Do you want to breathe in the smell of the evergreens, and fall asleep under the stars and aurora, with a campfire crackling nearby?
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Dimensions & Layout
- Rules
- Special Features
- Popular Days to Come Here
- Novels Excerpt
- Locations (Images Begin)
- Layouts
- Glamp-sites
- Glampers & Concepts
- Presentations
- S’mores Pie
- Other Glamping-meal Faves of Auz
- Views and Art
- 2023 Update: 2022 Scale-model of Area/s in Minecraft
- 2024 June/+
Glamping is the term for “glamorous camping”; camp sites with a luxurious twist, and since just about everything in the entire Inisfreean realm is luxurious be default –and to the extreme, this is the standard form of camping in Inisfree.
Larger tents here come fully furnished with leather armchairs, hand-carved dining tables, Oriental rugs, and even chandeliers. They also include fancy desks and proper ‘facilities’. There are no porta-johns or outhouses like you might find at Outlander/human campsites elsewhere around the world.
Cutlery tends to be of electrum, and dishware of giant diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and other precious gemstones. You won’t find any plastic forks, knives, or spoons here. We also don’t use paper plates (because we don’t use paper; we don’t cut down trees).
Inisfreean girls form ‘human chairs’ (i.e. they get down on all fours, or otherwise lean and ‘weave’/interlace their arms and legs together, until their bodies have formed something you would be comfortable sitting and leaning back on), while still more Inisfreean girls are carried out on stretchers or gurneys as ‘living platters’ for the artisan presentations of most meals (nyotaimori; we serve (the cool and lukewarm contents/morsels of) our meals atop the naked bodies of flawlessly-sexy girls). Fan-girls and ‘fluffers’ (girls who are there just to help get/keep the men erect before/between sex) are also common at all Inisfreean glamp-sites, and if you see a girl passing by, and desire her, all you need do is snap your fingers, or even just think your desire, and she will happily hurry over to you –or be alerted and fetched by another of the Inisfreean girls.
As in all areas of Inisfree and the rest of our empire/realm, ICVs are always on patrol to assist, and kajirae are always making sure everything is perfectly clean and tidy –and all the campers’/guests’ sexual needs are met.
Inisfree is predominantly a nudist resort; almost every campsite here will have naked people walking around. (Don’t worry, though; only fit people are allowed in our realm –and only when we have confirmed they will like and get along with everyone else here.)
Dimensions & Layout:
Most Inisfreean glamps consist of an apartment-sized tent, usually one story (though some have lofts and observation or lookout decks), with furniture arranged as a combination of a master bedroom and living room. Some have bathtubs and jacuzzis built into them. All have detailed masonry encircling fire pits with iron grid domes and other aesthetic accessories.
To maintain dispersion, privacy, and quiet, each camps-cluster is at least one or two hundred feet away from all other glamps, and these camps are between 60 and 180 feet in diameter, so even when they are all full, there is still plenty of ‘personal space’ and ‘breathing room’ for everyone.
- ~60′-diameter (“small”) campsite = 2,827.43 sq.ft.; room to comfortably host up to 113 human-sized campers
- ~120′-diameter (“medium”) campsite = 11,309.73 sq.ft.; room to comfortably host up to 452 human-sized campers
- ~180′-diameter (“large”) campsite = 25,446.9 sq.ft.; room to comfortably host up to 1,017 human-sized campers
Dozens of these glamps run parallel to the outside borders of Inisfree’s main neighborhoods slope section; just on the other sides of the G.A.H. sections from the apartment complexes surrounding Waterfall City II. One can, however, find glamps in almost every region of Inisfree (excepting where our military trains, etc.).
- ~100 of our glamp-sites are on one side of the Apartments Array/Slope; ~33 small (farthest from the highway), ~33 medium, and ~33 large (closest to the highway) campsites in this group.
- Another ~100 of our glamp-sites are on the other side of the Apartments Array/Slope; ~33 small (farthest from the highway), ~33 medium, and ~33 large (closest to the highway) campsites in this group.
- Hundreds more glamp-sites are across the 100 square miles of our land within the square of the Perimeter Wall (always away from neighborhoods, work buildings, and other frequented attractions).
- All are our equivalent of highway rest-stops (which we otherwise do not have).
In the Summer of 2022, High King Auz decided to plan ahead; numerous Inisfreeans (ICVs) were tasked with adding enough campsites to handle the entire foreseen monthly residents-and-guests population “at capacity”; ~153,846,154 of the ~2,000,000,000 prophesied/foreseen allies/family of Inisfree in the 23000s, A.D., and beyond.
- If each of those 153,846,154 people were in Inisfree at the same time, wanting to camp at the same time, and wanting their own (individual) tents, they would each need a piece of campsite land ~10′ across (78.54 sq.ft.); 12,083,076,935.16 sq.ft. (153,846,154 x 78.54).
- Along the sides of our Apartments Array/Slope are ~66 small (186,610.38 total sq.ft.), ~66 medium (746,442.18 total sq.ft.), and ~66 large (1,679,495.4 total sq.ft.) campsites; 2,612,547.96 sq.ft. open/flat for camping/tents; room for 33,263 10′-diameter (78.54 sq.ft.) areas, IOW: room for 33,263 people camping on their own (individually).
- 153,846,154 – 33,263 = 153,812,891. (153,812,891 remaining campers) x (78.54 sq.ft.) = 12,080,464,459.14 sq.ft. still needed (in the event those remaining people all want to individually/separately camp one day. 12,080,464,459.14 sq.ft. would be provided by another 474,733 of our large-size glamp-sites, but that would require 433.327 square miles, and Inisfree only has 100 within its main wall –and most of those square miles are used/reserved for structures and activities other than camping/glamping.
- Roughly 17 square miles of meadows and other unused/undeveloped terrain has been made available to our residents for dispersed low-level camping; ~473,932,800 sq.ft. is the total from those areas which is now allowed to be camped in/on (and that makes room for 6,034,285 more individuals, if each of them wanted a ~10′-diameter (78.54 sq.ft.) campsite).
- Since almost everyone in Inisfree prefers to camp in groups and sleep snuggled up together, our 476,545,348 sq.ft. (2,612,548 + 473,932,800) of camping/glamping spaces/clearings actually results in enough room for ~19,061,814 of our residents/guests to camp/glamp in Inisfree.
- 153,846,154 (monthly guests “at capacity”) – 19,061,814 = 134,784,340 who may still want to camp. Most people only camp for a couple/few days at a time, though, so 153,846,154 / (9 3-day periods each Inisfreean month) = 17,094,017; Inisfree now has the capacity/campsites for up to ~19 million residents/guests, and will likely only need enough for ~17 million.
- If anyone in addition to that many still want to camp on certain days (such as special weekends like holidays), they can always go on one of our expeditions, or camp in any of our hundreds of thousands of Inisfree-like cities in Star-System Auzdein (SSA).
- As long as campers are not camping within ~200′ of any residence, office building, or a few other facilities/areas, they are free to camp outside our official/glamping sites (in any of the areas we have designated/zoned as being appropriate/suitable for camping).
- The Underway is now also available for camping (adding another ~1 square mile of places/space to camp) –though campers down there should be aware that camping inside most of its cave-annexes will result in the usual programmed activity/interaction with the animatronics in them.
A few standalone/isolated glamp-sites were also plotted (and still shown) on Inisfree’s first top-down map/s;
- 2 atop Alhazred Range
- 2 atop Cropland Ridge
- 4 in Devils Tower II
- 1 atop Mt. Olympus II (near the Wedding Wingsuiting jump-off point atop the Avalanche Wall)
2024 May update:
- There are little creeks/streams behind/near most of the tent-spots, easily jumped over while hiking, and numerous ponds (deep enough to sit in, but not dive into, and roughly the size (span) of an average room in a house).
- Trails (wide enough for hikers, but not off-road vehicles) connect all of the camping areas, but not all of the individual tent-spots. These trails serpentine (switchbacks) down the central mountain‘s slope, making for easy (non-technical) traversing.
2024 September:
- parking big enough for: up to motor-coach (camper/RV) at some, just car/truck at others, not (none are big enough for) mobile houses
- larger tents have coil-tubs (see vid linked below)
The guidelines for all campers here are pretty self-explanatory, and just about everyone who makes it to Inisfree already knows them by heart from other camping sites/adventures beyond.
Camp according to ‘universal’ good camping/camper practices;
- Don’t litter. (While you probably saw discarded beverage cans and cigarette butts at Outlands campsites, cigarettes and smokers are banned here, and even dropping a single piece of trash can be grounds for immediate deportation from Inisfree.)
- All trash must be packed out and properly recycled elsewhere.
- Only “relieve yourself” in proper toilets/’facilities’ whenever one is present at your campground. Otherwise, dig a 6″ hole to “deuce” in, then bury/cover it.
- Use the obvious (marked) trails (i.e. no trailblazing/bushwhacking).
- Be silent during sleeping hours (~10 PM to 6 AM); no talking outside or any music.
- Only make fires the way we approve of here. How do we make fires in Inisfree? We never fell trees or even gather fallen wood/leaves, not even for kindling (because we are focused on building up the humus on our terrain); fires are started either magically or with 3D-printed combustible materials, and always only in official firepits, to be monitored every moment there is any fire at all in one, and doused before leaving its immediate vicinity.
That said, there is always pre-staged kindling and stacked log-like items for our campers to use. - Camping can be done in many places, not just these glamp-sites, but always ask a nearby ICV first.
- Setting up a tent is only allowed at designated campsites.
- You can sleep in your personal vehicle at any rest stop.
- Parking spaces in front of restaurants and other places of daily business are for brief/customer parking only.
- The only tents allowed on the summit plateau are the polar pyramid tents used for training students based out of the Overhang Base.
- If you need to shower, nearly anyone will let you use their shower for free, and you can always use a shower in a habitation-annex of any public-use underground storage-silo.
- Campfires should be within firepits, and not taller than a foot above the firepit rim, never threatening to cause a forest fire.
- No throwing rocks, not even pebbles; the slope is such that a tumbling stone could gain momentum and really scare or smack someone downhill.
- Limit your camping to 14 days per site/spot, and you can only ‘hold’ (reserve/occupy) a spot if your tent and/or vehicle is/are there.
- Pets (kajirae) should be kept on a leash unless everyone at that campground/site is fine with them being off leash. (If everyone at your campsite is fine with your group’s kajira/ae being off-leash, you can unleash her/them as long as they stay at your site, but your kajirae should only venture anywhere else at your campground (adjacent campsites in the same area/turnoff) after you have confirmed with your “neighboring” fellow campers that they like your kajira/ae and are fine with them roaming off-leash into their sites.)
Special Features:
Glamps are, perhaps, the best-smelling constructs in all of Inisfree, for it is not just their bed-sheets which are air-dried in the Antarctic sunlight, becoming scented by the wildflower breezes before they are brought back in and neatly re-applied to their beds. Every part of a glamp experiences this aromatic enhancing effect, as it is very easy for that wildflower scent-laced air to permeate and bond with all of these glamps’ bed-sheets-like tent tops and walls, and everything in and around them.
There are now hundreds of these luxurious camping sites all across Inisfree. Their number is set now; our city has just the right amount. None shall be added nor removed.
This is the only place in Inisfree where s’mores pie is made and served regularly. It isn’t even produced or offered in our Desserts Dirigible (which makes just about everything else, as far as desserts go). As always, it is 100% vegan and made with only local (Inisfree-grown) ingredients.
You will often find the Emperor (a.k.a. the Governor, or the High King) enjoying his pull-ups and muscle-ups on the lightly swaying branches of the many trees and Ents of Inisfree, most commonly upon those near the the Avalanche Ring Wall; the Sequoias and Redwoods. There are no laws against this, nor will any Inisfreean ever caution you about safety or legal concerns. If you see a worthy tree, do a pull-up on it!
2024 May note: It is not possible for bugs, critters, or carnivores to exist in our realm. That means zero mosquitos, zero gnats, zero ticks, zero fleas, zero parasites, zero spiders, zero centipedes, zero snakes, etc.. The only bug-sized creatures here are Fairies. Also, your skin while in Inisfree becomes impenetrable, so nothing could sting you or suck your blood, anyway.
Popular Days to Come Here:
Month 7: Auzdein (New All-father)
Week 4
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponding to Jul. 9: Picnics
Month 8: Shakira (Dance & Fusion)
Week 3
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), corresponding to Aug. 5: Camp/bonfires
See our calendar for further details/holidays.
Novels Excerpt:
From that bakery he walked with her into one of the ‘glamp-sites’; a ‘glamorous camp’. Glamping was the kind of camping where the campers brought a lot of creature comforts with them. A glamp tent was similar to a yurt, in that it had so many nice things that came with it, but was not so much like a proper nomadic home; it was more for those intending to spend only a weekend or half-week in one, though those accustomed to the outdoors life would surely find it just as livable.
These images show 1) original areas where some camping was allowed, 2) the expanded official glamp-sites area(s), and 3) the rest of Inisfree (all other (non-official) areas) where camping is now, as of 2022, allowed.
This cropped zoom-in on one side of the Apartments Array shows how each of the campground areas (indicated by 4 purple squares around a non-purple square) might be split up into roads/paths and individual-tent campsites, and how some campsites of course will be significantly bigger/smaller than others, based on the local topography.
Glampers & Concepts:
This is Inisfree; we love making artistic creations with our healthy food. Here, more than anywhere else in our realm, the most-often carved/modified food is, of course, the watermelon; it is such a big and sturdy ‘canvas’ to work with.
S’mores Pie:
Other Glamping-meal Faves of Auz:
Views and Art:
2023 Update: 2022 Scale-model of Area/s in Minecraft
Campgrounds are not marked by a Minecraft block in this model. Just picture them being roughly every other altitude/level of blocks, spread out about the same; one block of space between them at this scale.
2024 June/+:
If you “go camping” but stay in your vehicle, you are vehicle-ing, or camper-ing, not camping; camping requires a campsite, whether setting one up yourself or using a pre-made one. There’s nothing wrong with vehicle-ing. Just know and use accurate terms for what you are planning; that others know what to expect. Sure, technically, a campsite doesn’t necessarily mean a tent, but you get what we are saying here.
2024 June 9 Sunday: General ‘rule’: Don’t attach cables, cords, or ropes to anything (such as when tying up a tarp connected to a tree trunk); if it is part of nature out at these sites, you can be beside it, but not attached to it. Long straps that can wrap around tree trunks might be okay, but anything that ties tiny tight knots difficult to undo are usually ‘frowned upon’.
simple campsite along the banks of the Disc Pond:
2024 September:
- ALL these sites: almost identical to Shadow mntn’s “forest-rd 30340” campsites/campgrounds; in terms of access (winding 2-wide road, but never bumpy/rocky), clustering (~3 camping spots for tents around a loop / cul-de-sac), landscaping (white-bark yellow-leaves and red-plants which were signature to the Blood Elves’ area/zone in WoW), etc.
–and exactly like spot “1” (2nd up from flatlands, but flat-floppy-signpost labeled “1”) into Curtis Canyon - sign on logs as barriers to leave, no burn; some felled and delimbed trees anchored/laid to prevent vehicles from driving onto places reserved for tents
- sign about digging a 6″-deep hole AT LEAST 100′ away from any tent-area; for pooping into; bury your waste if you are not going to pack it out
- How each campsite is labeled/marked: 1st by the region it is in,
then the nearest ‘hood,
then a number, with “1” on a campsite-entry sign meaning that site/campground (group of campsites) is the lowest, just like when numbering bldg floors,
and finally how many parking/tent spots per named/marked; 1/+ letters (e.g. “ABCD”; 4 campsites, starting with spot “A” nearest the entrance/trail),
thus the sign you might see at the start of the dirt road/path to a campground alongside the Apartments region/’hood, with 3 spots to camp in it, would have something like “Apartments Area, 2ABC” (if the 2nd lowest campground of this group/area) on it. - Mail cannot be delivered to campsites, even though they have this addresses system. We do not let ICVs carry/drive letters/packages to our campgrounds. Such items get deposited in safe-keeping / mailboxes / mail-slots at main residences and office receptionists.
- All our campsites are monitored ’round the clock, so we can always tell you which have vacancies or issues. You can reserve one via the FOB-Net. All our campsites can be reserved; none are “dispersed”.
- All are open year-round; none get closed/gated/locked.
- Typically it is the bigger/wider campgrounds (which have the most campsites) which have a toilets bldg. –and none are BTB.
2024 October:
- no dej: Every campground, not campsite, has a usage post, and campground toilet-shacks always have a gloryhole. It is considered best manners to have 1, if not all, of the sexy girls in your camping group (whether kajirae or free) serve for 1hr per girl at both the post and the gloryhole, but no one will pressure you to do this, such as if you are just briefly checking out a campsite, or anytime you prefer to be private/romantic/solo with your females. Typically, all females in Inisfree love doing these duties, and will enjoy a game of “rock, paper, scissors” to decide who gets to be chained to the post, or assigned to the gloryhole, first. Good masters always let heavily-used girls nap (in private, unseen; in the master’s camper/tent/vehicle) as long as they naturally need right after their respective hour/s of usage.
Also see:
- comical: horse looking through tent
- harvesting peat, smokeless –As of 2024 July, our forces/troops deployed to the Outlands can now help trees by breaking off their dead branches/twigs, returning those as kindling/firewood to our realm. Those ICVs can also gather fallen pinecones, pine needles, and so on (though our aircraft/vessels can portal such into their cargo bays / storage containers, not needing ICVs to go out and pick them up; Inisfree now has normal firewood available.
- campfire-heated coil tub
- floating campsites (being considered

- New Dawn (Edit) – by William Aura – for meadows, greenbelts, Taja, shires, earthships, glamp, ryok, cabin