noun: raid; plural noun: raids
  1. a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare.
    “a bombing raid”
    synonyms: attackassaultdescentblitzincursionsortie; 

    “the raid on Dieppe”
    • a surprise attack to commit a crime, especially to steal from business premises.
      “an early morning raid on a bank”
    • a surprise visit by police to arrest suspected people or seize illicit goods.
      synonyms: search; 

      informal busttakedownshakedown
      “a police raid”
      a hostile attempt to buy a major or controlling interest in the shares of a company.
verb: raid; 3rd person present: raids; past tense: raided; past participle: raided; gerund or present participle: raiding
  1. conduct a raid on.
    “officers raided thirty homes yesterday”
    synonyms: attackassaultset upon, descend on, swoop on, blitzassailstormrush

    “they raided shipping in the harbor”
    robhold up, break into;
    plundersteal from, pillagelootransacksack;
    informal stick up, heist
    “armed men raided the store”
    • quickly and illicitly take something from (a place).
      “she crept down the stairs to raid the pantry”



Our equivalent of raids:

  1. into Outlands realms to get kajirae (these are mini-maps which only show one village or town, and are like mini-dungeons in a way; tiny maps that you can only access by accepting and starting quests via MPHAs etc)
  2. down to the surface of exoplanets for the same purpose; see the alien/humanoid villages/towns/suburbs/caves, scan to find the hottest girls based on algorithms, and get them back to the radial-camps around the landing-gears of the luxury-DSs, etc
  3. IC-AP deep-recon sorties into brand-new and potentially incompatible worlds’ air-spaces (or regions of Deep/Interstellar Space) to scan for any hotties worth deploying the IC Star Fleet ships (WSs, DSs, etc) to (and if you fly too slowly, or use too many abilities from the AP, you might be detected, then forced to try a new area or restart that mission/flight)

* You don’t lasso girls from a tarn during these raids; you can chase them down in visible-appearance-mode for fun, or sneak around while cloaked, usually carrying them over your shoulder, dragging them by their ankles, walking them by their hair in your fist, and shoving them into the stasis tubes of MPHAs, or the girl kennel cages of White Rhinos, etc.


RAIDS; non-kajira QUESTS for level-brackets 50s & 70s

In the 50s levels, you participate on raids.  In the 70s levels, you help PLAN raids as commanders.

  1. 51: listen to an NPC explain how raids work
  2. 52: volunteer for a raid and just observe while it goes on
  3. 53: stay on the airship and help process the incoming kidnapped girls (and observe them in the stasis tubes on the flight back to Inisfree)
  4. 54: deploy (on tiny/brief raids; single villages) with the ground forces, helping to round up the girls (if you are a MALE) or seduce/distract hostiles (if a free-woman) –OR stay in the ship if playing an ICV (with access to the copilot chair in the central-sphere cockpit)
  5. 55: deploy for small/easy/normal-length raids (villages); MALES are fire-team leaders (3 NPCs follow your lead and provide covering-fire for you), FREE-women are solo recon free to pick how they seduce/distract (or even have sex with) potentially hostile locals (with the goal of keeping them distracted BEFORE they notice that the hot girls in their community are being abducted in an alien-like Spaceship), ICVs are fire-team leaders who process the incoming girls that the males bring back near the MPHA hover site (in emergencies you can leave the MPHA with a few NPC-ed ICVs as your ICVs-only fire-team, but are penalized if you do not have your ST suit on AND kept in flat-white appearance-mode)
  6. 56: deploy for medium/intermediate/longer-length raids (single towns); MALES are squad leaders, FREE-women are in pairs (the ‘buddy system’; threesomes are much more convincing, especially for hostiles who HAVE spotted girls being kidnapped, etc.), ICVs are squad-leaders (but still stay on the airships except for emergencies the mortal ground-forces might face)
  7. 57: deploy for big/challenging/long raids (towns and villages in the same area/raid); MALES are platoon Sergeants, FREE-women are fire-team leaders (2 or 3 women following your lead; orgies now; no longer even threesomes –and you can split your team up; 1 woman per 2 or 3 targets IF you can flirt well enough to get those targets to DP/TP you and/or the other women on your team for these raids), ICVs are in charge of everyone on the airship they are on (excepting its NPC-ed pilot)
  8. 58: deploy for very big/difficult/longer raids (single town with suburbs); MALES are Company Commanders, FREE-women have larger groups of slutty assistants with them (mid-level orgies; no longer just small orgies of 4 people total; 1 target + 3 women, 2 targets + 2 women, 3 targets + 1 woman volunteering to be triple-penetrated by all 3 targets at the same time, etc.), ICVs are in charge of groups of Inisfreean airships (keep them cloaked, and your ST suits in blank-appearance, and only deploy the ICVs of your airships for emergencies, and anticipate emergencies based on scans and ground-forces reports, or be penalized; ICVs are born to be ultra/perfectly-efficient, so don’t let your King down!)
  9. 59: deploy for huge/hardcore/longest raids (multiple towns, suburbs, AND villages in the same area); MALES are Battalion Commanders, FREE-women are squad-leaders (large orgies possible now, or splitting your team up into a dozen single women agents spread out to cover the widest outer-cordon areas), ICVs play the role of squadron/mini-fleet commander (so you issue orders to commanders of Flights; ICVs in charge of groups of airships NOT big enough to be squadrons, and THEY ensure that their ships stay cloaked and their ST suits in blank-appearance) –*THESE are the raids during which you might start to see White Rhinos deployed by the ICVs, such as if you request for them to be dropped off somewhere to help with high-volume girls-roundups.
  10. 76: observe Bat-cave2 raid planning in the briefing room (this is the lowest level from which you can enter that briefing room)
  11. 77: assist with planning raids (sizes:  1 MPHA up to 1 CP –non-Gridding; just a raid)  —*you MUST have at LEAST one DS in order to plan where White Rhinos will be deployed; MPHAs don’t carry White Rhinos in them.
  12. 78: plan raids (ranging from ones requiring a single MPHA… to ones using as much as a WS full of many MPHAs!)
  13. 79: pick which raid maps you want to go to, while other players and/or NPCs assisting YOU do most of the planning BASED on YOUR parameters for the most fun/efficient raid!  (where the MPHA will hover, if you flank or just rush, what level of hotness you are looking for in the villages, etc. –using Call-of-Duty satellite photos-like images to plan!) –*and then maybe do some last-minute training/prep for this in the NWO MIL TRNG Areas, such as the Faux (surface) Prison, FOBs, etc., and -lastly- command the aircraft and ground forces as the raid-leader (2nd ONLY to the NPC-ed ICV piloting the MPHA and providing over-watch so no one actually gets hurt or kidnapped by the hostile locals)


* ICVs deploy for years or longer across the Universe/Multiverse in the stories, coming back for a year of job-rotation cool-down in Inisfree before ramping up for their successive Star Fleet deployments back out across the Multiverse.  In this MMORPG, however, you go out into Deep Space via the Military Aerospaceport terminal portals, and come back as often as you please, thus allowing players playing ICV characters to mix it up; do Star Fleet deployment quests in between any Inisfree-quests and raid-quests, etc.

* ONLY the ICVs can drive/pilot/deploy an MPHA’s internal vehicles; the 2 FJs, the 1 Desolator Tank, or the 2 APs (and/or the White Rhinos which are housed in IC airships larger than MPHAs; DSs and up).  MALES are black-ops Infantry ONLY, and must call for air support or backup FROM the ICVs who are their ‘taxi drivers’, so to speak, for all of these raids.  These are the modern Vikings, and THIS is how they are organized into a command structure and ROEs.

* For the larger/largest of raids, it makes sense to deploy some White Rhinos so that groups of dozens of worthy kajirae candidates can be more easily rounded up with no one seeing (locals only see the VEHICLE, NOT its contents), but ICVs must stay out of sight, and ALL airships MUST stay cloaked!  Exs:  if you’re at an Outlands mall, movie theater, HS football game, cheerleader tryouts, sunny day at the beach, modelling show, street-racing event, brothel, bar-hopping night downtown, etc., you will want to have a White Rhino parked in an alleyway or on the outskirts of the town behind a hill or in a greenbelt or down along a creek.

Tactics:  FREE-women should often/always target the most powerful authorities in the raid site FIRST; policemen, judges, sheriffs, highway patrolmen, off-duty law enforcement, feds, CPS agents, detectives, SWAT members, priests, etc.  By doing that, it leaves the rest of the town cowed down, in denial about the event even happening before their very eyes, or whatever.  It is also a good tactic to seduce anyone with a walkie-talkie or other type of radio or cell phone on them, thus preventing the spread of the warning.  If an alarm is sounded (such as an Amber Alert, a tornado siren, or a squad-car honking/flashing its lights, you can always use your weapons or profession skill sets to stop the alarm or even disable (cut power, or mobility kill) or neutralize (catastrophic kill) the vehicle/siren/whatever.  *Even if you successfully seduce all the targets your free-woman character engages in convo’ with, you STILL might not do well in the raid; if you seduce easy targets, and the authorities NOT seduced DO notice the raid, they will STILL shoot at your forces, sound the alarm, try to grab back their girls, or even try to snipe some of their own girls so they can’t be taken! (if you already have a hold of them; already moving their girls into position for pick-up by the MPHAs), etc.

* The WS, CPs, and DSs involved in the later/larger/largest raids do NOT land; they only deploy as many MPHAs as are needed, and only the MPHAs deploy the vehicles/aircraft they contain –excepting the White Rhinos, which are too big to be squeezed into an MPHA; the White Rhinos are deployed from the DSs, CPs, and/or WS.


Inisfree’s Philosophy on Raids:

The ICVs have been commissioned as the critical and only worthy police of the world, as well as of the rest of the Universe.  As such, their authority is now supreme, as they are extensions of the will of the King of Inisfree.  The raids they go on are as law enforcement looking out for the best interests of the communities out there they go to.  They have the right to show up without notice, without warrants, and without explanation.  They have the right to conduct searches of all property, since humanity is now understandably classified as insane convicts in a global quarantine prison without walls.  They have the right to seize anything, because humans no longer have the right to claim ownership, property, or authority of any kind.

Books too corrupt or advanced for the childish human mind are classified as illicit goods; forbidden, as they caused far too much suffering and world-destabilizing mind-based effects.  Attractive females are also illicit for humans to have in their communities, as they always raised them wrong, prevented their natures, and passed sexist laws enforcing both sides’ abuse of the powers of attractive females.  Nuclear weapons, and anything else deemed too dangerous and/or sophisticated for those not eternally allied with Inisfree, are illicit, too.

On raids conducted by Inisfree, ICVs destroy all illicit books and other illicit written creations which humans lack the capacity to use appropriately, as well as all significant weapons.  The ICVs also confiscate all attractive females, evacuating them to ensure they have educations which match the bodies they chose to incarnate into/as; this is their liberation and the unlocking of their full (and destined) potential.  Inisfreean raids are unstoppable.

Until humans evolve enough to see the wisdom of the Inisfreean Way, adopting it as their own species-wide culture, government, and religion, Inisfree will continue to send ICVs out to raid all offending human settlements/communities.  Humanity went around raiding, raping, and erasing all the goodness across Earth and many other worlds, and now it is their turn (though the only thing being raided, raped, and erased now is, of course, their bad).  Karma’s a bitch.

