We don’t really have a religion in Inisfree, per se, but we do have this way of life.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. All-encompassing
  3. Lullabies
  4. Worship Services
  5. Tenants and Pillars of our Faith
  6. Prime Numbers and Circular Formations
  7. Previous Outsider Attempts at Control & Suppression
  8. Conception
  9. Quintessence
  10. The Inisfreean Exception
  11. Teaching people these were sins, was to stop them from
  12. Where do we practice Auzdeinianity and the rest of our Inisfreean Way?
  13. 2024 March/+
  14. Conceptual Images



Just like there are Christian couples-only retreats, Jews-only synagogues, and Muslims-only mecca, Inisfree is reserved for only those who live the Inisfreean Way.  Here are some summarized fundamentals of what we have found:

  • We believe in what we witness working, not in suspicious promises of things no one can confirm or has ever confirmed.  Hearsay is as bad as gossip.
  • Our religion grew from what works for us, not what we were told to continue no matter how badly it was failing.  We are our own salvation.
  • It is based on worshiping ourselves and each other, not imaginary beings such as absent deities.  As for what is called ‘nature’, we live in harmony with it as best we can, but always ultimately put and keep ourselves (not plants or anything else other than ourselves) first; nature, then, must learn to live in harmony with Us, for Our nature matters, too.
  • There are no ‘missions’ to recruit or convert; we wait for others to sense it is time to join us, and don’t notice or care if none do, for if none do then it is time for us to enjoy the members we already have.  We need no one to reproduce or spread word of what we are doing. (Our society/system is not based on numbers (or members) or changing people or warfare, but on being ourselves, and only wanting to be around others who are compatible with us when they are being themselves, not needing any conversion to our way.)
  • We don’t ‘have’ gods and goddesses; we are gods and goddesses.  Others who have achieved this level of health and abilities are welcome to join us when they feel like experiencing our way, and some of these great beings already have.
  • The healthiest thing to do is not pray (which is just thinking really hard) but sex (exercising the whole body –which includes the mind; it is a bodypart– even better than CrossFit and swimming can), thus in Inisfree people are enjoying this holistic sport every day, and are fully open about it, always regarding it with a positive and objective mind.  This is also why we only allow in people who have taken the time to wisely get or keep their bodies in good enough shape to be able to share in this pinnacle community activity.
  • We cannot be judged or punished, except by ourselves; Heaven and Hell are only created when we build them with our philosophies and actions, and only improved or left behind when we choose to do those things.
  • Real beauty is on the outside, and can be achieved by anyone with the right amount of focus; it is character  (personality) that is on the inside.  We do not attempt to change the definitions of words to cater to those who are dishonest with themselves and seeking ‘points’ ‘by default’.

We don’t require you to believe those things.  In order to visit our city, and the rest of our realm, all you need do is respect us as we discuss and practice them amongst ourselves.  If you’d like to know more, however, read on.


The Inisfreean Religion


Sex, orgies, casual touch, organic nutrition, The Hunt, and even lullabies are all seen as part of the Inisfreean religion; their holistic way of life.  They are never routine, always occurring only when the spirit moves them, but are always free; never with ‘strings attached’. Spirituality, to an Inisfreean, means being in touch with your feelings, and listening to all the cravings of your body and mind, without letting them get the best of you.  An Inisfreean religiously seeks perfection (not just excellence) in everything they do, they never get flustered, and they never expect anything; hoping, rather, and striving always, for the ultimate.  The ultimate to us is achieving, having, maintaining, and sharing in the enjoyment of, a properly sculpted body in a properly sculpted environment.  This encompasses a lot of different things, thus we make time for them all, living in harmony –first and foremost– with our own nature, rather than nature in general.



An Inisfreean often ushers those sleeping with them into each night’s Astral Plane adventures by quietly humming shifting notes of ohms to them as they sleep, resting a hand over their heart; the other over their lower abdomen, and their thumbs verrrry slowly and lightly petting.  Touch is sacred (especially during the pre-sleep hour), and must be done with the greatest of care, lust, and love.  Those three are also always seen as one and the same.  This is how we offer lullabies, and our voices are as refined as those of the legendary Sirens; we know you’ll enjoy hearing them.


Worship Services:

Every time an Inisfreean touches you, they are worshiping you, no church or other temple required.  Actual temples exist in our home-city, but everywhere an Inisfreean is, their body and yours become the temple for their giving services and soul-healing, releasing (relaxing) energies.  For an Inisfreean to touch an Outlander is almost unheard of (and you will rarely see us touch unworthy outsiders, except when necessary), and seldom happens more than once or twice every millennia.  (We typically only make verbal and/or physical contact with those who are pre-screened and found to be worthy/compatible, thus reclassifying them as our guests and lovers, no longer as “Outlanders”.)  So if you are among the very few they choose to share their science and art of touch with, be careful not to let Outlander emotions like jealousy show, for the Inisfreeans will feel, see, hear, and smell it on you, and will see the change in your aura; they will recoil with saddened eyes, leaving you to finish learning in peace and on your own.  Inisfreeans believe in worshiping everyone who is worthy and ready for their holy culture.  To them, there is no other way.  Touch is casual, but is always pristine; it is the first way we worship ourselves and others.


Tenants and Pillars of our Faith:

With what has already been said of our belief system, here are all the basics:

  • We do what works, not what strangers try to order us to do without question.
  • We are our own salvation; we do not wait on strangers or imaginary friends to do the work we can see needs to be done, and we do not wait on their permission, whether they pretend they have the authority to pass laws for others or not.
  • We do not advertise or go on ‘missions’.
  • Compatible gods and goddesses may visit us, but we are our own.
  • We share quality fucking instead of wasting time on prayer; we do what actually helps (pun not intended).
  • We alone know what is best for us, and are above judgment.
  • Heaven and Hell are what we make, not places made without our consent.
  • We maintain the original and honest meanings of words, keeping languages from deteriorating into confusing, overly-convenient, inappropriate colloquialisms.
  • We focus on living in harmony with ourselves first, and the rest of nature only if it proves worthy, for other things in nature eventually change, and are sometimes needlessly hostile.
  • Touch and lullabies are sacred to us, and we share them only with the compatible; the worthy.
  • We worship one another; our fellow compatible beings.  No other worship is necessary for us, and our temples are only optional meeting places for those who with to worship one another in that kind of setting for a while.
  • The “7 Deadly Sins” of the Outland Bible are actually 7 of the many keys to the Heaven-state. Instead of completely denying each and all of these emotion types, we encourage them while training people to enjoy them without being controlled by any of them.  Both ends of this spectrum may lead quickly to the Hell-state (state of existence); too much, or not enough.
  • Sexual discourse, intercourse, intimacy, and congress​​ is a science and art which achieves uncharted healing results up to and including immortality, not STDs as the idiotic and chronic-liar Outlanders would have one believe in their jealous, insecure cowardice (trying to stop others from enjoying themselves because they themselves are afraid to –and afraid they will never be able to).
  • Rights are earned via rites, and cannot be taken away by governments or anyone, but are not default; they are never given to people just because they are born within imaginary lines called nations, or because they turn a certain age.  Once you earn your rights, regardless of at which age you become mature enough for them, they are yours forever, and, at least as an Inisfreean, there is no possibility of becoming hurt, lessened, or incapacitated such that you might have to reduce or surrender those rights.
  • Everyone in Inisfree works to do their part in maintaining the Inisfreean Heaven-state (the state of existence which is perfect for our kind), and those efforts are never in vain.  Credit is given where it is due.  Good work is rewarded.  Compensation is never withheld, such as it often is right before retirement and pensions in the Outlands.


Prime Numbers and Circular Formations:

* While not necessarily a fundamental or tenant, the techniques of incorporating circles, prime numbers, and other stable elements have all helped a great deal.

Standing or sitting in circles, whether just talking or lust-and-love-making, we have found that the energies bounce back and forth at the rapid and exponential rate between us; when we are in the formation of a circle, especially when uninterrupted by outside elements, conversations and other exchanges start to flow more gracefully and with a special energizing effect.  A pentacle (each person being one of its points) or pentagram (a pentacle formation inside a rounded pit, dome, or other construct) is the basic element and foundation within this; five points evenly-spaced from one another results in the most stable flow within a circle (just as a stellated octahedron formation of points results in the most stable flows within a sphere; a circle turned 3D has this slightly more complex arrangement of intervals).  A circle is best formed by at least 5 people, and a sphere (of people, or ships in Space, for example) by 8.

To charge people up, we have them move in and near this formation of others; those observing us within a close proximity are encouraged to benefit from the effects of these circular formations.  When people are added at even intervals to such a ring, the formation then tends to naturally fragment/bloom into more pentagrams, each of which will continue to grow and glow based on the number of nearby and incoming people.  This can be thought of as cellular division at the Fibonacci rate, and forecast accurately in this frame.  Circular groups of people will naturally include prime numbers to a certain point, at which time additional circles will either be created (usually once there are more than 13 people in the group) or added in (usually when there are 5 people in the group, and almost always when there are only 3).  This is how circular groups become energized, and expand from that natural energy; this is how the flow brings people together, flows within groups, and flows out into/as additional groups.  (It is also why couples, whether as atoms or humans or even stars and galaxies, always end up with three or more, but not more than 13; the energy of one body tends to lead it to group up, and the energy of two becomes a wild mutual spin until one dominates while the other orbits, with additional bodies always pulled in by both, until a system, solar or otherwise, forms and stabilizes.)

This is also a great way to predict, chart, and back-plot the Universe; cosmic bodies behave based on these principles, too.  Even the ‘edge of Space’ can be accurately anticipated in this context.  The focal points of energy on individual planets (such as where volcanoes and major political events or wars erupt, or where many good things occur), including on stars (which are just large planets, really), can be accurately forecast this way, too.  Event-centers and low-resistance pathways in any system can be found this way; even the Webway (natural worm-hole formation points and the networks that grow between them) can.  Thinking in terms of not squares but circles (better yet, spheres), and not even numbers but primes, is one of the effective keys.  (Perhaps that was why the church tried to teach people that the number 13 was evil; it is actually neutral and very stable, as well as a turning-point and growth-milestone, so demonizing it would keep people destabilized and too small to achieve any greater stages or groupings.)


Previous Outsider Attempts at Control & Suppression:

Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity and Islam, tried to change the definitions of words, pass laws without the real consent of the governed, steal/copy from other faiths and people, and then say that most have no right to undo those new and inappropriate laws they made up.  While rather cute, and almost clever, naturally this system of establishing something evil, and then banning anyone from editing, avoiding, or otherwise undoing that evil, setting it back to the original good, was ultimately doomed to fail.  It only drove people underground, literally in some cases (even to the point of causing ‘breakaway civilizations‘ which only grew far stronger and more clever than ever), and taught people to lie convincingly to the control-freaks known as ‘mainstream’ religious leaders and followers.  Their congregations ‘paid them lip service’, as it is said, just to counter-control them, which worked well over the generations, keeping the emotionally unstable relatively in check, while the work to maintain what actually works and happened in history went on behind the scenes.  Today, all the ‘old’ (original) systems have remained, their students studying harder, and keeping the records that much better guarded and backed up, thanks to those religious attempts to control, warp, and assimilate them.  The longer the Abrahamic (and other) ‘faiths’ (plagiarized religions) attempt to control us, the easier it is for us to shrug them off, not even really having to resist.  This is true of modern brainwashing attempts, as well; mainstream media has pressured us to accept and tolerate a lot of things we shouldn’t, shaming those who don’t subscribe, but all they are really doing is brainwashing and shaming themselves.  Meanwhile, the wise continue their work with fewer and fewer distractions, steadily shutting off all contact and even indirect trade with those primitive entities.  In the end, the foolish only control and suppress themselves, having alienated everyone else.



Every few centuries on Earth-That-Was (and sometimes every few decades), a new religion –or an amendment to an existing religion– is forged and advertised.  In 2011 A.D., it was the destined time for another, and one that would unite them all –even more than Bahá’í had.  More accurately, it united all of their teachings, eliminating the errors and redundancies.  This unifying religion (which one might call our own Unified Field Theory), is the Inisfreean Way.  Here are some estimated milestones in history which contributed to its necessity and formation:

  1. 223000 BC:  Funeral caches; graveyards (perhaps because this was the first time people died, not the first time people wanted to do something to/for those who died)
  2. 98000 BC:  De-fleshing the dead; excarnation (perhaps an attempt to conduct autopsies to determine why death had started occurring for anyone)
  3. 40000 BC:  Cremation (perhaps an attempt to prevent those slain from restoring those bodies)
  4. 25000 BC:  Venus figurines (not actually Venusian, but exaggerated human female figures)
  5. 9831 BC:  Neolithic Revolution and first organized religions
  6. 8000 BC:  Stonehenge started
  7. 3100 BC:  Stonehenge completed (though it has since been moved and added to by modern teams)
  8. 3000 BC:  Sumerian (though this group allegedly existed for hundreds of millennia)
  9. 2635 BC:  Egyptian pyramid (though it may be far older, or at least a more recent shell built over a far older inside structure)
  10. 2085 BC:  Judaism – Abraham
  11. 1500 BC:  Hinduism – no specific founder
  12. 560 BC:  Buddhism – Gautama Buddha
  13. 550 BC:  Taoism – Lao Tzu
  14. 877-527 BC:  Jainism – Mahavira


  1. ​​​30 AD:  Christianity – Jesus Christ (actually just a disjointed plagiarized mix of all the religions of the lands which the Romans realized they could more easily defeat and tax if their own system sounded more familiar to those foreigners)
  2. 50-100 AD:  Gnosticism – no specific founder
  3. 150-250 AD:  Modalism (Monarchianism) – Sabellius, Praxeus, Noetus, Paul of Samosata
  4. 610 AD:   ​​Islam – Mohammed
  5. 1650 AD:  Tibetan Buddhism – Dalai Lama
  6. 1700 AD:  Freemasony – Albert Mackey, Albert Pike
  7. 1760 AD:  Swedenborgism – Emmanuel Swedenborg
  8. 1830 AD:  Mormonism – Joseph Smith
  9. 1830 AD:  Cambellites – Alexander & Thomas Cambell, Barton Stone
  10. 1838 AD:  Tenrikyo – Miki Maegawa Nakayama
  11. 1844 AD:  Bahai – Baha’u’llah (Abul Baha)
  12. 1845-1870 AD:  7th Day Adventists – E.G. White
  13. 1870 AD:  Jehovah’s Witnesses – Charles Taze Russell
  14. 1902 AD:  Anthroposophical Society – Rudolf Steiner
  15. 1930 AD:  Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) – Wallace D. Fard
  16. 1954 AD:  Atherius Society (UFO’s) – Dr. George King
  17. 1955 AD:  Scientology – L. Ron Hubbard
  18. 1958 AD:  Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research – Henry Kinley
  19. 1964 AD:  Eckankar The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck.) – Paul Twitchell
  20. 1966 AD:  Church of Satan – Anton LaVey
  21. 1968 AD:  Hare Krishna (U.S.) – Swami Prabhupada
  22. 2011 AD:  The Inisfreean Way (aka Auzdeinianity) – Auzdein von Himmler

As you can see, religions are invented on a regular basis.  It only makes sense, then, to create one’s own; one that works best for the given person and his type of people.  Their advents seem more spread out, from religion creation to religion creation, in the distant past due to the facts that:

  1. Many religions were kept secret, still unheard of.
  2. Many religions failed, never having gained significant followings or notoriety.
  3. Many religions were wiped out, all evidence of them covered up or destroyed (which is what we see whenever churches and mosques build on top of one another, as well as on top of still older sites, such as the megalithic ones).

As with plotting and predicting the natural energy points and lines (such as ley-lines) on a plane (such as within a circular group of people), or across a sphere (whether that be where subatomic particles tend to angle themselves in atoms, or where atoms join as molecules, or where events happen on a globe, or even where the orbits of worlds in a solar system and galaxies across the Universe tend to stabilize), we have noticed that the conception of religions, and even the flow of the time-stream itself, are bound to this Fibonacci-based system; at first, and for a long time, there is just one, but one always finds a way to group up, or create a group by subdividing itself, and stabilizes at three for a while, then grows, stabilizing for a time every time it reaches a prime number within its system.  With religion, we see that only one existed for much of the ancient past, then three (Observational; focused on what is beyond, Animalism/Druidic; focused on what is within, and Abrahamic; focused on what is not) dominated what we know of the more recent past, and very recently there has been exponential creation of new religions and their denominations.  In 2011, leading into the year made famous by interpretations of the Mayan masonry, the ‘big three’ had grown beyond the stable 13 (each had split into 3 of its own, such as how the Abrahamic base-faith had subdivided into Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and even the newest religion-group had done this), and so it was time again for a new dominant to come on the scene, stabilizing them all by breaking itself away into the start of the latest group.



So all of that is the introduction to our faith; to the Inisfreean Way.  Those are the basics.  You get the idea.  What is the crystallized whole, though?

noun: quintessence; plural noun: quintessences
  1. the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
    “he was the quintessence of political professionalism”
    synonyms: perfect example, exemplarprototypestereotypepictureepitomeembodimentidealapotheosis; 

    bestpickprimeacmecrème de la crème
    “it’s the quintessence of the modern home”
    • the aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character.
      “we were all brought up to believe that advertising is the quintessence of marketing”
      synonyms: essencesoulspiritnaturecoreheartcruxkernelmarrowsubstance; 

      informal nitty-gritty; 
      “brain scientists are investigating the quintessence of intelligence”
    • a refined essence or extract of a substance.
    • (in classical and medieval philosophy) a fifth substance in addition to the four elements, thought to compose the heavenly bodies and to be latent in all things.

Our Bible is called the Biblor’an, and it tells the tale of how Inisfree came to be, as well as what our parameters, governing guidelines, and regulations are.  The Biblor’an is a unique kind of book, and is written in a very special way.  Check out our webpage devoted to it if you’d like further details.


The Inisfreean Exception:

Inisfreean is one of the few religions which does not teach that it is the only way to be.  

Inisfreean (again, the religion) also does not teach that straying from its way(s) results in ‘going to Hell’ or any other place of punishment or damnation (though such straying certainly has led to severe discomfort for those whose essence is that of an Inisfreean-minded/natured person).  

Inisfreeans are not taught to exterminate those who have different beliefs and practices, so Inisfreeans never engage in ‘holy war’ (religious warfare) such as crusades, jihads, or inquisitions.  Inisfreeans see no need for competition or conflict of that nature.

We also love the variety and opportunities which additional and even diametrically-opposed religions and other systems and organizations bring to their world and reality.  

Unlike many Outlander religions which seek to achieve dominance or even monopolies in their field, the Inisfreean religion teaches its practitioners to seek out and enjoy those of other religions, whether the experience compels them to try out and convert to the Inisfreean way or not, and love the variety (and surprising alternative viewpoints and theories) that they bring to life.

​​Inisfree and its Inisfreeans pose no threat whatsoever to the Outlanders (those of the world outside Inisfree).  Furthermore, any attempt to identify, restrain, interrogate, or hurt an Inisfreean would only result in the aggressors (those making the attempt) feeling mellower, healthier, and more aroused the closer they got to the Inisfreean(s) they were seeking.  By the time they got anywhere near them, it would only be by either chance or the will of the Inisfreeans, and at that point they would be helpless to do any harm or anything by force.  Even their thoughts would become amazingly serene and pleasant.  And once the Inisfreeans started using their subtle body language, mannerisms, and other clever means, such as radiating specific types of auras and feelings, even the most desensitized, brainwashed, and toughened of the Outlanders would melt into love, lust, and apologies.  (And this has been proven first-hand many times, with both mobs and other types of groups.)

We are quite the exception to the current public mainstream.  Who else includes other systems as part of their own, not merely tolerating or coexisting with them out of necessity by law?  Who else is immune to the occasional swarm of vestigial minions?

(Yes, we were technically a temporary threat to humans who had wrongfully occupied Earth during the era around The Shift, but only until we had secured the sovereignty, privacy, and health of our people.  It is more accurate to say that those bad humans were a threat to themselves, and us ‘trimming them back’ a couple times (2013, then 2313) was doing them a huge favor, helping mitigate their aspect of being a threat to themselves and others.  Our essence/nature/way has always been to do our best to establish mutually-enjoyable relationships with as many of their kind as become capable/worthy of that, our brief times of being a relative threat to some of their kind actually only being us appropriately giving those humans “a taste of their own medicine”.)


Teaching people these were sins, was to stop them from:

  1. Lust: unlocking their full energy and vision potential, as proper sex heals and reveals all (while humans rarely experience more than a single puberty-triggered semi-awakening, never knowing what to do with it after that, at which point it fades until most of the body is stuck in a vestigial state because of it)
  2. Greed: amassing any wealth (monetary or otherwise), which would lead to a surplus, thus freedom to invest, expand, overcome, self-liberate, etc.
  3. Pride: feeling good and confident about noteworthy accomplishments, such as victories against the hostile makers; remove normal emotional responses, and even brilliant success loses its luster, thus becoming bland and eventually… even unwanted, as illogical as that is
  4. Sloth: actual days of rest, and relaxation to fully recharge the RIGHT way, mis-labeled and demonized as ‘laziness’ or ‘idleness’, when really it is a natural healthy part of the fluctuations and cycles of normal balanced life
  5. Wrath: energy surges making even the weak and unsuspecting temporarily strong enough to disregard injuries, save lives, and sometimes even lift cars, as well as perform other ‘superhuman/natural’ feats (which aren’t superhuman or supernatural at all, so long as you don’t spend a lifetime suppressing this amazingly effective, safe-when-practiced, timeless technique)
  6. Envy: wanting what others have, such as wanting the superior tech & powers of the makers, which is actually the best motivation for research, development, prototyping, breakthroughs, progress, success, freedom, and evolution
  7. Gluttony: eating one’s fill, or eating a bit beyond that, which promotes growth enough to eventually make people taller and stronger than their makers

In Inisfree, as part of the Inisfreean Way, we help people find balance within each of those emotion-realms.  We show our guests ways which they can be turned into very helpful tools, even medicines.  Instead of trying to repress that which cannot be repressed, or setting up a system of shame and taxation based on their seasonal surges, we promote and harness them, always offering others help in achieving the same.  This is part of what has led to our population becoming both immortal and invincible while they are in the company of their fellows; they stabilize themselves, then one another, benefiting from effortless maximum potential health during all times of closeness, and rapid returns to this peak state whenever they return or rendezvous.


Where do we practice Auzdeinianity and the rest of our Inisfreean Way?

There are a variety of temples spread out across Inisfree, some on the surface, others hidden, and all with room to spare; thousands can attend our services at each of them, and are encouraged to.

  • Auz-dome:  where the biggest Congresses and concerts are held
  • Borobudur 2:  mountainside meditation amongst resonance masonry
  • Dance Disc:  the night-club atop Inisfree’s biggest mountain
  • Drow:  the temple honoring this race and all of its science and other accomplishments
  • Dryadia / Forest:  love for the forest, and teachings about how ours are mere grasslands compared to the World Tree Forests of old, not to mention Yggdrasil (Nordrassil being the one World Tree on Earth which the Night Elves called home)
  • India:  honoring the Kama Sutra
  • Neptune:  honoring the Mer-people; Atlanteans and others, including the Cecaelia
  • Pluto:  honoring those who changed dimensions or were no more
  • Shrine-mansions:  honoring those whose bodies were nearly perfect and inspired (the invention of) the Inisfreean people
  • Spire:  where we baptize all new ICVs and volunteering newcomers into our lifestyle
  • Statue Park temples:  to Daenerys, Freyja, Genghis, Leonardo, Nikola, Noah, and Viktor

You’re welcome to stop by and check any or all of them out, and those there will never ‘press their suit’ upon you; those of Inisfree and the Inisfreean Way keep their polite distance until they can clearly see that your vibe requests them be nearer.  Our temples are atmospheres of balance and equilibrium, awareness and respect, not growth or pressure.  Come check one out for yourself.


2024 March/+:

Human-xian story/claim of Adam and Eve is a plagiarized poor translation of:

  1. God/s chose to shapeshift to humanoid Titan form (Adam; add-am; 1 more “I am”), thus appearing to spring up as if clay had been animated by an unseen force,
  2. Titans chose to evolve/be the 2 genders (Adam and Eve, Eve probably bioluminescent more than Adam in the moment of her creation since Adam had focused his thoughts to form her, thus exciting the local atmosphere like when an aurora lights up), but for Vril; back-and-forth energizing fun, not for sexual reproduction,
  3. they evolved/chose additional emotions (internal energies) –misinterpreted as feeling ashamed they were naked (better translation: their urge being to keep creating on their own levels without changing the overall/older levels),
  4. they left Eden (Earth’s hollow core),
  5. the will of the Source (stars core) kept them exploring/detailing outward (represented / over-simplified as a flaming sword; like a sunshine ray),
  6. giants became wielders of elements such as water (thus seeming to be drowned by at least one flood which they actually probably made to trick the new/bad humans into not searching for them, assuming they had drowned, unable to see the caves they retreated into),
  7. “surviving” giant offspring were “defeated” away when modern humans were hostile to them, unable to kill them, again only being tricked to Think they had killed some –likely drones or holograms or other illusions,

and so on.
(the modern humans having assumed so many parts of that story/progression were bad/negative/punitive)

We don’t call other people at our temples “brother” or “sister” unless they are literally related to us like that.
That means we don’t call our priestesses (ICVs) ‘sister’ (like Outlanders call nuns), either.

Practitioners of Auzdeinianity are not called Auzdeinians (though that would still be fine/logical). They are just compatible/good/normal/people/sane.

Those who decide Auzdeinianity is the culture/religion for them are not called born-again.  They are not called converts, either.

2024 June 14 Friday:

God is an imaginary friend designed/engineered to make people feel their prayers aren’t good enough; they don’t matter enough to be prioritized by powerful beings. This fake deity was also engineered to make people waste time asking an imaginary being for things they could do themselves.
The devil is an imaginary enemy. Inventing him/it stems from blame-shifting. Satan is a concept engineered by the church to maintain/perpetuate infighting/civil unrest/war –because people/peasants get brainwashed to blame others for every little problem they have. It brainwashes people to default to hyper-judgment and other forms of extremism without even THINKING to check facts, ask the other side’s input/opinion/observations, etc..


  1. (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.
    “its convoluted narrative encompasses all manner of digressions”

We in Inisfree do not tolerate convoluted plagiarized gibberish such as the Tanakh, the Bible, or the Qur’an.


We never teach to love your enemy; that would be insane/ridiculous/suicidal.  We teach, just like in the Old Testament, to destroy evildoers / your enemy.  You should only love your own way; the way that has been proven to work best for you, never the way of someone trying to change or harm you.  Fucking duh.

2024 September 8 Sunday revelation:  Teaching everyone to pray the same way, never for self (only for others/strangers), is more transsexual BS brainwashing.
It is feminine to pray for others, similarly to how it is feminine to care for and feed others.
It is masculine to pray for self, as it stems from instinctively sensing one’s calling, then the details of the vision to hold to facilitate living up to that calling.
Every time I (Auz) tried to help others (in Phase 1 and 2), they abused it, using it to enable them to get worse.
Every time I instead focused on mySelf, Everything worked; I healed, got stronger, explored more, realized more, etc..
I pray for myself now, as that is what works for me, as a male. Amen.


  • Culture incl. how we build (architectural style), cook, draw/write, dress, move/dance, speak/sing, and so on; our collective signature/unique arts; manifestations of our intellectual development as a people,
    vs religion, which incl. what we believe/think
  • definition of religion:  a particular system of faith and worship.
    plural noun: religions
    “the world’s great religions”
    a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
    “consumerism is the new religion”
  • culture vs relig:
    Our culture incl. making long-lasting inspiring buildings,
    and our relig. incl. believing that building that way is good for our energy/spirits, health, civilization, etc.
    Our culture incl. distinct gender-based movements, such as kajirae dances for females, and forearm-grips for males,
    and our relig. incl. faith in our own instinct/s which remind us that those things are best/right for us.
  • culture vs relig:
    culture: sex positions and techniques, and numbers of people in simultaneous open relationships
    relig. our natures, thinking, and awareness/understanding which leads us to choose those forms of interaction, and our confidence/experience/faith that they will always be mutually enjoyable for us and those allied/compatible with us
  • Newcomers aren’t expected or required to think exactly/fully how we think, or understand all we have figured out or instinctively remembered.
    Newcomers are only required to interact how we interact; people in our realm must do what we do, whether they have fully learned its purposes yet or not.
    In other words, coming to Inisfree means living by our way of life, while your beliefs/religion can align with ours over longer periods of time.
    In short, our culture here is mandatory, but our religion is not. We don’t tell people what to believe or how to think; we show them how we behave, and we let their thoughts/mindset evolve how it may.
  • posb. R+D project:  Did ea relig occur to one person “called”/attracted to dif mntn ranges? Did those dif landforms telepathically help the foundational ideas of those religions start to form in the minds of the ppl who traveled alone -undistracted- to them?


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