This is where everyone lives.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Directory of Berths / Quarters-sections
  3. Compared to Inisfree’s Vessels
  4. Conceptual Images



noun: berthing; plural noun: berthings
  1. the action of mooring a ship.
    “as soon as the berthing was complete, they went ashore”
  2. mooring position; accommodation in berths.
    “there were more than 12 miles of berthing”
gerund or present participle: berthing
  1. moor (a ship) in its allotted place.
    “these modern ships can almost berth themselves”
  2. (of a passenger ship) provide a sleeping place for (someone).

plural noun: berths
  1. a ship’s allotted place at a wharf or dock.
    synonyms: mooringdockslipanchorage; 

    “the vessel left its berth”
  2. a fixed bed or bunk on a ship, train, or other means of transport.
    synonyms: bunkbedcotcouchhammock

    “a four-berth cabin”
  3. informal
    (often in a sports context) a situation or position in an organization or event.
    “today’s victory clinched a berth for the Orioles in the playoffs”
3rd person present: berths
  1. moor (a ship) in its allotted place.
    “these modern ships can almost berth themselves”
    • (of a ship) dock.
      “the Dutch freighter berthed at the Brooklyn docks”
      synonyms: dockmoorlandtie up, make fast

      “they berthed at a jetty in Ram’s Head Bay”
  2. (of a passenger ship) provide a sleeping place for (someone).

plural noun: quarters
  1. rooms or lodgings, especially those allocated to people in military or domestic service.
    “the servants’ quarters”
    synonyms: accommodations, lodgings, rooms, chambers; 

    “the servants’ quarters”
3rd person present: quarters
  1. be stationed or lodged in a specified place.
    “many were quartered in tents”
    synonyms: accommodatehouseboardlodgeput up, take in, installshelter; 

    “they were quartered in a villa”


So, while you’ll sometimes hear people call these sleeping-areas “berthings” (a colloquial misnomer), they are better-called just “berths” (when referring to an enlisted person’s assigned sleeping+locker area) or “quarters” (when referring to a live-in room/suite more often reserved by a higher-ranking individual or family).

A berth is a bed or bunk, and the quarters is the room where the berths/beds are.


Directory of Berths / Quarters-sections:

The quarters, in the context of this ship, is the room or suite (group of rooms, as one finds adjoined in an apartment), and the berths are the beds or bunks within that room or suite.  Quarters are arranged along both sides of hallways called wings.  On TNH, the different groups or types of people have corresponding and distinct wings, quarters, and berths.  Here they are, sorted alphabetically by category of person:

  1. Contractors and Agents (such as Operatives and Liaisons):  their quarters are in the Contractors Wing, and their berths are in groups of 3 to 4.
    shared shower-room (for each group/room of 3-4 contractors)
  2. Enlisted crew members:  their quarters are in the Enlisted Wing, and their berths are in groups of a couple dozen; multiple squads per bunk-bed room.
    public showers-room (1 group-showers showers-room per squad)
  3. Family Members:  the spouses and children of some of the officers and enlisted are in 1-family suites like small/basic apartments.
    each with its own private bathroom and kitchenette (*thus the only type of quarters/lodging in TNH which include appliances such as the microwave, oven with stovetop, refrigerator, and replicator)
    –Replicators in these family-quarters are preprogrammed (with all the same extensive options as the replicators in TNH’s chow/mess halls) and can only have new items added to their memory/menu by an ICV.
  4. Guests including dignitaries (such as ambassadors):  their quarters are in the Guests Wing, and their berths are separate/individual.
    individual shower-room
  5. Inisfreeans:  their quarters are in the non-hangar storage areas, and their berths are stasis tubes just like those in Inisfreean ships such as the MPHA.
    N/A; use stasis-tubes for cleaning/hygiene
  6. Officers, commanding (such as the Admiral and his Captains):  their quarters are in the Admirals Wing, and their berths are individual.
    private shower-room
  7. Officers, regular (such as pilots and department heads):  their quarters are in the Officers Wing, and their berths are in groups of 2 to 3.
    shared shower-room
  8. Prisoners and Prisoners-of-War:  their quarters are in the Brig, and their berths are individually isolated as often as possible.
    spray-down chamber (for each cell-block; not in any cell/room)
  9. Registered Companions their quarters are in the Companions Wing, and their berths are individual.
    individual shower-room
    *often the most well-appointed/-decorated of any rooms/quarters in TNH (or any ship, for that matter), but here not including a kitchenette, as not having that type of room helps keep these crew members mingling/socializing –not because they might become isolated/spoiled otherwise, but because it helps human sailors and others not yet accustomed to such gorgeous and well-dressed women realize they are easy to be around and ask out (request the services of)
  10. Sick and/or Wounded:  their quarters are in the Medical or Quarantine Wing, and their berths are individual hospital beds partitioned off by curtains and module hatches.
    assisted bathrooms; handrails, etc.
    and quarantined individuals have a similar individual/assisted shower-room


Compared to Inisfree’s Vessels:

Conversely, on Inisfreean ships, quarters and berths are as follows:

  • MPHAs:  the quarters are the hallways, and berths are the stasis tubes
  • Rooftop Carriers:  the quarters are the squad-bays and storage rooms, and the berths are the stasis tubes; Inisfreeans hibernate in the stasis tubes until they are awoken by the ship’s A.I. to prepare for their next shift, during which they can take breaks or semi-sleep (resting while still conscious, not in hibernation/stasis) in the squad-bays, such as on available bunks
  • Inisfreean Dropships:  everyone’s quarters are in squad-bays above the BattleMech hangars, and berths are Navy-style bunk-beds with sliding curtain screens and attached railing systems; guests are given their own bunks, and the Inisfreeans can pile up in certain squad-bays, vehicles, or aircraft (such as inside the troop compartment of an Inisfreean BattleMech), should guests wish to have one of the squad-bays all to themselves
  • Inisfree:  quarters come in every type of house, castle, and high-rise there is, and berths are every type of bed
  • CPs, WSs, MSBSsPSBSs, & SSBSs everyone’s quarters are multiple-story houses in neighborhood modules, and berths are canopy beds and canopy bunk-beds within those houses; Inisfreeans are the hostesses within each house, and can pile up in just one or two rooms to free up entire rooms and floors for guests, should those guests wish for more space all to themselves


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