These are the loving vampires who joined Auz’s family and the Inisfreean alliance.


Table of Contents:

  1. Featured Members
  2. Organization
  3. Genders
  4. Abilities
  5. Races
  6. Attire/Fashion
  7. Tolerances/Element/Environment
  8. Vision
  9. Level
  10. Regarding Inisfreeans
  11. Population
  12. Bodies
  13. Interaction
  14. Dwellings
  15. Advisory
  16. Scent/s Emitted
  17. Voices
  18. Territory
  19. Rules/Law
  20. Language/s
  21. Diet
  22. Images


Featured Members:

That is not a complete list; those are the ones featured on this website / in this saga/spell.



They have historically been divided into distinct clans, each clan having three inherited superhuman abilities/talents (other than Vampire-kind’s baseline of being faster, stronger, more resilient, and able to sense far better than normal/modern humans are/can).  The exception is members of the first generation or two of their kind; those Vampires existed before any of their clans were even ideas, let alone founded.  First Generation are quite free to roam and do as they please, in that regard, and are sometimes regarded with jealousy or fear by the rest.



They are always distinctly male or female, and forever -and happily and wisely- remain what they started as.
The males are always heterosexual and preferring bisexual females, and the females are always bisexual and preferring heterosexual males (i.e. not tolerating any deviation from that).



They can, with training, sometimes change form -shapeshift- such as into a gray cloud/blur similar to a smoke-elemental, or even other creatures, such as a very big bat.  One clan, for example, is experienced with transforming into large snakes whenever needed.  Most, however, just learn to hone one to three of their clan-specific unique abilities.

Vampires are immortal so long as they don’t get trapped in direct sunlight too long (which won’t set them ablaze or disintegrate them in seconds, as retard-hollywood likes to default to pretending –just because it is a convenient “balance” or plot-device for their primitive writers and even more-primitive audience who sickly likes seeing healthy people rapidly hurt and destroyed).
They are not invincible, but they heal rapidly, as long as they have sipped enough blood lately to replenish internal reserves used during extreme exertion.
Many of them are at least a little telepathic, and one clan is extremely so; the Malkavians.
They are almost never telekinetic, though they can move so gracefully that it can appear as if they defy gravity by walking up walls or gliding as if actually flying.

Vampires are not bioluminescent, but their senses are so sharp that in their minds many things can temporarily seem bioluminescent, such as when a person or other object is focused on enough that it takes on a glowy outline or other visual/mental highlighting.

Vampire skin regenerates rapidly, though not quite instantly, so there can be times, such as after an accident or battle, when parts of their skin/flesh is not ideal.  After a sip or gulp of blood, however, it will within seconds return to a sexy quality comparable to that of Nymphs and Angels.  It is easy to mistake members of many of the races of Vampires for Elves, for that reason; most Vampires look like supermodels, healthy/fit and presentable as can be.



All their children/creations have their essence; all the creations (i.e. those who get bitten, thus semi-magically converted/upgraded into vampires themselves) of this species/race, are also permanently happily, wisely, proudly, of only the male or female gender, distinct since birth, and never corrupted by the bizarre mutated beings/beasts who are instead based on pointless change/deviancy.



typically the most expensive clothes on Earth, whether that is high-end luxury garments (almost always couture; made custom, tailored to their exact measurements) or the best of expedition/military fatigues/gear



indirect natural light, and no open flames

able to withstand direct sunlight for brief periods, usually only when aided by a powerful enchantment / enchanted item

stake-through-heart or decapitation almost always terminal –though enough blood (from multiple people) and powerful magic (from a talented magic-wielder) can sometimes heal/resurrect even after those severe traumas



Their senses of hearing and sight are not as good as some werewolves, but far greater than all humans’; they can notice things that even some spy gadgets might miss, and track things for many miles.  You won’t be able to sneak up on any of them, and they will always be able to silently stay in your blind spots, visible to you only when they choose to be.  This makes them outstanding spies and assassins.

They perceive regular 3D, just with a clarity which might only be well-described by telling a regular human to remember what the very first video games looked like (Atari ones, for example; Pong, etc.)… compared to modern-day high-resolution life-like games whose environments/sky-boxes are so gorgeous and detailed that often players stop completing quests and leveling up… just to roam around and take screenshots; now replace those very first games’ graphics… with the senses of normal humans, and replace those latest games’ graphics… with the understanding that Vampire senses are that much better than those regular humans’ senses.

Anything reflecting or refracting bright light, such as sunlight or things a visible laser is aimed at, will appear brighter and more-glittery to them than how humans perceive the same things.  Vampires also have natural night-vision, and minor synesthesia, so to speak, in that pulses/heartbeats many meters away are heard and felt so clearly/completely that the vampire hearing/feeling such will also start to picture exactly how the blood is colored and surging forward at heartbeat-intervals through the sensed-person’s arteries and veins (and even their capillaries).

They can “see the unseen”; even when something is able to “cloak” (become invisible to humans)… most, if not all, vampires will somehow still be able to see exactly where it is, suggesting their vision, or eyesight in general, is not as based on light or line of sight as mainstream humans have assumed.



Magic works on some Vampires, but much less so on the older/first generations of their kind.  Vampires have also been around for centuries in many cases, if not even longer; they’ve had time to get used to identifying magic by its hints/clues, plus making magical and non-magical countermeasures for such.  They also often have alliances with witches and other magical beings, as humans persecuted them all, resulting in a family-like bond and even oaths to one another, that the pest-like human races of fear-mongering bullies never be able to persecute or wipe any of them out.
(Humans are far weaker, slower, dumber, and shorter-lived, and have almost-vestigial senses, by comparison, but humans breed like crazy, and tirelessly develop horrible tech’ and weapons, making some groups/militaries of humans a considerable threat.)


Regarding Inisfreeans:

It is part of their nature to always understand, love, support, and protect me, High King Auzdein von Himmler.  Why?  Because they can tell how much I admire, love, and respect them, and that I am married to one of them —the Atlantean Fairy turned Vampire, Ambrosia Shadowheart LeMorte, no less.  When they are close enough to hear how her voice and mood softens adoringly when around me (Auz), her long-hidden soft-side coming out all the way, it melts their hearts (and, yes, vampires have organs; hollywood got that wrong, too; their organs don’t stop existing when they become vampires), all of them so surprised and thrilled that she and I are so deeply, completely, perfectly, and permanently in love, bonded to each other the way only true-lovers / soul-mates can.
Also, of course, word has spread that a lot of Vampires have been invited to visit and even make vacation-homes in Inisfree, and most have accepted, finding it as agreeable and heavenly as can be; their kind knows it is safe and beloved there, free to show their vampire abilities in public without anyone reacting in any way other than happily and supportive, seeing them as the beloved family they are and deserve to be.



The current number of Vampires is generally stable, rarely on the rise, though it expectedly fluctuates anytime there are wars involving them, or other adverse events/situations.  It rises very slowly, by the way; like Elves, these creatures/people don’t feel any urge to reproduce to grow their clans’ numbers, and will only sire an outsider into their clan if/when a near-future need for additional members if foreseen/prophesied.  The only thing (with very few exceptions) that stimulates a Vampire to create another Vampire is either:

  1. when unexpected situations/signs convince them it might be necessary to save an innocent and useful life, the situation being urgent and dire, not affording them time to consult other members of their clan, and/or
  2. when whomever is in charge of them (be it a Prince (city-ruling vampire) or even more-powerful one, such as a clan elder) commands/approves such an addition to their ranks.



Vampires are always mentally and physically exactly what Auz instinctively knew was the only correct way to look and be; their bodies are always perfect, the tits of their females never sagging, the clitoral hoods of their females’ pussies never apparent/stretched, their skin never sunburned or otherwise discolored, and so on.



with outsiders (non-vampires):  almost always only hunter and hunted; the vampire and his/her blood source/s

with fellows (other vampires):  almost always diplomatic, if not gracefully intimidating out of custom or strategy

either way, psyche/personality always deeply “colored” (influenced) by their mandatory lifestyle of staying alive by being sneakier than CIA/spies (IOW the humans who are insecure, paranoid, armed, judgy meddlers) while they (vampires) find the sneakiest/best ways of getting things out of people –literally; their blood (i.e. the vampire always has this on his/her mind; calculating multiple ways which will probably persuade or force each person they meet into doing/sacrificing/offering something to that vampire) –though this, in an objective ‘light’ (POV) is not a bad thing/mindset, but necessary/logical for this type of humanoid



typically the nicest homes and even castles, excepting those who are in exile or guarding sewer/tunnel systems



Vampires are Not Sociopaths:

Assuming vampires are sociopaths or psychopaths is typical idiotic uneducated human default-negativity, labeling, and slander, showing current mankind’s general inability to be objective and grasp simple concepts –such as to not resort to baseless sweeping generalizations.

nounsociopathplural nounsociopaths
  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Humans don’t call lions sociopaths just because lions prey on less-intelligent animals. They just call them carnivores or predators.
Lions have no reason to socialize with their food.
Humans have no reason to socialize with their food.
Vampires have no reason to socialize with their food.
Do you find attempted conversations with fish or broccoli stimulating?
Vampires are perfectly sociable with their own kind.

Do lions lack a conscience? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, they have to get their sustenance or die.
Humans have endless choices and resources these days; humans lack conscience; they know better, yet proudly and rudely and heartlessly defend their habits and traditions and addictions and scams.
Vampires don’t lack conscience. If anything, they are the most conscious/aware/intelligent of all humanoids.
So call them what they are; they are not sociopaths, just predators of humans.
They are better than humans in so many ways.

If vampires not socializing with humans makes vampires sociopathic,
then humans not socializing with other species makes humans sociopathic.
Humans not chatting with birds and bugs and dogs and reptiles, you name it, by that logic, makes humans sociopathic.

2024 June:

  • claim:  “Vampires don’t know how to control their emotions.”
    This may be because they are so powerful, they’ve never had to; they can always behave however they want, excepting only when they get overwhelmed by mobs of insecure morons trying to hurt them just because they are healthy/fit/strong/intelligent.  Even then, though, the vampire wouldn’t have to control his or her own emotions; he/she would just have to briefly change tactics to get to safety / back into dominance.
    Also, why should Anyone control their emotions? (other than for self-mastery)
    Being pressured to control/change one’s emotions, or anything about oneself, is a form of domination from an outside source, thus slavery and reprogramming/brainwashing.
  • soft-disclosure (“RP”) from typist:
    ( most can’t that’s correct)
    Brujah logo is loosely based on the symbol for Anarchy (“A” surrounded by a circle) and comes from VtM itself. It represents their rebellious nature and their habit of coming off as destructive and anti-establishment.
    Weakness: True Brujah lose much of their emotional capacity when they are Embraced, and their ability for sympathy continues to deteriorate as they grow older.
  • my thoughts:
    I’d say it is more accurate to describe them as being the Siberian Huskies of the vampire clans; they have more energy and strength than others, they can save and build it up longer before letting it out, and that seems like destructiveness to those who don’t do things that way.
    And they are only against lame establishments.
    If they were anti-all-establishments, they wouldn’t be organized as a clan.
  • typist:
    The Brujah Disciplines are Celerity (speed enhancing abilities), Potence (strength enhancing abilities), and Presence (the supernatural ability to attract, awe, or terrify).
    Ambrosia is the only true brujah that’s allowed herself to keep a sliver of humanity to use only when needed and only those few -i.e. Auz and the kids- to see it .
  • reference:  VtM clans


Scent/s Emitted:

They’ll smell of blood if they’ve recently “fed” –though only briefly, as their systems rapidly absorb all of that substance, 100% efficient in digesting/using it.

Otherwise, having a natural state of such slowed animation, they might not smell to you of anything at all –though people with keen/superhuman olfactory systems (such as werewolves), will still be able to smell who is a vampire and who is not (because non-vampires instead smell of B.O., pheromones, non-blood food and drinks, etc.).



All females sound feminine sexy, and all males sound masculine powerful, as only modern humans sound frail or nasal or anything else off-putting.



wherever a reliable supply of living blood can be tapped as needed, typically in cities both public and remote/secret –though it should be noted that Vampires tend to maintain strict and well-patrolled municipal boundaries, as almost all of them are members of one house/clan or another, not straying far, feeling sired/loyal (almost spellbound/star-struck) to those who made/”turned” them.



whatever their clan/leader says/prescribes/decrees



whatever they grew up speaking, plus the official/preferred language of their clan, and sometimes whatever the humans/servants they deal with are accustomed to speaking (since it appeals more to vampires to remain as secretive/compartmentalized as possible, rather than forcing newcomers to learn their language/ways)


2024 May:  Diet:

blood (almost vegan; not killing their food, usually), though they can eat and drink a little nonblood food


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“Static” Cold Cold
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  • “Trash” by Korn
