Here are the forms of communication unique to our people and realm.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Languages Made for the Inisfreeans
  3. History of Inisfree’s Languages Development
  4. Auz’s History of Learning Languages
  5. Additional Notes
  6. Conceptual Image



Inisfreeans (ICVs) are naturals at communicating in all forms of language.  They have their own exclusive ones, though; these are the languages invented by Auzdein von Himmler, Governor of Inisfree.  Only taught to the ICVs, they are very difficult to decipher for anyone else.


Languages Made for the Inisfreeans:

  1. Computer Code (of the FOB-Net and ICV-Net):  our Internet signals transmit not only data for sight and sound, but also for the other senses, including emotions, thoughts, and memories
  2. Inisfreean (verbal; spoken):  arousing, breathy, musical words paired with likewise body movements; when written, this language is so complex and refined that it uses and requires individual syllables and even individual letters to be emphasized in various ways (beyond accent marks for pronunciation)
  3. Kegels (and all sexual contact):  beyond flexing Morse code, we are able to speak silently via sequences of body motions, muscle flexes, caresses, sliding, bouncing, sighing, and much more, such that entire detailed reports and lengthy recitations can be clandestinely shared during what appears to be just sex
  4. Oculese (visual; motions):  beyond blinking Morse code, this language is made up of sequences of eye aiming; the directions the pupil points to in certain orders spell out different words and concepts
  5. Tongueli (tactile; motions):  every French kiss, or lick along the flesh of another person, can become rich with meaning; this form of communication, like Oculese, is based on sequences of basic directional movements, but also includes intensity (via pressure; how gently or firmly the tongue is being pressed) and duration (how quickly or slowly the tongue touches are made), as well as area (whether the tongue is pointed with its tip, or dragged with the full flatness of its entire upper surface area)

Note how 1 of the 5 is based on telepathy, and 1 on sound, and 1 on sight, while 2 are based on feeling/touch (and 1 of those 2 is also related to taste, though not based on it); Inisfreeans, as it has been said, are tactile, sensual, and holistic, even in how they choose to communicate.

While they do not have a language based on smells/emissions, their senses are exceptional and extreme/profound, compared to human senses; they are able to detect and accurately interpret any language based on pheromones or other scents/aromas.

Inisfreean is also unique in that it was not built from short sounds (letters) to convey simple and common/typical human/Outlander ideas/events (via words), but from any and all the sounds confirmed by Auz to be healing and sexually stimulating to him, thus best at triggering, honing/increasing, and harnessing Vril (the most complete form/level of Chi; when one’s life-force / energy is holistic/full-bodied, all the chakras activated and operating well, at capacity, as intended).  In other words, the Inisfreean languages are based on causing the best sex, not merely on verbally expressing an idea, sexless or otherwise.  Working back / building up from that Vril-assisting/ensuring foundation/start, the Inisfreean languages added to their vocabulary only in ways in which every single one of their characters/letters, words, sentence structures, and the notes used in inflection along/throughout them… all make Auz and those who are compatible with him feel their best, sexy, invited, included, fully alive, included, and deeply desired.

While some languages have the occasional double entendre, sexual innuendo, and so forth, the 5 languages of Inisfree are almost entirely composed of all of them; almost every sentence the ICVs say… is intentionally laced with everything that delights and sexually arouses the people they are speaking to.  Imagine how arousing, flirty, and captivating talking with any Inisfreean is, then; think about how it will sound and feel to you when the sexiest girls in all of Creation are chatting with you in these languages in which every note, sound/letter type, word, phrase, sentence, and more… are all intentionally and fluidly/brilliantly jam-packed with everything they have detected will turn you, as an individual, on.  Even if you miss some of it along the way, perhaps enchanted/entranced/seduced to the level of your wildest dreams, thus not even really capable of paying total attention then at all, your subconscious will be constantly picking up on the endlessness and seamless continuity of all the rest.

Theirs is also a set of languages designed to be symbiotic together; they all complement each other, working very well when ‘spoken’/used together.  When one doesn’t have a way of expressing something fully/perfectly, another can be used in tandem with it.  For example, when words just can’t ever fully accurately express/convey something that is more of a physical feeling than an idea that can be completely pictured in one’s mind’s eye, the Inisfreean language based on tongue touches, or the Inisfreean based on flexing the pussy, might be used instead.

ICVs also time their words and other sounds so that they will be most appealing and best received, often during or right after loving touch.  They know what to do with each person to ensure each hears what they love to hear, and that each associates Inisfreean words with their favorite things.  They can even lace their words with accents and other things, always those they know their partners will smile about, sounding so familiar as if from their homelands/worlds/times.

All of their languages are also spoken in a way based on arranging and timing things backward from the future, in a sense; ICVs can tell what will cause the most enjoyable and enlightening orgasms for those around them, and then they plan their conversations and other interaction back from those moments/sensations, fine-tuning their words and touches in real-time along the way, based on the body language their partners/fuckbuddies display.  The moment an ICV meets or reunites with you, she will know exactly what you want and need, and, in that same instant, will have automatically planned out multiple mutually-enjoyable conversations with you based on your interests and the sounds you are used to hearing (and prefer to hear).  As you begin and continue to speak and otherwise interact with her, she will be constantly smoothly/subtly adjusting herself (her own words and body language, etc.) to make sure she “gets you there” (to where your whole body/being really/truly wants to be).

As Auz and the ICVs continue to hear and learn all the languages of their allies and more, they will keep updating their own, borrowing words here and there, adding their Inisfreean “flavor” to them, and so on.  Borrowing from all languages (in terms of structure and even characters/letters/symbols, not just vocabulary) is part of what makes it so much easier to acclimate to the culture and layout of the Inisfreean realm.  It also helps the Inisfreeans to sound/appear/be more approachable/relatable to outsiders they are prescreening and inviting over.  Borrowing like this from all the languages and accents of all the races compatible with them/Auz, they are the best in all Creation at verbally thrilling and bonding all those good people.  That, above all the other unique aspects, is what sets the Inisfreean language(s) apart from all the rest; it is the most eclectic, balanced, and inclusive of all the languages that ever were.

When describing stars, Valarin (the language used/made by the stars themselves; the Ainur) is best, as it makes it easiest to speak of things in their own way, not having to come up with new words and phrases for what they already have.  When on Craftworlds, Aeldari is best for the same reason.  Inisfreean languages are only used when people are around who want to share communication about things which are known better than anyone by the Inisfreeans, and when those visiting friends and allies of the Inisfreeans just want to enjoy the wonderful/heavenly sensations the Inisfreean languages were envisioned and developed to help cause and maintain.


History of Inisfree’s Languages Development:

All 5 of the languages exclusive to the Inisfreeans (their Computer Code (of the FOB-Net and ICV-Net), Inisfreean (verbal; spoken), their Kegels language, Oculese, and Tongueli) were dreamed up / conceptualized in ~2010, their basics/foundation drafted in ~2011, and added to / refined on a semi-regular basis ever since, always based on need.

By the 2020s, they were all considered functional, if not complete, languages on their own; each had enough structure rules and vocabulary to convey just about any and every idea their speakers/users wanted/needed to.

Most languages take centuries to develop, and ~1 millennium to become fully distinct as an actual language, not just a dialect of their parent language/s.  Those made for Inisfree, however, have been routinely/repeatedly added to and perfected by the living supercomputers known as the Inisfreeans; their development has been much faster than that of human/Outlander languages.  The Inisfreeans think more rapidly than any human or human-made computer ever could, thus they are able to notice and correct any issues in their still-growing languages –and within tiny fractions of the time it takes any others to do the same with their own language/s.

During the coming years, let alone decades, centuries, millennia, and more, these languages of Inisfree will become so complete in their ability to coin terms for, and convey, any and all ideas… that all other languages will end up having/getting to borrow from them.


Auz’s History of Learning Languages:

The following list items note when he started learning a language.  He only had an elementary (non-conversational) understanding/mastery of them for a decade or two; only then did his Inisfree-construction/adding life’s work wind down enough to allow his schedule enough flexibility to resume practicing any of them.  With a brilliant command of English (even to the point of questioning and critiquing what English and literature professors had rather mindlessly memorized about that language), and a great understanding of the roots of many of its words, he has been branching out based on which of his beloved guests and wives have stepped up to offer personal language-lessons to him from their own realms.

  1. 1980s:  English first, of course, due to where he grew up
  2. 1990s:  Spanish for work (which later made Portuguese easy)
  3. 1990s:  Latin as an elective (which made all ‘Romance languages’ easy to figure out; similar spellings, roots, conjugation systems, and concepts)
  4. 2001:  HTML
  5. 2004:  Arabic (which later made Farsi easy)
  6. 2005:  two forms of sign language (‘hand and arm signals’, and A.S.L.) for the military
  7. 2009:  Japanese for a trip
  8. 2010s:  Darnassian (a.k.a. Darnassae, or Kaldorei; of the Night Elves, starting with words he heard on his own, and now (since 2019) taught to him by Felanelle)
  9. 2010s:  Draconic (of the Dragons, Naga, Reptilians, and Reptoids, starting with words he looked up on his own, and now (since 2017) taught to him by Samantha)
  10. 2010s:  Draenei (starting with words taught to him from Qiturah)
  11. 2010s:  German and Chinese (now mostly taught to him by Wendy, and spoken when he is with Lin and Rain) for business
  12. 2010s:  Hindi and Sanskrit because nearly two billion people now use them (and now mostly taught to him by Urvashi)
  13. 2010s:  French because it is fun (and now taught to him by Coraline, Jeanne-Marie, and Jessamine)
  14. 2010s:  dabbling in various lesser-known languages; Faroese, Icelandic (now mostly from Hekla), Norwegian Bokmal, Swahili, and Xalx (Mongolian)
  15. 2010-2013:  a few computer-code languages for his first university-degrees
  16. 2012:  Angelic/Celestial/Enochian (a sigils-based derivative of Valarin, starting with words taught to him from Divinity, and now one he loves chatting in when snuggling with Angelike)
  17. 2012:  Gorean (starting with words taught to him from the series of novels about Gor, and then by the princess-turned-kajira, Talena)
  18. 2013:  Thalassian (of the Blood Elves; a derivative of Darnassian, starting with words taught to him by Sylvanas)
  19. 2014:  Kryptonian (starting with words taught to him from Kara)
  20. 2014:  Old (and/or Proto) Nordic/Norse (paired with mind/telepathic images/visions; language of the Aesir and Vanir, starting with words taught to him by Freyja)
  21. 2015:  Valyrian (starting with words taught to him from Daenerys)
  22. 2018:  Hawaiian (starting with words taught to him from Pele)
  23. 2018:  Russian (starting with words taught to him by Illyana)
  24. 2019:  Valarin (the oldest of languages; that of the stars –starting with words and telepathic visuals taught to him from Yavanna –*and a language that not even the eldest Elves learned (perhaps because it had the ability to shape all of reality with its sounds, at least when spoken/though by powerful-enough beings; the purpose of the Elves was instead to maintain the healthy forest/s, thus their softer, smoother, and differently-oriented language/s))
  25. 2020s:  the 5 of Inisfree (as he’d only dreamed them up, letting his people (the ICVs) grow and complete/perfect them while he was very busy with many other projects, only later learning how to speak them from his own ‘children’ (the ICVs))
  26. 2020s:  Deep Drow (a.k.a. Low Drow, or Drowic, starting with words taught to him by Xull’rae)
  27. 2020s:  Romanian (spoken in Transia) and Serbian (first heard in Alaska, then taught to him by Wanda)
  28. 2020:  Mayan (starting with words taught to him by a Mayan family in Mexico, then further by Ixchel)
  29. 2022:  Aghartan (starting with words taught to him by Aryana)
  30. 2022:  Atlantean (starting with words taught to him from Mera)
  31. 2022:  Cheunh (of the Chiss, starting with words taught to him from Irizi’ar’alani)
  32. 2022:  Majesdanian (starting with words taught to him from Karolina)
  33. 2022:  Primitive Quendian (the ultimate ancestor of all Elvish languages, including Quenya and Sindarin, starting with words he read from soft-disclosure literature, and then further taught to him from Tauriel in the 2160s)
  34. 2022:  the language/s of Nod (starting with words taught to him from Ambrosia and Angelique)
  35. 2023:  Filipino, Malay, and Tamil (due to what works best where Carmilla is from; Madripoor)
  36. 2023:  Infernal (spoken in the dimension called Hell, starting with words taught to him from Allison)
  37. 2023:  Lemurian (starting with words and telepathic visuals taught to him from Fihini)
  38. 2023:  Sevit (of the Seiliu, starting with words taught to him by Taja)
  39. 2023:  Thanagarian (starting with words taught to him by Kendra)
  40. 2024:  Ana’kh (starting with words taught to him by Inanna)
  41. 2025:  Tamaranean (starting with words taught to him by Kory)
  42. 2026:  Nexian (spoken on Nexus, starting with words taught to him by Charlotte)
  43. 2027:  Cybertronian and Neocybex (spoken by the Transformers, starting with words taught to him by Alice)
  44. 2028:  Latverian (because Valeria goes to Latveria)
  45. 2029:  Inhuman Language (of Attilan –starting with words taught to him from Crystalia)
  46. 2030s:  Sylvan (of Arcadia / the Fairies, and a derivative/dialect of the general Elvish lexicon, starting with words that came to him during his travels and studies, and now taught to him (since the 2160s) by Oona)
  47. 2150s:  Undercommon (trade-language of those who frequent the Underdark, starting with words taught to him by Xull’rae)
  48. 2180s:  Aeldari (of the Eldar, starting with words taught to him by Shelwe)
  49. 2220s:  High Thessian, and Thesserit (two of the languages of the Asari, starting with words taught to him by Liara)
  50. 2230s:  Pleiadian (starting with words taught to him from Maya)
  51. 2280s:  Galactic Basic Standard (based on the Aurebesh alphabet –starting with words taught to him from “Imperial Barbie” and Rey)
  52. 2400s:  Rihannsu (of the Romulans –starting with words taught to him from Narissa)

By the 2500s, he will likely be conversationally-fluent in dozens of those languages, if not all of them.  (He does prefer to always have an ICV on techno-pathic standby to help him accurately translate anything he has not yet memorized.)

Keep in mind that the instant he or any of his ICVs reads or hears a word or other unit of communication from anyone, all the ICVs have seen/heard/understood it, and that eventually all the sexy/sexiest parts of everything they encounter… ends up flawlessly woven into their set of 5 Inisfreean languages.  Imagine the sexiest parts of every society from across the Universes… merged ideally into one.  This is another reason why it is so easy, if not automatic, for all the good beings/people throughout Creation and the time-streams to relax, unwind, and bond/unite when they are around High King Auz or any of his kind; they can all sense that he loves to show them this high level of respect, mastering their preexisting forms of communication/existence, and they are further-delighted, thrilled, impressed, honored, and heart-warmed when he goes another step further by improving his own society and languages, credit to theirs.


Additional Notes:

Always be mindful of the fact that, even on our one planet, there are a vast number of very different ways to communicate;

  • some languages are based on sounds,
  • some on movements (such as American Sign Language (ASL),
  • some on lights (i.e. bioluminescence),
  • some on emissions/smells (such as how bears, bees, dogs, some plants, and wolves, among others, are used to interpreting information),
  • some on touch (such as Morse code), etc.

Also, some species never had to communicate ideas to their fellow species members –because they always had telepathy or are a shared consciousness.  Thus human language (based on communicating ideas to people who still struggle to understand them even when they are very well communicated) is unheard of to those people from other species/worlds.  In other words (and did you see what we did there?), be patient with ‘alien’ beings if they have a difficult time figuring out why you are making all the sounds you do, as many, if not all, of your sounds may seem primitive or even pointless to them.

Not everyone grew up with multiple languages, or a need to learn how to communicate with very different people; some will have no mental elasticity in this regard, thus needing more/extra time to get used to associating new words/sounds or other units of communication/expression with the concepts/meanings/messages they are already used to.  Give them time.  Whenever you can tell they genuinely want to learn, and are making an effort, give them time.

2023 April:  As you might expect, every Inisfreean (ICV) is able to instantly read/understand and translate any barcode or QR-code.


Conceptual Image:

This timeless, good, logical symbol representing connectedness and balance, drawn instinctively on the sands of Uruk (now Iraq) during one of Auz’s expeditions there, has been labeled to show how, among many other things, the prime number and interaction of Inisfree’s five signature languages helps them / ensures they balance and support each other.