There is an unmistakable mountain shaped like Mt. Rushmore, except with full bodies.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Orientation
  3. Dimensions & Layout
  4. Construction
  5. Definition
  6. Beyond
  7. Agharta
  8. Further Details
  9. Location
  10. Three of Their Kingdoms
  11. Appearance
  12. Past Them



Dominant men don’t always see eye to eye, but when they work together they are able to push back the tides of billions.  These bold, brave, loyal men were there for each other in hard times.  It is because of them and the way they shared their gifts, that the Earth and Inisfree were saved at all.  All other kings bow and bend a knee in honor of them.

This mountain was shaped as a long-lasting symbol of their moment/s of teamwork.



This mountain/monument is on the edge/point of the South Polar Hole between Inisfree’s starting location… and the southern axis of rotation.

The faces and outstretched arms/hands of this monument all look/point out from near the center of Antarctica… along/toward the 150°W longitude.


Dimensions & Layout:

This sky-high landmark is ~1 mile tall/prominent).

Appearing much like the twin sentinels of Númenor; two towering monoliths carved in the image of gatekeepers, each with one hand up and out to signal all to halt and turn back, the Four Sentinels Mountain has, instead, four of these Titan-sized, helmeted, caped guards, and instead of a waterway gap between them, as is the case with the sentinels of Númenor, these four warning stones are shoulder to shoulder, indicative of a far more serious, friendly warning.



Formed by Inisfreean technology during the reshaping/cleanup of the Earth between 2013 and 2014, it was 3D-printed by some of the first CPs back before the Rapture; they noticed a suitable landform capable of being fashioned into the four Titan-sized statues here today, and began using their song-based laser-like beams to perform the energy-equivalent of chiseling and polishing the rockface.  Basic form and first features/details became visible within a few hours.  The whole process took a couple days.

There was no rubble left on the foothills around the base of this monument after it was shaped; what was not needed got ‘deleted’/absorbed by the CPs as they worked, and became part of the SSA.



nounkingplural nounkings
  1. the male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.
    • a person or thing regarded as the finest or most important in its sphere or group.


The men represented with this monument were kings in the sense that they were the leading male figure in those places when I (Auz) was there.  They made mistakes, but they were also more helpful than the rest, and often braver, and often at least sometimes rallying others.  For the ever-problematic Phase 1, and the ever-Purgatory-like Phase 2, they were as kingly as it got.

They are not represented here to say one should not go into Agharta; their likenesses on this mountain symbolize that together they bade the rest of the outside world stop, protecting that sacred core, allowing only the pure good to pass –even if some of them didn’t realize what they were doing / helping with at the time.

Like the 4D triquetra variant Auz foresaw in the 2010s, three of them established the base… while one (he) rose on.



What lies just past the Four Sentinels Mountain is the curve of the Earth’s crust such that it seems to dip down into the heart of Antarctica.  From orbit, one can sometimes see through the special fog and mist shrouding this opening down into the Earth’s hollow interior, called Agharta. From the ground, however, the opening is so large (as large as a state) that humans cannot tell they are walking over the massive curve and into the inside of the planet.



The Four Sentinels Mountain symbolizes the incredible sizes of the humanoid people who inhabit much of the inner Earth; the realm known as Agharta.  It was in this special realm hidden by the whole crust of the planet itself, that Lord Himmler spent many years of his life learning the ways of the Ascended Masters, becoming himSelf an Ascended Master before his next and final, eternal life began.


Further Details:

This is the new Mt. Rushmore, and its line-up consists of four gigantic, sky-high stone likenesses of the first major kings of the new Earth realms:

  1. Auzdein von Himmler, the Inisfreean, King of the Inisfreeans; of New Antarctica
  2. River Battle-genius, the Elf, King of New Montana
  3. Gabriel Tiberius, the Dwarf, King of New California
  4. Scott Fitzgerald, the Human, King of New Texas

Each of these major kings is not only mentioned in the Biblor’an, but also has an entire book in it –devoted to him.



Three of Their Kingdoms:


Past Them:

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mus_palette_sovngarde_b_04 - Four Hands Sentinel Statues Ridge
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