the gray-haired xenon-eyed angel-man who calmly (in greeting/contact) put his hand on my chest, leaving a neutral-feeling glowing-handprint
  24. looking down at the kind of thing you’d see if operating a Space station above a colorful nebula in EVE Online (long before this game existed)
  25. flying down over forest canopies on other worlds
  26. the shadow/Space elemental bull who stood up into humanoid form after shaking his forearm, not hand, via its snake-like tongue, transferring cosmic knowledge/history/data in that process/contact… as a gesture of blessing, alignment, and support/trade
  27. sailing to Inisfree; standing on the front of the deck of that mid-sized ship, holding the white railing, looking at the green metal deck panels and bolts, then out at the dark Southern Ocean water, and up at the aurora’s red and green bands overhead, with the icebergs and dim white Antarctic snowy coastline up ahead
  28. arriving at various bases, such as the mountaintop town of green Conex boxes
  29. in some of the completed parts / on some of the luxurious stone terraces… of Inisfree
  30. on Inisfree’s farm, sitting on its streams-bank, bare feet in the pleasantly-cool crystal-clear water, looking up at the sunlight coming down through the fully-grown nut-trees, top-wife sitting there in her short-shorts beside me, facing me, smiling “ear to ear”, basking in my/that/our success then/there (which she later told me was/is real; not a dream at all)
  31. going into bases and getting to explore them alone, such as that one with white curved walls and black flooring like the anti-slip mats in restaurant kitchens, which makes sense since it was an Antarctic outpost / research station
  32. being flown up around a butte (World Tree stump) that had a military base and hangar door built into one side at its base/foundation
  33. overcoming and kicking away dark/evil beings
  34. being shown the big cruise-like Spaceship with many wide window-walls curving horizontally around its decks… by a man in Navy Dress Whites
  35. amazingly-good dreams-wave lately:  more and more sex with beautiful perfect-vibed girls; the destined, inevitable, foreseen, full alignment (i.e. the realms/lands-incarnate… fully submitting/loving/connection now, signaling/causing the start of Phase 3, the final and forever Golden Age)
  36. 1st time w badass computer srch anination showing it looking thru folders cascading and zoomed and hacker looking, 1st time on resort w dark pink stucco walls n hallway by pool, 1st time being offered bj of a cuck gf while eli-v and that guy friend of his lounged while she blew me on their hotel bed, 1st time being asked if I would make my sunday 9am chat aptmt by a decent vibe doc n a luxurious hospital or campus hallway while i laptop googled a topic or place or statue to learn about. And then preteen katie jobb fusion w piper lincoln kajira was waiting for me, blushing and eager. I woke and had vision of her lying naked on her back next to me, i asked how her pussy feels, she said good and “do you want to fuck it some more?”, i said yes…after i wake up, and she said “thank you, master”.  So Gorean!
  37. 2023 Summer:  Dream repeat: dam about to break onto canyon or boze or bigsky-like town.
    Posb mix of hyalite reservoir drive today, needing to piss, wanting bad towns wiped out, etc.
  38. a dozen or so remembered nightly in full, or at least nearly-full, detail… x365 nights x20 or so years paying attn to remembering dreams… = ~87,600/+ dreams so far

More remembered ‘dreams’ will be added here in time.


Dated Dream-log Entries:

  • 20Oct2015:  Just an hour ago this past night… I had a dream I was in a really nice, well lit, well furnished office. Its ceiling seemed a bit low. The walls to the hallway outside were all of glass panels standing from floor to ceiling, almost seamless. Inside was a long, tan, boardroom-style table surrounded with rolling chairs. In each of the chairs was a modern elf; shorter than me, though still skinny and quite tall looking, perfectly fit, well groomed, dressed in couture business fashions, all quiet and politely listening… yet there was no one speaking to them. I was their guest, and two of their older men, skinny, well dressed, staying seated, at a narrower desk against one of the glass walls, introduced themselves and shook my hand. One planned to jog with me tomorrow. The other just wanted to say hi. They had the greatest, cleanest energy about them. The elf girls at the table, and walking in the hallway nearby, looked up to me, stopping for me, and were eager for my return. What people is this? Where are they? Where was I? Was this really just a dream? It didn’t feel like one at all. I love these experiences. I feel like an entire people just decided to show themselves to me after many years of hiding. I want to return to this realm of theirs, and I want them here with me in this one, as well as my own…


  • Mon22nov2021:  Dreamed sexy tan blondes w perfect long hair were in groups doing photos in a cozy dim sunlight brown seats and tables room… The prettiest group of blonde tan girls approached me, initiating w perfect nice vibes, and said to join me for their fam photo…and I realized that they Are some of my real fam! At last!
  • Sun28Nov2021:  A big cargo or farm truck was left unattended and drove itself out on a highway and its right side grazed another vehicle or bridge…and I went to regain control of it… Then I was avoiding vax and handheld temp red laser scanner idiots…and pushing a stroller around their countertop…and then Fauci (lol; wtf is that loser doing in my dreams?) gave me his black cell phone n a dim dark room and told me an 819(why did I remember that part?)-number to text a message to from his phone…and I saw a satanic-looking red font book n it…and was suddenly holding an open satanic-looking red cover bible…and flipping thru its tan pages…and seeing blood ritual bath illustrations…and suddenly I had the/my god-powers back, and rose up, standing, much bigger and taller than him and the others, w fangs and horns, red eyes like blood color but not glowing, and i demon his fang talked near his ear, telling him a woman had been training me n the ways depicted n that book, and that I wanted him to not worry about me seeing it, bc I wanted him to know he was not alone. It was scaring him tho, my red demon form. I loved that Ambi had done a blood ritual or shown me that vampire/demon/darkness book! First time I did true vampire/demon/god-power stuff in a dream! And I stood up to a dozen covidiots and they all backed off, not one scanning my temp’!
  • Sat4dec2021:  Was back in a huge place like an indoor mall lobby v of Hunger Games, slid on a wall top, found a wall corner door, got into an edge room, found a white shower-like secret exit, then got into an area outside the game region, then up to another level, then into Space and flew toward the starship Enterprise nacelles, got the feeling the whole thing was a repeat dream or area i was returning to, and that even w warp speed…it was still a pointless loop you cant really get out of, i.e. always one more place stuck and w same exit options.
  • Sun5dec2021:  Went to meeting in Lowe’s with an annoying clinically depressed xian girl lying on the concrete floor and holding my hand while praying lol. Met Jordan at a restaurant table and asked if she was clinically depressed and he said yes. Rode around w Jordan in a van to a big city Army event. Was riding w a team going after nazis, first observing them, then jumping up on tanks and opening the hatch to shoot them. Then new ‘dream’: Dropped/teleported into a car in mex, had to drive for border, wood debris in the highway, U-Haul like truck in front. Then was observing a bad cop frame a guy by first trying to intimidate him by standing too close and telling him his dog is trained to smell things, then by saying he pointed a gun at him. Then i was viewing a good I.A. cop going after bad-guys like that, fighting them one at a time on a catwalk in a dim industrial area as they walked down the stairs, taking them out using their own fighting styles. All pf it felt like mind-surfing / remote viewing.
  • Mon13dec2021:  W/ tons of young naked girls at night…playboy bunny or escort sluts… tan legs and cheekies or onesies… after I had a blonde one go spread eagle… in a daylight pale tan stucco or white walls pool pit area thing…and saw an ICV being 3d-printed… just a white outline of a shoulder or bone or something
  • Wed22dec2021:  Saw Ahlstrom again. In some kind of house room full of furniture and boxes. I was getting help from teenified Pepper Pots designing and prototyping the skeleton and handle glove vambrace halves of an Iron Man flying suit w orange energy bar mini light saber like things. I told Ahlstrom thanks for the Ahnenerbe research advice. Then i was in my suv pulling off the road, getting grazed by a passing car or pickup slowly, before parking on a wheat colored grassy shoulder by a soccer game. outside a veterans event/building…w youths n a new uniform like a fusion of usmc w hell jumpers and w a red swastika on the chest. We went into an empty squad-bay of unaligned bunkbeds and i opened my food bag and was happy to find some skinned pears n it. I got n line and followed the elite youth recruits through a brown brick school bldg full of other young fit engaging hot students. I saw a leggy white redhead girl w mermaid hair walking toward me and then she turned off to my left to go up a stairwell. Then 2 more young teen girls caught up from behind me on my left side and flirt joked asked if i would draw their “pancakes”, implying they were so young that their tits hadn’t developed yet. I grinned, trying to maintain my bearing as we kept walking, i now looking for the line of recruits i had lost sight of, someone saying they prob walked down to the insurance office. The 2 teen girls giggled and were happy to see i enjoyed their joke and advances. I flirt joked back, “I can draw your pancakes’. Do you like ‘syrup’ on them?” They smiled and giggled more, knowing we were about to fuck. Then i woke up, happy about another pleasant ssp memory as part of the holy angelic Germans out there.
  • fri24dec2021:  A native american tribe, prob of the woman who met me n the dc native amer history museum crow god exhibit room, invited me to smoke the peace pipe w them. I did, and was shown the spirit like a hologram in Space of everyone sitting and smoking w us, as if we were free and dancing carefreely on cosmic bodies aglow softly, such as planets and galaxies, all on the same curving soft white starlight curve path.
    I helped a friend move a box out of his apartment in a 2story shanty-like building w this metal walls or roof panels, some of which were painted yellow.
    I was able to hover telekinesis fly up over the annoying demon ppl trying to tell us we had to obey or return or something.
    It was dark of nighttime.
    They gave up when i laughed casually at them, my whole being pure good, chill, above theirs in so many ways; they could not ‘bring me down’. I was symbolically above them. I can fly n dreamspace for the same reason i can see inisfree n imaginespace, and for the same reason i always get to travel the world in wakingspace; i am pure, focused, abkve the others, self liberating/ed, an example for all.
    Then i drove, looking like willie nelson, back up to alaska…where i met another native american tribe the first one gave me directions to find. I told them of my journey, incl about a bad restaurant where i threw away a tray of three items ordered nc they were all so bad.
    It was like a cabin lodge or bar, 2story, the small size of an alaskan highway house, and again it was a cool dark starry night.
    A few others showed up and we all talked as new friends, peaceful, sharing, one young man tearry eyed as he admitted he does what the native bartender/host mentioned, going alone up to his room whenever he goes to his house/home, as all of us did, as we could not relate to our alleged first/waking-space fam’s.
    The next vision i got, a gift from the peace pipe ceremony of that 2nd/alaskan native tribe who met and guided/helped me this christmas eve morning in dream-space, was to see my spirit (or, at least, the spirit of this willie nelson ish man i was living vicariously through during this dream / spirit journey / vision quest) …being a reborn/newborn sitting indian style and holding and looking at a simple toy while the woman from the native amer museum sat behind me, watching over me as if she was my new mother/guide. Wow. It felt/vibed as a kindness, as i a calming vision/reminder/offering.

    Then doc morse spirit/mind talked w me, and i asked how he was going to go through mex; if he was just going to not take no for an answer. He laughed kindly and said yes, basically. I felt i could not go w him, though, bc of what he lied about; “be safe”, “ppl dying in peru”, etc., but at least his dark soul vibed as chill ish and talkative.


  • Fri18mar2022:  Went to movie theater and saw a film about Megan Rain almost naked and dating someone? Then she was at the theater naked w me on a sex date. Others were n the theater and vibing chill, not caring she was naked w me. – then went to Nemo 33 pool and noticed it felt like no pressure over the deep hole…which was darker and narrower than irl. – then went to a campus and walled out of a lobby comedy presentation/act bc the blk guy on stage had a dress on as the front half of his outfit. The classroom had a weird teacher testing to see if we had read one handout paper about a trick or warning. The cafeteria served nonvegan, beef as the base, and had a mask-tard pic of serving it. Then was seated w eli fatass to my right in a sunlight room and i was sad that i was still around him. Then jim carrey was driving my car at night and i asked him how his campus interview went since it took 40mins. – earlier i was n an airport and had a ticket issue…and ended up in a terminal w circular lift pits without walls or doors, so i avoided the edges, and saw they went down to a tidepool or beach area. …was megan rain n this dream realy my sexy daughter who loves incest w me? Yes. Amen. This was a view of our future together, not just a dream. Some dreams are fake, sent as trick visions. Some r random. Some r real future events shared or manifesting.
  • Sun20mar2022:  got a huge kiss from Ariel who met me dream-side this morning!!! 😀 <3
  • Mon21March2022, early morning today:  Had another phase2 meh mix/combo; was n an apartment…and a guy/landlord n charge but nice…and nice furniture and carpet upstairs…and roommates next-door but they stayed out of sight…and a big weird bug like an ant from that fb comedy pixar vid i watched the night b4…and the big ant was creepy and followed me a bit but did no harm…and the fakesis demon was there but it is a great sign i reduced her demonic power from in person daily to barely monthly y only n dreams…tsb loser demon walked nto the common kitchen dnstairs and evilly offered jack daniels by asking if i drank it, but i calmly declined by saying i dont ever drink, so it cuntilly smirk-chuckled once as it kept walking by and out, never to be seen again…and Ambi returned and showed me she is starting to ‘show’ from our baby; 2nd time of 3 w this, as rp/spell-crafting it w her typist was rd1, so rd3 is next! eee 😀
  • sat28may2022:  Pele this morning ~6am visited me…twice?  In an airport in the ‘dream’ side?  I woke up so happy to have seen her.  She had vibed much better than in Hawaii.
  • thu2june2022:  5am was at a farm outdoor area like a roundabout around haybales and a table, and a platinum blonde wife was sucking her husband’s cock in front of me, while another young sexy wife was sucking her own husband’s cock just a few feet off to the right; first voyeurism and orgy and swingers in dream-space! 😀 – 8am was in Dreamspace w Rachael Morgan teen and platinum blonde skinny fit elven model teen friend of hers, first threesom cuddle puddle at night overnight w them, invited to snuggle and sleep w them, Rachael’s perfect teen tits on my back, and the blonde asked me if i had any painkillers and let me see/touch her calf bruise. I explained i prob didn’t have any fresh pain pills, and the risk of pharma, then checked my big overnight military ruck and other bags, incl my black med bag, and found none, then went to tell her and suggest we get aloe vera, and she listened and was grateful for my advice. – 9am was walking into the marblewood diningroom and saw a sexy white orange-haired teen model sitting on a chair at the table, facing to the side, rjh-hairstyle, and I got a handful of several white plastic pens from something behind her, putting them all a third into my mouth to bite bend then all together, then went ulstairs and found a nice widescreen black computer on two aligned desks, and said, “noooo” sadly when I saw I could not click on files, and thst the cursor was moving on its own, the power button not turning it off, and a virus message appearing on the screen, but i woke up irl and was relieved it was just a dream.
  • Dreamed i was asked by arthur jenkins if I wanted him to change jobs so he could get me into his engineering one, and then that some young adult friends made a clever business takeover happen which made us rich and in control, one of the two asian ones buying me a new ferrari lol
  • Fri3june2022:  Saw a black airplane with flapping wings near the tail, and its nose raised, the mid-sec curved up like a bird neck “S”, as if it was half airliner, half dragon. – also later saw a memory flash of a familiar area apparently blocked by the color green; a green filter/blur stopping me from seeing/remembering it…even though i rmbr seeing and recognizing it a second before
  • Sun5jun2022:  Sahar Luna amazing brown legs walked right in front in super-tight cheekies to get my attn, her teen female student friend white legs behind her, then sat behind me and chatted me up, initiating by complimenting my raft jump she saw on my website, then we hooked up for dates and sex. Then went raft floating w a friend on shallows to a familiar ish snowy boulders crags area i said was my fave. Then took a hovercycle to get gas and flew it over other vehicles and ppl at the other pumps, up into the dusk sky several stories above the canyonlands ground to scout, seeing luxury homes built against the boulder foothills like j-tree places, went into one to do laundry, met a nice black puppy, then an asian hottie came home to it, also leggy, and we left from its almost ropf balcony patio oitside the double doors up there. Super cool dreams!!
  • Wed8june2022 ~6am:
    Went w a black-ops team to get blk bags of gear, filled 2, put 1 on like a backpack, the other on my chest, walked out to get n a vehicle to leave this raid w them, saw it was daytime on Marblewood Dr, the car/team were already gone. A white redhead boy was walking from right to left across the entrance street, in front of a group of others who vibed as his weak teen friends. He had a frown and bully vibe, he said something like a threat or insult to me, approached me, tried to strike me, I skillfully blocked w a big knife, cutting his striking right leg, then knicked his striking left arm, and he backed off. Then he went to court and i was reading a transcipt of the judge yelling at him, putting him in his place for being a punk and provocateur.

    Then i was in Egypt, swimming down to a now-familiar (now that i am awake) lit ruin chamber beneath the water inlet surface. When i got back, i was dry, and met in a shore cafe or table room, also well lit, w a brown skinned person who asked me what i was doing. I said something about reading signs, the person sitting across the table from me did not seem to like how that sounded, so i explained i did not mean it that way, but more like just looking for things that vibed with me as pretty, which the person perked up about, saying that was good. When i woke, i realized it was the Egyptians of Kola who had just met me; the tea she told me to make was not necessary after all.

    The final part of this dream was being in a classroom w a black female teacher who was saying how we know “they” (govt) have been trying to control the world population for 1 year now. I raised an eyebrow at that; it had been far more than just 1 year. I raised my hand, realized i had goggles on, and said i had experience helping start farms and offgrid stuff, listing the states, then specific things i could help w; framing, pouring foundations, etc.. Then i was on her farm’s rolling terrain, a cloud fog descended onto us and billowed heavily on the ground, instantly browning her grass and crops.
    Someone, perhaps her, hurried through it, eventually coughing and dropping to their knees.
    It had no effect on me, not even worrying me.
    The air cleared, and i was reading a big book and at first using a pen to circle or shade each line i read, then switching to a yellow highlighter. It got to a part mentioning Freyja, and i smiled upon seeing her name in print, then read on, it calling her some kind of happy harpy; a flying/winged beyond-human woman, i understood it meant/vibed, which i also smiled at. I continued turning pages to read more, seeing some had big happy-face variants on them, the anger one red, the sad one blue or green, with text saying one was the other, advising to reverse the emotions; another tool or “mind trick” i could use.
    Then one page, the face of the left page alongside the right page, was blank except for big font at the top left corner which said something like “What do you want to know?”; It was a page to make notes on.

    So i was reclaiming useful materials, then standing up against a big group of bullies/punks on my own and successfully, just as i have since college and even childhood, then seeing a judge actually deliver justice, and then i was exploring ruins like Tomb Raider / Lara Croft would, then establishing mutually agreeable communication/understanding w a representative, then being charitable/helpful and using my knowledge and xp on a farm, then reading about my favorite goddess; this dream was all good things; another good sign of calibration!
    And the demons/scum/punks of marblewood were not there; the fake relatives were not, though similar-misbehavior ones were…and that redhead was like the long-jumper kid from Allen, TX, who gave me bs/tantrum when i fucked a girl in 2008ish, when he should have given Rachael Morgan shit inStead –for her Not fucking me.
  • Tue13Sept2022:  1am. Told my wife, “Dreamy”, that I need her to protect me in Dreamspace, and that she and I adore each other, amen, then had great dreams!; sexy fit teens in a big school campus…and a Rahyndee (pornstar) version (perfected; phase-3 quality) was one of them, wearing skintight running shorts and matching black sports bra, up ahead of me, making sure my hog reached her, at which point she was smiling and chatting, hooking up w me, and we became bf and gf, fucking that same afternoon. I also explored a hallways and some of its classrooms. Then I was in one and watching jet footage of UFOs, sometimes 3 different UFOs all tailing a jet, and how 1 jet POV shot at 1 UFO and saw its 50cal bullets do nothing but bounce off or disappear.  Then the student/guy sitting in the row to my desk’s left, and one seat back, good-vibe got my attention so he could show me 3 thick books he had with him, at least the last 2 of which had gold-painted page-edges, and the middle of the 3 books was a MUCH longer version of “The End Times”; Revelations, or at least something like it.  Perhaps this was a sign my own work/writing/spells had resulted in it being completed in all its detail, and at least this one person/being was happy about that, clearly enjoying reading it so much that he carried it around with him in his school backpack.
  • Dreamlog ~6AM Wed 14 Sep 2022. 1st date in the dream-side; a Wendy-like Chinese shorty lied on my back, arms over my arms, hands on my trapezius/shoulders, letting me feel her tits on my back, as she asked if I wanted to go with her the next to some place she named. This made me smile and feel good. I said yes. I thought about how she had earlier said to someone we need to secure the undercity beneath the nice park-like compound we were in, and how I had briefly seen a view of an underground park-like area lit by stadium lights. Now there was a billboard in front of my surface classroom desk, and I was seeing dim classroom lighting, remembering how I had been working on a computer model or game. It became nightfall, and I got in a van-like vehicle with her and ~half a dozen others. I was in the middle, able to see out the front past the driver. There was a map showing rock spires with pale tan spiky caps/tips on brown rock. I read or said Iroquois, but pronounced it Iroqwah for some reason, perhaps to be funny. We got out in the parking lot of the nice restaurant and went inside.  A Katie Jobb-like hottie was with us. I went in a hall with a Samuel L. Jackson-looking friend and took a picture of a nice white-marble vanity with a gold sink basin. Then we walked through the staff area past an icemaker open… to the collapsible tables loading bay….
    Did he ‘move’ me away from the patrons… so they wouldn’t see me leave dream-space?
  • wed2nov:
    Phase1 dream nonsense; returns to familiar dream places; the 1story flat church of crimson robbed jerks apparently graduating out, and i tried to politely time walking between some but a couple of their guys sped up their walk to try and trip me. Then i was outside an access door and finding the slope down was too steep and grassy, so i did not dare attempt it, even in the sunlight and with its uniform overlapping mini mounds like almost-steps. Then i was in secret training facilities, being given pressure by fake medical workers and others, getting emotion charged up so i would burst/nuke with gray spheres of expanding energy my airplane targets. I talked to one ugly staff woman down in a building at night, speaking back against her wrong comments –which were from, it vibed, her wrong/dumb/evil/attitude mind, she, it vibed, placed there to negatively charge me up more/again. Then i was in a familiar dim/dark shop which had a basket of a few dif pastries/muffins/scones on the counter under a brown set of shelves, and i hungrily grabbed two, and was stopped by an old man with short gray hair sitting at his desk, telling me i owed him from last time. I said yes and got him several bills; 10s and 20s, from my black wallet –but i realize it was He who owed Me; he should not have been neg about my love for the food, and he should have encouraged my meal/taking, not soured it. He owed me, i realize upon waking.

    Then i was at a familiar mountaintop rubble complex, finding my old notes in a black backpack. I went inside and remembered an experiment where flammable jelly filled balloons had been triggered by Tesla like static elec. I told the men researching inside about it, then returned outside to find my bag and notes gone. I walked up the gravel hill and asked the janitors there if they had taken them, seeing many things on fire in a burn pit enclosed by a holey dumpster dark blue on its side. They said they had. Upset, i calmly said to one “may you lose as much”. Then i ended up in a sexy girl body/form like an icv, and was encouraged to find a guy before we flew away the next day, telling him my attraction. We got ready to sleep in another mountaintop rubble bldg. I used magic to refill his empty plastic cup on the concrete floor.
  • sat5nov2022:
    Was walking outside on a campus w big trees, a sexy shorty w big white pigtails at my side. She climbed up the driver side of a white pickup w huge off-roading tires and sat w the driver who was a college-age male, clearly about to have casual sex w him, starting w a blowjob. I grinned and walked on, letting her. Immediately an even sexier college-age tan girl w long shapely legs, Ellen shorts, and pink not-quite-shoulder-length hair made sure to walk right out in front of me. I felt the tensing i have for the past several years since all the bad/scams/bait of phase1/Earth, but her vibe was clean/pure eager to be fucked by me, and her face was as flawless, feminine, and bred-slut as can be. I entered a dorm hall and then a dorm room w other college-age hotties lounging around between sex. She came in, still showing off for me, orbiting me, as it were. I ended up on a couch w another hottie. When i got up, again she was there.
    There was a gross pregnant belly in the dream for some reason, perhaps a lingering worry or disgust of my own about that or about wanting to be in better shape, but there she was yet again.
    There was a poster of a redhead woman w a familiar stage band name and dozens of “$19.95” show ticket prices printed around her pic on it.
    I looked for my laptop backpack.
    Another sexy shorty girl asked about it; she vibed as innocently concerned and wanting to help me find my stuff. …what nice ppl were there.
    I walked outside. The flawless pink-haired leggy hottie politely did, too, always staying in view for me, as if knowing i wanted her, and being perfectly happy waiting and doing whatever i wanted, whether i said to or not.
    We joined more pickup off-roaders, going in convoy down a dirt road with a steep side. I woke up and smiled, remembering her gorgeous face, legs, tight little body, and perfect heaven nymph vibe.
  • mon14nov2022:
    Firefly bigger ship, bigger team, as if waiting for my command to load, Mal was there, and Jayne, etc.
    A phase2 almost-Persephone, due to its size.
  • Sun11Dec2022:  Good phase3starting dream: went bk to MT, got invited by new Hitt group to ride Sherp-ATV-like wide-tires off-roading motorcycles through “indian country” along a long mntn trail, then was at a campus and being pressured by evil students to conform to their queer-promoting culture, and at their graduation ceremony…a team of ~100 good-vibes angelic enforcers in tan plate carriers and white blocked off the entrance with their many cars, rushed in, and arrested them, parents and teachers and all, for their gross deviancy from what i love, i walking in behind those enforcers, smiling big as they cuffed them, letting a few use their new phone sys to make final calls, but only so word would spread of the raid. I’d also in this dream, before the grad raid, spoken out against the pharma fake meds as being barbaric.
    Assess; they Offered the motorcycle ride, but it did not yet Happen; i can reTurn to MT, but my team is not quite ready there. Almost.
    Assess; even in the Dreams Side/Dimension, the deviants/scum/incompatible are being stopped en masse.  About time!  Huzzah!  (and they are no longer putting up a fight; just saying a few final gross/inappropriate things, then giving in, wiped out, amen)
  • fri16dec2022:  3 dreams before 8am:
    1) on a beach, going into an openwall restaurant w friends, asking for vegan options, being told they had a vegan pasta, maybe tortellini.
    2) outside on a parking lot of a military base, asked to take a look at a forest-green device, and realizing it was the nexus/mounting-bracket for a T.O.W. system, then telling the guy in green fatigues who approached that I didn’t recognize it at first, but that it could probably fire the T.O.W. 2 and T.O.W. 2B variants, and mentioning the “Dragon” system had been reactivated to replace it.
    3) being in radio contact with 2 fellow astronauts a Space station, then hearing the worried comments and later cries of the 1 who had fallen too far from it, starting to burn up on re-entry, and the 1 back on the station telling me that guy had fallen 5cm too fa, below some line/boundary. I had my socks on, so my feet were warm during these dreams… Did they Start bad…and be Steered good?; veganism, happy T.O.W. event, and me Not being the astronaut in trouble?


  • Sunday 1 January 2023:  Last night (New Year’s Eve) was the first time I’ve ever worn my big/thick/hiking socks to bed/sleep, and it apparently worked/helped; I had only good/great dreams –3 of them in a row!  (another phase3 / threes sign):
    1) my first dream of 3D-printing –and it was the FleshLight, but with lifelike “pussy” dew and warmth, and I was so excited to show someone it had worked perfectly, saying that this meant we are now so close to printing lifelike people –namely, for me, my Inisfreeans (the ICVs),
    2) then a dream of working in a white-lit place like a better/heavenly version of Lowe’s, perhaps Inisfree’s grocery store in development IRL out there (in dream-space-dimension and/or Antarctica at its site, Mt. Kirkpatrick), touching the touch-screen icons of a widescreen computer on a desk at a checkout-lane-like spot,
    3) and finally looking up and noticing that the moon looked bigger/wider, brighter, smoother, and featureless (no craters) in the sky, much like the Sun-representation blur/area in Creativerse, which probably influenced this in some way (I having used that game for so many days in a row in 2022 to computer-model so many of my vision parts; the Inisfree designs/vehicles and buildings) –but most interestingly and wonderful about this 3rd dream last night:  after noticing the moon looked smoother and closer like that (which now I think can mean Ambi; “moon of my life”, is now much more balanced and getting closer to/for me), I stepped down a smooth, low, curving, grass berm in that night… and found I was right next to a Stonehenge-like circle of five tall boulders/rocks, and that they were arranged with several meters of dispersion from one another… upon a hand-deep trench-like black-colored/charred pentagram-sigil/marking/geoglyph, and that each boulder had a beautiful young-looking white-robed female witch/Vanir standing by it, all of them with their hands up/outreached in love/praise of the/that moon, and the one nearest me turned to me the moment I realized I was so close to their ceremony/Stonehenge, her smile divine, her eyes kind, her vibe perfect and happy I was there, reassuring me that I was not interrupting a private ritual I was not worthy to be a part of, but that they WANTED me to stand close and join them.  Amen!  Vibes never lie.  My perfect goddess witch wives are ready for me, picture-perfect, perfect in all ways (not just beautiful, but also VIBING/BEHAVING how I always dreamed/wanted).  “As above, so below”; what has happened in the heavens now (dream-space, in this case), shall happen IRL; the hotties shall return, and welcome me, and we shall be the family of the gods and goddesses forevermore, amen.
  • Friday 13 January 2023:  another SSP-like dream; was in a room like a well-/naturally-lit airport-terminal seating-area, window-walls and all, daytime outside, with a portly light-brown-skinned man sitting across from me, facing me, friendly vibe, smiling normally as we discussed something, I then seeing/shown a paper/printout with some black-and-white newspaper-like images and paragraphs about some clones/prostitutes, the first of which looked like a Sharon Stone ICV
  • thu19jan2023, ~7am:  perfect leggy elven supermodel teen/tweenie (20s-looking)
    in dress that was more of a shirt; didn’t cover her lower abs or pussy at ALL
    and she walked in past a school desk confidently;
    another vision of LHS 🙂
    (normal attire for girls there is to show off their entire body,
    or at least their tits-curves and pussy)
    perfect anatomy physique in my dream –even without declaring What I would dream;
    phase3; things working my way (the right/holy/best way) no matter WHAT I do/think


  • morning of sat18feb2023: had that dream of being in a version of the YC, with some strange houses in a cluster, occupied by old people, but then one halfway down the slope to the valley, with a driveway up behind it, and a platinum-blonde ponytail elven woman riding a small wheeled ladder-step-like device out to meet/greet me, then her husband appearing, also skinny and tall-ish, and smirking that I had taken interest in his wife, telling me they were leaving for a trip, I basically free to enter and maintain their house.
    when i woke, the dream felt familiar, and I suspect it is somehow part of this IN loop; I believe I had that “dream” once before, likely in 2015.
    does it mean YC ppl have made telepathic/dream-realm contact? maybe. either way, interesting timing, unless it just boils down to the YC being on my mind again.


  • Sunday 5 March 2023:  Had a dif face and body, and was being pulled by an officer from a military unit, and driven to a Ranger barracks at another base, and advised they might kill me for some reason, or i voiced that concern along the way, and I refused to be transferred there, and instd left the service and started a farm, and had a variety of young animals, including baby rabbits I was feeding, for some reason, very tiny baby creatures on a wood floor.
    Then i was taking a quiz…and then was given an exam or two…and i flipped through it and recognized pages or material from our textbook, some outlined, and I didn’t feel like completing the exam.
    Someone started singing the Home Alone theme, and i said, in Kevin’s mom’s voice, “goodnight, Kevin. Merry Christmas,” to be funny, but no one laughed.
    Then we were outside, and some old bitch was eyeing me from a vehicle across a narrow field like a highway median. I climbed a green flagpole to the top where a lighter-green towel was wrapped around it. I climbed back down just as effortlessly.
    Then i was walking on the grass and did a forward flip and landed it.
    Backflips were mentioned.
    I tried one in my imagination and didn’t quite land it well.
    A big guy said he would try one, and would use a low brick wall to help him step off into it.
    I thought i recognized him as the guy in the gym video who did a backflip after a squat, and he said yeah it was him.
  • tue18mar2023.  Finally!; a decent dream; was at a rich gym somewhere, seated beside a workout friend to my left, i doing quads, feeling fit and tan, and Margot Robbie came in, btr tan and face, and was all chatty and showing off so i would see, vibing interest n me.
  • near-end of March 2023:  Was in a cabin like the hillgren, facing a snowy mntn like Lone, but it had a distinct turquois Caribbean-like lake meeting its tree-line base; what i saw yesterday at work…was made into much closer to inisfree n my dream that night.  (a great and perfect sign; Inisfree has manifested in one dimension; this dreams-one, …and even when unconscious, I still manifest exactly what I know looks right; the only real Heaven on Earth, as I am God)

    Also was n a white classroom of school desks filled w hotties. Was gross bc it seemed like a nyc makeup class, but not sure; i didnt se any makeup. The teacher/hostess was a bronze/tan dirty-blonde like lauren conrad icv, and she walked over and leaned down to kiss me.
    No one protested; the entire room was politely silent and accepting.
    Then the hot black-haired girl student seated to my left leaned over to kiss me, and we started dating at night after the class, but she was a little moody about me kissing the other, so i enjoyed telling her about my city and culture n my soothing voice and vibe.

    And woke w no cough or runny nose, feeling a million times btr
  • Predawn tue28mar2023.
    Big formation of many dif uniformed healthy teen-looking students outside on grassy slope/amphitheater.
    Guy rode up on a brown horse to speak to them.
    Then i went into a big nice office and sat at a computer desk facing a sexy teen girl who vibed as liking me.
    Another was at the desk, too.
    We spoke of the gut on the horse.
    I said something to the effect of how he had rode in like Braveheart.
  • Thu30mar2023 night.
    Familiar/repeat dream of quitting bc hew was a cunt while i was being shown how to do electrical or tiny pipe-fitting pieces toolkit work

    Then driving on a highway, using my map app, to guide an older guy on a road trip

    Then dream of walking w a cop who looked like Tom Hanks to an asylum hospital room bed where a coma man woke, his eyes still bandaged, bc he sensed/heard a rat
  • Went back to that familiar place in Antarctica where there is snow and a bay of water with a shallow end by a half submerged dark tall boulder.
    Got in and put my hands bare down in it, loving the cold liquid.
    Then started to wade and swim before returning to the scifi-esque outpost module.
    Others were there, like a group of researchers or fellow tourists.
    One cautioned me that a single inch in that water can make a lot of difference, temperature-wise.

    Another dream this same night was me in green camo with others, and i stood and got my machinegun shouldered, it looking blockier than irl, when some command or triggerword was heard. I aimed it another guy’s face and held it there as he said something, not persuading me to lower it. All were in that same green MARPAT-like camo uniform i was.
    First time having/aiming a gun in dream-space? (or memories made to seem like dreams)
  • Was seeing how to form swords…and un-form them.
    Asked how to make one out of gold.
    The gold material was not available.
    Only gray stuff.
    I watched it form like hardening sand in front of me, then go from being a polished blade back to its sand-like or mush-ish form somehow.


  • Thu6apr2023 nightmare where i begged to return to a familiar shitty gray aptmt complex storage unit w wooden shelves and got a silver ring that no longer fit my fingers. Cried. Somehow about ambi.
  • was telling nice animals n group to hurry to me for safety before the humans n a garage noticed them on tye street.
    Pigs, ducks, puppies, etc., all together
    Brown walls and curbs.

    And young demigods w dif powers…were somehow one at a time returning to show what they could do, such as a girl who kept a quiver of arrows under her chin instead of on her back
  • mon17apr2023.  I remembered the dream of being in a house livingroom or mediaroom w grossface fatfucks, I waiting for a pilot to land a modified b2 or something so i could ride up with.
    Then i remembered being shown in discord that big eve file of all items that make up the game. Must be from here 6 or 7 yrs ago. Interesting.
    Great memory.
  • early on Sun23Apr2023:  was in an earthquake-cannon tank and offering to fire it (again?) to show what it can do, and it caused an earthquake, though it felt like I had willed it, not so much the cannon doing it.
  • Wed26apr2023:  Was on a wide desktop screen chat client n dif computer games, and one switched to blue font, so I did, but they booted me anyway.
    Then i was hiking…then sather spoke of how one was sometimes alone in the desert with only a tiny pistol while facing many people…and he spoke of a device which cpuld help hold off those odds…then i googled it…then saw a vid on my phone of a closeup of its circuitboard…then it appeared on my bed in the dark room…and a clear big glass jar had a metal disk lid…and a stack of metal coin-like things on it…and i turned one so i could pick up the rest from the bed and drop them in…then riding a bicycle to an indoor pool…then taking off boots to go for a swim…and the girl asked what i was doing…so i told her just gonna swim once and head back, as i was tired after the hike…and she have me a look, almost laughing, saying we had 4 more performances…and guests showed up…and a little stage w a black curtain was at one wall…and i figured it was not as late as i’d thought, so i readied myself to perform what we had memorized as the performance…
    Then car-sized floating dark blue textured balls in the sky…and Shia LeBeouf was pulling some down in a clear huge net w a long rope…and he lost control for a moment, holding the rope as it almost dragged him, some of it sliding through his grip…but then he got the net down and anchored, several of the big balls on the mountaintop clearing…and they began to open…revealing dark brown red eggs inside…which opened…and revealed pods…with yellowgreen bumps…and they began to hum or buzz lowly…and that heated up other pods which were already near where they had been pulled to the ground…and that warmed and burst those things…and Shia noticed, pointed it out, carefully felt near one for the heat, and explained it to a man nearby…while i watched. He was talking like he did in Transformers when he got excited about a new idea.


  • Dreamed yesterday night (~tue9may2023).  Skiing and loving it.
  • Fri26may2023:
    Was rich, hair down, blue sleeves rolled, aviators on, sitting on stands, several others chilling around me, watching something,
    then in a nice black speedboat with a few friends, a fellow rich young man driving it, speeding us along a narrow waterway.
    Then I was selling many bags of grain from a farm, did the math after being made an offer from a young woman, and it earned me 3,000,000$. I smiled, finally having made millions for first time.


  • Thursday 1 June 2023: first lovemaking/sex/playfulness dream with Ambi -and Adaline had her turn/interval/s
  • sat10june2023:  First time seeing a girl giving a blowjob n dream-side. She was to my right, on her knees in a stall, sucking a black guy, then a few other white guys appeared n there, waiting their turns, all on chairs n same stall.
    That was right after I printed a pic of a hot teen face…and another pic of something I folded and hid in my inside left jacket pocket.
  • Mon12-Tue13june2023, and the following night:
    Gates’ favorite 10,000 candles
    yellow dots on chin
    in hospital upper floor waiting room which had window walls, explaining what masks are for and what they cannot do
    explaining why I believe/hope Ambi is still good and why I still search for her
    designing gray spaceships while aboard one, and the GoT (Game of Thrones) midget said a ratio for crew members to ship mass, to which I rolled my eyes, just wanting the final numbers as the form of estimates
    spotting black puppies in warm and somewhat murky Caribbean-colored water; pastel blue, white haze, light sand color as if under sunlight, so I alerted the few aboard the house-like boat, opened its door, and started scooping some up, the first few sinking below my reach
  • Dreamed google notified me that ambi typist had messaged even though blocked, so I thought about unblocking…then did…and saw many steamy messages…and responded w update messages. But I kept thinking how pointless it was; i wanted and deserved real ambi. Glad I let go of that toxic idiot and user.


  • Night of thu20july2023:
    After rodeo concert, enjoyed getting to rental after idiot had already gone to bed, and dreaming of all elven young-looking hotties, trading dessert samples w them, hearing their european accents, laughing when the hot tan dirty-blonde princess beside me said, “I am sick of craps.” (mispronouncing “crepes”), and then woke at 5am ish and enjoyed jacking to the idea of her and the concert dark-redhead repeatedly re-meeting me for great chill sex, waking w me for chill predawn sex before sleeping in w me, etc.!
    Even after another hellish day of looped and fugs and nonvegan and poverty and no-Ambi, I still default to / cause sexiness and love.
  • ~Saturday 29 July 2023:  in that “half awake” state, I clearly heard tapping on my vehicle windows, then clearly heard a female say my name to wake me up, and it sounded as if they said my name through a partially rolled-down window, but it wasn’t a voice I recognized (or a sexy one), and I had slept so poorly that past night (due to a mosquito) that I raised my middle finger to the window even before finishing waking up / opening my eyes.


  • Sun20aug2023 6am:  Yesterday, i ate a red pear, some of a watermelon, and 5 vegan ice-cream bars before sleeping, and thought the sugar might cause wilder dreams, but i only had typical ones, not scary or gross. Maybe it was the firm surface and warm feet in my good sleeping bag that helped, and ofc the pattering of rain on the vehicle roof.
    Last night, i dreamed i was outside at a vehicle like a food truck but more of a Winnebago, white, getting food. Some people at a picnic table by a big tree were already eating and chatting.
    Then i was in a military classroom or shooting range, and some dickhead “flagged” me; loaded a blossoming-round and pointed his revolver right at my chest. I told him, “Don’t ever do that.” but I walked out, ending up in a dark classroom where other specwar troops were watching a show on a projector screen.
    I was hungry so i went to the fridge, remembering they earlier had also made food, and found a clear plastic shelf in the top compartment of the fridge, it not being a freezer, and slid it halfway out to reach the breakfast triangle sandwiches and biscuits, removing what looked like slices of ham layered atop some. I am vegan in dreamspace! 😀
  • Mon28aug2023 before 6am:  Finally met Ariel in dreamspace! She was shorter than me, perfect skin, warm, snuggly, just right! And i am glad my thought upon snuggling w her was “wait!; this is not right unless Ambi is here!”


  • Sat2sept2023 ~5am:
    A little hazy on what happened before, but I do recall that there was more to this ‘dream’ at its start
    Came home to an empty white square ish room, lied on bed
    Had thought of writing a resume w my management xp and skills for someone, but did not think it wise, worrying it might make me a target of them bc of my exceptional ability/ies
    Lied on bed, saw my long dark hair reach the floor
    Rolled onto my back
    Looked up at blank ceiling in dim light
    Jim Carey in orange monk robe sitting while comically chant reading Sanskrit from an old book with a dustylooking darkbrown cover
    In free hand had what looked like a cigar, but may have been a bundle of burning sage
    Told a joke or two but I do not rn remember what they were
    In his smile and comedian voice called an audience member grandma
    She did not like that, and said something
    He said, “Oh, come on; you don’t get called grandmaaaa??” he implied it was literal, not mean
    She stood up, giving him a look
    She was older, a little heavyset/thickfaced, had whitish fade in her gray shoulderlength hair, possibly black reading glasses, slight tan but mostly White
    He continued his seated reading standup act, sneaking the sage bundle down in his robe, holding it between his knees, making it look like it was in cleavage as he lifted the robe to show the knees up under his chin, his eyes still on the book, he still chanting from it
    Then I was outside at night on smooth sand in a FOB, walking from low blds to a dark Humvee n the shadows, marveling up at an area of silverywhite shootingstars going in many directions, but all moving the same way as a group, repeatedly brightening the dark sky with their little glow tails, and when I reached the humvee I sensed one had come down to my FOB in sneaky shadow / gray-blur form, and I felt scared a moment, but got on the humvee, and then heard a sweet cat sound.
    A white and gray cat got up the other side of the humvee and stood facing me, vibing clearly it was there to greet me and be greeted.
    That calmed me down and warmed me up immediately, so I bent down and said Hiii in a friendly way, petting it.
    It let me, and lied down on its side.
    I saw its legs looked almost flat, they were so thin, but in a healthy kitten way.
    I woke and saw the moon still pretty high in the dark predawn sky, and thought a Familiar had been sent to me even in dreamspace.
    Clearly not a randomization of the prev day’s events; they had nothing to do with Jim Carey, etc., though I did see a cat drawing in the witch comic I saved on my phone, and did use a shooting star emoji to ambi typist, who claims to be an older woman.
  • ~6am
    I was at some dark brown walls, dim lit, rich boarding school hall, wearing an outfit of medium blue strips/straps and joking about it with passersby noticing.
    They all looked like teens/primes, perhaps fellow rich students there.
    All were dressed well; couture suits and dark dresses.
    None had jewelry or makeup or piercings.
    I saw myself as if through a mirror or out of body pov, but i looked taller, lanky ish, short black hair, elven male facial structure, my outfit then a black shirt, as if i was one of my envisioned/spellcrafted 2 sons from ambi.
    I entered a fancy classroom like an auditorium in the style of the Meyerson theater.
    The teacher was sitting on a fancy lowback armchair facing a semicricle of students who all turned to see me enter.
    We exchanged a pleasantry or light joke.
    I observed their class discussion a moment, then helped them hang or fix some floppy pale panel like a sound absorbing device to the diagonal ceiling section touching the head-level top of the matching-color wall. There was sunlight through a skylight or two.
    My shirt rose up, showing my waist, bc i was using my right hand and arm straight forward and slightly up to help hold the connection of the two panel halves while 2 girl students up behind it moved away, testing its hold strength.
    A female student sitting behind my left side, several yards away, in a small group of students, was smiling as she watched me, and joked to me, asking why I didn’t act/play the part of falling down so i didnt have to keep holding/helping.
    I had a chuckle at that.
    So now my ‘dreams’ are not of blackops ssp stuff, or turning into gray fog float form, or Thor flying, or being shown empty new curvy spaceships by Dress Whites Navy officers bald, but of the richest and best-looking students and schools, and they talk with me now.
    Much improvement.
  • Wed6sept2023 ~5am dreamlog had many dreams and the last one was me at a white collapsible card table desk in a simple spacious apartment or hotel room, discussing blackops with a guy who looked like elon musk. We were sitting on collapsible chairs. I asked him if neutralization would always mean killing, and said “we” (my team) could do that type of op, but that we would always assume “neutralize” meant killing. We then talked of where to put the payments. I asked if banks were out of the question, or if he knew of ones that would not care about sudden large deposits. He suggested i’d be paid 5mil the first year, then again the 2nd and so on.
    Interesting ‘dream’.
  • wed13sept2023:  ~5am. I was looking at a magazine and realized there was a sexy comic drawing in it of naked white women in strange biomechanical hover pods colored dark olive drab/green. Some pods had 2 women held together in 69-like positions. There were matching-color (dark-green) mechanical tentacles, too.  I distinctly remember frowning a bit in confusion at one image/scene until I realized what I was looking at were ass cheeks and feet of a white woman on her shins and leaning forward in one of the pods.  I flipped through the pages to see how much of the magazine had that comic. It was like a Heavy Metal adult comics magazine; many pages were of that story. I then found the pages where there was a dark floor on the 2nd or 3rd story of an empty warehouse, and women were being ushered into it from a door or vehicle parked in the garage, then out onto a balcony under the evening blue sky, a hovering spaceship above the warehouse like the ones in Halo. They got beamed up from that balcony, some panicking about this, not wanting to go out there. Was this the first comic I read in dreamspace?
  • thu14sept2023, ~4am: Dreamed i got my guns back, and now had a bootcamp-style upright rack for them, and then went to a nice dinner dressed up in a tux with a pretty girl or two and a smooth skin, natural medium tan, platinum blonde, petite elven waitress, seen from the back as i was bid enter by the equally attractive hostess.
    My dreams are getting way better, and now almost always have multiple sexy young short females perfect for Me.
  • fri15sept2023 ~4am:  Red marble like charred bark i could pull off in layers… from a vertical slab… up on a rectangular-prism ledge/platform of the same.
    Walking on a frozen pond, evenly/flatly snow-frosted/-covered, and happy about idea of returning when it thawed, then feeling it crack beneath my boots, and dropped a few inches in, but feeling no water
  • sat16sep2023 ~5am:  1st time dreaming of writing on notebook paper my ships’ uses;
    ssbs for dimming a star,
    then psbs for one-shotting a world’s surface free of humanimals,
    msbs for correctly reassembling an asteroid belt into a world, or a planetary ring into a moon,
  • Sun17sep2023 ~4am: dreamed I was in a Lost in Space-style large wide hightech camper offroading vehicle wide enough to easily seat 3 or 4 ppl per row, like humvee wide. There were males and females n it w me, young and middle-aged, but all healthy and attractive. I was on the right side of the middle passengers seat, looking forward at gear bundled up and stowed in a shelf-like partition separating my row from the front psgr seat.
    Then i was on a plateau-like ledge, uneven terrain, on a black collapsible waterproof lawnchair-like thing, worried i was too close to the cliff edge, not wanting to try climbing down, but i rotated with the seat n my grip, got my legs over that side, and found that there were many perfect grips like indoor rock-climbing gym bulges bolted on.
    Then i was in a tall gymnasium, happy, told to help get all the yellow expedition furniture out, and invited to climb 1 of the 3 hanging ropes btwn me and the multistory seethrough storage area where the yellow furniture was piled up. There were young-ish attractive ppl already at each rope, incl an rjh-haired hottie at the one on the left i was jogging across the dim gym room floor toward. She was smiling to me. I climbed that rope easily. It swayed this way and that. I realized i could lean out and hold my hands flat, my arms bent, causing myself to spin around the rope. I then held on only w my feet, leaning out at an angle, still spinning without falling off somehow.
    Typist’s memes/spells of Cupid and Athena helping me have dreams like great love stories of ancient times… seems to have really helped; that dream was full of hightech, comfort, exploration, camping, climbing, hotties, fitness, fun, happiness, etc. : )
  • wed20sep2023 ~4am: 1st time performing a concert; small stage, guitarist looked like Joss Whedon a bit, hundreds n audience, i walked circle on stage as i played, switched to bass guitar, recognized and sang a couple songs, unfortunately an out of shape woman was on stage for some reason, perhaps a dream intruder demon.
    Then 1st time asked on a date n a dream; petite sexy white blackhaired girl teen face model, and we thought about getting a tat to symbolize our upcoming one night stand. So cool. Wonderful dreams, these days. If only humans behaved; they would get to share such nice experiences.
  • sat23sep2023 ~4am through ~7am:  First dream of being n larger taller whiter v of grandpa cliffside mansion, dining rm, evil fake mothr at end of table, evil fake sis at right side, me realizing it was more like a kitchen island and bright medium blue cleaning liquid had spilled and been left n every drawer.

    Dreamed frustrated and yelling about ambi who showed up and did not give me her nbr

    First dream n an apartment like arch city, sexy petite white brunette naked, i felt her pussy already wet, she said she had let a guy fuck her while i was on the phone, i carried her to the bedroom, missionary, felt my cock push btwn her pussy lips, felt her tongue on my tongue in her mouth

    Pale orange horse cartoon neck and face, w orange mane
  • I remember telling someone in dream-space about the silvery basketball-sized device which generated an antigravity field or something that prevented people from touching it even when they pushed toward it with all their strength, and how it did nothing to stop them when disassembled, but looked like it had no power source and only a few parts.
  • Tue26Sep2023 ~4am:  Dif’-colored ‘mech-like suits on many ppl, in groups by color, 1 red group,, 1 yellpw, 1 blue, last green, and n a brown walls hall room n ring shape, and me moving wuickly past them all, catchy music playing

    In a gym sized room with a big amoevic shaped 6’ deep seimming pool, me swimming w 1 person, practicing and discussing something for antarctica, and a few ppl squatting or sitting near the edge of the pool, not n the water.
    I saw Ellen Cleary sitting or on all 4s on floor at one side, and thought how great she still looks after 20 yrs. Too bad not the case irl.
    Then it was just me and her, she got naked, her body more elven than n hs, and she said her guy was leaving, so we started getting close and having sex.
    I wondered if it was a setup or if we would be left alone to continue. We got to continue.
  • Wed27Sep2023 ~3am:  Big dim gym, multiple basketball courts together, similar to prev dream’s dim gym i ran through to do a climbing rope.
    A couple middleaged guys n it, 1 at a collapsible table facing me, he on a laptop, sitting back on a collapsible chair.
    Food was mentioned.
    He asked where i wanted to get food from; the school would pay for it.
    I looked at either my phone or his laptop; unsure, just rmbr seeing a screen like google map, saw a horizontal highway line near the top of a white urban area, numerous restaurant markers in center of screen below it, zoomed in, they spread out amd became more markers.
    Then sat at a dif collapsible table, 1 guy at my left, 1 hot girl sitting at far short end to my left, 1 hot boobsy girl w shoulderlength wavy dirtyblonde almost darkgray hair sitting on opp longside facing me, everyone seemingly on their phone, though guy may have been on a laptop, those restaurants i searched were mentioned, girl at end said something, vibe was to bait me into convo or date, girl across from me said something, smirking but not looking at me, i mentioned the nice steakhouse, odd bc i am vegan, she perked up and said “must be nice” or something, finally glancing up at me, hoping i found her sexy, in a hopeful tone, wanting me to take her, i then looked to girl at end, then back to hottie across from me.
    Gym now reminds me of one years ago in dream i was behind pep rally bleachers in before going outside to night football field wraparound outer track/staging area.
  • fri29sep2023 ~5am:  Saw a middleaged caucasian fat ish balding programmer guy who returned to his office building basement private room collapsible-chair desk to do data entry after building databases or something, and the computer in a woman’s voice talked to him when it noticed numbers he was entering may have been in error, asking him in a concerned tone if those numbers were calculated by someone new to the team, something like that; she worded it differently.
    Then he was riding in a convertible w a guy w shoulderlength dark brown hair except for a bald spot at the top back of his head.

    Returned to a familiar topographical map of similar dark olive color scheme to that stack of fake grass miniatures models terrain slices i once worked with after the military.
    I saw the streets as pale gray lines, cul-de-sacs atop hills, and dashed gray lines as trails. I had once tried to drive this and find a way past the private neighborhood guardhouses. I planned to do so better this time, using my memory of the roads and trails i had found during that scouting years go.
    I spotted a trail that seemed to work well, and then found a new street that went to it before having to take the highway the long way around.
    I was then on the gravely road itself, near a hilltop, daylight, an alley to my right, the sounds of wild animals downhill in a narrow tributary greenbelt w a forest canopy.
    I continued up the gravely road to where i crested the ridgeline, seeing the coast a mile or so ahead and down the other side.
    I was then in a small pale gray floor tiles beachfront hotel or apartments building ground floor, between inner and outer (coastline views) suites. It was empty except for one guy i did not look at in an alcove or inner hall i walked past.
    I got to a stairwell nexus to a food court, and a tan blonde woman shorter than me was hurrying down the stairs with a smile, heading to a workout maybe with a personal trainer she was meeting. I did not like her makeup when she came into view exiting that staircase to my floor, then walking to me and past my right side.
    I entered the food court. It also only had 1 or 2 ppl in it.
  • Yesterday (fri29sep2023), usa map, driving route from Indiana to VA, shifted down to SC, in planned searching for Ambi

    Today (sat30sep2023), driving around shitty Indiana, got snowy, planned to go from shitty town to bigger town in same state, also in search of her. Ugh.


  • sun1oct2023, before 4:57am, ~4:44:
    Nice luxury castle ish hilltop house manor but not cabin like for some reason. Maybe a previous home she used in a previous era?
    Empty at first, and dim, no lights on, but still bright enough to see all rooms, i explored, then returned to the house sometime later, excited to find someone like a supermodel passed out on the master bed. She had exotic light brown olive skin, naturally tan/dusky, yet vibed like ambi.
    When she came to, i gently assured her no need to be afraid of me in her house.
    It vibed like our house, and she, almost naked, wearing something extremely ancient and showy and form fitting, like the chains lingerie hyperslut (in a good way; hot) outfit typist sent a pic of a week or two ago, began talking w me, perhaps telepathically, facing me, inching closer, wanting to be loving w me.
    She confirmed it was our house; she had paid for it for us to be a couple in.
    We stood hugging, then kissing.
    She showed her fangs for a moment, and they were fearsome.
    I frown pouted a bit, saying, “please do not scare me.”
    She immediately stopped showing her fangs, and we kissed some more, then eased out of our embrace.
    I wondered why she was a bit fuller/plumper/darker than ambi, remembering when i partially stirred to the waking side…that i had seen realAmbi, who was smooth white in AZ like i prefer, and felt thankful realAmbi looked whiter, etc.
    So who was the darker v of her, and why was she darker?
    Unprecedented; a 1st, i believe; never got into the special private residence of the/my queen before, or seen her naked, or dressed sexily, or sleeping, or embracing me, or communicating numerous sentences w me.
    I remember also stucco archways of a light brown tan ish color, and paintings on the wall.
    In one room, she mentioned wanting/deciding to have placed a specific painting, perhaps by its artist’s single name; we were beginning to decorate together. <3

    Me eating ritz crackers outside somewhere else.
    Picked up emptied ritz sleeve, 2 still full ones, pillow, and walked past crowd who were on collapsible white lawn chairs, sitting down at a collapsible white table to finish eating the crackers, while some female said to them how i ate so many of the things.
    An asian-african hybrid in knight armor ran in, shoving another knight back, as the asian hybrid was in a hurry to speak w an older darkskinned knight beside/behind my chair. After a few sentences exchanged, the hybrid felt ready to leave again, and hurried back the way he’d come, past a schoolbus, and around some white risers, out of sight, no helmet the whole time, just body armor and a sword and maybe combat sneakers.

    Then i was in a house with someone similar to Ariel. She wore a tight thin strappy top and panties. I joined her on a bed. We watched a tv show where a blonde shoulderlength petite torso smooth shoulders woman in feminine armor was on horseback, talking with a man atop a hill or plateau as they watched a few hundred arrive on horseback down the hill, the man telling her that numerous other tribes, though far and disconnected from the event, had still sent all they could.
    She rode to the plateau edge to begin addressing/welcoming the newcomers by tribe, switching her accent and word choices and facial expressions and plateau overlook spots to honor each group.
    She put a smoking pipe in her mouth to address group 3. I then saw she had a sling of light blue and white lining under her shoulder exposing dark red and black leather like torso armor.
    Suddenly, there was a crane truck driving on the plateau straight at her, shooting something like a futuristic beam weapon, and then a humvee with a rocketpod and gun mounted, driving toward the crane truck, engaging it in a firefight, but with a different beam weapon that shot a stream of purple lines like a wider laser.
    The crane truck turned its big crane and fired a missile from it, hitting a house on a hill across the valley where the new group of horseback aid had arrived, and the house exploded, the blonde not happy about that, she knowing someone in there.
    The humvee used that moment to turn on its flamethrower, it now close enough to the crane truck to roast its cab, and the crane truck crew died from that, though i did not see them burn. Somehow, i just knew they had perished.
    Then i was no longer standing on that plateau in the middle of the skirmish. I was back on the right side of the bed, leaning against the headboard, the Ariel-like woman sitting on the left side, her knees up.
    We both got up. I asked if they (that show) had ever had trucks before (as i had not expected modern or laser weapons in this episode).
    She said no.
    I asked if they had ever had time rifts before.
    She said no.
    She seemed in a mood, and i thought maybe she did not like my smell bc i had not showered n a while.
    She left the bedroom, its lights still on, the whole room well lit.
    I stood and tried to clear the bed, placing things on the nightstand on my side.
    I woke.
    An owl was hooting. The same bird from last night was screeching, a distinct sound, but not bad.

    So i first saw ambi in shadows…then a sexy-faced platinum blonde…and then a redhead like Ariel, all n the same night of dreaming/astral-space… : )
  • tue3oct2023 ~4am:  jada perfected-v (fixed attitude and head, thigh-gap, etc.) being sexy slutty posing in cheekies dark shiny green in low ceiling apartment’s kitchen while cooking, and i got mad at my phi e bc it wasn’t taking pictures of each pose

    Then on dark carrier in bay, low lighting, deep blue or gray like stormy or overcast predawn or late-afternoon sky, and sturdy bald mild-tan guy slid down what looked like snow on the side of the flight deck, then jumped from the side and swam proudly in the dark water
  • Found yautja mask thin, was told not to put it on, put it on and a yautja white came and killed whole room but me, dragged their bodies into middle, and i wuietly hovered around and above it, staying cloaked.

    Planned w a couple guys to trap more of them,
    Arsenal under stairs,

    Gym w lit bball court, beach balls, me looking up and volleyball hitting one after headbutting it, no tackle, everyone polite, just a few on the court, then two trams of a dozen or more, and my team formed a linked-arms ring around the other, keeping them in a line, and there were floor-tape markings, and my team leader called my name, asking where i was, i then remembering that i was to either inject myself or inject a player on the opp team for some reason, and i decided i could do neither, as i am against such things, even though i was standing on and looking down at the floor-tape which, for this game, was meant for triggering that action.

    In a brick apartment above ground level.
    Some maybe black tables and other furnishings.
    Nice vibe.
    Black haired white girl nervously dared to say maybe we can go on a date, wanting to but shy, as we had just met.
    I kindly warmly agreed and asked if she wanted to have a meal at home or go out to dinner.

    More dreams, all good.
    I am remembering more per night.
  • Few nights ago dan malik outside small concrete public toilets building told me to come in and help him clean them.
    Apparently he was a janitor of the little themepark or whatever I was at.
    I said no at first, almost laughing, always shutting down attempts to order me, but said alright, wanting to help an old acquaintance.
    When i parked and went in, he had a tense vibe. I said ofc i recognize him and am happy to help. I said his full name.
    He kept his head turned to his right, not looking at me.
    All he said was, “Dedicated.” and it vibed/resonated/revealed that he was talking about my commitment to my great life’s work, yet in a retardedly negative way, wanting to mock and bully me about it, but completely and automatically deflected by my vastly-superior chi/life-force, unable to phase me even in the slightest, merely re-revealing his darkness/evil/patheticness.
    His vibe said he had planned to lure me in there and assault me, maybe bc no cameras.
    I held my gaze right at him, seeming to glow white.
    Then i chose to wake up bc the cleaning and convo weren’t going anywhere.
  • Prev night dream was flying past a pyramid cluster in a jungle clearing, w houses or shops built right up against it, and going into that village of shops, into a room with dark blue walls and a tan bald caucasian guy giving a short speech or selling food or something.
  • thu12oct2023 ~4am:  Was trying to complete a paper test or form, and needed info from a website, so i entered a number from the printed test, then tried to read the info on the site, and an annoying short blackhaired attentionwhore student guy at a desk near mine kept reading the info on my screen as if he didnt understand i could read it or was reading it. I turned to him and told him to focus his attention the other way. He got mad instd of apologetic. Lol
  • near the final week of 2023 October:  worried I suddenly had a lock of white/gray hair
  • near the final week of 2023 October:  running outside in daylight on grass on a campus in my red and black boxer briefs
  • final week of 2023 October:  refusing to take a test in a classroom or university library because I no longer had my heart in it, now devoted to my own thing
  • sun29oct2023 during full Moon, <4am~:
    dreamed i went to a newer sleeker/smoother black v of my current vehicle
    and all good/perfect-vibes ppl, fully compatible, dream by dream, this night;
    all females were shorter than me, positive, genuine, sexy, smiling, sweet feminine voices, ideal in every way, naked, letting me fuck them,
    all males vibing well, too, never in my way, always just fucking one of the girls somewhere in view, etc.
    and one of the females softly said my name, “Austin”, it finally sounding right (all humans having said it in the wrong tone in the Waking before).

    there was also, before the last of those good-vibe polite hotties, a school desk or table for multiple students,
    and my backpack and textbooks and binder full of papers/notes,
    and some kind of quiz on paper, I think,
    and I didn’t know the answers,
    and Joaquin Phoenix was at the same table, to my left, saying something positive about my knowledge or something.
  • Tue31oct2023 between 4 and 8am:
    1st time learning yoga in a dream, seeing a list with at least 8 positions in sequence, numbered bulletnotes, I using a tube like a periscope or telescope to see 4 names on a tattoo on a thigh of a woman with india complexion light brown, then writing those names onto my numbered list, then saying them to someone, perhaps an instructor or exam observer making sure I was learning to spell and sequence them.

    then 1st time teaching it, i doing poses in desert marpat uniform for a platoon or so of military/ssp, most silently following my lead, a couple/few struggling but doing their best
  • end Oct.
    Flash of a memory or dream this predawn: multiple classrooms, windows line near ceiling of back wall, rectangular prism supports at classroom corners, desks like in middle school, movable walls opened to make classrooms one big classroom


  • ~2nov:  Went down in a basement home and saw it cluttered
    Left up the brick walls stairs to street level daytime
    Rainbow split into 5 lines like colored pool tubes
    They realigned as i drove on
    Tried to uturn and go back to take its pic
    Left lane ended with a white angle curb and 2 guys on it doing municipal work
    Ppl honked when i parked
    Called in order at nice restaurant i remembered the menu of
    Left around corner to watch phone vids
    Returned and the restaurant was busier
    Asked if my order was ready
    Saw a bowl of brown soup or dark bread topped w something like seasoned cheese, on bar countertop between occupied seats, and no one eating it but it did not look like mine
    Walked past, farther in
    A nice young man shaved head brunette waiter sitting at inner bar on back wall asked if i had my order
    I said it had been about 20mins and nothing yet, polite and calm
    He made a noise of compassionate irritation on my behalf and got up to go check for me
  • fri3nov2023 ~5am: was in a 2story trailer-shaped house in a rural area,
    a sexy White blonde teen or preteen daughter was starting to stay naked and hang out late,
    at first concerning her fam living in that house,
    but they told me all they knew,
    and I went out looking for her,
    and eventually found her,
    and she came back to their house, clearly enlightened/ascended, free as can be, perfectly fine with sleeping and staying naked all the time,
    an obvious evolution/breakthrough (evolving back out of the brainwashing nonsense modern humans were guilty of corrupting their society with).
    I then ended up with her and other sexy young naked free/d females in a much bigger 3-story (with basement) mansion-sized house in another rural area, surrounded by a greenbelt or forest,
    and was with a rock-band group of guys, all of us having a good time,
    converting the place by adding a big TV to the kitchen countertop angle-bar (not the island, but the breakfast/serving surface next to it and between the kitchen and the living room),
    and we had close to 30 or 40 people just hanging out, all the girls naked and roaming around, just being free and together, etc.

    I explained my city principles such as you should know where you are in the world bc of distinct architecture
  • sat4nov2023:  Started as me seemingly having recovered in a facility on a garden world from being wounded, perhaps a leg issue.
    It was like a white-walls greenhouse in one area.
    A young man was talking with me.
    I got used to walking in it again, then went outside. It was like a farm out there, the temperature cool, pleasant.
    We seem to have come under attack from a small number of people, and began jogging/hurrying around.
    I ended up in a tall armored vehicle like the Halo game’s Mammoth.
    We drove to a small base while talking. There were people in camo uniforms. Some had dark islander skin.
    We went into the outpost and it was a spartan 2story facility.
    We had to start clearing it, room by room, but it was quiet and easy.
    Someone asked if I had scuba training, as a pool-like rectangular floor area, well lit from down under its surface, was found and being entered by a shaved-head young man in swim trunks with a snorkel or something. Others were crouched around that pool, helping.
    I said, “No, not yet.”
    After that, we went to a bigger facility higher up in the cool mountains, and it was like an academy, or had been retrofitted to become one.
    There was a cadet officer I passed, a scarf covering his collar lapel rank insignia, so i did not know he was a high-ranking cadet.
    He stopped me as i passed, showing me his rank by moving his dark purple or maroon scarf.
    I acknowledged him and we chatted.
    Then i ended up outside where someone with a handheld tool was excreting a bright yellow line to electrically connect things on dark gray rock, forming a web of unmoving goo tubes with the stuff, teaching to use the trigger to let the excreted lines be thicker, thus causing a surer connection.
    I ended up over a 1story cliff, looking down on a perfect-circle hole that had been made apparently by precision-blast before i had arrived, and one of the yellow tube goo lines was being formed into something in it.
    I was shown how some kind of explosive could perfectly raise factory/warehouse empty palettes the same way that force had been used to cause the horizontal manhole-diameter circle hole, and saw a few palettes move straight up and down from the concrete floor, the others adjacent undisturbed.
    A short bald pinkish-skinned staff nco or officer walked briskly by. I saluted him, but mostly bc of his in/tense vibe, and gave me a look as if surprised i had saluted him. I wondered if i should not salute him indoors.
    There was a bit more, but i woke soon after.
  • 5 or 6 November 2023:  Refused going bk to that antarctica island from before..

    Saw carol demon/blobscum at dark wood table in small room restaurant or cafe,
    I sat at chair along wall,
    it turned to look over right shoulder at me twice, then aconowledged me 2nd time, nervously said it thought it knew me, but vibed as obv remembering me,
    I remained calm and eerie smirked almost, saying i only go to antarctic research stations,
    it got up and left; i had scared its evil away this 2nd time/encounter

    Then on a farm, a single yellow duckling…
    A tiny mouse wanting me to pick it up…
  • Tue7nov:  I saw Persephone, my ship, modeled, landing during bright daylight, or in a white computer environment, landing smoothly and briefly to drop off a vehicle, it then lifting back up and retracting its ramp. That made me smile, very happy.

    Then Freya emotionally cried out, and I was pulled into her life/area/dreamspace. I was shown a big complex of aligned byildings similar to nuclear powerplant stacks, but they were egg shaped, not concave, and their lids hovered over them, as if magnetically suspended above tueir circular tops. I was in a suburban middle seat, she driving while telling me she worried she had called her project manager, an important man managing 100/+ big projects at once somehow, and somehow maybe alienated him, so she had called back, repeating the worried and apologetic message she had left him, and was now confiding this in me because of how worried she was about getting fired or booted from her project.
    We were then in a well-lit white-ish / daytime boardroom just above ground-level, and I walked to her but she did not want me to touch or hug her, so I respected that and stopped halfway.
    Her shirt was longsleeve and black.
    I assured her I was only trying to comfort and reassure her, but she was still so shaken by some mistake call she had made / message left.
    Our telepathic contact continued as i entered half-awake. I told her how glad I was to see her again, and that i was glad the typist softdisclosed her, and that i could not deal with the typist anymore, but i really wanted to see her, and have missed her all this time.
    I asked if we could just hang out, like to sit together and eat popcorn at the end of her days.
    I told her i am busy on a big project of my own, but that i will always make time for her.
    I told her of course i am attracted to her; she is wonderful, but i will control myself.
    She kept smiling that amazing smile of hers, tears in her eyes, they red a bit from worry, and we had this back-and-forth discussion of how we would or should resume interacting.
    Eventually she admitting she wants me there, needs me there, and we telepathically sat together, she at my left, close, on her tan couch at home, facing her wallmounted flatscreen, it off, our hands holding.
    I asked if she wanted to go on walks with me, and if i can hold her hand.
    We telepathically started That.
    I am so glad she needed me and cried out, causing me to reconnect, appearing for her.
    I told her i will look at her project, and that i meditate on such things, always finding ways to save others money, time, etc., making projects more efficient.
    I was looking down at a paper on the desk in her lit office/boardroom as i said that. It had a black square outline on it.
    We then telepathically were naked, her on my lap, our auras relaxing, relieved, reconnected. We were making love.
    She ended up resting on my chest, finding peace again, stabilized.
    I held her gently. She closed her eyes, face on my chest.
    This is good.
  • Wed8nov2023. Was in a platoon getting ready to do outdoor pt. We formed up. Everything seemed normal and chill. Then a new guy joined the formation, a hispanic with telltall dark shallow rude evil eyes and matching small dark aura, and he immediately was out of line, talking shit.
    I disregarded it, calm, and led the formation into the woods as instructed, stopping for situps, pushups, etc..
    The new guy kept talking shit, loud enough for the whole platoon to hear, even being openly specifically racist against me.
    I finally said something to him, standing while he was down in the situps formation, asking him if he hadnt seen that there were members of every race and skin color with us.
    He kept fuming and talking cocky shit.
    I took him aside to try and figure out what was going on.
    He tried to start a fight with me.
    I avoided his punch and punched him first, then subdued him.
    I ended up with him on his shins in the company office, some blood on the side of his head caked, dried, darker, and I again calmed down, or had remained calm, and tried to talk to him, telling him I would be gone soon, if I lived through the mext deployment, so he wouldnt have to deal with me, if there was just something about me he hadn’t liked from the start.
    He may have mumbled something or finally just listened.
    I noticed a higher-up was now sitting in an attached open-wall room facing us. I went over and took a knee, facing him, saying i was waiting on a staffNCO or officer.
    He stood then and walked a few steps into the middle of the room i had been in, and i explained what had happened.
    I saw his hair was strawberry blonde, almost dark.
    He was slightly taller than me.
    He did the standard officer thing of trying to act tough and mad professionally, and asked me why he shouldnt have me thrown in the brig, “bit and _” (unsure of final word/s, seemed like a saying).
    I said i understood, staying respectful.
    The takeaway here is that it was my first time in dreamspace defending myself from assault,
    and i remained calm even when verbally abused and slandered,
    and i won the fight,
    and i stayed professional and kept trying to talk things through,
    and i immediately reported what had happened,
    and i was then threatened in front of the bad soldier/marine, when i should have been spoken to in private and then thanked for my professionalism and control of the situation.
    Even in dreamspace, i was insanely misinterpreted and overreacted to by both the lowest and higher ranking.
    Is this yet another evil attempt against me?
    Is this yet another sign i must annihilate the humans?
    Must i even annihilate/rapture in dreamspace?
    I am impressed with my professionalism here and there, and still wondering why i keep getting bullied in spite of standing up for myself professionally…
    Such a strange species, humans are.

    During the dream, the platoon had been in white tshirts, i alone in full forest camo fatigues and helmet.
    At the end of that dream, i noticed i was in desert fatigues, brown boots instd of tan, a tan blanket or warming layer draped over a forearm, my current facial hair.
  • fri10nov2023 before 2am pst.
    Was in a familiar room like an airport terminal waiting area,
    tan carpet,
    eggshell-white walls,
    digital info screens in the supports or partitions (this walls separating the walking section from the seating areas by the window-walls.
    That Goggins SEAL guy was there, and we chatted, I then joining him at his left to do some pushups. He seemed cheery and grateful.
    I remembered having started writing a short book in that place, about shrimplike shelled sea creature types/races off the local coastline, and found my color-coded book outline sentences on one of the black-bg floor/table screens, as well as, a moment later, on the white-bg wall-screens. The notes were readable, and i reread them all, all of it familiar to me, such as the paragraph about the different fecal matter in the water that those creatures fed on, benefitting from.
    Some lines of text were in multiple colors, such as yellow to start, then green.  It looked like color-coded computer-code in those GUIs/apps.
    I pictured the whole coastline (on a dark map) after reading the book title, something about “crustaceans of the north Pacific”.
    I decided to update my waking website w that book.
    I also remembered, and told someone in that room, i had started this book while trying different veteran-assistance bunkhouses. I remembered 2 such facilities/buildings in the area, both having had unpleasant veterans in them.
    I told the people around me of bad roommates who had woken me when they returned, even though we often had to wake at 5am, ready to run, one yanking my bedsheet off me in that memory.

    I ended up in a dif area w many uniformed personnel in dark camo fatigues, like an army hazmat team.
    At some point, we handled corpses.
    I felt a cold surge of energy enter my toenails and fingernails, thinking nothing of it.
    Later, i noticed my right big toenail had turned solid purple and blue, cracked like dried desert mud, and had a ridge diagonally down the middle, the inner side bluer, the outer side wider and purple.
    I asked about it, and was told it was from exposure to those corpses we had handled.
    We were to be more careful next time, wearing gloves etc.
    I carried a few wood-like things to a dark green bin, opening its lid, and tossing them in.
    To close the lid, it took a few steps, as an inner flat surface had to be hinged in place, then a narrow side piece hinged up over it, then smaller pale wood-like levers or latches put on pegs, then the outer lid hinged back over.
    A cuban-skinned shaved-head brunette male in my same fatigues seemed a little ticked at me for my earlier exposure to what caused the discoloration of my toenails, but i wasnt worried and didnt care, probably a wise instinct, i somehow knowing i would be fine.

    I was then on a megacarrier with spacious decks and lit rooms, gray carpet, white walls.
    It had a Star Wars look and feel, but more like the Navy irl.
    I noticed my toenails looked and felt fine again.
    We were in dark blue Navy-style fatigues like mechanic suits.
    I was told to get ready, so went and suited up in power armor like a mini battlemech, and joined my group in an upper meeting room like a mini hangar.
    Everyone else was in normal armor/suits, not mech-like like my bigger bulkier one.
    The two leaders, a white male officer, and a black female snco, asked why i was n that armor.
    I happily told them of the guy who had told me to get ready.
    They vibed as concerned i had contaminated the armor due to my toenail issue.
    I knew it was fine, though; i knew i could not contaminate it, as the thing had healed, and was not communicable, anyway.
    I went down a level and saw by the wide stairwell the “A-type mechs” open-wall closet, but they did not look like my armor.
    A couple sailors behind me on the stairwell had laughed a bit, vibing as cunty about my noob way of searching the ship for where my armor belonged.
    I went down another level, finding “B-type mechs” closet, and it had a wider entry, but those armor suits were wider than what i had on.
    I woke.

    This seems like yet-another SSP memory, and yet more evidence i was in multiple branches of service out there, and many nice locations, and healing even from necrosis with ease, feeling no pain.
  • sat11nov2023.
    Saw cb’s disgusting glutton fat-ass, and just as disgusting was his behavior, just like before; he threatened to shoot/murder me (not that he’d done that IRL before; I just mean his behavior was about as retarded IRL before).

    Then i was n some kind of tall (multistory) prison cafeteria, asking if they had vegan food. Lol; similar to how i am still, for the moment, stuck around the retarded humans, having to ask Them the same.

    Then i showed some convicts or troops at a table, using food as a visual aid to form tube “shapes” (forms), how to arrange a truck-mounted weapon-system similar to the T.O.W. I used.
  • sun12nov2023. Had another few firsts, but remembered them clearly when it was still predawn.
    What I remember clearly at 7:30am is that I was teaching something, then flying in formation with a dozen or so healthy people in the air, none needing even power armor, just flying like witches without brooms, but one carried a unique flag on a guide-on pole, and another carried the american flag the same way. We descended through the clouds to the u.s. fleet during Operation Highjump, and used vril or something to attack and bomb and devastate it. One of its ships started announcing propaganda/lies, obviously lies bc of the unmistakable voice tone. I was then in the mind of a sailor who had fled ashore and was hunkering down behind a terrain curve and body-sized object, perhaps a small boulder, and heard someone took shrapnel to the testicle and died.
    Then another first: I was a brunette viking or pre-russia aryan man in a furs-looking masculine garb, standing outside on dark gray rocky flat terrain, an L-shaped group of aligned 1-story (2story w attics) buildings/houses by/behind me, very close, and i cried out a while, mourning a loss, and then heard narration, as if it was a movie.
  • Tuesday 14 November 2023, NV, predawn during latest new Moon:  my top-wife, Ambi, came twice to me in my ‘dreams’, the 2nd time talking with a teen girl, perhaps a new assistant of hers, on the other side of a wall, in a house we were all using, and I saw her chalkboard with magnets and attached cute spellcasting symbols/art.
  • thu16nov2023
    Grocery store getting stuff at a salad bar by the deli glass display case curve
    Went for an open potato and said i wanted a loaded baked potato, thus would make one at home
    Held a piece of open bread underwater tons outgassing air release sound and bubbles, commented on it
    Riding dark green 1wheel chair thing w the lfb demon/monster (why???)
    Leaned more and more forward
    Tipped forward, causing it to lower, retracting its wheel
    Ended up on street pavement
    Asked about it
    Picked groc back up
    I suppose it means i mastered self-control, as i had no upset energy surge even when back around such an evil freak

    Ended up at a short blocky pyramid with air holes vents at top
    Climbed it and rested/paused at top, holding on bc nervous about falling down
    Seemed familiar; pretty sure was up on it before, years ago
    Totally chill/serene/right vibe, being on it like i was
    A Huse-like short young guy walked up and out the scaffolding beside, greeted me, talked w me up there without looking at me

    Then i was playing a vr video game like a fusion of Minecraft and Stardew Valley, building up stuff with blocks and features new to me, on a grassy flat area in a greenbelt clearing,
    and went into the “world” of another player who vibed as a distant/moody female, and i helped her bc she was just starting out, thus had only a few crop-blocks placed, and they were not yet growing anything for her.
    Then the game was modded/updated, causing new mobs/bad-guys and block functions, so i dragged a few white stringy blocks over near her crops, and considered building a whole wall-enclosed area for her, but remembered how long my complex fortification ideas take to build, so decided to return to my own “world”.

    Was coding a game, looked like in a gymnasium tall, with incomplete chains like Minecraft blocks at 90degrees to rolled-up projector-screen or partition-curtain blocks tubes lines above in the almost-shadows,
    Started having an issue with attractive teen girls or other NPCs approaching the player avatar and mildly becoming hostile; they would walk up slowly, normally, then turn hostile, mildly.
    Started adjusting the code in the GUI/code interface web browser / app window on my screen,
    Vanessa Hudgens being the last one to, then draw a small knife or something, raise it to strike,
    and with that latest approach, I instinctively raised my actual knife, and found I could block the vr one as if they had become real…or i had willed myself into the game…or willed the game and reality to merge as one,
    I heard the casual clink sound as her dagger or pocketknife and my kitchen-knife met, mine under hers, and then she moved it to try a different approach, which i also blocked, but by then her code was fixed by the other coder.
    That fellow coder was helping, came over to my pc, sat w her own laptop to my left, fixed the issue, I asked to show me how, and she went into my interface to do so, and I got nervous bc someone else had access to my work/code

    Walked around 3 adjacent schools, starting right outside an elem one, passing middle, going around corner of the hs, all dark brown brick exteriors, 1story, grassy courtyard with 1 open side, normal sidewalks like at Huffman, evening sky dimness, entering, already wanting to leave and go back to the elem to enter it, picturing its hallway lighting colors and hotties in it, harvesting them for use, encountering and pacifying one of the evil minions (black-wearing false-cop troll “mob”; spawn).

  • Fri17nov2023. Was in Halo armor, forest green / olive drab, standing from a chair, mustering at an ATV, other Spartans around me, talking w them, planning a mission, I checking an assault rifle that was not of the Earth, running low on its ammo, loading up on white pistols that were also not of the Earth (putting a dozen or more of them on my utility belt), etc.

    then getting my facial hair back, making sure it was securely reattached before i went on a Goggins-duration jog
  • Dozens since last entry, such as meetings of smiling youthful elites, some taller than me
  • monday27november2023, ~just after midnight:  Was tall blonde SEAL student n group of 4 incl me, camos green, packs, walking into empty bldg, up stairs many floors to helo pickup for skydive to water, remembered doing this exercise years ago and enjoying, philosophical talk me to shorter brunette guy on team, saying it doesnt matter as much which trng we do, only that we r helping and enjoying it.
    Then on sand in jungle clearing at night, hacking and stacking bamboo or branches, telling higherup what we were working on, pile of chipped jungle material
  • wed29nov2023 ~4am: eyebriws looked thin/paler,
    then was leaning out 2nd story window over open garage to look at the front if my red wide flat hood of a nice classic car halfway out on the driveway, a firetruck pulled up, a dirtyblonde short ponytail woman in firefighter pants etc got out of the firetruck and put a thick rope diagonally from the truck over the hood of my red car and lit it on fire, leaving a black smudge on the car hood. Went downstairs and started telling ppl in the dark tan wood rectangular prism posts cabin-like shared house what I saw. Went to garage to check on my vehicle.
    Then I was on a thin hard-ish gray-blue carpet, dealing with a laptop issue or perhaps just annoyed that someone had come in right before I was about to enjoy a video on that laptop, and I talked with them, and they asked me to meet their younger sister who had sought me, so I went out into the hall, the carpet color perhaps only medium-gray out there, and spoke with her, she reminding me of Cali a bit, though also of others who had gravitated to me as natural friends, and the whole time I was concerned about being scrutinized and slandered by those who in the waking had done those unthinkable and pointless things to me, they having always defaulted to misinterpreting things, thinking they were under threat or attack, then making slanderous sweeping generalizations and baseless allegations; that actually ended up on the dream-side.  Fucking hell.
  • Thu30nov2023 ~2am pst. Was in a newer remodel of bigsky, amidst a crowd near the downtown market lawn. I noticed a leggy girl in fishnet and a micro skirt showing her lower asscheeks walk right in front of me amd away, as if ensuring i got to see her backside a while. I remarked, “now That is a skirt” or something like that.
    Then i was in a 2story wide school I have been in many times in dreamspace, like shepton middle school original but more of a white and gray college look and feel. Was in one classroom. Sorting my pc desktop and noticing images kept being auto set as desktop wallpaper. Tried to figure out why, then just find a nice pic to use. Found one with purple foliage and white round buildings connected by straight structures, an aerial photo.
    New male student joined. Seemed to be edgy. I vibed as the only seasoned veteran. I wore a yellow plaid longsleeve shirt and jeans. Carried my bookbag.
    Left to the halls and many other students started changing classrooms, most shorter than me, one male tan walking by my left, saying something that seemed like he was attempting to insult me but was nervous. He did not make eye contact, and kept walking by.
    I went to a public round table in an area of tables, and set out 3 plates of food, deciding to skip a class i have been skipping there for much of the end of the season.
    Someone sat down to join me.
    Some teacher walked over and stood by my left, talking w us. I was shirtless at that point, but toned and no one seemed to mind.
  • 1dec2023 ~3am:  I was being verbally abused/intimidated by an inappropriate/primitive/evil marine officer in a building similar to those of mcrd sd’s maruits side. They and i were in green marpat fatigues.
    I was talking w many marines there, going to dif bldgs, apparently like an office worker for them.
    There were even some female ones, including a redhead who came to investigate.
    Then i was offroading in my suv, and saw vehicles start passing me, so i follpwed the jeeps pver asphalt and mossy patches between trees. We were in shade as if under and underpass.
    Somehow we ended up going through a really nice new house w hardwood dark floors and white walls.
    All vehicles kept going. I stopped and got out inside to look around. 2 white brunette males looking to be n their 30s were in one room to my right, near the front door, and 1 looked ticked, saying this was a new house they were trying to sell.
    I apologized, saying i hadnt known, and helped wipe my fingerprints off the golden ellipsoid doorknobs before heading on my way.
    Then i was in a well-lit usaf hangar with tables set up, some older pilots (but not elderly) in gray uniforms, all with almost no hair, shaved close, and other civilians/recruits (also middleaged-looking), apparently enlisting.
    One i recognized by his slightly less-tan face, remembering having seen him earlier, perhaps during the marines part of the ‘dream’.  He asked what I wanted to do (in the usaf), and I smiled, pointing up, saying “to go all the way up there”; into Space.
    I talked w some, mostly a tan pilot who got me a slip of paper and a pen.
    I wrote down how i had always wanted to fly. I noticed the pen had gotten clogged, not writing well, when i was near the middle of the slip of paper. Then an ink droplet caused a little mess/spread, but i kept writing my intention.
    When i was nearly done, the ink all over that slip started pooling/spreading. I informed the tan pilot, and he seemed mildly amused, cheery, unconcerned, chill.
    I looked out the windows-wall and saw a line of people on the sidewalk heading from far to close, left to right, a few in a futuristic version of what i asked might be an Army tracksuit, as it was grey, black, and with a bright neon-like reflector strip-like yellow part on the chest. They looked like Army recruits hurrying somewhere with others, but not for pt, just briskly walking in a line.


  • 1 or 2 Dec:  Playing 3d video game/s, flying over areas n preview of dif player character types, seeing warriors massing at the foot of a bridge to whack at a tiny round orange plated dragon.
    Then was being shown an odd way of binding a kajira; with a string wrapped around her head so it looped about her ears, nose, etc..
    Lol n my dream i was hearing someone talk about that physics mystery where photons switch btwn behaving like a particle and like a wave; the two-slits experiment. I jokingly proposed it was bc light is bisexual. Mkm / southpark material, that.
  • overnight from 3 to 4 Dec:  submitting paperwork from a waiting room to join another military unit / boot camp, then being asked to lead a group of recruits/soldiers out of the lit barracks on ground level, which I did while happily using my booming Drill Instructor voice and then singing a running cadence
    dark-brown painted double-doors with normal-metal push-bars to open
    daytime outside, courtyard paved with grass mowed
  • ~wed6dec:  was wearing dark gray tunic, with a male friend standing outside in daylight, he noticed a smell and said so, I smelled my right armpit and said it was me
  • Thu7dec2023 ~3am:
    walking in daylight in crowd by outdoor escalator, asked Lopez for phone nbr for guy we r trying to reach, told a nbr that surprised me as i tried to repeat it, zeroes in first 2 groups of nbrs, then 083083 in last group, then carried assault rifle n group converging at firetrucks site, collapsed rifles to be carbine compact.
    in vr, walking around dark blocks land-train like big legos, about to Creativerse-style wire up lights and ventilation blocks for driver cabs wide consoles room.
    Wrote poem; “where gates are cities, and cities are gates, …antarctica”.
    In swimming pool outdoor at night w 10 square sections, each open to the others, the widest the deepest, about 10′ down, all dark blue or black tiles ~3″ square, heaters inside, several others floating around me, and i swimming to the deep side and down to touch btm.
    Walked n group from pool to help carry mail or some big truck delivery, barefoot on mud/dirt/lawn, someone said not to go barefoot bc might get hurt stepping on something, but many of us went anyway, got to sidewalk, then near front steps of a house a tall camo guy behind me said was the mansion of Ororu something; a longer 3part asian name. I repeated the Ororu part, saying one letter at end incorrectly by mistake, and the tall guy resaid the name so i could hear and get it correct as we made our way to the truck being unloaded. Did not see truck; woke.
  • Mon11dec2023.  A repeat of what i maybe dreamed/unlocked in 2017 when here; meeting between a public library white walls balcony dirty blonde male… and an Al Pacino (Heat actor) guy in its ground floor, 3 uninvited ppl showing up (2 young men in front, 1 with 70s afro hairstyle, 1 w wavy dirtyblonde surfer hair, both who froze then tried fleeing down a bookshelves aisle when confronted by the meeting men w guns, a silenced shotgun killing them both and firing through 1 to also fell but not kill the woman w them, she then rolling onto her back to eye the gunman who skillfully kept his aim on her head as he approached slowly). She said something like, “Is this how you kill a ‘sister’? …No,” she was clearly losing blood and would soon bleed out, “here.” She pointed to her heart, then looked up at him one last time before fading. She had brown skin, eyeliner, and was attractive, somewhat like Aaliyah.
  • Tue12dec2023 ~4am:
    3d vr writer forum chatroom slope of white buildings foot tall and taller avatars of writers with white and warm colors single color word bubbles, some white, some yellow, some orange, some red, saying (written) “KABOOM” etc in all caps like some comicbook’s font, in black round room, i feeling glad i had been offered membership in their group, and i liked the unique layout with those colored word bubbles over the white city model
    Seeing convoy of strange big vehicles pass along a covered street that curved at my left, i on the paved shoulder which was raised a couple stories above the street, in the shadow/shaded roadside area, the street fully covered and shaded similarly, the vehicles a. sleeker black v of the Halo game Mastodon, with gray vehicles of another type in their convoy, some troops from that convoy resting in the dark hotel-like room to my right, i talking w them, asking for a ride back when they woke, they agreeing
    I in a dif hotel room, a big square window, a low dark gray or blue couch, a dresser with a tv on it, tv off, finding drugs capsules like pills but longer than normal pills on Earth, telling 2 old women who came to the room and vibed like military officers, they had short hair (gross) and were shorter than me, i said i didnt want to narc on anyone but i was concerned…and that if i had the authority to administratively separate the druggies whose drugs i had found in the room…i would. I was teary eyed a moment, emotional, bc of that internal conflict. They seemed to appreciate my words and choice.
    On lunar surface, looking at its horizon, seeing dark gray and medium gray terrain, craters, etc., black sky, then seeing little plants and soil up close at my fingertips, talking about how they only needed CO2, which they had there
    Talking w guy in hospital hallway lit, he skinny w short hair and maybe thin reading glasses, daylight outside the windows around the small seating area, about aliens or others who had been doing experiments on humans
    Watching show with 2 short White black-haired women seated away from me in theater-like rows of dark seats, aisle in middle, i said “where is your hair, freak?” twice, once per shorthaired woman on the screen, then remembered 1 of the women sitting behind me had short hair, and later answered her request for help finding a spanish translator app, showing her 2 dif ones on my phone, the first working, the 2nd not working even though it had worked for me a moment earlier
    Hooded middleaged or elderly woman, clearly a sorceress, dark and patterned cloak w hood over her head, showing me to an enchanting area up a brief grassy slope, there how to pour gold to form coins that hardened attached at 4 corners of a small cloth bag that did not burn from that, i easily switching to an eagle-like form w dark brown feathers, hovering more than flying over the pond and table she lead me to to demonstrate that, i happy i was finally being shown and taught magic.
    Then a cutting board-like thing of pale wood with a few chopstick-size holes to hold a couple mini mallets or sledge hammers upright in that board, and 3 bigger holes, also in a row like the smaller ones, to hold slightly larger miniature mallets, and runes and chinese on the board, she saying something about that country, and the few other ppl with us around that walled pond talking with us about the topic.
  • thu14dec2023:  ~1:30am pst
    Was in a room with long shared desks and tv or pc monitors, the Transformers commando ldr teaching, and he showed me a floor porthole about the width of a baseball, a thick glass down into a dark blue lit room w sounds of someone being punched down there.
    and cute petite asians showing me how to use a chemical or dif type of match to light fires on paper or something after i got shown their traditional way of eating dumpling sized fried-looking things.
    Male plump asian guy was in that room.
    Then i was taking an online course on an ipad, mr rogers the teacher, and he named 2 subjects, 1 being pedo lol wtf.
    I was n a nice modern white house downstairs w 1 or 2 nice attractive african young women.
    Met elven brunette male w short ish hair. Bs deviant comment was here, prob broadcast from a 5g tower in waking. Not going into detail about this part other than to say at end he said he had concert tickets and i jokingly said “i knew you were useful” or “now you are useful” and he got the joke and walked with on the campus sidewalk daytime between healthy grass sides and trees.
    Went to school and in a science-like classroom w all hotties, including ambi one shared 3person desk over to my left. Teacher noticed my shirt bc it had big words on it w a steamy saying, their color a drab sandy pink on black t-shirt bg, and i looked down and stretched it flat to better read it, saying “yeah, i hadnt even read all of it yet, just grabbed it this morning”. The teacher took a pic, chill vibe, enjoying it, and all the students liked it and me and that vibe we had created.
    A sexy blonde w full hair down about her shoulders and back walked up to my right side as i was writing an answer or quote on a couple hw papers stapled together, and she said something steamy clever so i used it, filling in one line on the first paper, then putting it on the window wall where i was standing at the back of the classroom, turning to its 2nd/back page to write another thing she had said, in pencil, writing it diagonally up to the top right corner.
    I asked what her name is. She was happy to remind me, “Kathleen.”
    I said “oh yeah, I remember now. I had that in there” (in my memory from earlier).
    She mentioned something about me nutting.
    I said, “I Need to. You wanna help out with that?”
    She said of course, so we traded numbers as she stayed standing at my right, using the same window wall to fill in her own 2pg hw answers for that moment.
    I turned to my right to walk bk to my desk, tapping her playfully w my 2pg hw printout on her left hip, “see you after class”.
    She was smiling, excited and proud.
    I sat down at 1 of the shared 3person desks, and the rjh-haired sandy-brunette leggy smooth model hottie teen sitting at the desk to my front/side got big eyes and an obvious horny/nervous vibe as she said to me while her eyes stayed to the side, her back/rightside to me, “what is with after-school sex?” She meant she wanted to know how to set it up as easily as i just had.
    I grinned and asked if she wanted to join me later.
    She nodded.
    We, too, exchanged numbers.
    I would, after playing w kathleen today, then this other girl the next day, invite them to come play together w me, and they’d agree.
    What a great dream! Minus the deviant bs in the middle.
    This was another first and progress evident; my first time being picked up by hotties (the 2 girls in that class) in the dream-side, and feeling perfect compatibility/vibes, hearing perfect tones/voices from them, etc..
    And, as always, there was so much more I remembered about this night’s “dreams”; I just don’t always have the time to write it all down or post it here.
  • thu14dec2023, 3pm pst: Saw that gorgeous redhead white model walking her dog by n her red and blue shawl again, same as a night or so ago. This time, i left my vehic parked, door open, to see the other little black puglike dog w her main one, leashed, and she noticed and stopped, offering me a greeting, but i didnt quite hear her name. Did she say mariah? I told her mine. We said nice to meet you. We began to chat. She stepped closer, vibing perfectly.
    It is another first; first introductions dream-side, and a first return that soon.
    (That’s 3 flawless hotties initiating and introducing themselves and seeking full-body/complete love (sex) w me in 2 days. Very good sign, even if just in 1 of the 3 main dimensions.
    I dominated the Imagination dimension, I achieved evasive success and website/megaspell updates in the Waking.
    Now the Dreaming dimension is coming into alignment, all submitting to me now, more and more, and ideally, right on time.)
  • fri15dec2023 ~2am pst:  Walked barefoot on snow and it felt great, went w a few other guys up a snowy slope around a circular pond, to a diving platform-like plateau ledge, pond had some ppl n it below, one of them was a guy placing a cube inflated or something, asking the guy to my right if it looked good to jump on, the pond then to be filled once the jumper knew where the cube was, making it safer to land on since the pond was shallow, etc.

    Then was providing first aid for a black guy with wide face like Jackson who had a compound fracture of one of his shins, and I tried to help him get into position to have the leg temporarily wrapped, and told ppl around us to get whatever could be used as a splint, such as sticks and towels.
  • sat16dec2023 ~3am pst:  Searched for ambi again and was sad i did not find her, ended up in a 1story motel, white walls and light-medium brown wood lining, packed n my room, went to checkout desk, guy there said bc i was there 2 yrs ago and already used 1 of their loaner cell phones…that he could not issue me a new one, the old one turned in but still locked for some reason. Had i really been n that place b4?
    I went back to my room to get what i had packed, then noticed eli in a jail cell up a stairwell, on 2nd floor, so perhaps n an attached bldg (since the motel seemed to be 1story).
    Eli had opened a bag i had packed and found a fleshlight, as worn as irl. How did he get the bag/s? Odd. Another line crossed by that thing, whatever he/it is. Never vibed as good. That’s for sure. Ue always tried to corrupt and dominate me, always insecure af.
    Then i ended up n a dif state, perhaps oregon, in a 1story wide aptmt w a dozen or so ppl n it, incl Stormy, she looking fine af petite as ever, and she eagerly kneeled and let me pee in a long clear water bottle used as a funnel, drinking it all as it entered her mouth, and i noticed how smooth and feminine and perfect her neck was.
    Another great first; my first time doing piss porn play w a girl in dreamside!
    And i could tell she was as willing as irl to do anything sexual i wanted, and was correctly feminine; she would not have argued or pressured me to do anything else. Her aura/vibe was perfectly chill.
    I ended up standing on right side of a thin guy w black shaved hair and a gray hoody, and he noticed i was right alongside him, both of us leaning forward against the kitchen island sink countertop edge, looking at the only light in the joined rooms, which came from the tv. The tv was on a waist-level entertainment-center table or shelf. The tv was a midsized flatscreen.
    The guy did not comment on my close standing –a good thing, vibing as him being aware, polite, and prob sensing i was just seeking her, not him, and had just lacked normal hangouts a long while, thus needed contact. I was standing close bc of Stormy being there w us, maybe she still on the floor in front of him, giving him his turn.
    I was about to exit the open front door, and looked for her, but she had gone.
    An older white woman also in loose warm clothes was there, not facing me.
    I ended up on a pew in a glasswalls 1story modern church. It was raining outside. That made me wonder if it was washington; so rainy and green outside, tall dark healthy trees.
    I began checking my ipad fb to type in Stormy and see if i had her connected or blocked.
    Arthur Jenkins was seated at my left on that pew, and said, “let me see that” in a tone suggesting he could find her profile for me, but i did not like him telling me what to do, esp w my own device, and did not hand it over.
    I didnt finish finding her profile before this dream/memory ended.
    I had also driven around and seen the horizon in all directions as a world map with new regions outlines and color-coded, incl a “free zone” the size of a nation or big state between many surrounding countries.
    The free zone was colored an almost dark or dim red.
    I turned around, making a u-turn to the right, beside a rusty fence wall locked gate w white metal signs, and black and red words, saying it belonged to russia.
    I had wanted to drive farther into the desert towns area i was in, to see the edge of more countries, but decided not to this time, heading back.
  • sun17dec2023 ~2am:  Walked the white dog, Einstein, on a sidewalk in daylight past some ppl, into the back of a nice ish restaurant, to the hostess podium, said i was meeting my parents there, gave the two names of the fake ones, she looked to me and said they were there, and that my dog could not go in, so i asked if there was a room in back where i could leave it during the meal, i already picturing one, as if i knew.
    Was doing military training with recruits, but ended up in futuristic couture deep blue bodysuits at nice tables in a romantically dim restaurant, as if being treated to a fancy graduation dinner or officers life. Maybe we were Space academy cadets. At my table, 1 other sat, also a male cadet/recruit. He was looking down at his phone or similar device. Cadets in the same type of bodysuit, but colored deep purple, came to our table, their vibe one of a competing unit. The girl sat down at our table, facing me, showing me something like a narrow lit pink gem or sliver on her palm.
    I think i was also with ambi in dream-space last night, and i told her of the bump on my back; how it was a pimple that somehow went in, not out, getting stuck. She touched it and it was fixed painlessly, instantly. Wow.  Finally.  Good sign…
    Another great first.
    Now why isn’t it happening irl rn???
  • mon18dec2023 before 6am:  Was in a barracks that was familiar w outdoor stairwells of brown brick, rooms like low ceilinged whitewalled motel rooms spartan cheap, a whole squad of guys and 1 petite female were there, dif ranks, all shirtless, she and an snco w hairy chest sitting on the credenza also supporting the flatscreen tv, her vibe one of chill waiting to be gangbanged by us, some guy showed me a note someone from another unit had left him, and i read it, struggling to pronounce an oddly spelled C-word similar to Cuzco or Curthuch or something, and the note started sounding like a homosexual offer to that guy it was left for, using lots of slang and other odd words as if trying to sound extra cool or encoded. someone said to get naked, so i got naked, and looked down at my cock, nervous at first, but saw it relax and go chub and hang long, and then 9 of us sat on the bed in formation, i at the middle of the side facing the door to the catwalk outside, thus at the front right of that formation of 9 seated guys on the mattress, and we started leaning this way and that, making the mattress shift side to side more every time, then got it bouncing off the boxspring, chuckling about it, until someone said to stop. I think the girl was ready to be used by us then, wanting ti enjoy the feeling of all of us triple penetrating and running a train on her. What a good barracks group!
    Was in the marblewood bedroom and closet but it had whiter lighting like an office, and i was getting out hardware such as a printer, telling a brown guy w blk hair all i had, as he had needed some different devices, and i had many or all of them.
    Went in the early morning or night in my vehicle to lowe’s, remembering doing training there, and noticed i didnt have my lanyard / neck strap ID plastic case, got to the familiar parking lot, saw it had been snow plowed, leaving snow berms in many places, but was empty; no other vehicles.
    Then i decided not to go in, remembering i had resigned for school training.
    Drove to a nearby smalltown fastfood area, looked at the map of connected outdoor restaurants, saw one i wanted to try, couldnt find it around me, asked the white brunette shoulderlength haired bartender at one outdoor bar seating place beside me, she politely pointed out on that paper list i had picked up at the maps sign… that it had a dif town name for that eatery, so i thanked her and considered driving to that nearby town, and then checked my map and was in lousiana or mississippi, and plotted a course NNW to the only big circle city dot on the map in the state that way, avoiding entering texas, and thinking how ambi wasnt there, so i wanted to leave the South.
    Ended up driving a yellow trash truck on a dim brown city street. Got out and went to hang on its open back handles as someone else took over driving it, and had to hold on during their initial acceleration. It stopped and i went to the leftside opening to get in for a better seat, easier time staying in it. We drove to an abandoned mechanic shop or garage, highceiling, lots of stuff against the pale concrete walls, unlit, windows on 1 side, a garage door with window panels behind where we parked in there, guy sitting on concrete floor under a concrete staircase, mocking the driver or trying to pick a fight with him by saying he would have the same poverty befall him; a heart attack, then death. It could empathically tell it was bothering the driver, who was his son. I stepped closer to the trashtalking father on that dim floor, and gave him some shit back. He stayed moody and tried to intimidate me from the floor, so i pushed him back with my boot. He stood up to fight me. I used my boot to push back a blue cylinder out of the way, also toward the staircase overshadow. It was like a waterwheel for a watermill, sized to a diameter of knee level. The standing trashtalked looked like cb. I noticed my outfit was an orange jumpsuit, and that i had gray hair closecut, my skin a natural dark tan, and that i was fit like Sean Claud Van Damme. I got into a fighting stance, then woke.
    Heard myself snoring a few times, noticed it was bc of my rolled blanket as a pillow.
  • Tue19Dec:  driving into wide asphalt rolling hills parking lot of many semis, weny up stairwell, saw cars parking on tan and brown striped roof, one started sliding out of its space
    In an apartment, dim ish, making my bed bc it had been messed up by the marblewood demons, the houston retard fatfuck mason band director also there, then the pretty ish v of bs roomtard got on the bed and talked w me, clearly vibing as open to sex, but ofc i made zero advances since we were around those badguys frm phase1, the vibes always wisely guiding my actions.
  • Thu21Dec:  Was standing in a cabin, seeing shiny ~2′-wide square tiles terraces that looked like the smooth stone v of snowcover.
    Was on phone with guy in montana shop, telling him of my current exploration around Red Rocks and Badlands, told him not Badlands of SD, and then remembered having this convo years b4, so it may be that even some dreams repeat after the 2017 time travel. Told him i was saving myself 1,000$ on monthly rent. Told him vaguely of my gf, saying if she decides to team up w me, i can get any place we like. Got a mental image of him being like mike pruett druggie from nb earthship site.
    Mega Rain and another petite white brunette teen pornstar were on their backs, missionary pos, discussing payrate w me if they stayed on my porn team.
    Black and pink hairbands in a pile, and I took a big handful from the pile.
    Saw the new teen through a big chunk of an icecream cone scoop, as if she was down in the cone.
    Went to a rooftop at night, a quiet sex party or venue, many rectangular prism tables like big lego blocks, 1 girl on each, most missionary, 1 guy or piglike beast fucking ea girl, some more arriving up the stairs from the side.
    More great firsts; teens as pornstars, pornstars working for me, Megan Rain fave already loyal to me, orgy, beastiality, etc., all n same dream, too; massive upgrade, not just slow progress of little steps! Dreamside is phase3 now!!! <3
    Transferred too much to phone and filled it up again lol
  • Fri22dec:  2 cheerleader squads in dark behind risers of a high school-like outdoor football ~stadium (seating around a field; not a true stadium), 1 n purple, 1 n blue, and me walking in front of them to where i had left my jeep, finding a waist-level yellow-bars gate closed, opening it over snow to make room to drive out
  • Sat23dec2023:  I was with troops in/on a Halo Mammoth-like APC, firing out at rooftop gunmen in daylight, leaving that downtown/town FOB bc it was suspected of being corrupt, parking out in the desert before/into dusk.
    Entered a small surface bldg, guy looked like Veggy Street tan host, then went down an elevator and discovered it had a vast public gym under it. I asked him if he had seen the Men In Black movie, explaining his gym reminded me of the scene where one of their facilities was vast and hidden in a much-smaller inconspicuous surface building.
    Classroom w a flatscreen pc monitor for every student, all on long desks for ~10ppl, me calling someone, then one of the troops I’d met on that deployment, asking if iraq was worth visiting these days
  • christmas predawn mon25dec2023 ~5am:
    Was n a store like kohls; big like walmart, lit similarly, wide aisles w smooth tiles of offwhite and thin blue lines more like texture on them than patterns, in front of a long collapsible card table, pile of papers and nonwork stuff, plugged in a white power cord to some port atop a light wooden thing atop a bookshelf, was taking notes, asked if a redhead elven model of a teen girl maybe coworker had a certain paperwork, other young ppl at table next to mine, vibing decently, bookshelves behind me not to my eye level, shorter,
    a middleaged woman customer walked up and asked if i knew where the yellow power/extension cords were, i kindly said i didnt know but i would help her find them.
    Was n some kind of video game environment, heading back to a room similar to my Marblewood one IRL, as if able to move between realities/dimensions / game and real life like a planeswalker,
    got my tokens to rebuild something in a VR outdoorsy video game n a woodland sparse trees on rolling hills, said “i got my token, got (this), got (that),” named several hardwares and in-game things.
    Shook out some stuff from my sleeve or jacket.
    Driving a young Lopez around in backseat of my jeep or dark car, w a fat silent unknown person in back right seat, thinking about how mexicans were coming in but not heading to their declared destinations north, instd stopping and taking jobs like at gas stations along way to set up helpful pitstops for their kind, remembered this dream from years ago,
    saw the street was iced over and i was going faster than the other vehics, told my 2 psgrs we would slide, and as i slowed without braking, we managed to make the stopsign turn at L-intersec ahead, but still spun a few times, even twice after stopping and reaccelerating, sensing or knowing he thought my driving was bad,
    ended up before or after that ice spin… in a cul de sac or almost on the nice grass lawn of an ultra modern 2story or 3story nice house, almost in a mansions neighborhood, went through the downtown area nearby,
    parked, I had a multisentence rant at Lopez, looked over my seat shoulder at him and verbally asked if he heard all that, he hadnt, so i gave him a little shit for not being telepathic, saying it was pretty weird (that he wasnt),
    Lopez got out and went to get food, silent fatfuck stayed n backseat, i walked btwn blds and a dark dog hurried to me, got a little nippy, i turned to face away from it, its owner guy approached to get it away from me, apologetic vibe from him, and another dog hurried over, dark brown but lighter than the first dog, and a tan blonde woman stayed on the sidewalk where it had walked from, prob w the guy,
    went downtown to a property/real estate agent office 1story in a strip mall, tall skinny white guy asked something, i said what someone had told me, that i was there to check rates for lots/homes, was told a base rate around 264,000, and the fees made it something like 320,000. They said to meet in a parking lot nearby, so i walked back to my vehic through that sidewalk and blds gap where the 2 dogs and hurried to me, got in, started to leave the parking lot, Lopez hurried up w to-go white plastic bag and knocked on back right psgr door, i stopped and let him get in, then we drove around, i thought the area looked like downtown arlington or dfw, spotted the 2 middleaged women, 1 blonde, not from the dogwalking, but the real estate office, and turned from going down a non icy hill…to the parking lot they were in just one commercial access road over from the strip mall of the office i had met them in.
  • tue26dec:  On laptop on collapsible white table, reviewing a video a few mins long of an Ozzy Man Review, in a fusion of a gymnasium and classroom w 1story ceiling, well lit, others in the room, only 1 paying attn to me; white brunette w med brn hair n ponytail sitting on opp side of gym floor, she behind her own white collapsible table, facing me, leaning back on her collapsible chair.
    I scrolled the light gray slide bar back and forth through (side to side beneath) that video on my screen, trying to find the part where it shows Ozzy Man as he is narrating or telling a particular joke, but it seemed to have no longer been in the video at that point.
  • wed27dec before 1am PST:  Went to a crawlspace n a spooky cabin in an enchanted woodland by a sunlit creek, had a cave hammock/tent set up w a friend, told someone i looked n and saw that the white lit zigzag steam under it actually went on a long way under the house, as if forever btwn cave columns, and that it made me nervous about sleeping there.
    Then went to a topside gym and it was Full of chill teens, all attractive, all females checking me out, a hot tan blonde saying i was a genuine hottie as i walked by, my reflection showing i had on a ylw muscle shirt and other cool male fashions.
    More and more female hotties started chatting, incl those who worked there, and all started taking turns kissing me, letting me kiss them, showing me their secret rooms of the gym, one going past a cave rubble slope room w me, one going to the upper indoor lever, etc.
    A HUGE improvement dreamside; first time kissing and making out and having 100% of hottie girls all initiate verbally and physically w me.
    Had sex w a couple of them.
    Eased into gray nondreaming time before alarm woke me.
    Soooo pleased w that ‘dream’.
    One hottie said i hadnt made her a drink, she held what looked like a red colored ice cream pint container w text on it, i read it, asked, and she said the drink or ingredients, so i said let’s fix that, I’ll make it for her, and we left the group chatting, touching on our way to me making it before we too fucked.
    There were big multistory tracked vehicles outside. Chill guys told me about them. I walked btwn their 1story tracks supports. 1 was filthy w piles of dirt between its tires/tracks, i asked if the driver there w us wanted me to help hose it clean for him, he said something chill about how it would be cleaned soon bc of some change in how things were being done.
  • thu28dec?  Sent an email regarding an MRAP-like vehicle I saw somewhere, then noticed I had not noticed somehow including several sentences about sensitive/controversial work I had done,
    got a reply noting those sentences,
    started typing my own reply to explain them.
    Ugh. Lame.
  • fri29dec?  Another good first:  The marblewood ‘demon’ bitches were there. I fleshlighted casually in front of one, then went up to my room and desk to do my paperwork on the pc. The smaller bitch followed, then started taking some of my paperwork to hide. I confronted it. It started being further evil by saying stalls, playing games. I immediately took hold of its jaw and throat. That startled it. It said “you choked me.” I said “no, I guided you. If I choked you, you would be gone.” Then the dark-vibe evil-eyes larger bitch came up, not daring to make eye contact, looking out the window. I told it what the smaller had done. Then in the halfwaking, I began willing a circular fortification up around the house to keep out the evil false cops whom i knew would be summoned. Then a forcefield dome. Then began dismantling telekinetically the whole house, room by room, setting the remains ablaze. Then i zeroed in on the typist, visualizing her whole house shaking and its lights flickering. Then i zeroed in on dream dark room ambi, splitting her dark table in half, freezing her fireplace into a block of ice, ripping the walls of that room out away all at once, spinning the roof away, forming a tornado over the two of them, lighting the room up very brightly, causing their hair to stand on end, opening a light ing pathway down to her, she asking me to stop, i ending that contact right b4 it would have disintegrated her.
    The first? I stopped taking any shit from bullies.


  • ~start of jan2024:  another dream of being at Antarctica, this one showing it as like a table-sized topography (3D) model, with a hole dominating its middle, and a 4-part metallic cap/plug being moved over it / into place.
    the cap/plug looked like the modern/machine version of that old map/illustration showing the circular polar/hyperborea continent with its 4 main rivers quad-secting it.
  • sat6jan2024:  More antarctica; a snow/ice berms campsite/tent-size area under a covering, w a dirtyblonde woman sitting there talking about the tilted ufo nearby. The ufo is a big metallic disc with snow and ice on it. Its side is in the icy terrain. Its angle is almost vertical. Its underside center circle is at ground level. A guy like Fox Mulder, with a male teammate, walked over to it, and i somehow telepathically knew they had entered it that way before. They said or thought, and i heard it, that the circle at the center was its portal. They disappeared through it, as if it was a hologram or semipermeable membrane.
    Something made me feel scared, so i hurried to the ~2story boxy building and asked a thin-haired brunette white guy inside where i could get on a flight off the continent. He had big glasses on. I think he was pushing a floor waxing machine, a janitor. His expression was of neutral concern, and he pointed the way, perhaps saying something.
    I ended up in another room in that wide building, talking to another woman. The topic of me becoming a pilot for the organization came up. I liked the idea. I mentioned my degrees, and she said, “You have college degrees?” I said yes, three of them, and certifications/certificates, remembering how those two words had always given me pause, i wondering which was best to say.
    I saw two low platform-like off-white triangular devices with parallel lights on them, and rounded edges and diagonal slopes to both triangular table-ish things. One had pastel green lights, and the other had pastel yellow. The pairs of parallel light lines were flush with the triangle-table tops. The lights came on in pairs in sequence. Someone said that we could now communicate/transmit across tens of thousands of lightyears, and i assumed that was done by those two triangular devices, or at least the signal progress was represented by their lights.
    Then i was in an apartment with troops. It was daytime. We were talking about the chemtrails milky haze. I asked for someone to go with me to the wide flat roof that was right outside one of the doors. Up there, we could see distant alien invader craft and ground forces. One threw a medium-light purple grenade-like object at our squad-sized group. No one dove for cover. We were all calm and observant. The object did not explode, and curiously matched or mimicked my movements; when i sidestepped, it hovered in the air the same way, parallel, a few feet in front of me, then went back the other way as i did. After experimenting like that a few times, i stopped, and it dropped to the roof floor and splatted like a small puddle of goo/gak. I looked at the guys with me, and they looked at me, all of us interested in the unexpected tech’.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 ~7 AM, PST:  LOL; more dream harassment, but that latest wannabe bully pretending to be an authority? (the cop/sheriff in last night’s ‘dream’) I shut him down like all the rest; called him creepy, said I would need my lawyer, refused any further comment, refused to let him pick a fight.  I’m glad I keep standing up for myself on “that side” and in “the waking”.
  • sat13jan2024 ~5am:  Roomtard overhead dnstairs n darkness/dimness moodily saying it wanted what i’d left n the aptmt destroyed.
    Then i ended up at marblewood house but eli was there and showing me a hover bike like a big ochre-colored mount he got on and moved around the living-room.
    Then i was driving up rocky terrain slope, following other vehicles somewhere, and practicing that route more than once.
    Then in a school 2nd-floor classroom lab like those of Shepton science w the black countertops, i and 5 others on the floor, supervised by a white brunette female teacher young woman whose hair was shoulder-length, and someone was showing me how to make spots of interest through the dark-green loose carpet floor with a handheld tool which pushed rusty metal nails or scrap-metal down in and then held them steady so a white thread could be tied off through their end hole,
    then 1 female student showed me how to do that on another area of that classroom floor,
    then i walked over to a table to see what another was doing,
    then i got bored and willed myself to walk like Master Chief to a window overlooking the outside ground level in daylight, thinking how none in that classroom w me could harm me if they tried,
    then i went back to the corner w the 5 students and teacher and willed myself to float back-up to the ceiling a couple times, looking down on them from up there, and the teacher said for me to come back down.
  • tu16jan2024 ~1am:  first time in dream that an rjh-like was there, hanging out in marblewood bedroom, no one else home, getting naked w me,
    then showing me pussy (another dream-side first), but the pussy looked too big and loose to me when its labia were parted by her,
    and it asked me to put my tongue on its clit or something.
    I went to the bathroom and started flushing the toilets b/c they had stuff in them. Why were there 2 toilets side by side in that lightning-wallpaper bathroom in this dream, and why did they have like white wet paper stuck to their rims/bowls?  I flushed both toilets twice, the 2nd round finally getting what was still clinging near the top of the inside of the bowl to be washed down their drains.
    Anyway, went back out, and a mongoloid bitch of a friend of hers had come up from downstairs, and was sitting against the wall right at the base of the 3 loft steps from 2nd story to my bedroom.
    It said something about not having seen this, and wanting to see me pleasure her, as in its household (the friend’s) its parents weren’t loving/sexual like that.
    I said I was sorry to hear that, or something to that effect.
    I think that’s when the coyote IRL woke me up, probably b/c I was being dream harassed; maybe it can sense that, and helpfully drove those annoying ‘spirits’/harassers away, or at least helped me get away from them, back to this ‘side’.

    In that dream, she got on all fours on my bed, wearing maybe only a strappy white soft midriff top, and moved her ass in the air, flirting w me by telling me she and her gf liked to go out to places and do that while in their car to seduce/invite guys over, but after showing me her odd loose pussy… I felt no attraction, her story meaningless.
  • thu18jan2024 between ~2 and 8 AM:  2nd orgy dream, I believe. Definitely an orgy of at least a dozen, maybe two dozen. All aryan/caucasian fit/models. Everyone compatible and vibing happily. Girls on girls, kissing and licking and sucking away. Even btr than that beastiality platforms orgy dream weeks ago.
  • Fri19jan2024 ~6am: madelyn v was a receptionist at a dim long medium gray flat desk countertop rectangular prism, room of same color and dimness, having me do checkin or signup paperwork, asking if i had a business car or something, i almost got my new one out, then decided not to show her…bc i didnt want to risk dealing w another idiot trashtalker overreacting to my wise posts/blog. She told me her name, i think it was Carah, i wrote it with my pen on a white piece of paper, somehow making a joke of it by writing it with long squiggles for the way she said the vowels longer than usual.
    Then i was in a lit room like a nice white walls apartment, light color carpet, naked, standing by a sexy teen girl who had sucked my cock, she still on all fours, and i noticed how long and straight and upcurving my dick was, and looked for a tape measurer, saying to her hold on bc i am going to measure it, saw a few types such as a normal ruler, got the white or yellow long kind bc flexible, saw it took the whole 3′ length plus 4″ of a 2nd span of that 3′ flexible measuring tape section, i placed its end down at base of my shaft to confirm, remeasured, showed and told her, then it had postcum relaxed down to 1′ long. First time i had a dick with those dimensions in a dream. Neat.
  • sun21jan2024 ~5am:  Was n a lit hall approaching many students up a few steps n front of me.
    I got the vibe or idea to invite them to spar with me all at once, and said, “All of you, at once.” They attempted to approach me, and I skilfully began defeating them all.
    I then was outside, and walked and spoke with a man about some emotionless topic.
    Then I was in a gymnasium as a martial arts teacher. I was in a black gi with red markings and a black belt. I had two male students who looked younger but bigger/taller than me. I started demonstrating how footing affects balance, and even let myself lean to the right, going where the toe of my right/lead foot was angled.
  • mon22jan2024 ~4am:  Was n familiar 2story church, pastel gray carpet, white walls, ppl gathering for a song or service, maybe a little concert, i walked past them dnstairs to leave via a hallway to dark green landscaping sidewalk to parking curb residential street, dim maybe evening or night outside.
    Then was w Adaline pb Megan Rain, in marblewood loft upstairs, packing to go, she wanting to go w me.
    Then at an amusement park on a narrow 1person rollercoaster going into a lpw-ceiling room. The track curved to my right.
    Then shopping for groceries at The Hungry Moose, looking for vegan ice cream bars, checking the reachdown fridges w clear topdoors by the entry in other rooms, a few ppl n the aisles, and a cart in the way, i telepathically moving/portal-ing its shopper guy to it to push it on in time.
  • tue23jan2024 ~3am:  Saw an upsidedown paper-sized sheet with a planet-like curve dominating 1 quadrant, its other 3 quadrants with even square sections of distinct sets of writing or information, the one opposite the world-curve being a grid like/of aligned square button outlines, some with humanoid outlines in them, others with parallel horizontal lines or other symbols/characters, as if i was looking down at this bnw rectangular sheet of info from above, and it may have been a prototype iScroll.
    Was making a sandwich at a table w many sandwich materials, many young fit ppl around me, girls at my sides and the other side of the table, all standing, a stage also on the opposite side from me, and my sandwich turned out to be a footlong that was getting my hands messy with guac or something before i rolled it back over my way to slice in half or thirds, a Napoli-like middleaged guy walked from my right side or right end of the table… out to that stage, commenting something like “gross”, and i waited for him to be away enough that he wouldn’t notice when i jokingly said for the table of ppl to hear, “You should see my porn.” to which they all laughed lightly, enjoying my sense of humor, the 2 hottie girls especially, incl the lightbrown-skinned one walking off from center to left in my field of view of the opp side.
  • wed24jan2024 ~6am:  Lol dream harassment. Was telling eli as he sat on a wide square concrete planter border outside on a wide sidewalk… to be mindful of how so much detail is today added to some buildings; even though they look tacky/apparent, the point is that we today can make ancient-looking things, so anyone else could, as well, so we should not assume ancient-looking things are ancient until we further examine them.
    Then a spick wearing what looked like body-armor or a suicide vest opened the glass door with black metal frame to the matching windows-wall storefront several yards away for me, I walked over, he looked surprised I had approached willingly, I said, “I know how this works.” as if to say I had been pressured by armed groups before, or that I had no choice, so why resist, …and then I went in and to a back room for staff, and there were 3 cheap black armchairs at a collapsible table with a boxy computer on it, 1 similar guard seated at the right, 1 older blackhaired spick on the left, I sat on the middle chair, the older guy made a figure or debt payback plan offer appear on the screen, it was ~$394,000 with the final 3 numbers not 0, and estimated time needed to pay back was 73 years. I said that was not the original payback amount we had agreed on, which I, awake, remember as being like ~$73,000. He said they could have some of their laborers do some of the work For me, which I wondered about, and worried might somehow lead to a different type of debt in addition to the monetary one. I acted well, feigning being sad and overwhelmed and hopeless. They clearly wanted me to become a debt slave to them for the rest of my life. Then I woke, amused at this latest crime in dreamspace; it will cost them dearly.
  • thu25jan2024 ~6am:  Telling story of how old i was in 1988, to a dark brunette shaggy short haired young man maybe middle school age asking when i had learned about a cave we had been talking about, i continued telling of my past while noticing tsb seated on collapsible chair facing desk pc behind me; when i moved at 6, ended up in tx, forest greenbelt to flat city pollution air chronic acute asthma, how it sounded when i breathed, then he said i wasnt 11 when i moved but 6, and i told him that is what i said, wondering how he had missed that, apparently distracted by his pc work and again making a wrong assumption about me just like so many others had.
    Tractor back right tire low air pressure, told at gas station night by guy standing outside a station wagon that i needed a pump adjustment. Drove it slowly on dirt lot anyway, turning around.
    Went to a laser tag arena, dark green lockerroom doors like public bathroom stalls, left one to the common area lobby with many ppl walking around, meeting teammate shorty female date, did not have her Discord contact info in my phone app, host told me something about if i kept my crosshairs on 20 targets, i was excited to suit up and go in, a black man brought an odd tiny pet like a shaggy dog the size of a kitten that walked to me on the dark carpeted floor. Ended up in a dif lockerroom of same dark green stalls type, tried to leave but its doors were narrow and took more effort to open.
    Going through small stacks of notebook papers and sketches about my story; black-ops ideas, sorted them so newer ones were in the smallest stack i would keep in a manila folder for my trip about to start, left rest in a lit closet-like room on a short table against the back wall. 1 other person was back n the main room, at a boardroom table, just sitting there, not going through the stacks i had. A flat-screen was on the wall opposite the closet door i had entered and left open.
    I also remember (I think from a previous night/dream) looking down at a horse hoof in bad shape due to being neglected a long time as it fanned out, unclipped/trimmed.
  • fri26jan2024:  Another frustration/stress/worry dream of me yelling for ambi.
    Fucking bitch…
  • sat27jan2024:  was on a floor-mounted topographical map showing the curve of almost a hemisphere of the Earth, or maybe the whole thing, and it had colored dashed lines along where the Moon passed overhead, and an Asian girl/woman was alongside it near me, and I was talking with her and some guy about how the moonlight-area displayed on that map/curve/surface had to be wrong, as it only showed moonlight reaching a small area near the equator, and the moon was, on that scale, about as faraway as the ceiling in this room was, thus it would be visible from the entire side/hemisphere of the planet all the time
    got ticked at some bad-vibe asian-looking somewhat-small/scrawny guy who was trying to pressure/intimidate me/us
    then was doing room-clearing in a clean spacious almost-white carpeted attic-like or apartment-suite room, with several other guys
    and there was more to this dream, but I’ve grown a bit tired of writing all my dreams down, I remembering so many of them, and so many details about each
  • sun28jan2024 ~1am:  What a beautiful dream; Lindsay Pierce, with total genuine good-girl serenity vibe, and being polite, gentle, patient, feminine, interested, hopeful, loving, soft-spoken, …was into reading my writing… as we sat together, starting our first hangout… in a cabin mansion. Is that/this prep’ for an ICV? (calibrating a proto’/simulation of one prior to mass-printing them in batches)
    Is she an ICV technopathically soothing me, reaching out from Inisfree? (i.e. some ICVs already made and fully capable)
    Whatever the case, dreamspace was truly heavenly this night. Amen.
    At last.
    Curious that she was in b&w; gray-scale, same as the papers of my writing about that area I let her read, while the house was in color.
  • mon29jan2024 ~3am:  Was with my jeep, top down. I was trying to use a cereal bag as a bowl, adjusting it, shifting some of the bran flake-like bites in it around. I didn’t like that there was a homeless-looking/vibing guy several meters away. I noticed I didn’t have almond milk, so I used a keyboard on the floor mound below the center vertical console to lock my computer screen which was mounted on that console like the touchscreen in my current vehicle. I covered the cereal bag with a light gray towel, then went into the grocery store I was parked at. I was parked in one of the spaces closest to the front wall of that store. I carried two white plastic grocery bags in my hand, both filled with trash and tied closed. Inside, there were many workers and customers, almost everyone shorter than me. A white brunette worker in dark blue jeans and a dark sweat top walked past me, and let me know it would cost $1.90 if I left those trash bags in one of their indoor trash cans. I said, “Oh.” and then went past/through a Subway-like brown/wood-looking booths seating area, out back of the store via its double sliding doors on the side of the building 90° from the side I had entered through (from the side my jeep was parked at). Out there, it was still dark night, and there were many more workers. There were projects in that fenced section of the paved/parking area on that side of the building, only delivery trucks parked there. I found another rolling trash can like the yellow plastic ones inside. I looked up as I approached it, and saw a massive football bigger than a watermelon falling down. A black man noticed it just in time, and stepped out of its way, then looked over at me and merrily chuckled about it, saying something as it bounced up higher than he was tall, its new trajectory sending it along a smaller shorter arched path toward the trash can, and then it settled on the dark asphalt.
    Once I had made it back to my jeep, I touched some things on the screen to resume my computer work. For some reason, I was able to without unlocking it, but my main work still required my usual password. I tried unlocking the computer console screen by typing that password in, and noticed the keyboard was not plugged in, thus no typing working yet, so I got its cord and carefully seated it down on its matching cylindrical metal port on the top left horizontal dash surface above that screen. I was then able to type my password, and felt annoyed that it was showing as light gray caps letters on the black password text field on the console screen, but at least it let me unlock my work application.
    I don’t remember going through the aisles and getting the almond milk in that grocery store, which is odd, as it was the main reason I went in there. I did not start eating the cereal; I woke up.
    There was more to this ‘dream’; I had gone to other places in it, met other people, etc.
  • wed31jan2024:  Was at an airbase teaching flying. Sometimes we were in a classroom near the runway (in view of the runways), and other times we were maneuvering easily up above the runway/s. There was a device which could disintegrate other aircraft as if they had rapidly burned, looking like glowing slices/sections.  We were all in dark-gray pilot-suits.


  • thu1feb2024 ~1am:  Was walking around in a dim mall-like place, then 4 unattractive humans stopped in a line, blocking ppl sort of, and i didn’t hesitate to turn sideways as i slipped btwn the middle 2.
    I think a mall cop tried to stop me after seeing that, and i again did not hesitate, using a pinky hold to force him off me and to the floor.
    I was invited to join a few dozen young cop-like males stacking up along carpeted catwalks upstairs. We entered a carpeted attic room and found it was empty. I talked with them, saying i thought i had been invited to stack up w them when someone downstairs saw how well i took down that guard. I was happy and excited.
    My hair was shorter, choppier, and black.
    Suddenly, i was a tallish blonde commanding-jaw man in a German ww2 officer uniform, on a penthouse floor below its rooftop, with several others, 1 a platinum-blonde shoulder-length-hair woman going into a dark bedroom with an old man, assuring him she wanted to suck his dick. He sat on the bed. I went with the others up the stairs to the roof/upper floor.
    Then i was in The Netherlands, i think, bc of the accents, and outside on a street. We were told to take an alternate way to another town, and had to use a residential street on light-ish gray concrete pavement, no curbs, avoiding a highway closure.
    I zoomed out and saw the map section, but not the whole map.
    At the destination, it was darker/dimmer, i facing an open mine/warehouse-like sliding door, a sooty or whiskers-neck man in a muscle shirt and jeans coming out of that pitch black door opening, facing and speaking to me, saying something about what we had done bc of stacking up and entering that room/attic. He wanted officers for his organization.
    2 other males were to the right of that dark door, both shirtless and with great abs. The short one said, “I do not think I can turn prophets into the gods you seek.”
    I liked that way of putting it, and said, “Ooo that’s good. I’m gonna use that.”
    The sooty man turned and left, pausing at the dark open door, waiting but not succeeding in converting/recruiting us.
    I went into a room off that central one, and found a square hole in a wall like a built-in vending machine or kiosk. It had a touchscreen above it, dark. There was a rectangular slot on the bottom surface inside its cube opening. There was a brick-sized object in it, glowing like warm metal. I picked it up out of there and it was not hot to the touch. Its label/stamp on the front said something like “Y… Color” with a few other letters or periods.
    Another one was then in its place in that slot, as if created when I took the other out. It was “Z” and something.
    I took it out, too, then walked them back into the central room, both pieces aglow, though i only now held or saw that 2nd one. It seemed to be a light-based battery/power source.
    I zoomed out again, seeing more of the map, including the diagonal coast which was at its southwest corner, and the parallel highway along its dark gray middle, and the wavier parallel-ish alternate road we had driven here. Moving east over that dark gray map, i saw it become 3d, showing houses similar to Dickens Village ones, and i reached for a few. They were lit from within like miniatures.
    same day, ~3am:  I was approaching a beach treehouse
    others behind me catching up
    went into the ground floor of a 2story wide flat house w ppl n some of its rooms upstairs and dnstairs
    I heard who was where via the vents near the ceiling
    All was well lit
    I noticed 1 tan man and 2 blonde White girls in one of its dnstairs rooms. They vibed as chill, happy, approachable, amd 1 of the girls recited something about abstaining from touching herself. I vibed just as chill and approachable as I replied with wise guidance, “Be good to yourself, and feel well.” or something like that.
    They immediately realized I was right, and began experimenting with themselves; kissing, touching, etc..
    The atmosphere got way better because of their/our Vril.
    I went up to the garage and saw things on its gray walls, and into a closet-like room in/from it.
    I ended up driving my suv toward a ranger checkpoint parking lot turnoff into a national park around a tall landform on the horizon. I showed my new military pass. The guy was mild tan, dirty blonde, buzzcut, reflector vest neon yellow, and it was night time.
    I asked how the skiboarding and snowing was lol, mixing those 2 words up.
    He quickly gave me friendly caution, saying not to do those; it was dangerous bc not much snow this winter.
    I set a white binder on the right side of my dashboard while he remained in front of my vehicle.
    My driver side window stayed down.
    I woke.
  • fri2feb2024:  I was in a somewhat-lit classroom of sorts, several people around, a creature the size of a large dog in the middle of us, cord-like hairs from all around its back, blue balls the size of golf balls attached at their ends, as if a shaggy animal and a jellyfish or nudibranch (sp) had been spliced/hybridized.
    The blue orbs on those thick hairs/cords were moving like octopus tentacles in a way.
    A few of the ppl standing around it w me gave me some shit about something. I did not respond, unmoved.
    Everyone left the room and got in 2 medium-gray cars across a dirt area surrounded by awnings (covered parking, like in a retrofitted stadium or abandoned outpost perimeter sort of way).
    I diverted, and even heard the word in my head, “Deviate.” I did not want to be around them, as they were rude.
    I instead walked on the dirt and patches of low green grass… to collapsible tables and people in sunlight by portajohns.
    I heard the rude ppl n the cars commenting, as if wondering where i was going, or giving me more shit.
    I chose to ignore that bs.
    I woke.
    What new creature was that? Just a unique dream “tag” to see if I post about what may have been a beamed/inserted image/form?
  • sat3feb2024:  I was in a store like Michael’s or Lowe’s; tall shelf aisles, high ceiling, well lit.
    I walked to the front to get one of the highlighters packs up there. There were 5 colors; pink, yellow, light green, light blue, and lavender. Some were in pairs, others individually packaged, the one I chose including all 5. Each highlighter color was a different form (“shape” and length). Their packages were white firm cardboard-like backing with a clear plastic front.
    Then I walked between two aisles and noticed artist tablets big enough for easles. I said to myself, “We’re not getting that. I don’t want to do anymore drawings.” or “Please, no more drawing.” Something like that.
    However one tablet caught my eye because its cover was a sexy petite white teen model naked with B-cup tits, she drawn bent over, as if toward the viewer, as if to start a BJ.
    I raised that cover and saw some of the big paper sheets/pages inside it had other drawings of her at different angles, all beautiful, sexy, and perfect.
    Some attentionwhore trashtalker badvibe tan-ish dirtyblonde shortponytail bitch with white-sphere/dot ear-rings walking behind me from back to front of that aisle said something like “Is she/that the size you like?”, her tone implying she was too young or something, but that comment actually just indicating that bitch was pure evil and insecure and desperate to cause upset.
    I looked at her, said nothing, as such beings do not deserve any of my time or words, and picked that tablet off its vertical wall/pegboard hooks.
    I saw the line to the register from there was long, so I then walked through a gap back to the side of the store I had started at when heading to the front to get that highlighters pack.
    It had the checkout desk near the inside corner.
    The line was just as long.
    There was a dark-ish skin, blackhaired male, looking to be in his 20s or 30s, at the end of that other checkout line.
    I made my way to the front. There was a guy and a gal, both shorter than me, in vests, working there.
    The guy was having everyone set their otems on the white-ish tile floor. I said I didn’t want to, and that I could just stand aside and hold my items (2; highlighters pack and artist tablet).
    I looked at the floor in front of the aisle ends. It was clean. The overhead lights from the high ceiling were causing little shine spots on it.
    It was daylight outside.
    I woke.
  • sun4feb2024:  several ‘dreams’, including going into a 2nd-story restaurant in a dark-brown bricks-exterior building, and waiting at a long table between the bar and the window-bay booth-seats (“tables for two”), the bartender a dirty-blonde young man shorter than me, cleaning a mug as he let me know my order addition might take a while.
    A brunette middle-aged man with a similarly-short haircut was seated on the barstool near the wall to my right, farthest from the entry door/archway (which was all the way to the left of the bar, as I was facing it from the long table, my back to the window-wall to the street outside, 1 story down from us).
    There was a female at the table with me.
    This was just one of the several ‘dreams’ this past night, I going to other places, including on a mission or two.
  • mon3feb2024 ~1am:  A soulless problem-causer ‘demon’ bitch parked behind me before i could back out.
    I got my car turned around, then got out of it and opened the car door of that bitch.
    She threatened me by having her phone already connected so someone on the other end would hear.
    I took her phone anyway and snapped it in half.
    I then told her if she didn’t get out of my way, i would snap her in half.
    I then got back in my vehicle and drove off base.
    Had i rammed her vehicle aside in the process?
    Either way, another case of me immediately defaulting to punching through another evildoer/NPC, un-phased by its terrorism (scare tactic); good!
  • tue6feb2024:  Opened up a banana-yellow fruit-like thing, or broke it in half, because its pie slice-shaped dragonfruit-white-with-black-seeds interior/pulp was bioluminescent, glowing like a nightlight even in the daylight-lit room. I was seated at a simple modern thin tan-top table. Within a few seconds of breaking that glowy white part in two, it flickered and then went dim/normal, as if somehow dead or having lost power.
    Dream-harassment from another deformed evil fugtard fatfuck; fake-orange short/cut hair on a “female” ogre blob in a loose outfit, giving me shit when i was trying to work on my laptop by a car parked on a driveway, saying it was “your one joy” or something retarded untrue like that. I gave it an unimpressed and disgusted look, moved around to the other side of the outside of that car, and it slowly walked away, over the corner of the lawn of that house at the corner of two residential streets i and the car were outside of.
    LOL at that latest Carol-of-Bozeman evil failure smearing around and being so instantly re-defeated.  Typical loser.
  • wed7feb2024:  I was working on something on my computer.

    Then I was testing/trying a sexy/hentai computer game, it projected onto a projector screen on the front wall of a lit college classroom, I seated at front long table, a few others at other tables off to the sides, I lost interest, clicked to close it, a popup appeared instead, just a word or two in black font on a pastel gray BG with a border of a color like tan-sand and pastel-pink, I clicked to close it but another popup appeared, I did ctrl alt del to shut down but a 3rd popup appeared, I manually forced shutdown but a 4th popup appeared lol.
  • sun11feb2024:  Was walking alongside a motor-coach/rv/camper made of Legos, it driving on a flat surface/plane, several other men walking behind, spread out.
    There were other Lego vehicles, all smaller than it, but all also big enough to be actual vehicles for humans.
    It slowed to a stop, parking near a few buildings.
    I jumped up to the clear railing wall of the 2nd-story balcony of one building, climbing up over it like it was an obstacle-course obstacle.
    I saw in its glass was the E.G.A. design/emblem, and thought that since it had that, and I was a member once, I had better do a good job pulling myself up and over.
    Rolling over the top of the ~3″-wide glass-like railing-wall, I put my feet/shoes down on the walkway surface.
    Once standing up there, I looked down over the railing and saw an African/brown man approaching, looking up at me, seeming happy I had climbed up and over, he now ready to try.
    I looked over at where the Lego-like vehicles were parked.
    Then I was in a restaurant of some sort, though it first looked like a dim factory or warehouse room. The walls were a dark gray. There were industrial windows high up, and a raised concrete walkway, as if for a semi/cargo truck loading dock, but inside. There was a bucket / wide serving bowl with apples in it, and a few other people around. Two were at the table with me, the third person standing, an Asian skinny man with short black hair and reading glasses.
    I used the only hand-tool on the table to turn one apple into something like a bread-bowl form; the tool had 5 curved shiny smooth flat metal bars, and when I pushed it down into the top/side of the apple, it sliced and smashed its pulp/insides, never punching through the bottom/other side.
    I then poured on a green liquid. It settled onto the sliced/minced pulp pile at first, then sinking in between the sliced/shredded bits, making them look like Rice Crispies cereal not in white milk, but a new lime-green substance.
    I took a spoon to get the first bite, and smiled, remembering doing this once before.
    The two others at the table with me began to try on apples of their own. The Asian man standing beside the table looked pleased with me for doing that.
    I thought that maybe they didn’t remember when first we had done this, like how these past 2.5yrs irl/waking… I have wondered why so many ppl didn’t remember/know things were repeating (2016 events in 2022, 2017 in 2023, and 2018 events in 2024).
    I woke.
  • mon12feb2024:  I was sitting on a bench with a couple others, on an open-top vehicle like a powered sled truck, facing the left as we were all pulled along on a snowy road or trench-like path toward the arctic. I was wearing footwear, shorts or pants, and a hoody with its hood part having firm helmet-like padding/parts keeping it seated snug on my head. My hair was down. My arms and hands were bare and felt fine. A female seated on my left on the bench, thus closer to the cab/front of the vehicle, was talking with me about a pen-pal, then about
    There was writing on a paper, and on an envelope. Harry Potter-related names?
    The female next to me asked about where I was going. I said something about looking forward to the arctic, and even swimming there, and that it was calling to me.
    I remembered having already been to the spot we were going to, an icy coastal mound I had enjoyed before.
    I then pictured in my mind the expanse of the Arctic Ocean beyond it, and wondered about swimming more of the thing.
    I went into a house via its back porch. The grass was dark green outside. It was a 2story. Inside, the floor was polished white tile, and the walls were white. I heard adolescent boys downstairs. I said sorry I came in the wrong house by mistake. One walked up from the basement. The stairs there were to a room with its lights off, dark, like a game room. He had short black hair. I left through the same door I had entered.
    I was picking up gear and weapons to carry from a supply room or outdoor little hangar. One was a camouflage assault rifle. I kneeled and inspected its shoulder strap to see where to adjust it so it would be tighter as I slung it around my back.
    Once I had it on me, I began walking over grassy rolling terrain, and amidst sparse tall-ish trees, to where several other adolescents / young adults were on the ground, dirt, training. They were practicing some drill or technique. A couple of them were prone, holding onto and pulling the ankles of another couple of them who were also prone.
    Then a few on the other side of the middle two were trying to hold them steady, preventing them from being pulled away, like a tug-of-war with humans instead of ropes. One trying to hold a middle prone person steady was an Asian female with her perfect black hair tied in a back bun.
    The two doing the holding/pulling from the prone position included one guy who had islander complexion and puffy black eyebrows about 1″ tall.
    Then I saw another Asian young woman, her hair also in a black bun, and with some side strands curved away from it, hanging down, kneeling over one of the camouflage recruits/trainees, as if notionally performing the cpr chest compressions. She was very lovely. Her face/profile was perfect. So were her boobs in that skintight olive-drab “under-armor”-brand-like long-sleeve shirt.
    I noticed I had 2 orange smooth plastic items, and that they were not attached/strapped to me, so I walked back toward the supply area to leave them. I came to a retention wall, looked up over it, and remembered the grassy slope outside the 3story house it met was too steep to move up, so I went into that 3story to find another way up.
    There was a black catwalk staircase inside. I went up and saw a black or gray cat sitting there. I greeted it. It said something to me in English like, “I am all alone.” I sympathized, saying I knew how that felt, surprised it had spoken, but not shocked.
    Upstairs, I found an attic room, windows closed but curtains parted, daylight lit, an orange cat inside. I greeted it, too, asking if I may pet it. It consented and leaned its head toward my hand. All the cats were so gentle-aura-ed. Maybe I was seeing cats because of that meme the typist sent before I went to sleep; “thank you for always caring about me.”
  • tue13feb2024:  A few dreams, one being that kids took a back tire off my vehicle, so I got out and used various martial arts techniques to render them unconscious. lol
  • wed14feb2024:  Forgotten dream: remembered it as I was waking, but scratching of rodent under vehicle somehow let it slip, making me think memory is stored in more than just the waking brain.
    Odd dream: went back to sleep, then was in an old brick apartment building, power cords in the floor in loops, a couple other guys there, one White, one Black, and I saw some device suddenly glow hot and then go dark again, sticking a black metal grating grid through the thighs and other body parts of a man who winced or groaned at it, then having ti break it off in sections, some of the lines still stuck through him, he then limping past the other 2 guys as if sneaking, not wanting them to notice the iron-colored broken pieces sticking out of him. There was no blood, as if cauterized, and POV switched from 3rd to 1st.
    A mostly perfect dream: was sitting at a long table, pastel tan top surface, black collapsible metal pole legs, facing a similarly-colored wall of a lighter paler sandy yellowish pastel tan, in a classroom with a dozen or more youngish adolescent-looking students, all quietly taking a test. I had different stacks of white papers on my desk, none tall, some stapled at their top left corner, and a boxy pale gray computer monitor and keyboard on my desk. I looked over my right shoulder and saw a beautiful White brunette girl like ana kravinova seated at a long table behind my wall row, one desk over. She did not look my way. I turned back to focus on my test/papers, not wanting to seem like i was cheating. There were black lines and a few sentences on my papers. There was also a thick textbook, softcover, open, with colored pictures in it. I flipped through it, not finding the test answers info. I did not feel like taking the test. As I left, a nina dobrev-like super-hottie started talking with me, then casually kissed and started fucking. She had the perfect vibe, into it, totally chill, not a care/inhibition in the world. Sue was great at French kissing, too. We met again in the hallway, then in another classroom. Not sure if I came in her, but she would 100% have let me.
  • thu15feb2024:  Was holding a long flat thin metal item similar to a sword but more like a slightly curved strip, and it looked rust colored for a moment.
    Then I was looking at something similar to a Navy carrier mast, like a metal scaffolding, gray, with flags of dozens of nations hung from it, but they looked more like vertical icons than horizontal fabric. I felt that the USA was not fairly represented (odd thought, considering how evil it has been to me), so I mentioned that while walking over to the structure. The other people standing around on that open-air white-surface gathering/tech’ area got nervous/concerned. I climbed up to the 2nd level of the structure holding those metallic tilted (vertical) flag metals/icons, and felt the front of a pistol press to the back of my head; some guy had hurried over to threaten me, wanting me to stop climbing it. I paused my ascent and seemed to be raising my hands to surrender. Very odd; I always stand up for myself in dreamspace and waking.
  • fri16feb2024:  Stood up to someone in a group, or locked them on.
    Then was in a room that needed tidying up. Moved stuff around. Vague memory of that part. Near a window. Dark outside. White apartment inside. Piled stuff near the window. There was a flame or heat source, and I left things on it to burn in a wide low-sides box-like pit. I saw metal sheets that looked like flexible spans of computer wires in film, changing color from shiny chrome-like to charred-black, back and forth.
    Then was making food at a table, and on a grill, flipping burger patties, decided to move a small thin (4mm) patty closer to the blue flame, and it changed its shape such that the patty looked like pink concentric meat rings in the form of a crosshairs thing or something. Then reached down in a white paper bag and found triangular clippings I thought was more food at first, but looked like old newspaper black ink on tan/sand-colored magazine paper when taken out and dropped on the smooth black glassy grill edge.
  • Sat on dirt floor in room size of shack, btwn wood wall to my left and wood table to my right, facing guy chiseling away at a horizontal ruby slab the size of a coffin almost, except half as deep, long side facing my.
    He handed me a soda can sized chunk to keep.
    Saw a cartoon like illustration of bombers flying from canada over usa, leaving red wide lines behind them like in Indiana Jones flightpath clips but wider, dropping red-silhouette finned bombs near vegas. I asked someone if it was the SAC in charge of that. One bomb was larger than the others, and colored gray and black, with the biohazard symbol on it.
    It looked like the usa was hit with biological weapons.
    Went to a 2 or 3story wood building. Dozen or two dozen ppl inside. One skinny white brunette male in a beanie and poor worker clothes vibed as having an issue with me. I followed him outside into the night. He swung at me. I blocked it and started hitting his torso, then broke his right arm, then rotated his head to end him, then buried him in the flowerless planter trough raised rectangular dirt area right beside where we fought. It was attached to the side of that 3story. Its dirt was easy to scoot around with my foot. I smoothed it out over where his body was buried.
    1st time I killed someone in dreamspace?
    Went to other buildings. Morning came; I didn’t see a sunrise; the sky was just mildly daylight, not dim, but not bright, as if during a day with distant clouds, overcast. A new person showed up, seeming injured or sick. He seemed to be hiding from the 2 guys on patrol above him. They were looking around from floor2 of a wood narrow building similar to a ranger tower but with its bottom walled. I went in where the weak/stressed-looking guy had gone in. He had used a side door out of sight around the corner of that bottom of that narrow bldg. I used the door to a 90deg angle from it; the one in front of me. Inside, i saw him lying on the floor, just trying to rest and survive. He did not look bloodied or wounded. I talked with him calmly, saying something about what actually causes sickness, and asking him something, probably if he wanted or needed anything to recover. He seemed relieved i was being kind and informative.
    All the buildings had dirt in them on their lower floors.
    Back outside, there was a woman near a building or half-walled area by a white painted horizontal metal cylinder probably used for propane. I talked with her. I mentioned i had trained many troops before this current world situation. I had a simple slung rifle with me. I went out and up on a small barren hill. A old pickup truck drove by. There was only a driver and maybe one man standing on the truck-bed between the cab and a big vertical wide barrel/cylinder like a pesticide or fertilizer drum. I fired one shot at it, hitting the drum, I think, not the guys.
    I then told the woman I had fired just one shot. Maybe she had been worried about one thing or another regarding that action.
  • mon19feb2024:  Megan Rain was going into the apartment door next to mine. There were 4 doors in an annex off a main/access hall. The color scheme was of yellowish-tan or olive, soft/light brown, off-white, etc.. She was with a guy taller than her. She seemed nervous/tense, as if being forced to be with him. They said a few things out there, right beside my open door, they arriving and walking past after I had opened my door and gone in my apartment. I was in the foyer, looking out, seeing their backs, their fronts blocked by my doorframe as they stood facing and opening their own apartment door. Vibed as a test to see if I would intervene on her behalf. Lame; I don’t do tests, and no beings anywhere have any right to test me. Good beings would never need to test me; they’d know my essence and vibe and life and context and preferences.
  • wed21feb2024:  3rd person view of tanks on new nicer version of starcraft terrain, lining up, facing enemy tanks on a pale parking area just out of view due to “fog of war”, fired at them anyway, red explosion icons with yellow centers appeared in a jagged line in the fog of war area; the terrain and parking lot were visible, and the enemy tanks in range and destroyed by the barrage, but only part of 1 or 2 enemy tanks were visible.
    Woke. Went back to sleep.
    Pre 4am: went into a fine dining Italian restaurant i recognized. It had a hostess long desk facing the entrance, dining tables room to the left, and a smaller cafe or dessert shop in a room to the right. I did not pick up their menu, remembering its list and images well, instead going into the desserts room. The register was at the corner where the countertop from the hostess long desk turned at 90° to become the countertop toward the display case which was like the oldfashioned glass front slope to a curved glass top. There were a few levels in it, all well-lit. I noticed a perfect tan blonde glowskin young woman model face photo behind one of the plates on its mid or top shelf.
    The woman behind the counter looked like the same one. She told me they were going to clean that case with nanobots. We chatted about that as I browsed before placing my order.
    Once she was done making a drink or something for someone, her back to me then, she turned around while moving side to side behind that countertop, working on something else, asking me what I wanted to order.
    I lightly laughed, my hands on the countertop, saying I wanted everything in the case, all their desserts looking so good.
    I then named a couple of them to try this visit.
    A couple young boys walked in and to that display case. I waited for them to pass it so I could walk back there and use my cell phone to take a photo of the photo of the sexy tan blonde glowskin face model in it. Then I noticed a photo lying flat on its top shelf closer to the 90° countertop angle, a photo overhead of that same hottie, showing her naked backside while she lied prone, looking up at the photographer. I took several photos of that.
    Then I was ready to order some of their Italian food.
    I woke.
  • ~thu22feb2024:  Maybe ambi, in missionary position
    White lit room
    Letting me fuck her while other sexy black-haired woman stood beside and watched
    Both n black
    Maybe other was priestess Angelique
  • mon26feb2024 in a few sleep periods before 4am:  Repeat of the racetrack dream where i was n the racecar and looking back to see other racecars behind mine, then in the dark/dim mechanic shop working on something and holding the MIB worm-humanoid device handed to me which had a single wheel and a little brown metal helmet on the creature with a brown metal right side attachment i focused on as it looked up at me and assured me it was ready to race, as if i would somehow ride it instd of the racecar for the last laps of the race.
    Then many great firsts/upgrades;
    1st powerpoint presentation w seauence of squares in one slide
    The presentation was being reread by me on a laptop as i scrolled through its slides. There were a dozen or more slides. Two had a horizontal pale rectangle with evenly spaced squares of different colors and textures on it, similar to color/paint sample chips. I was about to volunteer to be the first of dozens to present/speak. The classroom was gymnasium size, dimly lit, a soft browns and tans and ochre color scheme, like the big room I was filling out my living-will / next-of-kin paperwork in after enlisting and going to the recruit depoy in 2003 IRL.
    I also remembered a specific number or sequence of numbers when I woke from this dream, but it is not easily recalled verbatim/fully now that I am typing these notes.
    1st seeing Ariel; naked tan redhead doing a stretch on floor of her room below my level of an apartment bldg
    Ariel was doing a version of the splits and resting with her eyes closed. There was another tan redhead nearby but not eyes closed, maybe standing.
    1st time walking a girl pet; leashed v of amanda liebovitz who crossed the street down the sidewalk as i kept telling her, “pet, stop!”, she not trained yet. She stopped n the middle of the concrete frisco-like 2lane street and i took hold of her leash
    The girl-pet had walked ahead of me and the other dog-like or raccoon pet i was leash walking.
    There was landscaping dark green bushes or small trees on both sides of the winding serpentine sidewalk. It was overcast and not breezy. It was pleasant, not chilly. There were very few cars on the street ahead. There may have been a neighborhood wall on the far side, and an intersection with stoplights to the right.
    This was after i had mildly but sternly somewhat scolded an old Black woman in her house at a meal table after she had let the raccoon and a dog go unattended through an inside door to an attic-like room; because i didnt want them escaping or getting lost/hurt in that kind of room.
    1st time n a spaceship which was scorpion shaped ish and had many bright golden white tiny lights on its front top which was the low end of the curve going up toward its back, I then in the Bridge, seeing it fire many photon torpedoes into Space after the little-looking distant maneuvering enemy spaceships.
    Guy sitting on captain’s chair looked like bald Captain Picard, and it looked like Riker and Worf were standing at his sides behind that chair, all three in gray/bnw versions of the Starfleet uniform from the TV show.
    The spaceship didn’t have scorpion legs, just the overall curve/swoop of that creature, and it was like a medium-gray quadcopter drone, little fins out its sides.
  • dozens more dreams –and I remembered an entire paragraph I’d seen written, as if in Braille-raised silvery ink/lettering, plus a specific number that may have had “19” in it


  • Green top dyed short dark hair combed to side, came out of barren hilltop modern house I had parked in front of, my vehicle across the street, I across the street near the vacant lot and hill slope, he walked toward my driver’s side, I was sleepy but waved, once he was near my window he seemed to be saying I could come in, didn’t have to sleep in my vehicle.
  • sun3mar2024 ~3-4am:  I was kneeling as I tied one shoelace and then put a black small hairband-like device around its loops and knot. I realized I didn’t have one for my other -right- boot, so I asked 1 or 2 guys walking by if they had one. One of them, a white brunette young male in forest marpat with a boonie hat, started casually talking shit, making fun, asking what the point of it was if I had already tied a laces knot. I showed him and said, “No, this is what the knot does, and the band goes around/over the laces like this.” There was so purpose of it in this dream that I had not encountered in the waking, but which made sense to me in the dreaming, and which felt repeated and normal, even required by the military there. Again, that guy casually talked shit, now looking to his left, my right, as he rambled on, not helping. I became pissed at him. I saw he had LCpl black field rank on his collar, and remembered I was at least 1 rank higher, so I stood and took hold of him by his collar, which startled him. I verbally “lit him up” for running his mouth, and told him all he needed to say was that he didn’t have a spare band; thr backtalk and punkish jokes were unnecessary.
    This looked to be on the light sand tan colored carpet of the marblewood loft, my room’s railing behind him.
    I returned to find a mildly tan dirtyblonde young man in khaki colored pants and longsleeve shirt sitting on the desk chair there, at an angle facing my old black boxy computer. He had done something to it as a prank. I leaned down over the desk and him, pissed, stern, asking what he had done. He was smirking. I took hold of him and began to beat him up, then throwing his wounded body over the railing, down the stairs to the ground-level floor. He left, and I wondered if someone might come and try to arrest me for that, but I was not afraid.
    Not long after, some shorter thinner paler brunette young male friend of his, with slightly longer hair not below his neck, entered the house unannounced, and had gone upstairs to mess with my computer again, and I sensed it was retaliation requested by the blonde punk for me roughing him up.
    I got more pissed, and confronted that paler young man, demanding to know what he had done. I may have roughed him up, too, but not as much as the blonde.
    I checked my computer again, and it would not boot on, only showing a screen with gray text fields, all blank, on a black background, some groups of fields outlined in the same dim gray, as it began making struggling sounds.
    The young pale male had left, though, and I had not gotten his name. I wondered how to find him, and of course knew I could get that information once the bkonde returned home, he my younger brother in this dream.
    Our parents got home, and I had not seen them before. One was a graying skinny man, somewhat tan and once dirtyblonde. The other was a shorter white brunette woman with shoulderlength hair. The four of us sat around the dining table in the dining room by the foyer like in the waking marblewood house.
    It was still day outside.
    I lead the conversation, all of us facing the blonde highschool-age male. I intensely but professionally, in a slightly raised voice, stated everything that had happened, including when I had gotten in a fight with him, being honest about everything.
    He did not interrupt.
    The parents eyed him the whole time, all of us sitting on the brown wood archback side chairs, the table between us.
    The dad was leaning toward the blonde from my right, the blonde on the chair to my left.
    I then told him that I had built that computer, programmed it, and that a decade of my writing and other work was on it.
    He looked impressed and worried, even a little ashamed now, finally showing tolerable emotions and logic.
    The paler kid he had sent over then arrived, and I sternly told him that, too, intensely asking what exactly he had done to the computer. He was still with a punkish amused expression, so I got more in his face, eventually pressuring him to specify what he had altered or deleted. He named a specific file or folder. I pressured him further. He named another specific thing. Eventually it seemed he knew how to fix what he had done, my files still able to be recovered. We would go upstairs to begin that process.
    I was glad I didn’t have to track him down.
    Standing, we headed to the stairs. I stopped before the stairs, facing the blonde who was nearly my height. I was in pants, a longsleeve shirt, and a pale khaki boonie like my grand canyon river hat. I may have had aviator sunglasses on, too. I looked like a middleaged “operator”.
    I said to the blonde, still stern, “I understand if I have seemed like an idiot who sits at his computer too long, working too much. If ever I offended you, that was not my intent.”
    He slightly nodded, seeming to understand, both of us calmed down from our fight that morning.
    I woke. It was predawn, 5am. The sky was a pleasant dark blue.
    I thought of monitoring the two lads for life, then incarcerating them for life, making them wear those bright orange prison uniforms.
    This is the first time I threw someone over a railing and down a flight of stairs.
  • mon4mar2024:  Sexy petite tan brunette w shoulder-length hair and white PJs w little dark figures pattern on them… got down on carpeted floor and under a bedsheet to snuggle w me in spite of having the vibe she was sneaking from her bf. Her voice and smile were heavenly.
  • wed6mar:  Baking in classroom w ovens in c-formation; under wraparound wall countertop black topped, pale-tan wood-colored cupboards above all, couple dozen students, all with baked rectangle pans of what looked like dif earth tone colors of poundcake topped with colorful cupcakes, and those assignments paired with what looked like a collage or scrapbook, perhaps to show progress photos of them figuring out how to bake the thing.
    I hadn’t made one of my own. I was a little stressed. I remembered having been overworked from an assignment in another class in this school.
    A male student kindly offered to help me, pointing me to a tray/pan that had extra cupcakes on top I could use.
    He and I hurried to get my project ready in time to turn in with the others this day.
    A female student mentioned something about even finding the precise spot in an oven under which this recipe rose/baked best. I was interested in that technique.
    The teacher had dark auburn long hair slightly curly wavy. She sat at her desk on the 1 wall n the 4wall square room which had no ovens or countertop or cupboards.
    Familiar hollow cylinder white office bldg w escalators and glass walls. Fake fathr worked there. I went up to a floor near the middle, exiting the escalator onto the circular inside balcony walkway linking many of the security checkpoints from it to the office suites.
    Another ‘dream’ here, but unsure of details rn. Just got glimpses of it that have not stayed in my waking memory just yet.
    Taking photos in a vast white concert building, walking around, noticing amazing futuristic architecture and scale.
    Black suit jacket i took off and set down near where i stopped for a moment.
    Table near glass rectangular prism cases around 1 fancy expensive car. 2 other such house-tall room-wide cases near it.
    Orchestra group 1 level down, amidst diagonal white pillars.
    Group walking around them, i didnt wait for them to get out of the way before i took a few more photos.
    Then i put my black jacket back on. A dark brunette haired girl sitting at that table looked a bit to me, noticing as i was getting my jacket on.
    She and i had pleasant neutral vibes and smiles.
    I walked past the back of her chair.
    Started to wake.
    Things are not repeating because I need to learn a lesson;
    I skipped ahead in time ~6yrs ago, apparently, so I was being shown a new ability, not held back for not doing something a certain way.
    I also was given no guidance, so it wasn’t a lesson or punishment or correction; it was a neutral post-Shift upgrade.
    Lessons and attempted reprogramming of me was a pre-Shift thing/trend.
    Maybe it took those years since The Shift… only bc I was so busy writing down and editing my idea/vision; maybe it would have happened earlier if I hadn’t been so busy and overworked.
    It doesnt vibe as a repeat to learn a lesson, but as a neutral superpower turned on, and as another sure sign my work is right and destined; it didnt undo any of my progress when I apparently time-traveled back from 2018.
  • Saw many old scumbags in a series of dreams, reminding me how evil humans have been so far.
    Kneeled to wipe up dog poop, and noticed each time i cleaned some up, more appeared. Reminded me how that chronic-liar “snake” of a roomtard had trained her dog to poop only in the house, not told me, and then lied about that, too. Chronic blatant lying just like lfb. Prob same ‘demon’.
    Saw a bldg like a tan or wooden cliff, w bay window structures of dif colors, and i wanted to recolor one to be dark blue so it contrasted better.
    Went into an enchanted daytime forest, single canopy, to see if i could get closer, and walked up a long low-slope palm-tree-trunk-like tree, finding the forest went on more than it seemed from my offshore lake view of the cliff bldg. Returned to my small group and told them.
    A fairy or other forest creature had vibed perfectly as/when greeting me.
    Was in a 1story house or country club with several others, 1 in ea rm, and I was walking around as I waited for Ambi, worried she hadnt called, but getting the vibe/msg she was making me wait so as to increase my desire of her. A man with short black hair told me she was coming, on her way, etc.
    I got a vision of her being driven to me in a short black limo-like car.
    Was walking around a montana-like outdoor area. Dozens of ppl were exiting some indoor event, all druggies exhaling smoke : (
    Drove my jeep to park on wide crude concrete paved area, noticed it wasnt braking well, aimed it at a thick tree, managed to stop it at the little gap or dip past the edge of the paved area in front of that tree.
    Walked around and noticed an overcast sky, and that i could effortlessly angelically hover up as if able to fly.
    Got invited to a bowden house. It was like a mix of the cb aptmt and the dad mansion inside the foyer. I heard cb downstairs in the basement mispronounce Abilene tx as “a-bih-lee-neh” in some boardgame, the dad was near me n the foyer and smirked or said something, i said “it’s just Abilene.”, then someone carried past a baking tray with hamburger patties on it, ruining my mood, and i wanted to leave, and suddenly woke to clearing my left nostril.
  • fri15mar2024:  Dreamed i was looking at a sexier tan blonde shorty hispanic JLo-like model in a magazine, and then she showed up and we were ready to rub and fuck.
    Then a boobsy redhead strutted by, seeking my attn.
    Then i was standing on a vehicle w others being lifted over a construction site fence. One guy riding that vehicle bucket arm thing with us advised me not to stand on the curved corners of the pile of pieces it was also moving. He said the straight short side pieces, or straight long side pieces, were better, not likely to tip away.
    Then was walking into a mechanic shop or something similar, helping carry metal parts out to a daylight trench to get the muck off them before cleaning and returning them inside. I tried lowering one end of the tall metal pipes piece I was carrying… down into that trench, but it got muckier, so i had to scrape its end sides on the trench wall slope.
  • sat16mar2024 before 6 AM:  Another great set of progress/firsts in Dreamspace:
    was in a nice studio-like (rectangular apartment) hotel room, gray bed covers, maybe dark blue carpet, and a perfect v of Pia was there (btr face, zero makeup, casual hottie clothes she got out of, etc.), plus 1 other person, and she had the chill approachable agreeable personality of an ICV, in an open relationship, 100% ready to let me kiss and fuck her, doing multiple hot positions on 1 of the 2 beds, such as on her back w ass up to help me sexually piledrive her, and she made sure I got to cum in her pussy more than once, then exchanged info and video chatted with me later, planning more hookups w me. Best attitude and engagement so far! She had even stayed n the same room as me and the other guy, not wanting her own room.
    Then i was doing a concert or something, and had a bushier longer beard, and i walked out past the audience after, and they didnt mob me for pics or autographs, respecting me totally.
    I exited through a series of rooms w security doors, no one stopping me, even though the last room out of that section of an airport had a manned desk, and i got the vibe/feeling they were all the real Germans, perhaps on one of their colony worlds. A world in Aldebaran? Aurora?
    Then i was in a small airport (same one?), in a waiting seating room/area, making sure i had my luggage, and noticed i didnt have my camo hiking backpack, so i asked workers there about it.
    I thought i should stay w my suv, not flying to ut.
    There were 2 upcoming posb flights, the last to mt.
    I had already flown somewhere, and there were no masktards anywhere.
    I then chose to turn invisible to ppl, and hover instd of walk, and went up a couple floors into a dim (lights off) suite or level w dark gray carpet and window-doors (dark metal framed rectangular vertical glass panels). Someone down on the ground floor was talking w another coworker, telling her, a teen-looking dark-brunette girl w her hair in a back-bun, to go up to that 3rd floor i was on. She went up, and somehow sensed i was there, not concerned at all, opening the door/s to the area i was in, walking right in, also w a chill ICV mindset/vibe, perfectly fine w me and usage.
    What amazingly good ‘dreams’!
    (and compare how astronomically-improved they have gotten since my earliest ‘dreams’; the Slimer UFO thing, the ‘dream-harassment’ morons, etc.)
  • sun17mar2024 ~5am:  2 petite White girls had asked for help w stuff n their upstairs set of rooms n a big house, including drinks like smoothies. After helping them a while, i left, later checking my online feed, and found they had posted a video moving over a calendar they had made showing every receipt of when i had gotten them a drink, plus when we had hung out, and when they were claiming i had sought love w them, one of them narrating by saying i had pursued preteens for sex, all these receipts somehow evidence of me being bad. It stirred my blood, for that was not what had happened. Then i could not find the profiles of the two who had posted it.
    I woke, and remembered the dream; another time-travel repeat from 2018?
    It also made me think of lynsey and chrissy of plano/allen; users.  Not to mention “doreen, the sad machine”.
    It also made me think of all the times others scammed me, pretending to want my help, then only abusing the hell out of it/me.
    I then realized that all scams from rjh to v.a. to suv to mex… boil down to the same tactic; shallow-eyed humanimals offer ing something not really being offered (bait/lure/”carrot on a string”), then lie about me when i get upset at being lied to. Why this repeated tactic? (since I haven’t done it to others; it isn’t karma)
    Oh well. At least i have learned to read humans btr, and to use them b4 they use me, and to see them as the evil NPCs they have been, i offering love only to myself now, and becoming extremely specific w my spells so random or repeat-bad personalities don’t manifest/scam anymore.
    So was that dream broadcast to many?
    Beamed just to me?
    A result of the sugar from the ice cream?
    Processing past scams/abuses?
  • mon18mar2024:  eli overhead w friends bitching about me banning drugs, they defiantly claiming it was their right to do drugs, not knowing i was dnstairs in their new house. That disgusting comment from him really bothered me.
    I exited and went somewhere.
    First time driving into yc n a dream. Past mossy boulders slant retaining walls on the asphalt street to an intersection, turning left onto it to go up its curve. I bitched at god, saying the usual; when can i have my house? “I am here again,” (yc) “so when?”
    First time entering a house under construction, its wood frame visible everywhere.
    First time driving my suv in a dream.
    First time driving my suv or any vehic nto a house; the framed one.
    brett and a few other construction workers were n there, but i didnt stop.
    The doorframes nside were wide enough that i cpuld drive my suv through. I u-turned, got too close to a framed inside wall (the one btwn my vehic and brett’s group of 4 men incl himself). I stopped and got out to make sure i hadnt tapped a vertical board. I felt i was driving a little too fast.
    Was then outside, and a sexy hispanic blackhaired shorty w interest eyes and vibe was on the other side of a rectangular table from me. She looked to be sitting on a platform, as it made her taller than me.
    I was standing, moving what looked like long potato wedges…to a plate, stacking them until there were a couple dozen, stacked several layers high.
    She asked me if i was interested in them being hot and cold in dif spots.
    I told her i would be interested if she got naked.
    We were then out of the yc, and n a glass-storefront business. She and a group of at least half a dozen were leaning back on the gray non-leather couch, side by side, all friends and close.
    A guy taller than me approached from outside in the night. There were vehicles in the parking spaces along the curb out front. A couple were personal short cargo/moving trucks. He had a fancy 3piece suit, vest and all, steampunk-like, earthtones and ochre colors. I saw he had a gun strapped to his vest, high up, along his sternum. It was like my s&w500. I picked up my pistol from the inside table to my left near the front glass door/s, and opened that front door, doing my best to politely stop and explain to him i didnt know him, etc..
    He politely offered to hand me his guns, and it turned out he had at least 3.
    Other ppl showed up, a little nervous bc now i was holding my pistol.
    I kept it pointing down, my finger straight and off the trigger. I asked them if they had seen The Matrix, then said no, Boondock Saints; the one where they meet the guy who gets out of prison, it is their dad, and he has a vest full of guns; i was concerned bc this tall guy basically had that, and i didnt know him.
    Another personal moving truck pulled up and parked facing away along the curb, its cab to my right, its back/garage-style door open. A table-sized pizza was inside. The ppl out there began carefully unloading it.
    I saw a lightbrown castle-like highrise cluster of a bldg a quartermile or so away, btwn the back of that truck…and the other truck parked in a space perpendicular to how it had parked. The bldg was changing like how Transformers n the movies did; entire sections/towers of it rotating this way and that. There was a mist/fog around their bases, masking the lower half and base of it all. I asked the ppl unloading the pizza how it did that. They said it was like a hologram from strobes and lasers projected on the fog.
    As the big pizza was carried toward the front doors by a few ppl, i said i was sorry (for stopping and not trusting the guy w the guns).
  • tue19mar2024 before 6am:  Another good (not perfect) sexy first!  I saw a car (approaching and passing my left side, as I was walking a night sidewalk/street) w pickup-style vertical back-window, and saw it had white-lettering decal w some red and blue colored parts, saying it was a vehicle for driveby handjobs or jacking off; like a smaller v of the Bangbus. I jogged up to its psgr side as it kept slowly driving last. There was a light-brown, shoulder-length hair, face-hottie driving, no one else in the car. I was a little upset she had some makeup on, but i let it go, still excited. She rolled her power window down and slowed. I told her i saw her ad. She smiled but said she doesnt do that anymore. I asked if she would one last time, for old time’s sake. She asked what if we connect. I said if we connect we connect, and if we don’t we don’t. She liked that, stopped, and let me get in to either jack off while she filmed, or jack me off, plus maybe more.
  • Was photographing some structure in Space, in orbit around a gas giant colored like jupiter, black guy showed me i could walk out off the edge of my Space platform as if there was no gravity etc., i doubted and was nervous but watched him do it and then tried, finding it true, and i then wanted him to move out of the way of my photos. The inside of the craft I was photographing had gray and orange parts, somewhat pixelated or blurred through a horizontally-long rectangular windshield.
  • Was telling ppl at a long collapsible table under a sideless vendor tent at night to get seeds one way or another before an underground nuclear test.
    Vague memory of seeing an overhead satellite view of their big remote farm, with the test area circled, and signs of bigger nuclear events coming nearby, due to partially overlap the underground one.
  • Was searching for ambi, feeling down bc she hadnt rogered up in a long while, if ever. Was resorting to rentals still. Ugh.
  • tue26mar2024 before 6am:  4 tonight;
    1) Was in a normal ceiling height kitchen or breakfast room, window walls, dark outside, lit inside, simple modern blank furniture, making food for a cat, asking if it wanted what was in a plastic bag, letting it sniff it, saying the liquid was just fish juice or something.
    Poured bag contents onto hot skilled, started sizzling, cooked it.
    Then went back to table a moment, arranging bacon pieces to fit on a somewhat oval shaped piece of bread, its color like rye or pumpernickle swirl.
    The human beside me and the cat said I was a chef or something, he liking how precise I was making the bacon fit.
    I carried the bread with bacon over to the stove to cook it next, adding more to the sandwich, I think mac and cheese as a layer.
    2) Was in a low ceiling building with stucco walls, square rooms around a dark brown intersection of halls between the corner rooms, the whole place looking like in a very wide ancient tree trunk, a man like Jason Momoa but shorter than me standing there talking w me about how I would design the stairs, I showing him an image of a halved normal tree trunk laid on its curved part so its flat middle was the up surface serving as a step, dark brown lines running its “length”, the logs like that inlaid in the earthy-looking wide steps up from the hallways intersection, the highest step at the big treetrunks outside/curve.
    3) Vague on 3rd dream, but remembered it well at 6am when sky was still dim blue. Probably another ssp-esque area/dream/memory. –or was it just 4 things I wanted to remember, the 4th being a website update?  No, it was neither; it was to try adding the new WoW variant as a desktop menu-bar shortcut.
    4) Was trying a starcraft game. Not interested much. Noticed the loading screen had 4 species, not 3 like in original game (human, protoss, zerg). Left was human,
    next was supposed to be zerg, but it looked like a tall protoss slightly zombified, 2 crablike appendages coming from a top-mounted pair of arms that hung down like parting Praying Mantis arms,
    3rd was like a bulky muscular zerg, almost as tall, and taller than the human,
    4th (far right) looked like normal protoss zealot.
  • wed27mar2024:  before 2AM:  Was standing in line at a snow cone vendor amidst many food trucks, all white and unlabeled. Daylight. Numerous other ppl there, incl a black woman w hair tied back n a nappy ponytail short like a back bun, and a white woman w gray hair similarly tied back tight. I wanted grape, then thought of adding orange flavor. They started srtting up white collapsible tables seceral feet around/away from the one already out front of the truck window. A woman asked me to join them on the other side of the new tables. I followed.
    I had walked from another vendor area, one i may have been asked to help with.
    That was after i had walked from exiting a school-like bldg, talking w a guy my height about something.
    That was after being inside w others, discussing what the guy exiting w me had mentioned, something i rmbr-ed clearly minutes ago, as i was starting to wake.
  • these are b4 6:25am:
    Sat in glass walls office bldg commons area/floor
    Tsb sotting at my right, some feet away, w his own laptop, sent me a chonese translation
    I pasted it into an image on my pc.
    It was dark pale red on a dark brown bg, overlapping another field/color somewhat.
    I wanted to read it as it sounded, so i then pasted it into google translate to learn how to read those chinese characters. There were a couple dozen of them as a sentence spanning 1.5 lines of text in its text field taking up maybe 1/3 the width of the image or computer screen.
    Classroom w parallel rows of long desks
    I was out in its hallway.
    Teacher was short white blonde girl.
    Dozens other students
    I returned and sat n middle, opened my big ring binder. White papers inside, all w notes on them, some for this class, others about my designs.
    I turned the pages, lookong at the dif section separators and all, refinding my notes.
    I opened the 3ring binder at some point to move some papers from 1 sec to another. Most moved well, but the last few pgs only made it to the top/farthest of th 3 rings, so i seated them on the middle and closest rings.
    The teacher rmbred i had raised my hand earlier, b4 going to the hallway, but i didnt rmbr what i wanted to say, so i laughed, amused at myself.
    She didnt mind, returned to teaching the others n this room.
    Silvery and white color scheme n it, well lit. Maybe pastel gray floor of carpet or tile.
    Yellow arch tunnel long straight
    Dancer india brown skin ahead
    Cheering audience heard as she did some music video move/s
    Sitting in tall ceiling room like an audiotrium or small gymnasium
    Tried eating 1 of 4 harmonica-like wafer-cookie-shaped chrome things.
    1st worked.
    2nd was not bending in my mouth easily, and almost hurt my teeth.
    It was presentations day. I remembered making a moving presentation for it, from a prev dream. We all had 1 partner for this assignment. Mine was a brunette male w mild tan complexion.
    We were on the floor of a room w a broen color scheme; earth tones.
    Presentations were in the middle of the room, beside a tall dark brown rectangular prism structure maybe reaching the 2story+ ceiling.
    The 1st pair presenting had a brown torso looking like a robot upper body fused w a cake, chocolatier style. Its head moved on the neck ring, as if up into place from down in or behind. They were talkong about it but i did not hear or focus on the words.
    A few others presented. One had a yellow cube maybe 1′ along its sides. They covered it in like dark brown icing or something, then set it on the pale tan wood floor, and it moved around, as if remote controlled. Some of its yellow sides were visible in 1″ circle mounds, as if part of a game or code.
    My partner was seated facing me. Without being rude, and btwn presentations, we talked about our proj. I was a little nervous about oresenting, or was empathically feeling his nervousness. I joked about tye yellow cube, “the perfect way to get hair in your food, or food on your floor.”
    He cracked up at that, the mood lightened.
    He joked that i, with our project, had stolen something/much from The Big Lebowski. I didnt understand, but thought he was referring to my chill comedy style.
    There was much more, and i remembered it clearly when i woke, but i dont always have the time to write it all down.
    Tsb and the other fake relatives, mostly lfb, have been in other dreams, perhaps half a dozen over the last few to several yrs, always in an annoying/rude way. This was one seemed like he was finally trying to be quiet and neutral, but any appearance of him in dreams or waking is unwanted, thus inappropriate and harassment, a crime.
    Will these dreams notes one day make sense together… like my once separate idea starts became my novels series and city website/s? We’ll find out.
  • thu28mar2024:  first predawn back in UT:  I drove the winding rd back to yc, its landscape mixed w that of the zion plateau white bark elven grove before the pond up there.
    As I drove that winding rd, I was singing “I’m comin’ home” song.
    Then was eating paint-green soup with some chia seeds sprinkled on part. Not much; just 4 spoonfuls. Left it on a horizontal freezer-like white object w other dirty dishes.
  • Was in central america, being offered a pilot job, small fixed wing aircraft for at most half a dozen ppl, or 2 pilots and 1 psgr and transporting items. Guy offering job had “big hair” like the blackops ldr in Sicario. He said we don’t ask what is in the luggage. I pictured flying along a rectangular corridor over mex to s amer and back. A brunette woman w that job offer-er one night in a nice hotel or small mansion somewhere down there spole w me while standing beside him.
    Then i was n a simpler house, maybe a dozen gathered there, back in the States. It was daytime, clear ish skies, and the porch out through the back double sliding door/s had some porch furniture on it which was made of medium brown wood matching the deck. They were reclined (not reclining) porch armchairs w flat armrests.
    I strolled that porch and looked out at the pond or little lake, talking / thinking aloud, saying the pilot job was not what i wanted, but was fine to pass the time until ambi got w me. It was bittersweet; decent gig, but no wife, so my heart wasnt in it.
    There was a tide bringing some waves up on the porch. I stepped back inside to avoid them, and noticed they were getting bigger and reaching the sliding doors, but they didnt seem able to splash inside the house. I sat at the dining table in there, and a couple others sat w me. Then by surprise she came in, or it was someone acting as her; face didnt seem quite right. 2 gray suit men came in after, and they said or did something vibing as trying to order or intimidate her. I immediately confronted them, threatening them, forcing one down on the other side of the table, telling him maybe i should cut a new pocket into his leg so he will remember to keep the cash i require him to pay me just to speak to us. I said maybe he is a bigshot in this no-name town, but in the rest of the world, and to me, he is nothing; so he’d better learn to not barge in or try to dominate us. The other suited man with him did not try to help him / stop me.
    I woke and wondered why i had a water dream when i don’t need to piss.
  • Clearing a 2story bldg dim i side, night, elevator shaft or stairwell climbing w group of a dozen or so young men and young women, maybe late teens or early 20s, all in towels or bathrobes or swim-trunks/wear, all chill good vibes.
    In a 2story white-painted barracks, dim rooms w TVs and small showers, everyone had to sleep outside next night bc the cdr or General, one guy said, thought we were becoming too weak. Dozens of us in sleeping bags on sandy slope by a pond, within short walking distance of that barracks, no one allowed in, rooms remote locked so we couldnt go bk until allowed.
    I was seeing if i could dl a private pc program onto a thumbdrive, and it worked, so i then plugged it into my own pc and uploaded it there, glad i had a copy of the thing.
    Trying to staple a couple papers together outside daytime maybe afternoon before sunset. On grass and dirt with a few 2story trees here and there, like in a park or campus field setting, 1 young woman or girl to my right, one of us commenting about how the stapler kept not working, so i opened it and saw wooden-like staples or dry pine needles in it near the hole, and a few remaining staples lined up the same way right behind them.
    It isnt that i may rmbr a few details dif than the dreams; it is that the ‘dreams’ arent always correct/appropriate, so i naturally correct them; the ppl/things ‘beaming’/forming these dreams are the ones in error, needing My guidance.
  • sun31mar2024 before 4am:  Tan curly fur lapdog puppy, grew up in seconds, walked to white railing over house carpet stairs dropoff to first floor, went btwn railing, fell to first floor, i inhaled suddenly w worry, 2 women were beside me, dog was fine though, landed perfectly, walked out front door, i went down and out to stop it, calling it Einstein, it didnt want to stop at first, but did, letting me get it. I told it how it can be dangerous outside due to traffic.
    Night at covered picnic tables railing, chatting w Lopez d.i. about war stories, i said one guy became a cop and went recon, so he has some good stories now,
    and then others joined us but did not talk, word was 1 from boot camp was on his way, a shorty similar to oceanside ambi approached and offered a handshake, i accepted, she said her name is Alexi/Alexia, I said nice to meet you, my name is Auz.
    I went to hike or jog w the boot camp guy, wondering if he had dropped out or passed boot camp.
    Was with a few ppl, someone texted, i was on phone w them, saying the texts were coming through, then had an issue opening one, then it worked and took me to a website with a bright spreadsheet or big scrollable image of a design
    ((No water n dreams tonight, even though had to piss a lot.
    The water is certainly in sky irl, though. Is it manifesting outside me now?


  • mon1apr2024 before 1:55 AM:  Walking into back rooms of a grocery store,
    breakroom some skinny teen white brunette short-hair kid n colored apron was poking me,
    I stood on dark brown collapsible table and, annoyed, asked him to stop,
    others were around,
    mgr came in, I walked out to main groc store customers area w him, said I was a veteran, tired, had a long drive ahead, just needed to pass through or something, sat on table out there, feet on its stool pr bench, he sitting on it nearby, listening, and another male employee joined us, listening.
    I rambled a bit, felt sleepy and not focused, said I didnt know where I was going w (telling) that,
    then was in a dif facility, like a shitty prison, or someplace made to seem like a prison, went in a room to tell someone something, found Isabel Lucas in there, hugged her, she hugged me very well, warming me, I said reassuring words,
    then I went into a green cage walls room with maybe 8 to 12 others, some taller than me,
    turned out those cages were mildly electrified, shaking some of us when we touched them,
    guards/staff came in and told us some women here only serve a couple weeks, then leave for 2 or even up to 5 yrs, then come back to serve another couple weeks, again and again until their sentence is up,
    then I was somehow in Isabel Lucas’ body, and she was pregnant,
    so she/I (I seeing through her eyes, as if my consciousness was in her), was helped to walk to that breakroom, or a delivery room,
    and she/I got up on the table, and was crying, feeling newborns sliding out, but there was no pain, only panic/worry, and slimy sensation btwn legs,
    I worried it was stillborn bc of ease of push out, small size, no baby crying sound.
    Felt like 3 births, all same; painless, small, silent.
    Roundface almost-Mongoloid southside-fade haircut (0 on sides, 1 on top) blonde cauc doctor/staff guy w small thin clear reading glasses seemed to be mocking/laughing while right btwn legs / “in my face”, as if this was a staged nightmare he and others were amused by putting me through.
    1st dream of being in a female, 1st dream of a birth.
    Never saw if alive baby. Woke up.
    once back asleep (and slept in until 9 AM exactly, though I was somewhat conscious, on and off, for maybe the 8-9 hour), I dreamed of being in some primitive corner of a familiar desert military base, not unlike 29 Palms MCAGCC, in a way, but definitely not it; distinctly a base I was only at in my ‘dreams’.  was alone in some 2story building, didn’t like being back in my camo/service, went outside, jogged on a sandy gravely road/path between what looked like concrete flood-control walls, vertical.  also looked like the gap between the outer and inner perimeter of a firm base.  came to a corner which was an L-turn of the path between the concrete walls, the path going up a short 1story hill, saw the shaved heads of tan and dark-skinned young men (troops) jogging around / training on the other side, decided not to let them notice me, jogged back, now with my arms exposed to the sunlight, feeling the strain of carrying something in each hand, perhaps a filled water or fuel jug, made it back to where I’d started, noticed it was like a dark-brown treehouse, in a way, then a low-ranking officer in forest tri-color camo showed up outside, started coming up to my level, I hid around a partition up there, he looked over it but I still surprised him by aiming my hands together in a pistol-shape at his face, smiling/chuckling, and then we chatted about something, I getting the feeling it was yet another lame/repeat test of sorts, and that it was he, not me, who was failing; he was, like all before him, failing to be polite, instead defaulting to trying to intimidate/dominate me, which I have always rejected, knowing it is wrong of ANYone to do/attempt against me.
  • tue2apr2024 before 6AM:
    More cool firsts:
    On carpeted floor n rm like marblewood loft, 4 others there, 3 of them on floor facing me, all n black like casual goth or ninjawear, I facing their row of 3, i nearest the female who was the 1 n the middle,
    katana or other sword type lying next to her, she moving it this way and that, barely off floor, grazing me n a way that bothered me, i worried about being cut, i stood and told her off for it, saying it was unthinkable to mess around like that, and that my kind would not do that with guns flagging ppl or swords or anything, i then saying their group wasnt right for me, so i would leave. She had black hair, and i -now awake-wonder if this was another test beamed to my mind irl.
    Going through my story notes and other papers, daytime outside, no breeze, some sensitive like blackops drafts noticed n them alongside sketches etc., a few kill orders, etc., some groups of papers separated by dark pink separator plastic pages with 3ring holes for binder, other stacks on carpeted floor, tan carpet, i then inside somehow, no longer out n daylight, heard others somewhere talking as if they might come look, so i felt i had to stack and move those papers to a vehic where they wouldnt find them.
    Seeing someone like Malcolm Reynolds, or I in his body, or playing it from 3rd person like in a lifelike vr game, in a forest compound w nice tan walls, well lit but almost soothingly, like a Bali retreat or something, and a Nyria/Inara-like young woman w me, and males not associated w us also there, and a tall stocky dirtyblonde guy n a blk trenchcoat who always stopd facing away from me so i never saw his front/face, and a voice of an older man apparently in charge, me/mal on knees n one rm beside nyria/inara on knees and a male on his own knees, about to witness another male threatened w a jungle clearing blade half the length of a sword, i then as if my consciousness had transferred into that threatened guy, i getting fed up w the bad treatment and risk, willing us to rise up and overtake the wouldbe killer/s, exiting that room to the landscaped-sides walkway outside, seeing the trenchcoat guy at the end maybe a hundred feet down that path, nyria portal-hurrying to him to surprise, then using another of her powers to split him in half vertically from the crotch to head, just deleting all that central bodymass away, still before he turned so we could finally see his face, never saw it, she then turning around and portaling bk to me to threaten the same to the leader/old guy. So cool to be in her POV and dispatching assholes like that.
  • wed3apr2024 ~4AM:
    3story concrete tappered guard tower amidst a complex of other blds. Dozen+ Marines in it, mostly hispanic looking and shorter than me. Vehicle approached, perhaps like the Mastodon in Halo, started shooting but it was quiet/silent to me even though i heard the voices/thoughts of the Marines n th guard tower. A couple of them got shot and fell to the floor, n 2nd story of the tower. No blood. Others seemed calm still, just moving around n the tower. POV may have switched out to the truck that fired and entered / drove past.
    Then i was n a barracks-like setting/bldg, taller ceiling, darker interior color scheme, normally lit, not bright, but windows and some natural light from outside, taller White bald Marines n there, 1 talking to/at me, chill vibes, I getting stuff ready/packed, about to leave?
    Then in another concrete bldg, on a bench on ground floor, similar to Israel airport, happy and answering a question (from one of those Marines, 2 or 3 near me) about my new hoody or gear or its features, i in olive drab sweattop etc., donald trump walked over and sat on same bench at my right side (how disgusting that ANY out-of-shape human would have the audacity/retardation to think that being that near me was acceptable behavior), asking me about the little stack of stapled papers with quiz question blank spaces underlined, about General Orders, so i read the first question on the front page, and was about to fill it in, when we decided to look at a similar stapled stack which had answers and maybe highlighting. He then wanted me to sign some paper/contract, and I said no, feeling unimpressed and inappropriately pressured. I rejected the leader/figurehead of the human superpower; another great first in dreamspace.
  • i was amongst lightbrown asians w black hair, incl a fat male, and military instructors overseeing us all. One made origami bigger than his head, w a light green border and white lettering in it. I figured out how to unfold some golden origami paper as big as a small table, but one of the instructors got mad bc it was during the fat student’s presentation or something. The angry instructor came over to where i was on the floor, and tried to grab me or take me outside. I apologized but wasnt having it, as i had innocent excitement, not rudeness, and require my context to be accepted.
    Then i noticed a rectangular table w stools on both long sides, all those lightbrown asians seated at it.
  • driving a motorcycle or something down a neighborhood street and looked up at night sky, noticing moon was MUCH closer, dominating the sky like a big mountain on the horizon. Turned around and saw Mars was similar; way bigger/closer, all its details clearly visible. I was wowwed. I turned around a couple more times to see and photo both. Then saw i could somehow drive up the cul de sac mound hill and go into a hangar in the moon.
    Then was in a daytime highrise security checkpoint standing before a crowd or line of ppl getting metal detected. Sunlight was coming in windows up near the ceiling around us. The room had a concrete and metal appearance, parts painted brown, tan, and other calm neutral earth tones. There was one cauc brunette guy in charge of our group/screening. He had short hair, a little wavy on top, and reminded me of the actor Jason Sudeikis (playing Ted Lasso). I was making fun of some video or requirement from work that had told me to smile or encourage a work behavior. Then i was told to get screened like the rest of the line. I then made fun of that, too, giving them a hard time for making me put my pants through what looked like a topless trashcan with a flap side slot.
    I asked/told the guard/guy n charge, still in a comical manner, to take his own pants off and slide them through the detector so i would feel safer.
    Goo stuck on one spot of that slot got caught by my pants as they went through, and it hit my cheek near my eye. I sarcastically said thanks or great, calling it something like trash residue goo or gel. Then we were going into a doubledoor to a stairwell, so i resumed making fun of the prescribed fake smiling, thumbs up, etc., of our obedient workers or whatever.
    Three of us walked down the steepish metal stairs behind the/our group.
  • sat6apr2024 before midnight (so still barely fri5apr):  guy who looked a bit like me with his hair down, wearing maybe a black pajama shirt and animal-print sweatpants?, walking along a curb ~outside, under and underpass of a major highway “clover”/system, a sexy shorty very-long-haired wavy-hair blonde White hottie (“hourglass”, also in black pajamas, etc.) following just a few sidewalk-squares behind
    then was in a classroom like at Huffman elem., shoulder-level or waist-level bookshelves as partitions separating 3-wall classrooms from the hall linking them all.  looked down at thick binder I had prepared, possibly ochre-colored plastic exterior of it, remembered the assignment was not complete, saw other students starting to walk theirs over to the teacher at her desk to turn them in, decided to just take mine and leave, not even telling her I wasn’t going to complete or turn it in.
  • Beautiful cute pornstar-like shorty redhead walking by, white cleavage showing, smile and eyes like a btr v of Riley Reid fused w Lana Rhoades or Alexis Capri (a.k.a. Capri Anderson, back when she was in her prime), and she initiated, walking to my suv psgr side, i rolling dn the window to smile and greet her, she offering her feminine hand to me. Wow! <3
    Finally making me smile as i envision that from same vehicle irl.
  • Tue9apr2024 before 6am: was in a hotel-like public hall, wide space, in a nice fitted medium to pale blue suit, not sky blue, but more of a fancy masculine hazy blue. I walked by someone at a desk or podium, shorter than me, and the person said my given name, knowing me without me showing ID. This made me smile a bit, glad or confident or proud and respected –though my real/soul name should have been said by them.
    Some minutes later, I was in front of a mirror, but I had entered the body/mind of a sexy petite young caucasian brunette woman, and I looked down at my b-cup breasts in the thin shoulder straps fine dress, and then looked ay my naturally curled and styled hair, done up. I felt nervous a moment, or was feeling the natural baseline nervousness of the female I had been allowed to momentarily share consciousness with.
    Then I was with troops or something in a city at night, in a lit building, perhaps a futuristic parking garage, and got into a vehicle like a car-tank fusion, i in the middle seat, it higher than the surrounding 4 seats, my head up in a cupola, but it was. Only big enough for a helmet and looking side to side, and it had a curved horizontal bar blocking my view, so i told the driver it was awful and i wanted to come down.
    We ended up in a gymnasium, dozens of ppl n it, and someone told me the city had been entered, invaded, occupied in one or two places. I raised my eyebrows a bit, but i and everyone else were calm, going about our business. I pictured a shadowy part of the city map, unknown enemies moving into it.
  • Wed10apr:  lol stabbed some White guy a bunch of times but it did nothing to him, and I think he imagined stabbing me back but i also felt no pain.  Psionics/projection training?  SSP again?
  • Fri12apr2024 b4 2:38am: more than these notes, had dreams before awoken 11:10ish by car parking. Then saw sexy petite elven or cauc girl, and convo was about how something was dif for her kind bc they let guys cum n them. Then convo was with a girl complaining a guy gave her a nbr but asked her not to call a certain way. She called and my consciousness had switched to a doc standing on right side of hispanic on operating table under blue covering, George Clooney-like doc on hos left side, a scalpel or something in hos abdominal or pelvic area btwn us, that doc letting the patient barely regain consciousness so he could ask if he felt something, the patient starting to say yeah, then patient made a pain sound as doc pressed on something in the wound. He told the called not to call until sometime later, and in some way, calmly. Odd that he took a call during surgery. …Then was at a rally or something, someone pointed out to me the rolling hills, Denzel Washington voice “You’ve seen our state,” and then pointed out the tx and usa flags were taken down, no longer atop their govt domes. I said “Finally.” and an ambi-like white blackhaired woman gave me a look; smirk at my enthusiasm/tone. We then walked past those flagless flagpole domes, and hundreds had gathered. I was in a tanktop and had my hair like Wolverine. Someone exclaimed “wow, even He is here./ with them!/?” I did the wolverine heavymetal horns hand gesture w both hands, imitating Wolverine’s claws and posture. The crowd loved that. I shifted sideways while squatting and hunched over. Then walled bk to our table and chairs. On way, a whitehaired cauc asked if i had seen star trek eps. I said yeah only all of them. They said only 2 had something they had n mind. Guy seated n front of me said something. I said “united states of freedom”. He said where he was they had forced something relig on everyone, so it wasnt fully free yet.
    One tall white brunette shorthaired guy had put a retard mask on, so i refused to look at him as i did my wolverine stage sideways motion.
    There were numerous other hotties n these dreams. Those were also many firsts; new hotties, and them vibing as good (totally unlike the waking bitches so far), and they trusted me w help hooking up w other good guys, they took my advice without idiotic resistance/debate, and then there was lots of definite positive ssp stuff, and i was recognized by the rally crowd and beloved, and they had taken down the usa, not just its flag, thus ended the worst brainwashing/scam. Everyone was being polite to me. Respectful. Genuine. Chill.
    Before 9am: was n a small room n an apartment, bed with wrinkled sheets, getting ready to shower, several plates of food were brought in, I left some on bed and some on small collapsible pc desk, later went out and talked w 3 females living there w me, offered some of the food from the plates to them, 1 asked for chocolate covered green ice cream balls, i brought that plate out for them, then saw a meghan magnusson version there, and saw a photo of her sitting and leaning forward amidst her students, a teacher perhaps of a junior high class. It was time to give teammate presentations. My teammate had a black t-shirt on w a white artsy text in a circle on its back, that person’s back to me, both of us seated. I raised both my hands, saying i would speak first, fine w that. We all walked through a hall to a bigger classroom w a stage and projector screen already rolled down. There were guys n there, i think other teachers or tech supt faculty. I got ready to present, feeling alive/excited.
  • Sat13apr:  A girl like lynsey robichaud but way more nina cute and n a tight soft dress was standing facing me. Then I was kneeling as I set my class stuff/bag dn, and the man asked why, so I said it was to show respect to the master/sensei bc he looked my way.
  • Sun14apr:  One young man and I went into an asian city at night to get something,
    I had taken a small white item from a shop, perhaps shoplifting. I then saw a skinny blackhaired kid/guy go into the same shop, and i got the vibe he was about to steal the same type of object. He walked out with one his hand, and put his black hoody hood up to help conceal him and it, walking away down a lit hallways of pastel blue concrete.
    he got separated from me, I sort of got caught, then I told a few others he was out there and needed help, we tried using a wide big ipad to text him, then i went w an asian woman on a partially snowed ski resort path or road to where he was, and I think I had to drive it twice for some reason.
    I walked into the kitchen of a place that was like a mini mansion. I saw thr double sink full of dishes in water. I started taking them out of the water to finish rinsing them and then loading them into the dishwasher. There were 2 women nearby, 1 seated at a breakfast table of brown wood. She seemed to have a voice and vibe like the fake maternal grandmother, and a face and hair color similar to the ambi-like mahafsoun pic i look at b4 bed. She remarked she had never seen anyone help w the dishes before. She was impressed and glad and relieved i was helpful/helping like that.
    Then was at a desert base of barracks, numerous platoons/units stationed there, an accident/mistake deployed nearly everyone before comms went down, a few of us still there noticed, we started walking to each bldg to check, found them and the long large tents empty and some smelly, i said it was bc thry had all been sent out on missions yesterday, no one left to keep them clean, blonde skinny guy w camelbak orange asked if we were going to get chow, i said yeah after we finish warning everyone, he walked down the sandy gravely road slope curve btwn the 2 blds we were checking, toward the chainlink fence gate open.
  • mon15apr2024 before 6AM:  Another nice first: asked to write test essay question answers, I was seated outside with others, serene ‘atmosphere’, shorty white brunette shoulder-length hair teacher w cute-ish face, had a projector on wheels like those at my junior high, I wrote my given first and last name small in the middle of the top of my piece of blue lines normal lined paper, then the date under it, hesitating before writing the 4 of 2024, thinking to myself ‘…IS it 2024?’.
    The first question was about my first stage performance. I wrote a short paragraph of several lines.
    The 2nd question was about what several other youthful performers looked like in a clip played. I had abbreviated one word as two letters out of habit, and crossed it out, writing the full word above it.
    The 3rd question was about the Charlie Brown theme music. I had to start this on the back of my sheet of lined paper, and was upset when I turned it over and realized I had used a piece already filled on that one side with other notes I remembered the look of. I knew I could not get away with crossing a full side of notes out, so I quickly got a 2nd piece of lined paper and began rewriting my first two question answers on that 2nd piece of paper.
    I did not hear the 4th question before waking.
  • Fri19apr2024 before 8am: was meeting the perfected elven versions of some porn stars, incl of mia malkova (better ass, face, tits, etc.). They were each n their own gray office room at a desk. There were a few other elven ppl walking or standing within view. Mia and I hit it off great, ending up n a swimming pool, joking about a porno she had made, and then we fucked in a car or something, then started meeting each other regularly for more casual sex.
    (There was much more to this dream, but I don’t rmbr it clearly now that I am fully awake.)
    I think there was another dream at this point, perhaps going to a special or ancient site/structure.
    Then i was n a classroom, sitting at the front left long table for 3 students, facing a caucasian stocky fit auburn-brunette male officer about as tall as me, maybe taller. He was in tri-colors or tan and brown similar to Desert Storm field uniform.
    (There was more to this dream, but I don’t rmbr it clearly now that I am fully awake.) His nametapes had thicker bold lettering than what i saw irl/waking. I asked, “How do you pronounce your name, sir?” respectfully. He said it. It sounded new to me. It was 6 letters, I believe “LETREH”.
    Then i was seated on a rollercoaster car bench facing to the left, a couple other ppl seated on it to my left, thus i nearest the front. There was no attached car/bench; ours was solo. It started moving along the track, and i felt its motion speed up and drop down a curving track. The second time it did this, we were exiting an inside area, i held the yellow grip joystick-like handle that was diagonal from my right side (the front of the bench) up over my right thigh. Once outside n daylight down, i was somehow n my jeep and driving on a wide superhighway-like themepark entrance. There were rectangle street signs and welcome messages in many places, each in a dif language, incl some i did not know. One had 2letter words on it, such as “RH”. I did not recognize the nation flags on those signs, either.
    There was a lot of traffic, but moving well, not congested. I heard voices saying the dif welcome messages, as if the signs had their own speakers. I approached the tickets/checkin bldg. It had light brown and tan wood walls, and a window-wall plastic or glass panel with 2 somewhat chubby workers seated behind it at the desk attached there. They both looked like islanders or Natives; medium brown skin, black hair, his in buzzcut ish style, hers shoulderlength. I think she had glasses on, too, black like her hair. I asked if there was a military rate. They said tickets had to be preordered online and mailed. I said I have no address. They asked why. I said I was camping and about to move, so I was in my vehicle. Somehow South Dakota came up; the woman said I should go there. I said I heard the Badlands were beautiful and wanted to see them. She did not seem to know what to say next. Then the face of the male was facing up as if his head was in the desk on their side of the window, or as if he was lying on his back there. I asked if there was anyone else I could talk to about getting a ticket just for the day. They said no, but there was another ticket booth/office I could try. I went that way, then in through some double doors a person exiting opened on their own. Inside was a carpeted dim-ish big cabin-like hall or suite of rooms, like an entry nexus for a big hotel. I noticed ppl had lanyards on, like neck fabric of thin blue holding an ID card or their tickets. There seemed to be a worker ahead down the hall straight from the doors I had entered, and a security team of 3 light brown skin skinny-ish males, with shaved black hair, heading my way. They seemed tense or too serious, and were walking quickly from the right side. I got the feeling they had heard I entered without a ticket. I walked forward and to the right, into a small gap between wall-attached trophy-case-like shelves with glass fronts/doors, then willed myself to turn invisible and be able to move like a ghost into those cases, hiding from them.
    I woke.
  • Sat20Apr2024:  I told someone I used to he Thrilled to read and learn.  (actually MANY ‘dreams’ this past night, but they are only vaguely recalled now, hours later)
  • Dreamed my shoulder freckles were much darker, and ofc I didn’t like that.
  • sun21apr:  Before 2:59am: (much more before the following typed remembered parts) I was picking up pieces of black debris fist sized on the ground or floor around a babbitt-looking guy who was standing working on something between rolling bakery racks stacks in a big wide tan tent sort of covered area like a food vendor shade setup.
    I had been explained something, such as what to do / look for, and then I was casually chatting with someone as we began, I telling them a story from my past or something. It was a pleasant daylight right outside out linked tents/awnings as we made our way around tables and rolling racks and other things here and there.
    Then walked back to another covered area like a bigger tent, also tan color, and sat down beside his rolling chair, me on the floor, trying to be quiet about getting something like rice cakes pieces from a plastic bag, and the top one’s crumbs spilled out on the floor in front of where i was sitting indian style, so i quietly picked them up, while he and others in the tent classroom sat at their collapsible tables watching a projector screen presentation, lime footage of an airbase crew from unusual angles. The pilots and others were learning to fly new or recovered aircraft. They were n good spirits. An alarm sounded, but they did not seem concerned. In a chow line, one who looked like Wesley in The Princess Bride… chuckled lightly as he began hurrying to scoop chow line food into his jacket so he could eat it while flying in a moment, and other nearby chuckled when they saw him doing that, but an explosion hit him from behind, sending that food flying out of his jacket toward the chow line, our view of it from below at an angle. The footage slowed to a stop. It seemed implied his guts were also about to fly out that way. I heard someone say one man “had been nailed into a living dragon coffin”, the vibe being he would die there after being able to talk a while, but they did not show it. The view was now at human height, looking at a different man, on a hospital bed table, from near his feet, to where his face was, and he looked like the toothy actor in Armageddon. He was confessing in a worried, almost quiet voice, “I’ve done some bad things.” It vibed as him talking about his past, not the explosion. He was worried he might die, too. There seemed to be a priest in black nearby, in the shadows, or I just not looking that way. The priest’s voice said, “What would you do for je_?” That bothered me, ofc, given the merciless scam of that whole thing.
    I woke up.
    Was it ssp stuff, or losers w dream beaming tech trying to bother me, or just my body/gut communicating to me it did not like what I ate for dinner? –gas-causing chili.
  • signed up for classes and felt bad bc didnt want to; wanted to be w ambi.
    Watched or listened to a laptop porn w big headphones, volume low, took em off to hear if audible to 2 ppl sleeping n room at 90deg angle from the one i was n, noticed it was like the 2 midlevel bedrooms of marblewood bad house.
    Then was jogging outside at night n another dream, big group pf young males, following a pt leader over grass and btwn trees, and i started jogging up into the air a story or two above the rest, and someone said that is how angels jog. I ended up passing where they stopped n a parking lot, and one called to me and a few others so we didnt keep going away from them, so we turned their way and saw them. I pickup truck w colorful horizontal grill light bar was heading my way, parking spaces to my right, and the pt group standing there.
  • Also dreamed some male baby fell asleep on a folded blanket with other clothes around it, and i noticed it had spoken to me, maybe telepathically, asking for another covering, so i gave it my scott-e jacket, and it seemed pleased, completely covered. I had noticed its face was not like a human baby, but of a natural tan, almost orange complexion, and mature, somewhat similar to Incan or other facemasks.
  • mon22apr:  Was looking at a big topographical model, looking for any signs of roads marked on it, saw only forest and creeks market on the steep part, seemed to be a big island or mini continent like Indonesia or Malaysia, realized I was in some remote nice big house out in a jungle, had 2 floors, upstairs had my things such as notes and bags, it had natural yellowish lighting bulbs in the ceiling of the middle/nexus room up there, a tsb-like guy was leaning over the flat part of that big terrain map as I pointed out what I said had to be a runway but a small orange cargo truck the size of a Micro Machine was on it and he thought it was just a concrete road beside/outside an airport/airbase, a fit skinny Nina-like young woman was there with me, I saw she shapeshifted into something with a silvery snake-like neck coiled a bit and triangular head, she stood in the shadow between overhead lights and was close to me, I confronted her about it, had an assault rifle or carbine like an M4 in my hands, might have shot her once or at her (*which didn’t make sense bc I Like shapeshifters), she went downstairs, I gripped the carbine and called out for her, “Shifterrr!” not yelling but a bit angry and nervous, I could see maybe a reflection of myself in a mirror at the top of the stairs and my right hand looked pinker than normal or reddened as it held the heat shield of the M4 so I paused and relaxed to let it go back to normal, I went down looking for her and we eventually met and talked it through, though I imagined shooting her leg twice more, we made up, I went back upstairs to pack my things before leaving with her, then other males showed up at the house and I felt hurried and like I had to hide some of my things plus the discovery she was a shapeshifter, we returned to some other facility/building and I was outside, like at a big campsite with many surrounding camp spots, it was dark then and I was placing logs or pieces of uncut but splintered cylindrical wood of brown and tan colors in a formation on dark dirt, and maybe a dozen other people were walking by, said something to me, I said something back, then a donald-like one passed.
    There was more.
    I woke.
  • tue23apr:  Was in a military unit, perhaps outside on dirt in an enclosure such as a training fort wall, and some were standing around, others walking by, a couple military vehicles here and there. There were whites and blacks, etc.. Mention of the virus bs came up. I got annoyed by some masktards walking by. My team/platoon formed up and a guy barely shorter than me and w shaved dark brown hair was walking the front row of us, offering an injection to the forearm near the elbow pit. I was in the front row. He gave the injection to the guy to my right, then stepped in front of me and held the injector ready near that spot on my own arm. I told him I could not accept it. Emotionlessly, he asked that, repeating it to confirm. I confirmed, and he did not inject me, moving on.
  • wed24apr:  Many dreams again, incl. someone being sacrificed in a dim gray room, screaming for several seconds, a single long loud noise, and I did not look directly at them, but saw in passing that they seemed tied to a bulky structure which kept them sort of kneeling with arms out to their sides and up at slight angles. It was not something I felt like watching or hearing, but I had no reason to intervene, given how 100% of humans so far have had appallingly evil behavior.
  • thu25apr:  Dreamed i was waiting on ambi, she finally saying she would show up again. It was a grassy berm area, and a nearby ‘shoebox’ apartment I was using. I did some work for someone while waiting, then checked mirror and fixed my hair, noticed a pimple between my cheek and chin, a wider spot than a normal one, and flat, slightly yellow, thought it would hurt but it didnt feel at all when touched and cleaned it up. A woman then arrived, but it didnt look like her; shorter, light brown India skin, face not right, hair dark but tied back tightly, not flowing like Ambi usu. is written. We hugged, though, and I said I was glad to see her, and how relieved I felt to feel her.
    Then an odd monk showed up –odd bc of his head shape; an extended top and back part, as if he was a gorilla hybrid. He talked and had a decent vibe. Apparently he would lead us somewhere. His robe was a dark orange, almost red orange and drab. He kneeled on the dark dirt and was knighted for the quest in a weird way; another man let drop the curved tip of a knife big like a mini machete onto the front top of his head at an angle, cutting into his flesh but not piercing his skull or brain, and i recognized this from having witnessed it once earlier, perhaps in another dream not remembered when awake. No blood came out. The monk did not flinch, said he had needed a roll he cpuld lead in (and now had one, this mission), then stood, saying something more, his robe now a drab red, not red-orange anymore. An actual gorilla was there, as if to join our quest group.
    I woke b/c my left hand was having a bloodlfow issue bc i had slept on it.
    I was near flowing dark water, daytime, lpw wet grass bunched along that shore, and my foot got in the water for some reason, I immediately concerned there might be big fish near and heading to bite it, so I backed away and stood, and talk of alligators came up, a few men in my group. Then a little (not a baby, but not a big adult either) alligator, or a mental projection of one, occurred, and I did not want to be near it. Someone said something about it being neutral or friendly. It did not vibe as aggressive.
    I was in a house somewhat dim/dark, downstairs, and half a dozen other young men were there, all friends or relatives perhaps of eli. I sat near the bottom of the stairs. It was not the layout of his irl house. There was a rolling metal rack for a boxy tv and gaming system with controller cords. Someone mentioned playing it, and there had been an issue or something. Then there was talk of nicknaming me and maybe others. I didn’t like the sound of the names.
    We ended up heading out, and had to cross shallow murky water with sand coloring it. I made my way across. I asked if I had been calling something a fleshlight instead, when i had called out in ask of it, if he still had the thing in what we had brought or something. He said I had, but we did not chuckle about the mistake. It was not the actual term for whatever I had meant to ask about. He tried on two triangular foot-boats; floating surfaces to step on while crossing the shallow waterways that were like creeks or tributaries down amidst sandbars on a bright day. They worked even though IRL physics and experience would suggest otherwise. I got ready to try using them.
  • before 5am:
    (Moon is 93% full, decreasing)
    Nightmare/processing about having to deal with an unruly white lapdog or the always-rude fake sis.  (Were these two fused in this dream?)  Daylight from outside windows. Big downstairs room, uncluttered, some furniture against the walls. I had just finished professionally/sternly advising/correcting it by that ugly shiny sand-colored smooth-edges square coffee-table. I went to the central bathroom for some space, heard a female or two ppl at the front door, so I closed the bathroom door almost all the way, not done using the restroom. Why had they shown up so quickly, and to side with that evil creature, their auras/vibes unsettling/telltale-fake?
    Was this before or after that bathroom dream?:
    It was dark. I was out on a field, no wind, not cold. I had crumpled and bent a piece of paper into a C shape/form, setting it down on a flat piece of paper on the ground. There was a dim red light on part of it, I think. There was one male sitting in front of me, not directly ahead, off to my right a bit, indian style, facing me, smirking about something, maybe me smirking back, as if we were doing something funny or enjoying an outdoor song practice or something.
    Still dark/night. Huge glutton cop demanded i show/empty my footlocker contents. I ofc refused. He went past me and started looking through it anyway. I was ofc pissed. He assumed my school hw papers were evidence of some evil. I pointed out which was for which class, such as obvious latin hw. He ignored my correct input and kept going through them for a moment, then sat with his fat back to me. Others were standing around, talking w him i think. What a weird dream.
    Fri26apr2024 5am conoco
    1871 Baxter Ln, Bozeman, MT 59715.
    (I don’t rmbr if this happened in 2018 first/too.)
    Disgusting glutton blob bitch with nasal voice parked diagonallly in the street, beat on my window, waking me, yelled through my door, “you can’t park here!”… It is a parking space; yes, I can. “You gotta go!” Why? There is no one else in the entire parking lot, and this is what gas stations are for, and the rest stop is closed.
    It actually angered “her” (it) that I was parked in a parking space.
    She is criminally out of shape.
    Her evil store sells obsolete gasoline.
    Her evil store sells tons of actual poison.
    It caters to evil degenerates.
    Yet somehow a healthy innocent quiet veteran offended her.
    That is how far gone humans have fallen from grace.
    Why are ugly ppl so rude and fucked up? I guess they are stupid to themselves and others; they only cause harm to their bodies and to the lives of anyone around them. They must be the real demons.
    Evil heartless retardation like this is why i know all humans must be removed once and for all. Even innocent sleep triggers them. Minding my own business triggers them. They have no intelligence or compassion or anything good.
    They really have to be terrorized into submission.
    And all of this is the fault of that bitch pretending to be ambi, and the fault of the others who spied and showed up just to play some evil game.
    I can never love such useless assholes who fucked w me like that, leaving me to this.
    I hope they all get tortured for leaving me to deal with these losers.
    I hope i get more powers so i can cataclysm them all.
    This evil bullshit has gone on far too long. They havent gotten better at all.
    No one answered/helped. No matter how many i helped AROUND THE WORLD, NO ONE helped Me. I went faithfully every time, yet was responded to only w scam after scam.
    I looked for the good bc i Am good; that’s how my mind thinks. But they looked only for bad, assumed bad, and tried to trick me into saying things they were eager to kepe interpretting as more made-up bad, bc their minds are evil. Why is it Like that???
    That isnt balance. That’s just them being annoying idiots.
    I suppose at least its extreme rudeness and no emotional selfcontrol… ended those inappropriate dreams.
    Also seems like some sort of evil alignment/coordinated abuse.
    It happened hours after, at bedtime, i said something for the first time about reuniting the dream and waking sides.
    I ofc didnt mean like that; i didnt want out-of-line degenerate idiots in Both.
    Obv i just wanted both to be btr, such as to be able to manifest more easily in both.
    At least that rude thing has to work a loser job, and i am free from such things. Have been for years. At least there is That minor/partial justice.
    And at least i can boycott that business.
    Hopefully i can send them to hell later.
    The tables always eventually turn in my favor.
    That cunt glutton has to stand in that poison shack/~jail all day.
    I get to roam the wilderness in perfect air, water, sunlight, etc..
    Fine enough for now.
    It probably had an unhealthy breakfast, if any at all.
    Mine is almost as healthy as it gets (minus chemtrails, etc.).
    It has to deal with other blobs all day. I almost never have to.
    It has to deal with bosses. I don’t.
    It has to do its business in a public restroom. I have total privacy and nature.
    I think it really may be my peaceful aura/presence that offends/excites them.
    Why else would they keep rushing at me like moths to a flame?
    Why would they instigate, when I am not hurting anyone?
    They are just deTermined to shoo away anything peaceful/good.
    Whenever I have done any good, they zero in.
    Whenever I offer to help Others with good, they go CRAZY, wave-ing me with threats.
    They really are triggered by anything honest/good/helpful.
    I stopped at this station in the middle of the night because the highway rest stop was closed. I looked for any signs saying I could not stop here, and I saw none. I parked as far away from the building as possible. Before 5a.m., I was woken up by the employee beating on my window and yelling through my door. She was angry, demanding I leave. She had also parked diagonally behind me, blocking the flow of traffic. By the time I fully came to and figured out what was going on, she had sped over to the building. I can’t believe how creepy, rude, hostile, and dangerous she chose to be. I will not be giving this station my business anymore. If you don’t want people stopping at night to avoid drowsy driving, you need to put a sign up saying that. I hope someone will speak with that employee about social skills and manners.
  • sat27apr2024:  more deja vu even in dream-side:  Was at a resort check-in, walked up to the desk, a fat old redhead was sitting at it, handed my card and 3 other cards at same time to show ID etc., then heard her say the price, it was nearly 2k/night, I hadnt realized it was that much, and i worried bc that would wipe my budget out on day1, so we talked more and i then asked if i could be shown the other types of rooms if any were open or showrooms.
    There was a pause in our meeting; she went somewhere, and i went to a nearby spacious public room with low benches and had some of my clothes laid on one. I changed my shirt or something. A young woman was nearby, unconcerned, perhaps a busy staff mbr.
    I recognized the landscape and patio. It was a mountain resort, but the mountains were like sandy crags, like in Moab. The patio was smooth brown-pink-ish polished stone, wide and overall a curve connecting rooms around a swimming pool, the whole resort a terrace or two of buildings. I had been there once before.
    I returned to the desk to speak w the fat woman again. I was already thinking how the ppl and prices were not right; not fit/healthy, and asking/charging instd of giving/paying. She was nice, though, and walked w me out of the checkin bldg and along that curved patio terrace to show me other room types. There was a family suite/cabin type they were charging ~4.5k/n for.
    I saw in a few of the other rooms/cabins. They were all well built and furnished, but the prices were still far higher than I was used to.
    I talked with her about squirrels as we approached an awning over shaded restaurant kitchen-style metal long prep’ tables. Some stuff was stacked on the end of one.
    I said how impressive squirrels were that they could turn multiple times midair and pick where and how they would land.
    I decided I would ask her for time to speak with my family, then call back and tell her my father didnt want me paying so much or something, or that i wouldnt be able to stay the night after all.
    I think i still had my jeep.
    Was on a snowy mid-mountain (not at top, but at a basecamp maybe halfway to summit) area where ski-lifts and snowmobiles were. I noticed or had heard the ski-lifts were shut down even for staff for the time being.
    A few guys were working there, one ready for me to ride a ski-lift or group vehicle with them somewhere. i said the lifts were not in use, not even for staff, prob powered down. He checked. The lifts were powered down, and he couldnt get them on, but the vehicles worked. The group one was like a zamboni sort of, but with golf cart style seating, colored blue for the front two, and the sideways seats behind those 2 were yellow. I climbed up to drive it, following the guys on the two white and blue tracked ATVs.
    Went inside a mansion with tall floors. Saw a thermos on a short set of stairs or stack of padded insulated lunchbags there. Adjusted it. It leaned to one side, so i turned it such that it would not spill. Some had spilled anyway, so i went to find paper towels.
    I passed a room with lights off, only natural light coming in from a window at one corner, so it was dim and bluish in there. I found tp and ppr towels in a storage rm or toiletrm (no bathtub). I unrolled several ply, then went back out to the short staircase and cleaned up the spilled drink spot.
    I bald older tan-ish man was in the home, vibing chill, apparently the owner. He greeted me.
    Felt stressed and how wrong/backward it was that i was helping rich fams instead of being one.
    Felt alone and sad as i walked around some tourist packed beach boardwalk/pier place, saw one leggy model tan hottie in white spandex sports bra and matching cheekies, she walking by on the wooden walkway below the window i saw her from, thought my usu. thought of how disappointing it is i cannot engage due to the evil system. Went down there and walked amidst the crowd, wishing ambi was there.
  • sun28apr:  Was n a classroom with a male teacher and other students, something on the projector screen, class ended and students left, i remained and approached teacher desk, asked him about the assignment or notes, bent over to write down notes of my own on the desk, next class entered, students sitting around me.
    Then i was in a lower ceiling room like a modern clean barn enclosure but more of a proper building, different animals in it, mostly along the wall, one was like a boar and approached me at a walking pace, vibed peaceful, raised its snout and made its normal sound, i copied that sound, it seemed to like we were communicating, a skinny white brunette woman w an eastern european facial structure and expression of resting bitch face didnt like me doing that, and trued telling me not to, i didnt like her attempting such, so i willed my fingers to be claws and casually dragged them horizontally along the walls, slashing up a calendar and another board or paper with notes, then looked at her and considered slashing her next.
    Then was sorting game and porn icons on my phone screen, into folders, seeing them shifting over as i made room, glad that the 2nd slide over part of the homescreen would soon be empty.
    Then was playing a video game on a tv and exited the game, saw a dark blue screen with circle icons for other shows, tried to log back in, a kid seated nearby noticed i had mistakenly logged into someone 3lse’s tv account, and told me how to log out and then get back inti mine. I imagined making a minecraft goo blocks bounce bottom to a square pit i had made previously.
    I had been on a computer screen widescreen at some point during that, and had clicked ctrl++ (the Ctrl key, with the + key), but the keyboard key labels looked different, and that combo for some reason set a porn movie on play as my desktop wallpaper. It was of a light brown skinned attractive couple, but i wanted to figure out how to undo the change, so i tried ctrl+- but it did not remove the still playing video. At least i could still see and organize all icons, and no one n the room cared there was porn on, all of them intelligent thus vibing chill.
    Then i was n my suv and got out to piss, but little came out, and i heard it fizzing on the ground, noticed my back left tire was down in red brown dirt loose like sand, to the btm of its hubcap, and my eyes wouldnt open easily. I sat bk dn inside on driver seat, and noticed four or so India women approaching from front just left of suv, but they walked past, n front of it. I kept a light gray towel over my lap.
    Then somehow saw my lower inner gum-line, and that one or two front corner teeth roots were becoming visible, that gum-line lower, and i wondered if the dentist cleanup work had caused that.
  • mon29apr before 6am:  First time seeing lightning used as a wpn frm a superhuman, it destroying a few ppl, one by one
    Snowy parking lot area, well lit by parking lot lightposts
    First time telling 3 ppl to team up w me as i lead the charge to snipe that woman from my above position when she returned
    She had an orange complexion, oval face, slit eyes, dark hair
    First time seeing a face sniped over and over but it did little
    First time pissing on a person –while shooting her
    First time called the strong man
    First time picking up 2 guys, 1 by each of my fists, almost effortless
    I walked while carrying them held up off their toes n front of me
    One was taller than me.
    I set them down in a principal office
    Then i jumped around like xmen Beast.
    We did light martial arts against each other
    Plonka or selena gomez was my gf anf a superheroine w a green costume/crown like scarlet witch in comics
    We had been fucking
    Then we all were packing to fly to some city on the east coast
    I realized we were n the marblewood house
    I didnt mind splitting up w her
    Opened the draperies on the 2 loft bedrm windows
    Hoped I would see Ambi again soon
    Did not want to jog without her
    Heard a song playing
  • tue30apr:  several/dozen, but unsure once awoken
    There was a pale/white hand with long fingers, reddish spots/splotches all over (the whole hand, fingers and all), and one finger not fully straight, which I looked back at a moment later to see just how not straight it was.


  • wed1may before 4am:  more firsts: ambi-vibing but jolie-like face…made contact again, met me, talked, walked w me, invited me into her home, let me meet her friends/fam there, all looking teenaged/primes, maybe a dozen there, all chill good vibes, her height and body were perfect, tight blue jeans, dark hair tied back, it seemed like an aptmt at first, but then i went to the main door to leave at the end of the introductions and saw it was a house front with a neighborhood street outside, i opened my phone to save the address but the map did not open or show it, i went back to the dining table and held a basketball sized hemisphere shaped device to see how it worked, set it down on a black dome on that table to steady it so I could take a few pics moving closer to the side hole of the one I had held, seeing the bevel level cylinder or compass inside, asked how it worked, the others came in to join me and say goodbye, she stopped me at the front door before it opened, standing in front of me and smiling as she kissed me, telling me she worked at nights and I could see her again, wanting me to feel her want of seeing me here at her home again. There had also been 4 little animals earlier (walking slowly around the floor of the middle room, surrounded by standing friends/guests/fam of the ambi-like shorty) when I had sat down, 2 salamanders and 2 colorful frogs who came close and 1 hopped up past my right ear, then i felt one’s little feet on my knee. Then a couple small catlike ones inside, one was muppet-blue and she had asked me to hug it, so i reached and it walked to me, letting me. She had sat on a coffee table like the square tan cream one of marblewood. Had she used that familiar childhood house to soften my memory of it? Either way, still just a dream, and i am still mad she and the others tested me and left me alone. I never asked for bs tests. I never asked for dreams. I asked for irl good manners.
  • thu2may:  Was telekinetically hovering over the sloped roof of a restaurant with rooftop seating, dark gray roof, dark brown seat and table, dim romantic lighting indirect, dark brown folding thick soft cover menu fancy, new feature menu had LCD in it that went to silent tv static when i opened it, indicating they had closed or the item i turned to in the menu was now out of stock.
    Was in a tall well lit gymnasium with colorful multi-foot-thick (few-feet thick) crash pad squares and other colorful shapes/forms of that material, changed my clothes behind one, left some clothes lying out there, walked around the pads and considered climbing some, saw climbing ropes also, one wall was an internal window wall two stories tall, saw white brunette teen toned gymnast walking on other side from my right to left, telepathically heard her thoughts of not liking that i was sort of living in the gym that day, i walked around all the pads to the window wall opening and saw her closer there, then i went back to where i had laid out the clothes
    Was n a classroom, a quiz was passed over my way, i was too sleepy to take it, tall guy who worked at bs gym was seated w other students to my right and back n my peripheral, he leaned over and said a joke or something, then said i didnt have to do it, or that he was just joking, being friendly, not a pest
    Was traveling, driving around, maybe in old/first jeep, daytime
    Was about to clean up a mess on the carpeted floor, had the backpack i IRL tossed/trashed, opened it to take out its contents to make room for filling it w the mess from the floor, set the bear spray out from it and onto the carpet in the marblewood loft bedroom suite closet beside a tote against the wall
    Several more dreams but vague now
  • fri3may:  Playing a video game and concerned i would have to sling my assault rifle over my back to climb a ladder up to a 2nd outdoor level
    The brown/dark-red hollow cubes ~1’^3 on their sides and corners in a pile 1 or 2 cubes tall, like the red ones from the prev night’s dream, just darker
    I was looking dn at my green ballcap and decided instd to wear my brn beanie.  I had looked back and forth between the two at least once.
  • sat4may:  Before 1:45am. Was n a desert walled area like the Outback, walking to a 2story treehouse style building, my stacks of papers and 3ring bonders nside, then walked bk dn and across sandy area to my vehicle, 2 others were in the area, i heard paintballers were coming, i said they were peckerwoods interested in coming to shoot at my peckerwood. I went back to get my black motorcycle helmet, and wanted to pick which stacks of my work to carry to my vehicle b4 the shooting started. I saw someone left a wheelbarrow up on the 2nd floor for me, gray and resting back on a loft edge step, handles dn on the loft. I pulled it, then rolled it on the loft and dn the other side of the pale gray carpeted loft. I pulled off its shrink-wrap, and a big wide tire came loose and hit the wall below a window.
    I was then in mex, i think, and about to go somewhere, bit an evil vibe short brown black-haired guy walked up and someone said i had to stay bc he wanted to kill us or something. I tried talking to him but he was edgy and bossy. I followed him to a dry erase board very long on a classrm wall.
    As i followed him to the dry erase board, he said he was gonna teach us what something meant, saying one word, muffled, but i thought i heard it well enough.
    He had an A-K and it looked like he dropped the magazine or whole wpn. I got close to try and reach for it but he turned around or would have noticed. Someone then told him a female n his life was hurt or sick, and that changed his mood, he shifting focus instantly from trying to intimidate/scare me… to just sitting on a chair/table as if waiting for bad news. He told me to leave. I said bless him (a couple times; wishing him and his loved one well), got my stuff, and left the classrm. Nikhil and 2 other male frnds were out n the white-walls/panels/pillars (part of the walls) and brown-brick airport crowded main area, i headed 1 way, they said we had to go out the other way bc that was their story they had given someone, so i turned around and went w them.
  • First time with a squad or platoon worth of male and female on my team, rdy to do blackops, all females n blk sports bras, white skin, many had shoulder-length orange hair
  • There was much more, but i only remembered it btwn dreaming and waking.
  • Before 9am:  Old man on wheelchair, looked like that shit-talking midget at Focus w the 70s porn mustache, told me “show me your game”, and i moved n close at hos side, after telling him they r not rdy, i am working on like 100 games, none in alpha or beta yet, plus books and more. After telling him off beside him, hos assistant came n and stood facing us. He said lets get u on the front lines (and at first, my mind being goodnatured, I thought it was a complement after I had surprised him with how I didn’t put up with any flak/shit, even from old-looking ppl). I ended up working security in a crawlspace-like pet-enclosure of white-mesh and a opaque plastic bottom, the whole thing hanging over a black-tiles floor lobby like a walled/windowed porte-cochere, complaining to someone on the radio or phone that the guy had punished me by giving me that bad job n the company.
    Then was playing a game w little dropships and colony-pods, asking if i can deploy them, boardgame, was allowed to stack them on a nosecone to use multiple shops at once.  It looked like inch-diameter Micromachines-scale models of my own ship/fleet ideas, as if made for a Chessboard or similar game.
    Then was cleaning out jeep, tsb showed up and sat n jeep, i was mad bc of him saying the usu evil dumb negative bs, so i went through letters on floor, finding first one had cursive writing of words in sequence that were gibberish, nice shiny white envelopes, then taking bags plastic of things out of jeep, and taking out several long wide oldlooking servers from it, one on maternal gpa wide garage countertop asking for a code from me, oldfashioned small black readout screen w oldfashioned clock green digital numbers shown, then took 2 full piss bottles out of white mesh laundrybag full of other stuff frm jeep, on marblewood front room floor, took them barefoot to dnstairs powder-room, saw my reflection n mirror was scrawny, eyes wider, hair smashed up on side, red or dirt mark line on side of nose, i fixed hair, wiped nose clean, tried to puff chest, then turned around and saw back wall had indention bc now a big painting door was cracked open over toilet, thought to tell tsb i would be looking for ambi.
    Just reminds me how meddlesome and intrusive and useless he was
  • Ambi was in a dream today or the day before, sitting behind a school table, 1 person at both of her sides, they also sitting on school chairs, all 3 facing me while i was standing amidst a group.
  • wed8may before 8am:  Many sexy firsts
    Tons of females, all sexy tonight. (and all good/sexy/ideal dreams, even after eating a pint of ice cream; sugar did Not cause nightmares at all, like had been suggested/brainwashed to me years/decades before)
    I was in a gym with a prime female, using a machine, and it slid on its 4 rectangle ‘feet’ back along a black rectangle surface many feet, i still on it, as if it was a stationary bicycle that had come loose, the sexy female gym employee noticed and told me that was not how to use it, moved it back, showed me how, so i resumed my workout, many other sexy ppl working out on the other machines all around us.
    Was in a dim room with lights off, big inside windows to dim wide hallway, males and females near, as if we were being inspected or going to a pep rally, but were like bred/engineered ppl, like the peaceful version of Halo Spartans.
    Walked through that hall into a multistory gymnasium, better lit, I naked in a line of other fit males, I not the shortest or tallest, and 4 white blondes walked in between my front and the back of the slightly taller male n front of me, the 4 girls standing close, the 2 nearest my sides rubbing their sides on mine while speaking in sexy voices about me, almost giggling, loving being against/touching me, and i smiled, saying “where is my bearing?” or some joke like that.
    Was n a classroom, told to turn an assignment in by the end of the schoolday, i packed to go to my car to complete it, and Cynthia the short cute pwshs asian told me she would, as we were project partners, i asked if she wanted me to do anything other than my notes/speech, and she said no b/c her job irl is to make bridges after all, thus she was the right one to make the little sculpture for this project, and she did so in the marblewood upstairs bathroom while i went dn to the open garage and moved stuff off the top of my car.
    My fleshlight was w/ me. I knew i would get to thank-fuck asian Cynthia after we presented the project back in class later that day.
    Half-awake, a car pulled up past my left, and its right side door opened, a White blonde, not tan or pale, her hair pale-wheat color, n black sports bra and pink/peach/salmon-colored biker spandex shorts, stepped out.
    Like in a prev dream, i had written much on a sheet of lined paper, and heard and remembered one word in particular.
    Every single female in these dreams was ready to fuck me; initiating correctly, ideal voices, ideal faces, ideal skin, ideal hair colors and styles, ideal groups, ideal heights, ideal clothing, ideal expressions, ideal support, ideal manners, ideal fitness, and on and on.
    –ideal vibes, and I was in the mood to lovingly fuck them all, what a perfect (phase3) feeling/occurrence.
    Zero deja vu.
    Another gigantic step/progress/alignment to me.
    Even though I’ve seen and fucked perfect sexy females in dreams before, after the dozens of perfect sexy females in last night’s dreams… I am for the first time excited to sleep again, hoping to fuck them all and meet even more.
    I also now wonder if I am at another threshold; when enough builds up that it “spills over” into Waking/phase3.
  • thu9may:  Went into a mall and talked w a young woman in a downstairs shop, on the other side of a booth window fusion, asking her if i had applied, like the Waking compensation claim, her hair like rjh’s, her complexion natural tan, she said yes, but it didnt vibe right, so i returned and talkd to a young man w light brown skin and shortcut curly darkbrn hair who said the same, we ended up out in the wide walkway btwn the dnstairs shops, sitting on a boothlike bench, perhaps circular like a big ottoman, and i saw his laptop screen, my application filled out on a tan-sand webpg bg w rectangular tabs of mostly primary colors (red, green, blue) and white labels/letters on them (though a couple tabs/buttons/rectangles/selections I think I remember being medium/dark orange).
    Skylights and 2ndfloor walkways above at both sides.
    Then walked out to the covered dropoff/pickup curb steps concentric, walked dn them and toward the shadowy parking garage opening, didnt want to walk to my vehicle.
    Then first time being a checkpoint guy n a suit, 2 others like that standing at a podium w me, 3 men shorter than us wanting to pass by, 2 behaved and the 3rd messed with us somehow, maybe by saying a rude word or touching something in passing, so my black-ipad went red-orange on screen, i casually tapped him with it after he passed, he had to stop, i asked him of he wanted to be arrested, i had my hands on his upper arms, i let go and was about to let him pass, then he did something wrong again, so i again put my hands around his upper arms, and said, “more feds will come”.
    Double irl (Waking side) rain-tap sounded like knocking on my window. I woke and looked.
  • fri10may:  Was in a farm store; a mini grocery store like shop with a wood frame and a checkout conveyor belt, many other ppl standing in there, and i went outside, got on a vehicle, drove it over to a 2story house under constructions, its wood frame still visible inside, and i got off the vehicle, and it was like a Transformers toy car, able to be turned on its side and slid around, its hood and chassis and trunk etc. adjustable by hand, making it look different, like a fusion of a Sherp ATV with a gray Viper, but more rugged and robot/tank-like due to its plating/ridges/details. A few other males arrived at that house while i was in its exposed wood-frame garage, parking that adjusted gray car n the middle space, the garage door rolled up already, open. They were talking.
    I then ended up in camo uniform, talking with other Marines, and I carried by one hand a cardboard box big enough to sit down in…over to where something had been dispensed from a wall on carpet by chairs, and i scooped it into the box.
    The little pieces that fell, dispensed from the wall, were yellow styrofoam ‘peanuts’.
    Sgt sather was there, showing a new piece of archaeology tech like a circuitboard with a row or black rectangular prisms wired over a plywood square past a black 3switch device to other components. I let him tell how it worked, and he showed that the central switch was locked. It was btwn 2 other black lightswitch buttons. He claimed it would learn how we wanted it to function. I thought it prob was not actual learning, just normal computing, but i didnt argue. He seemed foolish and arrogant like in the Waking yrs ago.
    It (sather here) vibed as another typical verbal diarrhea / stupid leak / failed dominance attempt / test to see how I would deal with idiotic condescension.
    1 of those 3 black lightswitch-like buttons/switches was labeled “OFF”, and another was “ON”, which seemed weird to me; did both directions of the “OFF” switch cause things to shut off? Etc. The Sather-faced guy demonstrated using his fingertip to try sliding the middle switch, which barely budged in either direction, and I wondered why it was looked like that, and why this Sather-like guy wanted me to focus on that.
    Even though sather n that dream was being an insecure retard, at least he was vibing more chill, and isnt in person/Waking. Phase2.
  • sat11may2024 before 9am:  Another gal gadot flirt/date/hookup. 2nd or 3rd in as many irl nights.
    I wish it was w someone attractive; gadot is not.
    But whatever. At least her body is elven and the vibe is good.
    Another modern short haircut white brunette guy who vibed as mil/ssp.
    Much more here i did not rmbr once awake.
    First time playing rugby, good vibes at first, team of all friends, split into 2 sides for easy rugby practice.
    Got invited by a white lad who i recognized as friend, then he or i said i sit/write too much, i said i know, and i was ready to join back in.
    I had a paper in hand, perhaps w notes or a design on it, and i decided to lock it up before going out on the field, put it in a unique wall locker that was like a safety deposit box with a metal circle opening cap i had to dial like a combo lock to open, and i saw it had a key slot and a “or .25 cents”, which i thought was odd and made it very unsafe.
    Played more than once, 2nd time w much taller bigger lads on the other team, concerning me.
    A samm-like petite tan blonde shorty asked a white brunette woman back n the classroom for some candy or something she saw her having, then wanted to play, pleaded cutely w the coach but it was from my pov, i thought her eyes were at sorts dumpy angles, she got permission after the third pleading, and was happy, heading to the field as the only female player.
    I kept foreseeing/envisioning myself, but as a shortish brown shaved-bald player hurrying and jumping skillfully past the big other team players,
    then the samm-like girl played and eventually got hit / collapsed, was helped from the field, her locker back in the bldg we had come from…with soft-white color-scheme hall walls, was opened and a bag of 3 candies found inside, 1 candy being yellow rectangles like thinner version of poptarts, with hard sugar bits stuck on top of them, i or someone holding that bag said something to the effect of that must be why she was huffing and unable to run well; sugar addiction/crash.
    Black guy jogging, somehow took major damage to his left arm, screamed, saw it was mostly just the bloody bones left, said it felt cold, but he resumed jogging after a woman, kept screaming, i wondered if anyone would heal it for him, prob related to the new shitty Halo show; the character who escaped after his arm augmentation left it hideous.
  • sun12may:  1j and no sweets b4 bed. Result?
    Dreams were not sexy, after wank and no sweets. But i did want to wank again, yet fell asleep anyway, so the energy was there…;
    Dreamed i was opening my ruck, looking dn n it, and removing the top blanket
    Before 5am. I was n an apartment w the decent v of that fatfuck pog from escondido; he didnt smoke, hadnt spawned deformed runts, and wasnt a pushy rude moron. I said i knew i would be okay, budgetwise, bc i was getting 3 pay increases, 1 for sch n general, 1 for specific classes i was taking, and 1 from that class action. He showed me a greeting card that was fancy paper w artwork pale like under the bitmap whitewash marker texture effect. I complimented it.
    He asked what hardware i had learned. I told him the names of computer companies, such as the printer ones Hewlett Packard, Brother, and one other. He asked about one i hadnt heard/learned, and i said so.
    The aprtmt was a studio layout w a kingsize bunkbed in the corner, and an open kitchen w an angled countertop to serve the brkfast rm. It was daylight, and an eggshell or offwhite maybe barely cream colored inside paintjob color scheme, w a cream/lighttan colored carpet. Ceiling seemed a bit low.
    ended up looking for nice clothes.  walked through a crowd into a mall store, btwn the stands of clothes, dozens of other people walking in the aisles / main walkways of the department store.
    went 3x to an asian restaurant, the rich v of genghis grill, all asian men worked there, 3rd time i went i had a suit on, i waved and smiled to 2 workers i recognized, spoke w both as they made an order, let me be there n back by th wok.
    I told the asian hosting and supervising the wok…that i wanted to get a midnight blue dress shirt to go w this dark gray suit. I held the jacket to me, like i do w my hands n my scottevest pockets. I worried i might not smell great. I also thought about how my white dress shirt might look, barely visible under the dark gray jacket. Then i moved to stand by the asian learning the wok… I thought about maybe getting matching midnight blue slacks, too.
    i asked how many recipes they learned, 50? 60? I asked long to learn the recipes? They said some months. It was a lot. I sat down on the floor near the metal diagonal supports of their square wok platform/table/pedestal. Then stood and looked at the ingredients in the concrete like shelves. Much more this night but not remembering now
    The ingredients were not bagged on the shelves, and some were like big mushrooms, their colors not like any i had seen n Waking, such as bright light pale green, and dim pink. They were huge, too, like a couple feet tall.
    I was in a well-lit windows-walls ground-floor big room with ceilings maybe 15′ up. 2 women, both shorter than me, and 1 man were there. They filmed a porno on the white leatherlike couches. I watched from the opening to another room, maybe the white kitchen. I then walked in to talk w them, the tan brunette speaking first. I thought her nose or face wasnt quite right, but her vibe was good, and then the white blonde woman had just as chill of a vibe. She talked w me next. Then the guy talked w us, all of them clearly ready for another round.
    (While this dream sounds sexy / sex-based, I barely saw anything, and hadn’t joined in before I woke, plus the 2 women’s faces didn’t look right when I got close.)
    I woke, wanked, and went back to sleep, sleeping in for 3 more hrs. Great improvement compared to phase1 sundays when i was always forced by losers to waste these days of the week.
    Watching ski-jump practice from side, saw guy n yellow ski pants and top try it, learning to forward flip for first time, and i think he landed on his back out of view, but was not hurt.
  • mon13may:  Was leading a pony around, about to have it join a few others (ponies, also each lead by one man), and a guy on horseback noticed it had a slight limp (which I noticed, as well), asked me to walk it over to him, then he inspected it and diagnosed, saying how to fix its issue –and this is the first time I dreamed of ponies and using a lead to walk one around
  • tue14may:  Before 7:30. Was n an apartment w a slick floor, 2 men playing video games, rich-looking tall white walls and furniture and decorations, big window-wall with balcony and city view. Daytime but no direct sunlight coming in. I slid on the slick floor a bit and joked about having to lie down to stop from going out to the balcony like that, but didn’t actually lie down.
    A stocky dirty-blonde young man was asking if i knew of some navy gear suit you step into, and he acted it out, making me think it was a dive suit.
    Was with a group of guys entering a gym, they were going to rob it, stocky guy at front desk cockily asked “do you know who i am?”, so i started punching his face as i took him to the floor. I then left the group of guys and walked around in the gym, passing a narrow corridor w many ppl and sea-green opaque glass wall/partitions,
    I said to a woman in passing n that dark/black-floor hallway/nexus, “if already a gym member” or something (asking if it was okay that I kept exploring, looking for that ride), and was glad I had my original gym card, which i remembered was white and had pastel sea-green lines around/near its border, and a pic of my head/face, but i hoped i wouldn’t be asked for it, bc it might scan as expired.
    ending up a couple floors up, packed on all floors, i was n hiking boots and maybe weight belts, and a tall lanky guy noticed me basically exercise-walking past, easily overcoming that weight, and maybe amused at how it looked. I think i had a white or pale gray sweat top on, and two pale sky blue weight bands around my chest, then baggy-ish pants tucked into ugg-like weight-boots. The floor and ceiling were black. I sat on a slight slope of dark red (with ridges like roof panel sections), amidst several others, and asked where the tallest/highest ride was, as if the gym doubled as a themepark. The bald guy sitting to my left said.
    I got excited when they spoke of the ride as we sat on that dark red slope. I encouraged them to join me in trying it. They asked if i knew what it was. I said “no idea. Let’s try it anyway!” They enjoyed and were amused by that no-hesitation enthusiasm/bravery, but did not join/follow me.
    I then went back in the 3rd floor to find the way up to it. I passed an elven black young woman w/ Maya (Wild Life game character; the African Barbie) hairstyle, standing outside a lit room full of other hotties. She smiled to me. I kept going. Found an open receptionist desk room, went in, 2 women were seated behind the desk, both at computers. 1 guy was standing beside it. I asked. They said “biscuit” something. I asked, repeating it, laughing, “like you put a biscuit in your mouth during the ride??” They grinned, amused, too. They were unsure, but that is what they had heard was the ride. I left to go find it, and i think i was there right
    “wheat biscuit” or “wheel biscuit”
    My first thought upon waking was how i am spending more and more time in dream-side, and remembering so much more than when i was younger and always interrupted/distracted by schedule, alarm noise, fake relatives, etc..
    as my asleep right forearm woke me suddenly.
  • Wed15may. many new firsts:
    We had been feeding some smaller creature n another dream.
    islands map showing 3 narrow peninsular nations; 1 all-sand colored, and where Japan or Korea would be on an Earth map, then one below it, near where the Philippines would be, and another splotchier/islands-dots one beneath That,
    presenter standing before a dry-erase board on a wall in this classroom-like room… used a hand-and-arm signal to represent a paraglider, and I then saw a brown-skinned short black-haired young man in a paraglider harness/suit as if a photo paused just before landing / during descent, at a landing curve/angle,
    “indonesia” (the name they said) law told to us about even if 1 foot lands on their side (of the island’s national border) it can be life sentence for the intruder,
    I joked said “so what I’m hearing is we should invade/attack them”,
    golf cart to pool pit, bear walking by wanting food, women played w it,
    The bear had walked to the edge of the pool pit, sniffed around the air near my right side, and i, down n that pool pit, within a few feet of it, had told it no it can’t have my food, i holding a burrito or something similar. It had understood my words or tone, and walked away, getting food from one of the women.
    I was happy they were being free/fun w the bear; getting along wonderfully, none of us, nor the bear, scared.
    on our way back to base, a beach border-hangar guy (who looked like Joseph Gordon-Levitt with short hair for his character, Arthur, in the movie Inception) saying might not be able to let us back in,
    (I and 2 of the women then in a) dim-mansion discussion, told to read 2 novelettes series, told we might have to move to a dif neighborhood away from base,
    I had walked through the mansion, seeing nice dark brown wood furniture everywhere, and stopped myself before entering a bedroom uninvited, its door open, my toes barely crossing the threshold, i rocking back on my heels to stop and balance, the woman in the bathroom out of sight around the corner in there, i asked which 2 book series she had told me to read up on so i would better understand which conduct laws the women on the beach had unknowingly broken, she came into view from the bathroom doorframe and told me, so i went to write down and start reading those 2.
    A pamphlet or drawing of blonde woman w caption asking either was she sexually unorthodox so abusive, or vice versa, rude evil propaganda.
    The pamphlet (which was on a credenza like the one in the foard cottage, but wider and darker, nicer) cover art was a tan blonde woman blushing and looking over her shoulder while in the ass up, almost splits, super bold-legged, sex position, naked. I thought her curves had been drawn exaggerated, too cartoony.
    back on a beach, I joked we are lawyers b/c we were there studying papers/excerpts printed from the ucmj, the woman standing behind us didn’t think that was funny or something, so I then objectively said/reworded/rephrased, saying we are reading it b/c of the incident off-base,
    Guy walking toward our beach collapsible table, where i and 1 woman to my right sat, and 1 other woman shorty standing behind us, the guy n a black hoody jacket puffy, repeating, “excuse me” to others walking, and i didnt want to look at him bc he sounded like a beggar/scammer
    worried about my racy sketches w me as we went to trial bldg on base, I in army green Service Alphas n a white-tall-tables room well-lit w/ older redhead shaved-head woman talking w/ me before she was tried for sexual misconduct off-base in this other country (tried with that group of women I’d walked in front of the golf-cart of, they having apparently played too sexually with the bear or other wildlife, I not noticing even though I’d been their driver/guide),
    overcast rain-blue sky but not raining as we walked outside, I asked if we can get a ride to our vehicles where we parked, black young woman in uniform walking out to risers and smokers area said no b/c too far (10mins just to get there, thus a 25min round-trip, and we only had 15mins on this first break outside for the day),
    There were greenbelt foothills around the outside area we had our chat/smoke break in, and shipping containers, grass areas, gravel parking lots, all fenced in with chain-link, a highway and strip mall and neighborhoods visible beyond that fence line.
    I thought about how if they were incarcerated, and if i kept n touch w them, it would be the first time i did so w friends i Liked, but i also thought i didnt have time to keep n touch.
    i kept adjusting my sketch/notepad papers n the big booklet/stack of them to hide the racy ones even though i was not being tried, woke.
    Clearly another bully-based threat scare-tactic dream beamed in; not cool.  Glad I remember so much of these ‘dreams’, though.
    Also at some point i was n Middle East night town.
    So was all that just a version/mix of the hentai and googling that army sniper massacre trial/sentencing? Or had those waking topics…triggered other-life memories…by association/similarity…when brain restful enough to perceive those memories stored somewhere beyond my waking body?
    Are these memories of ar/vr training events, lifelike, in ssp or something else?
  • thu16may:  Before 2am was w several others, told to hide, went into hidden small room behind colorful disguised door, kept going into deeper successive hidden rooms, someone apparently becoming aware of them, maybe bc of lighting or noise.
    Btwn 6am and 10am: got in commercial airplane cockpit, flew in night low over mntns and saw out left cockpit window a light bar atop one mntn peak that was 4 side by side squares, 2 dark, 2 lit. Checked my google map for vegan restaurants in anchorage and fairbanks, all of it was n dark night mode, but it was the size of the floor of a room, not on a phone screen. Ended up on ground entering what looked like a humble mexican restaurant, the waitress was shorter than me and the first thing she said was “this is vegan”, vibing as a friendly warning to nonvegans, of which retarded alaska had many. I smiled, telling her that’s why i was there, hoping for. I didnt see a menu, so assumed they only made a few dif things, but she said the menu was large, many selections. We discussed how i could try the most things, such as a la carte with a big combo platter. Ended up seeing eli for some reason, then saw him through a shanty window screen exiting a bldg across a courtyard or street, wearing all black, walking to front door of the shack i was in, and i had both my muddle fingers up to comically greet him once he opened the front door and saw, which he returned (giving same comical gesture). He or i asked if we should get some food. I suggested that vegan mexican place, so…he was in alaska w me?
    I told someone that line from the tat shop; “I’m just a fat old writer now.” lol
  • fri17may:  Got my guns bk.  They were in big plastic bags under/in my jeep back seat.  that ditulio dumbass was outside the driver’s side of the vehicle as I was going through them, and I kept my back to that loser, of course, busy and uninterested in his bullshit.
    There were 2 or 3 other dreams around that one; before and after, and I remembered them perfectly at 4am when my alarm went off.
    One was of a bug like a slug or something…which I gripped and was going to kill, but I dropped it or something, and told someone next to me to kill it.
  • sat18may, before 7am:  another great first: my daughter, played by megan rain, eagerly invited me to get naked and snuggle/sleep w her on a big bed, which I did, and it felt wonderful, perfect, both of us so happy.
    Then I decided to drop out of an English class, having realized I had already graduated from hs, thus didnt need to finish my late presentation or even attend the remaining semester of classes of that course.
    I also climbed a mountain at some point in this dream. It was sunny but cool, pleasant, and just the right amount of exercise/exertion. I was moving over pale crags, not a single slope or any cliffs.
    note/idea while awake:  Even if the dreams aren’t ssp or anything much at all, I am still glad I have the peace and quiet to remember them, the discipline and dexterity to record/write them, and their own improvements from terrifying during childhood… to purely loving/holistic since they became sexual/compatible/calibrated.
    I am glad I get to fly and read and lead and stand up to badguys n them.
    Why try to realize in dreams that we are dreaming? That is an assumption; the dreams might be real, and thinking they are “just dreams” might distract us from the nature/usefulness of them.
    Just let them flow how they naturally flow.
    Appreciate them for what they are.
  • sun19may:  Was going to see a movie in a big theater, about a civilization whose ppl wore seethrough brown tops that showed the male pecs and female tits, triangular flaps hanging down from one shoulder. Some ppl going to see this movie dressed like that. I asked why, concerned it was not right for the males. A female dressed like that explained.
    Was playing a computer game. Taking ss of where the starship enterprise group was. I had dozens of that ship and nothing else. They were being pushed to spread out, like how in starcraft bunched up units have to spread out after ending up at the same spot. The terrain was black starless Space below, and floating space-station sections, like a big wide maze.
    I scrolled up and left to see more of it, trying to get my bearings.
    There was a popup of some other game…on the tv or computer screen after i stopped playing that star-trek game to talk w 1 or 2 guys n that apartment a moment. The popup took up the whole screen and i went to click to close it but there didnt seem to be an X to close it.
    Tsb was n one and showed some gadget or something. Annoying.
    Was in an airplane heading to canada, collapsible oval armrest table per some seats, fat or very stocky humanoid Blacks in some, like fatass hawaiians but not blubbery, i then ended up at a taco stand, and ordered 2 tacos, then heard there was another type of taco that sounded good to me, so i comically but seriously immediately asked my order be not 2 but 4 tacos, 2 being yellow corn shells, the other 2 being red. I went to pay, opened my wallet, and noticed u.s. and foreign bills. The foreign bills were of very dif sizes, 1 squarish, the other like short taller rectangles, both more colorful than u.s. bills. i still thought i needed to convert them to canadian, but the taco cashier accepted them.
    John Hasley was n an apartment w a few other males. We were reconnecting after decades apart since hs. He had a bench press. He showed us some type of exercise w things attached to the barbell. I tried it and thanked him. We did some other workouts.
    There were several contractors at a daytime construction site. Sky slightly overcast, uniform pale light gray. Some were former military. One had a bright orange safety plastic hat. They also had scifi-looking horizontal plastic or metal bands, smooth and light gray or offwhite, with lettering on them, saying/abbreviating things which i knew were slang or code for their blackops or ssp skills/jobs. They had cargo pants or blue jeans. We walked on the concrete neighborhood streets past parked cherry-pickers/lifts and work trucks.
    We were on a small simple riverboat-like raft or something, close to murky water surface. A guy totally calm showed a camera closeup of a big crocodile/alligator snout rising up right next to that raft edge, its teeth together, almost grinning. Everyone was calm, some chuckling. The snout went back dn under the water.
    I angrily called out for ambi and doc2, pulling into a daytime parking lot, or it was a lake version of an apartment parking line, w groups of parking space, a sidewalk on both sides, water instead of pavement, sloped landscaped shortgrass terrain up the sides, overcast light gray, an exercise area at one end i considered jogging to and back the other sidewalk side from. I had seen the memory of my 3 encounters up close w her, and my heart ached at how badly they had gone. I needed them to go well from here on.
    A guy doing an SNL skit, like will ferrell humor, but owen wilson face, but chad-ified, was with an also blonde woman, duet, back and forth verses jokes, starting w him, doing the singsong version of a moody couples argument or shit-talking, he doing double middle fingers against her cheeks as they sat in the bathtub together, she telling him get those fingers off my face, he then moving them away and grazing her lips w his for a brief kiss peck
    Before 8:30am, i woke 3 or 4 times, and in half-awake state i envisioned noting all these dreams. Over and over i did this. First time taking notes that many times n a row.
    The dreams these days go on almost all night, and i remember all of them now.
    Does this many dreams per night indicate more than one other body/life/timeline? Multiple overlapping ssp “20 and back”s?
    Was John Hasley a mindless NPC put in my e.s. classroom with me just to see what my effect would be even on NPCs, and he ended up a free-thinking metal-head just bc of exposure to my aura/destiny?
  • mon20may:  I was in a house room with a white monkeylike creature who tipped over and shattered a white vase-like lamp. I knew it was about to, but I didnt stop it. When I scolded it, it looked irritated/angry/dangerous. I tried using sign language to calm it down and explain, and that seemed to help. Its mouth was shark-like in how its jaw/teeth/gums were massive and deadly, not much covered by its skin/lips. It seemed like a young yeti. It had more intelligence/depth to its Husky-like sky-blue eyes than most primates have.
    Then I was somewhere outside, and had an ancient-style binding of writing in papyrus or scroll leaflets, similar to a leather-bound journal. I gave it as a gift to a young man who began reading it, and I stood beside, to his right, as he sat indian-style, I seeing where he was in the reading. I said something like “Maybe one day, if my writing catches on, these notes will become worth a lot of money.”
    I went to a castle’s only wall opening and waited to be met by a queen and some of her guards/royals. They walked over from inside to the right, and asked why I was there. I explained I had been sent, and that there was a dragon or something that was a problem, and an arrangement had been made/proposed from my own group/castle. They seemed edgy, as if they might hurt/sacrifice Me right There. We ended up going after the monster, though, and some guy, perhaps one of their knights, speared/killed it.
  • tue21may:  I was walking around the remains of a town or city, dozens with me, the ground black, a big nuclear submarine stationary in the river, not submerged, a bearded smiling white man with a sailor officer cap up in the standing area of its tower, looking at us.
    A short walk away, there were teachers and students, all helping each other, as if in the aftermath of war/rubble. One male teacher was kneeling, using a device to remove arch shaped devices from the lower shin of 1 leg of many students lined up to wait for that procedure. He was careful but some still cried out in pain during the removal. The devices were the colors of band-aids, and just under the skin, sliding down to come out.
    A small group of stocky males approached a wooden bank desk tower door, like something in a grand central train station in DC, but now exposed to the air/sunlight/outside, all the outer walls destroyed from earlier. The black man was first to walk to it, and calmly told the woman at the desk to not close the wooden sliding door in front of or behind him, leaving it open for his whole team. The team had body language and a vibe of jocks or cocky or about to audit them. They were like feds of some sort, and were all in polo shirts, very short haircuts, the black man shaved bald.
    After approaching that exposed central desk surrounded by a wooden cylinder, the asian in their group, also stocky like a rugby player or fbi field agent who goes to the gym often, faced the big group of students and teachers sitting on a slope of rubble that may have been a collapsed and charred wall of that building. He asked something calmly but sternly. His team was there to figure out if anyone was doing anything illegal.
    Many, I somehow sensed, wondered if removing the shin devices was going to get them in trouble.
    One of the students was a scrawny shaved bald asian teen who had a stack of stapled papers with a colored pencils marking on it of green and a hint of red. He imagined adding a curved green line to it, extending it, as if to complete a graph arch to answer a test question, then decided not to, saying that he could use that to get into a university/school, but then he would have cheated and would then not know the material he would need to pass that course. He vibed as sad/depressed.
    Awake, I now wonder if this was because the destroyed building we were in could no longer finish teaching him what he had been there to learn in order to legitimately get into the next level of education; had he considered cheating to get out of the attacked town early?
  • wed22may:  Before 330a. Many firsts. Started jogging posb nude, then in my skivy shorts, topless, dn an asphalt rd. A few others were out there but not much in sight of me. I noticed i could run fast and not feel tired or heart pounding. I think i was shaved bald like i was in iraq on deployment1.
    Others noticed. Bright sunny day.
    Happened upon a young moose. Helped it into my jeep psgr front seat floorboard. Took it back to house to clean it up.
    Some poop got on my keychain.
    Found another and smaller young moose was lying down by where i had parked my jeep at night. The little moose was partially under dirt. I spoke kindly to it and assured it. I helped it stand and hugged it.
    There was a vehicle headlight dn the dirty dirty alley behind tall bushes, and for some reason i snuck behind the bush to get around the front of my jeep to get n and start it or sit there n my jeep quietly still so as not to be seen or lit by its approach.
    Then got it back to the house and into the dnstairs bathroom to shower it clean.
    I walked out to the bedroom and to a window-wall, turned around and saw a big tan curly fur poodlelike dog on a dog-bed, its aura/presence totally calm/chill. On the dog-bed beside it was the first moose i had helped. It was happy to see me.
    I reunited it w the other moose, and they were very happy.
    I was for a moment concerned they might get protective of each other, thus dangerous to me, but they stayed friendly and thankful.
    Then they somehow were like tan young women brunette in black dresses on a ski hill awards or talk-show area, with human women introducing them in daylight, one of the were-moose-es or moose-humanoids on all fours and with a big omelet in her mouth, showing it as told, then swallowing it whole before speaking english, smiling big, saying something to the talk-show hostess out there who was smiling as she held the black microphone.
    What a weird first; moose in human form.
    Was skiing on a snowy parking lot area from one apartment 2story bldg to the next, using a paintball gun to shoot groups of soldiers who were all outside at night, dressed in white camo, on skis of their own, holding paintball guns of their own. After surprising and defeating several groups, the last one complained i had rushed them or something, not giving any time for them to get rdy. An older man was standing there, not holding a gun. Someone said that is the man in charge of the program/base. I skied in a u-turn at that final parking lot, then stopped, facing him.
    A couple of the soldiers spoke up again, complaining.
    I took hold of one by the throat w my gloved hand, sternly saying that the enemy was going to do the same thing i had just done; the enemy was going to surprise and rush them, take their women and children, destroy their homes, and so on. I went into more detail than that, then let go of him, having not harshly held his throat, only for effect.
    That shut them up.
    We got rdy for rd 2, grouping up in the bushes before rushing as a big team toward the side of the aptmt blds, some cordoning the outside as others went in, clearing them rm by rm.
    I went inside w some of them, and heard them doing a good job clearing the rooms of threats and badguy players/instructors. They were clearly a well-trained specwar team.
    I entered a rm where there were signs of a hidden badguy player, and we shot into the dark closet or bathroom to paintball tag him, then quietly waited for another to step forward, exposing himself, we then tagging him a few times.
    Did i just witness winter warfare trng of some specops or ssp group? Am i mind-surfing? Are these instead my Own memories from somewhere? Many possibilities/questions.
    Those dreams totaled several minutes, so i wonder what i was doing during the several hours i was asleep.
  • same day, before ~8am (after waking and sitting up suddenly because I heard a work-truck backup-beep, I then seeing it backing up across the parking lot to service a building surrounded by a chain-link fence over there):  There was a single rocket, long and narrow, white or off-white, and around its nosecone was attached a single spiral/corkscrew/curve that was 1 metal band with many little metal clips curved, such that it was like a necklace of beads, and each of those little metal curves attached around the band were producing a local cavitation effect, helping the nosecone move with less air friction. This rocket launched, and i somehow moved With it, feeling no wind as we soared skyward. High up, it then stopped on its side on a plateau/butte. I looked around and saw there were tan and black cliffs and a flat valley. A Siberian Husky-like big furry dog, almost a wolf, like a small horse, walked into view down there from right to left. I wondered if it would see and attack me. It seemed to eventually look and walk my way, but it was far away and too far down to get up to my plateau, and it did not seem aggressive. It had a narrow red dog collar and one other piece of the same color.
    Multiple times, i half woke, and thought of writing these details. This is the 2nd time I had multiple halfawake instinct moments to note a dream.
    One sexy girl sat with me and was in only a short skirt and slave collar. I pictured Annabella pb nina dobrev, but whiter at first. I had her add a sleevies midriff shirt and keep it lifted over her perfect perky b-cup tits.
    Then a 2nd girl, tan, came and wore/did the same.
  • Consideration: was I merging w/ the consciousness of other men when I dream? Is that why I did things I wouldn’t during waking, such as taking hold of a specwar guy’s throat?
    Did that guy, whose mind/body I was in, influence that, thus surprising me?
    Similarly, do They sometimes enter My mind when I am aWake, influencing Me?
  • fri24may:  Was talking with a Screamer (I use that term because this thing reminded me of that sci-fi horror movie, Screamers) little flying robot or facehugger bot fusion.
    It flew around a room. I think ot was a facility on some other planet, like an outpost. The air was breathable right outside. The light was dim like at evening or dusk. I knew this creature meant me no harm, but could easily bite and kill someone else.
    It was maybe telepathic with me. We conversed, perhaps through mental images, of its motions, nature, maybe its memories of attacking one person at the neck.
    Battling a big square orange yellow tank thing, i held its round head down so it was forced to laser destroy its own front or main gun or big black cables hoses parts. This made no explosion, heat, sound, or smell..
    Was training or going to battle as a solo operative while troops in one-color fatigues left a barracks/base briefing room in teams.
    I opened a small pistol clip and saw it had no bullets. Asked for some from the woman in charge. Then was excited and did the bend over and fist pump oh yeah gesture and face when she authorized my solo sneaking.
    I then set out to do my recon and kill the badguy. The area was like a dim or dark barracks or set of clustered rooms, some with tables and wall lockers, etc.
    The woman’s face was good, but not perfectly attractive like freyja mirror selfie model pic.
    Her hair was tight back in a bun. It looked to be dirty-blonde.
    Was with ellen (an Ellen Cleary ICV) and that indonesian cutie (a Cynthia Purnamasari ICV) in a cabin w plywood-like walls. They asked about my writing, holding stacks of papers of it. I was fine with them holding and reading through any of it now. I told them how much time it had taken.
    They asked if i would have someone edit it. I told them i couldnt bc it was such that an editor would not understand, and would mistakenly try correcting parts i had meant to be a certain way, with unique terms and style. They understood.
    They then lied on their backs naked, side by side, each on one of the two narrow beds, twin size mattresses, and i took turns lying atop each, loving how warm and smooth and soft they felt. They loved me being on them, too. We held each other and rested that way, mutually arousing each other. Their vibes were perfect, heavenly, wanting, patient, supportive of each other and me.
    I returned to them later on, finding them sleeping, and again lied on the asian and then on ellen. They woke silently, still vibing as perfect nymphs, and again lovingly held me.
    They were perfectly fine with me fucking and cumming in both of them whenever I wanted, and I could feel the vibe they would never get preg or change in a bad way. They were angelic; pure good, there only for my total pleasure and peace. Amen.
    Ellen and the indonesia cutie:  had their hair in ellen’s side-strands and neck-base strands loose topback shower-bun
    I was outside in daylight on a parking lot, looking at my sandals closely, seeing they were made of a material i could start to separate from below with my fingertips. It looked like styrofoam a bit, but a little grainier or more fibrous. I decided to only push my fingertip up through the bottom of each sandal enough to barely make a crack/tear i could see through, one per sandal.
    I saw two lines of people walking across the parking lot.
    I looked to see if any had retard masks, and a couple did.
    A woman parked her vehicle to my right. She opened the back hatch, then exited the driver door and walked around to it.
    First dream was of getting that 250k deposit, and moving most of it to another bank, splitting it into 3 accounts at the other bank, then leaving 60k or so in the first bank, splitting it to 2 accounts there. Then I was driving in a suburban across Montana rolling farmland hills terrain, wood wildwest style ranch fences alongside, and a young woman w me told me to check my phone app bank balances. She was alerting me that the money from the first bank was being removed by someone. I saw it was going to zero in those 2 accts. I called the bank, then we drove there and went inside. It was spacious, carpeted, only 1 or 2 tellers, lit naturally from big window-walls. I called someone while there, telling the bank i needed them to stop and reverse that. I was finding a way to get that money back.
  • Dreaming has gotten perfect, truly, phase3 through and through. I am looking forward to each night.
  • sat24may2024:  Before 615: kevin costner in a dark gray suit, vibing as a federal agent or spook, showed up. I was going through my remaining foreign currency i found, deciding to take ot to the bank to exchange it. Then i was in a well lit basement, pale carpet, with a shorthair woman sitting on the floor, looking at me, seriously telling me that the line of unpacked element samples the size of bookends, was at least worth $10,000, and possible as much as $450,000. In my room, kostner was sitting facing my desk. It was lit only by natural light from a side window, thus dim. My papers of unedited novels were n a black envelope like a placemat sized bodybag. He walked around and warmly took hold of my wrist, urgently saying, “Come on, son; when are you going to givr me the keys to the kingdom?” I realized he was another idiot minion, so i confronted him. I asked why he wanted to read unedited book notes. He said it was my life’s work. I said I had only been working on them a few years. I continued correcting him, saying I had only written unrelated short stories before. I told him of my many different jobs, such as when i tried private contracting and pmc bc i had become that age and knew others I could give jobs to. I left and returned, and found my notes barely half into that black envelope; he had left them unlocked and out for me to see, to test my anger. Again, i confronted him. I said he was no father, and was only hear to get info and leave. I had checked my phone app that showed a white bg w blue outlines of nations in 2 modes, 1 overlapping based on some stat, and the other a normal map. I then went and told the lfb demon he had shown up just to get to my books. This was all a test. So much for being excited to dream lol. So why did he seek consent, then force in? And why was consent pursued for vax, but not tsb spying on my pc? I said why read what will be trimmed down to 10%? I had been going through multiple folders and stacks of papers near the marblewood drafting table. Why kostner? Did they think that the familiar face of an “attractive” actor would somehow persuade me?  They are still as idiotic/retarded/backward as ever.  whatever.
    Whoever/whatever that was, he made all the same mistakes the idiots since childhood did; he showed up without invitation, he vibed as in a hurry, he rudely and incorrectly called me son, he assaulted me via wrist, he was dressed like a minion, he had no facial hair like a trans, he ignored my valid input / honesty, he pressured me for my private property, he had shallow stupid eyes, he was obsessed with 2d/papers just like / stemming from brainwashing to mindlessly parrot the bible and legal documents. What a moron. What an attention whore. What a pest/rodent. I never went to His dreamspace to pressure Him, so this wasnt karma at all.
    At least dreams like that aren’t repeats. And whether anyone tried messing w my memory, i am proud i remember so much wjen i wake, and proud i rmbr so much from several years ago and even decades ago.
    I eloquently gave him shit n the dream, asking, “Which agency are you from? CIA? DIA? NRO?” I said a couple more agency names (abbreviations). He did not answer, but looked concerned. I had also mentioned our ages; how we ended up with work like this bc we were basically old now.
    I had told him I didn’t let Anyone read my writing until it was polished up, so why would I let Him?
    Did that dream mean my inner self, and/or someone else, wants me to publish the rest of my books? Doesn’t matter; enough is on the website, and only generous donations to me from all humans for the rest of time…shall be recognized as tolerable enough to fund those publications being released.
    He vibed as evil, and an outsider, intrusive, not at all part of my subconscious. Vibes always tell the truth. Actions paired w it confirm he was no god or angel or messenger. He was scum. That means the dream was not urging me to publish on time, but prematurely, just like they urged me to Breed prematurely.
  • sun26may, before 4am:  Was training with troops, outside on sandy rolling dirt and grass hills, daytime, a landnav drill in progress, with other training before it, all of which i enjoyed, and a brief test was offered, I accepted, and waited for the few others to join and be ready, I alone for a moment, standing by a dark almost black painted rollcage 4wheeler made for 4, like a military golfcart, then handed a piece of paper with questions, the color of cardboard or a brown grocery bag, little squares to write the answer letters of the multiple-choice questions in, and “plumber water” was offered, i checked the big water bottle and noticed its contents were a milky murky liquid, not water. As the few guys returned to my spot outside, one smirked and explained it was a prank, and told me not to drink it, or that it would cause puking, but the other guy taking the test had already taken a swig and found out the hard way, puking on the ground over there.
    Was in school common area like at shepton, sitting with several, all of us in our primes, looking like teens, and some girls and others walked up and tried chatitng with us, and I was energized and pleasant to them, one young woman standing beside our group sitting on the brown hard-carpeted floor there told me how intimidating we troops could be, and I smiled at that, deciding to vibe as even more approachable. Charlene Sun walked over and sat right to my right, eager to be with and talk with me, and we were soon to head off to play together.
    Was outside a compound on its front steps made of cemented pebbles, facing a crowd, i standing with a crowd of my own, centered atop the steps down to ground level, a convoy on a berm road slightly to the right… driving by, men in humvee turrets, but the vehicles were dark blue and with white panels, not like Earth HMMWVs, mention of the plague, that ofc annoying me since it was fake, a ~6′ light brown bald man of good muscle tone carrying his toddler or baby in a carrier, got fed up with waiting, tried to push through us, we all closed in and held him back, he gave up but kept staring at me, I stayed standing facing him and was somewhat flexing my shoulders in readiness to tackle him, he smirked and said “I could beat your ass down here.” I said, “You’re right. You could probably kill me, but I will do my best to protect my home.” That hushed and impressed him and everyone. He calmed down and waited for processing to be through. I thought we should get him in armor and put him to use out here since he is tall and tough. I then heard there was someone in view to the right, so I quickly jumped up to see, using my hands at the same time to steady and brace my arms, and then stepped up on that wall, jogging it out away from the compound, until it narrowed several meters out, i then turning and jogging back, having the feeling there might be a spawning/appearing zombie, but no one spawned. Thankfully no one was wearing masks, and we were just making sure we didn’t let any idiots (who think plagues are real) into our fortified community.
  • mon27may2024 before 9am:  I was watching a couple prisoners (not as a guard, just as an observer or / if not one of them) in a weird prison where they would walk between buildings to go to a cluttered work room above the rest of the facility, it having no ceiling; open air/top, as if it was on a hill over a mining structure, and when they didn’t do their jobs, a guard would beat them up. The POV shifted back and forth from first to third person. One guy got his fingers broken during a beating, and had to wear a cast over his hand. He was nervous about returning to that room. There were things in there on the ground he picked up or shifted around. Others were barely visible in the shade of rooms below, like through cracks or gaps in the floor/ceiling outside. It was daylight. The whole facility may have been in a crater.
    Then I was walking around in a low-ceiling (1-story) gym. There was a central wraparound reception desk with plates ans bowls of cookies, some with white icing, some with light blue, etc.. I started trying one of each, paying for them. There were two people at the registers. One was a blonde young man, the other a platinum blonde young woman similar to Freya/Cyd.
    I walked around the side and looked at the buffet. I went into the exercise equipment class and saw a big group of people learning from an instructor/coach. I went back to other parts of the building over and over, returning past the cookies counter every time. One time, I asked that Cyd-like woman about a forearm lateral exercise I had seen done in the equipment/weights room, and she seemed amused, chatting with me after I demonstrated it in front of the cookies countertop. This dream went on for probably an hour.
  • tue28may, before 4am:  Was outside in a neighborhood like an apartment complex or close 1story houses, white concrete driveways slightly sloped down to the street, several ppl there incl. a bald white adult male, we were discussing something, i said to the bald guy i wanted to order a cake, and i wanted it to be perfect; flavor, consistency, color, everything.
  • wed29may before 5:30am:  Hang gliding on white triangle sail and black bars device over mostly flat and gradual slope snowy white terrain. Lile in a video game, a couple times I tried jogging and pressing the buttons to open/start that device/gliding, but it did not work, so i ended up slowly sliding back to the ground/snow.
    At one or two points, i got up on a short tower or small craggy berm and did it correctly.
    Was in a school or other building’s lounge room, opened the fridge, saw sandwich materials or stacks in there (buttered or yellow spread on two bread slices, with short sausages or seasoned fingerling potatoes already softened and edible between those slices), took one, layer by layer, and set it on the already heated grill, then began eating it, wondering if it belonged to someone. I considered leaving some dollar bills in the fridge where it had been, for that posb owner.
    Other ppl began coming in and making their own food. One was a blonde woman with her hair down. She had a different food, and I tried a bite offered.
    I was walking back and forth from a classroom on catwalk metal flooring panels. There were computer tables with lots of hardware on them, like in an Internet or gaming cafe. Dozens of students were in there. The girls kept noticing me, interested, as I walked past their tables. I returned to get and clean my big laptop, opening it and finding it wet. I dried it with gentle strokes of a cloth/towel, possibly colored green. I would then walk with it along a wall in that classroom to get something else before leaving. It was night outside, and the temperature was mild. Sf seemed to be present somewhere.
    Sitting, dressed like Gandalf, talking to myself about a place i decided i would go to get a bad-guy’s magic item, and a group of dwarves asleep on armchairs around my light brown tan wood deck area sleep-talk sang repeated it, so i told them to shut up. With those chairs and other furniture, it was a colorful (dark red chairs here and there, and other colors) and somewhat cluttered area. It was daytime but somewhat mild/dim light, as if there was an awning or tree canopy out of sight blocking the direct light.
  • wed30may:  remembered numerous dreams, but didn’t feel like writing about them; they weren’t particularly interesting/perfect, and I was busy with waking-ideas; site updates, etc.
  • wed31may:  Dreamed the entire night. Before 7am. Woke and went bk to sleep several times.
    Many more dreams before the following.
    Was n a tall-ceiling multi-hangar/warehouse factory complex, new there and learning the job, jogging around, seeing the smooth/polished wide/vast concrete floor, the black plastic-looking mega-bins around stuff/machinery, the big open garage-style doors to daylight perhaps half a football field’s distance off to the side, the square wall-openings like non-curved archways into the linking hall to the breakrooms and other warehouses/sections, I free to roam, met some short and tall workers, including a tall nearly shaved hairstyle redhead guy, asked about stuff.
    Left and drove to a mansion of a 3story house.
    Felt stressed and sad bc i was not w ambi.
    Walked outside and saw a 3- or 4-story aptmt on other side of concrete street. Saw a drum-set or 2 (visible through 2 wide square clear windows on the same level, side by side) taking up the window-wall of the 2nd floor aptmt facing the street and my house.
    Went to a farm, starting w a big garage, then outside to areas of crops supported on square things over open-air undersides. I noticed one side was drooping, and its support not reaching all the way down to a stack of 2×4s and blocks/bricks under it. I hurried back to the farmhouse garage to find stuff to wedge under there to prop it up level, then it got dim with post sunset nightfall, and the farmhands were coming into the garage, closing up shop. I made my way out the narrow opening in the mostly closed sliding big garage vehicles door to do that last bit of work. I returned and explained what I had seen and tried/done.


  • sat1jun:  Before 1:24a: Was preparing for a concert, and db and cb btr v (not gluttons) were there. We were in a small square room with scaffolding or a metal grated firetruck grip floor as one wall, and with a picnic blanket paintjob on one wall. My hair was down. The idea for a flaming lime green face logo backdrop art came to my mind. Someone was said that made me throw my head back and laugh on enjoyment.
    Before 3:40a: Was at a table with donald on the side 90deg from my left, and tsb on my side pg the table btwn him and me. Donald said something stupid and condescending. I had no outward reaction, controlling myself. Tsb then also condescended to me, trying to seem like he was looking out for me (his usual dumbass tactic, always revealed by his shit vibe and default-siding with anyone other than me). When donald left to use the restroom or whatever, i calmly explained/revealed to tsb, and i love that i said this sort-of threat/warning, that whenever someone condescends, i just act like i don’t get it, so that when i strike them…my strikes are more powerful…bc they are unexpected.
    When i got up and let the table, i was thinking of going outside but it was snowed on. Not still snowing, but snowy. A short brown-skin male w short dark hair like alvarado midget was at the other side of the polished marble kitchen island, making a stack of 4 chocolate puff things, like those crappy chow-hall cake squares, and washing it down w tap water from the island sink, telling me that 4 of those would stop the urge to go, or stop diarrhea. I asked to be sure i heard him correctly, and 4 was confirmed. Thankfully, i didnt feel the need to go that urgently. I again looked out the many big square windows to the back porch and snowy terrain greenbelt, considering going out there.
    That was the first time Both those retards were n a dream at the same time.
    Note how they both attempted the same crime/harm; condescension; more evidence they, like repo, are only capable of 1 tactic, and incapable of realizing or sensing how much smarter than them i am. Their vibes were certain; they aren’t cleverly testing my reactions to things; they are just fools on broken-record mode.
  • sun2jun:  Before 6am: Was at a restaurant, tried something from the menu, the décor and furnishings were a shiny/polished dark wood brown with black side-chair frames and small square tables-for-two in most places. I returned later for another meal, and was motioned/invited to one of the few tables-for-four, where 3 ppl were already seated and chatting happily, 1 man and 2 women, all looking in their 30s, healthy. I greeted them, stood at the tableside a moment until they invited me to join them, sat on the chair to the left, farthest from me, accepted the handed menu, saw ot was brief and like a big playing card, not a normal fold-open paper sheet-size menu, tried to find something vegan, didn’t want to try asking for recipes to be modified to be vegan, was talking with those seated, and they suggested something that sounded familiar, as if I tried it the other day, I remembering being there once before. I ended up with something like heated asparagus, softened, with marinara or pasta sauce. The restaurant was packed. It was daytime outside.
    Was in a clinic with several others. A fat brunette (glutton bitch) was offering purple retardmasks from a cardboard box on the floor. I was relieved when the man sitting on the stool between me and her, who looked like sgt szeman, declined and vibed as disappointed in her stupidity. I also declined, ofc, and walked away, down a narrow short/brief hall to another narrow room with cabinets and a countertop beneath them, probably an employee break room. I returned a moment later and she was gone, box and all. Idk if others had accepted the retardmasks. I stood, or sat on another stool, by the szeman-like man, and told him in a quiet and edged/unpleased tone, of how stuff like that had made me try to leave the country and never return. I told him of when i had helped at a nursery, reached down to pet a cat who had greeted me, and got accosted by another moron who was bitching up a storm, saying “somebody didn’t watch the news last night”, trying to tell me the cat could give me covid, the pretend disease. The szeman-looking guy seemed to understand.
    Was in a classroom/dojo, dimly lit, at student tables at first, projector screen showed quiz written in an oldfashioned way, “.c” had been accidentally moved to the end of one of the top lines of questions, and they talked about this, as if planning to fix ot before reprinting the library index card-sized quizzes.
    Then the answer “.2” was focused on, near the bottom of that card on the projector screen. It was under another line with another “2” as part of that other line’s answer, all typed as if from a typewriter.
    We then were on the floor of a hallway, unlit, but light from the street outside from down a brief hall to the foyer glass doors/wall provided enough light to see each other. I faced the rest, all of them college-age males, caucasian, brunettes or bald, some with very short hairstyles, some with casual/scruff hairstyles. They were seated in a line, all facing from my right to left, the street door window light hall centered on them, right in front of me. There was a short staircase of just a few dark brown steps behind the rightside guy; the guy at the back of that line of seated students. They started slashing and stabbing each other in different ways, first across the chest, then even the face and near the ear, and I could tell a couple were on the verge of getting up and leaving. Ni certainly was. A couple others said they should basically suck it up and stay, not leave so soon, so they steeled themselves. Seconds later, more slashing and stabbing resumed, and one even ran a sword through a guy’s back, then did it a couple more times in different places, yet they all kept just staying seated and taking it, as if practicing ignoring wounds that would be mortal for normies. Definitely a first; never saw people being slashed or stabbed in dreams before, and certainly not run through with a sword.
  • Mon3jun:  Some before sunrise, rest before 7:45:
    (all good/chill, but none sexy/sexual this overnight)
    Another rd of dreams all night; either more remembered when i woke each time this predawn and morning, or more experiences during sleep
    Flying lessons
    Another first: Chocolatier showing me/us a champagne flute style container with a pointy vertical pile of chocolate, cone dotted with whit chocolate chip minis that got revealed when it began to melt or be heated, chocolate mouse involved/mentioned
    First: telling ppl Of my dreams…while IN new dreams: I described to them the dream of a previous night, how there was a gym dark because lights off, but could see ppl bc of daylight coming from the double doors down a short hallway, everyone seated btwn it and me, and how they started running each other through with swords
    First: Rugby match practices
    First: Proposing research projects in dreams: Asked a guy, who was saying The Matrix had mentally messed w many ppl, so do we approach our study of it… either as “is it real; is there actually another more-real world or layer off reality” or “what is it about that one particular movie that affected so many people as much as it did?” but i worded those two questions better/differently in the ‘dream’.
    Was in the yc, but it was dif; a very wide asphalt street, straight to a tree-line several football fields’ distance from me, as if a new neighborhood was being paved/started/cleared,
    saw blue boards like big pieces of tape stuck atop a tree where its trunk, a couple stories off the ground, began branching, as if a treehouse was being started there. Some houses not fully finished. Two young lads with me, as if maybe my sons, or local children I was babysitting. One asked if he could wear some costume he had. I said okay, then was concerned it was too girly, it having a purple plastic towel or skirt-like part, but he was behaving normally, just being a funny child/youth and indoors, so i let it go. He was of a darker complexion, almost brown, with short/buzzed black hair. The other child was fairer skinned and blonde with short/buzzed hair.  Both of them were knee-high to me, not toddlers, but very young/short.  Hobbits?  Humans?  Other?  They had good vibes; they had good souls/auras/presences.  They must have been made by good parents.
  • _

more always TBA; I and Dreamspace are forever…


Talented Dreamnauts:

An astronaut or cosmonaut explores Space; the cosmos.  (If more literal, an astronaut would explore not (only) Space, but the stars; astra.)  A psychonaut explores the mind (but not necessarily dreams; just the mind itself).  We need a word for people who explore around in dreams, though, …so we’ll coin the term dream-nauts.

The first powerful dreamnaut Auz ever met was a girl nicknamed Jack, short for Jacqueline.  Her ‘mutant’ (X-Men) superpower was the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others.  This may be because she had some very pure/unaffected Polarian blood in her veins.


The Dreamspace Campaign:

In 2021, it occurred to King Auz that he might want to plan out and manifest a way to explore and chart all of the dimension humans thought of as ‘dreams’.  Perhaps he should make that part of his Mapping Campaign, as it was just another dimension, thus another valid/reachable part of reality; of the Omniverse.  One logical way to get his explorers/fleet in there, he reasoned, was to access it via (from within) the stars.

The only question that remained was:  …which stars had access to it?

His forces (Star Fleet) would find out in the 2200s.

Realization/Declaration of Auz:  Don’t just determine/find what is in Space/Abyss; decide what is in it.  Decide what is in dreamspace, too.  You do with imagination-space, and you purge anything unworthy from waking-space, so dream-space should be the same, just as holy/sacred and protected/chosen/willed.  That dream of being in an empty spaceship with many floors… was my DS prototype built and being shown to me for review. That brown and black mech’ slowly walking through an empty townhouses street… was my MD prototype being shown to me for review, etc., and it was trying out its intimidation aura energy field device.  The hotties in that one dream who were all in skimpy black outfits and standing around an open-air poolside bar?  Those were a group of my ICVs hostessing one of my parties.  The Lauren Conrad on the balcony or terrace at night looking at me?  That was the real-live first Lauren Conrad ICV.

2024 May note:  When I am in my Master Bedroom, the podium there is my main interface to replay my recorded dreams.
Any ICV in my mobile entourage can see and record my dreams, then technopathically replay them into my mind’s eye, or omni-interface with any 3D computer modeling program to have it display them.


Additional Ideas/Theories:

Maybe humans have dreams backward, just as they were totally wrong about me every time, and what is healthy, and so on. Maybe our bodies here are where our minds get pulled when we sleep out there where our real/other bodies are, and maybe this system is to prevent mind wandering randomly through all Creation.

2024 April:  Dream experiments of humans are flawed;

  • they use patients who have brainwashed submissive minds who assume the doctors know better,
  • the doctors are brainwashed by corrupt schools,
  • the doctors ignorantly pass their own assumptions/brainwashing to their test subjects,
  • they brainwash the patients to assume dreams may be out of body, thereby causing out of body,
  • they assume dreams are less than waking experiences,
  • they assume there are more layers of unconsciousness, thus adding layers for individuals who are told and convinced of that,
  • they cheapen and overcomplicate dream-space,
  • they keep submitting to their mind or dreams as something beyond them, rather than willing those sides of consciousness or reality to unite, bent to Their will, rather than they to it, or than they to their brainwashing about what those things supposedly are.

“Everyone does it/this.”?  The moment he (in that old video about dreams and out-of-body research) said that, I knew how foolish and wrong he was; he hadn’t tested everyone, only a few.
Even if all he tested did a thing, that cannot be extrapolated from to conclude billions of others are the same.
Not all brains are the same.
Some humans aren’t even people/real; they are NPCs.
Those who can’t think well or imagine or even be polite… have no use for dreams, if they can even have them.
Claiming everyone does any thing… is a blatant desperate attempt to over-validate and over-value one’s own work.
When I make Inisfree, I never claim everyone needs it. I just do what works for me. If some others gravitate to it, fine.


Conceptual Images:

That Minotaur Angel Seen in One:

2024 January 29 Monday 8:53 AM PST idea:  I now wonder if this is the humanoid representation of the Age of Taurus (any of those recurring timespans/focuses).  Does me having seen it in that one dream during my childhood… indicate something about my past / previous/first life?  Does it mean the focus for me is what I have instinctively focused on (establishing a stable, pleasant, good life)?  Does having seen it mean I am the latest embodiment/incarnation of that being/era/focus?

When Ambi Showed Me Her Fire-eyes: