This descendant of demi-gods and frost giants turned out to be very comely.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. First Appearance
  3. History
  4. Tess & Auz
  5. 2021 Update
  6. 2023/+
  7. Comics (Images Begin)
  8. Her
  9. How She Dresses for Her Husband, Auz
  10. Home
  11. How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree
  12. She Loves When I Feed Her My Saliva



  • race:  Jotun (giants of the Hyperborean era; pre-Atlantis, and even pre-Asgard)
  • white skin
  • black hair
  • blue eyes
  • perfect female body
  • high stamina
  • significant strength
  • magical potential and training
  • can will herself to proportionately scale up or down to a wide range of heights

Tess Black

Information-silk Real Name:  Tess Black

Information-silk Relatives

Laufey (paternal grandfather, deceased);
Farbauti (paternal grandmother);
Loki (father);
Son of Satan (paternal half-brother);
Hela (alleged paternal half-sister);
Fenris Wolf (alleged paternal half-brother);
Midgard Serpent (Jordmungand) (alleged paternal half-brother);
Sleipnir (alleged paternal half-brother) Hoarfen (alleged paternal nephew);
Sturm (alleged paternal nephew);
Drang (alleged paternal nephew);
Wolf Gods (alleged paternal nephew);
Large extended foster family via Loki


Information-silk Base Of Operations:  New York City


Information-silk Identity:  No Dual Identity

Information-silk Citizenship:  American

Information-silk Occupation:  Stock trader


Information-silk Gender:  Female

Information-silk Eyes:  Blue

Information-silk Hair:  Black


Information-silk Origin:  Demigoddess (Human/Asgardian hybrid)

Information-silk Universe:  Earth-616

First Appearance

She stands 5’7″, is 125 lbs., and has perky C-cup breasts.


Tess Black is a demigoddess, the daughter of a mortal woman and the Asgardian god of mischief, Loki.

She was once possessed by the ancient Sorceress of Chaos, Morwen, but Loki and Spider-Man helped her escape from the possession.


She is a demigoddess, but apparently doesn’t have any powers.


Details here.


Tess & Auz:

If you’d have suggested to the founder of Inisfree he give a giantess a chance, he would have instantly laughed in your face; he was only into women his height and shorter, preferably the latter.  Giants in his eyes were no different from ogres, orcs, or trolls.  Their women might as well have been men.

Then came Tess.  …The two were within shouting distance of each other more than once during one of his trips back to the Big Apple.  He was busy networking with hundreds of other people, though, and providing emergency assistance to dozens of their finest, and she was dealing with her own time-consuming things.  It wouldn’t be for another few years that they would finally notice each other.

Inisfree’s A.I.-perfected programs and devices had gotten very good at ‘mind surfing’; it was just like ‘surfing the Web’, only going through the electricity-based networks within and between brains, the living computers of most species.  Mind-surfing was now possible through any mind, not just human ones.  Even the minds of the people humans called gods were not immune.

In 2019, a regularly-scheduled mind-surfing event alerted Auz to another finding he was known to enjoy; Tess Black was a woman who met his description of what was beautiful, she was the daughter of a famous demigod, she had intimate knowledge of a storied other realm, and she even frequently wore little more than a cape and loincloth.  This was worth checking out.  Auz offered polite telepathic contact and went out to introduce himself in person, telling her his story and asking her to tell him something interesting from hers.

It turns out that, being the direct descendant of someone born during an ancient time when it was much easier to change one’s body, Tess can adjust her size, scaling up or down proportionally.  Her range lets her stand a head or so taller than more human men on Earth if she wants to be intimidating, or scale down to someone several inches shorter than Auz.  After how respectful and direct he was with her, she has started setting her size to exactly what she can tell he loves most –every time she is near.

Tess is one of the rare exceptions to Inisfree’s general rule that only females shorter and younger than the founder even get considered for screening, let alone entry, the tour, and residency.  She continues to prove that exceptions for people like her are worth it, though.  This will never change Auz’s policy or instincts, but it assures her ongoing permission to visit and even seek shelter in his hidden city when she feels she needs to.


2021 Update:

Tess has chosen a vacation-home in Inisfree’s Dickens Village neighborhood.  Whenever she is on her way to Inisfree, or planning to be, she lets Auz know, and the two meet up there to celebrate-fuck, starting with a big hug and make-out session in his Civilian Aerospaceport.  Each time they fuck and make love, she opens up to him a little more about her history and that of her people/race/civilization, sometimes automatically and telepathically, her memories flowing into his mind as visions.

He has, this year, realized it was her who positioned herself at the Canyonlands and Arches parks in Utah when he was there just a few years ago.  He’d once wondered if the woman he’d seen there had been Wonder Woman, but it was her.  Tess has been starting to appear for him, letting him know she has heard his call –and is answering it.



The giants/ancients didn’t get ruined by the gods when they grew too proud; humans made that up; yet another demonization lie scam from their lowly kind (the modern humans, ever insecure).
The giants abandoned the humans when the humans chose to be idiotically immature/insecure (fake proud, plus proud of evil things).
When the giants stopped maintaining the lands and megastructures with their powerful minds/abilities/tech’, their point was made when humans failed to pick up where the giants left off; humans had no accomplishments or skills or powers to be proud of, and so they limped on ever since, clinging to their delusion lie which pretended the giants were bad and got wiped out… when really the giants left after being disrespected and lied about by the loser humans.
Human civilization has remained a disaster, so bad that it doesn’t even need a cataclysm to be in ruins.
As long as humans keep lying, the real deities, such as the ancient giants, understandably stay hidden and unhelping, teaching that one lesson over and over.

Since I (Auz) love and understand and “hear” them, they are completely different with me; they show up whenever I call, always happy and quick to help me.

2024 March:  It is arrogant of humans to assume giants hide from us b/c of human wpns; humans are like babies or ants or retards to them. Human wpns are like twigs to them.
Giants are probably naturally perfectly shielded by aura-/willpower-based forcefields even human nukes can do nothing against, as human nukes have no will of their own, and as human wills are based on wonder/chaos, not decision/godhood/will.
Giants probably only wait humans out in caves bc they know it will result in humans pestering/attacking them less, turning instead against themselves; humans attacking/annoying other humans instead.




How She Dresses for Her Husband, Auz:


How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree:

She Loves When I Feed Her My Saliva:

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