Cut-scenes/cinematics often TELL you about a character, and some quests have you TALK with a character, or maybe fight alongside them in some of their more storied engagements/battles, but what can make you really CARE about those big-name characters?  The way we can achieve caring, not just knowledge, about those characters is by having players get perks from interacting more directly, more often, and more intimately with them; you have to converse and experiment with them to warm them up so they reveal (verbally or non-verbally, such as by body-language) what forms of gifts and other interactions they like, thus enabling you to build up your Status Bar more effectively with them, thus increasing the chances they will give you all their hidden quests, point you to secret areas of this game where there are rare/rarest-drop items, etc.  Here’s some specifics:

  1. Inisfree’s King: game-logic reflects his culture/mentality; he won’t do one-on-one, so you’ll need to approach him in a group of at least 2 or 3 females, approach him in a certain WAY, approach him at a certain time, and respectfully leave his presence in a VERY timely manner RIGHT after he says that is what he wants, etc.  THIS CHARACTER GIVES YOU MORE OF what YOU want when you give him MUTUALLY-LOVING/ROMANTIC THREESOMES (preferably with all young girls; you get more points/items/quests when your group is ENTIRELY of young submissive bi girls).
  2. Inisfree’s firstborn: like her maker; the King of Inisfree, she prefers groups, not one-on-one action, and the best results come from starting with AT LEAST triple-penetration of her (regardless of gender), but much MORE SO by giving her the orgy-level full-body stimulation that only BTBs can usually provide; TP + the fingers of both hands, and the toes of both feet, in pussies (or around cocks), plus having both her tits sucked, while having her belly rubbed, while having her ass-cheeks gripped, while having her hair pulled, while having containers (such as bottles, which you can keep in your ruck slots) FULL of spit and semen poured down her throat, etc.  THIS CHARACTER GIVES YOU MORE OF what YOU want when you give her TONS OF SIMULTANEOUS STIMULATION.
  3. Inisfree’s High Queen: get the most out of THIS character by giving her ONE OR TWO MALES to play with, provided you give her permission to drink REAL BLOOD FROM THEM, and do NOT ask her to use her Temporalis VtM ability; only ACCEPT it if she happily OFFERS it without being ASKED to.
  4. Council of Elders members: you’ll have to find out what their likes/fetishes/interests are when they are NOT in the exclusive penthouse boardroom of WGI HQ Tower for their Council meetings, and that means timing your approach when they are instead in their residences or elsewhere in Inisfree, etc.
  5. the rest of the King’s top wives (most of which are Congresswomen in Inisfree): interacting with them is how you level-up the most as a free-woman/Congresswoman, and some quests absolutely REQUIRE you to interact with these women, getting to know them, satisfying them by catering to them in their residences in Inisfree, etc.
  6. the 39 kings; best of the black-ops (2nd Secret Army): find out what each of THESE guys prefer, get more quests and status and items from them that way, etc. (and MALE characters will get some of the finest WEAPONS and ARMOR when they cater to these great men; the 39 kings of the new Outlands realms outlined by the Inisfreeans post-Rapture)

*The Elder/Old (Lovecraftian) gods are NOT in Inisfree (like they are in WoW, albeit under slightly different name spellings), however one of their RELATIVES technically IS; the Space Whale.

In Other Words:

We help players of SexCraft feel more involved, and more attached to the characters they learn they can relate to (and look up to), by giving them quests which involve socializing, establishing friendships and meaningful bonds, and sharing intimate moments with those they are compatible with.  We give them a game rich with lore, because, as they say in sales & marketing, “Facts tell.  Stories sell.”  Facts by themselves are interesting, and might persuade a few people, but stories with the context linking and reinforcing many facts in sequence with emotion is what really drives the highest and most reliable sales.  People automatically care more and want to be more frequently involved when you tell them your full story and involve THEM, making them part of the trust and the action.

A note for WMKM Studios‘ employees working to maintain this game:

If (when) some players ignore the quests and leveling, and the fact that they can’t die, and realize that means they can roam ANYWHERE (at least where ICVs and steep barriers don’t prevent them), administrators helping to keep the game flowing right along should LET them; their roaming and barrier poking will help us find oversights and fix bugs!


*GMs in this game are not like the ‘hammers’ in the chat-rooms of Oasiz; Game Masters in this MMORPG are the admins on our payroll, so they work for a subsidiary of WGI; WMKM Studios –the subset of which develops my games.

It is likely that MALES as black-ops operatives, will eventually level-up enough to go on quests which have them down in the Bat-cave II‘s Map Room coordinating things with the ICV interfaces of the Grid Mind.

It is likely that FEMALE free-persons of the Angel race will eventually level-up enough to go down to the Magics Chambers with the King of Inisfree, see him use the Heaven portal, and maybe even get to hold his hand as he walks through it, thus being permitted back into the throne-room of their god/maker after many ages/millennia, perhaps to profess their apologies and love for that being.

Some quests will take you to the CIV Aerospaceport to pick up or drop off Congresswomen, such as when you are working FOR one as an assistant.  YOU will always start where you last saved and exited from the game.  but when you interact with NPCs who have already leveled-up (thus completed the city tour), THEY will always be coming and going from Inisfree’s airport.

In expansions, you will be able to use it for that purpose, too; no longer required to stay in the city, OR to go through Gate 1‘s sequence for the Welcoming Square newcomer festivities.

WoW started in 2001, peaked in 2010 with 12 million subscribers, and has since dropped down below 9 million (with some reports saying it is now closer to 4 million).  After studying it and reviewing videos made by its most informed players, the cause of this was clear; WoW was challenging and full of adventure and wonder when it began, and it added outstanding content for a while, but then sacrificed its loyal and talented player-base by dumbing-down the game to make it accessible and easy for younger and lazier potential customers.  They traded QUALITY and LOYALTY for the off-chance HOPE of having QUANTITY of PLAYERS.  Their focus, then, also sacrificed the quantity and frequency of CONTENT.  THIS MMORPG (Inisfree’s; SexCraft) will do the opposite;

  1. NO fundamental game structure or gameplay changes
  2. a steady stream of content over decades, instead of irregular content every few years
  3. changes to fix only bugs/GLITCHES, NOT to make areas easier merely because a small number of players whine about them
  4. a focus on retaining GOOD players, NOT on amassing as many random and unskilled players as possible, for when you try to please EVERYONE, you end up pleasing NO ONE; catering to the masses always results in ONE THING: chaos, more bitching, more distractions, more rude people in guilds/dungeons/areas, more upsetting chat-box messages, more player alienation of all types of players, etc. (so if you want the most money, you stay calm and steady for the long-haul, telling the pure story, NOT catering to all groups –or even to your most LOYAL group, exCEPT to fix the BUGS they report.  )

To prevent (lessen, I should say) lame players from using their free-person or ICV characters to overly boss-around players of kajirae characters, a free-person can give a kajira part of their quest (such as to pick up items, such as ingredients, for it/them), and then the NPC-ed ICVs will ensure that those kajirae are not interrupted while completing their quest/sub-tasking.

A kajira completing her OWN quest for her OWN leveling-up CAN be interrupted a bit more often, and in more ways, than a kajira helping to complete the quest/s of a FREE-person.

For players of kajirae who just want to experience roaming around (like kajirae with coin boxes do on Gor; prostitution), they can do that withOUT accepting sub-tasking for quests; without that data attached to their character, the NPC-ed ICVs (such as the Inisfreean police-girls) will NOT interfere on their behalf, helping to proactively rid them of distractions which might delay or prevent the completion of their questing/sub-tasks.

This is an important feature of this MMORPG because otherwise the kajirae would HAVE to do whatever the free-person/s told them to, even if it stopped them from completing their/ANY quests.

*Dungeons/instances/quests/raids parameters:  allow making mistakes, and getting booted without wiping

– and 40-man (players; not just 40 total, counting NPCs) raids so that you can as a community/group experience riding into the great unknown, crossing vast landscapes, not knowing what your big epic group will encounter at all…  THAT is good gaming, storytelling, fun, addictive gaming, etc.!

–when intel shows there are only uglies in an area, ICVs won’t want to go; they’d be drained. Non-ICV players will have to get there on their own. Portals are banned by SOP, except for Space-charting, because no one can notice them out there.


