These are our full-scale practice-wars.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Our Spin
  3. Process for Each Drill
  4. Preparations, Cleanups, Etc.
  5. First Series:  2198 A.D.
  6. Second Series:  2199 A.D.
  7. Third Series:  2509 A.D.
  8. 2023/+ Notes



There is a term for a “practice war” in the military in modern times; Revised Combined Arms Exercise (R-CAX).  Every year… some super-power conducts or hosts at least one R-CAX.  An R-CAX is a full-scale battle or series of battles designed to prepare large military units for actual war.

Before the R-CAXs were just the CAX.  They were very similar.  A regular CAX only involved now-obsolete weapons, gear, and tactics.  (Auz, while still growing up, participated in both, eventually becoming an instructor for several of them in 2006.)

The idea is to get talented at throwing multiple branches of a military at an enemy simultaneously, resulting in that enemy making itself exposed to one (such as aircraft vs. ships) while trying to focus on defeating one of the others.  For example, if an enemy shifts its production to making anti-aircraft systems, those would be less effective against Army tanks or Navy ships.  Only an enemy with vast resources could produce and field enough of all needed response-devices.

Further details are here.


Our Spin:

Inisfreeans like to “flip” scenarios in order to better challenge and evolve/enlighten themselves.  In this case, they try to pit themselves against numerically-superior hostile forces, often who are given much larger and very advanced Spacecraft.  So far, no Inisfreean unit has been outsmarted or outmaneuvered, though –or defeated (though defeats were feigned and simulated, being some of the tactics deemed best for a few of the R-CAX encounters/drills).


Process for Each Drill:

  1. travel out to remote/unused pockets/areas of the asteroid belts/fields
  2. scan all asteroids within range to determine contents/resources (and to determine if they are uninhabited)
  3. use the uninhabited ones for the building-blocks/materials/resources for  this R-CAX
  4. convert some of them into 3D-printing facilities/stations out there
  5. print the simulated-combatant vessels
  6. deploy those vessels
  7. engage those vessels at a safe distance from their production facilities/stations
  8. practice boarding and salvaging derelicts
  9. reduce them to unrecognizable/useless rubble that looks like normal asteroids or other Space debris
  10. repeat until all types/classes of ships have been worked with in those ways
  11. practice engaging them in transit / en route
  12. practice engaging their production facilities/stations
  13. reduce those facilities/stations to rubble like the ships/rest
  14. study and review all data collected during this R-CAX, regularly/repeatedly refining/revising the thinking (conclusions/findings about which approaches to each situation and ship-type are best under a variety of circumstances (Space environments/conditions))

Inisfreeans (ICVs) are talented at teleporting everything in their arsenal, but that degree/amount of teleporting (including teleporting the enemy’s / enemies’ beams, bullets, and weapons) turned battles into seconds –so then the ICVs chose to use different combos of their tech’, avoiding all the advanced stuff (such as teleporting incoming-fire out of the way –or back into the ships that fired it), and wearing enemies down with their tirelessness.

Inisfreeans plan for ships (at least those of their allies and enemies) to get gunned down (disabled, if not destroyed) and then used as cover –as well as for those big wrecks to be pushed as/like slow missiles or battering-rams.


Preparations, Cleanups, Etc.:

Inisfreeans can sense all thoughts, even repressed ones their targets are not conscious of having. Inisfreeans can also remote-clone any mind and entire person. This has allowed us to not only 3D-print perfect replicas of all ships of notionally/pretend-opposing forces (OPFORs), but also their crews, ensuring the OPFOR/s vessels and related vehicles are operated the same way their personnel/makers would, giving it their all, at least within the constraint of the limits of their own educations/training/assumptions and mortality.

Once an engagement/drill is over, every ship and mind of the OPFOR/s is reset, if desired.

At some point the crews of the OPFOR/s vessels are replaced with ICVs, as ICVs can then pilot those craft at maximum efficiency and cleverness, keeping them “red-lined” in various ways, really seeing what they are capable of, even beyond what their original makers/users thought possible. The ICVs “play” as an/the OPFOR, sometimes even behaving the emotional way/s a particular OPFOR race/species is known to. Still, of course, all vessels made by beings less than ICVs… eventually get outperformed, disabled, and used against themselves, leaving only the ICVs who were temporarily crewing them.

Once all scenarios have been rehearsed and practiced as they would occur in actual war-time engagements, everything which was made for the engagement/s… gets subatomically recycled, all those cloned minds… shut back off. Not a trace is left behind; no potentially-hazardous debris to float or speed around in Space, and no witnesses other than the ICVs and High King Auz. Imagine all those cloned ships and their crews… suddenly feeling completely comfortable flying through Space toward the Inisfreean shields and portals which are to recycle them.

It may be interesting to note that the Inisfreeans knew they were so far advanced beyond any human understanding… that no RCAX was needed to help ensure a sound victory over the humans/Earth. This was demonstrated during the Rapture campaign; in a matter of hours, all human civilization was undone, and a couple days after that… not even 1% of that species remained, now entirely at the mercy of the Inisfreeans and many others who had chosen then and that way to reclaim authority over them and their world –and over their entire timeline; past and future.

After the 2nd RCAX, even though more/new ships and people would be manifested and detected during the Mapping Campaign, the 3rd RCAX would not be to practice outsmarting those newer craft/beings, but instead only to practice maintaining OPSEC while getting used to doing all the things which were the most likely to result in understanding, gratitude, and bonds forming between the personality-types who would be recruited for the social-experiment based in TNH.

“All things happen in threes.”
“Third time’s a/the charm.”
Having always satisfactorily stayed in power during and after every RCAX drill/evolution, even against gods and copies of gods, and even in real engagements not part of any RCAX, there was no point in conducting more RCAXs. The Inisfreeans had calculated and proven their superiority –in terms of technology, training, numbers, experience, and sheer willpower, plus vril. They knew how to calm down, or keep calm, and harmonize with all things. Even the Infinity Stones could only work how their maker, Auz, wanted them to; nothing –not even what humans had assumed were immutable laws of nature– had any power over Him, thus any power over them (the ICVs and other ICs), the extensions of his will/power.

This is another reason why no more Inisfreeans or Inisfreean ships were made after 2197; there was no need for more, even though it was possible for powerful minds/focuses to generate more Space and worlds and peoples, and even though there could be times when the nearly all-powerful Inisfreeans might not be able to instantly observe and re-stabilize it all. They made what they needed to form their own dimension and solar-system, and then that turned out to be enough to map all of Creation, and no one had been able to stand against them in those or other things. Even the stars (eyes/portals/children of god/source/Heaven/Muspelheim) themselves were now “one” with them, eager to do his (Auz’s) will.

If ever there is a 4th RCAX, it will be entirely based on holistic/full-bodied vril-‘combat’; it will be the Inisfreeans using their sexiness, seduction, and omni-satisfying superpower/talents alone to defeat all the pretend foes. Such an RCAX will also be more for the viewing enjoyment of Auz and any distinguished guests, as he and his people already have witnessed many times that nature/way of theirs has been more than enough to see them through, leading to living every fantasy they ever dreamed up, having less and less to deal with anything else. Perhaps, if ever they decide to have this 4th RCAX, it will even be inside the stars; inside the core all stars share –and with their/that being’s/dimension’s invitation (it being one of Auz’s distinguished guests, even though it would technically be (viewing) inside itself for such an event).


First Series:  2198 A.D.

more details TBA…

[file not found – perhaps redacted/deleted by A.I. –at least until later; the right time]

All known SSP ships were printed/cloned and tested, as were all known alien ships (including Anunnaki ones, Vimanas, etc.).

  • ships from movies, computer games, and TV shows were all rapidly 3D-printed in Space,
    sometimes by the thousands,
    all using the material of the asteroids in the Inner and Outer Belts, as well as of the Oort.
    once they were destroyed, they were reduced back to unrecognizable rubble via a similar technology.
  • EVE Online ships of all types were tested, all using powerful A.I.s to captain and coordinate them.
  • all Mass Effect ships were tested.
  • all Star Trek and Star Wars ships.
  • regardless of what the Inisfreeans faced, they always found its weaknesses, tricked it into defeating/compromising itself,
    and many times even technopathically override-ed both ship and crew, commandeering them all –before making the crew believe self-destruction was the best course of action.
    Sometimes they got them to warp into nearby planets or stars, the gods and angels of which always instantly de-atomized them.
    Sometimes they got them to eject all their life-pods, creating tons of debris that distracted or even crashed into their own fighter-pilots
  • whatever those enemy-ships did, the Inisfreeans made it work against them.
  • a popular move of the Inisfreeans was even giving the enemy what it sought most;
    with the Borg, they gave it too many people to assemble,
    thereby distracting it from defense, and overburdening it with the assimilation processes.
  • with the Q, they let it encounter an even cockier and cuntier beyond-Q collective.

Part of this involved practicing deploying and recalling our entire fleet; moving our SSBS in and out of our private man-made dimension, and using its Life Star beam to arouse, heal, and override entire fleets at once.


Second Series:  2199 A.D.

Cylon Base-ships were the next to be forged and engaged in battle. Though Cylons are advanced computers, robotics, and cybotics (cyborgs), Inisfreeans outclassed them every time, having faster processing (thoughts) all the while. The total Cylon population would not even be 1% of the Inisfreean population (numbering in the sextillions), meaning that the total computing power of the Cylons would not be even .001% of the Inisfreeans (as Inisfreean brains (supercomputers) are superior individually, and much, much more so when in such great numbers, especially when coordinated by the gigantic Grid Mind; brain of their home-city).

Eldar Craft-worlds (planet-sized Spaceships) were also tested, and, even with brilliant utilization of the Webway, these world-sized vessels and their millions of Space-elves piloting and manning hundreds of thousands of warships… still only took a couple hours to completely neutralize.

Flood (of Halo) spores were created and sent on collision courses to notionally colonized worlds (as they would have no way of assimilating Inisfreeans or their constructs (Inisfreean ships, for example, think for themselves, and have the same brain (computer) shielding and other fail-safes and countermeasures that all Inisfreean minds do). The challenge in this R-CAX was to surgically turn the tide of a war in which Flood had already contaminated, infested, corrupted, and genetically altered significant portions of the civilizations of the vulnerable Outlands worlds. Since Flood spread more quickly than Xenomorphs, this is considered to be the only true test of Inisfreean might, as Inisfreeans are repulsed by all things ugly to the point of retreating into long periods of hibernation (sometimes for decades or longer), and such levels of ugliness as are standard for all Flood operations tend to provoke Inisfreeans to utilize their star-destabilizing weaponry, such as black-hole bombs. One of the only successful options (if the Inisfreeans decide they cannot stand how ugly their enemy force is, and wish not to record experiences dealing with such sheer ugliness) is to time-travel to alter the time-stream; to determine when the Flood can be stopped before they turn an entire civilization or world to (its maximum level of) ugliness -and this is something Inisfreeans hate to do almost as much as they hate seeing anything that is ugly. Thus the Flood, whenever they manage to ‘uglify’ a world or empire of beings previously sexually compatible with the Inisfreeans… before the Inisfreeans notice and have time to intervene… are considered an even greater potential threat than the Q Continuum. It is for this reason that Inisfree’s deployed forces maintain a strict vigil non-invasively mind-surfing all potentially vulnerable societies so that at the first hint of a Flood (or Flood-like) threat (long before a Flood or Flood-like invasion) is rapidly annihilated by Inisfree’s superior technologies. Inisfreean external security concerns (the galactic and megaversal equivalents of international and intercontinental foreign policy), unsurprisingly, remain focused more on suspected Flood sightings than on the Ebola epidemic or Xian pandemic.

Formics (from Ender’s Game) were created en masse to test their Ansible and swarm aspects against the Ansible and swarm aspects of the Inisfreeans. Though they proved formidable even against Reaper swarms in numerous trials, they stood no chance against Inisfreean black-hole weaponry. Formics also had no way of countering the Inisfreean mind-overriding abilities, which gave the Grid Mind control over entire Formic swarms within minutes. Also, even if the Formics had mind-overriding abilities of their own, Inisfreean minds are so heavily shielded and encrypted that attempts at bypassing these innate defense mechanisms would have proven futile.

Humans: The Terran Battlecruisers (of StarCraft) are considered too small, weak, and primitive to warrant combat testing against Inisfree, as they would be blinked out of existence in an instant via any number of Inisfreean techniques, and the Titans (of EVE Online) are not created until after 2730. Though several kilometers long in some cases, Titans are still easily swatted away by Inisfree or any of the Inisfreean Warships. The only remaining contenders for the humans, then, are the Warhammer battleships which can be nearly 2km wide and 4km deep (‘long’) (as is the case with the Apocalypse-class and Retribution-class battleships). There is also the Phalanx mobile fortress-monastery (of Warhammer) which was vaguely described thusly: “[the] size of a small moon or large asteroid, its foredeck can dock a dozen Imperial Navy Cruisers around its circumference”. In Battlemech, Battletech, Battlespace, and Mechwarrior, the largest DropShip is the Behemoth; H: 275m, W: 200m, D: 200m, and then there is the Bastion System Defense Station (SDS); a sphere with a 345m diameter. There are also JumpShips which can be nearly 1.5km long, but these are still considered too small, weak, and primitive to warrant combat testing against Inisfree, as they would be blinked out of existence in an instant via any number of Inisfreean techniques. For example, the Monolith (the largest JumpShip) is only 750m long and 380,000 tons. Even the WarShips are typically no more than 1,700m long; also negligible compared to Inisfreean might.

Reapers were nearly successful in systematically exterminating all advanced civilizations across the Milky Way Galaxy for the hundred-thousandth time (or more) in a row (the actual number of galactic purges conducted by this race of biomechanical bug-like star-ships is unknown, as they hibernate for ~50,000 Earth-years, then spend centuries wiping all advanced civilizations out, leaving few things in their wake capable of recording and preserving the data of such events to and beyond their next awakening and purge). Considered a threat comparable to that of the Flood (of Halo), Reapers are actively hunted on their home turf; their formerly-secret hibernation areas of Deep Space and Dark Matter beyond the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. Caught off-guard there, their largest swarms only last a few minutes as Inisfreean forces swoop down upon them from all sides, overwhelming and deleting them before most of them even wake up to defend themselves. Even more powerful and mind-controlling than the field of influence all Reapers have… is the calming aura of any Inisfreean –the synergy of which, especially in swarm numbers (up to sextillions of Inisfreeans), is staggering even to a fleet of the largest Reapers. *The reason for hunting such a useful species is because Inisfreeans alone must decide which beings stay or go, while Reapers wipe out all advanced civilizations, indiscriminately slaughtering untold numbers of sexy females in the process; unacceptable to any Inisfreean.

Protoss: Considered an advanced form of the Asari (biotics & psionics), the largest Spaceship built by this species, the Protoss Mothership, was flash-cloned –fully staffed and reinforced with a fleet of Protoss Carriers. Beyond housing many thousands of elite Protoss military personnel, all of which possessed remarkable telepathic, telekinetic, and other mental powers (namely psionic ones; the abilities to make practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena), this large Spaceship class also makes use of a black-hole weapon. The trouble for the Protoss is that, though extremely advanced compared to 99% of species and civilizations across the Universe, a mere single black-hole weaponization technique is still considered primitive relative Inisfreeans because Inisfreeans have shielding and jamming for such things, and because Inisfreeans can redirect black-holes back toward the Protoss Mothership. Furthermore, Protoss Carriers, even when supported by Protoss Arbiters (group-cloaking Spaceships) and other Protoss Spacecraft, are insufficient for running interception or distraction work for the Protoss Mothership; Inisfreeans can see items through all forms of cloaking, and just redirect any black-holes created by the Protoss Mothership to suck all supporting ships into the mother one. Stasis fields are also useless against Inisfreeans who move inter-dimensionally with their craft (ships and vehicles); phase-shifting as easily as humans side-step and skip.

Protoss-Zerg Hybrids created by the Xel’naga were recreated and unleashed inside Inisfreean ships. Though they possessed the mental powers of the Protoss (including telepathic, psychic, and even demonic-possession-style mind-altering abilities), and though they possessed the Xenomorph-like powers of the Zerg (such as genetic assimilation, and the ability to heal their buildings (a primitive form of what Inisfreean constructs can do)), Inisfreean constructs remained immune to all of these powers. Ultimately, as with the Xenomorphs, the Protoss-Zerg Hybrids were unable to do anything more than wander around and memorize Inisfreean areas and habits.

The Q Continuum is another (‘higher’) dimension where a nearly omnipotent species exists in a sort of seemingly eternal stagnation. Having relatively godlike powers when compared to humans of Star Fleet, the Q are, perhaps, the only species in the Megaverse which stand a chance at causing problems for Inisfreeans who actually ARE omnipotent at this point in history. The curious thing in this dueling scenario is that the Q claim to be timeless; to have always existed, never been created, and never facing death (though Q can die if they wish and are approved by other Q to disincarnate), while Inisfreeans were created over the course of the 2010s by a mortal human as he evolved into immortality and invincibility (and no Inisfreean can ever die or even wish, think, or request to die; it isn’t physically possible for them to do any of those). This means that even though Inisfreeans, too, know how to perform various forms of time-travel, no matter which point in any time-stream they teleported to, they could not alter the supposedly timeless existence of the Q or their Continuum. Also, the Q are just as ugly, temperamental, and condescending as most humans, while Inisfreeans are born and remain perfect; flawlessly beautiful. This means that Q are ultimately mortal and capable of committing suicide, while Inisfreeans are not, and that Q can have mood swings, while Inisfreeans cannot. This also means that the Q, though supposedly timeless, are not stabilized by their own natures and beauties, while Inisfreeans certainly are (the sexiness of Inisfreeans is part of what keeps them healthy, happy, horny, active, and in love with eternity all the time). So, though the Q can time-travel and have a much greater memory of all of time, even more powerful forces than the Q possess have locked into the main time-stream the life and evolution of Auzdein into his greatest phase of existence; Inisfree. In other words, Q cannot alter events to prevent the birth of Auzdein or his maturation into Inisfree and all it has become today. All the Q can do is annoy him from time to time -and only when he is in the Outlands (the Q do not possess enough power to enter Inisfree or do anything there without Auzdein’s permission). The paradox in this is that, though he hates being annoyed, now that he has become Inisfree, being annoyed is nearly impossible, so being annoyed would simultaneously offend and impress him, plus the Q are regarded as annoying to him (Inisfree) whether they are aloof or present (whether they are visible to him and other Inisfreeans or away in their Q Continuum dimension). The Grid Mind (technically Auz’s 2nd brain) determined that the way to defeat the Q in a war, then, is to bore them until enough of their people request suicide (which distracts Q leadership), attempt suicide (which panics Q leadership), and succeed in suicide (which causes catastrophic effects in the Outlands -even to the point of changing the gravitational constant for vast regions of Space). It is hypothesized that these catastrophic effects would be far-reaching enough to affect even the Q Continuum, possibly deleting it out of existence entirely -even to the point that it never existed at all. The Q, on the other hand, cannot bore Inisfree or the Inisfreeans to this point, though, as their presence energizes Inisfree with anger just as much as their absence does (wherever the Q are, it stirs the ire of the Inisfreean heart). Ultimately, the Q are unstable, but that seems to keep the Megaverse are more interesting, surprising, and entertaining place -even though they are typical in their ugliness. Furthermore, Inisfree regards them not as a threat (as their powers cannot change anything Inisfreean, though they Could delete planets or time-streams out of existence as Inisfreean fleets were eagerly anticipating landfall, kajirae harvesting, and so on), but as the natural voluntary de-evolution of ‘gods’ back into unstable forms due to the inevitable boredom, depression, and atrophy that tends to occur when beings ascend to the point of achieving too many powers. In short, the Q are hard-wired to seek interaction with ‘lesser’ beings, just like the Inisfreeans are, and the Inisfreeans cannot harm the Q Continuum’s timeless existence, while the Q cannot harm Inisfree’s invincible existence from the 2010s onward. In a word: stalemate.

Xenomorphs work best as infiltrators, so dozens of them were released into Inisfreean ships and ignored (Inisfreean sensors can easily detect and track them anywhere). The Xenomorphs, curiously enough, made no attempt to capture anything; this is because first they sensed nothing was impregnable (Inisfreeans and their structures cannot be converted by the Xenomorph processes), then the calming auras of all Inisfreean constructs (Inisfreeans and their structures) made the Xenomorphs docile like house pets. Inisfreeans then demonstrated their omni-conversion abilities by willing Facehugger DNA to change such that all the Facehuggers became sex-toys with rechargeable battery stations; their eggs, both of which used to be very short-lived mortals (after indefinite hibernation was interrupted by the detection of nearby lifeforms of sufficient biomass to warrant impregnation attempts).

Yautja followed suit in these deep Space war games. Their masks were easily overridden or teleported away, while Inisfreeans’ natural eyeballs and other sense organs continued to see in all of those spectrum sections and more, and are incapable of being teleported away. This was enough to outclass the Yautja, and the Inisfreeans didn’t even need to call upon their virtually infinite computing power to out-think these formerly galactic apex predators. Beyond this, while Yautja can cloak from the visible spectrum, Inisfreeans can cloak across the entire spectrum, so their hiding abilities are vastly superior to anything the Yautja could imagine. As for the Yautja Spaceships, they are considered as negligible as grains of sand on a gentle breeze would be.

Zerg: The Cerebrates and Overmind alike were interfaced with and overridden the same way Inisfreeans control minds and computers. Given that an Overmind is the size of a small town, or a number of Xenomorph Hives, it took several minutes to scan, map, interface with, and override the Overmind, as compared to the nearly instantaneous overrides that Xenomorph Queens and all other Outlander creatures succumbed to. Once the override was complete, however, due to the Ansible-like Zerg telepathic network (a primitive form of the I.N.N.), entire broods and countless swarms fell dormant within seconds, being swept aside like inanimate objects floating helplessly in an asteroid belt.

At the conclusion of this 2nd series of R-CAX, the Grid Mind determined that if combinations of these various threat species were to arise on an unprecedented scale across multiple galaxies simultaneously, whether in a coordinated effort of ‘axis powers’ or as a coincidence, while Inisfree would remain immune to it all, Inisfreean forces would be strained in the sense that it would take them longer to deploy to so many points of Space all at once, destroy or mind-control such numerous enemy units, and ‘sleep off’ the angering and depressing effects of witnessing so many different things Inisfreeans consider to be ugly and ‘draining’ (temporarily, though significantly, reducing of Inisfreean chi and motivation).


Third Series:  2509 A.D.

This round was just for TNH  –using human-animatronics to simulate the crew and reactions it would have (which is so ICVs do not lead, but know how to deal w human errors).  TNH was piloted by a team of ICVs doing their best to think/fly/command as the humans of 34 Tauri likely would.

This was also when the Firefly named Persephone was “dialed in”, ensuring that each type of weapon it fired from itself… left the misleading traces/signature of various groups/organizations/militaries of humans over in 34 Tauri; it would sometimes be used as a false-flag vessel/platform.  Persephone was flown by itself at times (even to the point of letting it simultaneously fly and defend itself), me at other times (while Nyria helped the ship defend itself), and sometimes Nyria (while I manned her station, helping the ship defend itself; cross-training the two/three of us).  Nyria usually manned the Weapons chair/station in the cockpit, though.

Here are some of the things which were tested/perfected:

  1. practice maintenance and checks/inspections (including diagnostics)
  2. practice repairs
  3. practice cleaning (not to the level of decontamination yet; that practice/training is later this year)
  4. practice identifying/noticing/deducing system glitches (more for application in non-IC, of course)
  5. practice emergency procedures (including for fires, flooding, screen/system failures, abandoning ship, etc.)
  6. practice radio/comm’s jargon/lingo (common to 34 Tauri)
  7. practice simulation-flights (takeoffs from major 34 Tauri spaceports, approaches to major 34 Tauri spaceports, etc.)
  8. practice flights in Space/orbit
  9. practice solar-storm / Space-weather flight-adjustments
  10. practice flights in/into atmosphere (of normal “garden” worlds)
  11. practice dives
  12. practice stalls
  13. practice flights to the upper/outer atmosphere of gas-giants
  14. practice gravity-slingshotting
  15. practice warps/’jumps’, regular (not hiding our location or destination)
  16. practice docking
  17. practice decontamination
  18. practice flyovers/scans
  19. practice landings on normal-atmosphere worlds
  20. practice landings on low-/no-atmosphere worlds
  21. practice crashes/rollovers
  22. practice satellite-patrols
  23. practice escort-flights
  24. practice detecting and navigating outside the ranges of satellites/sensors (and listening stations)
  25. practice evasive-maneuvers
  26. practice flights near/through asteroid belts/fields
  27. practice dogfights
  28. practice bombardment
  29. practice boardings (to and from)
  30. practice boarding/pirate repelling and ejection
  31. practice taking/holding detainees; POWs, kajirae-candidates (including hygiene, meal prep’/service, laundry/linens, etc.)
  32. practice sealing and unsealing specific rooms and sections
  33. practice rendering medical aid (including in low- and no-gravity)
  34. practice loading and unloading (normal) cargo/palettes
  35. practice distributing and securing a load
  36. practice loading and unloading HAZMAT
  37. practice flying with an average load (half capacity)
  38. practice flying with a full load (capacity; all rooms and lockers full)
  39. practice flying with more than the recommended maximum load (overweight/overfilled rooms)
  40. practice stealth and “running dark/silent”
  41. practice stealth and “running dark/silent” to/during warp/s (to keep our location and destination hidden)
  42. practice G-drive failure; gravity-loss/-off
  43. practice life-support / stasis
  44. practice hosting
  45. practice anomaly-reporting
  46. practice first-contact procedures
  47. further / re-testing to “red line” / failure; reconfirming limits of the cloaking and other features/abilities
  48. practice managing/owning/grooming kajirae-candidates; pre-training/program basics
  49. practice pretend/deception self-destruct

During the drills/training before the 1st deployment, ICVs roleplayed as our pretend detainees, such as kajirae-candidates –including pretending to panic and protest when witnessing one of their fellow ‘captives’ (roleplayers) “get Spaced” for misbehaving to me (Auz).

2024 October 28 Monday note:  Before any of that was done, “Persephone”, empty of any crew members (not to protect ICVs, who are invincible, but because their natural shielding would dramatically absorb/convert/end any explosion portion that reached them), was “fake-accidental-internal-nuke” tested (IOW detonating an actual nuclear bomb inside the ship; in its ICBM launch-tube), and it did just fine –b/c it wasn’t a true prototype; it was based on long-proven SRC and our blackhole-based forcefield tech’, both of which had been refined/perfected over 500 Earth-years.  There was no damage/radiation/residual after this test at all.  ICVs reentering “Persephone” could see/sense any if there had been.


2023/+ Notes:

Some of the ships and creatures we tested… were made and battled centuries before the humans met and reacted to them.  This hints at how we have figured out how to make things based in soft-disclosure, and how we can see and move through time, sampling from the future as much as from the past and imagination.  We are the greatest deities now, and shall forevermore be, and we are the ones who can ‘pull off’ anything.

“Pseudo R-CAX” / “R-CAX 2.5”:

  • Test-firing our biggest “anti-weapon”; the Life Star‘s main beam on a planet, we noted that it instantly removed rude pests, such as parasites such as humans, from the outer surface,
    reducing earthquakes, triggering no explosions,
    calming and stabilizing and unifying everything good which had before that beam been rendered isolationistic and spiritually weary,
    and all beings left on the world were healed of all their ails, their ancestral range of abilities restored, they then seeming superhuman by comparison to the wearied modern norm.
    That single firing also instantly removed all pollution, something even The Rapture took a full day or more to do.
    It even reset the world to its pre-destabilized state of being a global garden paradise with only wade-able lakes, not deep seas or oceans, and so on.
    We then tested it on a world with both compatible and incompatible people, such as Dark Fleet colonists, and rude primitive shallow-eyed non-soul humans, and saw it leave all those in Dark Fleet, as they are descendants of Angels, while the latter were disappeared in the blink of an eye.
  • We then used the SSBS’s many tractor beams, and the tractor beams of its deployed ships, to gather and reassemble an entire planetary ring system into what it had been, firing the life-beams of those craft to restore their parts and whole, undoing erosion which would make the fragmented parts seem to a human to not fit.
    This took mere weeks.
  • Then we did this on the next largest scale; we reassembled an asteroid belt.
    This took months.
  • Then the next level up: not part of a solar system, but part of a galaxy; a galactic arm.
    This took years.
  • Then the next level: part of a Universe; a galaxy.
    This took decades.
    How is that possible? We willed Space to contract, and shifted all components into what humans might think of as “thought mode”; we changed the state of matter of the parts being moved into a state humans did not know was a possible state.
  • Then the next level: a “filament”/”string” of galaxies.
    This took centuries.
  • Then a string of clusters of galaxies.
    This took millennia.
  • Then superclusters.
    This took tens of millennia.
  • Then universes.
    This took hundreds of millennia.
    By that time, it was >222,222 Earth-years past 2300 A.D..

2024 April note:  R-CAX 4 is simulated because we don’t feel like making Perry-verse “Swarms”; groups of devices which move entire solar-systems and even galaxies.



  • Terminators (Cyberdyne Systems drones, robots, and cyborgs) were not practice-warred against by us, as they were regarded as too few and easily overridden, plus… their programming was to wipe out as many bad/self-destructive humans as possible, not to be a threat to anyone intelligent or compatible with us; Terminators were never a potential enemy/threat to us.