Djinnifer transmits and relays signals through the FOB-Net and ICV-Net based on major events expected to affect lots of the people associated with Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Frequency of Use
  3. Weather Alerts
  4. All Notifications
  5. Images


Introduction to the M.A.S.:

Our city has a Mass Alert System (M.A.S.) which we sometimes use to send out bulk/citywide alerts, heads-ups, and other messages to all our people here.  While the FOB-Net relays data/messages between individual users who are our residents or guests, and the ICV-Net / I.N.N. relays data/messages between our creations, such as the ICVs, and the vehicles and buildings they use, the M.A.S. can rapidly transmit data/messages to all of them at the same time.  Think of it like our version of the Emergency Broadcast System.

A Full Spectrum of Forms; the M.A.S. Works on All Our Platforms:  Backwards-compatible high-tech paired with fail-safe low-tech means that the alert and warning system of Inisfree includes the options to transmit traffic to the Inisfreean citizens directly into their signature brains (via the I.N.N.; the Inisfreean Neural Network), or via the loud-speaker and LCD-‘glass’ (now transparent aluminum) nodes throughout their city, along with the channels more familiar and common to Outlanders; to their mobile devices, such as cellular phones, smart-phones, iPads, e-tablets, and iScrolls, among many other things.


Frequency of Use:

Due to the fact that Inisfree is a single, immortal, un-damageable being appearing in the form of a city and that city’s population of Inisfreean-borne citizens, the name ‘Mass Alert System’ may be misleading to Outlanders, for this system is almost never utilized to dispatch hasty warning messages.  Instead, Inisfree’s M.A.S. is almost always used to eloquently notify in the most heavenly of sweet female voices the upcoming parties, festivals, and other noteworthy events of the Inisfreean omni-calendar.

For example, if a rave in the canyon is scheduled for later that same day, and if it is the will of Inisfree’s Governor for its advent to be announced in this way, an audible comment via this city-wide array of speakers (like the electronic megaphones used for tornado warnings in the Outlands of Oklahoma and Texas) will be read by one of his Inisfreean children (his daughters; the clone variants of select Outlander models) from her post in the Command & Control facility beneath his Mansion (or from anywhere, as techno-pathy (technological telepathy) allows all of his children to interface with the rest of their city in many different ways).


Weather Alerts:

This M.A.S. is often used to alert guests considering Antarctic adventures to potential storms and other inclement weather that will threaten their plans or themselves.  When Inisfree is in Outer Space, those alerts are instead for issues such as asteroid belt swell, gravity anomalies, nebular interference, and solar flares.


All Notifications:

2024 June 10 Monday updates:

  • As of today, this city service also notifies individuals of any disasters or tension in their homelands and other selected areas, so they know if they need to wrap up their vacation in our realm and head back.
  • also available:  any realm (planet, etc.) we have a presence on/near (protectorates, SSA, human colonies under clandestine observation, etc.), at any time (in the past, present, or future)
  • This service of ours to you (our guests and residents/citizens) will also include any available data/information about whether deities are/were involved; whether any given event was not just a natural buildup/breakdown over time, but consciously triggered/manifested by a powerful individual or group, such as when it comes time to cataclysm intruders/evildoers back out of the way.
  • Heads-ups will sometimes be well in advance of the events they are warning about.  We are no allied with those who can peer through time and dimensions, after all, and who can foresee and otherwise sense/predict/forecast such things.  Also, of course, some of these events are our wise doing.
  • When it comes to the reformation of Yggdrasil, the heads-ups are many millennia in advance, giving our people/allies generations/eons to plan where they want to explore, do business, etc..
  • We’ll also make it easy to see which disaster-warning apps/services outside our realm (i.e. the ones Outlanders are limited to using) have noticed impending major-event signs, and what they are advising their users to do.
  • The 1-3 ICV/s assigned as bodyguards to individuals compatible with us, or being prescreened, can always alert those people anytime they are within sensory range or direct communication with a deity or demi-deity capable of causing a major disaster/event, such that they do not inadvertently trigger/upset that powerful being in that way.
  • reference:  article with links to top 5 disaster-warning apps/services


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The Lord Of The Rings OST - The Lighting of the Beacons - for MAS INN y o NWO MIL pgs
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