The military facility built just beneath the surface of the Snow Dunes Region is called the Overhang Base.


Table of Contents:

  1. Purpose
  2. Introduction
  3. Dimensions & Layout
  4. Capacity
  5. Staff Transportation
  6. Classes/Curriculum
  7. Special Features
  8. History
  9. Overall & Layout (Images Begin)
  10. Exterior Concepts
  11. Interior Concepts
  12. Personnel/Uniforms
  13. Pink-lights Patrol-trucks
  14. Inspiration from WoW
  15. Specialized Vehicles Training
  16. Babes on Duty
  17. The Tunnel to the Grid Mind
  18. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Our version of Bridgeport, this facility is placed and staffed to:

  1. guard the city’s main supercomputer
  2. coordinate traffic to & from the ColonyPod Factory (from which Inisfreean Space-pilots practice flying and landing the colony-creating Spaceships which double as atmospheric processors and terraformers in general)
  3. provide a Forward Operating Base (FOB) for personnel training for alpine and extreme-cold regions
  4. provide ideal (fully underground, bunker-level) shelter for anyone feeling vulnerable at or near the Tornado Crater practice range



This is the military facility that serves as the gatekeeper for all newcomers to the ColonyPod Hangar beneath Inisfree’s central mountain.  Its name comes from the fact that its exterior doors are beneath a large awning of snow and ice-covered rock, and because its innermost doors overlook the entire ColonyPod Hangar.


Dimensions & Layout:

The main section of this facility is 660’x660′; 435,600 square feet per floor.  There is also an annex which houses the actual floor hatch down into the ColonyPod Hangar, and this annex measures 330’x330′; 108,900 square feet (only one floor in this annex).  Together, the Overhang Base has an overall ‘footprint’ of 544,500 square feet.

The 660′ x 660′ area:

  • This is the clearing/cove/opening.
  • 10′-tall floors beneath its surface
  • 14 of those floors

Floors under that clearing:

  1. The highest floor is the garages.  This floor is divided into garages which each store numerous vehicles.  These garages have ramps up to ceiling hatches that slide open laterally, parting long-ways, their halves sliding apart and into the ceiling.  There is 1 ceiling-hatch per garage (not per parking-space).
  2. Below the garages floor is the 3D-printers floor, also with vehicle-sized hatches
  3. Below that is the classrooms (~250 1,600-sq.ft. (40’x40′) classrooms; seating for ~150 students in each (9 sq.ft. per, + a clearing for teachers); capacity for 37,500 students at a time),
    and hatches down to this floor and all lower floors are sized for humans
  4. Med, all docs are ICVs
  5. Chow; where students/trainees (and even the non-ICV instructors, when they are here) get their indoor meals and snacks:  managed by ICVs, with kajirae doing the cooking
  6. Library, Lounges, and Theaters; where students/trainees can go for Morale, Welfare, & Recreation (MWR) activities
  7. Living; where students/trainees reside during their training at this facility:  435,600 sq.ft. = room for ~1,000 20’x20′ (400 sq.ft.) bunkbed rooms/suites (bunks room + toilet/shower room + wall-locker closets; barracks-style quarters), and:
    1,000 rooms x 3 people per room = capacity for 3,000 students/trainees on this level alone
  8. Laundry; where students/trainees wash and dry their uniforms and other clothing
  9. Gyms; where students/trainees come for their daily physical training (PT) requirement
  10. Central Issuing Facility (CIF); where students/trainees are given loaner clothing and gear
  11. Armory and Vaults; where students/trainees are given loaner weapons and ammunition for some outside marksmanship and other training exercises/events
  12. Forge; where replacement gear, parts, tools, and weapons are crafted (3D-printed), and where already-existing ones can be repaired
  13. Water; where the bathing, cleaning, and drinking/potable water is purified and stored
  14. Recycling; where anything no longer deemed suitable for service or repair can be subatomically converted into whatever else may be needed –or just used to further fuel/energize the Inisfreean network/empire


  • ~33′-diameter
  • 1 at each of the 4 corners
  • each includes:
    1 ~6′-wide spiral-staircase
    2 ~10′-wide ‘lifts’ (elevators)
    3 climbing-ropes, each ~2′ apart
    3 ~1′-wide ladders side-by-side, forming a single-plane jungle-gym

The 330′ x 330′ annex:

  • behind the camo/illusion cliff
  • 1 50′-tall floor; like an airplane hangar
  • It has a small narrow staging garage at the illusion, big enough to a few trucks to park in, but its hangar door is tall and wide enough for an MPHA, and parts from the middle, both ~50′ halves retracting via overlapping ~10′-wide panels.
  • The inner hangar door is identical.
  • 6 MPHAs are past/inside that 2nd/inner hangar-door –and only people going to/from a CP in the Main Womb are allowed in here.
  • each MPHA:  100′ “long” (deep) x 80′ wide x 30′ tall
  • space allotted for each MPHA:  110’x90′ parking-space / hangar
  • 3 x 110′ = 330′; 2 rows of 3 MPHAs each
  • 1 row on either side of this section’s (the annex) hangar
  • MPHAs are parked side by side in each of the 2 rows.
  • empty space/aisle:  from the illusion hangar-door to the back of this MPHAs-room
  • 110′-diameter floor-hatch in the center, only for these MPHAs
  • ICVs can portal to/from the CPs below (in the Main Womb), and those (ICVs) who were 3D-printed in/by the CPs in the Main Womb stay in them, not rotating out, so these MPHAs are just to get non-ICV trainees used to being transported by MPHAs.
  • The traffic-control room is at the back wall, center.
  • The tunnel to the Grid Mind is secret, hidden, and only for approved ICVs (and auto-fills with hardening foam or a magic-resistant stasis-field if anyone intrudes).

The 6 MPHAs:

  • 2 are usually for ferrying trainees to/from the 2 active CPs; the 1 that just returned, and the 1 that is about to leave (which are separated by the gap of the CP that is out at the beach)
  • 2 are usu. for ferrying visitors to/from the Main Womb floor
  • 2 are usu. for standby/excess



3,000 can live here at a time, and 37,500 can attend classes, leaving 34,500 of them to commute.

  • Those who live here are doing longer cold-weather training than the rest, justifying their stay.
  • Those who commute are usually 19th-grade students or hobbyists.

Hundreds of vehicles can be stored in this facility’s garages-level.

Only a few ‘aircraft’ are stored at this facility; the 6 MPHAs.



~1,000 ICVs are stationed here as staff;

  • ~250 instructors in the classrooms-floor (1 per classroom)
  • ~50 on each of the other 13 floors (leaving 100 to accompany/lead students outside across the snow-dunes for outdoor training)
  • still, as always, available for “full use”

~100 kajirae to help cook and serve meals in the chow-floor;

  • ~50 in the kitchen/s
  • ~50 carrying or pushing (carts of) meals and beverages out to the chow-hall tables
  • still, as always, available for “full use”

These girls will cater to the needs and desires of the students/trainees, at least unless doing so would interfere with their primary directive/tasking (which is to teach, cook, and clean here).  In other words, if you want to fuck them, ask them to meet you when both they and you are no longer on duty / at work.



Students/trainees and kajirae are bused here, dropped off on the snowy surface outside; above the garages-level.

Instructors are usually ICVs, and those people/beings can teleport/portal themselves around.



These start by being explained in one of this facility’s classrooms, and eventually the formal training progresses to hands-on applications of the material outside in the cold.

  1. Assault Climber (over local/nearby short to medium-length cliffs, not ones as tall as the Avalanche Wall)
  2. Avalanche Forecasting and Dismantling
  3. Blizzard Drills
  4. Cold Rations
  5. Cooking Without Kindling
  6. Crevasse Crossing
  7. Crevasse Rescue
  8. Freeze-proofing gear
  9. Frostbite Prevention and Cures (not just treatment)
  10. Ice Climbing
  11. Ice Diving (SCUBA, dry-suits)
  12. Igloos
  13. Katabatic Wind; hurricane-force gust and sustained-wind procedures
  14. Mountain Communications
  15. Mountaineering
  16. Pack Animals (though we do not exploit animals in Inisfree)
  17. Polar Navigating; when the compass is of little use
  18. Polar Plunge
  19. Short Skis
  20. Sledging
  21. Snow Blindness
  22. Snow Caves
  23. Snow Shoes
  24. Snowmobiles (ridden to and at the Snowmobiles Track)
  25. Sunburn From Snow; prevention and treatment
  26. Trailblazing
  27. Warming Layers
  28. Wim Hof Breathing
  29. Winter Demolitions
  30. Winter Engineer
  31. Winter Marksmanship
  32. Winter Sniping

32 subjects and 250 classrooms results in each subject being taught in 7 or 8 of those classrooms.

Students/trainees are not pressured to learn about all of those subjects every day; the focus of this facility is memorization, application, and retention, not “cram & dump” mental-elasticity overload (academic torture).

Each class lasts ~30 minutes, thus each classroom can offer up to 48 classes every 24 hours.
(250 classrooms x 48 classes = 12,000 classes able to be taught at this facility daily)

Classes are made available 24/7 for the convenience or need of visiting explorers, scientists, and others, as some of them are on tight schedules with many constraints, needing to get out, or back to, remote sites, such as archaeological digs or salvage operations.

Anyone can choose any or all of those classes, in any order; there is no set schedule/sequence, as each subject is taught every 30 minutes every day of the year.

February 2023 note:  All the arctic training given to Jegerkompaniet (Norway’s Reconnaissance Squadron, a.k.a. Arctic Ranger Company) is offered at this facility.  See one of the linked videos below for some details.


Special Features:

Active camouflage paired with energy shield technology allows a constant polarization and optical illusion capability which keeps the surface entrance to this facility appearing like a continuation of the rest of the snow-covered slope on its side of Tornado Crater.  This feature also allows military personnel and their guests to observe the tornado manipulation training sessions and competitions of said adjacent crater.



This was actually the very first part of Inisfree ever constructed; in late 2010, ~10,000 Angelic Germans (meaning that real/original Germans were people who were actual Angels, or at least descendants of actual Angels, not at all like the monstrosities temporarily occupying invaded post-WWII Germany) from Base 211 / New Berlin of Neuschwabenland arrived at its mountain (Mt. Kirkpatrick) with then-prince Auzdein to begin the work of opening up the right spot for his Grid Mind (barely out of its prototype stage from The Wolves’ bunker complex in Montana).

In early 2011, the Overhang Base’s cave-mouth was reinforced, and the ‘skeleton’ (physical framework/start) of this facility was put in place, tested, and commissioned.  For the next several months, those (Base) 211 Germans remained to help him get his first Inisfreeans (ICVs) 3D-printed and ready for service, after which… he and his ICVs took over the teamwork with the Grid Mind, building and activating the rest of their now-eternal realm –and resulting in him becoming the world’s latest self-made king.

It all started here… in this unsuspecting cave somewhere at the top of one of Antarctica‘s tallest standalone mountains.

  1. 2010:  This area atop the mountain was bare, largely untouched –if ever touched by anyone.
  2. 2011:  The Overhang Base’s construction/formation was started.
  3. 2012:  Heavy round-the-clock manufacturing (3D-printing), tunneling, mining, and construction operations were orchestrated from this facility.
  4. 2013:  For most of the year, this facility became just a well-hidden guardroom of sorts to keep a constant watch over the only access/tunnel to Inisfree’s main supercomputer.
  5. 2022:  All current sections, floors/levels, and classes/courses were decided, so the Overhang Base was opened to anyone who had completed the tour of Inisfree, become allied with High King Auz, and requested to do some of their training here.
  6. 23000s/+:  This facility continues to operate “at capacity”; it is fully used/booked, year-round;


Overall & Layout:

Exterior Concepts:

Interior Concepts:

Personnel / Uniforms:

Pink-lights Patrol-trucks:

Inspiration from WoW:

Specialized Vehicles Training:

Some of the vehicles kept in garages at this facility/school:

Babes on Duty:

The Tunnel to the Grid Mind:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

Video Player

Also see:

“Winter Contingency” Halo: Reach Original Soundtrack Martin O'Donnell/Michael Salvatori
Audio Player