Inisfree has numerous parking lots which move.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Function
  3. Repulsines and Clamps
  4. Manual Control
  5. 2021 Update:  Dimensions & Layout
  6. 2022 Update:  Vacancies & Reservations
  7. Overhead Appearance (Images Begin)
  8. Map
  9. Layout
  10. On the Pavement
  11. Features
  12. Fun
  13. 2024 June/+



These are parking panels for many vehicles, and they rotate around so everyone can stay in their cars while they watch the Street Race ‘packs’ of cars or motorcycles speeding by below (via the underpasses beneath these moving parking lots).  This is Inisfree.  We innovate with just about everything.



Inisfreean construction materials are bar-none the best across Creation, and those that comprise these mobile parking lots are no exception; their strength and durability allow them to lift up entire parking lots and maneuver them as easily as a person controls his or her own arm.  Called ‘Stadium-seat Buildings’ (due to the fact that they are basically just buildings built to support stadium-style seating for the viewing of passing traffic and other major events), these parking-lot-like platforms automatically rise up on the giant robotic arms that support them, rotating slowly and steadily around whenever a ‘pack’ of approaching race-cars nears the overpass these Stadium-seat Buildings are perched atop.  Settling back down after this 180° rotation (which gives the borders and edges of these platforms clearance to spin without obstruction), the robotic arms become once again tucked back away; hidden under these platforms until the detected approach of another group of racers triggers them to rotate in the best direction for further viewing.  This means that they face the direction of the oncoming race-cars, then rotate 180° to face the departing tail-ends of those race-cars until they are out of sight, then rotate back (again, 180°) to be ready to see those same race-cars coming back into view (after they lap the city, Inisfree).

*The duration of this function, i.e. how long it takes to complete one full 180° turn/repositioning is:  10 seconds (which includes the time it takes for them to raise/rise slightly, as well as the time it takes for them to be lowered that same distance back down after the turn/half-rotation).

2023 December note:  These work well as rest areas when not during the street races.


Repulsines and Clamps:

While vehicles are parked atop these mobile platforms, two forms of technology keep them firmly secured and anchored down upon the non-skid surface of their parking spaces.

  1. The first are their repulsines; electromagnetic engines inside gyroscopes, working with a magnetosphere to hover, fly, and otherwise maneuver or hold themselves precisely in place.
  2. The second are the automated hubcap clamps which biomechanically form, rising up from the sides of each parking space to align perfectly with the hubcaps of the vehicle occupying each space, getting a firm grip of them by their lug-nuts (or other, equally useful ‘nodes’), and functioning similarly to how tire-clamps used by Outlander police do.

When a 180° rotation is imminent, both of these securing technologies are activated, and people on this mobile platform are given ample warning to prepare their stances and other things for the rise, spin, and lowering.  When the race is over and no more rotations of these platforms will occur, the clamps disengage and ‘ooze’ (un-form) back down into the parking space surfaces from which they came.  Meanwhile, each vehicles repulsines remain on, but no longer to keep the vehicle from moving off of its parking space; the repulsines are now used to propel it, friction-free, over the platform’s surface –as well as the rest of the GAH (our Glowing Art Highway).


Manual Control:

When accompanied by the Governor of this city, one may enjoy the thrills of being in their own vehicle -acting as a roller-coaster car- while riding on one of these Stadium-seats Building.  The ‘by-mind’ interface that the Governor enjoys with every construct in the entire Inisfreean realm allows him to take control of these things and maneuver or otherwise adjust them at will.  Also, instead of being buckled into one’s own vehicle during leisurely use of this mobile-platform attraction, one may also buckle in to any of its park-style benches or individual seats (cushioned recliners with multiple massage options) for an open-air, vehicle-free experience of the same impressive parking-lot motions.


2021 Update:  Dimensions & Layout

There are 19 of these special moving parking lots, each one mile away from the others, all of them along three of the four sections of our highway system nearest our perimeter wall.  Those sections are:

  1. from the Luxor II hotel… to the tail of the Highway Sphinx
  2. from the Luxor II hotel… to the Civilian Aerospaceport
  3. from the Civilian Aerospaceport… to the MKM Distribution facility

Each of them has 42 x 12 spaces; room for 504 personal automobiles (or ~10x that many motorcycles).  That means a chance for 504 to 5,040 people to park and spectate from each of these parking lots.  (And testing led us to conclude that this was the easiest/safest number of vehicles/people to have on a platform that moves in this way; this would still work even if all their Repulsines and other safety devices did not work properly; they would still experience a manageable G-force during the parking-lot rotation/s.)

Individual parking-spaces in/on these parking-lots are all big enough for a luxury pickup truck or van.  The spaces are also bordered by miniature greenbelts of landscaping, not just painted white lines.  Between each two parallel rows of spaces is a landscaped median with a standard-height curb; this tasteful barrier is here to make it far less likely that any two vehicles will/could ever accidentally back out of their respective spaces at angles that might intersect/collide.

  • space(s) = 10′ wide (W) x 20′ ‘deep’ (D)
  • border/greenbelt/landscaping = 2′ wide
  • driving space(s) between/to the parking-spaces = 15′ wide; slightly wider than a standard Outlands street lane
  • lot = 420′ W x 420′ D
    [(42 spaces x 10′ wide) + (12 rows x 20′ ‘deep’ + 12 lanes to/along those rows; 1 lane per row… x 15′ wide)]
    130′ x (240′ + 180′)
    420′ x 420′

Because there are only normal-size parking-spaces here, mobile-houses are not allowed.


2022 Update:  Vacancies & Reservations

You can now check parking-lot vacancies and make parking-space reservations via the FOB-Net.  All vehicles in Inisfree are ‘smart’-vehicles, and they will know not to drive into or park in/on a parking-space which has been reserved.  ICVs on patrol, such as our city’s police officers, will also assist.


Overhead Appearance:



On the Pavement:



2024 June/+:

504 personal automobiles x avg. weight of such (4,300 lbs.) = 2,167,200 lbs. (1,083.6 tons).
The Manitowoc 21000 Crawler Crane, for reference, has a maximum lifting capacity of 1,000 tons.
Since even a crane can pick up all that weight, the much-larger parking-lot turntable certainly can.

If this feature in our realm seems difficult for you to believe, keep in mind that ours is the civilization which also mastered lifting and moving/maneuvering skyscraper-sized and even mountain-sized masses; we can do far more than merely turn a little parking lot this way and that.



“FUEL with lyrics” Metallica Metallica
Audio Player


  • Like That – by Future, Metro Boomin, Kendrick Lamar – for turbo tongue, pers, rotating parking lots
    lyric “bring a friend, we can fuck em at the same time”
    replace the 2nd guy’s voice with a hot chick’s.
    “kickin in doors”… so also to trng or blops?
    fix lame/annoying-sfx part of song just 1 verse before fade-out verse
