Meet one of the Queens of the hollow core of the Earth.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details Begin
  3. 2018
  4. 2019
  5. 2020 Update
  6. 2022
  7. 2023 Idea
  8. Her (Images Begin)
  9. Her Towns
  10. The White Gods
  11. Beyond the Far North
  12. Their Art and Wisdom – Maintained on This Side by the Slavs
  13. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  14. How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her
  15. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates
  16. 2023 August:  Vision of Her Facial-structure as a Gift from Ambi
  17. 2024 June/+



  • 5’7″
  • 133 lbs.
  • glowing-golden/sunny blonde (and matching eyebrows)
  • slightly-glowing turquoise-blue eyes
  • perfect commanding-female face
  • perfect featureless feminine neck
  • perfect female figure; petite and smooth-fit
  • B-cups, perky
  • yellow-tan complexion, glowy, radiant
  • often wears nothing, or just a strappy-top sun-dress
  • fingernails and toenails always look perfect, never long, never growing, and never painted
  • appears almost ethereal, as if she is not truly/fully physical –though she certainly feels that way; physical
  • eternally calm, happy, confident, and playful
  • musical child-like laughter, but extra-sexy/arousing
  • an accent reminiscent of a California “Valley Girl”, but fused with something accent-neutral and truly regal
  • seems unaffected by gravity, but does not fly
  • does not really teleport, but always seems to move gracefully out of the way of anything she does not wish to meet/touch
  • regularly converses (verbally and telepathically) with the Angels who fly in and out of the fixed-star that is at the heart/center of the hollow Earth (it being a portal to the dimension called Heaven, thus linked to the (stars of the) cores of all the other worlds, as well as to all the stars that solar-systems orbit throughout Space) –and those Angels are her best-friends and lovers, not merely messengers or destroyers (like the humans claimed they were back out on Earth’s (outer) surface)


Details Begin:

Who really lives down (or up, as the Inisfreeans see it) in the hollow core of the world?  This lovely woman can tell you; she rules lovingly over them all.  The Inisfreeans have made contact, and introductions were arranged between her and Auz, as well as her entourage and his.  Many of her finest Aghartan citizens will be touring Inisfree next, some even serving in its global Congress hosted in the Auz-dome.

Aryana also goes by Vrilia All-El, a tip-of-the-hat to the completeness and energy-mastery of her civilization and race, and has a more-than-subtle golden-white glow about her (even more-so than the elves and other people who have been living in the underground cities and caves).  When Auz calls, she answers, and has already begun hosting tours for him across all her inner-Earth lands.  The two walk hand-in-hand there, their hearts like those of pure, playful children, marveling at the views and healthiness of the plants –like nothing the surface-dwellers have known in a thousand lifetimes.

More TBA…



This was the year she smoothly made first –in-person– contact; she was one of the two glowy golden-blonde girls sitting on the front lawn outside that hilltop mansion in Oregon he’d just toured and exited.  She looked right at him the entire time he walked around that lawn and then down the path along its side.  Her vibe and expression were unmistakable; good, angelic, focused on him, there for him, waiting for him to tell her what comes next.

(If only he’d realized back then who she was; he would certainly have walked straight to her –but it was for the best, as he had so much more of his vision / life’s work to receive, write down, and put online to complete sharing and activating that mega-spell/vision, and she would surely return to him and stay by his side shortly after.)



As expected and sensed, she formally introduced herself to him very soon, and the two were all-smiles as they regarded each other, both loving the other’s appearance, inner glow, and vibe/s.

“I will be joining you in Inisfree someday,” she purred in her telltale Siren-quality/seductive angelic/Aghartan female voice.

“You will be joining me there right now,” he grinned, sounding just as attractive/seductive to her; “I am Inisfree, so you and I are already there.”  It was no ‘stretch’; this was true; Inisfree had always been not just a city, but an extension/evolution/expansion of Auz himself.

They were both very pleased, and began holding hands (both at the same time) lovingly –which they would always do when together, forever.


2020 Update:

She has often had loving sex with Zerachiel (sometimes while dozens of Zerachiel’s subordinate-Angels lovingly enjoy wing-hovering in a spacious circle around them to bask (in their Vril synergy, caused and amplified by such total love) and watch), and has started to with Freyja, Galadriel, Karolina, and Yavanna.  Soon, she will with Sarah, as well; when that special human girl is brought up into her realm as part of King Auz’s entourage on one of the MPHA airships.  Through this level of full contact and connection, they will be able to learn all there is to know about/from each other.

Even the vampire Rosalie is about to become drawn to her.  All blondes are to such goddess-level first-blondes.  All shall be for the rest of time.  (At least for the pure; the beautiful; those who keep the forms that were and are always intended.)



It is her third, going on fourth, year of marriage to Auz, and the two are as happy as when they first fell in love.  Their anniversaries have always been in Agharta at her favorite storybook-level places.  They lie in bed, or on the much softer and slightly glowing grass of her side of the world, and just gaze into each other’s eyes for so long –before, during, and after.

She has shown many of the ancient sites and secrets of her people and realm to him, and he has always made his own readily available for her and them.  In time, they’ll have shared and understood them all.  After that, they’ll consciously co-create a few more, all their own, which will last for at least as long, perhaps even billions of years, if not forever.

This year, Auz started wondering if the glowy blondes regarding him in Oregon and other places were actually not Pleiadians, as he’d originally suspected, but Aghartans.  Maybe the one of that pair of them on the lawn that bright sunny day… was her.  How long have they been watching and watching over him?

Aryana is and always shall be regarded by him and all his people as the rightful queen and flawless incarnation of all Agharta; they see her as the humanoid personification/projection of the entire hollow-core region of their world, just as they see other great women and girls as the mobile versions of things such as entire nations or landmasses, even worlds and forces of nature permeating all.  When he interacts with her, this belief or sensing of his further uplifts, reveals, and reinforces all of Agharta –and will soon spread this stabilizing effect to all the worlds’ hollow cores.  They don’t really need it, but it is certainly a good sign and nice to have, stimulating and facilitating so much more pleasant trade and restorations between their two sides/realms.

SS:  On Friday 18 November this year, she and Kara hooked up with their fellow-husband, Auz, for their first loving threesome together, and all of them had a very good time –the best of times.


2023 Idea:

Possible sighting in Oregon; on that front lawn outside the hilltop public mansion / historical site; she (and her friend sitting on the grass beside her) was a glowy blonde just like her (how I picture/foresee Aryana to be).



Her Towns:

The White Gods:

Beyond the Far North:

Their Art and Wisdom – Maintained on This Side by the Slavs:

How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

2023 August:  Vision of Her Facial-structure as a Gift from Ambi

2024 June/+:

2024 June 9 Sunday:

  • Etymology:  name = beautiful (female), whose race came into being during the greatest Age of Aries
  • She is the High Queen of the largest nation in the world, and is one of my wives, thus this largest nation on Earth is one of my allies and ‘states’.


video TBA


“The Kingsroad” Ramin Djawadi Ramin Djawadi
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