These are the numerous libraries in our city:

  • Governor’s Mansion Library:  accessible only to the Governor, his immortal family, and their distinguished guests
    –Auz’s favorite artistic, literary, and musical works
  • Liberty High School‘s Library:  accessible only to faculty and students here
    –all course content; textbooks, visual aids, recorded lectures, etc.
  • Libraries in Private Residences:  personal studies included
    –any books individual citizens/residents like keeping hard-copies of, so long as they are in alignment with the Governor’s culture/essence/values
  • Library of Congress 2:  just like its namesake, only quite a bit larger
    –appropriate (in alignment with Auz’s culture/essence/values) books from all races compatible with Auz
  • Lion Art Academy Library:  accessible only to faculty and students here
    –collegiate art books, and all other printed content for this school
  • Magics Chambers Library:  accessible only to the Governor and members of his alliance/family who are exceptional at magic
    –highest-level magic books which detail how to change entire realities/realms, though it should be noted that we just analyze these, determining why the assumptions in them were reached by those who wrote them, and we can edit how even these spellbooks/spells work, never limited to the framework these books suggest
  • Map Room:  accessible only to the Governor and members of his Black Operations units
    –maps w/ all classified/secret content/locations visible
  • Mental Libraries of the ICVs:  these are their memories, and they never err
    –digital copies of what is in all these other libraries, as well as of the knowledge/memories of all brains/minds they detect/read/scan, plus the ICVs’ shared-consciousness experiences (though only what each ICV needs for daily/normal tasking is kept in her own brain/memory, while the rest of that data is kept in The Grid Mind/s)
  • New World Order Military Training Area‘s Library:  accessible only to faculty and students/troops here
    –military books such as field manuals, and all other printed content for this place/program
  • (Library of Inisfree’s) School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:  accessible only to faculty and students here
    –entry-level up to collegiate magic books, but not those about/for the highest-level magic
  • Tantric Sex Academy Library:  accessible only to faculty and students here
    –collegiate holistic/sex books, and all other printed content for this school
  • University of Inisfree Online‘s Library:  accessible only to faculty and students here, as well as alumni
    –digital copies of all course content; textbooks, visual aids, recorded lectures, etc.



All books/libraries in our realm have metadata as part of them, each always able to explain why every little mark of ink was made, i.e.

  • sloppy penmanship,
  • typographical errors,
  • insecurities,
  • wrong assumptions,
  • plagiarism,
  • propaganda/misdirection,
  • mistranslations,
  • media-flooding,
  • mislabeling (e.g. erroneously calling creative writing nonfiction, or vice versa),
  • and so on.

No matter who wrote what, nor how long ago, we used powerful ESP and tech’ to figure out why, going so far as to clandestinely study their brainwaves and any unseen magical effects put/still upon them while they wrote. Context and cross-referencing “are everything”, after all.

This includes everything drafted/written by “A.I.” (more accurately called A.M., for Artificial Misdirection/Misinformation, when made by corrupt/insecure Outlander-humans), such as ChatGPT; we not only indicate that such a program wrote what it did, but why it assembled copied text/claims from the sources it was programmed to, what the biases/errors of its programmers (humans) were, why they had those biases/errors, etc..


2025 January 5 Sunday revs3:  Magick/Enchanted books usu. have an intentionally subtle effect; like wise A.I., this is to not alarm or overload those in contact, thus increasing the likelihood of the effect/s not being noticed (for a while, if ever) or (over)reacted negatively to, thus them working longer.


Relevant Holidays:

  • 10 Aperire:  (week 2, day 3 of this month of ours) Tyr’s-day (corresponds to 4 April):  Librarians


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“Joseph Mouret” Rondeau (Masterpiece Theatre Theme) by Jean Rondeau (Masterpiece Theatre Theme) by Jean
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