One of only two Inisfree locations with paper and hardback books, it is here you can find the original Biblor’an and original Nymphonomicon.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Dimensions & Layout
- Special Features
- Library Bookshelf Sections
- The King’s Desk
- Novels Excerpt
- Over Time
- Overall (Images Begin)
- Interior Concepts
- The Window
- Main Desk
- The Big, Rotating, Interactive, Live-views Globe
- Memes
- Librarians
- Good Reads
- Books – The Capital of Antarctica Saga
- Books – The Gor Saga
- Covers of Some of the Other Books Here
- Sash and Robe of the Grand Librarian
- 2022 Update: Minecraft 1:1 Build
- 2023 Update: Views from Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game)
- 2023 Update 2: Comics Section
Set-up with the look and feel of a cathedral of vaulted ceilings and quiet inlets for busts, statues, suits of arms, crests and shields, rare artifacts not even found in the city’s museum, and towering bookshelves from wall to wall and floor to ceiling, complete with rolling step-ladders of the finest materials, this 20-story chamber is one of the most exquisite and lavishly furnished of all those in the nation-city of Inisfree.
Dimensions & Layout:
This library’s floor measures 100’x150′, and the room stands 200′ tall; 20 stories of books, movies, and more. It is the size of a high-rise building or small skyscraper, just mostly empty in the middle.
All bookshelves are arranged around the inside perimeter, most along the balconies, and all built into the walls. The bookshelves are set in the walls by a couple feet, allowing space for the biggest of the books he collects and keeps copies of here. Every bookshelf has an ~8′-tall rolling/sliding ladder attached up near the top shelf of books (but not at the very top).
At the far ends of its ground floor are a desk on one end and a canopy bed on the other. The desk is just for Auz. There are many smaller desks, benches, and tables available for everyone else to sit and read at.
A royal carpet like a narrow model’s walkway extends between these two pieces of furniture, branching out around a tall stone fountain closer to the desk. The crowning piece of this fountain is a large, slowly rotating globe of the Earth, its surface being an interactive iScroll-base capable of showing both that world before and after the Rapture Campaign‘s terraforming. Picture a house-sized scale-model of the whole planet, its surface all one big wraparound weather map (plus showing continental drift, wildfires, etc.), and you can touch and learn more about any part/spot.
Chairs, couches, and desks, as well as two hanging disc beds, provide additional seating across the ground floor, and there are cascading bunk-beds, a wet-bar, and potted plants behind the fluted columns; underneath the first (lowest) inside perimeter balcony. The only windows are centered behind the desk, and are on all but the highest levels; the skyscraper-tall single-arch bay-window rises up from just above the floor (i.e. seating/couch height) up into the 19th level of this library (where this window’s arch is).
*Every 10′ (up) there is a wraparound balcony, for a total of 18 normal-width balconies plus the wide main balcony at the 100′ height.
Special Features:
As this room is the Governor‘s private study, it is usually only his daughters who are also allowed to read and meet here. Built into one side of his desk is a rotating safe which only responds to his presence. Whenever his studies here must be put on pause, the work on his desk goes into the trays of this safe, and any of his daughters remaining in this room while he tends to matters elsewhere help to stand guard over his work until he returns.
Library Bookshelf Sections:
[by Compartment (C)]
Floor 2:
- C1: DVDs
- C2: CDs
- C3: (window here)
- C4: Medical
- C5: Social Studies
- C6: Languages
- C7: Religious
- C8: [window-wall location; view of the side-yard to Kings Drive]
- C9: Science
- C10: Math
- C11: Art
- C12: History
- C13: Philosophy
- C14: Fiction
- C15: Children’s
- C16: Magic
- C17: Movie Scripts
- C18: Plays
- C19: Music
- C20: Symphonies
- C21: Operas
- C22: Vinyl
Floor 1:
- C1: Tantric
- C2: Martial Arts
- C3: Nutrition
- C4: Cooking*
- C5: Megalithic Ruins
- C6: [wet-bar location]
- C7: Geoglyphs
- C8: Portals Technology
- C9: Gemstone Functions
- C10: Evolution
- C11: Family Trees
- C12: Colonized Worlds
- C13: Terraforming & Helioforming
- C14: Repulsines (including Warp Drives)
- C15: The Webway (information like in an encyclopedia, not the live interactive map)
- C16: Life in Other Dimensions
- C17: Maps (including of other worlds, other dimensions, and the megaverse)
- C18: Dragons (including their historical and current civilizations)
- C19: Titans (including their historical and current civilizations)
- C20: Elves (including their historical and current civilizations)
- C21: Angels (including their historical and current civilizations)
- C22: Fairies (including their historical and current civilizations)
The King’s Desk:
Auz has a bigger desk here in this home library than he does in his office downtown. The desk in his office is normal-sized. The one here is 50′ wide, and has at both ends of it a desk-sized extension toward this library’s towering window.
There is always at least this one framed picture on his desk; it is one of his favorites of his top wife, High Queen Ambi, goddess of Time and Shadows, and rightful ‘owner’ of his heart.
Novels Excerpt:
A few other Secret Service ladies were gracefully striding into the towering foyer from its different access points connecting the 200′-ceilinged entryway to other parts of the giant-sized house. “Welcome home,” one of them purred to their maker, Auz, and another purred, “We are one.” Auz repeated that greeting warmly to her, then turning to the one who’d entered from a set of double-doors to their left, “I’ll be taking our guests, Ashton and Neveah here, through our study and to the magics level.”
The Inisfreean Secret Service woman he’d told that to, bowed her head with a gentle smile, acknowledging, and stepped forward to rest her hands around one of Ashton’s. “Welcome to our home, Ashton. I hope you’ll find everything to your liking here,” she said for them both, then turned and stepped over to Neveah, resting her hands around one of hers the same way, “Neveah.”
Continuing out from under the house-sized chandelier of gemstones the size of basketballs hovering 100′ overhead, they entered that inner set of double-doors. They, too, were parted a few seconds ahead of their approach, manned by two more of the sash-clad Inisfreean girls; Ashton and Neveah would soon see there was a pair of them posted at every door and archway in the house, always ready to guard and serve. Again, Auz led the way, the Inisfreean woman who had held his guests’ hands striding alongside him.
His library room was big enough to fit multiple actual public library buildings inside it, stacked or spread out, its shelves now mostly full, boasting what appeared to be millions of books. It was a sight for a thespian truly ‘out of this world’, and put the campus libraries of the most expensive universities to shame. No one seemed to be using it at the moment, though; they had the whole place to themselves.
“You can find books on just about anything here,” he proudly smiled, turning around to face them as he continue in the same direction he had been, now walking backward for a few paces, hands and arms out to his sides, gesturing to it all, “even actual magic; that’s section C-16,” he pointed up to one spot several stories up in one of the far corners, “right up there on the 2nd floor.” (This library room’s idea of a ‘2nd floor’ being everything from its indoor wrap-around balcony up; the walls of bookshelves between its 100′ and 200′ heights.) Then he turned back to face the alcove under the library’s indoor wrap-around balcony they were almost to; it had an archway to a two-story antechamber that itself opened out and down into a cylindrical ‘stairwell’ which housed a spiral staircase, matching slide, elevator-like platform, climbing bars and ropes, and even a set of back-and-forth zip-lines.
Over Time:
The 200′ ceiling of this room and 10′-tall balcony levels means there are 20 levels here.
Each 10′-tall level has room for ~8 shelf-levels (keeping room for flooring below, room for ceiling/balcony parts above, & room for several foot-tall shelves between those two vertical ‘ends’, as most books and magazines are at most 11″ tall).
Each wraparound shelf is 500′ (100+100+150+150′) long; 6,000″ (but subtract the pillar spans/widths from that, etc.).
Most books are 1″ thick or less; ~6,000 books fit per shelf that goes all the way around.
Most levels skip the tall window; 15 only go for ~400′ of the way around; 4,800″; room for ~5,000 books.
5000x15x8 + 6000×5×8 = 600,000 + 240,000 = 840,000 book spaces (so this room can probably house 1,000,000 books, give or take –compared to the legendary Library of Alexandria‘s estimated 200,000-700,000 scrolls)
There is one unassigned section in the Minecraft scale-model. It is now for MKM, as MKM is not all fiction, so it cannot go in the fiction section.
This section is 1/6 the long-sides length; 25′.
25′ long, x 20 levels, x 8 shelves per level = 48,000″ of shelf space in this sec. (~3/4 of a mile).
Our magazines are ~1/16″ thick (~2 articles per issue, plus collages of memes on most pages, not one meme per page), so we have room here for ~768,000 issues.
At the rate of 1 issue per week, 12 per season, 4 seasons per year, thus 48 issues per year, we will have room here for the next 16,000 years of MKM.
With some ~19,660 books noted on Auz’s Goodreads account, most browsed or speed-read (such as textbooks) during school (and manuals during and after the military), 1-1.5% of this library’s space was reserved for those (books listed on his Goodreads) by 2020.
We cannot assume that another 1% will be added every ~4 decades, though; that would be 375 more books each year.
The Governor is a busy man again, and may only have time to read 1 or 2 more books per year.
For a copy of a book to be added to this personal library of his, he has to read and enjoy it, and he does not like speedreading to cram for assignments, so he doesn’t do that anymore.
1% of 1,000,000 is 10,000. At 2 books per year, that would take 5,000 years.
Thus it is more reasonable to estimate that this room will have another 1% of its shelves filled every 5 millennia by the new books he reads.
If that rate proves accurate, this library will be filled over the next 495,000 years; it may still have shelf space available in 497,020 A.D..
We’ll see.
Interior Concepts:
The Window:
Main Desk:
These images just show generally the proportions, decorations, and color scheme of Auz’s desk in this library, plus of its armchair. As stated above, of course, his desk is much longer.
The Big, Rotating, Interactive, Live-views Globe:
Walk right up, reach out, and touch it. It can also receive command requests from your mind.
100% of them are flawlessly-sexy forever-teen-looking ICVs (Inisfreean girls). Think of them as bookshelf-nymphs. They double as part of this residence’s Secret Service, too.
how I prefer to enjoy a good book
them always dressing to make sure I know they are always in the mood for me to fuck them, whether we are reading here during sex or not –and now enjoying playing the fun game I was introduced to back during Texas A&M officer training; seeing how much exertion we can make it through, trying to read through an entire chapter during!
Good Reads:
You can find many the books I’ve read listed here. Many, if not all, of them will be printed for this library. Additionally, this mansion library will include the ICV-written biography for every person welcomed into Inisfree.
Books – The Capital of Antarctica Saga:
Naturally, this man known as “The Grand Librarian” keeps in his personal library a copy of the series of books he himself wrote and edited. These books tell not only how he became such a librarian, among other things, but also how he managed to design and build this very library they are in. Credit to Carol Danvers for her great help with some of the editing and publishing.
Books – The Gor Saga:
This is the saga that started it all; Auz’s entire kajirae program is based on the wisdom in (at least the first several in this series of) these books.
Covers of Some of the Other Books Here:
*Note that Mein Kampf being one of the books in this room doesn’t mean I am a NAZI. It means I read stories from all sides, I reject bias/propaganda from any side, and I encourage all in my realm to similarly think critically/objectively.
As you can see, he loves books about love. What may seem overly ‘simple’ to some Outlanders… is actually based on his wise focus on things which manifest only good life moments and a greater/growing stability, unity, and compatibility across the Universe. What you pay attention to… grows.
Also in this library are the works of many of his inspiration authors, including all of those which lead to these lists of worlds.
- The Interconnected Cosmos, by Donald E. Scott
- The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael Cremo: evidence of this species (pardon the misnomer title; humans are races, not one race) having been on Earth millions of years, not developing millennia ago like corrupt mainstream “scientists” propaganda pretends
- The Case of the Turquoise Sun, by Ev Cochrane: previous stars in this solar system, the sequence of them, why one was a very different color, etc.
- 2024 May: my very own cookbook; “Auz’s Favorite Recipes“: all my favorite vegan recipes discovered and tried at home over the years –There are no paragraphs introducing the recipe, rambling about how amazing it is or where I discovered it; just the recipes and great presentation photos, as well as photos of each major step of each recipe.
- The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt –by Christopher Dunn
- Giza: The Tesla Connection: Acoustical Science and the Harvesting of Clean Energy –by Christopher Dunn
- The Universal One, by Walter Russell
- book/website; “One Times One Equals Two” by Terrence Howard
- Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran
- 2024 July: An Atlas of Countries that Don’t Exist, by Nick Middleton (actually about countries THAT exist, but don’t get recognized by corrupt superpowers)
- 2024 August: Mysteriorum Libri Quinque
- 2024 September: The Book of Veles (obviously not a forgery, as always-lying Google propaganda pretends)
- 2024 October: The Book of Erebus (disclosed/featured in Blade) –note: Erebus means primordial son of Chaos (mother), and Erebus is darkness incarnate, and is married to Nyx who is night incarnate and daughter of Chaos, thus they are married siblings, standard incest of the first deities.
Might be poetic code for “darkness comes with night” or “night became indefinitely darker than it originally was”.
This is a large-pages book, each like a vertical banner/poster, thus it is not on a shelf, but on a desk in this library.
*The Book of Erebus (b/c of its name) wouldn’t be about vampire history, but of the first “no-eight” darkness era (when the 8-spikes aurora-halo of Venus was no longer visible from Earth), and maybe mention of Chaos incarnate (because it/Space/Hel/Abyss is Erebus’s mother)… back when it caused good change/surprises, everyone back then a demi-deity, thus unable to be hurt by a cataclysm, let alone an infection/corruption (which slander-humans pretend vampirism is, when really it is normal health endless life).
Maybe the first darkness was the first shadow; when the first world formed, and moved away from its source, creating that dark/dim area…which expanded to become Abyss/Hel/Space.
The book would then go on to describe all the newer types of darkness, and how it was neutral or good.
Even the Book of Nod would not be about vampires, but dreamside/sleep. Vampires would just be likely residents/leaders of Nod, since they are natural/peaceful people.
A book only about vampires would have a name associated only with vampires. That remains to be disclosed/revealed. - 2024 December: dinosaur erotica, such as:
All I Want for Christmas is Utahraptor
Dino Park After Dark
Dino’s Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Don Juan Velociraptor
Ghost Raptor Seduction
How Stego Got His Groove Back
Hunted by the Giga
In the Velociraptor’s Nest
Mated for Life… to a Dinosaur!
Pimp Dino
Queen of the Raptors
Ravished by the Triceratops
Ravished by T-rex
Subdued by the Spinosaurus
Taken by a Billionaire Dinosaur (book 1; , and 2; Jurassic Boner)
Taken by the Pterodactyl
Taken by the T-rex
The Dinosaur’s Embrace
The T-rex in My Bed
To Saur, with Love
T-rex Fantasies
T-rex’s Ferocious Lust
T-rex’s Toy
Triceratops & Bottoms
Tyrannosaurus Sext
Wet Hot Allosaurus Summer - more erotica by Alara Branwen
- more erotica by Christie Sims
- _
Sash and Robe of the Grand Librarian:
This is what High King Auz sometimes wears for events in here, as well as during galas. It is similar to what some clergy or scholars used to wear. Its purpose is to serve as a reminder of many special things which are both part of his essence and destiny, as well as his biggest protectors and accomplishments.
2022 Update: Minecraft 1:1 Build
2023 Update: Views from Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game)
2023 Update 2: Comics Section
Also see:

- “Chanson triste” by Tchaikovsky