These were the proto-TNHs; the precursors to the spacecraft-carrier called “The New Horizon” (TNH), all their data used to help design the best flying carrier yet.  Their own precursors were 1) the ‘cigar-shaped craft’ of Dark Fleet (1940s/+ Germany), and 2) the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D..


Table of Contents:

  1. Locations
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Hangars
  4. Rainbow Cannons
  5. Suites
  6. Why Green?
  7. History
  8. Routes
  9. Uniforms
  10. Additional Notes
  11. Overall Appearance (Images Begin)
  12. Concepts
  13. Comparisons
  14. Design Details
  15. 2022 Update:  Scale-model Placeholders in Minecraft
  16. 2023 Update:  Full-size Model in Creativerse



Each of the five tallest skyscrapers of Sotu‘s obtuse-triangular sections has one Rooftop Carrier mounted at a diagonal launch angle atop it, right on the roof of that skyscraper’s penthouse.  You usually can’t see all of them from street (ground) level in Sotu (due to the sky-bridges, hanging mansions, traffic, occasional fog, and low clouds on overcast days), but once you get up in the hover-shuttles, flying amidst the mid and upper levels of this downtown area, you’ll begin to spot them for sure.

Sotu always has these five Rooftop Carriers patrolling/docked in the same locations; they always stay at their assigned docks atop their respective skyscrapers until they are scheduled to detach and start flying a patrol route, and they always patrol the same areas of Inisfree’s airspace.


Dimensions & Layout:

Overall, a Rooftop Carrier is a dark-green rectangular-prism with rounded edges and corners, about 1/3 the volume (size) of a non-super aircraft-carrier without a/the control-tower.

These are very similar to the aircraft carriers and super-carriers of the U.S. Navy (in that they are long, wide, multi-story ships carrying smaller vessels, and with room for hundreds to thousands of human-sized personnel), except that they don’t have a nuclear power-plant (because they use Vril and repulsines instead), a jet-catapult system (because they don’t launch old-fashioned aircraft off an exterior flight-deck), or an air-traffic control-tower (again, because they don’t have an exterior flight-deck to keep watch over).

  • “Length” (Depth) = ~620′
  • Width = ~150′
  • Height = ~120′ (like a normal aircraft-carrier, minus its air-traffic control tower)

Like the heli-carrier used by S.H.I.E.L.D., they fly, hover in place, have VTOL, and can float (in/on water) if need be, but they don’t use big loud fans to achieve this.  Also like this type of carrier, their ‘bridge’ is more open/spacious, not like the low-ceiling poorly/barely-lit ones of regular carriers.

Their decks/floors/levels/stories are ~10′; ~8′ from floor to ceiling, with their top and bottom 1′ devoted/reserved by conduits, etc..  There are 12 of them; each Rooftop Carrier has 12 levels, all inside.  In some places, two levels are open/together, such as in the hangars.

  1. Deck 1 (lowest):  Gun Pods
  2. Deck 2:  Lower Hangars’ Recycling Devices
  3. Deck 3:  Lower Hangars (lower half)
  4. Deck 4:  Lower Hangars (upper half)
  5. Deck 5:  Lower Hangars’ 3D-printing Devices
  6. Deck 6:  Gun Pods, and Bridge (lower half)
  7. Deck 7:  Gun Pods, and Bridge (upper half)
  8. Deck 8:  Upper Hangars’ Recycling Devices
  9. Deck 9:  Upper Hangars (lower half)
  10. Deck 10:  Upper Hangars (upper half)
  11. Deck 11:  Upper Hangars’ 3D-printing Devices
  12. Deck 12 (highest):  Gun Pods

Hallways are as wide as they are tall; ~8′.

Repulsines are ~the same diameter as each floor is tall; 10′.  There are eight repulsines in each Rooftop Carrier.  They are located inside the vertices.

Support-craft (squadrons of Inisfreean fighter-jets (FJs)) launch from within them, not a topside flight deck.  (13 craft make up 1 Inisfreean squadron; 1 squad-leader + 4 teams of 3 craft.)  Each of these smaller craft has its own dedicated hangar (a ~30′-diameter vertical cylindrical prism with a ~20′ ceiling, with 3D-printer modules in the ceiling, and subatomic-recycler devices in the floor), helping ensure that even in emergencies/attacks… there is no chance of one air/spacecraft sliding around and damaging another.  There are 52 of these single-craft/fighter hangars in each Rooftop Carrier; room for 4 squadrons (compared to the ~80 aircraft the old-fashioned carriers typically carried).

  1. Squadron 1:  lower left long-side
  2. Squadron 2:  lower right long-side
  3. Squadron 3:  upper left long-side
  4. Squadron 4:  upper right long-side

Two horizontal rows of 40′-tall fighter-jet hangars per long-side of the Rooftop Carrier (20′ open for the fighter-jets, plus 10′ above and 10′ for maintenance/servicing devices) leaves 40′ of vertical space for other rooms/modules; ~4 levels; 1 above, 2 in between, and 1 below.  These levels are where things such as the Gun Pods are (which we call Rainbow Cannons, as they can fire the full range of colors/lasers, plus much more –often fine-tuned to arouse, convince, or heal targets, not harm or destroy them).  There is a Gun Pod above and below every fighter-jet bay (totaling 104) plus Gun Pods oriented forward (4), aft (4), up from the top (26), and down from the underside (26), totaling 164.  (They fire on their own, as they are part of the A.I. ship, never needing to be manned/crewed.)  These Gun Pods are ~9′ in diameter, ~1′ thick, with a ~7′ hollow inside, and an optional seat (on the back/inside wall of that hollow) the perfect size for the average ~5’5″ Inisfreean girl.

The Bridge is the same size as one of the fighter-jet hangars; ~30′-diameter, and ~20′ tall.  It is in the center of the Rooftop Carrier; that is where the most protection is.

Because they remain docked at fairly steep angles (~33°), not horizontally like Outlander ships at piers/docks, their passageways are full of ladder-like handles and other grips, and they have AIOWs like those in Inisfreean buildings (just without the waterslide feature common in the larger building-based AIOWs).  This allows personnel to move through and between the decks/floors of these ships no matter what their ship’s pitch, roll, or yaw may be at any given moment.  Like being in the Space shuttle or a Space station, there is always a handle somewhere nearby, and rows/sequences of them along the length of all four walls in every hallway and ladder-/stairwell (or AIOW, in this case).

Their docking area/device is a ~100′-wide elongated/ellipsoid ring along their underside, designed that way to meet and seat/hold the circular (100′-diameter) docking device/platform of the skyscraper-roof/top they perch upon.  This means the back ~250′ and the front ~250′ of their undersides extend out over the opposite sides/faces/curves of the skyscrapers they are perched/docked upon.  At their standard ~33° perch/docked angle, a ~200′-long shadow beneath both of those exposed portions would result if a light-source was directly above them.

Since these vessels are designed to carry ICVs, not humans, they do not have berths with bunkbeds like in human/Outlander carriers/ships.  The ICVs ‘sleep’/hibernate (remain partially offline/unconscious) inside stasis-tubes.  These upright/vertical tubes (each a standing, hollow, cylindrical-prism) are at the outboard-back corner of each of the innermost hallways-intersections –and only ICVs can open/access any of them.  (ICVs don’t actually need any rest/sleep/hibernation, so all the stasis tubes in these/their vessels can be used for detainees/POWs as well as evacuees/kajirae).

All Components/Modules:

  • AIOWs (ladder-well equivalents); 8 (2 at the backs of the hallways, 2 behind the Bridge, 2 in front of the Bridge, and 2 at the fronts of the hallways)
  • Bridge
  • Cannon Pods / Gun Turrets; 164
  • Fighter-jet Hangars; 52
  • Hallways/Passageways; 24 (2 per level, both running from the front to the back of the carrier)
  • Repulsines (engines doubling as shield generators*); 8 (at/inside the vertices)
  • Stasis Tubes (berth/squad-bay/bunkbed equivalents); 264 (11 along/in each of the 2 long-sides of each of the 12 floors/levels; enough for 1 ICV per FJ, + 1 ICV per Gun Pod (though these are instead usually used as security inside the carrier, and as deployable ground troops), + 3 ICVs to pilot and co-pilot the carrier, + 45 extra/spare (usually for acquired kajirae-candidates)

Notice there is no chow/mess hall, no engineering area, no fuel tanks, and no reactor, nor are there any briefing/meeting rooms or a CDC/CIC; Inisfreean craft (ICs) are advanced to the point that they don’t need those.

* The natural state of the repulsines/shields is on, thus full levitation, cloaking, deflecting, and warping/’jumping’ of these carriers can happen in an instant.  This means that boarding and leaving one of these ships requires a portal/bypass to be opened; they are not accessible by outsiders otherwise.  Fortunately for the Inisfreeans, their portals/bypasses are ‘smart’; they are advanced, selective/semi-permeable, and as indestructible as the rest of the Inisfreeans and their things/vehicles are (so only those they intend to use these access-points ever can).



Each hangar has multiple functions;

  • 3D-printing; construction, maintenance, and repair
  • cleaning/”car wash” (jet-wash, in this case)
  • housing/storage
  • recycling / waste-management (fed with ~100% efficiency back up into the 3D-printer)


Rainbow Cannons:

These guns can do multiple things;

  • shoot lasers (such as to delete pollution –and with enough precision and power-control/specificity that they can disable flies and other bugs without harming anything behind/beyond them)
  • shoot cancelation beams (such as to stop incoming lasers/projectiles)
  • shoot healing beams
  • shoot consciousness-ascension/expansion/alignment beams
  • function as tractor beams; “invisible tugboats” / guidance-assistance (or to “suck in” things to be converted by the recyclers)
  • function as repulsor beams; push/keep things away (helping prevent collisions)



These rooms are for our residents and citizens who sometimes choose to train with us from/via these carriers.

12 floors x…

  • 4 large/long suites x12 floors = 48
  • 8 medium-length/sized suites x12 floors = 96
  • 24 small/apartment-sized suites x12 floors = 288
  • 4 tiny (adjacent the Bridge) suites/compartments x12 floors = 48

Total:  480 room/suites (x2 beds; 1 bunkbed = capacity to house 960 human-sized passengers comfortably –though hundreds more can fit, if in the extra space of the medium and large rooms)

Each has:

  • bunkbed (for 2), secured to the floor and wall
  • chairs (2)
  • closets (2), including tool/weapon racks with hinged holding/control bars
  • container-farm (20′), stocked/growing, as part of the ship’s structure (not included/visible in the Creativerse computer-model, but implied; inside the 3′-thick blocks/walls)
  • desks (2), secured to the floor and wall
  • fire extinguishers, automated, sound-based, overhead
  • gravity control (within a reasonable range, local only to the floor of the room/suite)
  • ironing board, secured to the wall, hinging down/up
  • lamps, secured to the floor
  • laundry machine and drier, both secured to the floor and wall
  • light fixtures, full colors range, controlled at the wall-LCD
  • mirror
  • recycling bin, secured to the floor
  • refrigerator with freezer
  • shower (with rainstorm and waterfall-wall features/settings)
  • sofa, secured to the floor and wall
  • toilet (BTB)
  • wall-mounted LCD control-panel with thermostat and other settings; for lights, etc.

The goal was to make each room/suite customizable enough that it will be the ideal off-duty R&R environment for any humanoids training with us aboard/from any of these vessels.

Anytime a non-ICV has used one of the rooms/suites/beds, its bedsheets are changed/cleaned by one of the ICVs stationed aboard the carrier that day/shift.

Kajirae are not allowed aboard this type of vessel; only kajirae-candidates (newly acquired/captured girls) would be –except that Rooftop Carriers do not leave Inisfree, thus do not have opportunities to pick up and transport such loot.  This is because these ships are intended for training, as well as for prep’ prior to making / service aboard TNH, and that training does not include the luxury of / reliance on kajirae-based maid services.


Why Green?

Some Outlands ships in the Navy are painted gray to help make them difficult to see with the naked eye.  Some Outlands aircraft are painted black to help make them difficult to see at night.  Since these low-flying/hovering vessels of ours are probably always going to be over our grassy meadows, we chose to make them a similar color.  Green also represents our origin and love for plants-blanketed nature/wildernesses.



As the skyscrapers of Inisfree were being 3D-printed in 2012, these Rooftop Carriers did not yet exist.  Near the end of that year, they started being printed themselves (and it took ~a couple months to print them all, each of the five skyscrapers designed to print and support one handling the printing of its respective Rooftop Carrier during those months).  By the start of 2013, they were ready to test-fly, and have been in operation here ever since.

July 2023:  This is the first/only time these constructs/beings deployed part of the parade for one of our Welcoming Ceremonies; this is when my (Auz’s) top wife, High Queen Ambrosia Shadowheart LeMorte Himmler, was welcomed back into the Inisfreean alliance, so she was given a one-of-a-kind parade of Inisfreeans –airdropped like paratroopers by these vessels.



When launched, their Repulsines silently take them up away from their docking stations.  They follow set patrol paths through the local sky, serving as first-responders, predominantly over Sotu, but available for the rest of Inisfree.  This means they fly above our downtown area, plus a couple miles above its surrounding terrain/meadows, with only the rare route-extension taking them farther away.  They fly over the surface terrain of Inisfree that is within our perimeter wall.

*The Military Aerospaceport can launch plenty of additional support, but is generally used for training new pilots, refreshing seasoned pilots, deploying troops & small vessels to the Outlands and local training exercises, and sometimes entertaining distinguished military guests.  The ColonyPods in the ‘Main Womb‘ (ColonyPod Factory), and the Inisfreean WarShips in the Giant Hangars a mile beneath the city’s surface, generally remain in those places, docked and in stasis, except for training-flights, and rare events such as the Rapture or a Deep Space expedition.  Thus, you will only see these forest-green colored Rooftop Carriers patrolling the Inisfreean airspace.  (We don’t have helicopters.)

Since there are five of them, we ‘rotate’ them every ~half-shift throughout the days –in the sense that every ~5 hours of a 24-hour day-night cycle, one of these five airships is on patrol.  We can also keep them in the air when visitors/residents who are also warfighters allied with us wish/need to do some practicing/training based on/from one of them.  These two SOPs result in there always being at least one in the sky, and always two during ‘changeovers’/overlaps of their ~half-shifts.

  1. Rooftop Carrier 1 of 5:  undocks/takeoff at 0000/midnight, docking/’landing’ at 0448/4:48 AM
  2. Rooftop Carrier 2 of 5:  undocks/takeoff at 0448, docking/’landing’ at 0936
  3. Rooftop Carrier 3 of 5:  undocks/takeoff at 0936, docking/’landing’ at 1424
  4. Rooftop Carrier 4 of 5:  undocks/takeoff at 1424, docking/’landing’ at 1912
  5. Rooftop Carrier 5 of 5:  undocks/takeoff at 1912, docking/’landing’ at 2400/0000

Their routes are usually a circle around our downtown area, spanning several miles per lap, a couple miles up above our ground-level, repeated at a slow speed, over the course of their ~5-hour patrols / half-shifts, moving at ~35 MPH.  This means they cover ~168 miles per patrol/route; ~24 laps around the outside of Sotu.



The required attire of personnel in these carriers is none at all; these all-Inisfreean (ICV) vessels/crews have no need to cover their bodies, as they were not brainwashed to be ashamed of them like many Outlanders are of their own, and because Inisfreeans cannot be harmed.  Since every Inisfreean girl knows how to do every job, and since we have no need to assign or display ranks or awards (excepting rare/special events, such as some Welcoming Ceremonies), uniforms would still not have a use in those ways either.  Even when piloting our fighter-craft, Inisfreeans do not need a flight/pressure-suit to help them maintain consciousness; they simply were designed and commissioned to a far-superior degree (plus a flight-suit would be a pointless and cumbersome barrier between their body-parts whenever they sense it is a good time to stimulate and harness some more Vril; sex-energy).


Additional Notes:

The stasis tubes can be -and are- used as ejection-/life-/ODST-pods; when ICVs and non-ICVs are completing their 19th grade in our school system, they do a number of simulated combat-drops onto our Impact Range/s.  Those above others can be fired/ejected/dropped like stacked Metal Storm bullets / kinetic-impact rods.  With their built-in repulsines, and the ability of every stasis-tube chamber to portal-based recall its assigned stasis-tube, and the tractor-beams and other means of all mobile ICs to move stasis-tubes back into our ships, we have a variety of ways to reload them.

When cloudy weather is scheduled, the RCs form clouds around them.

When clear skies are scheduled, or when a meteor shower is about to start, they stay cloaked.

When it is airshow time, or when they are docked atop their skyscrapers, only then are they visible.


2025 January research:  the Lockheed CL-1201 flying aircraft carrier (1960s study, precursor to the 1965 SHIELD heli-carrier, etc.)


Overall Appearance:



Design Details:

2022 Update:  Scale-model Placeholders in Minecraft

2023 Update:  Full-size Model in Creativerse











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USAF Song - Wild Blue Yonder - Instrumental - for MIL AERO - jet sound fx mp3
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